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Chapter 28 – Consequences

A Piratical Legacy Chapter 28: Consequences

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Momentous events were happening across the street from Buccaneer Manor at the Toyonaga house on Pirate Island... and Coxinga Buccaneer, eldest generation six scion of the main legacy house and spare extraordinaire... was completely oblivious to it. "Hmm... wonder why there's all those people standing around in Justinian's yard?" he mused to himself as he pulled open the taxi door. Then he shrugged. "Probably none of my business. Driver, take me to the airport... I'm heading to college!"

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Inside the house, his younger sister and the generation six heiress to the Buccaneer family's Piratical Legacy, was also oblivious. Of course, she tended to ignore whatever was happening at the Toyonaga house these days after an unfortunate date-gone-wrong with Justinian Toyonaga. "This private school uniform really does suit me," she grinned to herself as she checked out her lovely teenaged form in her parents' bedroom mirror. "Scholarly, yet flirtatious." Something caught her eye and she stared at the mirror a little closer. "Eww! Is that a zit? Gross!" With a sigh of dismay Shih headed to her bedroom to pull out the industrial-sized pot of anti-acne cream. "Shiiiiiih!" she heard from the kitchen as she passed by the doorway.

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Seated in the out-of-this-world high chair just inside the kitchen was Ching Shih's baby half-brother, Borusa. The chair was green, the bottle was green, and he was green. Pretty soon, Shih knew, Borusa would be surrounded by a bright nimbus. "Hmm... maybe I ought to help out with potty-training," she said to herself, but then shook her head. She'd already taught the tyke to walk and talk. Or was it Borusa's twin, Spandrell, that she had helped teach those skills?

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Somehow, the boys had gotten onto wildly separate schedules. While Borusa had only just awoken from his nap and was having his bottle, Spandrell had been up for hours and was fully occupied in banging out tunes on the family's battered old toy xylophone. "Zing!" he crowed as he watched the multi-coloured music notes float through the air. "That's right," Auntie Gertie nodded as she scooped Spandrell into her arms and carried him downstairs to his crib. "Zing's gone to college!" "No!" Spandrell pouted. "Zing zong! Zinga zobba zooba, noobop nooboo!" Gertie had to admit that the sound of her nephew singing his favorite nursery rhyme was pretty darned cute.

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Still, Gertie was glad to have both boys occupied. With Spandrell down for his nap, and Borusa eating his breakfast, the Grilled Cheese eater could focus on doing what she did best... eating grilled cheese sandwiches. "Bottom's up!" Gertie grinned as she rubbed her hands together and conjured a toasty sandwich seemingly from nowhere. "Only a dozen more of these babies," she mumbled as she crammed the food into her mouth, "and I never even have to look at cheese again..."

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She stood in one place and just kept on shoveling the sandwiches down... and before she knew it, she was done! "Whoa!" Gertie crowed. "I feel different! This is awesome!" Congratulations, Gertie Buccaneer. You ate 200 grilled cheese sandwiches between your young adult and adult years. I'm so happy you managed to finish it before you grew up to elder... a date which isn't really that far away. "Me too, Goddess," Gertie said, grinning up at the sky (presumably at me). "Me too. Say, you haven't talked to the family in a really long time... why now?"

"I think you've all just forgotten how to listen," I said. "By the way, I'm not up in the sky. I'm down the street and across the bridge... remember?" "Really?" "You haven't wondered at the large number of blue-skinned people wandering around the neighborhood?" "I just thought they were zombies, like Don and Sejanus." "Errr... perhaps I ought to start taking a more active role in things again," I muttered. "Wait a minute... Sejanus?"

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While I left the computer for a bit to see what had really been happening outside of the legacy family over the past few updates, Generation 5 Spouse Lee Buccaneer spent some quality time with his alien progeny. Borusa was now well and truly irradiated, and Spandrell had woken up from his nap. "Just think, boys," he said to both of them as they played on the corner of the deck, "Pretty soon it will be your birthdays! Heck, pretty soon it will be my birthday! We're all getting older." "Bunny says not old," Spandrell said. "Bunny says... like fine wine?" "Where's that old thing from, anyway?" Lee said, his eyes widening as he did indeed hear a phrase that sounded much like what Spandrell had parroted issue forth from the rabbit toy's plastic mouth. He picked the toy up and looked at the bottom. "A Product of the Pirate Island Syndicate. Whatever you do, don't say Activate three times while blindfolded. The Pirate Island Syndicate takes no responsibility for any detonations that may result."

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Dear Mr. Jim, How are you doing? I'm doing really well. My big brother Zing went to Paris for college a few weeks ago so the house has felt pretty empty, but since we've got my two younger alien half-brothers now that helps to fill up the void. A couple of days ago there was a big kerfuffle when my dad found out that the boys' toy rabbit doubles as an explosive device. Mom isn't supposed to get toddler toys from my Great-Uncle Jack anymore. I guess the pirate blood is a lot thicker in Uncle Jack than it is in our generation of the family... we aren't nearly as ruthless or bloodthirsty as I'm pretty sure he's capable of being. Well, except for my friend Toshiko. She's a throwback, even though she's adopted. Anyway, I'm blathering on about inconsequentialities so I'd best end this email now. Plus, I told my parents I'd watch the boys for a minute and I'd best make sure they haven't wandered off. -- Shih

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"Shih! For the fifth time, will you come and get your brother?"

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While Ching Shih rescued Borusa from being traumatized for life (and averted her own gaze lest she also be mentally damaged), Andrew kept Spandrell from getting into trouble. "Soon is your birthday, yes little one?" he grinned as he bounced the toddler on his hip. "Soon is Andrew's birthday too. And Mr. Mickles. Cannot forget scary voodoo doll." "Mickles?" "You must always placate the Mickles," Andrew intoned solemnly. "If you do, he is your best friend. If not ... powerful enemy." "Ememeone?" "Something like that."

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I don't know if it was the talk of Mickles, or the sound of toddlerish laughter in the house, but that night Roche haunted for the first time. I was surprised to see him, considering how happy and rejuvenated he'd looked in the afterlife. "That's true, Goddess, but I miss my family a bit," Roche said. "You can't blame an old man for looking in on his grandkids occasionally, can you?" "Not at all, Roche," I said with a smile. "Oh, congrats on getting the whole Roman affair cleaned up," Roche added as he drifted off to scare Shih. "Roman affair?" I made a mental note to seriously look into things.

