




Bertanx (A L’humtrus et Ie ftmur

races humaines, selon lesexe. et selon l’age. Paris, 1891, F. Alcan, 324 p. So.

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Bnckland (A. W.) Anthropological studies. London, 1891, Ward 8 Downey. So.

Du Chatellier (P.) Vase troiivt dans un tumulus B Saint-Pol-de-Lton (Finistere). Paris, 1891, Burdin et Cib, 8 p. So.

Ferri (Enrico). Sociologia criminale. 3. ed. completamente rifatta dei nuovi orizzonti del diritto e della procedurapenale. Torino. 1892, frat. Bocca, 848 p., I tab., 2 diag.

Gomme (G. Laurence). Ethnology in folk-lore. N. York. 1892, Apple- ton, 7 + 203 p.

Grinevski (A? [On the physical development o children.] Odessa, 1892, E. I. Fesenko, 36 p. So.

Gros (Jules). L’homme fossile. Paris, rSgz, Flammarion, 256 p. 16O.

Homme (1’) et le transforkisme. par le F. ‘. . P. . . Crenoble, 1891, G. Dupnt. iv, 94 p.

Le5ngwell (Albert). Illegitimacy and the influence of climate on con- duct. New York, 1892. Scribner’s Soris. IZO. (Social science series.)

considtrCs 2 ans les espbces, dans les

Brinton (D. C.)


[Modem sciser.]



Letonrnean Charles). La sociolo- gie d’aprbs I ‘ethnographic. Paris, ~ S g z , Hennuyer. xvi, 608 p.

Mancini (Vincenzo). La trasmissi- one del pensiero second0 le teorie fisiche. ’ Conegliano, I 89 I , F. Cag- nani, 21 p. So.

Martin (Victoria C. Woodhull). The rapid multiplication of the unfit. London and New York, 1891,39 p. So.

Har-Moad; or, the mountain of the assembly: a series of archeological studies chiefly from the standpoint of the cuneiform in- scriptions. North Adams, Mass., 1892. Stephen M. Whipple, 21 +

Murray (A. S.) Handbook of Greek archeology. ,New York, 1892, Scrib- ner’s Sons. 8”.

NBrontsos-Bey. Inscriptions grec- qiies et latines recieilties dans la ville d’Alexandrie et aux environs. An- gers, I S ~ I , Burdin et Cib, 15 p. So.

Nisbet (J. F.) The insanity of genius. and the general inequality of human faculty physiologically con- sidered. London, 1891, Ward & Dorney, 368 p. So.

Packard (Alpheus Spring). The Lab- rador coast : a journal of two summer cruises to that region ; with notes on. its early discoyery, on the Eskimo, on its physical gtography, geology and natural history. New York. 1891, N. D. C. Hodges, 5 + 513 p.


Miller (0. D.)

445 P. go.


278 THE AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST. [Vol. v. Results (The) of anthropometry, as

derived from the measurements of the students in Amhent College. A paper presented to the American Association for the Advancement of Physical Education at their annual meeting in Philadelphia, April, 18gz. Amherst, 1892, Campbell L More- house, 7 p., 3 tab.

RMingsr. Die Rassen-Schadel und Skelette in der kbnigl. anatomischen Anstalt in MUnchen. Bearkitet von Prof. . . Nach dem Bestande vom Jahre 18%. Braunschweig, 1892, F. Vieweg Yr Sohn, 220 p. 4 O .

Sicard (Henri). L’Cvolution sex- uelle dans I’ap&ce humaine. Paris, 1892. J. B. HailltCre & fils, 318 p. 120.

Stieda (Ludwig). Ueber die Anwen- dung der Wahrscheinlichkei!srech- nung in der antliropologischen Sta- tistik. 2. Aufl. Braunschweig. 1892, F. Vicweg S: Sohn, 31 p.

Evolution of the earth and man. Phtl:ttlelphia, 1892, 30 p. So.

