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A Monthly Magazine For All Bodybuilding, Fitness and Endurance Enthusiasts.

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John Parrillo’sPERFORMANCE


John Parrillo


Marty Gallagher


Jim Reckley


Marty GallagherMaggie Greenwood-Robinson, Ph.D.Ron HarrisBryan DaskamArt Roberson,Ph.D., MDCliff Sheats, M.S.Pavel Tsatsouline


Steve HamptonJohn ParrilloJames Reckley

is published monthly. Thesubscription rate of oneyear (12) issues is $19.95($29.95 in Canada andMexico and $49.95 in allother countries). ©1999by John Parrillo. All RightsReserved. For advertising place-ment information, pleasecontact Parrillo Perfor-mance at (513) 531-1311or by e-mail [email protected]. Imagesetting and print-ing by Gardner Graphics,(513) 527-8940. ContactScott Clifton for serviceinformation.







Darrell BanksThe Most Inspirational Parrillo Athlete Ever!by Marty Gallagher

Strong Abs+Strong Hands=Powerful BodyRussian Strength Training Secrets For Soft Americansby Pavel Tsatsouline

Shape Up In Time For Summer, Part IIHow To Build Muscle While Stripping Bodyfat!by John Parrillo

2000 NPC Jr. USA BB & Fitness ChampionshipsFirst In Print Photos From Parrillo

MaltodextrinIt’s Not A Sugar!by John Parrillo





John Parrillo’s





June 2000

10 10 10 10 10

Building A Successful Personal Training CareerPersonal Training At Another Levelby Bryan Daskam


44444EditorialMore News About High Fat Dietsby John Parrillo



2222222222Satisfy The Hunger-Quench The ThirstIsn’t It Satisfying To Not Feel Hungry?by Cliff Sheats, M.S.

9 9 9 9 9How To Build A Cellulite Resistant BodyMap Out Your Plan For A Fat-Free Physiqueby Maggie Greenwood-Robinson, Ph.D.

Priority RoutinesBringing Up Stubborn Bodyparts!by Ron Harris

Q&A With John ParrilloWhy The Parrillo Programs Work!by John Parrillo



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4 John Parrillo’s Performance Press • June 2000 Orderline: 1•800•344•3404

Parrillo Featured Athlete by Marty GallagherEDITORIAL:MORE NEWS ABOUT HIGH


The ink was no sooner dry on my re-cent editorial on why Parrillo Performancesteadfastly champions the high protein/low fatapproach to dieting, when a bombshell articleabout the dangers of high fat dieting appearedin CBS Healthwatch. In it, Jean Lawrence,Medical Writer for CBS, interviewed some ofthe nation’s top medical experts on the ketonicdiet. The experts were quite uniform in theirassessments and couldn’t be more negative intheir collective opinion of the ketonic diet.They launched torpedo after torpedo at the highfat/low carbohydrate approach, citing healthconcerns. A goodly portion of the medical com-munity is in total opposition to high fat con-sumption. The ketonic diet and its differentvariations has been championed by such lumi-naries as Dr. Robert Atkins — who’s New DietRevolution is a New York Times best seller— and Drs. Michael and Mary Dan Eades, co-authors of Protein Power, another huge seller.Lawrence, writing for CBS, quotes Dr. JamesW. Anderson, professor of medicine and clini-cal nutrition at the University of Kentucky,“Nobody wants to hear this . . . People loseweight, at least in the short term (on a ketonicdiet) - I’m not arguing with that. But the Atkinsdiet is absolutely the worst diet you could imag-ine for long-term obesity, heart disease, andsome forms of cancer. If you wanted to findone diet to ruin your health, you couldn’t findone worse than Atkins.” Ouch! How’s thatfor plain speaking on a controversial subject.

After Dr. Anderson fired his broadside,CBS Healthwatch asked the opinion of Dr.Robert Erkel, professor of medicine and headof the nutrition center at the University of Colo-rado. Dr. Erkel is also the chairman of the

Nutrition Committee of the American HeartAssociation. He cut through the fog of confu-sion and obfuscation, “His (Atkins) studies areold, they are not good studies. I would beworried about someone eating a lot of baconand eggs to lose weight. What about heart dis-ease? Cancer? Diabetes? Some forms ofcancer have been linked to high fat consump-tion.” CBS Healthwatch then added their own2-cents worth, asking in a rhetorical fashion ifdiets that recommend long-chain, saturated fatin lieu of carbohydrates aren’t “dangerous”.The medical truth, it seems, is finally startingto bubble to the surface regarding high fat di-eting. I was one of the first fitness profession-als to point out the health consequences of in-gesting long-chain, saturated fat as a signifi-cant part of a bodybuilder’s diet. I gotslammed from coast-to-coast by the “experts”and was lambasted in a war of public relations.The logic used by the proponents of the long-chain, high-fat approach is seductive and par-tially factual. Fat, eaten in the complete ab-sence of carbohydrate, will result in weightloss. But at what price?

Health was a decidedly un-hip conceptduring the no-holds-barred 1990’s. In the po-litically correct world of machismo bodybuild-ing, no medical approach was off-limits asbodybuilding morality mirrored White Housemorality. The long-chain, high-fat approach todieting fit like a glove in these no blood-no foul,rough-and-tumble times. In the upside downworld of bodybuilding, anyone who expressedcaution, preached moderation or offered a dis-senting opinion, was branded a ignorant reac-tionary in the best Stalinist tradition. Now thependulum seems to be swinging back the other

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Info-Line: 513•531•1311 John Parrillo’s Performance Press • June 2000 5

John Parrillo revolutionized the industry in 1990 with the introduction of fascial stretching. Once again,Parrillo Performance takes the industry to another level with the introduction of the “patent pending” ParrilloGenetic Equalizer FX Stretch System. The Parrillo Fascial eXtreme Stretch System is the next generation ingym equipment. This heavy-duty equipment is designed to take your physique past it’s limitations by allowingyou to stretch your muscles like never before.

By stretching your targeted muscles on theParrillo FX Stretch System, you can dramaticallyand instantly increase the size, strength and flex-ibility of your targeted muscles. What does thatmean to you and your athletes? Larger, moreseperated, flexible muscles and increased per-formance. Winning seasons. Purchase all fourpieces for less than the price of a commercialtreadmill.


John Parrillo

“John Parrillo has once again proven hiscommitment to performance. The ParrilloFX Stretch System provides the strengthand conditioning staff with the tools nec-essary to stretch their athletes to betterperformance. There is nothing like it onthe market today.”-Jeff Sellers C.S.C.SUniversity of Evansville

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direction and concepts like health are no longersneered at.

We at Parrillo Performance believehealth, as a concept and lifestyle, is perfectlycompatible with serious bodybuilding. Further,we feel that a low-fat diet approach to body-building is both effective and healthy! Weighttraining builds muscle, aerobics build enduranceand burns off fat, and a low-fat diet is our firstchoice - and the medical professions first choice- for promoting health and longevity. Is it anycoincidence? The high fat advocates need tobe called into account on the health issue. Thereis far too much medical evidence to ignore theserious risks involved with high-fat dieting, par-

ticularly for those on the wrong side of forty.These concerns are being raised by disinter-ested medical professionals.

The medical professionals quoted byCBS Healthwatch are concerned medical ex-perts pointing out the harsh truth of the highfat diet craze: if you eat a bunch of long-chain,saturated fat in order to loose weight you runthe risk of jeopardizing your health. Period.No one disputes the fact that you can loseweight using this unhealthy approach. Whatwere in dispute were the health consequences- No longer.

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6 John Parrillo’s Performance Press • June 2000 Orderline: 1•800•344•3404

by Marty Gallagher

Darrell Banks is what Presi-dent John F. Kennedy would have

called “A Profile in Courage”.Darrell has captured both national

and world titles as a powerlifter. Hehas benched press 440-poundsweighing 181. More impressively,these records were made “raw”.That’s powerlifting lingo for abench press made without the aidof a “bench shirt”, which is atight-fitting and restrictive gar-ment that allows the lifter tobench 30-100 additional

pounds (or more), depend-ing on the size of the

athlete and thetightness of the

shirt. DarrellBanks on the

other hand, does it the old fashion way,with pure muscle. He can blast 200 ki-los (440 lbs.) to arm’s length wearing nomore than a cotton tank top and an in-fectious smile. Did we mention thatDarrell is a wheelchair athlete? On July27,1988 Darrell Banks was involved inan automobile accident that left him to-tally paralyzed from the waist down. Itcould have been worse. Doctors initiallytold Mr. Banks that he would be para-lyzed from the neck down, a quadriple-gic. What a dreadful turn of events fora bright, athletic kid just turned twenty-one. Suddenly, violently and senselesslyhis life was seemingly ruined. It was alife-transforming event of the worst sort,particularly for someone so young andwith such a bright and promising future.Young Darrell Banks became a paraple-




Darrell Banks iswhat President JohnF. Kennedy wouldhave called “A Pro-file in Courage”.Darrell has capturedboth national andworld titles as apowerlifter. He hasbench pressed 440-pounds weighing181.




