Page 1: A KOG Unity PLUS Group Production 1 How to be transformed by the renewing of your mind! The solution to “stinking thinking!”

A KOG Unity PLUS Group Production


How to be transformed by the renewing of your mind!

The solution to “stinking thinking!”

Page 2: A KOG Unity PLUS Group Production 1 How to be transformed by the renewing of your mind! The solution to “stinking thinking!”

A KOG Unity PLUS Group Production


Consider our problems!

We don’t think like God; therefore . . . Nothing we think is right; therefore . . . Nothing we do is right; therefore . . . Everything that seems right leads to death;

therefore . . . All we do is sin; therefore . . . Our inherent and natural destiny is to be

dead for all eternity!

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Our problems, con’d

Sin dwells in us from birth; therefore . . . We are enslaved to sin and cannot free

ourselves; therefore . . . We live what the Bible says in Eph. 2:1-3, 11-

12. But God did not create us to fail;

therefore . . . Success is our REAL DESTINY!

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The human body symbolizes success!

Individually! Collectively, as a team! Organizationally, as the Church It’s a matter of being principle-centered:

– Trustworthiness at the personal level– Trust at the interpersonal level– Empowerment at the management level– Alignment at the organizational level

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God explains the process of systematic success in Rom. 12:1-21

In view of God’s mercy, present your body as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God

Do not conform any longer to the ways of this world!

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind Consider the payoff:

– Then you will be able to test and approve God’s good, pleasing and perfect will!

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Learn to think, not about self, but to think soberly!

God has dealt to every born again child of God a measure of faith; therefore, I must become trustworthy by the faith God has given me; and trusting by the faith God has given my born again brothers and sisters!

This principle applies individually, collectively as we work together as a team!

This principle applies particularly to the Church!

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V.4: “For as we have many members in one body, all members have not the same office!”

The body is a system—a collection of components, working together for a common, beneficial outcome!

Involuntary components work together Voluntary components often work contrary one to

another Systems unaffected by our sinful nature work

together Systems affected by our sinful nature work in


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Individually, we are a “team” of specialized members!

Collectively, whether it’s two or more, we are a “team” of specialized members!

This principle applies to the Church as well: V. 5: “So we, being many, are one body in Christ,

and everyone members one of another!” We all—in the body of Christ belong to each other,

just as each member of our individual bodies belong to all other members!

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Notice how the body works!

Each part of our body serves all other parts, accepting the mutual benefit of service!

No part involved in involuntary services considers the repetition to be boring; nor begrudges the rest of the body the benefit of its work!

Examples: heart, lungs, the digestive system!

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All conflict in our body is caused by the sinful nature!

The sinful nature manipulates certain parts of the body to serve the desires of that nature, (see Rom. 8:5-11).

All works of the flesh (Gal. 5:19-21) occur because the sinful nature uses members of our body to serve the sinful nature, not to benefit the body and others!

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All parts of the body are gifted!

Therefore, our human bodies do not achieve ultimate benefit unless each part contributes its giftedness to the mutual benefit of the body!

In the same way, each of us are gifted to serve the rest of us!

All born again children of God have been given spiritual gifts for the benefit of our spiritual brothers and sisters, to the glory of God!

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Consider verses 6-13

If your gift is prophesy, use it, proportionately to the faith God has given you!

In the same way, use serving, teaching, encouraging, contributing to the needs of others, leadership, and showing mercy!

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Notice verses 14-21

Bless persecutors! Rejoice with the rejoicing! Mourn with the mourning! Live in harmony with one another! Avoid pride and conceit! Act rightly with great care! Live at peace with everyone! Avoid revenge! Conquer evil!

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Why don’t we live this way?

We ignore the initial step! Do not conform any longer to the pattern of

this world! But how? Jesus reveals the process in John 8:31-32!

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Consider advice from the Christ:

Jesus said to the Jews who (1) BELIEVED Him . . . If you (2) HOLD TO MY TEACHING, you are really

my disciples! The (3) YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH! (see John

14:6) And (4) THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE! This process frees us from being conformed to the

ways of this world!

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Consider an example!

Luke 6:38 “Give, and it shall be given unto you:– Good measure– Pressed down– Shaken together– Running over

. . .will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you!”

