Page 1: A Prediction Method for Flow-Stop Time in Deep-Water Volatile … · 2021. 7. 15. · deep-water turbidite sandstone reservoir and the prediction method considering reservoir factors

Research ArticleA Prediction Method for Flow-Stop Time in Deep-Water VolatileOilfields: A Case Study of Akpo Oilfield in Niger Delta Basin

Botao Kang,1,2 Pengcheng Liu ,1 Chenxi Li,3 Yiyi Sun,2 Peng Xiao,4 and Jiawei Tang4

1School of Energy Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China2State Key Laboratory of Offshore Oil Exploitation, Beijing 100028, China3CNOOC Research Institute Ltd., Beijing 100028, China4CNOOC International Ltd., Beijing 100027, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Pengcheng Liu; [email protected]

Received 27 April 2021; Accepted 1 July 2021; Published 15 July 2021

Academic Editor: Micòl Mastrocicco

Copyright © 2021 Botao Kang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Due to the difference in oil and water density, the wellhead pressure continues to decrease with water-cut rising in deep-watervolatile oilfields. Once it is close to the lower limit, the production well will stop flowing. This phenomenon seriously affects theproduction and recoverable reserves. By taking the dynamic relative permeability which can reflect the macroscopic movementof oil and water in the reservoir as an intermediate bridge, production performance has been combined with dominant reservoirfactors, including reservoir structure, reservoir connectivity, and heterogeneity. By the statistical analysis of actual data, thispaper clarified the quantitative relationships between dominant reservoir factors and production performance and establishedthe refined prediction methods for production dynamics including water-cut and liquid production rate. A prediction methodfor the wellhead pressure was further established, and the flow-stop time of single well can be accurately predicted. The resultscan be used in annual production forecast and recoverable reserve evaluation. This method had been successfully applied inAkpo oilfields in the Niger Basin. The results show that the production dynamics are significantly affected by reservoir factors indeep-water turbidite sandstone reservoir and the prediction method considering reservoir factors will be much more applicable.In deep-water volatile oilfields, the flow-stop risk of the production well in middle and high water-cut stages is very great and ismainly affected by the water-cut and liquid production rate. Judging from the application effect of Akpo oilfields, this methodhas high prediction accuracy and can be used to guide optimization and adjustment in deep-water oilfields.

1. Introduction

Since 2010, the global deep-water explorations have achieveda series of major breakthroughs and have become a hot targetin the world [1, 2]. At present, the producing deep-wateroilfields are mainly distributed in Brazil, Mexico, and WestAfrica [3, 4]. Among deep-water oilfields, deep-water turbi-dite sandstone reservoirs account for a large proportion.Due to the influence of hydrodynamic force and evolutionstage, it tended to form composite spatial overlay ofmultistage channel sandbodies during the formation ofdeep-water turbidite sandstone reservoirs, and the overlayrelationships between channel sandbodies are various. As aresult, the reservoir structures are obviously different in dif-ferent well areas even in the same oilfield [5–9].

For the reservoir structure in deep-water turbidite sand-stone, predecessors have carried out a lot of research works.The method of combining wells and seismic data was usedto analyze the spatial geometric relationship of compositechannels from both vertical and lateral directions, and 4types of 15 configuration styles were summed up [10]. Thesandbody distribution and internal structure of the deep-water channel sedimentation system were deeply analyzed;and a set of detailed description and characterizationmethods were established through the analytic hierarchyprocess for the deep-water channel sedimentation system atthree levels [11–13]. The P/S wave velocity ratio, seismicattributes, and production performance data were optimized,and the targeted qualitative and quantitative characteriza-tions of the connected area between channel sandbodies by

HindawiGeofluidsVolume 2021, Article ID 2941565, 14 pages

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demarcating the sandbody superposition area were realized.And a deep-water turbidite sandstone reservoir structurecan be divided into three modes including the same-layerconnection, the composite connection, and the interlayerconnection [14, 15].

Floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) +floating export terminal (FET) + subsea production system(SPS) is often used for developing deep-water and ultradeepwater oilfields [16, 17]. In order to transport liquid fromthe SPS to the first-stage separator of the FPSO, the wellheadpressure of subsea production wells must be higher than acritical limit value. However, owning to the impact of the dif-ference in oil-water density, the wellhead pressure of produc-tion wells will continue to decrease with the water-cut risingfor deep-water volatile oilfields. Once the wellhead pressurereaches the critical limit value, the production well will stopflowing, and the production and recoverable reserves of theoilfield will be seriously affected. Generally speaking, thewellhead pressure of production wells is mainly affected bythe water-cut and liquid production rate [18]. Therefore,the dynamic parameters including water-cut and liquid rateshould be accurately obtained in order to forecast the flow-stop time of production wells in deep-water oilfields.

