

I s J e s u s t h e O n l y W a y ?

“ In my op in ion , a l l r oads l ead to one God . The re i sn ’ t any wrong o r r ight re l ig ion . I f i t works fo r you and i t g ives you the s t rength , w isdom and se ren i t y t o l i ve in happ iness and the w i l l t o do good then so be i t . ”–Stacey Chil lemi (author of Keep the Faith: To Love and Be Heard from the Heavens Above)


THE ONE THING TO KNOW:Scripture teaches that Jesus

is the only way to the Father in

numerous passages, and we

examine three of them in this


THE REASON TO KNOW IT:According to a recent Barna

poll, 25% of professing

Christians no longer believe

the Bible is accurate in what

it teaches. 40% of professing

Christians dismiss the notion

that they have any obligation

or responsibility to tell others of

their faith. One third of these

professing Christians believed

Jesus sinned when He was on

the earth.1

THE ONE THING TO DO:You need to be 100%

convinced yourself that Jesus

is the only way to the Father.

Otherwise, you have no

motivation to share that with

anyone else.

THE REASON TO DO IT:If so many Christians do not

believe that Jesus is sinless,

then there’s little wonder that

the message of salvation

through faith in Him is regarded

with skepticism by the world.


(John 3:16-18)

The Only Way

(John 14:6-11)

The Only Mediator

(1 Tim. 2:3-6)

1. “1 in 3 ‘Christians’ says ‘Jesus Sinned,’” WorldNetDaily [online], 16 January 2009 [cited 28 October 2009]. Available from the Internet:

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John 3:16-18; 14:5-11; 1

Timothy 2:3-7



x “Truth: The Meaning” (Fall


x “Jesus as Mediator” (Fall 2000,

Fall 2010 Leader Pack)

x “The Love of God” (Summer


All of these articles can be

found on the Fall 2010 Biblical Illustrator Plus CD-ROM.


x How would the unsaved people you know describe Jesus? Check all that apply.

❒ Man from God ❒ Teacher

❒ Good man ❒ Fanatic

❒ God’s Son ❒ Misguided

❒ Other:


THE ONLY SONJohn 3:16-18

SNAPSHOT: John 3:16 contains the basic truths of the gospel that everyone must know in order to be saved. But we need to look at the overall context to appreciate its message.

When Nicodemus came to Jesus at night, it was probably to determine the authenticity of His message. He recognized Jesus as a “Rabbi” who came “from God as a teacher,” and a miracle worker. But Nicodemus didn’t get the full purpose of Jesus’ coming. So Jesus addressed the necessity of believing in Him for eternal life. The Son of Man came down from heaven so He could be “lifted up” on the cross to pay the penalty of sin, so that “everyone who believes in Him will have eternal life” (vv. 14-15).

Why did Jesus have to be “lifted up”? Because God loved the world. Even though we are sinful and unlovable, God still loves us. The words in this way translate an adverb indicating the manner that God showed His love to us. (Some versions render this adverb “so,” taking it as a reference to the degree of God’s love.) God’s love was demonstrated in that He gave His One and Only Son (see sidebar) His love for the world is best understood by what it cost Him—the life of His Son, Jesus Christ. God’s purpose in loving the world and giving His Son was so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.

Jesus’ uniqueness is established in three ways in this verse: the Father gave Him to the world as a sacrifice; He is the only Son of God; and eternal life is only for those who believe in

Him. This is the gospel; the message Christians have for a lost world.

John 3:16 indicates that eternal life begins at the point of believing, not at death or judgment day. We don’t have to wait until the afterlife to find out if we have eternal life. And since eternal life cannot end, the one who believes in Jesus for salvation from sin is eternally secure. Eternal life can never be taken away (see 10:27-29).

The first part of verse 17 explains what God’s purpose in sending Jesus was not: For God did not send His Son into the world that He might condemn the world. Our condemnation for our sins was already an accomplished fact (see v. 18).What the world needed was deliverance from God’s condem-nation. This is why the Father sent His Son: but that the world might be saved through Him. The words savedand eternal life are used in reference to God’s great act of redemption in Christ for those who believe in Him.

