Page 1: A Guide to Services for Persons with Disabilities in Pakistan · Telenor Pakistan 13-K, Moaiz Center, F-7 Markaz Islamabad, Pakistan email: Tel: + 92 51 111 345

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A Guide to Services forPersons with Disabilities in Pakistan

Page 2: A Guide to Services for Persons with Disabilities in Pakistan · Telenor Pakistan 13-K, Moaiz Center, F-7 Markaz Islamabad, Pakistan email: Tel: + 92 51 111 345

Table of ContentsA guide to services for persons with disabilities in Pakistan

Table of Contents




Education & Educational Updates..................................................................................................... 1

Employment Opportunities................................................................................................................ 2

Assistive Devices.................................................................................................................................. 2

Rehabilitation Centers......................................................................................................................... 3

Recreation & Sports ............................................................................................................................ 3




National Policy for Persons with Disabilities 2002........................................................................ 4

Annex 1 - Disability Certificate – Job Quota – Disability Allowance............................... 12

Annex 2 - Special Education Institutes ................................................................................ 12

Annex 3 - Inclusive Education................................................................................................ 17

Annex 4 - University Quota..................................................................................................... 17

Annex 5 - Vocational Training Facilities................................................................................ 17

Annex 6 - Counseling and Further Information .................................................................. 18

Annex 7 - Competitive Examination ..................................................................................... 19

Annex 8 - Small Business Grant – Free Assistive Devices................................................ 19

Annex 9 - Job Board................................................................................................................ 20

Annex 10 - Assistive Devices for Government Servants ................................................... 20

Annex 11 - Assistive Technologies and Software ............................................................... 20

Annex 12 - Rehabilitation ....................................................................................................... 20

Annex 13 - Accessible Recreational Facilities & Sports...................................................... 21

Annex 14 - Training Institutes................................................................................................... 21

Annex 15 - Independent Living and Personal Attendant ................................................. 22




A guide to servicesfor persons with

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ObjectivesObjectives of this guide areto:

Inform Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) about their rights To provide a compilation of basic facilities and concessions

offered by the Government of Pakistan and disabled personsorganizations.

Education &EducationalUpdatesEducationGovernment of Pakistan offers following concessions topersons with disabilities in the field of education:

Disability Certificate The basic step beforeavailing any disability related facility is to register as a disabledperson. This registration process is overseen by NationalCouncil for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons (NCRDP).Contact information for NCRDP is available in Annex 1. Theregistration process entails a visit to a doctor at your localDistrict Headquarters Hospital (DHQ). and attaching theexamination result with your application to NCRDP

Special Education Facility DirectorateGeneral of Special Education has a network of institutionsoffering free educational facilities in specially designedsettings for persons with disabilities. These facilities are mainlylimited to primary level education; however some secondarylevel facilities are also available. For a complete list of specialeducation institute, please refer to Annexure 1. Applicationsfor admission are directly accepted at all special educationcenters. The requisite documents need to be accompaniedby a disability certificate to ensure admission at theseinstitutes. For more information, contact your closest specialeducation facility mentioned in Annex 2.

Inclusive Schools Government of Pakistan alsooffers inclusive education opportunities to persons withdisabilities. All boards of education operating throughout thecountry offer free of cost education up to intermediate level.

For details on who to contact for information on inclusiveeducation, kindly see Annex 3. Admission forms need to beaccompanied by a disability certificate. A separate applicationfor fee waiver needs to be sent to Inter Board Committee ofChairmen.

University Quota An education quota of 1% hasbeen recommended by Higher Education Commission to alluniversities for PWDs. However, the quota is discretionaryand is not regularly utilized or enforced. For Higher EducationCommission contact, please refer to Annex 4.

Vocational Training Government of Pakistanoffers free vocational training facilities for PWDs at purpose-built vocational training centers throughout Pakistan. For alist of these institutions please consult Annex 5. Admissionto special vocational training institutes is also free of cost.The facility can be availed by submitting a disability certificatealong with the regular admission forms.

More information There are a number of NGOsthat provide information, counseling and guidance. Kindlysee Annex 6 for a list of such NGOs.

EmploymentOpportunitiesGovernment of Pakistan offers a number of facilities,concessions and opportunities to persons with disabilities forgainful employment. These concessions are mentioned below:

Job quota The government asks for a 1% quota onemployment in all public and private sector organizations.This also includes all commercial, industrial and tradingconcerns. Further information on quota can be obtained fromresources listed in Annex 9. All eligible persons with disabilitiescan apply to government positions advertised with quotamentioned. The procedure requires attaching a disabilitycertificate with the job application.

Competitive Exams All persons with disabilitiesare eligible to appear in competitive exams for alladministrative positions against 1% quota for disabled or onopen positions. More information available from resourceslisted in Annex 7. All eligible persons with disabilities can apply

for appearance in competitive exams by attaching adisability certificate with the application.

Disability Allowance If a person with disability,despite attempts fails to get gainful employment, theperson can apply for disability allowance through NationalCouncil for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons (NCRDP).Proof of attempts to obtain gainful employment throughown resources and with NCRDP’s help needs to be providedas supporting document. Contact information of NCRDPis available in Annex 1.

Small Business Grant Persons with disabilitiesinterested in starting their own business can apply for aone time grant from Pakistan Baitul Maal. The amount ofgrant can vary from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 50,000. Documentsto be submitted with Pakistan Baitul Maal include acertificate by area nazim confirming the person has limitedresources and a disability certificate. Contact informationfor Baitul Maal is available in Annex 8.

More information A number of DPOs andNGOs provide support and necessary information regardingthese concessions. List of these DPOs is available inAnnexure 6.

Job Boards Other than that, a few job boards arealso available that list positions encouraging persons withdisabilities. List of these job boards are available inAnnexure 9.

Assistive DevicesThere are a number of facilities available from governmentfor eligible persons with disabilities as mentioned below:

Assistive devices for general publicAssistive devices, such as wheel chair, white cane andhearing device, can be obtained from Bait-ul-Maal freeof cost. Applicant requires a certificate from local nazimconfirming that the person with disability is of limited

resources. The person must also be registered as a personwith disability and must attach a disability certificate.Details of contact for sourcing these devices is availablein Annex 8.