At present, many researchers have been conducted thewater-cut changing law in water-flooding oilfields, whichcan be roughly divided into two categories as described astheoretical formula methods and empirical formula methods[19–22]. In terms of theoretical formula methods, it can betraced back to the classical theory Buckley-Leverett equationproposed by Buckley and Leverett [23], which for the firsttime elaborated the water flood mechanism in detail. Subse-quently, Rapoport and Leas [24] extended the originalBuckley-Leverett theory and deduced a differential equationthat considers capillary pressure in horizontal linear reser-voirs but did not solve it. Douglas et al. [25] and Fayerset al. [26] proposed a finite difference method for solvingthe one-dimensional water flood equation of a homogeneousoil reservoir considering the influence of gravity and capillarypressure. Chen [27] and Chang and Yortsos [28] used the rel-ative mass flow function and comprehensively considered theeffects of two-phase liquid mechanics, capillary pressure, andisothermal transient flow of gas in porous medium to estab-lish a nonlinear parabolic partial differential equation withself-similar solution and got precise semianalytical solutions.Nieber et al. [29] and Spayd and Shearer [30] modified theBuckley-Leverett equation for two-phase flow in porousmedia by considering the variation of capillary pressure withsaturation and determined the structures of various solutionsby numerical simulation of partial differential equations.Tabatabaie and Pooladi [31] solved the fluid flow equationof two-phase linear flow in tight oil reservoirs under constantflow pressure and provided a theoretical basis for the verifica-tion of influencing factors in unconventional oil reservoirs.

Now, the mathematical models have also been expandedapplicable to different types of oil reservoirs, but the theoret-ical equations still have some obvious shortcomings. Forexample, the assumptions are still too ideal, and the descrip-tion of the actual oil-water mechanics is not perfect; thesolving process is relatively complicated, and there is still

no suitable solution for some theoretical models. Because ofthese shortcomings that the theoretical model is still notdirectly applicable to the production decision-making of theactual oilfield.

In terms of an empirical formula, the use of waterflood-ing characteristic curves (WCC) has become one of the mostimportant methods for the production dynamics predictionin waterflooding oilfields. At present, more than 100 kindsof WCC have been proposed, among which more than 10kinds of curves are most commonly used [32]. Thewaterflooding characteristic curve methods mean that inwaterflooding oilfields, certain dynamic parameters (such ascumulative oil/water/liquid production, water-oil ratio, andoil-water ratio) will have a linear relationship in a rectangularcoordinate system or a logarithmic coordinate system, andthe relationship can be used to predict production perfor-mance. Wright [33] established the semilogarithmicstatistical linear relationship between water-oil ratio andcumulative production for the first time based on actualwaterflooding oilfields development data. Aronofsky andLee [34] established a semilogarithmic statistical linearrelationship between oil-water ratio and cumulative oil pro-duction when studying the production performance in five-point well pattern by using hydrodynamic methods andelectrical simulation experiments. After that, many Sovietscholars successively proposed many other different WCCusing a large amount of actual oilfields’ production data[35, 36]. In 1983, a real generalized waterflooding character-istic curve was proposed by Soviet scholars for the first time[37]. However, its application shows that the prediction erroris very large and the application value is small. Since then,many scholars have done a lot of extended research on gen-eral waterflooding characteristic curve, mainly including thefollowing aspects: the application scope and adaptability ofexisting waterflooding characteristic curve [38–40], theoreti-cal derivation of existing waterflooding characteristic curveexpression [41, 42], correction of existing waterfloodingcharacteristic curve [43], and analysis of influencing factorsof waterflooding characteristic curve [44].

Based on the application of the commonly used water-flooding characteristic curve, it is not difficult to find thatthe classical WCC are empirical formulas based on the statis-tics of a large amount of oilfields’ production data. Hence,most WCC can only describe the water-cut changing lawsof a certain type or a certain stage. For example, thewaterflooding characteristic curve based on horizontal dis-placement process without considering gravity effect is onlysuitable for describing water driving characteristics of layeredwaterflooding oilfield [45]. And most WCC are only suitablefor describing the displacement characteristics of waterflood-ing oilfields in medium water-cut stage [43]. Generallyspeaking, the waterflooding characteristic curve takes theentire oilfield as the object to predict and cannot accuratelypredict the production performance of a single well.

The prediction model of water-cut rising with the pro-duction time is often used to guide the development of actualoilfields. The current prediction models mainly include thelogistic model, Gompertz model, and Usher model [23, 46,47]. These models are economic, and information

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mathematical models directly transplanted into reservoirengineering for water-cut prediction. And the parameters’physical meaning is unclear in these models. After that, thewater-cut rising prediction models were established throughthe derivation of seepage theory, and the prediction modelsof water-cut rising with the production time have a theoreti-cal basis [48]. These prediction models have good applicationeffects in onshore oilfields. However, as drilling costs in deep-water are very high, “less wells and higher production”becomes a consistent development strategy in these oilfieldsand the well spacing is always very large (1500m~2500m)[49–52]. As a result, the production dynamics are greatlyaffected by reservoir factors in deep-water turbidite sand-stone reservoir [14, 22, 53, 54]. Due to the lack of in-depthanalysis and consideration of reservoir factors, traditionalprediction methods have poor applicability in deep-waterturbidite sandstone reservoir [55–58]. In addition, due tocost and conditions, testing and adjustments are difficult toimplement frequently [59, 60], which further increases thedifficulty of production performance prediction.