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gic instead of a quadriplegic – how luckycan one man get? It was pitifully smallconsolation. His terrible accident blewhis mind as well as destroyed his body.He spent three weeks in the hospital anda year in intense therapy. And that wasjust the physical part. Psychologicallyhe was shattered. He would never walkagain. “Initially I was in total denial. Nextwas the ‘why me?’ phase.Then the pity phase tookover.That’s where I sat aroundand moped for about sixmonths until I finallybroke out of my mentalfunk and said to myself;‘Darrell, you are going tobe around for a longwhile, so you better findsome ways to keep yourbody and mind occu-pied.’ I began to accessmy life and lookedaround for activities toget involved in.” Thefirst item on Darrell’s list?He went back to collegeand obtained the degreethat he’d started butnever finished. He en-rolled in Jefferson StateCollege and earned a BAin accounting. Aftergraduation he took a jobwith a government agency and the pityparty was now a distant memory.

“About this same time I decidedto start weight training again. I had somebackground in bodybuilding and knewthere were certain movements I couldstill do despite my handicap and as-suming I could get motivated.” In or-der to overcome the psychological re-sistance to body-related activities,Darrell needed to get his mind straight.“Once I started back lifting, I felt betterin every way. By training my body, myoutlook improved suddenly and dra-matically.” Darrell is being extremelymodest when he mentions that he had‘some background’ in weight training.Prior to the accident Darrell Banks hadbeen one of the top teenage bodybuild-ers in the country. Then fate derailedhis burgeoning bodybuilding career.

While still in high school, Darrell wonthe very first bodybuilding contest heentered. Pumped, primed and ready formore, he then captured the New YorkState teenage tittle, one of the most pres-tigious and hotly contested teen meetsin the country.

In his first men’s open bodybuild-ing contest in 1986, young Darrell won

1st place in his height class. With eachsuccess he became energized and addedthirty pounds of muscle to his frame overthe next two years. He was ready tomake his move into the big leagues ofamateur bodybuilding. “I became com-mitted to the bodybuilding lifestyle anddecided to enter my first championshipevent, the N.P.C. Nationals.” Darrellnever got to that contest. Shortly be-forehand he was crushed in an automo-bile wreck in Alabama. The accident wasin July and the N.P.C Nationals were heldin August. “My bodybuilding career wasover as a result of the accident and thiscontributed greatly to the severe depres-sion I experienced afterwards.” He wasa body-attuned individual suddenly de-prived of half his body.

Luckily, Darrell was contacted (outof the blue) by Lakeshore Foundation, a

non-profit organization that encouragesand provides resources for people withdisabilities to compete in athletic com-petitions. Jeff Underwood sponsoredthe ex-bodybuilder and talked to Darrellabout a new avenue of athletic expres-sion. Jeff intrigued him with the pros-pect of competing again, not as a body-builder but as a powerlifter. “I agreed

and began seriouspreparation. I immedi-ately experienced a re-birth of sorts and mymind healed as a result.I grew to love the benchpress and looked for-ward to each and everytraining session.”Darrell made remarkableprogress. Call it musclememory or geneticsthwarted, but Mr. Banksbecame so strong sofast that those whom hetrained with were bothastounded and amazed.His muscles sproutedlike fertilized weeds.

He entered his firstbench press meet in1992, The South OrangeOpen, and took 3rd

place. This was a non-disabled “able-bodied”meet. In it, Darrell

bench-pressed an impressive 275-pounds while weighing adiminuative132-pounds. His friendsurged him to compete in the upcomingParalympic trials for disabled athletes.He took their advice and entered. Toeveryone’s pleasant surprise took a sil-ver medal at the 1992 Paralympic try-outs. He took a bit of a layoff after thiscompetition in order to settle into hisnew job as an adjuster for South TrustBank. When he jumped back into com-petition a year later, Darrell was heavierand stronger. “My body weight rose asI got further from the accident. By 1996I weighed 180-pounds and bench-pressed 385-pounds at the Americanchampionships to win my first nationaltitle. Naturally, I was thrilled.” An in-credible feat by anyone’s definition ofthe word.

The words “Dedication” and “Determination” don’teven come close to describing how Darrell Bankshas overcome so much and persevered. Darrell is achampion’s champion!

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8 John Parrillo’s Performance Press • June 2000 Orderline: 1•800•344•3404


MONDAY Press-behind-the-neck, Lateral raises, CurlsTUESDAY offWEDNESDAY Bench Press (heavy day), Incline bench, tricepsTHURSDAY offFRIDAY Seated press, Hammer curlsSATURDAY offSUNDAY off


Less than ten years after his acci-dent Darrell brought his bench up from275 to 400. His hard-core power train-ing had been augmented by nutritionalsupplementation. He became ac-quainted with Parrillo products andloved them from the start. “Some guys Ireally respected recommended Parrilloproducts – particularly his protein pow-der. I was seeking to gain muscle andParrillo Optimized Whey protein helpedme pack on the body weight. I wantedto make a state-ment. In order tomove some seriouspoundage in thebench press Ineeded to addsome qualitymuscle as I was atmy limit at 132-pounds.” Darrellmade a statementas big and jarringas a 30-foot Holly-wood billboardwith his astound-ing progress.Some would brandit miraculous. ButDarrell Banks wasnot through yet. In1997 Darrell ful-filled a dream andcaptured his firstworld bench presschampionships.

In 1998 heblasted 413-pounds to armslength, without abench shirt, weigh-ing 180-pounds.He took his secondworld title in NewZealand benching 396-pounds in a com-fortable win. He repeated as the nationaland world champion in 1999 and wasgearing up for the handicapped Olym-pics (to be held in Sydney in August2000, two weeks after the able-bodiedOlympics) when disaster struck. At theOlympic qualifier held this past Febru-ary in Miami, Darrell tore his left tricepclean off the bone on his opening benchpress with 385-pounds. “It was a seri-ous injury. I had added some more

muscle and weighed my most ever, 198-pounds. I had benched 440 in trainingand had never been stronger.” His rapidprogress might have also have been hisAchilles Heel; often powerlifters injurethemselves when they undergo a growthspurt. Tendons and ligament strengthdo not always keep pace with musclegrowth and poundage capacity.Darrell’s tricep needed surgical reat-tachment and in March had surgery toreattach the muscle to the bone.

Having been through what thisman has been through, to Darrell Banksa torn tricep seems like a mere potholein the road of life. His optimism isunquenchable: “They doctors say Iwill have a full and complete recoveryand I plan to compete sometime thissummer. I am not going to retire. I feelthat I am still young and have yearsand years of competing left in me. Be-sides I love training and I love compet-ing. I have been all over this country

and the world as a result of my involve-ment with powerlifting. I plan on com-peting this August in California.” Whoin their right mind could bet againstthis man in his quest to make a come-back?

Darrell will alternate workouts eachweek: two shoulder/biceps sessions andone bench session one week, followedthe next week by two bench press/tri-ceps sessions one shoulder/curl session.“Like most powerlifters, I cycle my lifts.

I will get seriousabout 10-12 weeksout and start with(after warm-ups)three sets of eightreps with a staticweight. I will dropthe reps and in-crease the pound-age as the contestdraws near. Aftera week or two ofdoing 3 sets of 8reps in the bench,I will drop to 3x6for a week, then3x5 the followingweek, then 3x3, 2x2and finally 1x1 aweek before thecontest.” It workslike a charm forhim.

We askedDarrell to commenton the impact ofn u t r i t i o n a lsupplementationin his training.“Parrillo Perfor-mance Productshave made a tre-mendous differ-

ence in my body, my lifts and my en-ergy. Parrillo Optimized Whey™ Pro-tein powder and Liver Amino™ tabletshave enabled me to pack on 50-poundsof muscle. I give John Parrillo’s pro-tein products the highest marks forquality and taste.” Darrell Banks is an-other in a long line of competitive ath-letes who depend on nutritionalsupplementation for the extra edge anddepend on Parrillo Performance Prod-ucts to provide that edge.

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Info-Line: 513•531•1311 John Parrillo’s Performance Press • June 2000 9

Hear the word “cellulite,” and youimmediately know what it is. Chancesare, you have it. Now the question is:Can you get rid of it?

Women ask me this all the time.They’ve heard that you can’t, that it’shopeless to try. Not true! There ismuch you can do to eliminate cellulite,or at least minimize it. All it takes is awillingness to try and some commit-ment to keep at it.

In addition, you don’t just pop apill, and expect it to disappear. It takesa comprehensive program. The resultis that your body will become celluliteresistant.

Becoming cellulite resistant islargely a matter of lifestyle. That’s in-credibly good news! By changingyour lifestyle for the better, you canmake your body cellulite resistant too.And you can do it naturally.