Verse 18 expands on this concept of condemnation. God does not condemn anyone who believes in Him,Jesus Christ. Paul made a similar statement when he said there is “no condemnation … for those in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 8:1). But the antithetical truth is that anyone who does not believe is already condemned. God’s condemnation is not something that awaits unbelievers on judgment day—it is a present reality. Unbelievers remain under God’s condemnation because they have not believed in the name of the One and Only Son of God.God condemns people in the first place because they are sinners, but they remain condemned (or “lost”) because they refuse to believe in Jesus for salvation.



(JOHN 3:16)

The translators of many English

versions have understood the

Greek word monogenes to

be from monos (“only”) and

gennao (“to beget”), thus

translating the word “only

begotten.” The theological

problem with this is that God

the Son did not have an origin

and thus was not created by

the Father. He is Himself an

eternal being and in no way is

dependent on the Father for

His own existence.

It is preferable to understand

monogenes to be from monos

(“only) and genos (“kind,”

Latin genus), meaning “the

only one of its kind.” In the Old

Latin translation, monogenes was translated as unicus,

from which we get our work

unique. Jesus is God’s “One

and Only Son” in that His

essential nature is the same as

the Father’s. There are many

children of God (see John

1:12-13), but there is only one

Son of God.

THE ONLY WAYJohn 14:6-11

SNAPSHOT: Jesus Christ is God’s Son, equal in essence and nature with the Father, and people receive salvation by faith in Him and Him alone.

On the night of the Passover, Jesus was preparing them for His imminent departure. He had just washed the disciples’ feet as an example of servanthood. He had also told them that one of them would betray Him and told Peter he would deny Him. Then Jesus explained that their home in heaven with the Father was secure because He was going to prepare that place for them (John 14:1-4). At this point Thomas interrupted Jesus with a question, “Lord, … we don’t know where you’re going. How can we know the way?” (v. 5).

Jesus’ response to Thomas is one of the most important verses about salvation in the Bible. Jesus stated, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” In one sweeping statement Jesus settled the issue of how one gets to heaven—it is only through Him. Any attempt to earn salvation based on one’s works or personal merit does nothing but lead to hell. Religion is about what people try to do for God; salvation is about what God did for us in Christ. We have no access to God on our own, but Jesus is the way; we believe the lies of religions and Satan, but Jesus is the truth; we are spiritually dead, but Jesus is the life. Further, as Jesus went on to explain in verse 7, to know Christ is to know the Father. The Father does not have a relationship with anyone who doesn’t know Christ.

Next Philip interrupted with a request: “show us the Father, and that’s enough for us.” This was likely motivated by Jesus’ reference to the fact that believers have seen the Father (v. 7), and Philip may have been requesting that Jesus provide a theophany, a visible manifestation of God’s presence that occurred a number of times in Old Testament history. But Jesus’ response is stunning. He chided Philip for being with Him for so long and not really knowing Him, then stated, “The one who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?” Jesus did not mean that He and the Father are the same Person but that they are one in essence and nature. Their essential unity is so complete Jesus could say, “I am in the Father and the Father is in Me.” Even the incarnation did not remove God the Son’s unity with God the Father, so that in a sense, to see Jesus was to see the Father. This unity applies to the very words Jesus spoke while on earth: “The words I speak to you I do not speak on My own. The Father who lives in Me does His works” (see 5:19). We must believe in the essential unity of the Father and the Son, and in the works themselves that Jesus performed as proof of His relationship with the Father. Some contend that Jesus never really claimed to be God, but this passage alone shows that He did so very clearly and forcefully. And this is not the only passage where Jesus made such a claim (see Matt. 26:63-66; Mark 2:3-12; John 5:16-18; 8:58; 9:35-38; 10:1-38). Nothing could be clearer from this passage than that the gospel message Christians have been proclaiming for almost two thousand years is absolutely true.



THE ONLY MEDIATOR1 Timothy 2:3-6

SNAPSHOT: Paul knew that Timothy would have to deal with false teachers after the apostle left Ephesus, so he encouraged Timothy by explaining the essential truths of the gospel to him again.

Everywhere Paul traveled, false teachers frequently appeared denying what he had said about salvation by faith in Christ alone. His letter to Timothy, written around the year A.D. 63, contains instructions on several matters of doctrinal importance, many of them dealing with the truth of the gospel. In 1 Timothy 2:1-2 Paul called on believers to pray “for everyone,” especially for “all those who are in authority.” It is easy to criticize our government officials, but we have a responsibility to pray for them consistently so they will make decisions that are pleasing to God.

