Page 1: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of

STaaS Implementation

Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

Page 2: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.


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Page 3: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.



In today’s world it’s necessary for organizations to efficiently utilize resources and expertise to ensure secure, efficient storage and protection of data, as well as make that data actionable. Freeing IT staff from these complicated tasks allows them to focus on core competencies that drive their business forward, enable innovation, create competitive advantage and grow existing revenue streams. This interactive tutorial examines several drivers behind the growth of Storage-as-a-Service and the wealth of benefits it promises to businesses: the need of medium to large enterprises for remote storage as part of a disaster recovery plan; pressures regarding regulatory compliance and litigation risk as businesses view an online service as a faster way to meet requirements; and greater acceptance of software-as-a-service, with storage as a corollary service.

Page 4: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.


The Real Promise: Reasons to Backup & Archive

Overview of “Storage as a Service” (STaaS)

Meeting the Promise: How STaaS Solves Challenges in

Protecting DataStoring DataUsing Data



Page 5: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

The Real Promise

You don’t buy “backup” or “archiving”…

You don’t buy “restore capabilities”…

You buy the ability to use your data in the future!


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A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

The Real Promise

Backing up or archiving data is a costIt enables you to get future value from your data.

This is the fundamental premise and promise of all backup and archive products and services

It is often implicit rather than explicit.

The path is: Protect, Store, UseStorage as a Service addresses each stage differently than an internal solution does.


Page 7: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

What is STaaS?

Storage-as-a-Service (STaaS or SaaS)Backup, Archive, and other related servicesNot primary cloud storage

High-end datacenters receiving, storing, managing and returning information to and from many geographically dispersed customers via the Web


Page 8: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

What is STaaS?

High security standard for enterprise-level offeringsLarge amounts of data from many customers, along with multi-tenancy allows for economies of scaleHybrid offerings may combine on-premise equipment with offsite longer-term storage


PetaBytes Stored

$/GBEconomies of Scale

Page 9: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.




Protect Data Store Data Use Stored Data





Management Services












Page 10: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Protecting Your Data


• Reliability• Data Movement• Configurability

Page 11: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.


ChallengesComplex procedures

Prone to failure

Mobile workforceConnectivity issuesUsage patterns

Difficult recoveryLimits archiving

STaaS AdvantagesSimple agents

Policy based rules

Designed for distributed systems

Ideal for mobile users

Multi-type restoresEnd-user or admin


Page 12: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Data Movement

ChallengesData growth

Stresses backup window

Mobile workforceNo fixed infrastructureNo fixed backup times

Restoration logisticsUsers are everywhere

STaaS AdvantagesHigh volume efficiency

Improved connectivityImproved data reduction

Flexible ModelsOn-site appliances

“Data shuttles” Mobile-enabled

Move data whenever connected


Page 13: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.


ChallengesDifferent users/data

Spur different needs

Different system typesFull backup? Data only?

Timing & conflictsAccommodating systems, networks, users

User involvementSetting visibility and control levels

STaaS AdvantagesFlexibility

Easy data selectionFreed from tape timelines

“Community” modelTarget user group needs

Tunable executionSpeed vs. network use

Transparency settingsSet balance of control


Page 14: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Storing Your Data Long-term


• Retention• Compliance & Security• Availability

Page 15: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.


ChallengesHow long?

Different data/usersShort/long termExceptions: Legal hold…

Managing growthPay for head roomHard to shrink

Old, unnecessary dataMaintenance costsPotential liability

STaaS AdvantagesPay for what you use

Highly scalable (up or down)

Supports varied retention policies

User & system levelArchive vs. backupException management

Verifiable destructionLess worries


Page 16: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Compliance & Security

ChallengesRetention practices

Consistent, defensible?

Threat ManagementEncrypted? Unhackable?Physical security?

AssuranceCost of staying currentCost of certification: PCI, FISAP, GLB, SOX, rule 26, etc.

STaaS AdvantagesRetention models

Robust and verified

High-level physical securityMassive compliance & security investments

All major standardsRegular verificationCosts spread across all customers


Page 17: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.


ChallengesEnsuring accessibility

Critical to “the promise”

Expensive infrastructureMirrored datacentersAutomatic failovers

Failure remediationRequires fast and automatic corrections

STaaS AdvantagesContinuous accessibility

Redundant high-level datacenters

Automated redundancyReplication, failover, and failure correction

Economy of scaleCosts spread across millions of protected systems


Page 18: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Using Your Protected Data


• Business Continuance • E-Discovery

Page 19: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Business Continuance

ChallengesIndividual’s file restores

Done without help?Available on the road?

System-level restoresCan whole systems be quickly restored?

STaaS AdvantagesDistributed support

Local & remote restoresWeb-accessibleCost-effective SLAMinimal admin burden

Optimized high-volume restores

High-bandwidth pipesAppliances, data shuttles


Page 20: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.


ChallengesEnsuring readiness

Are you discovery enabled?


SLA limitsTime pressure to find/restore

Setup and ongoing work is expensive

STaaS AdvantagesDiscovery-enabled archives

Pre-indexed backups and archives for speedData needn’t move

Chain-of-custodyCertified services

Costs spread across many users


Page 21: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

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Page 22: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Where Storage-as-a-Service Fits


Situation Backup Archive Comments

Mobile Laptops

• Designed for distributed/moving sources & restores• Handles intermittent connectivity• Hands-free backup• Consolidated management

Desktops / Laptops

• Good for handful to hundreds of thousands• Highly scalable: manage by groups and/or geography• Hands-free backup• Consolidated management

Distributed Servers

• Archive reduces data size• Hands-free backup and archive• Consolidated management

Small Central Servers

• Archive reduces data size• Hands-free backup and archive• Consolidated management

Large Central Servers

• Archive reduces data size• Can consolidate archive with distributed servers, etc.

Page 23: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

STaaS Usage/Fit Questions

For very large amounts of data, onsite might still be needed to meet SLAs

Scale continues to improve, but there are limits on amount of data movable across the Internet in a reasonable amount of timeMore of a Backup than archive issueBulk data shipments (data “shuttles”) and/or Hybrid (on & offsite) can help on thisNeed to understand SLA’s for the particular data and STaaS usage

Need to ensure health / longevity of STaaS provider meets retention period needs

For 30 day retention, this is less of an issueFor multi-year archive, it could be critical


Page 24: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

STaaS Benefits

Different expense modelNo initial setup costs

Large scale infrastructure already in placeFully available from day-one

Pay for what you useEconomy of scaleLower management costs

Handles customers’ distributed and mobile dataEnterprise STaaS offerings built for these profiles


Page 25: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

STaaS Benefits

Security and compliance (including data destruction)Typically intense security focus: physical and electronicUp to date on key CertificationsRetention policies: full range of options

Efficient data useBuilt-in enabling features: e-Discovery, business continuity, compliance, etc.Fast restoration: individual files or large collections of systemsData availability: to any of your offices or via web


Page 26: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

STaaS – Keeping the Promise


Protecting Your Data

Storing Your Data

Using Your Data

Page 27: A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical ... · A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation. Mark Kaufman, Iron Mountain

A Promise Kept: Understanding the Monetary and Technical Benefits of STaaS Implementation © 2009 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.


Q&A / Feedback

Please send any questions or comments on this presentation to SNIA: [email protected]

Many thanks to the following individuals for their contributions to this tutorial.

- SNIA Education Committee

Wendy BettsRob Peglar