“Naturally” is the operative wordin treating and eliminating cellulite.Don’t think for one moment that youcan have it vacuumed out byliposuction, either. Liposuction isn’teven designed to remove cellulite! Ithas an entirely different purpose. Infact, when a plastic surgeon performsliposuction, he or she purposely by-passes cellulite-affected skin to go af-ter another type of fat, located in thedeep layers of skin.

The only methods that really workagainst cellulite are natural ones - diet,supplementation, special exercisessuch as John Parrillo’s fascial stretch-ing, and supportive treatments thatminimize its appearance.

This column begins a three-partseries on how to make your bodycellulite resistant. So let’s start withwhat cellulite is. That way, you canlearn to prevent it and minimize it.

Cellulite is not a disease or medi-cal problem, but rather a recognizedcosmetic condition related to the un-derlying structure of the skin. It ischaracterized by a laxed, dimpled skinsurface covering the thighs, buttocks,and hips. In women with cellulite, fatchambers under the skin are encircledby connective tissue called septa;these tend to be large and irregularlyshaped.

The fat cells inside these cham-bers can increase up to 300 times theiroriginal size. When this occurs, toomuch fat becomes crammed insidethese chambers. The overstuffedchambers make the skin jut out, cre-ating that all-too familiar, quilt-likeappearance over the outer surface ofyour hips, thighs, and buttocks.

Compounding the problem arestructural weaknesses involving thesepta. With age and other factors, the

septa shrink and thicken, pulling theskin downward - much like the stitch-ing that holds mattress tucks down.This causes the characteristic inden-tations in the outer skin. The net ef-fect of overstuffed fat chambers andshortened septa is cellulite.

Certain factors trigger and aggra-vate the development of cellulite.Among them: increased collagenbreakdown in the skin, hormones,water retention, poor circulation,faulty lymphatic drainage, fat gain,and various bad lifestyle habits.

Instead of simply living withcellulite - and accepting it as cosmeticfate - you can do something about it,once and for all.

Here is an overview of steps I’llbe discussing in this series - steps youcan take to make your body celluliteresistant:

1. Use of nutritional supplements, in-cluding natural fat burners, and di-etary support supplements.2. Follow a healthy, cellulite-fightingdiet.3. Exercise regularly, using a combi-nation of strength training, JohnParrillo’s fascial stretching, and aero-bics.4. Use supportive treatments such asmassage and skin-tightening creams.5. Maintain a cellulite-resistant bodyby making permanent changes inyour lifestyle.

So - stay tuned each month thissummer for advice on how to makeyour body cellulite-resistant.

Look for Maggie’s new book, TheCellulite Breakthrough (Dell, 2000) inbookstores everywhere. Incidentally,the book is dedicated to John Parrillo!

How to Build a CelluliteResistant Body - Part 1

By Maggie Greenwood-Robinson, Ph.D.

Maggie Greenwood-Robinson, a certified nutrition consultantand the author or co-author of 14books in the health and fitness field.

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10 John Parrillo’s Performance Press • June 2000 Orderline: 1•800•344•3404

by Pavel Tsatsouline

Strong Abs +Strong Hands =Powerful Body

Russian Strength Training Secrets For Every American

Beyond Stretching - Evil Russian

Surrounding the working muscleby commands from the center (abs/glutes) and the periphery (hand andforearm muscles) leaves the former nochoice but be stronger! When Dr. KenLeistner of Long Island, NY reacheda certain poundage in a deadlift, hisgrip strength started limiting him andhe was tempted to use straps whichunload your hands by making thebarbell hang off your wrists. But hedid not. “When I made the decisionto forego the use of straps and perse-vere until I could handle heavyweights, without them, I surpassedmy previous bests. In fact, the entireexercise became much more intenseand my overall gains in strength andmuscular size were quite unexpected.Perhaps my level of concentration washigher because I was so intent on main-taining my grip on the barbell.

As neuroanatomists know, thearea of the brain that exerts controlover the hand muscles has a muchhigher representation relative to ac-tual muscle size than other musclegroups. Although it is strictly con-jecture, perhaps intense forearm/handwork heightens neural stimulation forall muscles worked during a particu-lar movement. My experience hasshown that taking the time and en-ergy to directly stimulate the forearmmusculature leads to increased abil-ity to handle heavy weights in manyexercises.”

Even if you do not bother withsqueezing a tennis ball of doing otherspecialized grip exercises, the handstrengthening effect of your deadlifts,plus concentration on squeezing thelife out of your barbell everytime youlift it will pay off handsomely withnew strength in all of your lifts! Youwill also protect your wrists duringyour presses. In every gym you seepeople pressing with their wrists hy-perextended, or collapsed back. Notonly does this maneuver rob you ofyour power, it also damages the liga-ments and makes you a candidate forcarpal tunnel syndrome.

And what about the abs? In a re-cent poll, nearly an equal number ofmen and women responded that it isthe most important body part to de-velop. Frequently cosmetic prefer-ences are evolutionary choices we aremaking without being aware of it.Large widely set eyes are not onlyattractive but provide their owner withfine stereoscopic vision that may playa role in survival. Emaciated modelshave taken over the media but men

still prefer women who do not looklike adolescent boys. Although per-petuation of his genetic code maybe the last thing on a guy’s mind, heis attracted to a gal who is most fit tobe a mother-which is why she has allthe right curves.

America’s obsession with absmay be explained by the little knownfact that a person with strong mid-section muscles is generally prettystrong all over. Vasily Alexeyev, aRussian weightlifting icon whomSports Illustrated hailed as ‘the stron-gest man in the world’ a couple ofdecades ago, made a big deal abouttraining his waist muscles because hebelieved they were the weak link lim-iting everyone’s performance. He toldand LA Times reporter that a lifterneeds abs “so strong that they canstop a bullet, but don’t print that.Somebody might try.”

He was right; shortly after theGreat Patriotic War, as WWII isknown in Russia, Soviet scientistsdiscovered that while in low intensitymovements most work is performedby the extremities, when the load issignificant, the core muscles takeover much of the work. “The strengthof the low back and abdomen is thekey to lifting big weights,” agrees YuriSpinov, two times world championpowerlifter from the Ukraine.

And as if doing their fair shareduring maximal squats and deads wasnot enough, the abs amplify thestrength of other key muscles as well.Intensely contracting abdominalssend nerve impulses to other muscleswhich starts a chain reaction. Martialartists know that flexing the abs adds

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ProfessionalProfessionalProfessionalProfessionalProfessionalversion onlyversion onlyversion onlyversion onlyversion only .....$159. .....$159. .....$159. .....$159. .....$159.0000000000

Stand alone model

Ab PavelizerAb PavelizerAb PavelizerAb PavelizerAb Pavelizerversion for onlyversion for onlyversion for onlyversion for onlyversion for only .....$119. .....$119. .....$119. .....$119. .....$119.0000000000

Fits under the door

This revolutionary device is guaranteedThis revolutionary device is guaranteedThis revolutionary device is guaranteedThis revolutionary device is guaranteedThis revolutionary device is guaranteedto fry your abs and yield fast, effectiveto fry your abs and yield fast, effectiveto fry your abs and yield fast, effectiveto fry your abs and yield fast, effectiveto fry your abs and yield fast, effectiveresults. Save yourself countless hoursresults. Save yourself countless hoursresults. Save yourself countless hoursresults. Save yourself countless hoursresults. Save yourself countless hoursof unrewarding toil. Quantities are lim-of unrewarding toil. Quantities are lim-of unrewarding toil. Quantities are lim-of unrewarding toil. Quantities are lim-of unrewarding toil. Quantities are lim-ited. Heavy-duty steel construction in-ited. Heavy-duty steel construction in-ited. Heavy-duty steel construction in-ited. Heavy-duty steel construction in-ited. Heavy-duty steel construction in-sures that this device will last a life-sures that this device will last a life-sures that this device will last a life-sures that this device will last a life-sures that this device will last a life-time. Call today at.......time. Call today at.......time. Call today at.......time. Call today at.......time. Call today at.......


Stand alone model

Fits under the door

This revolutionary device is guaranteedThis revolutionary device is guaranteedThis revolutionary device is guaranteedThis revolutionary device is guaranteedThis revolutionary device is guaranteedto fry your abs and yield fast, effectiveto fry your abs and yield fast, effectiveto fry your abs and yield fast, effectiveto fry your abs and yield fast, effectiveto fry your abs and yield fast, effectiveresults. Save yourself countless hoursresults. Save yourself countless hoursresults. Save yourself countless hoursresults. Save yourself countless hoursresults. Save yourself countless hoursof unrewarding toil. Quantities are lim-of unrewarding toil. Quantities are lim-of unrewarding toil. Quantities are lim-of unrewarding toil. Quantities are lim-of unrewarding toil. Quantities are lim-ited. Heavy-duty steel construction in-ited. Heavy-duty steel construction in-ited. Heavy-duty steel construction in-ited. Heavy-duty steel construction in-ited. Heavy-duty steel construction in-sures that this device will last a life-sures that this device will last a life-sures that this device will last a life-sures that this device will last a life-sures that this device will last a life-time. Call today at.......time. Call today at.......time. Call today at.......time. Call today at.......time. Call today at.......


more umpph to any punch or kick.Neural commands-or chi, if you pre-fer the Chinese terminology-trans-mitted by the tensed abdominalsreach your quads, triceps, etc.. andmake them stronger.