Assistive Devices for GovernmentServants and Dependents All governmentemployees can obtain free of cost assistive devices forthemselves or their dependents. Documents requiredinclude proof of employment with government, disabilitycertificate and proof of relation with dependent (if deviceis required for a family member). Contact details for theservice are available in Annex 10.

Assistive Technologies andSoftware Certain open source software suitable forpersons with visual disabilities is available free of cost andcan be downloaded from the internet. In addition to theregular English versions, an Urdu version screen reader isalso available. Information on these software is providedin Annex 11.

More information Number of DPOs and NGOsprovide support and necessary information regarding theseconcessions. List of these DPOs is available in Annex 6.

RehabilitationCentersGovernment of Pakistan has established various facilitiesfor rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. Details are asunder:

Artificial Limbs, Prosthetics etcPakistan has state-of-the-art facilities for artificial limbs,prosthetics and cataract treatment. Artificial limbs areavailable free of cost at various institutes throughoutPakistan. The only thing required is disability certificate toget free limbs. List of resources offering this service isavailable in Annex 12.

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National Policyfor Persons withDisabilities 2002

Basic Health Facilities Persons withdisabilities are offered free of cost treatment at allgovernment hospitals. The additional documentationrequired is a disability certificate.

More information A number of DPOs andNGOs provide support and necessary informationregarding these concessions. List of these DPOs isavailable in Annex 6.

Recreation &SportsPWDs can enjoy recreational facilities especially designedfor easy accessibility and be involved in healthy sportsactivities.

Recreation Spots A number of popularrecreational spots have been made accessible for PWDs.A list is provided Annex 13.

Sports Clubs Any PWD can register with therelevant cricket association by becoming a member of anassociated club. Various associations have their owntraining facilities. A list of these associations is availablein Annex 13.

EmpowermentGovernment of Pakistan provides a number of facilitiesfor the empowerment of PWDs persons with disabilities.

Computer Training Institutes &Sign Language Training Enrolling ingovernment’s computer training institutes entails meetingthe basic requirements and submitting a disabilitycertificate. Entry to disabled sign language traininginstitutes run by NGOs is often dependant on proving thedisability. Contacts of various institutes providing theseservices are available in Annex 14.

Independent Living and PersonalAttendant Training Some disabled personsorganizations also provide independent living and personalattendant training for severely disabled. List of suchinstitutes is available in Annex 15.

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PreambleThe need to make special provision for those members ofthe community who suffer from the effects of disabilitieshas long been recognized in Pakistan. Creation of specialfacilities for the education, training and rehabilitation ofdisabled persons is regarded as being of central importanceconcerning the rights of a significant percentage of ourpopulation.

Recent years have witnessed emergence of Internationalmovements for the empowerment of Persons with Disabilitiesthrough a number of international conventions andagreements, which make Government of Pakistan a partnerin the global movement for the betterment of this segmentof society.

The provision of a comprehensive range of facilities forpersons with disabilities from prenatal care througheducation, vocational training, employment and supportduring adult life cannot be a matter for a single governmentdepartment or agency. The provision and growth of servicesof real quality will require the active co-operation of a largenumber of relevant organizations at federal, provincial, localand NGO level, along with involvement of family,professionals and communities at large.

The policy is formulated with a background of informationabout the number of disabled children and adults in Pakistanbased upon the WHO estimates of 10% of the populationand upon more detailed information provided by Pakistan-based studies including the National Census, 1998. TheNational Census Report of 1998 however indicates a lowestimate of 2.49% of the total population, based on thereported cases of persons with disabilities. Grouping of the2.49% figure into age specific groups indicates the followingestimated maximum level of need:

1. Children under five who require some form of support,as will their families.

2. Children aged 5-14 who require some form of specialeducation.

3. Young people up to the age of 29 who will need furthereducation, training and employment opportunities.

4. Disabled Adults requiring other welfare support andassistance.

5. The disabled senior citizens requiring more specialfacilities.

The distribution of different disabilities within the definedpopulation of disabled persons, as indicated by the 1998census, provides a useful guide for planning programmesas under:-

i) Physically Handicapped 19%

ii) Mentally Handicapped & Insane 14%iii) Multiple disability 8.21%iv) Visually Impaired 8.6%v) Hearing Impaired 7.40%vi) Others 43.33%

(Not classified but included as disability)

The above figures include those who have mild or temporaryconditions but who will require access to some form ofsupport or assistance. Studies undertaken in Pakistan andelsewhere, however, indicate that a smaller group ofindividuals exists which have serious or severe disablingconditions, which are in need of detailed intervention andsupport on a long-term basis. The size of this group willamount to 2% to 4% of the population of the disabledpersons, according to estimates.

VisionThe overall vision of the National Policy for Persons withDisabilities in keeping with our Islamic way of life, is to provideby 2025 an environment that would allow full realizationof the potential of persons with disabilities through theirinclusive main-streaming and providing them full supportof the government, private sector and civil society.

GoalEmpowerment of persons with disabilities, irrespective ofcaste, creed, religion, gender or other consideration for therealization of their full potential in all spheres of life, speciallysocial, economic, personal and political.

Mission StatementOptimal development of persons with disabilities for therealization of their full potential in all walks of life, especiallyin the areas of health, education, social, economic andvocational needs, for the fulfillment of their present as wellas future requirements.

Guiding PrinciplesThe Constitutional guarantees and accession tointernational instruments on human rights, as the reiterationof the Islamic principals of justice and equality.

Non-discrimination and gender equity at all levels.

Holistic approach in the overall interest of Persons with

National Policyfor Persons with

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Disabilities covering all aspects of their lives in thecommunity.

The rights-based approach rather than welfare conceptsin program planning and implementation.

Active collaboration from all stakeholders, government,private sector and civil society.