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Obviously the "Roman Affair", whatever that may be, was the furthest thing from Shih and her favorite cousin Liv's minds. The two of them were much more concerned with going out and having fun. One thing both girls had discovered was a brand new liking for hobbies. While they weren't necessarily supremely athletic, Shih and Liv had a fantastic time playing basketball in the courtyard at the youth centre.

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And when they got tired of that, they headed inside to dance and shoot some pool. "I'm so glad you're still hanging around," Liv said a bit wistfully. "My house seems so empty nowadays, with Uncle Nick and Uncle Green living in Grandma's old house and Hugo off at university. I miss them all." "Yeah, Grandma's house is way up in the back of beyond, isn't it," Shih agreed. "I haven't been out to see Uncle Nick, Uncle Green, and the puppies in ages."

"We should go visit them sometime," Liv said. "I heard that they want to start breeding dogs, and Uncle Nick did inherit Grandma's pet store." "I want a puppy," Shih said dreamily. "Or a kitten. When I'm the heir, I'm going to adopt at least one cat, maybe two. Feline behaviour is fascinating." "Whatever you say," Liv snorted. She looked at her watch. "Anyway, I'd better jet... see ya tomorrow at your brothers' birthday party!"

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The next evening, Lee reluctantly finished singing just one last song to Borusa. "Come on, kiddo," he said fondly. "Time for you to grow up... we can't put it off any longer. The guests are all here!" "Party!" Borusa burbled. "Hooray! All just for me?" "Well, for you and your brother," Lee said, scooping Borusa into his arms and walking out to the brightly lit porch where the guests were assembled around the birthday cake.

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"But I'm first!" Borusa crowed happily. "Because I'm the oldest!" "Indeed you are," Lee said, bending low over the now brightly glowing birthday cake. As everyone sang, he whispered in Borusa's ear. "Make a wish!" Borusa screwed his eyes shut, then blew out the candles in a spray of saliva. "Errr... I think I'll have a piece from Spandrell's cake," Grace said, but she retracted that and took the option of having cookies instead once she saw Spandrell repeat his twin's performance. As for the boys, they rushed off to change their clothes and their hair.

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"This is awesome!" Spandrell said, waving his arms wildly. "Now we match! I bet nobody can tell us apart! That means that if you ever get a girlfriend, and I ever get a girlfriend, we could trade and they wouldn't even be able to tell!" "But why would we want to do that?" Spandrell asked, scratching his head. "Girls are gross, but even if they weren't I don't think I'd want to share. It'd be fun fooling all our friends, but we're pretty easy to tell apart." "Do you think so?" Borusa shrugged. "Um, you kind of don't have a nose," Spandrell pointed out. "Let's get back to the party and cake and smustling and stuff, okay?" "I guess..." Borusa nodded. "Do you think we're too young to start looking for girlfriends now, Borusa?" "Yes!"

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When the party ended and bedtime rolled around, the twins sat happily on their new beds, hastily installed in their 'nook' of the nursery. "It's so cool being grown up," Spandrell declared. "But I wish we had our own room." "That makes three of us," Shih said sleepily from her corner of the bedroom. "Could you kids turn out the light and go to sleep? School starts awfully early..." "Awww man..." the twins chorused in unison.

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And now we must leave the Buccaneer household for a time and see how the rest of the families in the neighborhood are doing. I finally had the time to investigate all the things that had been going on while I was paying attention to other things, and I was appalled! Appalled! Sejanus Toyonaga, a zombie? A Roman plot? Simselves getting involved and completely overstepping their bounds? I was not amused. To be sure, it had been handled pretty well, though Sejanus was s till stuck as a zombie. But he seemed happy enough despite his inability to talk. His wife Ellen, at least, understood him just fine.

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The family had torn down the house that Elisabeth and Shannon Toyonaga built oh so many generations ago. After everything that had happened, it held nothing but bad memories for them. They built a lovely new manor-style home on the same site as their old house and waited for life to settle into a new routine. A lot had happened since I'd last looked in on them. Not only had the Roman fiasco occurred, but Justinian had left for college. Grandma Tara passed on to the great sandy beach in the sky, having been preceded by her husband even before the Romans started interfering. And Crassus Toyonaga became a teenager. Crassus was a studious sort, and spent a lot of time on his schoolwork.

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He skilled extra hard, too, and I think he spent a fair bit of his energy looking up potential cures for zombieism. He didn't find anything, but that didn't deter him.

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And he investigated other paranormal activities too--the ones that could be cured, such as vampirism and lycanthropy, and the ones that couldn't. After a while, I left the family. They were obviously adjusting pretty well to the new status quo, and I decided they'd been interfered with enough already. But I made a note to look into a possible cure for Sejanus' undeath myself. I hadn't intervened when Septimus and Octavia caused so much hurt and destruction, and I felt I owed it to him.

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Down the hill and around the corner, an entirely different sort of supernatural family was drowning in entirely too much pink. "It's Angora's fault, you know," Shere Khan told his baby sister Rakshasi. "That's why the room is pink. This was her room before she left for college." "Like pink!" Rakshasi giggled. "Do want!" "No," Shere Khan admonished her. "Do NOT want pink. Say it with me, Rakshasi. 'I can has grene?'"

"No want geen," Rakshasi insisted. "Pink! And f'owers! And bunnies!" "Bein' a fierce tiger--you're doin it wrong," Shere Khan said, shaking his head. "What in the world am I going to do with you, 'Shasi?" "Sing a song!" "If you insist."

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Though her big brother despaired of Rakshasi ever attaining proper tiger fierceness, she did show a definite preference for feline food throughout her toddler years.

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"Now, now," Shere Khan scolded her as he scooped his sister up and carried her back into her bepinkenated bedroom. "Cat food is not for people nomming." "OMNOMNOM!" Rakshasi insisted. "No," Shere Khan said firmly. "Hungry cat is hungry. Don't steal Steven's fud." "I can has cheezburger?" Rakshasi asked him, smiling sweetly. "I made you a cheezburger," Shere Khan admitted, "but I eated it. Sorry, Rakshasi... it's rice pudding for you."

"Dat not fud," Rakshasi complained. "That goop." "No," Shere Khan said. He looked out of the window and gestured towards the man walking past. "That's Goop. The Goop is a lie, unless it wears plaid shorts and a cowboy shirt." "Do not want!" Rakshasi shrieked. She clung to her brother's neck. "Is it can be naps tiem nao plz?" "Babysitting... I'm doin it right," Shere Khan grinned as he lowered his sister into her crib. "Sweet dreams, and may Ceiling Cat watch over your sleep."

