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A Research Platform for Recommendation within SocialNetworks

Amit SharmaDept. of Computer Science

Cornell UniversityIthaca NY 14853

[email protected]

ABSTRACTRecommendations within a network do affect, and get af-fected by, the information flow and the social connectionswithin the network. Thus, designing a network-centric rec-ommender system requires understanding people’s prefer-ences, their social connections, as well as the characteristicsof the network they inhabit. This creates a major challengein research on network-centric recommendations—exploringquestions around networks and recommendation is hard be-cause they invariably depend on the interaction betweenmore than one user. We describe a research platform thatwe have built that helps us answer network-centric researchquestions. We present an overview of the system and demon-strate its usefulness through an example study involving di-rected suggestions between pairs of participants. As a usefulside-effect, it is also helping us collect data about people’spreferences in social networks.

Categories and Subject DescriptorsH.3.3 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: InformationSearch and Retrieval—Information Filtering ; H.1.2 [Modelsand Principles]: User/machine systems—Human Factors

General TermsExperimentation, Human Factors

1. INTRODUCTIONRecent research on recommendation using social networkshas taken two main approaches—augmenting collaborativefiltering with social data [7,10], or using only the first-degreeconnections for recommendation [3, 6]. However, the gainsreported by using social signals to recommend items are onlyslight [1], except for network-specific tasks such as friendrecommendation.

One of the reasons for mixed results with network-awareapproaches may be that people’s explicit social connectionshave little to do with their interests in a particular domain.

Thus, in domains where social connections overlap with userinterest, social recommendation may be useful, in others, notso much [13]. This claim is supported by evidence that rec-ommendations based on implicit networks constructed fromdomain-specific user activity give good results on predictingusers’ preferences [5, 15].

However, we argue that there is more to explicit social net-works that offline measures of recommender performancemay not capture. For instance, studies with Facebook andGoogle users have found that showing the name of a partic-ular friend with a recommendation (music or news) can altera user’s perception of it. [9,12]. Recommendations based onsocial connections may also help users navigate their socialnetwork and help them become more aware of the interestsand preference of people in it. As often happens in the offlineworld, friends of a user may also like to recommend itemsdirectly to him [2]. In such cases, and others such as grouprecommendation, these recommendations can help supportshared experiences as well as influence the interpersonal re-lationships between people.

In addition, a user’s preferences are not static; they are con-tinuously being influenced by their network. The structureand properties of a network, as a whole, are also affected bythe connections between people and their activities withinthe network [4]. These factors suggest that there is valuein considering recommendations as embedded within a so-cial network, rather than being served in isolation. We callthis approach to recommendation network-centric [11], incontrast to the network-aware approaches described earlier.

The principles of network-centric recommendation are basedon the observation that recommendations do affect, andget affected by, the information flow and social connectionswithin a network. Thus, designing a network-centric recom-mender system requires understanding people’s preferences,their social connections, and the characteristics of the net-work they inhabit.

Framed this way, a challenge of network-centric recommen-dation is that it makes designing and evaluating systemshard, because they invariably depend on interactions be-tween more than one user. This paper describes how wecan use PopCore1, a research platform we have built, to ex-plore questions around networks and recommendation. Asa network-centric system built on top of Facebook’s social


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Figure 1: The PopCore interface. Recommended items, occupying the center of the screen, are a mix ofalgorithmic recommendations and items directly suggested to a user by her friends. Sliders on the right helpa user control the sources for recommendation. Visualizations on the left help in network awareness, in thiscase a word cloud of popular items among a user’s friends.

network, PopCore serves as a research tool to support liveevaluations of network-centric recommendations, and collec-tion of user reactions and feedback in a real network setting.It is also a functional recommender system in its own right,much like the MovieLens system2.

2. OVERVIEW OF SYSTEM DESIGNFigure 1 shows a screenshot of PopCore, which we first pro-posed two years ago in this workshop [14]. It uses Facebookas the underlying network and covers the entertainment do-main, including movies, music, books and television shows.