World’s Columbian Exposition, Chi- cago, U. S. A., 1893. Plan and classification Department M. Eth- nology, Archeology, History, Car- tography, Latin-American Bureau. Collrctive and Isolated Exhibits. Chicago, 1892, World’s Columbian Exposition. 27 p., 5 pl.

Wright (G. F ) The ice age in North America and its bearings up011 the antiquity of man. 3. edition, with appendix on ‘8 T h e probable cause of glaciation.” by Warren Upham. and supplementary notes. New York, 1891 [1892]. Appleton, 625 p. So.

Zanetti (Z.) La medicim delle nostre donne : studio folk-lorico. La psi- cologia delle superstiziotii ; lettrra del senatore Paolo Mantegazza. Cas- tello, 1892, S. Lapi, xviiii, 271 pp. 80.

Allison (Arm. S. S.) Account of the Similkameen Indians of British Co- lumbia. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci., 1891, Lond.. 1892, Ixi, 815.-Balk-


So. Thomas (A. R.)



will (U. H.) Notes on some morpho- logical dental irregulnriries in some of the skulls in the museiim of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Tr. Odont. SOC. Gr. Hrit.. Lond.. 1890-I, n. s.. xxiii. z47-z56.-BBlinovski (K. A.) (Hipjoint amputation and extirpation of congenital fatty caudal appendix ill the only case ever oh- served.] Chir. Laitop.. 54os.k.. 1892, ii, 57dg.-Bella (L.) u. 0. Miiller. Prilhistorische Funde in der Umgebnng von Oedenburg in Vngarn. Yitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in W e n . 1891, n. F., xi, 166-192 [7I-78], 6 p1.-Ber- gen [F. D.) Some bits of plant-lore. J. Am. Folk-Lore, Bost. 8r N. Y., 1892, v, Ig-zz.-Bergh (R. S.) Kritik einer modernen Hypothese von der Uebertragung erblicher Eigenschaften. 2001. Anz.. 1-eipz., 1892, xv, 43-52.- Bianchi (S.) Sur le dCveloppement de la sqiiamc occipitale et sur le mode d’origine des divenes former des 0s in- terparietaux et prCinterpariCtaux dans le crane humain. Lk’rovrn Monitore zool. ital., Firenze. 1891. ii, 6g. J Arch. ital. de bid.. Turin, 1891-2. xvi, 103- 107.--Boas (F.) The growth of chil- dren. Science,N.Y., 18g~,xix,256.- B o d e (W.) ’ Notes sur le remplicsage des cavernes. Anthropnlogie. Par., 1892, iii, 1~-36.--Branne (W.) Die I-Iorizontalebene des menschlichen Schadels. Ioternnt. Beitr. z. wis- sensch. Wed. Festschr. R. Vtrchow . . . . Bed., 1891. i, 57-92:- Brown (Afrs. \V. Wallace). Chief- making among the Passamnquoddy In- dians. J. Am. Folk-Lore, Bost. & N. Y., 1892, v. 57-5g.-Browne (Sir J. C.) An oration on sex it1 education. Iancet. Lond.. 1892, i, IOII-IOI~.- Campbell (J.) Siberian inscriptions. Tr. Cannd. Iiist ,Toronto. 1892, i i , 261- z83.-Carlier (G.) Desrapportsde la taille avec le bien-&re. Ctnde fait dans I’mron dissement d’Eureux. Ann. h’dvg.. Par., 1Sg2,3. s.. xxvii, 294-344. -CC.lier (A.) Le nouvrau code +rial italien. Compt. rend. du Cong. scient. ititernat. d. catholiqurs. Par.. 1891, sect. iv; 103-1 13.-Collignon (R.) Consitl&rations &nCrales sur I’associa- tion respective des caracteres ttnthropo- Iogiques. .qnthropnIogie, Par.. 1892, iii, 43-54.-Collineau. TCratologie. Rosa-Josepha. Rev. mens. de I’&cole