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Once Rakshasi was safely ensconced in her crib and Grandpa Benjamin had returned from work, Shere Khan decided to go hunting for Ceiling Cat himself. With his boyfriend Zing away at college in Paris, it wasn't like he had anything else to do.

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He found something all right, but it wasn't Ceiling Cat! At least, not unless Ceiling Cat is green, with protruding eyes and a penchant for proctological probing. "DOOOOO NOOOOOOOT WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANT!"

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"That was the best experience of my life!" Shere Khan exclaimed when the unearthly beings returned him home several hours later. "I gotta call Zing! Wait! Is it can be phone tiems nao plz?" He looked at his watch. "As Zing would say, 'Do not want!' ... it's one in the morning in Paris. Well, actually Zing wouldn't say that. Impersonating mai bofyrend, im doin it rong." Still, Shere Khan was gleeful enough that he didn't actually go to sleep, he just hopped in the Energizer and then headed straight to the bookcase--an idea had just occurred to him. "Will be has invisible baybeez bcuz I is still teen," he said to himself. "Alienspawn... DO WANT! But I'm too young. But if boyz can has baybeez, I wonder..."

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Speaking of babies, Shere Khan wasn't the only one with offspring on his mind.

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"This is ridiculous," De* complained when she finally felt up to staggering downstairs and eating some breakfast. "I'm a grandmother!" "And apparently not too old to have babies," her daughter Morgan smirked. "So mom, what's it like being pregnant? Are you sick all the time? Do you ever wish you'd just adopted? Have you ever almost died?" "This simself body of mine hates being pregnant," De muttered. "Every single time, I do almost die. It's pretty ridiculous, honestly. Not that I would undo having kids, you understand. I love all three of you, and I'm happy about being pregnant too. I just wish Sarah believed in Maxmotives." "I'm surprised she doesn't resort to it," Morgan said. "She plays five billion households." "She also doesn't appreciate fourth-wall breakage," De pointed out. "So we'd better stop. On a different note, how's Toshi liking college?"

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But we'll have to wait to find out how well Toshiko is enjoying college because it's time to stop by the household of another simself who has married into the legacy family. "Okay, Lila, let's see you catch this!" Liv Pseudo grinned as she pulled a stick out of her inventory and threw it across the yard. Lila Pseudo, a puppy of indeterminate origin and breeding, yipped playfully and bounded off after the piece of wood. Liv had to giggle as the dog dragged it back--the branch was bigger than the dog was! As for Lila, she was just happy that one of her kids was still around to play with. Now that Hugo was gone away to university, Lila tended to mope around unless one of her people was there to distract her.

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Liv was still dating a lot, partly to fill her time now that she didn't have a big brother around to tease, but mostly because she just plain liked dating. Her friend Guido Thayer was one of the few sims that she hadn't tried dating a time or two, and she wasn't likely to do so. While Liv dated whoever she felt she would have the most fun with at any given time, Guido was only interested in other guys. "You totally gotta play Red Hands with me," Liv insisted. "Fun meter is tanking! Whining is about to commence! C'mon, Guido, save me from myself!" "Heh, if you insist," Guido chuckled.

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The next morning was a Saturday, and one that Liv was looking forward to. "So what are your plans for the day, dear?" her mother, Orikes*, asked as the family ate their breakfast cereal together. "I'm calling up Val," Liv said enthusiastically. "I'm thinking I can get in a couple of decent dates today if the weather stays nice." "If it winds up raining you can always come in the house," her father, Will, pointed out. "Just 'cause we made your brother sleep outside in the tent while his girlfriend was visiting doesn't mean that we don't trust you to behave with your dates." "Yeah, how much harm can you come to jumping on the couch and playing SSX3?" Orikes asked.

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Liv shrugged, put down her now-empty cereal bowl, and flounced off to call her favorite matchmaker, Valerie Tse. "What you want?" the sage old woman asked as Liv plopped a substantial amount of money in her hand. "Boy? Girl? Not picky today?" "Not picky," Liv grinned. "Someone who knows how to have fun. I have a hankering for some swings, and some juggling, and couch bouncing, and video games!" "I think this one maybe do," Val nodded.

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While Liv didn't strictly approve of black lipstick on anyone other than a vampire, she had to admit that Cory Wong was pretty cool. He almost managed to pull off the look. The two of them had a blast.

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After Cory left, Liv decided she really didn't feel like having another date for a while, preferring instead to spend some quality time with her other favorite pets - the fishies.

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And that brings us to the household of another two fish fans, Green and Nick Boolprop. There isn't much to say about these two this time around. They've happily settled into Marie's old house and have pretty much remodeled the entire place with the money they got from Marie's life insurance policy. But they've kept all of Marie's pictures of her grandchildren up on the walls. "So she can see them whenever she visits from beyond the grave," Nick said, when Green asked why they didn't return the photos to their respective subjects. "Plus... I like keeping them here. I wouldn't have minded having kids, but that didn't happen for us, so I have to live vicariously through my siblings and spoil my nieces and nephews." "Heh, no argument from me," Green said amiably. "But now that Riches has grown up, we can start breeding him with Rags... puppies may not be children, but they're certainly cuddly and cute!"

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Nick kept his opinion of the progeny they'd get from Riches to himself. Aside: have any of you ever seen a weirder-looking dog from the adoption pool? Riches is kinda... special... isn't he?

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My pondering of Nick and Green's potential puppies was cut short by the sound of wailing from my simself's bathroom. "Mom to the rescue!" I announced as I sailed into the room. I took a squirming Hades from my husband Chris'* arms. "Come on, stinker... time to get you a bath." "No baff!" Hades complained. A little lightning crackled around his fingertips. "Doooooom!" "Now you just put those sparkers away," I warned him. "I'm the queen of Zotz!ing and I make a point never to dish out what I can't

take myself. All your sparklers are going to do is make your bath itch." "Fine," Hades grumbled, and stopped squirming long enough for me to strip him and plunk him into the tub. Chris had managed to run the water, at least. "I think I can take over from here," Chris said, kneeling down beside me. "You have that meeting to run... remember?" "Right," I said, looking at my watch. I was sort of looking forward to this.