When we pray sincerely in this way, this is good, and it pleases God our Savior. Scripture refers to Jesus as Savior on many occasions, but here and in a few other places God the Father bears this title (see 1 Tim. 1:1; 4:10; Titus 1:3; 2:10; 3:4). In the Father’s eternal mind the plan of salvation originated, so in this sense He is our Savior also. Part of the Father’s plan is that He wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. This does not mean that everyone will be saved; it means that God has provided the means of salvation for everyone. God’s revealed will for lost human beings is that they repent, as Paul told the Athenians: “God now commands all people everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:30). God’s plan of salvation is one

dimensional: people either believe in Jesus or they remain lost. At the same time, however, everyone who repents will be saved. Christians need to adopt God’s attitude here and extend the gospel to everyone.

Here is a summary of the truths in verses 5-6:

1. There is one God affirms monotheism, the belief that only one God exists, as the Christian faith has always maintained. The doctrine of the Trinity says there is only one God but He exists in three Persons who are coequal and coeternal with each other in essence, nature, and attributes.

2. Jesus is the one mediator between God and man. God accepts no other mediator. People who do not know Jesus have no mediator and thus they have no access to God; therefore, they are still lost.

3. The one mediator is Himself a man, Christ Jesus. The dual natures of Jesus are emphasized here. He is fully man, but He is also fully God. This is the only way He would qualify to be a mediator between the Father and us.

4. As a man, Jesus gave Himself by suffering on the cross to pay a ransom for all. Sin’s debt came at a price, an infinite price, one human beings cannot pay. Jesus paid that debt for us so we can live forever by faith in Him.

5. Jesus provided a testimony at the proper time about God’s plan of salvation. This is the testimony that we take to a lost and dying world—Jesus is the one Son, one Way, one Mediator, and only Savior.


x Scripture is clear at the point of there being “one mediator between God and man,” yet many professing Christians question the exclusive nature of salvation through Jesus. What about you? On a scale of 1 (Many ways to be made right with God) to 10 (Made right with God only through Jesus), where do you stand? _____

x Among unbelievers you know, which of the three points of this lesson do you think would make the strongest defense that Jesus is the only way to God? Why?

Looking for more commentary?

You can find extended

commentary for this lesson

on the Leader Pack CD-ROM.

For even more in-depth

commentary, order the

Advanced Commentary for this

lesson from





x Pack Items 1-4 (see p. 9)

x Pack Item 11: The Case for

Jesus Unit Poster

x Copies of Pack Item 14:

Letter from an Atheist

IntroductionLEARNER GUIDE, PAGES 64-66

This lesson is about the biblical claim that Jesus is the one and only way to God. Many believers today hide their faith for fear of the attacks unbelievers present. Others apologize or make excuses for our apparent lack of tolerance. Other believers, according to statistics, choose to believe that other religions can offer the same hope as Christ. We’ve seen the response of the arrogant and proud and we know that it doesn’t work. We need an approach that supports the testimony of Christ, mimicking the attitude of Christ. Jesus is indeed the one and only!

CONNECT: Allow the person you selected for today to share his or her story. Don’t forget to set the timer and don’t forget to pray for him or her when he or she finishes. Also, recruit someone to share their story next week.

PAUSE: Direct learners to open their Learner Guides to page 65 and view this week’s { P A U S E } section.2Do you think this quote is a “fringe” or minority opinion, or do you think it

represents how a lot of people outside the church think?2 Imagine you were on this road. Would you want someone to tell you it was

going nowhere?2Now, imagine you were standing where this photo was taken, and you saw a

car on the road. What would you do or wish you could do?

CONNECT: Direct learners to turn the page to view the statistics provided. 2 Do these statistics surprise you? Why or why not?

2Do you feel pressured to be inclusive in your thoughts and beliefs about salvation and eternity? Why or why not?

TRANSITION: In this age of “tolerance,” it’s difficult to vocalize a belief that Jesus is the one and only way. Or worse, that the road someone

else is on is “wrong.” The exclusivity of Christ is a view best left unmentioned. Or is it? Are we denying Christ by not asserting an exclusive gospel? This lesson will help us discover how to respond to people who believe that there are many ways to God.

The Only Son (JOHN 3:16-18)


SCRIPTURE: Because of the familiarity of at least one of today’s verses, ask your group to turn to page 66 of their Learner Guides and recite John 3:16-18 together.