Aims andObjectivesTo persons with disabilities:

1. provide access to facilities which may lead to theirintegration and main-streaming in all spheres of life;

2. ensure they are involved in planning and implementingeducational, training and rehabilitation programs forthemselves, their families and communities;

3. ensure that they are able to enjoy their rights andopportunities as other citizens do;

4. ensure that they have equal opportunities and accessto medical, education, social, psychological, vocationaltraining, employment and rehabilitation, without anydiscrimination;

5. ensure that the legislation relating to employment andrehabilitation of persons with disabilities is adequatelyformulated and is strictly enforced;

6. expand service infrastructure which is adequate toaccommodate and cover all persons with disabilitiesboth in urban and rural areas;

7. harness modern technology, tools and skills to streamlinenational policy, planning, programming and servicedelivery for effective redressal of disabilities;

8. emove financial and technical constraints posinghindrance in the way of proper Implementation ofprograms.

Strategies Develop and launch advocacy campaigns to address

special groups, such as policy makers, opinion leaders,youth and adolescents

Increase ownership of disability issues by the stakeholdersand strengthen their participation in the process ofservice delivery and program design.

Adopt a shift from exclusive system of education to thatto inclusive education for the children with disabilities.

Ensure the provision of quality services to all segmentsof age groups for Persons with Disabilities, throughexpansion and strengthening of service deliveryinfrastructure.

Expand, coordinate and monitor a comprehensivenetwork of services for Person with Disabilities in Pakistan.

Build strong partnerships with concerned Line Ministries,Provincial Line Departments and the Private Sector(NGOs), by providing assistance / guidance throughadvocacy, training, monitoring and other means ofparticipation and quality assurance.

Decentralize program management and service deliveryto provincial and district level.

Ensure training and education of parents andcommunities to recognize special needs of persons withdisabilities.

Areas of Focus andSpecial AttentionA. Early Intervention,Assessmentand MedicalTreatmenti) PreventionThe prevention of disabilities, to a large extent, is the domainof the medical profession, family counselors, psychologistsand social workers and has its basis in research and trainingwithin those disciplines. However, educational services havea role to play through the provision of courses of study inschools/colleges for students in the areas of health,education and child development. This would supplementinformation provided to the families and could improve theirknowledge and skills for prevention of disabilities.

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C. Vocational Training,Employment andRehabilitationi) Vocational TrainingVocational training facilities at present are very limitedto meet the requirements of persons with disabilities inboth private and public sectors The following measureswill be adopted and promoted for further extension ofthese facilities to a larger segment of persons withdisabilities:

1. establishment of sheltered and integrated workshopsat provincial level2. establishment of vocational training centers at districtlevel,3. utilization of vocational training programs administeredby the federal, provincial, district governments and byprivate agencies4. Linkages with relevant government and non-government establishments for the utilization of theirfacilities by persons with disabilities.

Existing network of over 100 training institutes, establishedunder vocational training system, will be utilized by keepinga provision of 5% seats for persons with disabilities in eachVocationalTraining Unit.

ii) Use of information technologyInformation technology has the potential for multifarioususes for and by persons with disability. For the hearingimpaired, it can provide direct access to visual imagesand sources of information and means of instantcommunication. With additional gadgets for soundproduction and Braille printing, it can be at the service ofthe visually handicapped persons. It can be used bypersons with severe physical disability and severe speechproblems as means of communication. It has been usedfor speech training of persons with mental retardationthrough relevant games and exercises. Use of computersfor education and training of persons with disabilities willbe promoted in the federal and provincial governmentspecial education centers. Private sector will be involved

in this system along with the public sector. Options openfor the general public in this fast expanding field, will bemade available to persons with disabilities.

iii) Assistive TechnologyAssistive technology plays an important role inrehabilitating persons with disabilities. By using this moderntechnology these persons can perform in a better way.Special attention will be given to the development ofassistive technology with the involvement of relevantorganizations, particularly in the area of arthocrosthetic,for persons with disabilities. A directory of the servicesavailable in the country in this area shall be prepared forfacility of the person with disabilities and for othersinterested.

iv) Outreach programThe Outreach approach involves identification of childrenwith disabilities, assessment of their special needs andtraining of their family members at their homes. This modelwill be promoted in the private sector through the provisionof training facilities for staff involved in outreach programsand incentives to NGOs. Supportive agencies such asPakistan Bait-ul- Mal and Central Zakat Administrationalong with local bodies, will be encouraged to providematching financial assistance for suchprograms.

v) EmploymentPakistan joined the select group of countries, which hasnot only ratified ILO Convention 159, but have also takenactive legal steps to introduce legislation which lays downquota for the employment of persons with disabilities.Disabled Persons (Employment & Rehabilitation)Ordinance, 1981, reserves one percent quota for personswith disabilities. This Ordinance is in the process of beingamended to increase the quota from 1% to 2%. The penaltyclauses will also be amended to make its implementationmore effective. It will also be ensured that the NationalPolicy and all future modifications of it, adhere to theprinciples laid down in the relevant articles of theConvention 159, which deal with vocational rehabilitationand employment of persons with disabilities.

ii) DetectionA reliable and accessible diagnostic system is a pre-requisitefor the development of preventive and interventionstrategies. Children who have been diagnosed within thefirst few weeks or months of life, given appropriateintervention and family support, very frequently achievemore than children whose diagnosis has been delayed andwhere professional intervention or family support has beenuncertain.

iii) Intervention

Referral to a multiprofessional team at district level will beessential for those children who have moderate or severelevels of impairment. The composition of these teams willreflect a concern for children in relevant developmental andhealth areas.

iv) CounselingIt is an area which cuts across a number of concerneddisciplines such as anthropology, sociology, genetics,psychology, social work, religious instructions etc.

v) Genetic Counseling

There is need to make knowledge about genetic transferenceof disabilities available to the general public, in particularto parents and prospective parents. This responsibility isdifficult to pin point in respect of the various governmentagencies as it is to be shared by a number of departmentssuch as Ministry of Health and Ministry of WomenDevelopment, Social Welfare and Special Education at theFederal level.

vi) Family Guidance

The provision of family based guidance about children atearly age level requires a combination of teachingcompetence and skills essential for social work. Asystematictraining program for the parents of children with disabilitiesand for the children themselves provides excellentopportunities for early learning by the child. It also providesskills and confidence for parents who may be anxious andneed to develop skills for meeting the special needs ofchildren with disabilities.