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"I'm sure you all know why I've summoned you here," I said to the simselves who had been waiting patiently in my sewing room. "Not really," Professor Butters-Marius* said. "Is it because you want to give us all cookies?" Orikes asked. "Are you setting my ACR-autonomy to Never Try For A Baby once I graduate?" Ephemeral Toast* asked hopefully.

"None of that," I said. Nobody spoke, but Jenn Ndainye* and Ruby Blue* exchanged significant (and slightly worried) glances. "In fact, I'm here to address a serious breach in Legacy autonomy," I said sternly. "I knew it!" a voice that sounded suspiciously like Michelle's* rang out from the back of the room.

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"I have to say I'm a bit hurt that you guys didn't think to bring the situation with the Romans and the Toyonaga family to my attention," I began. "And then... exercising your simself powers and getting involved in the plot? That wasn't a good idea." "Why not?" De called out from the very back. "You weren't doing anything about it and you seemed otherwise... occupied." "That's as may be," I said, "but my legacy neighborhood isn't really set up like any other ones. The Rules are different. And what you did has consequences that are considerably more far-reaching than you likely imagined." "What do you mean?" Denise Avidreader, a major player in the drama we all discussed, asked. "No matter what the consequences, I still would have acted. It was my family."

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"I mean that anyone who meddles in the plot of the legacy gets caught up in the legacy time stream," I said. I stared at each of them in turn. "But that means..." Pen* breathed as the reality of my words sank in. "We're... mortal?" "Exactly," I said. "By interfering, you've implicitly consented to joining the neighborhood rotation instead of merely being played whenever I feel like it. And that means that your ages don't get reset back to the beginning of the adult lifespan whenever you get too close to your birthdays."

"Wait!" the Professor said, waving her arms in annoyance. "But I'm only four days from Elder! Do you really mean I'm going to age and everything?" "I do," I said. "But I don't feel any different," Ben* protested from the second row. "That's because it only kicks in when I notice it," I said. "And that would be..."

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ZOTZ! "," I finished. A room full of scorched simselves exchanged silent glances. "I hope you've all got a lot of Elixir coming to you or you've made your peace with aging," I added. "Oh, and the aging thing? It applies to every simself on the Island. I'd suggest letting your friends and fellows know as soon as possible."

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"Wait, what about me?" De, the only untouched individual, asked angrily. "How come I didn't get Zotz!ed?" I had to think about that for a minute, and then I realized the reason. "You're married to a Legacy Immortal," I shrugged. "His protection definitely would extend to you. Plus, you're pregnant--" A few snickers and gasps could be heard around the room. "--safe." I concluded. "Well, that kinda stinks," De said. "For all of us."

"You really need to start reading the fine print when you agree to be installed in somebody's legacy 'hood," I shrugged. "Every author runs things differently. Anyway, look at it this way... getting played pretty much guarantees face time and legacy advertising. What's not to like about that?" I left them alone for a while so the news could sink in, and I think by the time they all left they were mostly over their annoyance. Between the group of them, they had a LOT of Elixir.

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While the simselves figure out the implications of the mess they've gotten themselves into, let's hop on a plane and pay a visit to Academie Le Tour, located in Paris, France... and traditional locus of higher education for Pirate Island residents and their family members. The freshman class of Pirate Island locals and Buccaneer relatives is a big one, spread out across three dorms: Toyonaga Legacy Dorms, Buccaneer Dorms, and Romara Dorms. The members of the class are: Snoopy Avidreader Lainey Barthelet Toby Biggs Angora Buccaneer

Coxinga Buccaneer Toshiko Buccaneer Athena Deity Diana Deity Sally Deity Hugo Pseudo Amar Ramaswami Ephemeral Toast Justinian Toyonaga Delia West Robin Zomg* The inhabitants of Toyonaga Legacy Dorms, pictured above, are (L-R, back-front) Toby, Snoopy, Amar, Robin, and Hugo.

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With all straight men and one gay woman, at least friendships were likely to remain intact and drama to a minimum within the dorm--or so one could hope. ACR does dramatical things once sims hit university. Besides, just because romantic drama is somewhat restrained doesn't mean things will remain sunshine and butterflies. I'm not sure what Toby and Snoopy are talking about here, but Toby doesn't look happy about it. Probably it's Snoopy's request that Toby not mack on any of the girls Snoopy has picked out for himself.

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In any case, Toby quickly decided that no potential love interests within the dorm meant that it was time to party. He called up all of the other dorms and invited every girl he'd ever made out with as a teenager who happened to be there. "Oh, and bring your roommates and friends!" he added before he hung up.

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And before long, the guests had started arriving. Toast, it seemed, still bore the marks of my recent simself chastising. A few random dormies who were walking past as the party was getting started were also invited to join in the festivities, Komei-face and all.

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Hugo's pulse raced as he strode nonchalantly down the stairs to greet the arriving students. "Lainey," he managed to say in a voice that betrayed none of his nervousness whatsoever. "You made it."

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"Hugo Pseudo," his teenaged sweetheart said with a smile, "was there ever any doubt?" With almost as many jitters as he'd experienced the first time, Hugo leaned and planted a soft kiss on Lainey's smiling mouth.

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They both swore they could see hearts.

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Now that the initial awkwardness of their reunion was over, Hugo felt confident enough to leave Lainey socializing with some of the other guests while he sought out some breakfast and the company of Toshiko. "It's not bad for cafeteria food," he shrugged as he shoveled pancakes into his mouth. "It's not really good either, though," Toshiko said. "I offered to do the cooking for my dorm, but the administration wouldn't let me. Something about the chemical residues on my clothing being too flammable." "Err... yeeah," Hugo nodded, stuffing another bite into his mouth so he wouldn't have to respond to Toshi's comment. Even after growing up together, he was never sure when she was serious and when she was joking, especially when it came to explosives.

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The two of them were pretty much the only ones eating, as the rest of their friends had managed to compress themselves into one giant smustle-ball. Graphical glitches abounded, and this Goddess found herself giggling whenever somebody's fist protruded from someone else's abdomen... or, even better, *BANNED4LYFE*.

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And in the midst of the frenetic gyrations, another teenaged couple found that the spark remained.

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As the party simmered down to a dull roar, people paired off and actually started to get to know some of their classmates. Zing, for one, discovered that he and his distant cousin Delia actually had a fair bit in common. As some couples traipsed off to canoodle in the bushes, he and Delia had a ball discussing the economic prospects of China vs. Slovenia. It was an esoteric subject, so they didn't find themselves disturbed at all.

