Page 1: A pioneer mass balance estimate for a Patagonian glacier: Glaciar … · Perito Moreno in SPI system Ohata et

Ž .Global and Planetary Change 22 1999 255–267www.elsevier.comrlocatergloplacha

A pioneer mass balance estimate for a Patagonian glacier:Glaciar De los Tres, Argentina

Victor V. Popovnin ), Tatyana A. Danilova, Dmitriy A. PetrakovCryolithology and Glaciology Department, Geographical Faculty, Moscow State UniÕersity. Leninskiye Gory, 119899 Moscow, Russia

Received 20 December 1997; accepted 19 February 1999


Up to now, the database of World Glacier Monitoring Service does not contain mass balance for Patagonian glaciers. Thefirst mass balance data from this region are now presented. In 1995r1996, an investigation including glaciological,meteorological and hydrological monitoring was carried out on Glaciar de los Tres in Mt. FitzRoy Region, Santa Cruz,Argentina. Mass balance calculations were based on direct estimates of its components — winter and summer balances,using the stratigraphic reporting system. Comparison of the glacier meteorology with those in the foothills revealspeculiarities in vertical temperature and precipitation gradients. Correlations with lowland meteorological records were used

Žfor correcting raw field data and for final calculation of mass balance parameters. Mass balance was slightly positive w.e. , with accumulation of 2320 mm and ablation of 2250 mm w.e. Three corresponding maps of these parameters are

drawn. In spite of a positive 1995r1996 balance, the glacier front retreated 3 m, indicating the past glacier regime. Glacierretreat is the prevalent pattern of the Andes, but the contemporary state of alpine glaciers in the Argentine sector ofPatagonia seems to be relatively more favourable. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: glaciers; mass balance; Patagonia

1. Introduction

The Patagonian Andes contain one of the mostŽ .extensive glacier covers in the world Fig. 1 . Meier

Ž .1984 regarded Patagonia as one of the threeglacierized regions, whose mass wastage signifi-cantly influences the global sea level. It contains ca.

3 Ž .3734 km of ice Glebova et al., 1984 , that is about96% of the total ice resources of South America.Unfortunately, World Glacier Monitoring Service

) Corresponding author. Tel.: q7-095-9393673; fax: q7-095-9328836.

Ž .E-mail address: [email protected] V.V. Popovnin

through its ‘‘Fluctuations of Glaciers’’ and ‘‘GlacierMass-Balance Bulletin’’ does not include mass bal-

Ž .ance b values calculated for a Patagonian glacier.n

For South America as a whole, only recently,mass balance monitoring has been started on Zongoand Chacaltaya Glaciers in Bolivia. Since 1979,yearly b values were calculated on four glaciers inn

ŽMt. Aconcagua region, ca. 338S Echaurren Norte in.Chile, Alma Blanca, Piloto and Plomo in Argentina ,

although direct measurements are discontinuousŽ .Leiva and Cabrera, 1996 . Often, results are pub-

Žlished only in internal reports Pena et al., 1984;˜.Lenzano and Leiva, 1989 and are not included into

WGMS database.

0921-8181r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.Ž .PII: S0921-8181 99 00042-9

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Fig. 1. Current glacier cover of Patagonia.

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In Patagonia, episodic estimates of ablation ratefor short time spans were obtained in the course of

Žcomprehensive multi-year international Japanese–.Argentine–Chilean research projects in 1980–1990s.

Ablation was measured at discrete points within the

outlet glaciers of both Northern and Southern Patag-Ž .onia Icefields NPI and SPI, respectively such as

San Rafael, Soler in NPI and Upsala, Tyndall andŽPerito Moreno in SPI system Ohata et al., 1985;

Fukami and Naruse, 1987; Koizumi and Naruse,

Fig. 2. Glaciar De los Tres, with Laguna Ira in the foreground and Mt. FitzRoy in the background.