B. Education and Trainingi) EducationStarting from a scratch, Pakistan has made significantprogress in all relevant areas since the establishment ofDirectorate General of Special Education (DGSE) andNational Trust for the Disabled (NTD) at the federal level ineighties. The provincial governments and NGOs joined themovement and initiated special projects. At the Internationallevel, the movement towards making special education anintegral part of education has been gaining ground.Integration of children with disability in normal system ofeducation shall therefore be promoted at all levels.

ii) TrainingTraining programs for teachers and social welfare workersand the course content at postgraduate level shall includean element of awareness training in disabilities from theperspective of that profession and its role related to personswith disabilities. The existing system of post-graduate trainingin special education at the university level will be furtherstrengthened and expanded. The training institutes likeNational Institute of Special Education (NISE) will furtherstrengthen their program of Teacher Training and Research,for improved service delivery.

Training of doctors, pediatricians and other related specialistsin the diagnosis of disabilities will be arranged at medicalcolleges or at relevant departments at the university level,in order to build up a well qualified professional team.

The number of training institutions available for occupationaltherapy and physiotherapy will be increased along withtraining centers for speech therapists and other relevantprofessionals. Training facilities at National Institute ofHandicapped (NIH) and other institutions will be continuedto be supported through the collaboration of federalgovernment, provincial governments, district governmentsand international donor agencies.

iii) Integration and MainstreamingRecognizing the need for affording the education facilitiesto a maximum number of children with disabilities, theirintegration shall be ensured by adopting the followingmeasures:

provision of special aids and equipment alignment of policies between the Federal Government,

the provincial governments and the district governmentsat the level of relevant ministries and departments

changes in curriculum in collaboration with relevantdepartments, agencies provision of specialized aids andequipment.

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G. Design of Buildings,Parks and Public PlacesIn order to ensure safe and easy access of persons withdisabilities in public places / buildings, codes of practicefor the design of new public buildings and for theadaptation of existing premises etc, will be prepared andissued in association with the Pakistan Council of Architectsand Planners (PCATP) and Pakistan Engineering Council(PEC). Design manuals for public buildings will be preparedby the Ministry of Women Development, Social Welfare& Special Education, which will provide specifications forsuch aspects of those buildings which are used by personswith disabilities such as ramps, lifts, toilets etc. Accessibilityto other buildings of public use also requires specialdesigning to facilitate easy approach for persons withdisabilities.

H. InstitutionalArrangement/Mechanismi) Role of the Federal GovernmentThe role of Federal Government is important in meetingthe needs of the persons with disabilities at national level.The present level of support provided by the federalgovernment for efforts in the field of education andrehabilitation of person with disabilities shall be enhanced.Joint effort of the concerned Ministries like Education,Health, Labour and Manpower and Sports and Culture etcin addition to the Ministry of Women Development, SocialWelfare and Special Education shall be ensured for fulfillingthe objectives, laid down in this Policy.

It is essential that a workable system is developed forinter-ministerial sensitization and collaboration to extractmaximum mileage for the benefit of persons withdisabilities. One of the areas for collaboration is thebudgetary provision and its utilization for the benefit ofpersons with disabilities in areas falling under theoperational jurisdiction of various ministries / departments.

ii) Role of Provincial GovernmentsThe role of provincial governments becomes essential inproviding all the required facilities to a maximum numberof persons with disabilities. Based on the needsassessment, the provincial governments will draw up actionplans for public and private sectors. Ministry of WomenDevelopment, Social Welfare & Special Education willextend all help and cooperation in education and trainingof qualified and competent teachers and otherprofessionals to staff these programs. Federal Governmentwill also provide assistance in areas of curriculumdevelopment and research.

iii) Role of District GovernmentsDistrict governments will enhance the scope of programsfor persons with disabilities. The district administrationswill establish special education units/special classes inselected educational institutions of local bodies in ruralareas. Through in-service training in special education,the existing teaching staff could function effectively foreducation of children with disabilities in their own set up.

It is planned to include the introduction of and lookingafter the system of integration of children with disabilitiesin normal schools in the area of jurisdiction of the districtcouncils and union councils in the local bodies system.Education, vocational training and rehabilitation of personswith disabilities will be made part of rural developmentprograms, through local bodies and relevant governmentaland non-governmental organizations, to ensure theimplementation of plans in these areas.

v) Role Of Private Sector(Community and FamilyInvolvement)Government institutions will seek community involvementby encouraging establishment of voluntary organizations.The resources of emerging group of NGOs in the field ofcommunity social work, will be tapped and channelized inthe direction of projects for the welfare and uplift of personswith disabilities. The range of opportunities for volunteers

vi) Sheltered / supportemploymentIn view of minimal opportunities for employment in theopen market, alternate arrangements for gainfulengagement of disabled persons will be made throughthe establishment of Sheltered Workshops or SupportedEmployment. Arrangements for establishing units ofsheltered or supported employment will be made as partof larger industrial units or as independent establishments.

vii) Self-employmentSpecial schemes will be launched and existing programsstrengthened in the area of self-employment. Personswith disabilities will be provided financial and environmentalsupport for attaining economic independence throughself-employment. Agencies like Pakistan Bait-Ul-Mal,Central Zakat Administration, Khush-Hali Bank, andnational and international organizations will also beassociated to provide financial support through micro-credit schemes, for such programs.

The strength inherent in the community and the familiesas a resource for vocational rehabilitation of persons withdisabilities shall be utilized to the maximum to attain thegoals of self-employment. The programs like “VocationalRehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons withCommunity Participation (VREDP)” shall be replicated inthe urban and semi-urban areas for the benefit of personswith disabilities.

viii) Incentives to employersEnterprises employing workers with disabilities will be givenincentives, financial assistance and exclusive contractsor priority production rights, as part of the policy topromote gainful employment of persons with disability.Employers will be encouraged to adopt measures for theuse of new technologies and the development andproduction of assistive devices, tools and equipment, tofacilitate access for persons with disability to the openmarket to enable them to gain and maintain employment.