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Speaking of canoodling, Athena and Snoopy were the very first ones to try out the dorm's brand new photo booth. But I don't think they took any pictures. Y'know, it kind of defeats the purpose of disallowing double beds in the dorms when the administration then promptly installs several sofas, a photo booth, and a hot tub.

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"Hey... what's your name?" Toby said smoothly as he approached the only straight girl in the building (other than Lainey) that he hadn't kissed before. "You're off to a fast start," Robin snorted as she spent some time dancing with herself. "Run!" she advised the red-headed dormie. "Escape while you still can!" "Oh, I don't mind," the girl shrugged. "He's kind of scruffy-looking but he's sweet." "Who's scruffy-looking?" Toby demanded in an aggrieved tone. "It's the stubble," Robin shrugged. "Sorry, Toby. Scruffy-looking."

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However, not all of the women of Toby's acquaintance were dismayed by his scruffy features. "Another one?" Hugo couldn't help but shake his head as he walked by on his way to visit Lainey's dorm. "Wait a minute... isn't that my prof?" "Scram, cuz," Toby said when he came up for air. "You're putting my 'A' in jeopardy." "That's just wrong, dude," Hugo complained as he complied. "Totally unethical." "Unethical tastes like strawberries," Toby grinned. He gestured into the dorm. "After you."

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Prof. Chloe Taylor certainly didn't seem offended by the cheap shot at her ethical behavior. Then again, Sims 2 professors are so far removed from reality, it's laughable. And no woman Toby's courted has ever managed to resist his charm.

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Let's leave Toby and his professor alone for a while and focus on the next dorm, shall we? Buccaneer Dorms is right next door to Toyonaga Legacy house and has pretty much the exact opposite make-up, in terms of population: a gaggle of straight ladies and one gay man. (L-R, back to front) Squeaky-clean Sally, Angora, Toshiko, Delia, Toast, and Zing.

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Of course, Buccaneer Dorms have a few extra rooms even with six Pirates in residence, and one of them was taken by a handsome (yet somewhat brooding) red-headed stranger. Angora was immediately drawn to him. "I'm Angora Buccaneer," she introduced herself. "Ian Legacina," the young man replied with a shy smile. "You're really cute," Angora, always a forward one, said.

Ian blushed. "Err..." "It's okay," Angora smiled. "I'm really outgoing like that. I believe in firmly stating what I'm thinking. So, Ian... what brings you to Paris? My family traditionally all attends university here, but unless my ears deceive me, your name has the ring of 'legacy' all over it. What are you doing at our university instead of your own?" "I just wanted a change of scenery... a bit of a fresh start," Ian shrugged. He found himself warming to the crazy bohemian in front of him. "Had a bit of a rough patch back home, and here I am! My best friend came with me, but she got assigned to a different dorm."

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"Well, I'm sure you'll both love it here," Angora insisted, dragging Ian out of the hallway and into the small TV lounge. "What do you say we hang out, watch some TV, and maybe fool around in the photo booth?" "Err?" "I'm coming on too strong again, aren't I?" Angora blushed, an amazing feat for her. "Oops. It's just that you are really hot, Ian, and I like you. But I guess it's a bit too soon for me to be saying stuff like that."

"No, I don't mind," Ian said hurriedly. "I just wasn't expecting to hear that. I think you're pretty hot too." "But we're not going to date exclusively or anything," Angora said carefully. "I want to make sure you know that up front, Ian, because I like you and I don't want to hurt your feelings." "The thought's appreciated," Ian said, and Angora wasn't certain if she'd really heard the slightly bitter tone. "Why don't we just start with watching some TV, huh?" "Deal."

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As the dorm mates settled in, they found that although they might be wildly different in personality, the whole group of them managed to mesh pretty well. It wasn't long until the six Pirates (and occasionally Ian) were a tightknit group. But even within the group they each found their favorite confidantes. After their economics-driven discussion at Toby's party, Zing and Delia often spent their free time together and ate together. They were in many of the same classes, and both loved the sight, sound, smell, and feel of money, so they had a lot to talk about. "Are you sure you don't need a new car?" Zing asked for what seemed like the billionth time as he and Delia ate their macaroni 'n'

cheese. "Where would I park it?" Delia asked, gesturing through the window behind her. "Student parking at the dorms is non-existent." "But it's shiny," Zing insisted. "Only 100,000 klicks on it. Practically pristine." Delia eyed him. "If you expect me to fall for that one, Zing, think again." "Worth a try."

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"So what do you think of Ian?" Angora asked Toshiko one evening after they'd finished their homework and were chilling out to some tunes. Their friendship was one they'd maintained since they were small children and they happily considered themselves best friends. "Ian?" Toshiko blinked. "I... don't really think of him, actually. He's around a lot, but he's really quiet. Serious." "Are we talking about the same Ian Legacina?" Toshi chuckled. "He's just a bit slow to join in the crowd, but I think it's just 'cause we all talk so much he doesn't have a chance to get a word in edgewise.

I've been hanging out with him when you're in class and I think he's pretty cool." "Do I smell a crush?" Toshi teased. "Well... maybe just a little one," Angora admitted. "Then go for it, Angie," Toshiko said. "What can it hurt?" "Good point."

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As Angora strode down the hall in the direction of Ian's room, Toast was giving Justinian a rather... enthusiastic... kiss. "You. Me. Photobooth." Toast grabbed Justinian by the coat and started dragging him into the dorm.

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Unfortunately, it was occupied.

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And somebody was neck-deep in angsty crush.

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Whoever it was, it wasn't Toshiko. There was another dormie she was slightly interested in, but when she shyly suggested that they check out a movie sometime he was rather... blunt... in rebuffing her advances. Though she would never admit it, Toshiko was pretty upset by the rejection, and it would be some time before she tried again.

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Romara Dorm. The smallest group of Pirates were in residence in this slight-more-cramped abode. Lainey is standing in the back, and sitting on the couch (L-R) are Athena, Diana, and Justinian. I'm just warning you now... this is the dorm where everybody misbehaves.

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Okay, so this technically isn't misbehaving. Hugo and Lainey taking their relationship to the next level might even be expected at this point. It was just a matter of whether they'd use the couch at Toyonaga Legacy Dorms or the photobooth at Romara.

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And Zing pillow-fighting with one of the guys he'd considered dating in high school wasn't really an issue, since Justinian had passed the experimental stage of his life.

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But then Lainey's ACR timer went off for the first time when Hugo wasn't visiting.