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Ž .Fig. 3. Research site with location scheme of the measurement points within the basin of Glaciar De los Tres on the attached inset : 1 — ridges and summits; 2 — glaciers; 3— ice divides; 4 — lakes; 5 — rivers; 6 — moraine ramparts; 7 — settlement; 8 — points of snow depth survey; 9 — ablation stakes and their numbers; 10 — referenceablation cable; 11 — snow pits; 12 — river gauging site; 13 — temporary weather stations; 14 — precipitation meter; 15 — longitudinal profile for measuring frontalvariations of the glacier.

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1992; Warren and Sugden, 1993; Takeuchi et al.,.1995 . A single measurement of accumulation was

also made in one point at San Rafael GlacierŽ .Yamada, 1987 .

However, direct mass balance monitoring in com-Žpliance with the accepted standards Østrem and

.Brugman, 1991; Fluctuations of Glaciers, 1993 ishardly possible for such huge glacier formations asNPI and SPI. A more tractable option is to study oneof the classic alpine glaciers along the periphery of

Ž .icefields Fig. 1 .

2. Investigation site and research programme

The first Russian glaciological expedition toPatagonia, under the aegis of EARTHWATCH orga-nization, USA, took place in January–March 1996.The purpose was to observe the regime of the localglaciers to make conclusions about their current trend.We intended to calculate the annual mass balance foran entire glacier — for the first time in Patagonia.

The main criterion determining the choice of aglacier includes accessibility to the glacier and pass-able terrain over the glacier. Extreme terrain contrast

Žand fast glacier flow ice flow velocity can reach 3.7Ž . .mrday Naruse et al., 1992 here characterize most

glaciers such that their surfaces are extremelycrevassed. Typically, the surface of a glacier lookslike a continuous ice-fall and quite impossible forsurface travel. To avoid these problems we chose arather small, to Patagonian scale, Glaciar De los TresŽ .Fig. 2 for mass balance measurements.

Glaciar De los Tres is situated on the easternslope of the Andes between lakes Viedma and San

Ž .Martin Figs. 1 and 3 , in the vicinity of the mostoutstanding peak of Argentine Patagonia — Mt.

Ž .FitzRoy 3405 m . The geographical co-ordinates ofthe central point of the glacier are 49816X300 S and73800X300W. Glaciar De los Tres is a valley glacierand it occupies the upper reaches of a short hanging

Ž .valley Fig. 4 . There is almost no debris cover, andthe surface of Glaciar De los Tres remains ratherclean down to the terminus. Debris appear only assporadic boulders and also cause general decrease ofsurface albedo in the lowermost belts, mainly nearthe right margin of the snout and near the floatingfront. The highest point of the glacier lies at 1830 m

Fig. 4. Aerial photo of the research area. The arrow indicatesGlacier De los Tres.

Ž .a.s.l. and its lowermost point 1220 m coincideswith the water level of the tiny lake Laguna Ira. 1

Meltwater run-off from the glacier flows to LagunaIra which empties, eventually, to the Rio BlancoRiver.

The catchment of Glaciar De los Tres has clearhydrologic boundaries, and only small section of itsside boundary consists on an ice divide with theneighbouring Rio Blanco Glacier. The area of GlaciarDe los Tres is 0.976 km2. The mean slope is 26.98,

Žthe steepness rising gradually with the height Table.1 with the extremes of 108 and 428 over different

parts of the glacier. The glacier is accessible on footon more than 90% of its area.

Daily observations were conducted on Glaciar Delos Tres from 26 January to 4 March 1996, embrac-ing the period of the most intensive ablation of1995r1996 season. They included: snow survey overall accessible glacier area; snow density, strati-graphic studies and snowrfirn temperature in snowpits; daily ablation measurements using the cable

Ž .method Djankuat Glacier, 1978 ; stake measure-ments of ablation; and periodic mapping of the

1 A geographical name of ‘Laguna Ira’ is not conventional: it isgiven to formerly nameless object by the participants of Russianexpedition.

