Download pdf - A Letter Written in 2070

  • Ria Slides


    IN 2070

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  • Ria Slides

    We are in the year 2070.

    I just turned 50 years old, but I look 85.

    I experience major kidney problems,

    because I drink very little water.

    I think that I dont have much more time to live.

    Today, I am the oldest person living in

    this society.

  • Ria Slides

    I remember, when I was 5 years old

    There were lots of trees in the parks,

    houses had beautiful gardens, and I could enjoy long baths and stay in the

    shower for one whole hour.

    everything was very different.

    Now, we have to clean ourselves by using disposable towelettes moisturized

    with mineral oil.

  • Ria Slides

    Before, women were proud of their beautiful hair.

    Before, my father used to wash his car

    with water that came out of a hose.

    Today, children find it hard to believe that

    one ever could use water to perfom such

    a task.

    Now, we have to shave our head to keep it clean without using water.

  • Ria Slides

    I remember the many warnings:

    DONT WASTE WATERBut nobody paid attention.

    People assumed that water was


    Today, rivers, dams, lagoons, and

    under-ground water are all

    either irremediably polluted or

    completely dried up.

  • Ria Slides

    The landscape that surrounds us has turned into nothing more than an

    immense desert. Gastro-intestinal infections, and skin and urinary tract diseases have now

    become the main causes of death.

  • Ria Slides

    Industry is paralysed, and the jobless rate reached a dramatic level.

    Desalination plants are the main employers.

    They give one drinking water instead of a salary.

  • Ria Slides

    People are constantly being mugged for water on the deserted streets.

    80% of the food is synthetic.

  • Ria Slides

    Some countries succeeded in preserving a few islands of vegetation with their

    own streams. These areas are closely monitored by the army.

    Water has become a rare

    commodity, a highly sought after

    treasure, infinitely more valuable

    than gold or diamonds.

  • Ria Slides

    Here, though, there are no more trees because it hardly ever rains. And

    whenever it does rain, it is acid rain that comes down.

    There are no more seasons. Climatic

    changes such as the greenhouse effect

    and the polluting activities we indulged in

    during the twentieth century took care of


    We were warned about the need to take care of our environment, but nobody


  • Ria Slides

    When my daughter asks me to tell her how it was when I was young, I describe

    the beauty of the forests.

    I tell her about the rain, about the

    flowers, about how pleasurable it was

    to bathe, to fish in the rivers and the

    lakes, and being able to drink as much

    water as one desired.

    I tell her about how healthy people

    used to be.

  • Ria Slides

    She asks me:

    I feel a lump in my throat...

    - Daddy! Why is there no water anymore ?

  • Ria Slides

    I cant help feeling guilty, because I belong to the generation that

    completed the destruction of our

    environment by simply not taking

    seriously any of the warnings ... and

    there were so many of them!

    I belong to the last generation who

    could have made a difference, but who

    chose not to act.

  • Ria Slides

    Today, our children pay the hefty


  • Ria Slides

    Quite frankly, I think that, within short, life on this Earth will no longer be

    possible, because the destruction of our environment reached its point of no


  • Ria Slides

    How I wish I could go back in time and get the Human race to understand

    this ...

    ... at a time when it was still possible for us to do something

    to save our planet Earth!