Dynamic relative permeability is calculated based onactual production data [61, 62]. The dynamic relative perme-ability is very different from the conventional relative perme-ability measured by core experiment in deep-water turbiditesandstone reservoir. Because the relative permeability mea-sured under experimental conditions mainly reflects themicroscopic law of oil/water two-phase flow, in contrast,the dynamic relative permeability calculated based on actualproduction data mainly reflects the macroscopic law of oil/-water two-phase flow in the reservoir [63]. In other words,the dynamic relative permeability is the result of the jointaction of microscopic seepage capacity of oil/water and mac-roscopic reservoir conditions. Especially for deep-water oil-fields which are always developed with large well spacing,the impact of reservoir factors will be much more significant.As a result, the dynamic relative permeability can better reflectthe actual seepage ability of injected water under different res-ervoir conditions in deep-water turbidite sandstone reservoir.

In this study, the dynamic relative permeability was takenas the theoretical basis and intermediate bridge, and thequantitative relationship between the dominant reservoirfactors and production dynamics was established. Combinedwith the actual production data considering reservoir factors,the refined production dynamics prediction method wasobtained. And the prediction method for the wellhead pres-sure was further built. Combined with the limits of FPSO(floating production storage and offloading), the flow-stoptime of each well can be accurately predicted. This methodhas been successfully applied to the Akpo oilfields locatedin the Niger Basin, West Africa, with a good effect.

2. Dominant Reservoir Factors

2.1. Reservoir Structure Mode. According to previousresearch results on deep-water turbidite sandstone reservoirstructure, the reservoir structure can be divided into threemodes [14]. And different reservoir structure mode corre-sponds to different production dynamic mode according tothe statistics based on large amounts of data. In other words,according to the reservoir structure mode, the productiondynamic mode of the target well can be initially judged.

“Mode I” is the same-layer connection (Figure 1). Theinjection and production wells are perforated in the channelsandbodies or sedimentary leafy sandbodies which developedduring the same period (Figure 1(a)). The properties of sand-bodies are similar, and the reservoir connectivity betweeninjection and production wells is good and the reservoir het-erogeneity of injection and production wells controlling areais slight [14]. The injected water has a stronger seepage abil-ity, and the movement of waterflood front will be uniform.As a result, the water breakthrough for “Mode I” wells willbe late, and the convex-shaped water-cut rapidly rises afterwater breakthrough. For “Mode I” wells, the water-free pro-duction period is the main production stage (Figure 1(b)).

“Mode II” is the composite connection (Figure 2). Theinjection and production wells are both perforated in the









P-1 I-1

Relative P-wave-to-S-wave velocity ratio



0 0.5 km

Production well

Injection well

Completion interval

Channel sand body

Z-1 channel sand body




0 2 4 6 8 10


er cu

t (%


Time (y)

Water-free stage

Water-cut rapid rising


High water-cut stage

Actual dataFitted line


Figure 1: A typical well of Mode I: (a) seismic section images; (b) water-cut changing law.


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channel sandbodies which developed during the same periodand the different periods (Figure 2(a)). The reservoir proper-ties of the channel sandbodies which developed during thesame periods are relatively similar; however, the reservoirproperties of the channel sandbodies are obviously differentduring different periods Therefore, the reservoir connectivitybetween injection and production wells is relatively worseand the reservoir heterogeneity is more serious compared with“Mode I” [14]. The injected water has relatively weak seepageability, and the movement of waterflood front will be morenonuniform than “Mode I.” As a result, the water break-through time for “Mode II” wells will be relatively earlier,and the S-shaped water-cut continuously rises after waterbreakthrough. For “Mode II” wells, the low and mediumwater-cut period is the main production stage (Figure 2(b)).

“Mode III” is the interlayer connection (Figure 3). Theinjection and production wells are perforated in the channelsandbodies which developed during different periods

(Figure 3(a)). The reservoir property is obviously different,and the reservoir connectivity is much worse and the reser-voir heterogeneity is much more serious compared with“Mode I” and “Mode II.” Therefore, under “Mode III,” theinjected water has the weakest seepage ability and the move-ment of waterflood front will be much more nonuniformthan “Mode I” and “Mode II” [14].