65%of Americans

who claim a religious affi liation believe that many affi liation believe that many affireligions, not only their own,

lead to eternal life.

Is it any wonder that there isn’t much excitement

for evangelism? { C O N N E C T } PAGES 66-67

{ PAU S E } PAGE 64-65

O C TO B E R 2 4

John used the verb believe ten times more often than any other Gospel writer. For John, the verb didn’t just mean intellectual agreement. To “believe” something meant to place one’s reliance in it or upon it.

67O C TO B E R 2 4

An Inclusive Invitation to an Exclusive GospelJesus doesn’t say He is one of many ways or even one of a few ways. “No one” comes to the Father but through Him. Sounds exclusive, right? Absolutely! But according to John 3:16, who may respond to this message?


John 1:12 John 6:68John 3:16 John 14:6Romans 10:13 Acts 4:121 Timothy 2:3-4 1 Timothy 2:5

So, You’re God? Take a Number. Did Jesus Claim to be God?


Jesus’ identifi cation with God was offensive to the monotheistic Jews, but for the fi rst-century Romans, it was no big deal. Beginning with Julius in A.D. 44, the Caesars were worshiped as deity, along with thousands of other gods. The Pan-theon, a temple honoring all the gods (pan + theon = all gods), was fi rst built in 27 B.C. It was rebuilt in A.D. 126, and still stands today.

{ C O N N E C T }

w i t h t h e W o r d a n d o t h e r

p a r e n t s d u r i n g c l a s s

The Only Son John 3:16-18 16 “For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world that He might condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. 18 Anyone who believes in Him is not condemned, but anyone who does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the One and Only Son of God.

The Only Way John 14:6-11 6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. 7 “If you know Me, you will also know My Father. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him.” 8 “Lord,” said Philip, “show us the Father, and that’s enough for us.” 9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been among you all this time without your knowing Me, Philip? The one who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words I speak to you I do not speak on My own. The Father who lives in Me does His works. 11 Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me. Otherwise, believe because of the works themselves.

65% of Americans

who claim a religious affi liation believe that many religions, not only their own,

lead to eternal life.

Is it any wonder that there isn’t much excitement

for evangelism?

“Many Americans Say Other Faiths Can Lead to Eternal Life,” Pew Forum, 18 Dec. 2008;

John 1:12 John 6:68John 3:16 John 14:6Romans 10:13 Acts 4:121 Timothy 2:3-4 1 Timothy 2:5


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Lost in Translation? The Greek word monogenes, “one and only son,” comes from two familiar words: monos (“only”) and genos (“kind,” Latin genus), meaning “the only one of its kind.” In the Old Latin translation, the word was translated as unicus, from which we get our word unique. Jesus is God’s “One and Only Son” in that His essential nature is the same as the Father’s. There are many children of God (see John 1:12-13), but Jesus is unique in nature, form, and function.

Most translations of John 3:16 emphasize the de-gree to which God loved the world: “God so loved”

(KJV, NIV, NASB); “This is how much God loved the world” (The Message).The HCSB emphasizes the

manner in which God loved the world by saying “God loved… in this way.”

005075000_LifeTruthsLearner_FAL10_38-79.indd 66-67 3/11/10 2:18 PM


{ P A U S E }

a n d h e a r G o d s p e a k


I s J e s u s t h e O n l y W a y ?THE ONE THING TO KNOW: Scripture teaches in numerous passages that Jesus is the only way to the Father. This week, we’ll look at three of these passages.

THE ONE THING TO DO: You need to be 100% convinced yourself that Jesus is the only way. Otherwise, you have no motivation to share that with anyone else.


“ In my op in ion , a l l r oads l ead to one God . The re i sn ’ t any wrong o r r ight re l ig ion . I f i t works fo r you and i t g ives you the s t rength , w isdom and se ren i t y t o l i ve in happ iness and the w i l l t o do good then so be i t . ”–Stacey Chil lemi (author of Keep the Faith: To Love and Be Heard from the Heavens Above)

© J






005075000_LifeTruthsLearner_FAL10_38-79.indd 64-65 3/11/10 2:18 PM

O C TO B E R 2 4

he has not believed in the name of the One and Only Son of God.

65%of Americans

who claim a religious affi liation believe that many affi liation believe that many affireligions, not only their own,

lead to eternal life.