The interface has three main parts: recommendations inthe center, visualizations on the left and user controls on theright of the screen. Recommended items are a mix of recom-mendations computed from items Liked by a user’s friends’,and directed suggestions from his/her friends. These di-rected suggestions are one of the key features of the system—items can be recommended manually by users to their friends.These suggestions serve two purposes. First, they utilizefriends’ knowledge to bring interesting recommendations.Second, they allow people to express their preferences totheir friends and support conversations and shared experi-ences on the recommended items.

For each recommendation, a user may Like it on Facebook,rate it, recommend it to some friends or add it to a personalqueue (Figure 2). When a user clicks on the Recommendbutton for an item, he can choose one or more of his friendsto recommend the item to. For convenience, we also offer a


Figure 2: Possible actions on a recommended item,shown when a user clicks on it. A user may Like iton Facebook, rate it, recommend it to a friend oradd it to her personal queue.

list of recommended recipients who PopCore predicts mightbe interested in the item (based on the similarity betweenthe item and the user’s friends).

Visualizations, such as the item cloud of most popular itemsLiked by a user’s friends and updates of recent activity onthe app (Figure 1), help create increased network awarenessfor the user. User controls on the right, which allow a user totailor recommended items based on their popularity, socialcloseness or similarity of the people connected with thoseitems, also help users find interesting content and navigatetheir friends’ interests.

3. POPCORE AS A RESEARCH PLATFORMWe now describe how we are using the system as a test bedfor research. In addition to the main website, we have a

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created a separate labs website3. It runs on the same coreinfrastructure, but has custom code that allows us to runexperiments. Participants are asked to sign up and givepermission for each experiment separately.

The core infrastructure of PopCore supports an ego-centricview of the network for each user, collecting Likes and net-work information about the user and his friends that canbe used for a variety of studies. In our first experiment,we showed users a variety of different recommendation algo-rithms, some of which used past Likes of the users’ friends.Users were asked to rate and Like items and react to the ideaof network-centric recommendation [11]. We found that analgorithm suggesting the most popular items among a user’sfriends performed the best among those that used ego net-work information. It was also significantly better rated thanan algorithm based on overall network popularity. Users’ re-actions to the recommendations confirmed that network tiescan provide a useful way to choose potential content andneighbors for information filtering tasks.

In the study described above, participants did not knowthe social nature of the recommendations. Subsequently, wehave used the platform to study how presenting a social ex-planation along with a recommendation can affect user rat-ings for music [12]. Here, we showed users different kinds ofexplanations involving their friends, such as “X and 3 otherfriends like it”, along with a recommended musician. Ourresults show that social explanation has only a secondaryeffect on the ratings; the primary effect is that of a user’sexpectation of liking an item. Based on the findings, weprovided a generative mixture model for a user’s decisionprocess on a recommendation.

Besides live experiments, data collected for the above stud-ies helps us reason about the properties of networks andhow they might affect recommendation. In one such study,we compared offline performance of algorithms using prefer-ences of friends or the whole network, and found that algo-rithms using just the friends’ information give comparableresults to those using the full network [13]. Further, thedata helped us investigate how the prevalence of locality ofpreference (concentration of Likes for an item in parts of thenetwork) roughly correlates with the performance of friends-only algorithms on three different domains, suggesting thatthis locality is an important phenomenon and resource forrecommender systems.

Till now, we have described how PopCore can be a usefulplatform for experiments involving a user and social data.However, the system is designed to support participationand interaction between multiple users. We now describean ongoing experiment as an example of how PopCore canbe a useful tool for conducting experiments with more thanone participant.

3.1 Directed suggestions: A paired experimentWe consider the practise of sharing items between people,more commonly known as “word of mouth”. Intuitively, sug-gesting an item to another person may involve two factors:having an opinion about the item, and having an under-


standing of the receiver’s preferences. Understanding theprocesses behind directed suggestions, specifically arounditem and receiver selection, can help design recommenda-tion systems that support such suggestions.

One of our first goals is to simply compare the recommenda-tion quality of directed suggestions versus algorithmic rec-ommendations. In the following paragraphs, we present howthe PopCore platform can be useful for investigating thisquestion.

