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A new cleantech taxonomy

2010 10 01

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The cleantech, or greentech, category has evolved since it was first defined in 2002; Now, in 2010, Kachan & Co. has revisited the boundaries of the category and offers the following taxonomy

• Classic definitions of cleantech and industries under its umbrella have not kept pace with innovation because data organizations’ own taxonomies are hard-coded to custom, difficult-to-change systems

• Researchers at cleantech research and advisory firm Kachan & Co. have recast a taxonomy of cleantech, detailed on the following pages

– Revisited 11 legacy categories of cleantech, reorganized as now just 8– Adopted terms the market has settled on and redacted outdated terminology– Categorization of technologies, not financed projects or players in the value chain– Inclusion of newly emerged, and emerging, technologies

• The new proposed taxonomy shows where a clean technology “fits”; it helps entrepreneurs, investors, service providers and large corporations understand the breadth and depth of the cleantech category, and can help research organizations, such as Kachan & Co. and others, report consistently

• Dozens of others’ frameworks were reviewed, including taxonomies from Cleantech Group, China Greentech Initiative, StrategyEye, Greentech Media, Skipso and Wikipedia, all of which helped inform the final structure in the following pages

A new cleantech taxonomy

Kachan & Co., headed by a former managing director of the Cleantech Group,

has been eyeing an evolution of the cleantech taxonomy since 2006

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• Wind• Solar• Renewable fuels• Marine• Biomass• Geothermal• Waste-to-energy• Nuclear• Emerging• Measurement & analysis

Renewable energy


• Batteries• Fuel cells• Thermal storage• Flywheels• Compressed air• Super/ultracapacitors• Hydrogen storage

Energy storage

• Smart grid• Green building• Cogeneration• Electronics & appliances• Semiconductors

Energy efficiency

• Vehicles• Logistics• Fueling/ charging infrastructure• CNG


• Carbon sequestration• Carbon trading/offsets• Emissions control• Bioremediation• Recycling & waste• Monitoring & compliance

Air & environment

• Advanced packaging• Design innovation• Materials innovation• Equipment innovation• Production• Monitoring & compliance

Clean industry

• Generation• Treatment• Transmission• Efficiency• Monitoring & compliance


• Crop treatment• Land management• Aquaculture


The cleantech sector can be categorized today as spanning eight over-arching energy, manufacturing, environmental and resource categories

A new cleantech taxonomy

Source: Kachan & Co.

Eight categories of cleantech

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Each of the eight categories may be subdivided into increasing levels of detail for classification

• Wind• Solar• Renewable fuels• Marine• Biomass• Geothermal• Waste-to-energy• Nuclear• Emerging• Measurement & analysis

Renewable energy


• Batteries• Fuel cells• Thermal storage• Flywheels• Compressed air• Super/ultracapacitors• Hydrogen storage

Energy storage

• Smart grid• Green building• Cogeneration• Electronics & appliances• Semiconductors

Energy efficiency

• Vehicles• Traffic management• Fueling/charging infrastructure


• Carbon sequestration• Carbon trading/offsets• Emissions control• Bioremediation• Recycling & waste• Monitoring & compliance

Air & environment

• Advanced packaging• Design innovation• Materials innovation• Equipment innovation• Production• Monitoring & compliance

Clean industry

• Generation• Treatment• Transmission• Efficiency• Monitoring & compliance


• Crop treatment• Land management• Aquaculture


A new cleantech taxonomy

Source: Kachan & Co.

Eight categories of cleantech

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Renewable energy generation spans conventional renewable and new emerging forms of renewable power, and includes related measurement & analysis systems

A new cleantech taxonomy

Renewable energy generation

• Biomass

– Wood combustion

• Geothermal

– Natural aquifer

– Hot dry rock enhanced

• Waste-to-energy

– Waste heat recovery

– Anaerobic digestion

– Landfill gas

– Gasification

– Plasma torching

• Nuclear

– New designs

– Non-uranium fuels

– Waste disposal

• Emerging

– Osmotic power

– Kinetic power

– Others

• Measurement & analysis

– Software systems

– Sensor and other hardware

• Wind– Turbines– Components, incl. gearboxes, blades, towers

• Solar– Crystalline silicon– Thin film– Other emerging photovoltaic– PV module technologies– Inverters– Thermal– Concentrated solar power

• Thermal• Photovoltaic

– Financing providers– Systems

• Renewable fuels– Ethanol– Cellulosic ethanol– Biobutanol– Biodiesel– Methanol– Drop-in synthetic fuels– Biogas– Hydrogen [when produced from non-fossil sources]

• Marine– Tidal– Wave– Run-of-river and other small scale hydro– Ocean thermal

Source: Kachan & Co.

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Energy storage encompasses technologies that preserve energy for use at a later time, with applications both in electronics and grid-scale power storage

A new cleantech taxonomy

Energy storage

• Flywheels

• Compressed air

• Super/ultra capacitors

• Hydrogen storage

• Batteries– Wet cells (e.g. flow, lead-acid,

nickel-cadmium, sodium -sulfur)– Dry cells (e.g. zinc-carbon,

lithium iron phosphate)– Reserve batteries– Charging & management

• Fuel cells– PEM– DMFC– SOFC– MCFC– Zinc air

• Thermal storage– Molten salt– Ice– Chilled water– Eutectic

Source: Kachan & Co.