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Table 1ŽMain topographic characteristics of Glaciar De los Tres by

.altitudinal spans

Altitudinal span, Surface slope, Area,2m a.s.l. degree km

)1700 33.7 0.0751600–1700 32.0 0.1001500–1600 29.4 0.2781400–1500 23.7 0.2691300–1400 22.4 0.176-1300 20.2 0.078

1220–1830 26.9 0.976

snow-line position. We also made water dischargeand conductivity measurements at a gauging site,computed daily water run-off with the help of levelvs. discharge rating curve, made continuous watertemperature measurements in Laguna Ira and deter-mined lake bathymetry in Laguna Ira and Laguna delos Tres. Continuous air temperatures were alsorecorded just below the terminus. Occasionally, airtemperatures were also recorded at various altitudeson the glacier to calculate vertical gradients. Precipi-tation was measured and snowfall depth on the glacierwas observed.

3. Mass balance measurements on Glaciar De losTres

The mass balance method was the stratigraphicalŽreporting system Østrem and Brugman, 1991; Fluc-

.tuations of Glaciers, 1993 regarding the net massbalance b as the algebraic sum of winter and sum-n

mer balances, b and b . This approach does notw s

require measuring summer snow accumulation, andgreatly simplifies the field measurements.

In order to calculate the glacier mass balance, afield program, based on that at Djankuat Glacier in

Ž .the Caucasus Djankuat Glacier, 1978 and supple-mented with the subsequent glaciological mapping,was used. First, direct raw field data on mass balance

Žcomponents were obtained discretely points of snowdepth sounding by metallic rods for measuring accu-

.mulation and stakes for measuring ablation . Second,these data served as a basis for drawing b and bw s

maps, covering the entire glacier area. Third, the

maps were digitized using 377 points in a rigidŽ .rectangular network 50=50 m on terrain for esti-

mating overall b , b and b values and their aver-w s a

ages by altitudinal spans.For accumulation, snow depth was measured at

Ž .98 points Fig. 3 . Snow density was measured intwo pits at altitudes of 1410 m, in the upper part ofthe snout, and 1525 m, in the firn basin. In both pits,total density, measured on 3–5 February, was thesame — 0.54 g cmy3, with very small variation

Ž .from one layer to another Fig. 5 . Snow cover atGlaciar De los Tres is marked by uniform character-istics: coarse-grained texture devoid of pronouncedice layers or dirt horizons. The lower boundary ofsnow with the firn layer of the previous year is ratherdifficult to identify, because no distinctive looselayer exists at the bottom of the snow, the icy layeron snowrfirn contact is thin, and the dust concentra-tion and cryoconite formation on the former summersurface is minimal. Also difference in resistance

Žwere difficult but, nevertheless, possible — after.some training in the vicinity of a snow pit to detect

using a probe rod. Density, too, differed little be-Ž .tween the snow and that of firn Fig. 5 .

For seasonal ablation measurements, a network ofŽ .11 stakes six on the snout and five in the firn basin

was established. Daily measurements were madealong a cable stretched between two stakes on a flat

Ž .and gentle slope 88 in the upper part of the snoutŽ . Ž .1410 m , Fig. 3 . The stakes in the firn basin andthe upper snow pit used to be visited less regularly,2–6 times per season. The density of measurementpoints was about 11 kmy2 , answering the standards

Ž .of first-class observations Schytt, 1962 .Snow pit studies showed that regime of Glaciar

De los Tres is the temperate type. By 5 February, theentire seasonal snow pack in the accumulation areareached 08C. Negative temperatures, y0.28C, werestill preserved within the upper firn at the levels of

Ž .3.7 m and 4.4 m below the surface Fig. 5 , but by27 February, all temperatures were 08C. Densityvalues in the upper snow pit remained nearly con-stant throughout the ablation period, decreasing from0.54 to 0.53 gPcmy3. The snow on the snout hasvanished completely by 3 March and the underlyingsuperimposed ice has appeared. The zone of super-imposed ice surrounds the lower limits of the firn

Žbasin by a narrow belt of variable width 0–20 m,

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Ž . Ž .Fig. 5. Snow pit in the accumulation area of Glaciar De los Tres 5 February 1996 : stratigraphy, temperature T 8C and density, r

Ž 3.grcm : 1 — coarse-grained snow; 2 — ice layer; 3 — firn; 4 — traces of wind foliation; 5 — dirt horizon.

