  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


    Agency For


    Morrison Rwakakamba


    [email protected]

  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


     The Issues&) Agriculture #ector Financing$*+C, '+, +'+ and *-& %&' -'C %', +++* Non committal RM +

    Non Committal (Multispectralapproach in line with DSIP)

    Caveat$  The Maputo decaration/0123 45ation by pro%farmer advocates

    in *ganda /&ocative vis avisimpementation e6ciency3

  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


    ssues cont’n"Agricultural inputs /ike fertii7ers,pesticides and improved seed3, !PC, FDCan" PPP promised to provide such inputs tofarmers at subsidi7ed prices. ot speci4c on

    nature and scae of subsidyNRM) #upport 8 market%oriented mode

    farmers, 9 commercia mode farmers and011 food security farmers per parish peryear

    '+, +'+ and, *-& " Non* CommittalCaveat$ Is provision of free inputs the

    way to go – or rather provision shouldbe for collective public services?

  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


    Issues ContinuedAgricultural Cre"it FDC% Estabish an agricutura bank PDP% Estabish an agricutura bank DP% Estabish an agricutura bank and encourage the

    growth of micro%credit 4nancia institutions !PC%Re%estabish cooperative banking and encourage the

    growth of micro%credit 4nancia institutions

    NRM% Increase agricutura credit through partnerships withprivate 4nancia institutions, promote agricutura insurance,and estabish a Commerciai7ation Chaenge -und

    PPP% +rovide easy access to a:ordabe credit !FA% on Committa Caveat) -overnmental approac vis*.*vis Private

    sector le"

  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


    ssues Continue"Agriculture /"ucation)

    !FA)Introduce the teaching of agricuture in primary andsecondary schoos and provide incentives within theeducation system for students to opt for it.

     PDP)*pgrade a the district agricuture training institutesto centres of e5ceence; transform the -acuty of&gricuture and -orestry into a #choo of &gricuture;transform the -acuty of

  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


    Issues ContinuedAgro*Processing, #torage an"

    Mar0eting & +arties +romised to promote


    /1tension #ervices$ & partiespromised to subsidi7e e5tension

    services. ot concrete. Caveat) &bsence of mode to reach

    miions of farmer househods

  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


    Issues Continued;2ater for Pro"uction)RM, +'+, +++, '+, and -'C promise to

    set up a:ordabe irrigation schemes to

    reduce over%dependence on rainfa. The manifestos of the *+C and the *-&

    are sient on the =uestion of water foragricutura production.

  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


    #ome 0ey Re3ecetions#ome 4ey provocations 5 Re3ections

    A$Te Population Tren"s vis avis capa6ility toincrease foo" pro"uction

    % &nnua popuation growth rate %9.>, In 0?1 " 0>.Am , In>11B " >.Am, y >1>B " B.0m, &nd by >1B1 " 0B>.> m

    +roductivity in agricuture has been osciating between%0.9 to >.B2 for the ast 8 years

    Dhat does this mean for food security and empoyment

    /abiity to procure food3 (ow about enya, Rwanda, Tan7ania and urundiF

  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


    Comparative 7ie8 Point on9u"gets in Africa

    C$ Arcitecture of 6u"gets in /AC) &re budgets targetedto boost -ood #ecurity " *gandaF enyaF RwandaF urundiFOny Ethiopia, iger, Mai, Maawi, urkina -aso, #enegaand Guinea have consistenty reached the 01 per centbudget target


  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


    D$ -DP para"o1 $ Decrease" contri6ution 6ut populationtrappe" in te lo8 sector$ :o8 "o tey get 6y; :o8 are

    teir foo" security nee"s catere" for

  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


    Engagement Options)

  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


    Government e:ectiveness at a eves

  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


    #upport to private sector

  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


    Indicators n poitica stabiity andabsence of vioence

  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


    More on Options $everage networks of change /Mutipying iggers3

    % Reigious organi7ations Trade *nions

    +rivate sector associations eg +#-* in *ganda,E&C, E&-- etc


    Informa &dvocacy The &rmy /*+'-3 and food security

    +residentJ+rime Minister

  • 8/9/2019 A Review of Political Party Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reform in Uganda


    ConcusionIn farming communities, social organi