As I have stated before, thereis no other way or device to makethis all important muscle stronger ina safe and effective manner, than theAb Pavelizer. Check out the ad herein the Parrillo Performance Press andcheck out last month’s article formore information. You can also for more informa-tion on the Ab Pavelizer. I recom-mend that everyone try this exerciseand work up to being able to per-form 10 repetitions without the useof the bungee cords.

To purchase “Power To ThePeople” Contact DragonDoor Publications by call-ing 1-800-899-5111 andask for John Ducane. Oryou can go andorder the book on-line. Thecost of the book is only$34.95. This book is filledwith great insights and won-derful tips on how to im-prove your physiquethrough no-nonsense train-ing.

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12 John Parrillo’s Performance Press • June 2000 Orderline: 1•800•344•3404

News and Views

Low DE Maltodextrin

by John Parrillo

In the world of nutrition, there arethe RDAs, the DVs, the GI, to name justa few. Now comes another acronym toadd to the alphabet soup: “DE.” DEstands for “dextrose equivalence.” It’sa measurement you’ll be hearing andreading more about.

DE describes the degree to which“hydrolysis” (a chemical reaction withwater) breaks down corn starch andconverts it into dextrose (an older namefor the simple sugar, glucose). If thestarch is converted to mostly dextrose,the resulting “hydrolysate” is said tohave a high DE. Conversely, if less starchis converted into dextrose, it has a lowDE.

On a scale of zero to 100: Pure starchhas a DE of zero; pure dextrose, a DE of100. The closer a hydrolysate gets in DEvalue to 0, the less sugar content it has.

At this point, you may be asking “Sowhat?”

At issue is maltodextrin, a slow-re-lease carbohydrate with performance-enhancing powers. It forms the carbo-hydrate base of many powdered supple-ments, drinks, and sports bars - includ-ing many of our own.Maltodextrin is created through hy-drolysis and assigned a DE value. TheFood & Drug Administration definesmaltodextrins as products having a DEof less than 20. A maltodextrin with aDE of 20 is slightly sweeter, with moredextrose than, say, a maltodextrin with aDE of 5.

The assigned DE value is of impor-tance to companies in the food process-ing industry, as well as to those in thesupplement industry, when they are for-mulating food products. Higher DE

starches have different functional prop-erties than lower DE starches have.Adding a higher-DE maltodextrin tofood, for example, yields a somewhatsweeter-tasting final product.

DEs, however, are also importantto fitness-minded individuals like you -who want to minimize sugar intake inorder to get and stay lean. Sugar - whichincludes any sweetener ending in “ose,”is fat-forming. In short, the lower theDE of the maltodextrin used, the lesssugar it has and the more starch it con-tains. Which is why you’re beginningto see many sports supplements nowmarketed and labeled as having a “verylow DE.”

Is this beginning to make sense?It is thus desirable to choose

maltodextrin-containing foods with alow DE such as Parrillo supplements.The maltodextrin in our supplementshas a very low DE. What this means isthat you’re guaranteed of getting a su-perior, sustained source of energy - butwith no simple, fat-forming sugars.

Don’t be confused over the factthat some in the food industry have in-accurately termed maltodextrin as asimple carb. It is not. In fact, a medicaljournal stated in an abstract:“Maltodextrins are not sweeteners butare added to a wide variety of food anddrink products for their physical andchemical properties.” (1)

Maltodextrin is a slow-release, eas-ily digestible complex carbohydratemade from natural corn. Unlike simplesugars, low DE maltodextrin is not fat-forming. It releases into the bloodstreammore slowly than simple sugars like glu-cose and sucrose. They release into thebloodstream immediately, causing arapid rise in blood sugar and a burst of

The Superior Carbohydrate Supplement

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insulin. When simple sugars are releasedfaster than the body can burn them forenergy or store them as glycogen, insu-lin causes the excess to be converted tobody fat. Because it does not producethis reaction, low DE maltodextrin is muchless likely to be converted to fat.

Maltodextrin has numerous perfor-mance-boosting qualities, as well. Let’sreview them:

Maltodextrin as a SupercompensationNutrient

One way to fuel your body forthrough-the-roof training energy is todouble the amount of glycogen stored inyour muscles. You can do it with“supercompensation,” a technique bor-rowed from endurance athletes andadapted for bodybuilders and exercisers.

Here’s how it works: Simply adjustyour carbohydrate intake so that you loseyour pump about three-fourths of theway through your workout. For mostpeople, this turns out to be between 100to 300 grams of carbs per day - an amountsufficient to stimulate supercompensationwithout causing muscle loss. After a fewdays of lowering your carb intake, gradu-ally increase it to 500 to 600 grams to re-load your muscles with glycogen.

Research shows that maltodextrinworks well as a re-loading carb. Athletes

in one study depleted their carbohydratesfor three days by cutting carbs down tojust 20 percent of their total intake, whilethey continued to train. The next threedays, to rebuild glycogen, they uppedtheir carbs to 90 percent of their diet andreduced their training levels slightly. Onegroup loaded up with rice and pasta; theother, with a maltodextrin-based bever-age.

Afterwards, the researchers tookmuscle biopsies of each athlete. As itturned out, the athletes on maltodextrinstored more glycogen than the athleteswho ate rice and pasta. The reason, saidresearchers, was that maltodextrin in liq-uid form may be better absorbed and usedby the body. (2)

Maltodextrin as a PerformanceBooster

Cyclists who supplemented with amaltodextrin-based beverage (.25 gramsper kilogram of body weight) made it tothe finish line faster than those who tooka non-caloric placebo. (3)

What implications does this have foryou? Sipping a maltodextrin-formulateddrink such as Parrillo ProCarb Powder™prior to working out may give you thenecessary calories to exert an all-out ef-fort in the gym.

Maltodextrin as a Recovery SupplementMaltodextrin has been found to be

the ideal carbohydrate source for replen-ishing glycogen reserves. It’s digestedand absorbed more rapidly than conven-tional carbs from food, but not so fastthat it causes an over-release of insulin(which can stimulate fat production).

Glycogen storage is maximized whenyou consume carbohydrates immediatelyafter exercise. But like a lot of people, youmight not be hungry then. Take amaltodextrin beverage instead of solidfood. It’s less filling and will fulfill yourmuscles’ need for carbohydrate. Parrillo50/50 Plus Powder™ makes an ideal postworkout recovery drink.

Using Maltodextrin-BasedSupplements

The Parrillo supplements containingvery-low DE maltodextrin include the fol-lowing: ProCarb Powder™, Hi-ProteinPowder™, 50/50 Plus Powder™, ParrilloSupplement Bars™, and Parrillo EnergyBars™. These can be used in a variety ofways: as a pre-workout energy booster, apost-workout recovery supplement, be-tween-meal snacks, or with meals to boostcalories from quality carbohydrates andprotein.

To sum up, maltodextrin is a qualitycomplex carbohydrate that helps energizeyour muscles for longer, harder workouts;replenish glycogen at a fast rate; andmaintain sustained energy levelsthroughout the day - all without produc-ing physique-blurring fat.


1. Levine, R.S. 1998. Briefing paper:maltodextrin and caries. British DentalJournal 185: 392.

2. Lamb, D.R., Snyder, A.C., and Baur, T.S.1991. Muscle glycogen loading with aliquid carbohydrate supplement. Inter-national Journal of Sport Nutrition, 1: 52-60.

3.Langenfield, M.E., et al. 1994. Effect ofcarbohydrate ingestion on performanceof non-fasted cyclists during a simulated80-mile time trial. J Sports Med Phys Fit-ness 34: 263-270.

The Parrillo supplements containing very-low DEmaltodextrin include the following: ProCarb Powder™,Hi-Protein Powder™, 50/50 Plus Powder™, ParrilloSupplement Bars™, and Parrillo Energy Bars™.

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Fitness Over 5’3”Angel Friend

Trained by Todd Swinney

Overall FitnessFitness 5’3” & Under

Alti Bautista

Lightweight WomenCarla Salotti

Overall Women BBMiddleweight Women

Lisa Winston

Heavyweight WomenBeth Roberts

Parrillo aficionado, AngelFriend and Overall winnerAlti Bautista show off theirflexibility.