.depending on slope . Its location and width seems tovary from year to year.

4. Glaciorrrrrmeteorological correlations and insertof amendments

In order to determine and to map the seasonalmass balance constituents adequately, the exact datesof the beginning and the end of the ablation seasonmust be ascertained.

The end of 1995r1996 balance year on GlaciarDe los Tres is dated at 7 March. On 6 March, anintensive rain began, and it turned into heavy snow-fall by the evening of 7 March when the air tempera-ture fell. A thick layer of the new snow on theglacier most probably did not melt afterwards, byvirtue of low air temperature. However, the begin-ning date of the ablation period was unknown. Thefirst reconnaissance visit to Glaciar De los Tres on13 January showed that ablation has been alreadyunderway. The snow depth survey started on 4February, when about 15% of the glacier area wasalready devoid of winter snow. For the same reason,

stake measurements from 2 February to 4 March alsopartially characterized b . Thus, indirect estimations

of ablation prior to 2 February and during 4–7March was required to restore true b and b values.w s

The only source of information was weather ob-servations in the headquarters of Los Glaciares Na-tional Park in Chalten. They were correlated with thedata measured at the two stations at the glacier.Ablation could then be estimated using its relation-ship with air temperature. Unfortunately, meteoro-logical observations in Chalten are not satisfactoryenough: e.g., daily temperature is measured hereonce per day around 9 a.m."1 h, with occasionalgaps of a day or even several days.

A relatively good correlation, however, exists be-tween morning air temperature in Chalten t andc

mean daily air temperature at our station Laguna t ,LŽ .at 1220 m Fig. 6 :

t s0.48 t q0.2 1Ž .L c

with a correlation coefficient of rs0.79. Compari-son of temperature records reveals the vertical gradi-ent between Chalten and Glaciar De los Tres:y0.738Cr100 m. It becomes much more unstable

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Ž . Ž .Fig. 6. Mean daily air temperature in Chalten t and Laguna t 8C , daily sums of precipitation at Laguna X mm , daily bulk liquidc L LŽ 3. Žrun-off at Rio Nikita gauging site R m and daily melting rate at the reference ablation cable on Glaciar De los Tres A mm of water0

.equivalent during February–March 1996.

over the glacier surface. The gradient over the snoutis ca. y1.58Cr100 m in average, though thermalinversion are observed often here. Higher the gradi-ent reduces to y0.178Cr100 m at the altitude )

1400 m and remains nearly constant to the upper-most glacier.

Although a good correlation between t and airL

temperature over the glacier surface was lacking,daily ablation in the reference point at 1410 m a.s.l.,

Ž .A in mm of water equivalent , turned out to be0

linearly correlated with t values averaged over 24L


A s4.86 t y10, rs0.77, 2Ž .0 L

especially well for the days without precipitationŽ .see also Fig. 6 . Melting coefficient, or degree-day

factor, averages 0.9 cmr8CPday, decreasing duringwarm periods. This value, as well as that of 1.18

Ž .cmr8CPday, obtained Koizumi and Naruse, 1992for nearby Tyndall Glacier, is much higher thanregistered for the majority of the Earth’s non-polar

Ž .glaciers Krenke and Khodakov, 1966 .Table 2 contains monthly mean morning air tem-

perature in Chalten for 1995r1996 balance year aswell as averaged for the whole regular observationperiod of this weather station. Snow starts to accu-mulate early in May and melts away by the first halfof August. November usually is warmer than Marchand only 1.3–2.28 cooler than summer months, sothat November snowfall above 500 m a.s.l. seldomcompared to March.