Is it any wonder that there isn’t much excitement

for evangelism?

“Many Americans Say Other Faiths Can Lead to Eternal Life,” Pew Forum, 18 Dec. 2008; “Many Americans Say Other Faiths Can Lead to Eternal Life,” Pew Forum, 18 Dec. 2008; 6666

Lost in Translation?and only son,” comes from two familiar words: (“only”) and only one of its kind.” word word that His essential nature is the same as the Father’s. There are many children of God (see John 1:12-13), but Jesus is unique in nature, form, and function.

Most translations of John 3:16 emphasize the gree

(KJV, NIV, NASB); “This is how much God loved the world” (

manner loved… in this way.”



16 For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world that He might judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. 18 Anyone who believes in Him is not judged, but anyone who does not believe is already judged, because he has not believed in the name of the One and Only Son of God.

SUMMARIZE: Remind readers that these words of Christ are set in an after-hours conversation with Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a ruler among Jews (v. 1). He approached Jesus alone at night (v. 2). He affirmed Jesus as a rabbi sent from God and that he had witnessed Jesus’ signs and miracles (v. 2). But when Jesus told him that he “must be born again” (v. 3), Nicodemus faded into the background of the story while Jesus’ teachings took center stage.

2Do you remember a time when you didn’t know John 3:16? 2 If you grew up memorizing “For God so loved,” what new insights do you gain from the translation “For God loved the world in this way”?

CONNECT: Direct attention to the “Lost in Translation?” feature. Summarize the information there about the differences between translations. Emphasize that both options are valid interpretations—that it is appropriate to think about both how much God loves the world and how He put that love into action.

2 As you look at John 3:16 in context, with the two verses that follow it, is there anything that jumps out at you about the verses? 2After the emphasis on God’s love in verse 16, and the assertion in verse 17 that “God did not send His Son into the world so that He might condemn the world,” what do you make of verse 18—that “anyone who does not believe is condemned already”?

SUMMARIZE: Condemnation is people’s current condition. Ever since the fall in Eden (Gen. 3), humankind has stood condemned. So verse 18 in no way contradicts verses 16-17 or sends any kind of mixed message. In fact, verse 18 reinforces verse 17: Jesus’ role isn’t to further point out the obvious, but to save us from it. The law, or people’s inability to live according to the law, has already condemned the world. Believing in God’s Son is our way past the current condemnation of our sinful ways.

2What does it mean to “believe” in God’s Son? Is it saying words, or is it more than that?

CONNECT: Ask a learner to read the paragraph on the upper right of page 66 about John’s use of the word believe. To further illustrate the concept, put a chair in the center of the room. Say, If I say I believe this chair will support me, but I refuse to sit in it, am I really believing in the chair? You can go as far with this as you want. Lean on the back of the chair, or sit on the very edge of it without putting your weight on it. You could even bow down in front of it and say “I believe in this chair” if you want to get ridiculous. The point is, unless you commit all of your weight to it, you really aren’t “believing” in it, in John’s sense of the word.

“Many Americans Say Other Faiths Can Lead to Eternal Life,” Pew Forum, 18 Dec. 2008; “Many Americans Say Other Faiths Can Lead to Eternal Life,” Pew Forum, 18 Dec. 2008;

Lost in Translation?Lost in Translation? The Greek word monogenes,monogenes, “one and only son,” comes from two familiar words: and only son,” comes from two familiar words: monos(“only”) and (“only”) and genos (“kind,” Latin genos (“kind,” Latin genos genus), meaning “the ), meaning “the genus), meaning “the genusonly one of its kind.” only one of its kind.” In the Old Latin translation, In the Old Latin translation, the word was translated as was translated as unicus, from which we get our from which we get our word uniqueunique. Jesus is God’s “One and Only Son” in . Jesus is God’s “One and Only Son” in that His essential nature is the same as the Father’s. that His essential nature is the same as the Father’s. that His essential nature is the same as the Father’s. There are many children of God (see John 1:12-13), There are many children of God (see John 1:12-13), There are many children of God (see John 1:12-13), but Jesus is unique in nature, form, and function. but Jesus is unique in nature, form, and function. but Jesus is unique in nature, form, and function.