D. Research andDevelopmentBoth academic and applied research aimed at practicaloutcome for the ultimate benefit for persons (childrenand adults) with disabilities, will be encouraged both at

the federal and provincial levels. Efforts will be made toenlist the interest and support of the universities and otherorganizations particularly in the areas of medicine, socialwork, psychology, vocational training, engineering andtechnology. These Institutes/ Centers will function as focalpoints for research, central record and information.

E. Advocacy and MassAwarenessAll possible channels, at community as well as media level,will be utilized to create public awareness about the natureand types of disabilities and the need for communitysupport for their identification as well as rehabilitation.The mosques and other places of congregation will alsobe utilized as part of the awareness campaign.

The public attitude plays an important role for personswith disabilities to function as fully participating membersof society. This is a long process and can only be achievedthrough constant exposure to positive images of thepersons with disabilities and by the projection of theirsuccess stories through mass media. The community asa whole must ensure that attention is given, not only tothe issues of services planning, but also to the details ofaccess to public buildings, transport and other facilities.The electronic media all over the world has played asignificant role in creating awareness regarding thecontribution that communities can play for the welfare ofpersons with disabilities. This will be given special attentionby involving television and radio channels in this processthrough their management, writers and producers.

National level workshops will be organized in this respectin collaboration with PTV and representatives of othersectors of media.

F. Sports and RecreationProvision of appropriately designed sports and recreationalfacilities for children with disabilities and adults would beundertaken in collaboration with all public and privateauthorities. Such facilities would, wherever possible, beencouraged within general schemes and will not besegregated as far as possible. Each district/local authorityshall ensure that budgetary provisions exist which willenable groups of persons with disabilities to establishclubs for sports and recreation and shall provideappropriate premises free of rental and standing chargesfor utilities.

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S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

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to contribute will be according to need and resources ofparticular communities. It will include work with teachersin providing additional support to children with disabilitiesand work in community-based projects to enhance publicawareness. Volunteers, who have professional skillsrelevant to the needs of children with disabilities, will beencouraged to donate time in their areas of expertise tospecial education programs. Efforts of the private sectorshall be further strengthened by financial and technicalsupport by the government.

The process of rehabilitation, for many persons withdisabilities, is one which requires life long support. SpecialEducation and vocational training are part of that processand are not conceptually separate from it. To be effective,rehabilitation requires the involvement of a wide varietyof professionals, organizations and community at large.Involvement of “Special Friends” and voluntary supportgroups will be targeted.

I. FundingThe Planning Commission has allocated Rs. 6,282.280millions in the 10 years Perspective Development Plan,2001-2011 for education, training and rehabilitation ofthe handicapped. This allocation of funds shall beinstrumental in carrying out the objectives laid down inthis Policy document and would draw services throughplanning beyond 2012.To achieve Vision as set out in thisNational Policy, the estimated financial resources requiredwould be about Rs.25 billion. In addition to governmentfunding for achieving the objectives of the National Policy,other sources for funding such as internationalorganizations and relevant national agencies will betapped.

J. MonitoringThe multifarious and multidimensional nature of theservices for person with disabilities requires that a systemis evolved to oversee the progress in various segmentsand feed back to the relevant sectors. This responsibilityshall be handled by the Ministry of Women Development,Social Welfare and Special Education or any other agencynominated by the Ministry / Department concerned forthis purpose. A periodic review will be regular and essentialpart of the system to provide for the employment,rehabilitation and welfare of disabled.

Annex 1 – Disability Certificate - Job Quota - Disability Allowance

1 National Council for Rehabilitation Islamabad 051-519261930 Govt Al-Farabi Special Education of Disabled Persons Complex, Hana Road, G-8/1

Annex 2 – Special Education Institutes

S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

1 Special Education Centre for Abbottabad 0992-9310105 Govt Noor Illahi Road, PolicePhysically Handicapped Children Line

2 Special Education Centre for Bahawalpur 062-9255110 Govt 8-C, Rashid Minhas Road,Physically Impaired children Model Town- A

3 Special Education Centre for D.G.Khan 064-9239030 Govt Near Board ofPhysically Impaired Children Intermediate &(Primary to Middle) Secondary Education,

Multan Road

4 Special Education Centre for Dadu 025-9239003 Gov H.NO.C.S.1016/63A,Physically Impaired Children Mohallah JagatabadSpecial Education Complex

5 Special Education Center for Faisalabad 041-8766978 Private Block E, Millat TownPhysically Handicapped Children

6 Special Education Center for Gujrat 053-3525319 Private Noor St. Shadman ColonyPhysically Handicapped Children

7 Special Education Centre for Islamabad 0519260858 Govt Opposite Noori HospitalPhysically Impaired Children G-8/4

8 Special Education Centre for Karachi 021-4028997 Govt St.31, Block No.15, Physically Impaired Children Gulistan-e-Johar

9 Special Education Centre for Khuzdar 0848-550301 Govt Engineering UniversityHearing Impaired Children Road, P.O.Box 41

10 Special Education Centre for Khuzdar 0848-550301 Govt Engineering UniversityPhysically Impaired Children Road, P.O. Box 41

11 Institute of physically Lahore 042-9262191 Govt 45-B/ll, Johar TownHandicapped Children

12 Special Education Centre for Mardan 0937-881011 Private Sector M phase –ll,Physically Impaired Children Sheikh Matloon Town

13 Special Education Centre forPhysically Handicapped Children Muzaffarabad 05822-960828 Govt Complex Manik Pian,

P.O. Box No.26,

2.1 - Special Education Institutes for Persons with Physical Disabilities.