Judging by Chalten observations in 1995, coldweather prevailed until late October. Calculations

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Table 2Ž .Monthly mean air temperature in Chalten tc

Month Air temperature, 8C

In 1995r1996 Multi-year meanŽ .1991–1996

April q7.8 q7.5May q5.0 q4.0June y1.1 q0.5July y0.6 q0.4August y0.4 q2.7September q5.9 q5.9October q8.7 q8.1November q10.2 q9.7December q12.9 q11.3January q10.2 q11.9February q11.2 q11.0March q9.3 q9.5

Annual average q6.6 q6.9

Ž . Ž .based on Eqs. 1 and 2 indicate that glacier meltcould hardly start prior to the last week of October.Taking into account a time lag necessary for theheating of the snow-firn pack to 08C, runoff from theglacier may begin around 1 November.

The main source of error when estimating abla-Ž . Ž .tion prior to 2 February with the help of 1 and 2

are snowfall in the first part of the summer. Thisserious problem could be addressed if we coulddetermine vertical precipitation gradient. However,our measurements reveal that daily precipitation inChalten and on the glacier do not correlate. Topo-graphic contrasts are so large that, being only 11 kmdistant from the glacier, Chalten has a differentclimate-precipitation regime of an arid basin thatbelongs to the semi-desert pampa zone. At the glacier,22 days of precipitation were recorded from 1 Febru-

Ž .ary to 4 March Fig. 6 , bringing a total of 296.7mm, mainly as rainfalls. The daily maximum, 69.4mm, fell on 12 February. During the sameFebruary–March period only 47 mm of rain wasrecorded in Chalten. This amount is greater than the45 mm of precipitation which fall in Chalten during

Ž .the three previous months November–January .Most of these 45 mm fell in December, a month of astrongly pronounced positive air temperature anomalyŽ .Table 2 . Examination of the Chalten records showsthat nearly all precipitation episodes of November–January period were accompanied by high air tem-

peratures. These temperatures were high enough toexclude the possibility of snow even in the upper-most zones of the glacier, judging by the estimatedvertical gradients. These arguments support the as-sumption about the negligible role of summer snow-falls in the 1995r1996 glacier regime prior to thebeginning of the field campaign. Our inquiries amongclimbers and local citizens also testified to the factthat neither in November nor in December 1995were there episodes of considerable new snow coverformation below 1800 m a.s.l. Consequently, combi-

Ž . Ž .nation of Formulae 1 – 2 seems to be sufficient forestimating A prior to and after our fieldwork.0

Extrapolation of reference point ablation data tothe whole glacier surface was based on the spatialpattern revealed during the observation period. Forsome key points, which were important for drawingablation isolines but inaccessible for direct measure-ments, ablation was derived indirectly, using refer-ence point data A and methods of factor analysis.0

Elevation, slope aspect and surface albedo were re-garded as three main factors determining changes ofablation from one point to another. For numericalparameterization, a modification of Dyurgerov–

Ž .Freydlin’s formula Djankuat Glacier, 1978 wasused.

Meltwater refreezing in the firn was determinedfor each altitudinal span of the glacier according to

ŽG. Golubev’s calculation scheme Djankuat Glacier,.1978 . Its magnitude is 120 mm w.e. for the entire

glacier, not greatly different from the majority ofŽ .studied temperature glaciers Golubev, 1976 .

Finally, all ablation values were increased by afactor of 1.03 making up for the systematic ablationunderrating owing to sub- and intraglacial melting

Ž . Žprocesses Djankuat Glacier, 1978 and calving not.very intensive at Glacier De los Tres, ca. 1% of b .s

5. Spatial pattern of glacier mass balance parame-ters in 1995rrrrr1996

Maps of mass balance, b , were made by overlay-n

ing maps of b and b over each other. A series ofw sŽ .three maps Fig. 7 was created.

In places, accumulation values exceed 4000 mmŽ .w.e. snowpack is 9 m thick , including cirques of

the firn basin and marginal hollows of the snout, by

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Ž . Ž .Fig. 7. Maps of accumulation b a , ablation b b and massw sŽ .balance b c of Glaciar De los Tres in 1995r1996. Contours aren

drawn in 1000 mm w.e. intervals.

snow drifting and avalanches. The b pattern is muchs

more uniform in comparison to b . Typical ablationw

values vary within 1500–2000 mm w.e., while theminimum is 1320 mm w.e. high on the glacier andthe maximum reaches 5500 mm w.e. at the terminus.Direct ablation measurements on Glaciar De los Tresshow that mean daily average of melt is not less than5–6 cm of ice in the higher zones and even when thesky is completely overcast all day long. Water equiv-alent of the residual firn can be as high as 2500 mmin some points.