Most translations of John 3:16 emphasize the Most translations of John 3:16 emphasize the Most translations of John 3:16 emphasize the de-gree to which God loved the world: “God so loved” to which God loved the world: “God so loved” to which God loved the world: “God so loved” gree to which God loved the world: “God so loved” gree

(KJV, NIV, NASB); “This is how much God loved the (KJV, NIV, NASB); “This is how much God loved the (KJV, NIV, NASB); “This is how much God loved the world” (The MessageThe Message).The HCSB emphasizes the ).The HCSB emphasizes the

manner in which God loved the world by saying “God in which God loved the world by saying “God in which God loved the world by saying “God loved… in this way.”loved… in this way.”

John used the verb believebelieve ten times believe ten times believemore often than any other Gospel more often than any other Gospel writer. For John, the verb didn’t just writer. For John, the verb didn’t just mean intellectual agreement. To mean intellectual agreement. To mean intellectual agreement. To “believe” something meant to place “believe” something meant to place one’s reliance in it or upon it. upon it.

© iS



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{ C O N N E C T } PAGES 66-67

O C TO B E R 2 4

John used the verb believe ten times more often than any other Gospel writer. For John, the verb didn’t just mean intellectual agreement. To “believe” something meant to place one’s reliance in it or upon it.

67O C TO B E R 2 4

An Inclusive Invitation to an Exclusive GospelJesus doesn’t say He is one of many ways or even one of a few ways. “No one” comes to the Father but through Him. Sounds exclusive, right? Absolutely! But according to John 3:16, who may respond to this message?


John 1:12 John 6:68John 3:16 John 14:6Romans 10:13 Acts 4:121 Timothy 2:3-4 1 Timothy 2:5

So, You’re God? Take a Number. Did Jesus Claim to be God?


Jesus’ identifi cation with God was offensive to the monotheistic Jews, but for the fi rst-century Romans, it was no big deal. Beginning with Julius in A.D. 44, the Caesars were worshiped as deity, along with thousands of other gods. The Pan-theon, a temple honoring all the gods (pan + theon = all gods), was fi rst built in 27 B.C. It was rebuilt in A.D. 126, and still stands today.

{ C O N N E C T }

w i t h t h e W o r d a n d o t h e r

p a r e n t s d u r i n g c l a s s

The Only Son John 3:16-18 16 “For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world that He might condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. 18 Anyone who believes in Him is not condemned, but anyone who does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the One and Only Son of God.

The Only Way John 14:6-11 6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. 7 “If you know Me, you will also know My Father. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him.” 8 “Lord,” said Philip, “show us the Father, and that’s enough for us.” 9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been among you all this time without your knowing Me, Philip? The one who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words I speak to you I do not speak on My own. The Father who lives in Me does His works. 11 Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me. Otherwise, believe because of the works themselves.

65% of Americans

who claim a religious affi liation believe that many religions, not only their own,

lead to eternal life.

Is it any wonder that there isn’t much excitement

for evangelism?

“Many Americans Say Other Faiths Can Lead to Eternal Life,” Pew Forum, 18 Dec. 2008;

John 1:12 John 6:68John 3:16 John 14:6Romans 10:13 Acts 4:121 Timothy 2:3-4 1 Timothy 2:5


© iS



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Lost in Translation? The Greek word monogenes, “one and only son,” comes from two familiar words: monos (“only”) and genos (“kind,” Latin genus), meaning “the only one of its kind.” In the Old Latin translation, the word was translated as unicus, from which we get our word unique. Jesus is God’s “One and Only Son” in that His essential nature is the same as the Father’s. There are many children of God (see John 1:12-13), but Jesus is unique in nature, form, and function.

Most translations of John 3:16 emphasize the de-gree to which God loved the world: “God so loved”

(KJV, NIV, NASB); “This is how much God loved the world” (The Message).The HCSB emphasizes the

manner in which God loved the world by saying “God loved… in this way.”

005075000_LifeTruthsLearner_FAL10_38-79.indd 66-67 3/11/10 2:18 PM

John used the verb believebelieve ten times believe ten times believemore often than any other Gospel more often than any other Gospel writer. For John, the verb didn’t just writer. For John, the verb didn’t just mean intellectual agreement. To mean intellectual agreement. To mean intellectual agreement. To “believe” something meant to place “believe” something meant to place one’s reliance in it or upon it. upon it.