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14 Special Education Centre for Lahore 042-9262192 Govt 45-B/II, Johar TownVisually Handicapped Children

15 Special Education Centre for Larkana 074-9241052 Govt New Housing Colony,Visually Handicapped Children Beside Public School

16 Special Education Centre for Mirpur Khas 0233-9290217 Govt 6/B, Block 6, Unit III,Visually Impaired Children Satellite Town

17 Special Education Centre for Muzzafarabad 05822-960828 Govt Manik Pian, P.O. Box 26Visually Impaired Children Complex

18 Special Education Centre for Nawab Shah 0244-9370149 Govt Opposite Sikandar DehrajVisually Handicapped Children Fruit Farm, Qazi Ahmed Road

19 Special Education Centre for Okara 044-9200168 Govt Shamisa ColonyVisually Handicapped Children

20 Special Education Centre for Sialkot 052-3551170 Govt 3, Model TownVisually Handicapped Children Muradia Road

S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

14 Institute for Physically Peshawar 091-9217256 Govt Phase-V, HayatabadHandicapped Children

15 Institute for Physically Quetta 081-9211516 Govt Gulshan-e-Siddique ColonyHandicapped Children Near Gulistan Nursery

Suryab Road

16 Special Education Centre for Rawalpindi 051-5956765 Private 85-A, St. 6,Physically Impaired Children Gulzar-e-Quaid(Primary to Middle)

17 Special Education Centre for Rawalpindi 051-5956765 Private 85-A, St. 6,Physically Handicapped Children Gulzar-e-Quaid

S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

1 Special Education Centre for Jehlum 0544-923040 NGO Baig House, MohallahVisually Impaired Children Tariqabad, Rohtas Road

2 Special Education Centre for Mardan 0937-881011 NGO Sector M, Phase –II, SheikhVisually Impaired Children Matloon Town

3 Special Education Centre for Peshawar 091-9217931 Govt Phase –V HayatabadVisually Impaired Children Complex

4 Special Education Centre for Charsadda 091-9238068 Govt House of Mr. GhulamVisually Handicapped Children Mohammad Sadiq,

Muslimabad Station Koroona,Sector-6, Town Area, MardanRoad , P.O.Box 11, GPO

5 Special Education Centre for Faisalabad 041-8815113 Govt Block E , Millat TownVisually Handicapped Children

6 Special Education Centre for Gujrat 053-3525319 Private Noor Street, Shadman ColonyVisually Handicapped Children

7 Special Education Centre for Islamabad 051-9252031 Govt Rooh Afza Market,Visually Handicapped Children St. 14, G-7/2

8 Special Education Centre for Karachi 021-4612199 Govt St. 31, Block 15,Visually Handicapped Children Gulistan-e-Johar

9 Special Education Centre for Khuzdar 0848-550301 Govt Colony near Gulistan Nursery,Visually Impaired Children Suryab Road

10 Special Education Centre for Kohat Cantt. 0922-9260246 Govt 14-A, Happy ValleyVisually Handicapped Children

11 Special Education Centre for Jhang 0333-6735013 Private Madukki road opposite Basti Impaired Children Rasullah

12 Special Education Centre for Lahore 041-9262194 Govt 45-B/II, Johar TownImpaired Children,Hearing Impaired Complex

13 Special Education Centre for Sargoda 048-3212292 Private 292/A Sattelite TownImpaired Children

2.2 - Special Education Institutes for Persons with Visual Disabilities:

S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

1 Special Education Centre for Sargodha 048-3212292 Govt 292, Satellite TownHearing Impaired Children

2 Special Education Centre for Abbotabad 0992-9310105 Govt Noor Illahi Road, Police LinesPhysically Impaired Children

3 Special Education Centre for Charsadda 091-9238068 Govt House of Mr. GhulamVisually Impaired Children Mohammad Sadiq,

Muslimabad, station Koroona,Sector-6, Town Area , MardanRoad, P.O. Box 11

4 Special Education Centre for Faisalabad 041-8815112 Govt Block E , Millat Town Visually Impaired Children

5 Special Education Centre for Gilgit 05811-58393 Near Kara Kurram UniversityHearing Impaired Children

6 National Special Education Centre Islamabad 051-9257435 Govt H-9/1for Hearing Impaired Children

7 DEWA Academy Islamabad 051-2529819 NGO 753, Neelum Road, G-10/4

8 Special Education Centre for Jhang 0333-6735013 Private Madduki Road Apposite BastiHearing Handicapped Children Rasullabad

2.3 - Special Education Institutes for Persons with Hearing Disabilities:

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Disabilities in Pakistan 15

S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

9 Special Education Centre for Karachi 021-4015457 Private St.31, Block No.15,Impaired Children Gulistan-e-Johar

10 Special Education Centre for Karachi 021/4638344 Govt St.31, Block No.15,Impaired Children Gulistan-e-Johar

11 DEWA Academy Karachi NGO St. 9, Block 3, Gulshan-e-Iqbal

12 Special Education Centre for Khuzdar 0848-550301 Govt Engineering University Road,Hearing Impaired Children P.O.Box 41

13 Special Education Centre for Kohat Cantt. 0922-516787 Private H.NO.14-A Happy ValleyImpaired Children

14 Special Education Centre for Lahore 042-9262194 Govt Centre for hearing impiredHearing Impaired Children children, spl. Edu, complex,


15 Special Education Centre for Muzzafarabad 05822-960828 Govt Manik Pian, P.O. Box no.26Hearing Impaired ChildrenSpecial Education Complex

16 Special Education Centre for Okara 044-9200168 Govt Shamisa ColonyHearing Impaired Children

17 Special Education Centre for Peshawar 091-9217257 Govt Phase – V, HayatabadHearing Impaired Children,Special Education

18 National Special Education Centre Peshawar 091-9217623 Govt Phase – V, Hayatabadfor Hearing Impaired ChildrenSpecial Education Complex

19 Special Education Centre for Peshawar 091-9217623 Govt phase –V Hayatabad,Hearing Impaired ChildrenSpecial Education Complex

20 Special Education Centre for Rahim 068-9230043 Govt Banglow. No.1Abbassi Town.Impaired Children yar Khan

21 Hassan Academy Rawalpindi NGO

22 Special Education Centre for Sawat 0946-9240227 Govt Makan Bagh Near Old TablighHearing Impaired Children Markaz, Mingora,

23 Special education centre for Shiekhupura 056-9200229 Govt Malik Anwar Road, Civil Lines,Hearing Handicapped Children.

24 Special Education Centre for sukkur 071-563305 Govt B.NO.42, Muslim CooperativeHearing Impired Children Housing Society, Militery