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It's not like she was remorseful, either. To me, this picture says, "Ephemeral Toast, the only reason I dragged Stinky Dormie into the photo booth is because you were busy distracting Justinian."

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Because really, could you keep your hands off of a hottie like that? It's pretty well decided that Justinian wins the prize of hottest male of Generation 6. And he flaunts it.

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Now, despite Justinian being a hottie, that hasn't stopped Athena from preferring the company of Toby. A lot of women do. "C'mon, Toby," she purred as she rubbed his tense back muscles. "I think I can do a better job if we retire to somewhere a bit more... comfortable." "And maybe you could change out of those scary pajamas," Toby winked. "They're blinding, and I can hardly focus on your godlike beauty with them distracting me." "Get a room, you two," Stinky Dormie complained. "Actually, we're just waiting for the photo booth to be free," Athena said, stretching sensuously.

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"Oh? Who's in it?" Stinky Dormie asked. "Wow, Justinian.... that was... worth impaling my head on the curtain," Lainey said, fanning herself. "Err... but we can't tell anyone," Justinian said guiltily. "Neither of us are promised," Lainey shrugged.

"I doubt my girlfriend or your boyfriend would see it that way," Justinian said, realization dawning. "Oh crap. She's a simself. She's going to read this. I'm dead. I'm totally dead!" "You are very dramatic, Justinian Toyonaga," Lainey said, looking him up and down approvingly. "I like that in a man." "I think I'm in trouble," Justinian gulped. "I'll be in the men’s' washroom. Hiding."

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"And that's for being the sleaziest thing to walk onto this campus since Marie Buccaneer's last visit," the Cow Mascot sneered, viciously pummeling Lainey with a pillow case. "Ouch!" Lainey cried. "What is in that thing, foul bovine? Bricks?" "Syndicate specialty," the mascot smirked. "They give them to us mascots for free, as protection in case another freakish serial killer tries to come after us."

"How... noble," Lainey glared. "I think I am going to my room now. I don't need to suffer this indignity." "That won't be all you suffer when your boyfriend finds out about what I just saw," the mascot smirked. "Say anything and you're hamburger," Lainey said in a low voice. "Eep!"

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Back at Toyonaga Legacy Dorms, Hugo had no idea that he'd been cuckolded not just once, but twice by his beloved Lainey. "Dude, I know you need to be in good shape for your classes," Toby said as he strode past his cousin in all his aerobic glory, "but you really need some new workout gear. Repeat after me, 'I am not a prima ballerina.'" "I am not... oh, hush, Toby," Hugo glared. "Now I've lost my place." "Good," Toby said, "because that outfit really is a disgrace. Go change. Yesterday." "Fine... but why do you care?" "I don't want you blinding my date, dude, and she'll be here any minute."

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With a sigh, Hugo rummaged through his dresser and found another outfit that was still mostly clean before heading to the weight machine to finish his workout. "Thanks!" Toby yelled. "Just in time! She's here!"

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"She" was none other than Angora, and despite her feelings for Ian she saw no harm in spending a few hot 'n' heavy hours with one of her favorite high school makeout buddies. "You sure you and that Ian guy aren't dating?" Toby asked her before they got into the booth. "You seemed pretty close the last time I visited your dorm." "Are you sure you and Athena aren't dating?" Angora shot back at him. "Touché," Toby said. "After you, Madame." Still, after Angora left both of them made a silent vow to just be friends from then on. Even though there was chemistry, it felt... weird.

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Toby, at least, lost no time in burying that feeling of weirdness by inviting another of his professors over for a 'special' study session. "I don't know why I'm risking my job for you," his professor murmured. "I'm irresistible," Toby said with an endearing grin. "There is that."

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Whatever else the woman might have said was lost forever, though, when Athena stormed out of the cafeteria and attacked Toby. "Lying, cheating scum!" she yelled. "Friend of yours?" Toby's date asked. "Err... you might say that," Toby gulped. "If you could excuse me for a moment, Mary?" "Certainly," Prof. Mary replied. "I'll just go and freshen up."

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"Aww, geez, Athena," Toby complained once his date was out of earshot. "What'd you have to do that for? Now she's going to think I'm a total cad!" "You are a total cad," Athena said scornfully as she gestured at something. "What are you doing?" "Picturing how your head would look mounted on the wall," Athena sniffed. "That's morbid," Toby said. "Anyway, Athena, it's not like we were dating exclusively. I never agreed to that." Athena's face fell. "I guess not," she said sadly. "If you'll just excuse me, I'm going to go and cry in the bathroom and mourn my lost hopes and dreams."

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"Aww... don't be so melodramatic, 'Thena," Toby protested, chasing after her down the hall. He reached down towards the flower pot at the foot of the staircase and yanked hopefully without taking his eyes off of her. "OUCH! Framming thorns!" He hastily wiped the blood off on his jeans and handed the rose to Athena. "You're a gorgeous girl. Don't be sad, okay?" Athena sniffled. Something about Toby's words was strangely compelling, and she clutched the rose to her chest. "Oh, Toby... you're so sweet," she said dreamily. She blew a kiss at him and floated home. "All taken care of?" Mary asked once Toby had joined her upstairs. "All taken care of," Toby nodded.

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The next morning, Toby was still feeling pretty good. He'd managed to get to third base with Mary, and Athena wasn't trying to kill him. So it was with a jaunty smile that he set out for class as a late-season snow began to fall. As he passed by the mailbox, though, he stopped dead in his tracks. "Well hello there," he said suavely as he turned to face the girl walking past.

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"Hi yourself," the pretty blond-haired student said with a flirtatious grin. "Now, if you'll excuse me... I'm running late for class." "So am I," Toby said. "What's the rush? Tell me your name, gorgeous creature, and I'll make sure your marks don't suffer." The girl started to smile back, then stiffened and stared at him suspiciously. "Err... on second thought, I don't think so. Supernatural isn't really my type. And you have a distinct supernatural flavour, buddy." Toby licked his hand. "I think you're imagining things, cutie. But why don't you try a second taste?"

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"That has got to be the lamest pickup line ever," the student shook her head in disgust. "I'm really late now. Nice meeting you, weirdo." "You'll see me again, gorgeous," Toby vowed. "Don't get your hopes up."

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"And she just totally shot me down!" Toby complained. Hugo crossed his arms and stared at his cousin. "I don't suppose you have an explanation for this, do you?" "Nope, no lady has ever resisted my charms before," Toby said, chewing on a pawn and putting it back on the chess board. "Not the girl..." Hugo said in exasperation. "Why every time you pick up a chess piece you put it back somewhere different... and to your advantage, I might add. Even when it's not your turn."