d’anthrop. d e Par., 1891, .i, 377.- Cushing (F. H.) A Zufii folk-tale of the underworld. J. An]. Folk-Lore, Bost. Sc N.Y., 189~,~,49-56.-Dami- anoviche (E.) ’l’alla y anlplitud tc- ricica en a1 ejercito argentino. (De la memorin d e sanidad militar.) BoI. de san. mil., Buenos Aires. 1891, i, 774- 784.-Dareste {C.) La tOratofiCnie exp4rimentale. Bull. Soc. d’anthrop. de.Par.. 1891. 4 s., ii, 730-754.- Deans (J.) Legend of the Fin-back Whale crest of the Haidas, Queen Char- lotte’s Island, H. C. J. Am. Folk-Lore. Uost. 8 N. Y., 1892. ~,43-47.-Del- vaux. Un dernier mot sur i’homme tertiaire de Spiennes. Bull. SOC. d’an- throp. d e Brux., 18g0-1,ix.z0~~212.- van Deventer (I.) En gemoedsmis- dadiger voor het forum, p;sychologisch nader tcegelicht. Psychiat. Ul.. Amst., 18gz. x, 7-75.-Duilh6 de Saint- Projet. La. methocle en anthropolo- gie ; une preuve expCrimentale de I’ex- istence de I’ame. Compt. rend. du Cong. scient. internat. d. catholiques, Par.. 1891, sect. viii. 6~-6g.-Ernst (A). Notes on some stone-yokes from Mexico. Intentat. Arch. f. Ethnog.. Leiden, 1892. V, 71-76, I pl.-FErB (C.) Note sur un dynamometre max- illairr. I?ull. SOC. d’anthrop. d e Par., 1891.4. s., ii, 64g.-Ferrero (G. ) La criminalitd feminine. Rev. scient., Par., 1892, xlix. 398-4o~.-Fewkes (J. W.) The ceremonial circuit among the village Indians of northeastern Arizona. J. Am. Folk-Lore, host. & N. Y.. 18gz,v, 33-42.-Fewkes (J. W.) and J. 8. Owens. The LB-15- konta; a Tusayan dance. Am: An- throp.,Wash., 18gz.v, ios-izg, 3 PI.- Fifth report of the committee. consist- ing of Sir John Lubbock [cf ul. ] , .appointed for the purpose of azcertain- ing and recording the Incalities in the Hritish Islands in which evidences of the existence of prehistoric inhabitants of the country are found. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc., 1891, Lond.. 1892,449- 454.-Folmer (A.) Nederlandsche schrdels. . Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1892, xxviii, pt. I . 225- 23g.-Fournier de Flaix. Uevel- o?mknt of statistinof religions. l’ransl. by Alice R. Jackson. I’uh. Am. Sta- tist. Ass., Bost.. 18gz,n.s..iii, 18-37._ Qarson (J. G.) The nnthropometnc

method of identifying criminals. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc., 18g1. Lond., 1892, Ixi, 813. - On human remains from the Duggleby “Howe,” York- shire. Ili~/.,l.,.-Gault (P.) Posi- lion ethnologique des peuples d c Fer- ghauah. Anthroplogie, Par.. 1892, iii. ~~-6~.--Gliesswein (A.) La reduc- tibilite des langues au point de vue mor- phologique. Compt. rend. du Cong. scient. internat. d. catholiques, Par., sect. vi, aq-41.-Grinnell (G. B.) Early Blackfoot history. Am. An- throp.. Washington. 1892, v, 153-164. -Harvey (A.) Celtic, Roman and Greek types still existent in France, with notes on the lange d’oc. Tr. c‘a- nad. Iiist.. Toron!o, 1892, ii, 176-208. --Heikel (A. 0.) Die Entwicklung und Verbreitung der Bautypen im Ge- biet der finnischen Stamme. Inrernat. Arch. f. Ethnog., Leiden, 1892. v. 79- 88, 2 p1.-Heim (W.) Die Todten- bretter im BBhmenvalde. Milth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien. 1891. n. F., xi, 85-100. 2 p1.-Hepbnrn (D.) The comparativd anatomy of the mus- cles and nerves of the superior and in- ferior extremities of the anthropoid apes. J. +nat. & Physiol., Locd.. I ~ ~ I - - ~ . x x v I . I ~ ~ ; 324; zpl.-HemB (G.) La legende des boucheries d e chair humaine. Rev. mens. de l’kcole d’anthrop. dc Par., 1891. i, 375-377.- Hewitt (J. N. €3.) Legend of the founding of the Iroquois league. Am. Anthrop., Washington. 1892. v, 131- 148.--Roernes (M.) Eine prahis- toosche Thonfigur aus Serbien und die Anfange der Thonplat ik in Mittel- europa. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1891, n. F.. xi. 153-165. - Beitigxe zur Erklarung der Situla von Kuffarn. Ibid.. 78-81.- Hoernes ( R . ) Ausgrabungen bei Oedenburg. Ibid., f1-78.-Hoffman (F. H . ) Vital statistics of the negro. Arena, Rost., 1892, v. 529-542.- Holmes (\!. H.) Studies in a h r i g - inal decorative art. Am. Anthrop., Washington, 1892, v, rqp-152, 2 PI.- Javal. Sur la pente d e I’kcriture. Bull. Acad. de med., Par., 1892.3. s., xxvii, I 10-1 12.- garner (Y. L.) Ileber einen lhiizesitula-Fund bei Kuffarn in NiederBsterreich. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1891, n. F., xi, 68-71.-Keibel (F.) Ueber