Distribution of mass balance components withheight is presented in Fig. 8 and Table 3. Ablationcurve has a rather standard shape decreasing withelevation. However, accumulation b is nearly con-w

stant with height. This can be explained by theexceptional influence of wind drift. The shape of bn

curve resembles that of b . The equilibrium linesŽ .altitude ELA for 1995r1996 deduced from Fig. 8

is 1440 m a.s.l. As for the mass balance of entireGlaciar De los Tres in 1995r1996, it is slightly

Ž .positive q70 mm w.e. , winter and summer bal-ances equalling 2320 and y2250 mm w.e., respec-tively. Accumulation area ratio is AARs0.66, be-ing thereby in good compliance with the knownMeier’s point of view that AARs0.65 must beregarded typical for glaciers in equilibrium.

6. Modern state of Patagonian glaciers

Only one field season at Glaciar De los Tres isinsufficient for any strong conclusions about thecurrent state of the glacier and its comparison toother glaciers in Patagonia. However, indirect evi-dence resulting from 1995r1996 field reconnais-sance, meteorological archive data and scientific lit-erature sources permits some relevant considerations.

1995r1996 balance year seems to be morefavourable for the glacier in comparison to previousyears. Evidence includes meteorological records from

Ž . Ž .Chalten Table 2 for accumulation April–OctoberŽ .and ablation November–March periods indicating

that winter air temperature in 1995r1996 was lowerŽ .than its long-term average q3.68C vs.q4.18C ,

summer air temperature coincided with its normŽ .q10.78C , and winter precipitation exceeded the

Ž .long-term mean by 40% 531 mm vs. 380 mm .

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Ž . Ž .Fig. 8. Accumulation b , ablation b and mass balance b mm w.e. of Glaciar De los Tres in 1995r1996 vs. altitude m a.s.l. .w s n

Also, local dwellers regard cessation of the meltingseason and arrival of the winter snow cover at theglacier in the beginning of March as unusually early.

The general deglaciation trend prevails in Patago-nia today. The climax of the last glaciation, thegeochronologic analogue of Little Ice Age, which islocally named Pearson II stage, is dated back to the

Ž18th century Upsala Glacier — 1800 A.D.Ž .Malagnino and Strelin, 1992 , Tyndall Glacier —

Ž ..1700 A.D. Aniya and Sato, 1995 . Lateral andterminal moraines of this stage are well manifestedin the periglacial zone of Mt. FitzRoy region too —below such glaciers as Rio Blanco, Torre, Piedras

Ž .Blancas as well as Glaciar De los Tres Fig. 3 . Theeastern shore of Laguna de los Tres is a well-pre-served 30-m high terminal moraine. Another parallel

Table 3Glaciar De los Tres mass balance and its components vs. height in1995r1996, mm of water equivalent

Altitudinal Accumulation Ablation MassŽ . Ž .span, winter balance , summer balance , balance,

m a.s.l. b b bw s n

)1700 q2350 y1460 q8901600–1700 q2340 y1610 q7301500–1600 q2510 y1790 q7201400–1500 q2270 y2060 q2101300–1400 q2170 y3370 y1200-1300 q2070 y3880 y1810Glacier entire q2320 y2250 q70

moraine is lower by about 150–200 m from the crestof the first one. Morphological similarity of bothmoraines and approximately the same degree of theircolonization by pioneer plants indicate that their agedoesn’t differ greatly. Formation of the two morainesmust reflect two glacier activation episodes at thepeak of the same glaciation stage. The first one isnow ca. 850 m from the terminus of Glaciar De losTres. Identifying its age with the Pearson II stagemeans that the velocity of its frontal retreat duringlast 2–3 centuries was small — 3–4 mryear on the

Žaverage 5 mryear at most if counting from the crest.of the lower moraine . Palaeoglaciological recon-

Žstructions of the outlet glaciers Malagnino and Stre-.lin, 1992 , by the way, reveal much more rapid

deglaciation — up to 25–35 mryear during thesame period.