14 John Parrillo’s Performance Press • June 2000 Orderline: 1•800•344•3404

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Bantamweight MenHenderson Gordon

Lightweight MenCincinnati’s own

Mark Ritter

Middleweight MenTommy Potenza


Marion Benton

Heavyweight MenVictor Martinez

Overall MenSuper-Heavyweight

MenArt Attwood

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16 John Parrillo’s Performance Press • June 2000 Orderline: 1•800•344•3404

By Brian Daskam, Head Instructor,Parrillo Certified Personal Training

The Parrillo Certified Personal Trainer Column

Building A SuccessfulPersonal Training Career

Job satisfaction and money arethe two career characteristics that al-ways rank at the top of the list whenpeople are polled on what they lookfor in a profession. Many people arestuck in a dead-end career, or in a jobthat bores them to tears. Most folksdread going to work. I’m lucky in thatI’ve been fortunate enough to makegreat money and work in a professionthat offers incredible job satisfaction:I get to change people’s lives (for thebetter) for a living. Until just recentlyI was a personal trainer who owned athriving business. I employed a dozenfull and part-time personal trainers tohandle the incredible volume of busi-ness I generated. The financial rewardwas fantastic — but I gave it all up tobecome a part of something much big-ger. For many years I have been adevoted follower of the Parrillo Per-formance principles and products. Ibegan implementing the Parrillo prod-uct line into my personal trainingbusiness in the fall of 1996. In one

year my sales of nutritional supple-ments jumped from $50,000 to$300,000. This accounted for about35% of my gross revenues. I was suc-cessful beyond my wildest expecta-tions. Now I’ve taken a new dream job:I have moved to Cincinnati to joinTeam Parrillo. After lengthy, pro-tracted conversations with JohnParrillo, I’ve come on board.

My role is to do that which I didso successfully in Pittsburgh, train

top-flight personal trainers in a na-tional, not regional, capacity. It is adream situation for me with unlimitedpotential and I intend to make themost of it. And if you have everdreamed of becoming a personaltrainer, or if you already are a personaltrainer, my new alliance with ParrilloPerformance could be great news foryou as well. I can show you how tochange lives for a living, starting withyour own. If you are a lone individual,

A personal training expert and Parrillo Certified PersonalTrainer, Bryan Daskam can show you how to becomeone of the most effective personal trainers on themarket.

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you can embark on a new career, onewith a high income and loads of jobsatisfaction. If you are already a suc-cessful personal trainer, perhaps witha staff of your own, by becoming aParrillo Certified Personal Trainer youcan learn how to add muscle and stripaway fat from the most stubborn body– yours or a clients. You can supplyyour clients with Parrillo supplements,take advantage of promotions, receiveamazing headquarters support, andbe provided with the latest cutting-edge marketing strategies. I knowfrom first-hand experience. I did it andso can you, because I can show youhow to do it!

When I first intro-duced the Parril loproducts to my staff oftrainers, and then toour clients, I wasamazed by the quickeffectiveness of theproducts. The stuffflat-out worked! But itwas more than that - Irealized that the Parrillophilosophy was as im-portant as the product.In addition to the po-tent Parrillo nutritionalsupplements we werefeeding our clients, thelevel of education Par-rillo Performance pro-vided to us (which wepassed onto our cli-ents) helped take bothtrainers and trainees up to the nexthigher level. The support Parrillo Per-formance headquarters provided wasabsolutely awesome. All of which ledme to the conclusion that I should usethe Parrillo Performance line of prod-ucts exclusively. Despite a never-end-ing barrage of lucrative offers fromcompeting nutritional supplementfirms, it was clear to me that no othercompany was willing to provide mewith the product, information, andlevel of support that Parrillo Perfor-mance could and would. No othercompany could match the knowledge,experience and degree of support Par-rillo Performance was offering.

What initially drew me to the

product line was John Parrillo’s will-ingness to take the time to answer anyquestion my staff or I had. Questionswere most often about products andusage, but often involved what to dowith clients who were having prob-lems progressing. There were timeswhen I was stumped, but I knew whereto find the answer. I would call Johnand get the answer; my staff did thesame. While the support I receivedwas unbelievable, there had to beother considerations – like the qual-ity of the product. I used the prod-ucts myself and made great gains.When I saw the nearly instantaneousresults that my staff obtained, all lin-

gering doubts vanished. I becameconvinced that the Parrillo productline would provide superior quality formy clients. The more time I spent talk-ing to John Parrillo on the phone, themore I realized what lengths ParrilloPerformance had gone to in order tomake their products as close to per-fect as possible. I sincerely feel theyare far superior to anything else avail-able on the market. They could have,for example, used cheap fillers (suchas sugar) in their Creatine Monohy-drate. This would drive down the pro-duction cost and up the profit but thatwould not be the Parrillo way. To JohnParrillo, perfection in every aspect ofthe product, from design to the shelf,

is a must. Product purity and real-world effectiveness are always fore-most in John’s mind. After all, it’s hisgood name pasted on the label.

So here we were, going out intothe world with Parrillo Performanceproducts on our corporate shelvesand Parrillo Performance technicalsupport at our phone fingertips. As ateam, my PTs and I felt incredibly con-fident knowing that we had one of theworld’s greatest experts on trainingand nutrition just a phone-call away.Another thing I liked was John’sgenuine dedication to anyone, big orsmall, seriously trying to improvetheir physique by using his methods.

The resulting Parrilloalliance allowed mystaff to grow and learn,both physically andmentally, at an amaz-ing rate. In the eventthat a client had a spe-cific question aboutnutrition, training orsupplementation thatmy trainer could notanswer, we had theability to get that an-swer almost immedi-ately. The trainer andthe client would sitdown around a speak-erphone and haveJohn answer the ques-tion for them. This wasa great forum, a mini-seminar if you will, and

the results the clients got amazed ev-eryone involved. Imagine having acomputer question and being able tocall Bill Gates and have him sit andanswer your question in splendid de-tail? As a result, minds were blownand bodies exploded with musculargrowth and fat loss.

These mini-seminars gave me agreat idea: what if I conducted myregular weekly staff meeting with Johnparticipating via speakerphone? Onething for sure, I would soon possessone of the most knowledgeablegroups of personal trainers to befound anywhere in the country. Con-tinued education became our corpo-rate mantra. John agreed and at these

Having the knowledge that the Parrillo CertifiedPersonal Trainer Program provides takes your abilityto provide results to another level.

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18 John Parrillo’s Performance Press • June 2000 Orderline: 1•800•344•3404

speakerphone staff meetings our rateof learning accelerated rapidly be-cause each trainer would have a dif-ferent question to pose to Parrillo. Notraining or nutrition topic was over-looked. My business in Pittsburghlong had a reputation for being a notchor two above the rest of the field inthe personal training business andthis innovative teaching techniquewidened that gap even further. Mytrainers, now utilizing the Parrillomethodology, became famous forproviding over-and-above ser-vice for clients. The bottom linein the body renovation businessis results. After we institutedParrillo methods, results, as mea-sured by the improvement in ourclient’s physiques, soared.

What happened for me inPittsburgh can happen for you. Iwas financially successful be-cause of our corporate ability tooutperform other trainers. Ourknowledge of training and nutri-tion was unsurpassed and theongoing Parrillo Performancesupport enabled us to prosperand grow. My commitment toeducating my trainers put mybusiness on the verge of break-ing the $1 million gross revenuemark in 1998. Why would I aban-don all my success and leave itbehind? I have a simple answerto a complex question. I felt Icould duplicate nationally what Ihad done regionally. I now knowwhat it takes to become a suc-cessful personal trainer. ThingsI have learned from John Parrillohave made all the difference. Iconstantly have clients come to meafter working with other personaltrainers. These folks want to knowwhy my client’s physiques are chang-ing rapidly — while they look thesame as they did a year ago. The an-swer to this question is simple, I makeit happen. I have taken the knowledgethat John Parrillo has passed on tome and implemented it in a way so thatmy clients have no other choice thanto succeed. I am changing lives whileothers are keeping the status quo. But

you must remember that it takes a con-siderable amount of knowledge to beable to do this.

I gave up my lucrative businessto become part of something bigger. Igave up my business to become partof Team Parrillo. I’m am now trainingand certifying personal trainers, oneswho are thoroughly indoctrinated inthe Parrillo approach. I will providethe necessary tools and knowledge forthem to succeed. We at Parrillo Perfor-

mance want to teach personal trainersto perform at a much higher level. Wewant to assist Parrillo PTs and be therefor them, every step of the way. Thesame way John Parrillo was there forme. If you want to become more than amediocre PT, than become a ParrilloCertified Personal Trainer (PCPT). Youcan see what John Parrillo’s help hasdone for me. We plan on making oursystem and services only available tothose perceptive few who want to be-come the very best in the business.

We want to create legends in the re-gional areas in which our Parrillo Cer-tified Personal Trainers operate.

I thought this unsolicited testi-monial to my methods might give yousome insight into my approach. Oneof my trainer-networked clients is JodyManofsky. Jody was a client of minefor many years.