250 T H E AM ERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST. [Vol. v. den Schwanz des menschlichen Em- bryo. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngs- gesch.. Leipz., 1891,356-389: 2 PI.- Kirchhoff ( A . L Zur Statistik der Kbrpcrfir6sse in a h , dem Saalkreise und dcm Mansfelder Seekreise. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1892-3, xxi, 133-143, 3 cht.-de Kirwan (C.) L’instinct, la connaissance et la mison. Compt. rend. du Cong. scient. internat. d. catholiqua, Par., 1891, sect. iii. I I I- 133.-KouCelka (F.) Yrihistorixhe Skeletgraber in Nemcan und Umge- hung in MPhren. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1891, n. F., xi, 63- 65.-KraR (E.) Den norske Races fysiske Degeneration i Nordamerika. Norsk Mag. 1. L.qpidensk., Christi- ania, 1891.4 R., vi; 104o.-Kuprij- anoff. [Anthropometry of recruits in course of service.] Voyenrto-med. J., St. Petersb., 1 8 g r . clxxii,p. 3.1-42.- Laborde (J. V.) Introduction ?A

I’etude de In lonction du langage. Rev. mens. de I’kcole d‘anthrop. de Pnr., 1891, i, 353-36g.-Laborde (J. V.) et P. Rondeau. Les tltches empoi- soniiCes du Sam (haut Niger) ; etude et dbtermination expCrimentale dc l’ac- tiun et d e la nature du poison. Bull. SOC. d’anthrop. de Par., 1891. 4. s., ii. po6-721.-Lacointa (J.) h u d e psy- chologique et morale sur la criminalitb. Compt. rend. d u Cong. scient. internat. d. cathnliques,Psr., 18g1,sect. iv, 114- r?o.-Lagneau (G.) Sur la race juive e t sa pathologit. Hull. Soc. d’anthrop. d e Par.. 1891. 4. s..ii, 539 ; 556.-Lajard et Regnault. Sur un squclette d’AccrCen offrrt P la SocibtC d’anthropologie. Ilid., 70 I -705:- Lambert (M. ) Note sur la torsion d e I’humdrus chez I’homme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Pat., 1892, 9. s., iv, zqi.-Lang (H. K.) The Portu- guese element in Kew England. J. Am. Folk-Lore, Bost. & N. Y., 1892, v, 9-18.-Larrbbee (W. 11.) Cave dwellings of men. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1892, xli. 27-45.- Le Double. Anomalies du couturier (sartorius). Bull. SOC. d’anthrop. de Par.. 1891. 4. s.. ii, 792-801.- Legrain. De la d&gCnCrescence de I ’ e s p h humaine ; sa ddfinition, ses origincs. Ann. d e la Policlin. de Par., 1892, ii, I 11-1~6.-Lornbroso (C.) Crimincl d’occasion et criminelle-nCe.