As a result, the water breakthrough of “Mode III” wellswill be the earliest, and the concave-shaped water-cut slowlyrises after water breakthrough. For “Mode III” wells, thewater-cut rises slowly in low water-cut period, and thewater-cut rises rapidly in medium and high water-cut period.For “Mode III” wells, the medium and high water-cut periodis the main production stage (Figure 3(b)).

2.2. Reservoir Connectivity and Heterogeneity. The effect ofwaterflooding is mainly affected by reservoir connectivityand reservoir heterogeneity between injection and production








0.95 0.61 0.27 –0.07 –0.41 –0.75

P-2 I-20 0.5 km

Relative P-wave-to-S-wave velocity ratio

Z-2 channel sand body

Z-3 channel sand body

Production well

Injection well

Completion interval

Channel sand body




0 2 4 6 8 10


er cu

t (%


Time (y)

Water-cut steady risingstage

High water-cut stage

Water-free stage

Low water-cut stage

Actual dataFitted line


Figure 2: A typical well of Mode II: (a) seismic section images; (b) water-cut changing law.











P-3 I-30 0.5 km

Relative P-wave-to-S-wavevelocity ratio

Z-4 channel sand body

Z-5 channel sand body

Production well

Injection well

Completion interval

Channel sand body




0 2 4 6 8 10


er cu

t (%


Time (y)

Water-cut speed-up rising stage

Water-free stage

Low water-cut stage

Actual dataFitted line


Figure 3: A typical well of Mode III: (a) seismic section image; (b) water-cut changing law.

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wells [63]. Because the pressure response of production wellswas the most intuitive reflection of the reservoir connectivity,the reservoir connectivity coefficient η was introduced toquantitatively characterize the reservoir connectivity betweeninjection and production wells.

This parameter is the pressure response of productionwell during the interference test between injection and pro-duction wells. The larger is η, the better the reservoir connec-tivity will be.

η = pe − pipi

: ð1Þ

The reservoir heterogeneity coefficient Tk was intro-duced to quantitatively characterize the reservoir heterogene-ity of injection and production wells controlling area. Thecloser Tk is to 1, the weaker the reservoir heterogeneity is.

Tk =KhKa

: ð2Þ

It should be noted that in addition to reservoir connectiv-ity and reservoir heterogeneity, other factors such as wellspacing and working system of injection and production wellwill also have an impact on the effect of waterflooding. In thisarticle, we mainly focus on the influence of reservoir factorson production dynamics under the condition that the wellpattern is fixed and the work system is basically unchanged,which is consistent with the actual situation.

3. Production Dynamic Prediction Methods

3.1. Dynamic Relative Permeability.Dynamic relative perme-ability can better reflect the actual seepage ability of injectionwater in deep-water turbidite sandstone reservoir [62]. Howto quantitatively evaluate it? The relationship between oiland water relative permeability can be expressed as [64, 65]

Kro = Kro Swið Þ 1 − Swdð Þno , ð3Þ

Krw = Krw Sorð ÞSwdnw , ð4Þ

where Swd = ðSw − SwiÞ/ð1 − Sor − SwiÞ.Combining Equation (3) with Equation (4), we can get

lg KroKrw

� �= no lg 1 − Swdð Þ − nw lg Swdð Þ + lg Kro Swið Þ

Krw Sorð Þ� �



Based on Equation (5), we can find out that under thesame water saturation, the greater no and KrwðSorÞ and thesmaller nw, the stronger macroscopic seepage ability ofinjected water relative to crude oil in the reservoir, and thebetter the water flooding effect. Hence, the injection waterseepage ability coefficient γ was introduced to quantitativelyevaluate the seepage ability of injected water in the reservoir.

γ = no · Krw Sorð Þnw

: ð6Þ

This parameter can quantitatively evaluate the macro-scopic seepage ability of water phase relative to oil phase inthe reservoir. The larger the γ, the stronger the macroscopicseepage ability for injected water. As a result, the movementof waterflood front will be more uniform and the sweepingarea will be larger with the same water injection volumeand therefore better waterflooding effect.

According to the statistics, under the same reservoirstructure mode, the injection water seepage ability coefficientγ has a positive correlation with η and a negative correlationwith Tk . The correspondence between η, Tk , and γ has beenfound (Equation (7)). The injection water seepage abilitycoefficient γ can be predicted according to the reservoirstructure mode, reservoir connectivity, and reservoir hetero-geneity of the target well by

γ = a1ln 1 + ηð Þln Tkð Þ + a2: ð7Þ

The values of a1, a2 can be obtained through regression ofactual data in the producing oilfields. It should be noted thatwe should better find oilfields similar to the target oilfield interms of lithology, physical properties, liquids, etc. by anal-ogy and then use the data of these oilfields to perform regres-sion in Equation (7), so that the values of a1, a2 will be moresuitable for the target oilfield.