“I met Brian Daskam about 7 yearsago. One of his trainers was my per-sonal trainer. The Daskam enthusiasmand knowledge is what actually in-spired me to become a personal trainer.I went out and got a certification froma one of these certification-for-cashoutfits. But I really didn’t know any-thing. After my certification I went toa local gym, Stewart’s Gym, and got ajob. Stewart wanted me to take overtheir lucrative personal training busi-ness and run with it. But I did not havethe confidence or the knowledge to dothat. In around this time I started uti-lizing Brian’s Daskam’s personaltrainer information and began apply-ing some of his sophisticated businesstechniques. I went from ten appoint-ments a week to fifty-two appoint-ments as of last week. The change wasquick and radical.”

I showed Jody how to obtain cli-ents — and more importantly how tokeep them. What I did for Jody I cando for you. I can almost guaranteeyour success as a personal trainer.Call me today toll-free at Parrillo Per-formance if you want to make a seri-ous change in your life. You’ll be gladyou did. 1-800-344-3404

Jody Manofsky

If knowledge is power then theParrillo Certified Personal Train-ers must be the most powerfultrainers in the world.


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.................................................................................. Clean Carbohydrate Energy Source .... 35 Ounces ............. $24.00Vanilla Hi-Protein Powder™

....................................................................................... Outstanding Functional Protein .......... 32 Ounces ............. $36.00Chocolate Hi-Protein Powder™

.............................................................................. Outstanding Functional Protein .......... 32 Ounces ............. $36.00Chocolate Malt Flavor Optimized Whey Protein™ ......................... High Biological-Value Protein ............ 28 Ounces ............. $39.95Strawberry Malt Flavor Optimized Whey Protein™

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Parrillo Sports Nutrition Update

by John Parrillo

Shape Up In Time ForThe Summer, Part II

20 John Parrillo’s Performance Press • June 2000 Orderline: 1•800•344•3404

Last month I discussed some of the basic concepts of nu-trition and training used to lose fat and gain muscle. Losing fatand gaining muscle are separate and distinct physiologic pro-cesses and were initially discussed separately for just that rea-son. This month I’ll pick up where I left off and talk about howto do both, lose fat while gain-ing muscle — at the same time.When you are gaining muscleand losing fat at the same timeyour body weight doesn’tchange much, which is a bitdeceptive. When your caloricintake roughly matches yourenergy expenditure, nothinghappens to your body weightyet you are undergoing anincredible transformation. Ide-ally, the energy cost of build-ing new muscle tissue will bemet at the expense of storedbody fat. While body fat doesnot provide the proteinneeded to build new muscle,fat can supply the energyneeded to fuel the anabolicprocess. The net result is fatis burnt off while new muscletissue is built.

The energetic cost ofbuilding a pound of muscletissue is not precisely known, but has been estimated to beabout 2,800 calories. This agrees with our experience in prepar-ing bodybuilders for competition. We at Parrillo Performancehave discovered that in order to gain a pound of muscle in aweek without adding to fats stores, the process should be slowand steady. Most bodybuilders, regardless of age or gender,need to consume an additional 300 to 500 extra calories per day— these are calories above and beyond your current energyexpenditure level. Split the difference and 400 additional calo-

ries daily, multiplied for each of the seven days in a week, equatesto a weekly caloric increase of 2,800 calories. Muscle is mostlywater (which contains no calories) and protein. There are roughly100 grams of protein in a pound of muscle tissue. At four calo-ries per gram, that accounts for 400 calories. To build a pound

of muscle tissue we suggestyou intake 300-500 or an aver-age of 400 additional caloriesa day. It takes a lot of energyto build a house and it takes alot of energy to assemble theprotein and cells that make upa pound of muscle tissue.

A pound of stored bodyfat yields 3,500 calories uponoxidation. This is enough en-ergy to supply the metaboliccost of building a pound ofmuscle and to power daily ac-tivities. When a person addsmuscle and looses fat at equalrates, the energy intake willroughly match the energy ex-penditure. The net result isconfusing; despite no changein your body weight, you haveundergone an astoundingtransformation. So how do wedo it? The first question outof everyone’s mouth when

they ask me how to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time is— how many calories should I consume? The answer is what-ever number of calories you would normally consume to main-tain your current constant body weight. Although this is not aprecise methodology, it is a good starting place. Supplyingenough calories to maintain your current body weight is re-ferred to meeting your maintenance energy requirement. Youingest enough calories to maintain a constant body weight, yetnot too many, as the excess will be directed into weight gain.


The Parrillo Nutrition Manual is the most compre-hensive, instructional manual to teach you how tolose bodyfat and increase muscle mass. It is theBible of perfecting your physique.

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Info-Line: 513•531•1311 John Parrillo’s Performance Press • June 2000 21

Although gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time iscertainly possible (we see it happen all the time) it is not easy.There’s not much room for error. You have to do everythingright and I strongly suggest you read The Parrillo PerformanceNutrition Manual if you haven’t already. There is simply toomuch information for me to summarize it all in a short article likethis. More important than how many calories you eat is, whatkind of food do you eat? The Nutrition Manual has a detailedlist of the foods you should be eating to build muscle and losefat. The Manual also comes with a food composition guide anda food scale so you can precisely control your nutrient intake.To build muscle while stripping off fat you need to keep yourprotein intake high, carbohydrate intake moderate and fat in-take low. You should increase protein intake and decrease car-bohydrate intake, compared to the way you normallyeat. A good rule of thumb would be to in-gest one to two grams of pro-tein per pound ofb o d y w e i g h teach day. Fat in-take should belimited to 5-10%of calories. Unre-fined, complexc a r b o h y d r a t e sshould be used tomeet the remainderof your caloric re-quirement. I recom-mend that you keepyour protein intakelevel and adjust yourcaloric intake by modu-lating the carbohy-drates in your diet. Tryand keep your bodyweight constant through-out the process.

The Parrillo Performance Body Stat Kit is an invaluable toolhere. Following scale weight doesn’t tell you how much muscleyou’ve gained or how much fat you’ve lost. Gaining ten poundsof muscle and losing ten pounds of fat will change your appear-ance and body composition dramatically, but your body weightwill remain unchanged. The Body Stat Kit allows you to monitorbody composition and this allows you to follow muscle gainand fat loss. The instruction manual that comes with it tells youexactly what to do to keep progress moving in the right direc-tion. By increasing the protein-carbohydrate ratio in your diet,you’re supplying calories that are more prone to be stored asmuscle than as fat. Also, by decreasing carbohydrate intakeyou induce hormonal and metabolic changes that encouragesthe use of stored body fat as fuel. Rely on lean protein sourcessuch as skinless chicken or turkey breast, white fish and eggwhites. Most people find it impossible to consume two grams ofprotein per pound of body weight each day from conventionalfoods. It’s simply too much food. This is where a high quality

protein supplement is very useful. Our Optimized Whey Pro-tein is an excellent choice here. It contains high levels ofglutamine and the branched chain amino acids that help tomaximize protein retention.

In training you really have to go all out. You have to trainhard and heavy to stimulate muscle growth. This means basic,heavy exercises giving 110%. When doing low rep work, con-centrate on explosive contractions that generate a lot of power.In the higher rep ranges concentrate more on moving the weightslowly, especially during the concentric (lowering) phase ofthe contraction. “Time under tension” refers to the amount oftime a muscle is under tension during a set. In a low rep set, themuscle gets worked very hard, but doesn’t spend much timeunder tension. Low rep sets are more intense and this is a very

potent stimulus for growth. Time under tension is an-other important growth stimulator and

you’ll need to do more reps at aslower pace, which will requirethe use of lighter weight. High repsets should be carried to failure. Isuspect you’ll find they’re morepainful than the low rep sets. Thecombination of both trainingstyles is very effective at stimu-lating muscle growth.

Losing fat and gainingmuscle at the same time can bringabout rapid and dramatic changesin your appearance and bodycomposition. It’s hard work. Youhave to be very strict on your dietand train harder than you nor-mally do. As a rough guideline Iwould recommend weight trainingan hour a day, and possibly more,five or six days a week. Instead ofworrying about over-training,worry about under-training. If any-

thing you want to err on the side of over-training here. Occa-sional, brief periods of over-training can actually help breakplateaus and stimulate new growth. Most people will need todo an hour of aerobics each day. If you have some stubbornfat that’s slow to come off, don’t be afraid to do more. Pushyourself on your aerobics. You need to work hard enough tobreak a sweat and breathe hard. Any type of aerobic activity isacceptable however, just so you do it hard.

Generally I wouldn’t recommend a program like this formore than eight or ten weeks at a time. It’s very intense andyou’ll probably need a break after that long. With all trainingprograms, you’ll eventually reach a plateau. After ten weekson this program I’d suggest taking a break. Shift into a modedesigned to gain muscle, as I discussed last month. Stay stricton your diet but eat a few more calories each day, say 300 more,than you have been. Reduce the aerobics down to 30 minutesa day. This will help you gain a pound or two of muscle. Trainhard and good luck!