[Extr. from: Anthrop. crim. et ses r k . progr.] Arch. di psichiat., etc., Torino. 1892. xiii. 87-92. - T h e physical insensibility of women. Fort- nightly Rev., N. Y. (Load.), 1892. li. 354-357. - McCracken (W. U.) The lake-dwellcn of Switzerland. Arena, Boston, vi, 18gz! 40-45.- McGlaire (J. D.) Matmals. appara- tus, and processes cf the aboriginal lapidary. Am. Anthrop., Washington, 1892, v, 165-176.-Macdonald IJ.) East Central African customs. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc., 1891, Lond., 1892, Ixi. Ilog.-Magnan. Hbrbditaircs dC- gCntrCs. Arch. de neurol., Par., 1892, xxiii, 304-3~3.-Maiaonnenvs (P.) Crtation et Cvolution. C‘ompt. rend. du Cong. scient. internat. d. catholiques, Par., 1891, sect. viii. 36-61.--Ma- nouvrier (L.) La platymhe. Rev. mens. de I’kcole d’anthrop. d e Par., 1892. ii. 121-125. - Martin-Dun. hlalformatious congbnitales multiples et non hereditaires (six extrbmitbs digi- tales surnunikraires rCparties aux quatre niembres et bec-de-Mvre simple). Bull. Soc. d’anthrop. d e Par., 1891, 4. s., ii, 535-538.-Mason (0. T.) Erkimo throwing sticks. Science.N.York. 1892. xix, 33~.--Mazel (F.) Pourquoi l’on est druitier. Rev. scient., Par., 1892, xlix, 11r-r14.--Weakia (J. E. H.) The Morocco Berbers. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc., 1891, Lond., r892, Ixi, 8 q . -Mehli8 (C.) Das friiheste Vorkom- men arabischer Zahlrnzeichen in Deutschlnnd. Verhandl. d. Red. Ge- sellsch. f. Anthrop., Derl., 1891, xxiii, q64.--Meringer (R.) Studien zur germanischen Volkskunde; das Hauern- haus und dessen Einrichtung. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1891, n. F., xi. ior-r5z.--Miea. Ueber Kiirpermessungen zur genauen Bestim- rnung und sicheren Wiedererkennung von Personen. Cor.-HI. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop.. etc., Miinchen, 1891, xxii. rz4-128.-Mivart (St. G.) Natural selection. Cosmopolitan, N. York. 1892, xiii. 329-335.-&IUller. Die HiigelgrZber von Havemark bei Genthin, Provinz Yachsen. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1891, Ergnzngsbl; ii, 65-68.-Mtiller (F. Max.) Address [Linguistic ethnologyl. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc., 1891, Lrmd., 1892, Ixi, 782-796.-De Nadaillac. Les plus



anciens vestiges de I’homme en Am& rique. Compt. rend. du Cong. scient. internat. d. catholiques, Par., 1891,

gn5.s de I’anthropologie. 16id., 5-35.- Newel l (W. W.) Conjuring rats. J. Am. Folk-Lore, %st. 8 N. Y., 1892, v, 23-p.-Parker (W. T.) Concern- ing American Indian womanhood; an ethnological study. Ann. Gynsec. & Psediat., Phila., 1891-2, v, 330-341, 2 pl. Afsn : Reprint.-Parkinson (R.) Ueber Tattowierung der Eingebornen im District Siarr auf dcr Ostkiiste von Neu Mecklcnburg. (Neu Irland.) In- ternat. Arch. f. Ethnog., Leiden. ~892, v. 76-78, I pl. - Paschkis (H.) Ueber ein ostafrikanisches Pfeilgitt. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wisserrsch.. Berl.. 1892. xxx. 162; 193.-Panlhan (P.) La responsabilit6. Rev. phil. de la France, Par., 1892. xxxiii, 385-412.- Peal (S. E.) On the Morong ’’ and other customs of the Natives of Assam. Rep. Brit. Ass. A‘dv. Sc., 18g1, Lond., 1892. Ixi, &or.--Phen& On compari- son of ancient Welsh customs, devices, and commerce, with those of contem- porary nations. Ibid., &q.-Pothier E.) Tumulus-dolmen de Marque- 6 ~ S S U S (commune d’Azereix, Hautes-