3.2. Water-Cut Rising Prediction. The water-cut rising pat-terns of production wells in the same mode are similar.Therefore, the water-cut rising standard curves were usedto characterize the rising pattern of each mode based on thecurrently common water-cut prediction model [48].

f ws =1

b1 + b2e−b3t: ð8Þ

While the standard curves can characterize the water-cutrising patterns of each mode, the water-cut rising rate of eachwell is quite different even in the same mode. Hence, the rel-ative water-cut rising rate V t has been introduced to quanti-tatively characterize the differences. V t is the ratio of theactual water-cut rising rate of each well and the water-cut ris-ing rate of the standard curves of its mode.

V t =f w′f ws′

= df wdf ws

: ð9Þ

Integrate both sides of Equation (9) to obtain the revisedwater-cut prediction model Equation (10) for the target well:

f w = f ws · V t γð Þ + f w0: ð10Þ

It is found that there is a good positive correlationbetween the coefficient γ and the relative water-cut rising rateV t. Quantitative relations between γ and V t for each mode


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have been established by correlation analysis based on thestatistics of actual production data.

V t = c1 ln γð Þ + c2: ð11Þ

The values of parameters c1, c2 should be obtained in thesame way as a1, a2.

The relative water-cut rising rate V t can be calculatedaccording to the reservoir structure mode, reservoir connec-tivity, and reservoir heterogeneity of the target well by Equa-tion (11). By substituting V t into Equations (8) and (10), thewater-cut rising law of each well can be predicted much moreaccurately.

f w0 is the initial water-cut of the production well. Gener-ally speaking, dominant sedimentary facies have good thick-ness and physical properties, and the injected water tends toselect the dominant facies for migration. The higher thethickness ratio of dominant sedimentary facies, the greaterthe thickness ratio of water breakthrough. Combined withactual data statistics, it is found that f w0 and thickness ratioof dominant sedimentary facies (hd) are positively correlatedin deep-water turbidite sandstone reservoirs. Hence, for theproduction wells in a water-free period, f w0 can be obtainedby analogy to the wells with the same thickness ratio of dom-inant sedimentary facies.

3.3. Liquid Production Rate Prediction. For deep-water oil-fields, the drawdown pressure was always kept stable. Indeep-water volatile oilfields, due to the relative mobility ofoil/water, the liquid production rate of the production wellwill continue to decrease with the water-cut rising and havea certain impact on the wellhead pressure.

The dimensionless liquid production rate (JD) refers tothe ratio of the liquid production rate under a certainwater-cut to the liquid production rate during water-freeproduction period. This parameter can be used to character-ize the change of liquid production capacity of the produc-tion well with water-cut rising.

JD = 1Kro Swið Þ

Kro +μoμw


� �: ð12Þ

Without considering the gravity force and capillary pres-sure:

f w = 11 + μw/μoð Þ Kro/Krwð Þ : ð13Þ

Combining Equation (12) with Equation (13), the rela-tionship between dimensionless liquid production index JDand water-cut f w can be obtained:

JD = μoμw

KrwKro Swið Þ

1f w

: ð14Þ

As Krw is also a function of f w, the actual statistics showthat the relationship between Krw and f w can be approxi-mated as power function except for the ultrahigh water-cut

stage (f w > 90%). For easier application, the relationshipbetween J f and f w can be simplified to

JD = d1 fd2w + 1:, ð15Þ

Qt = JD∙Qi: ð16ÞThe values of parameters d1, d2 should be obtained in the

same way as a1, a2.JD is the dimensionless liquid productivity rate of the tar-

get well at different water-cut stage. Qt is the liquid produc-tivity rate of the target well at different water-cut stage. Qiis the initial liquid productivity rate of the target well atwater-free production stage, which can be calculated by tra-ditional methods. Based on the result of water-cut rising,the liquid production rate of the target well can be accuratelypredicted.

3.4. Wellhead Pressure Prediction. Affected by the differencein oil/water density, the wellhead pressure will change corre-spondingly with the water-cut rising. Generally speaking, thepressure drawdown in the wellbore of production wells withthe same well type, inclination angle, wellbore size, and per-foration depth by lifting unit liquid production rate shouldbe close under the same water-cut. Based on the pressure datastatistics of typical oilfields, the relationship of the pressuredrawdown in the wellbore with water cut and liquid produc-tion rate was established

pwb − pwh = e1 fe2wQt: ð17Þ

For a specific oilfield, production wells can be divided intoseveral types according to TVD and well type. The parametervalues e1, e2 of each type can be obtained by fitting the pres-sure monitoring data with Equation (17). As the reservoir for-mation pressure was kept stable for a long time with balanced

200 km




Figure 4: Geographic location map of Akpo oilfields.

Table 1: The 13 typical producing wells in Akpo oilfields.

