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Page 1: A Listing of the Lies


During 1978 the California Fire Chiefs Association (Cal-Chiefs) and the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) conducted live fire tests of fire detectors including the ionization device. The ionization device proved to be so unreliable that following the test program the fire chief in charge, John Gerard, Chief of the Los Angeles Fire Department predicted the device would have a 50 to 80 percent failure rate in the field. Chief Gerard began to warn other fire chiefs nationally that the device was defective and should not be trusted to protect lives. Also, the IAFC published an official document warning fire officials nationally that the device was defective and unreliable.

There was a problem however. Important organizations and government officials had been directly involved with the promoting, selling, testing and concealing the defects of the device. This initiated about 1965. So, by 1980, as a controversy raged over the promoting and marketing of a fraudulent “smoke” detector, the installations of these devices had been proceeding for about 15 years. Therefore, in event the truth was made available to the public to the citizens many organizations and important officials could be facing accusations of misconduct, malfeasance or possibly even manslaughter or second degree murder. Thousands of officials and many businesses executives could be blamed for the fire deaths and injuries that had already occurred. No doubt the dead and injuries due to a flawed device failing to warn were into the tens of thousands. So, rather than making the public aware of the fraud the top fire officials within the IAFC made the decision to “bury” the Cal-Chiefs fire test report and also the IAFC “warning” report. A nationwide cover-up of this fraud began in earnest. The 2011 report by the California State Fire Marshal’s Task Force is the latest effort to blunt the revelations of corruption and to maintain the cover-up. Admittedly, government officials are very good at preparing a whitewash of government crimes and to make it sound oh-so logical and believable. But this latest cover-up report is just more of the 4 decade long lies and concealments.

Below I list facts about the device, the advertising, the performance and the cover-up. There is a basic truth involved here, and that is that no amount of lies, trickery of criminal activity can convert a device, that has killed tens of thousands of innocents, to an honest device.

1. The manufacturers advertised, for at least 15 years (1965 into 1980) that the ionization device would reliably warn of a pre-fire condition, before smoke or flames would appear.

2. During the time of advertising the above lies within the Fire Journal of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) the tests being conducted on the ionization devices were allowing the smoke (created by flaming fires) to rise as high as 37 percent before the dive operated.

3. UL allowed the manufacturers to continue to lie to the fire chiefs and the public, claiming the device would sound before smoke would be seen even though the testing at UL proved the smoke could become deadly enough to kill before the device sounded.

4. There was no testing of the ability of the device at UL relative a smoldering fire except a “smoke box” test where the source of the smoke, a blower and the detector were all located close to each other. Because the blower delivered smoke to the detector instantaneously the test had no pertinence to real life conditions. But UL failed to correct

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the makers of the device as they claimed the device would operate before smoke would appear.

5. For more than 20 years the NFPA had been claiming that the death toll due to fire in America was 12,000 per year. (about 8,000 or more in buildings and the rest outside including automobile crashes where fire occurred). Finally the Feds began to collect data on fire losses within buildings and the more accurate data was about ½ the estimated NFPA toll. The Feds promptly claimed credit for the “reduction”. The NFPA claimed the reduction was due to the smoke detector program. The often claimed fire deaths reduction by half due to smoke detectors never occurred; but lies delivered by powerful organizations can be very effective.