PyrCnCes). Anthropologie, Par., 1892. iii.37-4z.-’Pnschmann(T.) Die cul- turhistorischen Ursachen der Beschnei- dung. Mitth. d. Wen. Med. Do&- Coll., 1891, xvii, 68; 89; 94; tog; I 17.-Ranke (J.) Zur Frankfurter Ventandigung und Uber. Heziehungen des Gehirns zum Scliadelbau. Cor.- Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., etc., Miinchen. 1891. xxii, 115-125.- Regnaalt (F.) Du r6le du pied comme organe prChensile chez les Hin- dous. Boll. Soc. d’anthrop. de Par., 1891.4. s., ii, 6,93-695.--Reiss (W.) Neue Feuersteingerathe aus Aegypten und Hrn. Flinder’s Petrie’s neueste Forschungen. Verhandl. d. Bed. Ge- sellsch. f. Anthrop , Berl., 1891, xxiii, 474-478.4 p1.-Report of the com- mittee. consisting of Professor Flower (chairman), Dr. Garson (secretary)

uL]. for the purpose of cariying on t e work of the Anthropmetric Labora- tory. (Drawn up by Dr. Garson, secre- tary.) Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc., r8g1, Loiid.. 1892, Ixi, 405-407.--Report of the committee, consisting of hlr. J.

sect. viii. 118-131. - Les pro-


W. Davis (chairman), Rev. E. Jones (secretary) [d nf.], to complete the investigation of the cave at Elbolton, near Skipton, in order to ascertain whether. remains of palam-lithic man occur in the lower cave earth. Ibid., 351-353.--RiviBre (E.) Les nou- veaux squelettes humaines des grottes dites de Menton. Nature, Par., 1891-2, xx. pt. I , 305. -Sasse .(J.) [On skulls from Celebes and Kelmerswal.] Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 18g1,z. R.. xxvii, pt. 2,841-861.3 pl. -Schaeffer (0.) Ueber Schwanz- bildungen beim hlenschen. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol. in Miinchen (1890). 1891, vi, gt-roo. -Schellong (0.) Demonstration e i n a Apparates zur Messung des Pro- filwinkels unter Beriicksichtigung der deutschen Horizontalen. Cor.-BI. d. deutsch. Gesrllsch. f. i\nthrop.. etc.. MUnchen,18gr,xxii,1z~.-Schwalbe (G.) Beitrage zur Antropologie des Ohres. Internat. Beitr. z. wissensch. Med. Festschr. K. Virchow . . . Berl.,18g1,,i.g3-1~,.1 PI.-Schwartz (W.) VolksthUmliches aus KUgen. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. An- throp., Berl., 1891, xxiii. 445-457.- Sergi (G.) Sensibilitl femminile. Arch. di pelchiat., etc., Torino. 1892, xiii, r-S.-Seventh report ofthecom- mittee. consisting of Dr. E. H. Tylor [et uf.], appointed to iiivesrigate the physical characters, langtnges, and in- dustrial and social condition of the northwestern tribes of the Dominion of Canada. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc., 1891, Lond.. 18gz,407-449.4 charts. -Some folk-songs and myths from Samoa. Translated hy G. Yratt. With introduction and notes by J. Fraser. 1. & Proc. Roy. SOC. N. South Wales, Sydney, 18go. xxiv. 195; 18gr; xxv, 70; 96; IZI; 241. -Starr (F.) Anthropological work in Europe. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1892, xli, 54-7z.-Stevens (G. T.) Preliminary note on the relations of the motor muscles of the eyes to certain facial expressions. Science, N. Y., 1892. xix,z~3.-Stocquart. Sur les osnenients du cimetikre de Charmont (Msine) envoyts p r 11. le baron de Ihye. Bull. Soc. d’anthrop. de Brux.. 18go-I, ix, zzr-z3z.-Strahan (S. A. K.) Instinctive criminality : its true