Glaciar De los Tres continues to retreat today.The age of the adjacent Laguna Ira is only few years,judging by many climbers accounts and by the fact

Ž .that it is absent both on the aerial image Fig. 4made in 1991 and on Argentine topographic map 1:100,000. Consequently, the mean annual retreat ofGlaciar De los Tres in early 1990s was about 20mryear.

In 1996 summer, retreat of 3 m was measuredusing a tape. Thus, annual retreat of Glaciar De losTres in 1995r1996 must be less than 3.0 m. Thisvalue is similar to the long-term average. It conformsto the stated supposition that mass balance of q70

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mm w.e. registered in 1995r1996 answers naturalconditions more favourable for the glacier than itslong-term norm.

Maybe, this is the reflection of the relativelypositive evolution trend of the last yearsrdecades,revealed for Patagonian glaciers south of 488S in the

Ž .compendium of Warren and Sugden 1993 and ex-pressed in considerable deceleration of the generalretreat rate since 1970s. Also, the data cited in the

Ž .most recent compendium Aniya et al., 1997 lead tothe same conclusions: among those 40 snouts of SPIoutlet glaciers, where frontal retreat dynamics withinthe last decades was monitored for a number ofpartial periods, deceleration of the most recent timespans can not be traced only for 17 glacier frontsŽ .seven on the east side and 10 on the west side . Thistrend cannot be detected, however, at the glaciers in

Žlower latitudes of the Andes Aniya, 1992; al., 1998 .

A rock exposed from under water in the rightmargin of the glacier front was used as a reference

Ž .longitudinal alignment Fig. 3 for estimating termi-nus change. For the future judgements about termi-nus variations, a special bench-mark correspondingto the frontal position by 4 March 1996, was coveredout on the downglacier side of the rock.

7. Conclusions

The mass balance expedition to Argentine Patago-nia has demonstrated clearly the peculiar regime oflocal glaciers. The measurement system and calcula-tion scheme were adapted to these peculiarities, suchas very prolonged ablation season, maybe from 3 upto 5–6 months, the important role of wind regime foraccumulation pattern, and local alteration of tempera-tureqprecipitation vertical gradients. The peculiari-ties preclude application of empirical equations ofmass balance using meteorological records alone.The latter circumstance is aggravated by the lack oflong and precise observational series.

The 1995r1996 balance year on Glaciar De losTres turned out to correspond closely to a steadystate of the glacier. These conditions were obviouslymore favourable than the preceding years, primarilydue to increased accumulation. The observed data,supplemented with information from the few avail-

able scientific papers about recent glacier fluctua-tions in the region, indicate that a possible trendtowards a more steady-state glacier budget condi-tions. For more substantiated conclusions concerningthe contemporary tendencies, it would be importantto continue mass balance measurements on GlaciarDe los Tres.


The authors are greatly indebted to EARTH-WATCH Organization, USA, and to its volunteersfor the support of the research project. The scientificprogramme was ideologically inspired by World

ŽGlacier Monitoring Service IAHS–UNEP–UN-.ESCO , in its chief Prof. W. Haeberli. Besides, we

are pleased to mention those who lent us their pro-motion and precious assistance for arranging thefieldwork, namely T. Kadomtseva and N. ChornyŽ .Russia , our colleagues glaciologists R. Martınez´

Ž .and E. Martınez de Pison Spain , P. Holmlund and´ ´Ž . Ž .L. Karlof Sweden , J.C. Leiva Argentina , S. Suter¨

Ž .Switzerland as well as employees of Los GlaciaresŽ .National Park Argentina M. Montes, M. Dedek, S.

Briasco and numerous assistants among the dwellersof Chalten — R. Sanchez, R. Guerra, M. Burgos andI. Domenech. Our special thanks are to A. Fountainfor reviewing the manuscript.


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