Well Reservoir structure Mode

P1—P6 The same-layer connection I

P7—P10 The composite connection II

P11—P13 The interlayer connection III

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injection and production rate, the reservoir static pressure canbe obtained according to well testing data, and the wellheadpressure can be accurately predicted with Equation (17). Incombination with the restriction conditions of FPSO, theflow-stop time of production wells can be forecasted.

4. Application and Discussion

Akpo oilfields is located in Niger Basin, West Africa(Figure 4). The water depth is more than 1300m. The mainoil bearing interval is developed in the Neogene to Middle-


A-02 A-03







y = 0.36 ln(x) + 0.29 R2 = 0.87

y = 0.13 ln(x) + 0.20 R2 = 0.88

y = 0.05 ln(x) + 0.13 R2 = 1.00











0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

�e i




er sw





y co


ent 𝛾

�e reservoir connectivity coefficient 𝜂

Mode IMode IIMode III


Mode IMode IIMode III





A-06A-07 A-08




y = –1.24 ln(x) + 1.81 R2 = 0.88

y = –0.83 ln(x) + 1.25 R2 = 0.64

y = –0.44 ln(x) + 0.70 R2 = 0.99 0.00










2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5Tk


Figure 5: The correlation of the injection water seepage ability coefficient γ and reservoir coefficients η and Tk . (a) The correlation of theinjection water seepage ability coefficient γ and reservoir coefficients η. (b) The correlation of the injection water seepage ability coefficientγ and reservoir coefficients Tk .

Table 2: The parameters a1, a2 of Equation (7) in Akpo oilfields.

Reservoir structure mode a1 a2I 0.36 0.14

II 0.31 0.03

III 0.22 0.03

Table 3: The parameters b1, b2, b3 of Equation (8) in Akpo oilfields.

Reservoir structure mode b1 b2 b3I 0.014 0.037 0.004

II 0.013 0.213 0.003

III 0.005 0.358 0.001


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Upper Miocene Agbada formation, which is a deep-waterturbidite sandstone reservoir formed under an overall regres-sion environment. And the main region of the reservoir iscomposed of multistage channel composite sedimentarysandbodies.

Due to the influence of hydrodynamic and evolutionstage, the channel sandbody’s frequent unit, and overlay,the reservoir structure is complicated. The formation liquidis volatile oil; the viscosity of crude oil is 0.21MPa·s. Theaverage reservoir permeability is about 400mD. Akpo oil-fields have been developed by balanced water injection formore than 10 years. Up to now, most production wells inAkpo oilfields have entered the medium-high water-cutstage, the wellhead pressure has dropped significantly, andindividual production wells have stopped flowing. Theinjection-production well spacing in Akpo oilfields is about1500~2000m, and the production performance of each wellis diversified due to the influence of reservoir characteristics.

There were 13 selected typical producing wells in themain reservoir of Akpo oilfields. According to the reservoirstructure and production performance, the typical wells canbe divided into their respective modes (Table 1).

The relationship between reservoir coefficients η, Tk , andthe injection water seepage ability coefficient γ of each modecan be seen in Figure 5. And the values of a1, a2 in Equation(7) were obtained by fitting the actual production data of thetypical producing wells (Table 2).

Fit the actual production data of 13 producing wells withEquation (8) to determine the parameter b1, b2, b3 values ofeach mode in Akpo oilfields (Table 3). By statistics, the corre-lation between γ and the relative water-cut rising rate V t canbe seen in Figure 6. By using Equation (11) to fit the actualproduction data of 13 typical producing wells, the values ofc1 and c2 were obtained (Table 4).

By using Equation (11), the relative water-cut rising rateV t can be calculated based on the injection water seepage

ability coefficient γ. By combining Equation (8) with Equa-tion (10), the water-cut rising law of target wells in Akpo oil-fields can be predicted. And the relationship between f w0 andhd in Akpo oilfields can be seen in Figure 7, which can beused to predict f w0 of other production wells.

Fit the actual production data of 13 producing wells withEquation (15) to determine the parameter d1, d2 values ofeach mode in Akpo oilfields (Table 5). According to the pre-diction result of water-cut, the liquid production rate can beforecasted with Equation (15). Production wells can bedivided into three types according to TVD and well type inAkpo oilfields. The parameter values e1, e2, e3 of each typecan be obtained by fitting the pressure monitoring data of13 producing wells with Equation (17) (Table 6). Accordingto prediction results of water-cut and liquid production rate,the wellhead pressure (pwh) of production wells can be fore-casted with Equation (17).

According to the requirement of FPSO in Akpo oilfields,the minimum pressure limit value of wellhead pressure isabout 14.0MPa. This paper selected 3 typical wells (J-01/02/03) in other reservoirs of Akpo oilfields (Table 7).The prediction results of water-cut and wellhead pressurewere predicted and are shown in Figure 8. The comparisonof prediction results and actual production data shows thatthe prediction accuracy is high (>85%).