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Efficiency–the fastest-growing cleantech category–is a superset of smart grid, green building, cogeneration and efforts to make electronics, appliances & semiconductors more power efficient

A new cleantech taxonomy

Energy efficiency

– Lighting• Ballasts & controllers• Solid state lighting• CFLs• Daylight harvesting

– Systems• HVAC• Refrigeration• Water heating

– Consulting/facilities management• ESCOs

• Cogeneration

– Combined heat and power (CHPDH)

• Electronics & appliances

– Efficient power supplies

– Data center virtualization

– Smart appliances

• Semiconductors

• Smart grid– Transmission

• Sensors & quality measurement• Distribution automation• High voltage DC• Superconductors• High voltage control devices

– Demand management/response– Management

• Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) & smart meters

• Monitoring & metering• Networking equipment• Quality & testing• Self repairing technologies• Power conservation• Power protection• Data analysis systems

• Green building– Design

• Green roofs– Building automation

• Software & data analysis• Monitoring, sensors and controllers• Metering• Networking & communication

Source: Kachan & Co.

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Vehicles are the most visible category within transportation, but innovation is also taking place across traffic management and next generation fueling/charging infrastructure

A new cleantech taxonomy


• Fueling/charging infrastructure

– Vehicle-to-grid (V2G)

– Fast charging

– Battery swapping

– Induction

– Alternative fuel conversion

• Vehicles– Improved internal combustion– Hybrid electric– Plug in hybrids– All electric– eBikes– New vehicle types– Rail transport innovation– Water transport innovation– Components– System integration

• Traffic management– Fleet management– Traffic & route management– Lighting & signals– Car, bike, equipment sharing

systems– Parking management systems– Behavior management

Source: Kachan & Co.

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Opportunities in air & environment include carbon sequestration, trading/offsets, emissions control technologies, bioremediation, recycling and waste technologies and monitoring

A new cleantech taxonomy

Air & environment

• Recycling & waste

– Materials reclamation

– New sorting technologies

– Waste treatment

– Waste management & other services

• Monitoring & compliance

– Toxin detection

– Software systems

– Sensors & other measurement/testing hardware

• Carbon sequestration– Carbon capture & storage

• Geological• Ocean• Mineral• Bio capture, incl. algae• Co2 re-use

– Geoengineering – Biochar– Forestry/agriculture

• Carbon trading/offsets– Software systems

• Emissions control– Sorbents & scrubbers– Biofiltration– Cartridge/electronic– Catalytic converters

• Bioremediation

Source: Kachan & Co.

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Cleantech for industrial use spans packaging, design, materials, equipment efficiency, production and monitoring & compliance

A new cleantech taxonomy

Clean industry

– Structural building material• Cement• Drywall• Windows

– Ceramics

– Adhesives

• Equipment efficiency

– Efficient motors

– Heat pumps & exchangers

– Controls

• Production

– Construction/fabrication

– Resource utilization

– Process efficiency

– Toxin/waste minimization

• Monitoring & compliance

– Software systems

– Automation

– Sensors & other measurement/testing hardware

• Advanced packaging– Packing– Containers

• Design innovation– Biomimicry– Software

• Materials innovation– Nano

• Gels• Powders• Coatings• Membranes

– Bio• Biopolymers• Biodegradables• Catalysts• Timber reclamation

– Glass• Chemical• Electronic• PV

– Chemical• Composites• Foils• Coatings

Source: Kachan & Co.

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Water opportunities lie in technologies for generation, treatment, transmission, efficiency and monitoring & compliance

A new cleantech taxonomy


• Generation– Desalination– Air-to-water

• Treatment– Filtration– Purification– Contaminate detection– Waste treatment

• Transmission– Mains repair/improvement

• Efficiency– Recycling– Smart irrigation– Aeroponics/hydroponics– Water saving appliances

• Monitoring & compliance– Software systems– Sensors & other

measurement/testing hardware

Source: Kachan & Co.

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Clean technologies in agriculture are aimed at improving yields and quality of consumable food, and are further categorized under crop treatment, land management and aquaculture

A new cleantech taxonomy


• Crop treatment– Natural fertilizers– Natural pesticides/fungicides

• Land management– Erosion control– Sustainable forestry– Precision agriculture– Soil products/composting

• Aquaculture– Health & yield– Waste management– Containment

Source: Kachan & Co.

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About Kachan & Co.

• Kachan & Co. is a boutique cleantech research and consulting firm that helps cleantech market participants profit from new opportunities, and help cleantech companies differentiate themselves and raise their profiles

• Principal Dallas Kachan is a leading cleantech analyst and author of 400+ cleantech articles and reports, and has been a respected cleantech presenter and editor since 2006

• Contributors include recognizable cleantech analysts, thought leaders and expert writers in Silicon Valley, Toronto, Vancouver and London

• Frequently quoted in & relationships with global cleantech and business press, including:

– ABC News, Associated Press, BBC News, Bloomberg, BusinessWeek, Canadian Business, Christian Science Monitor, CNBC, CNET, Forbes, MarketWatch, National Post, Red Herring, Reuters, San Francisco Chronicle, San Jose Mercury News, The New York Times, Treehugger, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Wired, and more

“[The report] should be required reading for anyone involved in cleantech.“

-Triple Pundit, November 30th, 2009

“Extremely knowledgeable, professional, and balanced. Highly respected.”

-Albert Behr, CEO, Cavet Technologies (client), May 16, 2010

“Considered one of the trusted voices in the reality of the cleantech movement and not just a

venture soapbox.”

-Jon Bonanno, cleantech investment committee chairman, Keiretsu Forum

A new cleantech taxonomy

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Kachan & Co. services

• Market and vendor reports • Total addressable market sizing• Competitive assessments• Economic (ROI, TCO) assessments• Proposition testing• Business plan assistance• Corporate/product positioning• Target segment validation, profiling• Market infrastructure mapping• Marketing program recommendations• Market-centric product definition• Marketing diagnostic• Custom bespoke research• Due diligence for investors

Contact Kachan & Co. to learn how we can accelerate your

returns in clean technology

San Francisco | Toronto | Vancouver

+1 415 390-2080

[email protected]

A new cleantech taxonomy