"Hugo, are you accusing me of cheating?" Toby gave his cousin a hurt look. "It is standard operating procedure for you." "Ouch! I'm wounded!" "Just... play the game. You can tell me all about your romance problems when you aren't trying to focus on chess." Toby put the pawn back where he'd gotten it from and carefully moved another piece. "Checkmate, dude. Now, about that girl..."

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Next door, a young man who probably could have shed some light on Toby's confusion was taking advantage of the fresh spring day to get to know his favorite coed a little better. "You're a lot of fun, Angora," Ian said with one of his rare smiles. Angora savored the moment--she often tried to coax that look from Ian but it wasn't often that she succeeded. "Call me Angie," she said. "All of my friends do." "Friends, huh?" Ian said. "I think I like the sound of that. I'm glad to be your friend, Angie Buccaneer." "That makes two of us," Angora said. "I'm really glad you decided to come to this university, Ian." "Me too."

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Inside Buccaneer house, the only other happening of note during the entire second term of this first class's freshman year was that Delia and Snoopy got to know each other. And they looked good doing it, and that's really all there is to say about this slide.

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And outside, the only other really interesting happening was that Toshiko discovered she had a talent for physical activity. She immediately began incorporating basketballs into her strategies for musically assured annihilation of the terrorists. "Hmm... how to incorporate 'hang time' into my symphony of nitrates?" ... perhaps we should just leave her to her ponderings, and inform the S.W.A.T. team to be on standby. Just in case.

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And again we head back to the drama-filled Romara dorms, where Athena has evidently forgiven Toby completely for "cheating" on her with his ladyfriend. Wait a minute... this isn't Romara... this is Buccaneer. Hrm. Seems they're bringing the drama with them these days. "We simply must do this again sometime, baby," Toby said in a sultry voice, giving Athena one last kiss. "Call me anytime, gorgeous."

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A relatively short while later, though, all thought of Athena was gone when her niece Diana pulled Toby into the photobooth. "Y'know, that dude in the picture next to the vampire really reminds me of Gage," he mentioned in passing as he pulled the curtain shut. "What?" Diana asked. "On the outside of the booth," Toby said. Diana stuck her head out and took a closer look. "Hmm... you may have something there." "He's my hero," Toby added. "Really? Mine's Uranium."

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At that point, activity in the photo booth started venturing into the *BANNED4LYFE* zone, and I would have suggested leaving the lustbirds in peace, except for one thing.

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"Why is it only you who has a problem with me being easy?" Toby protested as he ducked away from Athena's frantic slaps and tried to cover his ears. The girl had a piercing yell. "Maybe 'cause I'm the only one who realizes that you're slime, Toby! Didja ever think of that? Did you?" "I'm... slime?" Toby sniffed. "Nobody's ever called me that before, 'Thena." "Well, they ought to have," Athena sniffed primly. "And don't call me 'Thena. In fact, don't call me at all!"

"Fine, be that way," Toby said sulkily. "But I bet you'll be calling me before the month is out." "Don't hold your breath, scruffy!" "I am not scruffy!" "You're not only scruffy, you're funny-looking!" "Okay, now that's just low." "Will you two keep it down?!?"

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"Sounds like that romance is over and done with," Delia said to Toshi as the sound of fighting died down and the sound of the party the dorm was trying to throw took over. "That crew does seem to be where all the drama is at," Toshiko agreed. "That's why I always make sure they're invited to our parties." "Me too!"

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"Hehe, did you see the look on my aunt's face?" Diana giggled as she whacked Toby over the head with a 100% certified brick-free pillow. "She's pretty naive, isn't she?" she added, smirking. "Hey now, it's not nice to make fun of people," Toby said, holding up a hand. "She made fun of you when you were fighting," Diana said. "So? I won't stoop to her level. I can see where she might be coming from," Toby said. "If I was actually in love with one woman instead of being in love with all women, I might be hurt if that one woman was less than faithful. I didn't think I ever gave Athena reason to

believe we were exclusive, but when you're in love... sometimes that doesn't matter." "I suppose..." Diana said doubtfully. "But that's why it's better not to limit yourself to just one person." "Oh..." Toby shrugged. "I think I could do it. If I met that one woman who could make me forget all the others. But I don't even know if she exists." "Doubtful. You're a true romancer just like me." "Probably."

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As the party was really to celebrate the end of the second semester of freshman year, there were quite a few guests invited who might not have been otherwise. Ruby Blue, for one, had stopped by to see how Robin and Toast were getting along. She'd been responsible for them during their artificially induced child and teen years on Pirate Island (well, she and 3 others), and so she was feeling decidedly maternal when she stopped by the dorm. As for Shere Khan, he was there to visit and register for classes before moving in permanently at the start of the next semester. "Do you know which dorm you'll be assigned to?" Ruby asked him

as they visited over some truly appalling cafeteria food. "Nope," Shere Khan said. "But it doesn't really matter, does it? I mean, Zing's moving into the Greek house next semester, so I wouldn't be living with him anyway." "You two are pretty committed, aren't you?" "Do want," Shere Khan said. "Invisible future, let me show u it." "So... no idea what the future holds."

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"So I've heard woohoo is pretty fun," Zing said to Shere Khan as they mobbed the food on the counter. "It's all Toby talks about these days. And all Hugo talks about. All Angie talks about. All Athena and Diana talk about it. The only one who talks about it less than me is Toshiko." "That's a relief," Morgan, who was also visiting, said just loudly enough to ensure the boys knew they could be overheard. "Errr..."

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"Mai inappropriate convos, let me sho u dem?" "I suppose it is," Zing said regretfully. "SK... hurry up and get here, okay? I miss you." "Is it can be hugz tiem nao plz?" "Not the good kind," Zing complained. "Sad tiger is sad." "Me too, SK... me too."

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"So this is college, huh?" Crassus wasn't quite ready to start attending himself, but he'd jumped at the opportunity to tour the campus when Justinian invited him. "It's better than anything else I've ever done," Justinian said. "Bro, being here... it makes it easy to forget all the bad stuff that happened to us." "But we can't forget it completely," Crassus said. "Dad's at home, bigger and bluer than life. Mom's kind of been acting weird lately... hanging out in downtown Paris for weeks on end before she comes home. She's up to something, or having an affair, and it's all because of our damned aunt and uncle."