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In my business . . .

I offer new HBBO owners $13,757 in products and services for $399!

I take a 30% equity position in their business for three years, or until my commission earns $20,000. In other words, I will have to help them earn at least $66,500 for me to earn about $20,000, and I have to do that in 36 months!

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What measure am I using?

I give 400% more in products and services than the original investment!

This will be a profitable relationship only if I help the customer to earn 70% more than I do!

What measure will God use to have return given to me, pressed down, shaken together and running over?

What would the world say about such a deal?

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That’s not all!

On the customer’s fifth anniversary, I promise to give the HBBO owner a bonus equal to the original investment!

Does the person take any risk? What measure am I using to give? What does that mean to my business?

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Consider another example!

I recently proposed a venture in which two investors invested $350 each, and will receive 60% perpetual return on their investment. They get 60% of revenue, off the top!

$375 x 5,000 customers = $1,875,000 x .60 = $1,125,000 = $562,500 each!

Is that a good return on an investment? What would the world say about such a deal? Would most people believe that this is TOO GOOD


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Will God deliver 5,000 customers to us?

If we contact 9,000 prospects and share the message that gives them opportunity to:– Build equity in their homes three times faster– Pay off their mortgage eight to 12 years sooner– Save $50,000 or more in interest payments

Does God obligate Himself, based upon His righteousness, in Luke 6:30 to deliver 5,400 customers to us?

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We believe Luke 6:38 promises just that!

How does this belief compare with Mark 11:22-24?


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What’s the key to receiving the benefits of this principal?

Be a believer!—See John 8:31 Believe!—See Mark 11:22-25 Behave as a believer!-- Trust God to keep His promises as we live in

His word! (Col. 3:17) Act on all of the above!

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Who should be our #1 target market for this service?

Rom. 12:13; Gal. 6:10 Does God promise to remember these things

we do for others, especially God’s people? (Heb. 6:10)

Does God reveal how He remembers? (Mal. 3:16).

Will some of God’s people be suspicious of this new concept? (John 6:32-66)

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Should we also serve people in the world who need this?

Mark 14:7 Luke 16:1-13

– Abide in the Word when you have little and you will abide in the Word when God delivers much!

– Use worldly wealth as a catalyst to build relationships, particularly in the world.

– If God can’t trust you with this world’s wealth, He also can’t trust you with eternal riches [grace, for example].

– You can’t love both God and wealth simultaneously! You can love God and use wealth, but you can’t love wealth and use God

– (start 4-12-06)

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Do these examples illustrate the principles in John 8:31-32?

Who said: “Give and it shall be given to you, a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

If I apply Luke 6:38 to the pricing strategy in my business, am I holding to (abiding in) His word?

Am I, therefore, His disciple?

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Now consider how Rom. 12:1-2 applies in these examples:

Would my sinful nature ascribe to this principle?

Therefore, if I apply John 8:31-32 and Luke 6:38, am I sacrificing my “body,” my natural way of thinking, the so-called carnal paradigm?

Am I refusing to conform, in this specific business practice, to the ways of this world?

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What happens in my relationship with God?

Am I being trustworthy at the personal level? Am I proposing relationships based upon trust at the

interpersonal level? Are these business proposals mutually empowering

at the management level? Do they put me, partners and customers in alignment

with God at the organizational level? Rom. 8:32!

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The conclusion:

You need seven “tools” to practice spiritual principles:– Get started– Become and remain teachable }– Become and remain coach-able} By the Holy Spirit!– Learn to master systems thinking and the sanctification process– Work S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Relevant

and Time-focused)– Work hard– Don’t quit!

These constitute the “trigger” principles of the 40 principles that define the “keys to the kingdom of heaven!”

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I suggest:

Select something specific and practical in life that you want God to bless you to achieve!

Yield as the Holy Spirit reveals the appropriate governing principle! This principle will always be contrary to what you have “always believed.”

Ask God in prayer to “help your unbelief!” Remember, Jesus said that some unbelief does not

go out except by prayer and fasting! (Matt. 17:21) Use the seven tools of principle application!

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Next: How to fight the good fight of faith!

Learn how to conquer the enemies of God’s gift of faith!