Experiment Design: Previous research on helping peopleshare news items in RSS feeds suggests that manual recom-mendations to friends can be useful [2]. Our approach issomewhat like Krishnan et al., who asked people who didnot know a target user to make recommendations based onthe target user’s ratings [8]; however, instead of providing alist of ratings from a stranger, we ask people to make rec-ommendations for their friends based on what they alreadyknow about them.

A simple way to compare the quality of recommendationswould be to analyze logs of user ratings in PopCore andcompare the performance of directed suggestions and algo-rithmic recommendations. However, this comparison willdepend greatly on the particular recommender algorithm be-ing used. One way to control for the recommendation algo-rithm is to allow only those directed suggestions that are alsorecommended by the algorithm we are comparing against.Then, among the algorithmically recommended items, wewould be able to compare the ratings between items thatwere manually suggested and items that were not. Such acomparison would point to the quality of manual and algo-rithmic recommendations, as perceived by the user.

For ease of logistics, we design a movie recommendation ex-periment involving pairs of participants. The system gen-erates its top 10 recommendations for each participant ina pair. It then randomly shuffles the 20 recommendationsfor a pair into a combined list, and shows the combined listto each participant. Similar to the main PopCore interface,participants are free to rate them or suggest them to theirpartner. We show this combined list to participants so thatboth of them rate and suggest from the same set of recom-mendations. This is done to ensure that both partners canchoose to start the study at different times and still rate eachother’s potential suggestions in a single session. In addition,comparing ratings for the same item from both sender andreceiver could tell us whether people tend to recommenditems that they themselves rate highly, or those that maybe relevant based on the other’s preferences.

Experiment Flow: We run the study using the labs ver-sion of PopCore. In the first stage, a participant invitesone of his friends as his partner. Once the other partici-pant accepts the invitation, she enters the experiment andrates/suggests 20 items. The first participant then gets anemail and he can go ahead and rate/suggest the same 20items. During the experiment, we highlight the other par-ticipant’s name whenever a user wishes to make a directedsuggestion (Figure 3), in order to make the directed sugges-tions easy to send out. Thus, at the end of the experiment,we receive ratings for the items from both participants and

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Figure 3: The interface for directly suggestingmovies to a friend. In the live system, we wouldshow a list of friends who the system predicts mightbe good to share with; for the experiment, we alterthis behavior to show only the name of their exper-imenal partner.

a list of the items that they shared to one another. Par-ticipants are also presented with a questionnaire that asksabout how close they are to the other participant, and thereasons they receive or send recommendations in general.

Note that participants have no way of detecting which itemswere suggested to them by their partner. Thus, the ratingscan be assumed to pertain to the quality of the recommen-dation, rather than the social connection between the senderand the recipient.

Initial Results: We are currently in the process of col-lecting data. We are recruiting participants from a mix ofcollege student pools and Amazon mechanical turk. Froman analysis of the initial data on 27 pairs, we find that itemswhich were manually suggested have a higher average ratingthan those that were algorithmically recommended. Thissupports the notion that manual recommendations are use-ful, and in some cases, better than an algorithmic recom-mendation. However, it may also be the case that peopletend to recommend highly popular items which are morelikely to get higher ratings. We hope to use offline data tocorroborate these findings.

In addition, we find that the average rating for manual rec-ommendations is higher for the senders than receivers. Thisresult suggests that users may be sharing items that theylike more frequently than those which they think can berelevant for the recipient.

4. CONCLUSIONWe have presented PopCore, a research platform for con-ducting user experiments with recommendations in socialnetworks. Our goal for this paper is to show how the systemhas helped us conduct experiments that require social dataand/or active participation of users embedded in a network.We envision it as an open platform for research, for whichwe would like to discuss potential ways of collaboration atthe workshop. For instance, one of the ways is to allow otherresearchers to setup experiments on PopCore. In addition,

we also hope to share the data we are collecting, keeping inmind the potential challenges around user privacy in gener-ating those datasets.

5. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was supported by the National Science Founda-tion under grants IIS 0910664 and IIS 0845351.

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