The Parrillo Bodystat Manual is an important part oftracking your fat loss and physique improvement. Hav-ing this done weekly insures that you will have a clearpicture of what you are doing right and what you aredoing wrong.

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22 John Parrillo’s Performance Press • June 2000 Orderline: 1•800•344•3404

By Cliff Sheats, M.S., Clinical Nutritionist

Lean Bodies

Satisfy the HungerQuench the Thirst

Isn’t It Satisfying To Not Feel Hungary?

On the Parrillo Performance Nutri-tion Program, you shouldn’t feel hun-gry - because you’re in a calorie sur-plus. Only when you’re not eatingenough will you feel hungry.

Plus, the fiber in whole grains andvegetables keeps you feeling full. Sodoes the combination of foods in yourmeals.

Some people on the program feel alittle hungry at night when they’ve re-duced - or cut out - their starchy carbo-hydrates at the evening meal. To coun-teract this, eat more fibrous carbohy-drates at that meal, along with extra pro-tein.

A related issue is thirst - a signalyou must not ignore. Drinking adequatewater has some real benefits whenyou’re trying to get lean and muscular.

First, water and fluids help yourbody store glycogen for use later asenergy.

Second, water assists your kidneysin effectively removing waste productsfrom your system.

Third, it also serves as a mediumfor every enzymatic and chemical reac-tion in the body, including digestion andfat-burning, and it transports nutrientsand oxygen to every cell in the body.

Fourth, research shows that low

water intake may be a risk factor for can-cers of the urinary tract, colon cancer,and breast cancer. One study found thatpatients with urinary tract cancer (blad-der, prostate, kidney, and testicle) dranksignificantly smaller quantities of fluidcompared with healthy controls. (1)

More than 75 percent of your bodyis made up of water. You can survivewithout food for days, but, without wa-ter, dehydration begins in just a fewhours. Next to oxygen, water is the sub-stance most important for life.

I recommend that you drink eightto 10 large glasses of water every day.One of the best sources is spring waterbecause of its mineral content.

Athletes have often asked me

whether it’s healthy to drink diet softdrinks. Look at this way: Would youwash your clothes in Diet Coke? Ofcourse not! Nor should you wash yourbody in it. Drink water!

Then there’s the question of cof-fee and tea. Some people mistakenlybelieve that these beverages are goodways to get in enough water. Neither isa good source of water because theyboth contain caffeine, which adverselyaffects the brain and the nervous sys-tem. Physiologically, caffeine triggersthe release of stimulating chemicalsfrom the adrenal glands into the blood-stream, elevating blood sugar. In turn,this causes blood vessels to constrictand the blood pressure to go up by asmuch as ten percent.

Coffee, in particular, also increasesthe output of stomach acid, which makesurine more acidic, and increases the ex-cretion of magnesium, a vital mineral. Amagnesium deficiency can cause ner-vousness, tight muscles, bone loss, andcardiac arrhythmias. There is also someevidence that coffee can inhibit the ab-sorption of iron and the B-complex vita-min thiamine.

If you are used to drinking coffee, Isuggest that you gradually limit it. Onceyou start feeling more energetic on thisprogram, your need for coffee shoulddisappear.


1. Kleiner, SM. “Water: An es-sential but overlooked nutrient.” Jour-nal of the American Dietetic Associa-tion (1999) 99: 200-206.

Water serves as a mediumfor every enzymatic andchemical reaction in the body.

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So what are you going to get with the ParrilloPersonal Training Certification Program?

The Parrillo Certified Personal Trainer Manual: A comprehen-sive study guide to take the Parrillo Certification test. This manualcovers nutrition, anatomy, physiology, training techniques, body-type specific training, stretching, etc.. This is a culmination ofyears of training and research by John Parrillo and the ParrilloPerformance staff. In addition to all of that valuable information,you get the Parrillo Computer Nutrition Program CD, Version 2.The Parrillo Computer Nutrition Program, CD version 2 is the mosteffective way to create diets for personal and client use. The newversion contains: Pre-loaded database with a large food nutritionalvalues database and comprehensive caloric tables. Easy computa-tion of daily protein, fat, carb and calorie ingestion, food sort capa-bilities, customize daily, weekly and monthly diets then print andanalyze results, pre-loaded nutritional supplementation values,CapTri® cookbook recipes included on the food selection op-tions, lock value on protein, fat, carbs when utilizing thecustomization mode, protein to carb ratio indicator, metabolic for-mula customization feature, create and combine grocery lists fordieting, an Adobe Acrobat® version of the Sports Nutrition Guideand the CapTri® cookbook and much, much more.

So why become a Parrillo Certified Personal Trainer? You know that John Parrillo and Parrillo Performance are the fore-most authorities on sports nutrition, training and fitness. That 20years of knowledge and research will be part of your arsenal. As aParrillo Certified Personal trainer not only are you out there train-ing clients and changing lives, but we are there with you everystep of the way. If your client has a problem that you are unable toaddress, you have an instant ally in the manual or by calling ParrilloPerformance direct. That backing is going to mean increased trustfrom your clients and improved word of mouth recommendations.The core of the personal trainer’s marketing. In addition, Parrillo Performance provides you with quality supple-ments that you , as the trainer, will be able to provoide your cli-ents*. By using the Parrillo line of supplements, your clients willyield results that were thought to be impossible. Because ParrilloPerformance supplements are the highest quality supplementsavailable.

How do I become a Parrillo Certified Personal Trainer? Simple. Call our 800 number at 800-344-3404 and ask to find outwhen the next testing appointments will be held and where. Onceyou have determined that there will be a testing site near you,purchase the program for $349.00. This is a non-refundable item somake sure that all of your questions are answered before yourpurchase of this program.By attending the seminar and testing site you will be eligible tobecome a certified personal trainer. However, YOU MUST PASSTHE TEST BY RECEIVING A SCORE OF 80% OR HIGHER. If youdo not pass the first test, you will be eligible to take the test againas often as required to pass.

The Test The Parrillo Certification Program test will consist of 10 sectionsand an essay involving 2 case studies. Each section contains mul-tiple choice, essay, matching and definitions. Each test will be gradedby the tester and other staff. Results will be mailed to each individualalong with a Parrillo Certification Program diploma.

Marketing Availability Parrillo Performance, Inc. will provide trainers with self-promotingmaterials such as a Parrillo Performance T-shirt, hats, jackets andParrillo Performance skinfold calipers. In addition, each trainer willreceive the marketing tool of all marketing tools, the Parrillo Perfor-mance Press, each month. The quantity can be decided by the indi-vidual trainer according to their needs. In addition, John Parrillo andother Parrillo Performance staff will be available for seminars andguest appearances. Fees shall be incurred by the trainer or facilitythat will be visited.

Further Education Parrillo Performance will have a further education process, or Mas-ters program. This program may not be for everyone. Details of thisprogram will be provided at each testing site and can be receivedupon request at any time by calling the Parrillo Performance, Inc.main office.

Continuing Education Continuing education will be required. A process of receivingpoints by either attending seminars involving Parrillo Performance,completing and returning continued education packets, or by sub-mitting research for review by Parrillo Performance. You will be re-quired to accumulate 10 points every 2 years to retain you certifica-tion after the initial 2 years of being certified.

Insurance We have searched high and low for the most economical, yet high-est coverage available in the country. We have come into contactwith a company called: C.M. Meiers Company, Inc. at Ph: 818-986-7105 Fax: 818-986-2828

Having some line of insurance is a very important part of the per-sonal training industry. IT IS ABSOLUTELY IMPERATIVE THATYOU BECOME INSURED!

For more information on becoming a Parrillo Certified PersonalTrainer, please contact Bryan Daskam at 800-344-3404 or by e-mail [email protected]. Join the legions of personal trainerswho are finding that the Parrillo Certification means you are a cutabove the rest. Call today!

* Supplement sales are subject to approval by training facility and ParrilloPerformance, Inc. Parrillo Performance, Inc. reserves the right to refuse salesauthorization.


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24 John Parrillo’s Performance Press • June 2000 Orderline: 1•800•344•3404

by Ron Harris

Priority Routines for Bringing upStubborn Body Parts

Hardgaining Bodybuilders

Do you have any weak body parts?Unless your name is Ronnie Colemanor Flex Wheeler, you have a musclegroup or two that lags behind the rest.We all have body parts that do not seemto respond no matter what exercises wetry and no matter how much intensitywe pour into them. Many trainees willsimply throw in the towel, declaring withgrim resolve that “my calves will nevergrow” or “this is about as big as mytriceps will ever get.” We come up witha litany of excuses/explanations for thissorry situation and blame everythingfrom inferior genetics to poor blood flowfor our muscular woes. Is this depress-ing death sentence final? It certainly ap-pears so to us. You may have tried allmanner and type of intensity tech-niques, used exotic routines and wildrep schemes, yet in the end were leftwith the same lagging body part still asunderdeveloped and unchanged as ever- despite all your pain and effort. Onething you may not have tried, however,is one strategy that is nearly guaran-teed to bring up any stubborn body

part. Magic? Voodoo? Implants? Nothardly, I’m talking about a remedy asold as the hills. It called “muscleprioritization”.