S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

2.4. Special Education Institutes for Persons with Learning Disabilities:

1 Special Education Centre for Peshawar 091-9217623 Govt Phase –V, HayatabadMentally Impaired Children

2 Special Education Centre for Bahawalpur 062-9255110 Govt 8-C, Rashid Minhas Road, Mentally Retarded Children Model Town- A

3 Special Education for Mentally D.I.Khan 0966-9280150 Govt Gulshan Rafiq Colony, Retarded Children Rafiuddin, Street,

Opposite Darban Road, P.O.Box 35

4 Special Education Centre for Faisalabad 041-8766248 Private Block E, Millat TownMentally Impaired Children

5 Special Education Centre for Gujranwala 055-9200279 Govt Gill Road.Mentally Retarded Children Gulzar-e-Ibrahim,

6 Special Education Centre for Gujranwala 061-6573215 Private 1-A, New Shalimar ColonyRetarded Children Khair-ul-Mujahid Rd.

Bosan Road

7 Special Education for Mentally Hyderabad 022-3027841 Govt Khuda ki Basti No.1 Kotri,Retarded Children Distt. Jam Shoro

8 Fatima Jinnah Special Islamabad 051-9257323 Govt H-8/4Education Centre for MentallyRetarded Children

9 Special Education for Mentally Karachi 021-4638344 Govt St. 31, Block 15,Retarded Children Gulistan-e-Johar,

10 Special Education Centre for Khuzdar 0848-550301 Govt Engineering University Road, Mentally Impaired Children P.O. Box 41

11 Special Education Centre for Mardan 0937-881011 Private Sector M Phase-11, Sheikh Mentally Retarded Children Maltoon Town

12 Special Education Centre for Nawab Shah 0244-9370149 Govt Opposite Sikandar Dehraj Mentally Impaired Children Fruit Farm, Qazi Ahmed Road

13 Hassan Academy Rawalpindi NGO

14 Special education centre for Sahiwal 040-9200083 Govt St 2, Y-Block,Mentally Retarded Children Tariq Bin Ziad Road

15 Special Education for Mentally Sibbi 0833-9230181 Govt Thandi Sarak, DCO RoadRetarded Children

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A Guide to Servicesfor Persons with

Disabilities in Pakistan 18A Guide to Servicesfor Persons with

Disabilities in Pakistan 17

S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

Annex 6 – Counseling and Further Information

1 Alliance of Disabled Persons Faisalabad 041-621163 DPO Office No. 2, 2nd Floor,Koh-e-Noor Center, Karkhana

2 Bright Spyre Islamabad 051-2871173 Private 51, Street 36,Sector F-6/1

3 Special Talent Exchange Program Islamabad 051-2111331 DPO 724-G, Street 178, G-11/1

4 Network of Organizations Working Karachi 021-5865501 NGO D-114, Block-5, Cliftonfor Persons with Disabilities

5 Disabled Welfare Association (DWA) Karachi 021-5448722 DPO 40, Ground Floor, Al Amna Plaza, opposite Capri Cinema,

M. A. Jinnah Road

6 Association for the Rehabilitation Karachi 021-4128867 NGO 408/677 Fatima Jinnah of Challenged People Colony, Jamshed Rd. No. A3

Karachi 74800

7 Pakistan Association of Special Karachi 021-5030656 DPO J-1/321, Korangi Township People and their Families Karachi 74900

8 Patient Welfare Association Karachi 021-4553539 NGO 6-S, Block 2, PECHS, Karachi

9 Ahsan Memorial Karachi 021-6811464 NGO R-875, Block 16, Federal ‘B’ Area, Karachi

10 Special Talent Exchange Program Karachi DPO D-63, Block 8, Gulshane-e-Iqbal

11 Lahore Businessmen Association for Lahore 042-6305538 Private 3rd Floor, Lahore Chamber of Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons Commerce

12 Milestone Society for Lahore DPO 479-Umer Block, Allama Special Persons Iqbal Town, Lahore

13 New Life Loralai 824-4111121 DPO

14 Mirpur Khas Special Sports and Mirpur Khas 0320-5826229 DPO 210, Mehran Colony,Welfare Association 0320-4183694 Khan Road,

near Quba Masjid

15 Leo Foundation Multan DPO

16 Special People Welfare Association Murid Kay DPO Peera Mandi Bazar, Ammad Hospital. GT Road

17 Sindh Disabled Welfare Association Nawabshah 0241-270091 DPO P.O. Bandhi,

S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

Annex 3 – Inclusive Education

1 Inter Board Committee of Chairmen Islamabad 051-9230520 Govt G-8 Markaz

S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

Annex 4 – University Quota

1 Higher Education Commission Islamabad 051-9040000 Govt H-9

S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

Annex 5 – Vocational Training Facilities

1 Vocational Training Centre for Faisalabad 041-8815114 Private Block E, Millat TownDisable Person

2 National Training Centre for Islamabad 051-9260098 Govt Main Double RoadSpecial Persons (Mangla Road) , G-9/2

3 Vocational Training Center for Karachi 021-4618197 Govt St. 31, Block 15,Disable persons Gulistan-e-Johar

4 Vocational Training Centre for Khuzdar 0848-550301 Govt Engineering UniversityDisable Person

5 Vocational Training Centre for Lahore 042-9262190 Govt 45-B/II, Johar TownDisable Person

6 TEVTA Lahore Govt 96, Gulberg Road

7 Vocational Training Center for Mardan 0937-880880 Private Sector M, Phase-II, Sheikh Disable persons Matloon Town

8 Vocational Training Center for Nawab Shah 0244-9370149 Govt Opposite Sikandar Dehraj Fruit Disable persons Farm, Qazi Ahmed Road

9 Vocational Training Center for Peshawar 091-9217366 Govt Phase-V, HayatabadDisable persons

10 Vocational Training Center for Quetta 081-9201497 Govt H 10-9/537, Gor Road, Disable persons Killi Shaboo

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Disabilities in Pakistan 19

S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

18 Pakistan Education Foundation Peshawar 91-2569044 DPO Old Frontier Model High School, Kareemabad No.1, outside Kohati Gate, Peshawar

