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Richard Hammerton

A Sustainable Future for the County

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Spring 2009: Government to announce proposals for the level of the first three carbon budgets alongside the (fiscal) Budget 2009

1 June 2009: deadline for Government to set the first three carbon budgets through secondary legislation agreed by both Houses of Parliament Mid 2009: Government will publish policies and proposals to meet the first three carbon budgets

Climate Change Act: Key Milestones

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Climate Change Act Targets

• 1990 baseline of CO2 emissions was approximately 590 million tons of CO2.

• An 80% reduction from this is based on an appraisal of the minimum reductions necessary to avoid causing catastrophic and permanent changes to the climate

• 80% of 590m tons = 118 million tonnes. • The UK level of CO2 emissions hasn’t

been that low since…… when?

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15 Good Ideas

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Community Owned: Green Energy

Encourage communities across Herefordshire to set up a community owned renewable energy system. AWM are funding this approach through the Sharenergy project ( in the RRZ – includes most of Herefordshire.

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Sustainable Energy Award

Establish an annual award for sustainable energy (or climate change) achievement in Herefordshire. Raises the profile of ambitious and innovative actions and encourages businesses, organisations, individuals & communities.

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Promote sustainable travel & transport throughout the County. Encourage greener driving, greener vehicles, greener modes of travel. Need to innovate & promote wider uptake of existing provision?

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Citizen Education

Focus on energy, carbon saving & climate change through education, training & practical knowledge:

Within workplaces

Organisations & Community Groups

Night School (Carbon College)

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Community Climate Change Events

Promote sustainable energy/climate change at existing events, workplaces, and within communities:

- Light Fantastic


- Affordable Warmth

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Third Sector

Help Third Sector organisations within the County through a Resource/Carbon management programme. Review third sector service delivery & maximise affordable warmth, sustainable energy & climate change opportunities. Focus on leadership within sector.

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LSP Partners

LSP Partners to contribute to National Indicator 186 through a programme of climate change & sustainable energy action. Workplace, travel, staff…..

Corporate Commitment & Pledge

Leadership Group

Task & finish Group

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NHS Service Providers

Focus on GP Surgeries, Dentists & Pharmacists within Herefordshire. Ensure all service providers have embraced sustainable energy & promote wider messages to ‘customers’.

1 million people every 36 hours

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Small & Medium Enterprises

RE:think Energy – Renewable Energy advice & capital grants for Small & Medium Enterprise throughout the RRZ

Support diversification into the low carbon economy.

Maximise uptake of existing provision (Business Link, Carbon Trust..)

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Low Carbon Communities: PLACE

Focus on a place based approach to Low Carbon / Sustainable Energy / Affordable Warmth……

All sectors

All funding

All technologies

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Focus on Community Building

Eradicate the inefficient community building from Herefordshire.

Use Community Buildings to promote sustainable energy technologies.

Sustainable Energy Trail around the City/County.

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Affordable Warmth

Eradicate ‘Fuel Poverty’

Maximise share of support e.g. Warmfront, CERT, Community Energy Saving Programme etc

Place Based approach – Affordable Warmth Community

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Transition Towns Initiative

Support Transition Initiatives as a key part of the local response. Co-ordinate the efforts of Herefordshire Partnership and Herefordshire Council with the local Transition groups.

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The “Great British Refurb”

Last Friday Ed Milliband announced that by 2050 all British homes will be near carbon zero – could Herefordshire take the lead and banish the inefficient, costly house much sooner?

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The Carbon Standard etc.

Promote the Carbon Trust’s Carbon Standard to organisations in Herefordshire.

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Richard Hammerton

A Sustainable Future for the County