A prioritization routine entails de-voting far more time and energy to theproblem body part than ever before. Youmay have tried your own version of this,but you most likely went wrong in main-taining your current volume of trainingfor the rest of your body. When youuse prioritization you have to reduce theremaining training volume. Why? Un-fortunately, the human body has only afinite degree of stamina. To go beyondthe limits and expect growth simply isn’trealistic or possible for the majority oftrainers. If more were better, the bestresults would be obtained by trainingevery day for every waking minute, dayand night. Before you get the mistakennotion that I’m headed off on some sortof Mentzer-ish, Heavy-Duty minimalisttrip - fear not. I’m simply suggestingthat you cannot focus on every musclegroup at the same time with maximumintensity. It just isn’t possible. Whathas worked for many bodybuilders andweight trainers is to focus in on one, orat most two, lagging body parts at atime. This is called a body part special-ization routine.

While prioritizing lagging parts theother muscles will take a back seat andreceive only cursory work for mainte-nance purposes. That sounds simpleand logical but most of us are too terri-fied of losing ground to implement sucha plan. The thought of doing a couplesets a week for our stronger body partsseems suicidal. After all, won’t theyshrivel up while we’re busy bangingaway on the stubborn body part? Nothey won’t – trust me. And unless youundertake some sort of prioritization youare willingly condemning the laggingmuscle group to permanent mediocrity.Are you ready to try something radicalin an effort to even out weak muscle

groups? If so, remember that aprioritization routine lasts for only a brieftime period, perhaps six to ten weeks atmost. By then you will have producedsome impressive gains in the previouslyuncooperative muscle. Then you re-sume your normal routine - or focus inon another lagging muscle or musclegroup.

Let’s get into some specific train-ing splits for various body parts thatwill serve as a guide and allow targetmuscles the training time and recupera-tion they need in order to grow.

Note that the “problem” body partis worked fresh after a complete day ofrest. This will allow you to hammer itinto oblivion with more energy and con-centration than you have (probably)ever devoted to it. The hardest part ofthese routines is psychological: a con-cern that the reduction in volume inyour other body parts will have a detri-mental effect on them. Believe me whenI assure you that they will not sufferduring this very short term of reducedattention. I have gone weeks withoutdoing more than two or three sets a weekfor my quads, for example, and lost nota bit of size or strength. Your strongbody parts don’t need much attention.Giving them only cursory work for theduration of the prioritization routine isessential to the success of this program.It allows for extra energy reserves andthis extra energy is applied to your stub-born body part. Focus and extra workwill be the mitigating factor that will forcegrowth. It’s time to get excited people,because what was once a lagging bodypart that was never going to grow againis about to get a new lease on life. Asymmetrical physique can indeed beyours – if you have the courage to try aprioritization routine. Happy gains!

Ron Harris is available for consulta-tion. Contact him [email protected].

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Priority - Arms

Day One Arms (30 % more volume than usual)Day Two Legs (normal routine, but with 1/3 less volume)Day Three Chest, Back, Delts (2 exercises each for 2 sets, no more)Day Four OFFDay five Repeat day oneDay six Repeat day twoDay seven Repeat day three

Priority – Legs

Day One Quadriceps (30 % more volume than usual)Day Two Upper Body (One exercise for each muscle group, three sets)Day Three Hamstrings (30 % more volume than usual)Day Four OFFDay five Repeat day oneDay six Repeat day twoDay seven Repeat day three

Priority – Chest

Day One Chest (30 % more volume)Day Two Legs (normal routine, 1/3 less volume)Day Three Back, Delts, Arms (two exercises each for two sets)Day Four OFFDay five Repeat day oneDay six Repeat day twoDay seven Repeat day three

Priority – Back

Day One Back (30 % more volume)Day Two Legs (normal routine, 1/3 less volume)Day Three Chest, Delts, Arms (two exercises each, two sets)Day Four OFFDay Five Repeat day oneDay six Repeat day twoDay seven Repeat day three

Priority – Shoulders

Day One Shoulders (30 % more volume)Day Two Legs (normal routine, 1/3 less volume)Day Three Chest, Back, Arms (two exercises each, two sets)Day Four OFFDay five Repeat day oneDay six Repeat day twoDay seven Repeat day three

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26 John Parrillo’s Performance Press • June 2000 Orderline: 1•800•344•3404

There are all kinds of bodybuilding systems out there.How does yours compare to the others?

Today, it seems thatso many athletesare searching for amiracle supplementor a miracle training

technique that will transform theirphysiques overnight. What theydon’t realize is that they must takea comprehensive approach tobodybuilding. At Parrillo Performance, weteach you the basics. A set of in-terrelated programs that are“synergistic;” that is, they allwork together to produce thebest results. There are five in-terdependent components in-volved: proper nutrition, supple-mentation, training, stretching,and aerobics. These work syn-ergistically to produce results.I’ll briefly explain each one:

1. Proper nutrition: This in-volves training your metabolism topartition food more effectively so

it can be used to burn fat andbuild muscle. A diet that achievesthis is a high-calorie one (between2,000 and 10,000 calories a dayor more) with five or more mealsspread throughout the day andspaced two to three hours apart.

The meals in this diet should in-clude the proper combination oflean proteins, starchy carbohy-drates, and fibrous carbohy-drates. This combination of foodsslows your digestion for consis-tent energy levels and increasedendurance throughout the day andprovides a constant supply of nu-trients for muscular growth andrepair.

2. Supplementation: Vita-mins, minerals and electrolytes,

amino acids, medium chain fattyacids, aspartates, lipotropics, andother supplements increase the

nutrient density in body cells, ac-tivating your body chemistry forgrowth. Supplements, however,will never replace proper nutrition.Once you’re eating correctly,supplements can be added toyour diet to maximize the results.

3. Workouts: The optimumtraining routine employs heavy/low rep sets to build mass andthickness and high rep sets tobuild shape and “cardiovasculardensity.” By cardiovascular den-sity, I mean the size and numberof blood vessels. When this cir-culatory network is increased,more nutrients are carried to themuscles while performance-inhib-iting toxins are effectively trans-ported away. All of this results inmuscular growth. In other words,the greater your cardiovasculardensity, the bigger you can be-come.


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Info-Line: 513•531•1311 John Parrillo’s Performance Press • June 2000 27

Outside Sales RepBe an area rep for Parrillo Products. We have several areas opening up for serious sales reps. Individuals must haveknowledge of the industry, Parrillo Products and experience in sales. Please mail resumes to 5143 Kennedy Ave.,Cincinnati, OH 45213. No calls please.

Customer ServiceParrillo Performance is looking for qualified individuals to join our team at our main office located in Cincinnati, OH.We need individuals who are familiar with the industry, have a good phone voice and are eager to help our customers.Duties include answering phones, calling customers and assisting in servicing customers. Full time and part timeopportunities are available. We offer paid vacations and medical benefits. Please send resume to Sales Manager, 5143Kennedy Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45213. No calls please.

Employment OpportunitiesEmployment Opportunities ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

4. Fascial Stretching: This isan advanced and specializedmethod of stretching which I de-veloped especially for bodybuild-ers, athletes and anyone wantingto be in top shape. It involvesstretching between each exerciseset when the muscle is fullypumped and utilizes some veryaggressive self and partner-as-

sisted stretches. Fascial stretch-ing stretches the fascial sheath thatcovers the muscle and leads togreater mass, muscularity, and mus-cular separations.

5. Aerobic Training: This is ab-solutely critical for three reasons.First, aerobic exercise enhances re-covery. Second, it builds cardiovas-

cular density; and third, it acceleratesfat-burning. Aerobics should be per-formed at certain times during the day:at night after your last meal and in themorning before breakfast especiallyif you are trying to lose body fat. Inthe morning, your body draws uponfatty acids for energy in the absenceof muscle glycogen. As a result, morebody fat is burned. The key point to remember is thatthese components work together.The most intense training system inthe world, for example, will yield onlymarginal results unless you’re fuelingyourself with proper nutrition. Usedtogether, however, each of these com-ponents will help you achieve yourphysique and performance goals.


June 3 Glen Burnie, MD Hosted by Todd Swinney (410) 636-7828

July 15-16 St. Louis, MO Hosted by Bryan Daskam 800-344-3404

August 12 -13 Merrillville, IN Hosted by Bryan Daskam 800-344-3404

Slots are going fast for these dates. Contact one of the above names today to become a part of the fastestgrowing certification on the market today.


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5143 Kennedy Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45213