For well J-03, the fluctuation of actual water-cut is mainlydue to the increase of the drawdown pressure and the











y = 0.67 ln(x) + 1.70 R2 = 0.84

y = 0.41 ln(x) + 1.70 R2 = 0.93

y = 0.30 ln(x) + 1.86 R2 = 0.98











0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

�e r


ive w




g ra

te V


�e injection water sweeping ability coefficient 𝛾

Mode IMode IIMode III

Figure 6: The correlation of the injection water seepage ability coefficient γ and the relative water-cut increasing rate V t.

Table 4: The constant parameters c1, c2 of Equation (11) in Akpooilfields.

Reservoir structure mode c1 c2I 0.67 1.69

II 0.41 1.70

III 0.30 1.86

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injection rate, which led to a rapid rise in water-cut in theshort term. Considering the fact that drawdown pressure isbasically stable for a long time with the balance betweeninjection and production in deep-water oilfields, the overallprediction is accurate.

It is found that the system error of the prediction result ofthe flow-stop time is about 2~3 months by comparing theactual flow-stop time of production wells in the Akpo oil-fields. To further improve prediction accuracy and avoidproduction loss, it is recommended to advance 2 to 3 monthsbased on the prediction results. For other oilfields, the samemethod can be used to determine the system error to correctthe prediction result, and further improve the predictionaccuracy.

The most effective way to deal with this problem in Akpois the transformation of first-stage separators to reduce theinlet pressure limit so that the low-wellhead pressure produc-tion wells can be connected to (Figure 9).

As the number and processing capacity of first-stageseparators is limited in the FPSO, it is necessary to make areasonable transformation plan of first-stage separatorsaccording to the liquid production rate and water-cut of eachproduction well when its wellhead pressure is close to14.0MPa. We must ensure that low-wellhead pressure wellscan be connected to each other without affecting the normalproduction of other high-wellhead pressure wells.

As different modes of production wells with differentproduction dynamics, the treatments are different:

(1) For Mode I wells (J-01), the water-free productionperiod is the main production stage, and the remain-ing recoverable reserves in high water-cut period aresmall. The water-cut and liquid production rate basi-cally were kept stable in the high water-cut period,and the wellhead pressure decreases slowly and theflow-stop risk is low. Therefore, it is possible toappropriately reduce the production pressure drop-

down or increase water injection rate to increase thewellhead pressure and maintain normal productionof Mode I wells

(2) For Mode II wells (J-02), the water-cut increases con-tinuously after water breakthrough, and the low andmedium water-cut period is main production stage.In the high water-cut period, the wellhead pressurecontinuously decreases with the water-cut rising,and the flow-stop risk is relatively high. At first, it ispossible to appropriately reduce the production pres-sure dropdown or increase water injection rate toincrease the wellhead pressure; then the subsea pro-duction wells should be connected to the first-stageseparator with lower inlet pressure limit aftertransformation

(3) For Mode III wells (J-03), the water-free productionperiod is very short, and the medium and highwater-cut period is the main production stage. Atthe same time, the wellhead pressure rapidly deceaseswith the water-cut rising in late period, and the flow-













fw0 = 0.26 hd - 1.91 R2 = 0.98

fw0 = 0.26 hd - 3.95 R2 = 0.96

fw0 = 0.25 hd - 3.17 R2 = 0.96









0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0

�e i


l wat


ut f

w0 (%


�e thickness ratio of dominant sedimentary facies hd (%)

Mode IMode IIMode III

Figure 7: The relationship between f w0 and hd in Akpo oilfields.

Table 5: The parameters d1, d2 of Equation (15) in Akpo oilfields.

Reservoir structure mode d1 d2I -0.11 0.45

II -0.18 0.37

III -0.40 0.18

Table 6: The parameters e1, e2, e3 of Equation (17) in Akpo oilfields.

Well type TVD (m) Deviation angle (°) e1 e2Horizontal well 3000~3400 70~90 0.005 0.025

Highly deviatedwell

3400~3600 60~80 0.007 0.029

Directional well 3600~3800 20~60 0.009 0.034


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Table 7: Information of J-01/02/03.

Well Well type Reservoir structure mode η (MPa/MPa) Tk (mD/mD) hd (%) γ Qi (m3/d) pi (MPa)

J-01 Horizontal Mode I 1.75 3.2 52 0.45 2000 32

J-02 Highly deviated Mode II 0.71 4.2 23 0.15 2500 34

J-03 Directional Mode III 0.08 6.5 16 0.04 2500 36
















0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500

Water cut (%





Days a�er water breakthrough

Flow-stop area

Reservoir static pressure

Flow-stop wellhead pressure

Wellhead pressure (predicted)

Water cut (predicted)

Wellhead pressure (actual)Water cut (actual)

















0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500

Water cut (%





Days a�er water breakthrough

Flow-stop area

Reservoir static pressure

Flow-stop wellhead pressure

Wellhead pressure (predicted)

Water cut (predicted)

Wellhead pressure (actual)Water cut (actual)


















0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Water cut (%





Days a�er water breakthrough

Flow-stop area

Reservoir static pressure

Flow-stop wellhead pressure

Wellhead pressure (predicted)

Water cut (predicted)

Wellhead pressure (actual)Water cut (actual)


Figure 8: The prediction results of water-cut and wellhead pressure. (a) The prediction result of J-01. (b) The prediction result of J-02. (c) Theprediction result of J-03.