19 Special Person Development Peshawer 91-7125130 DPO Bakhshoo Pul, Village MuslimAssociation Ababad, Zehanullah Hujra,

Char Sadda Road, Peshawer

20 The Special One (TSO) Quetta 0322-2204113 DPO Saryab Road

21 Special Talent Exchange Program Quetta 0333-7853781 DPO Helper Eye Hospital Complex

22 Khidmat-e-Mazuran Sawabi DPO Khidmate Mazuran Tanzeem, Jhangira Road, Sawabi

S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

Annex 7 – Competitive Examination

1 Federal Public Service Commission Islamabad 051-9205075 Govt FPSC Building, Sector F-5

S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

Annex 10 – Assistive Devices for Government Servants

1 Staff Welfare Organization Islamabad 051-9201337 Govt Staff Welfare Organization, Under Establishment Division, Aabpara Near AabparaChowk, Islamabad

S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

Annexure 11 – Assistive Technologies and Software

1 NVDA Private Australia

2 CRULP Lahore Edu. B Block, Faisal Town,

S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

Annex 12 – Rehabilitation

1 National Institute of Rehabilitation Islamabad Govt Sector G-8/2Medicine

2 Fauji Fondation Rawalpindi 0515788150-65 NGO Artificial Limb Centre, Jehlum Road

3 Pakistan Institute of Prosthetics Peshawar 091-9217150 Govt Plot 6-B, Sector B-3,and Orthotist Sciences Phase -V, Hyatabad

4 Life Orthopedic Islamabad 051-2852094 Private G-8, Markaz

5 Sunshine Orthopedic Services Rawalpindi 051-4419637 Private P-1045, Near Asghar Mall Chowk,Saidpur Road

6 Days Rawalpindi 051-5511347 Private Al-Shifa Shopping Centre,Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital,Jehlum Rd.

7 Splint care Rawalpindi 051-4424665 Private NW-719, BasementHamza Plaza, Saidpur Road

S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

Annex 8 – Small Business Grant – Free Assistive Devices

1 Pakistan Baitul Mal Islamabad 051-9250462 Govt Baitul Mal Complex. H-8/4

S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

Annex 9 – Job Boards:

1 STEP Islamabad 051-2111331 DPO 724-G, Street 178, G-11/1

2 LABARD Lahore 042-6305538 Private 3rd Floor, Lahore Chamber of Commerce

3 NowPDP Karachi 021-5865501 NGO D-114, Block-5, Clifton, Karachi,75600

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for Persons withDisabilities in Pakistan 21

S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

1 Mazar-e-Quaid Karachi

2 Pakistan Monument Islamabad Near Shakarparian

3 Melody Food Park Islamabad Melody Market

4 Rawal Lake View Point Islamabad Rawal Dam

5 Zoo Lahore The Mall

6 Daman-e-Koh Islamabad Margallah Hills

7 Wheelchair Cricket Association Lahore

8 Blind Cricket Council Lahore 042-5420787 660, Neelum BlockAllama Iqbal Town

9 Deaf Cricket Association Islamabad 051-2876677 Suite # 5 & 6, 2nd Floor, 12-D,SNC Center, Fazal-e-Haq Road, Blue Area,

S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

Annex 14 – Training Institutes

1 Vocational Training Centre for Faisalabad 041-8815114 Private Block E, Millat TownDisabled Persons

2 National Training Centre for Islamabad 051-9260098 Govt Main Double RoadSpecial Persons (Mangla Road), G-9/2

3 Vocational Training Center for Karachi 021-4618197 Govt St. 31, Block 15,Disabled Persons Gulistan-e-Johar

4 Vocational Training Centre for Khuzdar 0848-550301 Govt Engineering UniversityDisabled Persons

5 Vocational Training Centre for Lahore 042-9262190 Govt 45-B/II, Johar TownDisabled Persons

6 Vocational Training Center for Mardan 0937-880880 Private Sector M, Phase –II, Sheikh Disabled Persons, Spl. Edu. Complex Matloon Town

7 Vocational Training Center for Nawab Shah 0244-9370149 Govt Opposite Sikandar Dehraj FruitDisabled Persons Farm, Qazi Ahmed Road

8 Vocational Training Center for Peshawar 091-9217366 Govt Phase-V, HayatabadDisabled Persons

9 Vocational Training Center for Quetta 081-9201497 Govt 10-9/537, Gor Road,Disabled Persons Killi Shaboo

S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

10 Telenor Accessible Technology Islamabad NISE, H-84Lab- National Institute ofSpecial Education

11 Telenor Accessible Technology Islamabad 051-2111331 DPO 724-G, Street 178, G-11/1 Exchange Program Lab- Special Talent

12 Sir Syed Deaf Association Islamabad 051-2876677 Suite 5-6, 2nd Floor, 12 D, 051-2805416 SNC Center, Fazal-e-Haq

Road, Blue Area

13 Special Talent Exchange Program Islamabad 051-2111331 DPO 724-G, St. 178, G-11/1

14 Danish Kadah Karachi DPO D-63, Block 8,Gulshane-e-Iqbal

15 Deaf Empowerment and Karachi 021-4965508 Dewa Complex, St. 9, Welfare Association Block-3, Gulshan-e-Iqbal

16 National Training Center for Islamabad 051-9260098 Mangla Road, G-9/2Special Persons 051-9260181

Annex 13 – Accessible Recreation Spots & Sports Clubs

S. No. Organization City Phone Type Address

Annex 15 – Independent Living and personal attendant

1 Capital Independent Living Center Islamabad 0321-5278021 DPO Bangyal Village,Ali Pur Farash

2 Life Independent Living Center Lahore 479, Umar BlockAllama Iqbal Town

Disclaimer:This document has been compiled with utmost care and has been validated by Directorate General of Special Education,Ministry of Social Welfare Pakistan. However, this is not by any means an all encompassing guide. Errors and omissionsare regretted and are not the responsibility of Telenor Pakistan and/or Special Talent Exchange Program (STEP).

For feedback, corrections or additional information, please write to [email protected]