"Don't dignify their actions by claiming them as family," Justinian said quietly. "Anyway... it's better to forget. Better for all of us to forget. Just cram your brain with knowledge at college." "But you and Toast wouldn't have gotten together if all that stuff hadn't happened." "Toast? Where?" Justinian looked around nervously. "Errr... you guys are still together, right?" "Of course!"*ulp*

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Justinian was still pretty worried about Toast finding out about his tiny little fling with Lainey, and he moped about it constantly when he wasn't hiding from Lainey in the bathroom or looking up ways to hack a deity's computer. He felt guilty, and nervous, and scared. Pretty much the only thing that could cheer him up was finding one of the random dormies passed out and half-buried in the snow. Even dates with Toast just left him feeling guilty.

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Diana had decided after the night of the party that Toby was getting entirely too serious for her, so she set her sight on Snoopy instead. She had this theory about the sodding enormous size of Snoopy's nose.

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She never really got to indulge her curiosity, though, because it wasn't long after that (during yet another party) when she glimpsed Snoopy and Delia heading for the photo booth. Diana shrugged. She liked Delia, and she liked Snoopy. Something about what Toby had said about finding the right person must have stuck with her, because she decided not to pursue Snoopy further until he showed his affair with Delia was a one-time thing.

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As for me, I'd received a rather tearful phone call from my daughter and decided to drop by the dorm and see if I could get Athena and Diana to patch up their friendship. "Tell me all about it," I told my daughter as we dug into our spaghetti. "Eww, this is really gross. I hate college cafeteria food." "It's pretty bad," Athena agreed. "Mom... I just don't know what to do. I know Toby is bad news, but I can't stop wanting him. And then he goes around and makes a fool of me by fooling around with other girls framming right in front of me!" "You aren't trying to reform him, are you?" I eyed her suspiciously.

"NO! Of course not! Definitely not! That never works. Which is why I'm not doing it. Definitely." "Uh-huh." Athena sighed. "I guess maybe I was trying to change him." "It doesn't work, dear one," I said. "Time to move on." "Just one zotz?" "Deal with your own issues, dear."

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Once Athena was taken care of, I moved on to have a chat with my granddaughter. "I don't care what she said, it wasn't my fault," Diana said defensively before I could even get a word in edgewise. "Honey..." "Okay, I should have been more sensitive," Diana said. "But she just brings it on herself! Always moping around after guys who are only interested in her for the 'hoo. She needs to start looking past Toby

being her first kiss. There are tons of guys on campus who are a lot less shallow than he is." "Or maybe you were just jealous because Toby spent so much time with her?" Diana sighed. "Maybe. But I'm pretty well done with him myself. I'm supposed to have a date with him tonight... I'll end it then. At least I won't be rubbing salt in the wound. And... he's not shallow." "I know," I said. "There's a reason he's my favourite."

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"And can you believe he lost three straight chess games after that?" Hugo snickered. "Who is this golden-haired woman who thwarts Toby's advances so?" Lainey chuckled. "It is playing havoc with his mind, poor lad." "I know," Hugo said. "I'm sure glad that I have you... at least I don't have to face that kind of insecurity. I know where my hopes and dreams lie." Lainey's face fell, and she turned away. "Come on, Hugo Pseudo," she said. "Let us get some lunch. We need to talk."

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"Hugo Pseudo," Lainey said, taking a deep breath as she and her beloved had supper together, "I have a confession." "A confession?" Hugo blinked. "You are going to be very angry," Lainey said in a small voice. "You might yell. You will probably leave. It would not be unlikely if you never wanted to see me again."

"What..." "I have not been faithful to you, Hugo Pseudo." Hugo didn't say anything. He just stared at Lainey, his mouth open. "I am sorry."

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Hugo left without saying much, other than that he need to think about some things. Lainey sighed, and sought out Justinian. "My friend, I am afraid it is time to end our romance," she said. "Even though we are both beautiful people who deserve to enjoy time with other beautiful people. You have your beautiful person. I do not have mine anymore... but I do not want to spoil it for you." "You're right... you are beautiful," Justinian said, looking at Lainey with frank appreciation for the first time in weeks. "But I love my

girlfriend... so yeah, this is the right thing to do." "Are you sure?" Toby said to Diana. There was some regret in his voice. "I'm sure," Diana said. "I think you're on the right track for true happiness... and I don't want to get in the way of that. And I don't want to hurt 'Thena anymore." Two pairs of people... one conversation. It was done.

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Still, Lainey had one last person to deflect. "Awww... just one more time?" Stinky Dormie pleaded. "No, you are stinky!" Lainey said, stifling a gag. "Go and wash, and maybe I will suffer your presence, Stinky Dormie. But I will not woohoo with you again. I am going to win back Hugo." "You don't know what you're missing," Stinky Dormie leered. "Yes, I do," Lainey said. "And that is a good thing. I will not miss it." "Your loss," Stinky Dormie muttered, but he left her alone after that.

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I was still in town, so I stopped by the dorm again before I had to go back to Pirate Island. "Lainey... can we talk?" I said, catching her outside. "I suppose... who are you, and how do you know my name?" I gave her a brief autobiographical sketch.

"I see... like Jumbok," she said. "Something like that," I nodded. "Anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm proud of you, Lainey." "For what?" her voice held nothing but puzzlement. "For doing the right thing," I said. "No matter what happens... you'll end up happy."

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Lainey sighed. "I only wish I was as certain of that as you are." To be continued... ==== * List of simselves who appeared in this chapter: De = fireflower314; Morgan & Pierce Legacies; Orikes = Orikes360; Pseudo Legacy; Exchange Chris = ChrisTheS; D&D Legacy; Sim Spade & Roots of the Willow co-author; My Simpage

Professor Butters = loolooloo16play; Squeaky Clean Legacy; Exchange Toast = EphemeralToast; Apocalypso-A-Go-Go & Ugothlacy; Exchange Ndainye = Jnnfr123770; Familiar Faces; Exchange Ruby = AhRubyblue; Goldilocks & the 9 Heirs; Exchange Michelle = MichaelFobbs; Planetary Apocalypse; Exchange Denise = avidreader2466; Puritanical Green Thumb; Exchange Pen = penguingirl0324; Penguino Legacy; Exchange Ben = netsfn1427; Ten Caesars Legacy; Exchange Robin = omgrobinnn; It's a Legacy, Darling; Exchange