character and national treatment. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc., 1Sg1, Land., 1892, Ixi. 811-813.-Strong (C. A.) A sketch of the history of psychology ainong the Creeks. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1891, iv, 177-1g7.-Sym (W. C.) Albinism; a curious family history. Tr. Ophth. Soc U. Kingdom, Land., 18go-I. xi, z18.-Szornba- thy (J.) Die Zeitstellung der Fun& von Kuffarn und OedenbuT. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, r8gI.n. F., xi, 81-86.-Testnt(L.) Note sur un 1x5 d e mamelle crurale observt chez la femme. Bull. Soc. d’anthrop. d e Par.,~Sg~,+s.,ii, 757-75g.-Thomas (C.) A bnef study of the palenque tab- let. Science, N. Y., 1892, xix. 328.- Thompaon (A. H. of the face. Denta Cosmos. Phiia., 1892. xxxiv. 16g; 286; 374.-Undset (I.) Archblogische Aufsltze Uber sUdeuropPische FundstUcke. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl.. 1891. xxiii. 14; 237.- Vallet. Effets et condquences d e l’hCrtdi& Compt. rend. du Cong. scient. internat. d. catholiques. Par., 1891. sect. iii, 247-261.-Van den Gheyn (R. P.) L’origine asiatique d e la race noire. Idid., 132-154.- Van Hoerell (G. W. W. l..) En hezwerinpfeest (mupn~uor) to Mooe- ton. Internnt. Arcb:f. Ethnng., Lei- den, 1892, v, 69-71, I p1.-Variot (C.) C‘n cas de malformation’congCni-

1 The ethnology

tale et un cas d’anomalie du pavillon d e I’oreille chez des enfanls. bull. SOC. d’anthrnp. de Par., 1891,4 s.. ii, 568; 6 p - V e r g a (C. B.) Indagini in- torno ai rapporti esktenti Ira I’esposi- zione degli infanti, la delinqurnza e la pazzia. Arch. ital. per le mai. nerv.. Milano. 1891, xxviii. 2zg-25z.--Vir- chow (K.) Transformation and de- scent. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. & Lond.. 1892. i, I-Iz.-Ward (L. P.) T h e utilitarian character of dy- namic sociology. Am. Anthrnp.,lVash- ington. 1892. v, 97-105.-Wells (D. D. J .Evolution iu lolk-lore. An old story in a new form. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y.. 1892. xli, 45-54.-Wilson (A.) A theory of sex. Lancet. Lond., 1891. ii, 957.-Wirtar (L’J . ) Re- marks on the quantity. rate of coosump- tion, and probable duration of North American coal, and the consequeace to air-breathing animals of its entire com- bustion. Proc. Acid. Not. Sc., Phila., 192~ 82-97. - Wosinaky (51.) L altttude replite des morts aux temps prehistoriqucs. Compt. rend. du Cong. rcient. internat. d. catholiques.. Par.. 1891. sect. viii. 17~-1gg.--Yandell (D. W.) Temperament. Am. Pract. Sr News. Louisville, 1892, n. s.. xiii, ig3-1g8.-Zuccarelli (A.) Un de- liquente-nato ed il sentimento di ven- detta nei degenerati. Aiiomalo,Napoli, 1892, iv, 1-6.

A PRIMIT~VE DRux-While investigating the ghost dance among the Kiowa the writer came across a primitive musical instrument, if it may be called such, which seems to have escaped the notice of ethnologists hitherto, but which is probably common to a num- ber of tribes. I t is simply a large rawhide, held about waist high by as many performers, chiefly women, as can grasp the edge of it with one hand, while they beat it with a stick held in the other. While thus drumming they circle slowly around, rawhide and all, keeping up one of those weird, high-pitched dance songs, without meaning, so common among the prairie tribes. The occasion was a grand night gathering of Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache, and on inquiry I was told that this was the regular dance which was formerly kept up all night previous to the setting out of a war party.