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stop risk is very high. Therefore, the subsea produc-tion wells of Mode III should be connected to thefirst-stage separator with lower inlet pressure limitafter transformation in priority

As of 2021, the inlet pressure limit of a first-stage separa-tor has been reduced to 10.0MPa in Akpo oilfields and 7flow-stop wells have been connected to. The production lifeof these wells has been prolonged, and there is an expectedcumulative oil increase of 5.0 million barrels, which has asignificant effect.

5. Conclusions

(1) The production performance of single well in deep-water turbidite sandstone oilfields is significantlyaffected by reservoir factors including reservoir struc-ture, reservoir connectivity, and heterogeneity. Thedynamic relative permeability can reflect the macro-scopic movement of oil/water in the reservoir. Takingthe dynamic relative permeability as an intermediatebridge, a refined production performance predictionmethod considering reservoir factors has been estab-lished, by which the water-cut and liquid productionrate of single well can be accurately predicted

(2) Combined with the production performance predic-tion result, the wellhead pressure and the flow-stoptime of production wells can be forecasted with highaccuracy. The results can be used in annual produc-tion forecast and recoverable reserves evaluation.The method has significantly improved the develop-ment technology of deep-water oilfields

(3) The method in this paper has been successfullyapplied in Akpo oilfields in the Niger Basin. The pre-diction results have been used for the optimizationand adjustment to deal with flow-stop wells by thetransformation of first-stage separators, and theapplication effect is very good

(4) As the relationship models in this article are based onthe actual data statistics, the models are mainly appli-cable to deep-water turbidite sandstone reservoirswith medium and high permeability. At the sametime, the innovative research ideas and work pro-cesses that taking dynamic relative permeability asan intermediate bridge to predicate productiondynamics based on reservoir factors have a good ref-erence and guiding value for other types of oilfields


γ: Injection water seepage ability coefficient(dimensionless)

η: Reservoir connectivity coefficient (MPa/MPa)Tk : Reservoir heterogeneity coefficient (mD/mD)pi: Initial pressure of interference test (MPa)pe: End pressure of interference test (MPa)Kh: High permeability (mD)Ka: Average permeability (mD)Kro, Krw: Relative permeability of oil/water phase

(dimensionless)no, nw: The oil/water phase index (dimensionless)Sw: Water saturation (%)Swi: Irreducible water saturation (%)Sor: Residual oil saturation (%)Swd: Dimensionless water saturation (dimensionless)KrwðSorÞ: Water relative permeability under the residual oil

saturation (dimensionless)KroðSwiÞ: Oil relative permeability under the irreducible

water saturation (dimensionless)a1, a2: Model parameters (dimensionless)b1, b2, b3: Model parameters (dimensionless)f ws: Water-cut rising standard curve of each mode (%)f w: Actual water-cut of production well (%)f ws′ : Standard water-cut rising rate of each mode

(dimensionless)f w′ : Actual water-cut rising rate of production well


Manifold A

Manifold B

Test manifold

1st stage SEP A


1st stage SEP B60bar → 30bar

Test SEP78bar

2nd stage SEP B


Crude oil pre-heater



Crude oil heater

3rd stage SEP


3rd stage SEP pump

Crude oil transfer pump

4th stage SEP1bar


Crude oil cooler

Storage tank


High-wellhead pressure wells

Low-wellhead pressure wells



Figure 9: The transformation of first-stage separators in Akpo oilfields.


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f w0: Initial water-cut of production well (%)hd: Thickness ratio of dominant sedimentary facies

(%)t: Days after water breakthrough (d)c1, c2: Model parameters (dimensionless)V t: Relative water-cut rising rate (dimensionless)d1, d2: Model parameters (dimensionless)μo, μw: Oil/water viscosity (mPa·s)Bo, Bw: Oil/water volume factor (m3/m3)Jd: Dimensionless liquid production rate

(dimensionless)Qi: Initial liquid production rate at water-free pro-

duction stage (m3/d)Qt: Actual liquid production rate at different water-

cut stage (m3/d)pwb: Bottomhole pressure of production well (MPa)pwh: Wellhead pressure of production well (MPa)e1, e2: Model parameters (dimensionless).

Data Availability

The data used to support the findings of this study are inter-section within the article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper.


This work was financially supported by the Chinese NationalNatural Science Foundation (No. 51774256).


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