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Lost in Translation?Lost in Translation? The Greek word monogenes,monogenes, “one and only son,” comes from two familiar words: and only son,” comes from two familiar words: monos(“only”) and (“only”) and genos (“kind,” Latin genos (“kind,” Latin genos genus), meaning “the ), meaning “the genus), meaning “the genusonly one of its kind.” only one of its kind.” In the Old Latin translation, In the Old Latin translation, the word was translated as was translated as unicus, from which we get our from which we get our word uniqueunique. Jesus is God’s “One and Only Son” in . Jesus is God’s “One and Only Son” in that His essential nature is the same as the Father’s. that His essential nature is the same as the Father’s. that His essential nature is the same as the Father’s. There are many children of God (see John 1:12-13), There are many children of God (see John 1:12-13), There are many children of God (see John 1:12-13), but Jesus is unique in nature, form, and function. but Jesus is unique in nature, form, and function. but Jesus is unique in nature, form, and function.

Most translations of John 3:16 emphasize the Most translations of John 3:16 emphasize the Most translations of John 3:16 emphasize the de-gree to which God loved the world: “God so loved” to which God loved the world: “God so loved” to which God loved the world: “God so loved” gree to which God loved the world: “God so loved” gree

(KJV, NIV, NASB); “This is how much God loved the (KJV, NIV, NASB); “This is how much God loved the (KJV, NIV, NASB); “This is how much God loved the world” (The MessageThe Message).The HCSB emphasizes the ).The HCSB emphasizes the

manner in which God loved the world by saying “God in which God loved the world by saying “God in which God loved the world by saying “God loved… in this way.”loved… in this way.”


2 Can you give some examples of how people “believe” in Jesus, but don’t put their entire trust in Him? What does that look like? 2 As a parent, businessperson, and so forth, what are some other things you are tempted to put some of your faith in, rather than fully trusting in Christ?

CONNECT: Lead learners to take a second look at the “Lost in Translation?” feature. This time ask them to read the first paragraph, about the Greek word translated “one and only son.” Ask them to keep the details of this description in mind as they listen to the following summary about Islam:

SUMMARIZE: Many who confess belief in God can’t come to terms with Him “begetting” anyone, much less Himself into the world. Muslims for example, claim that Jesus could not be the Son of God because the Koran says, “No son did God beget, nor is there any God along with him” (29:31). Our belief in Jesus as God’s Son and part of the triune presence of God, according to Muslim beliefs, makes us polytheists. (Adapted from the Apologetics Study Bible, pg. 1576.)

2Why should Christians even care what is in the Koran? (If we are truly to be ready to give a defense with “gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15), it is helpful to know how other belief systems defend what they believe.) 2 So, if you were sharing this concept with a Muslim neighbor or coworker, what would you say? How do you explain that your worship Jesus as one Person of the Trinity doesn’t make you a polytheist?

2Why is it important for believers to recognize Jesus as the only Son of God?

TRANSITION: As you can see, this lesson point helps us prepare to address the biggest concern Muslims have with Christianity. In the next point, we’ll talk about the biggest hang-up most other people have with Christianity.

The Only Way (JOHN 14:6-11)


SCRIPTURE: Ask a volunteer to read aloud John 14:6-11 on page 67.

6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

7 “If you know Me, you will also know My Father. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him.”

8 “Lord,” said Philip, “show us the Father, and that’s enough for us.”9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been among you all this time without your knowing

Me, Philip? The one who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words I speak to you I do not speak on My own. The Father who lives in Me does His works. 11 Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me. Otherwise, believe because of the works themselves.



2What are your first thoughts upon reading this passage? 2What is the main point of what Jesus was saying?

CONNECT: Direct attention to the “So You’re God? Take a Number” feature. Lead class members to point out the verses in the focal passage in which Jesus identified Himself with God. Using the information on the page about the Roman Pantheon, point out that the Greeks and Romans wouldn’t have had a problem with Jesus identifying Himself with God. Their big problem was that Jesus and His followers identified Jesus as the only way to the only God.

2Would you say that’s a fair description of society today? Why or why not?

SUMMARIZE: In John 14:6-11, Jesus eliminated any doubt about His claim to be the Christ. He claimed to be the Son of God and the way to God. When Philip misunderstood, Jesus instructed him to either take Jesus at His word; or, if nothing else, believe because of what he had seen Jesus do (v. 11). In other words, even if it doesn’t make sense that Jesus and the Father are one, either accept it on faith (believe Me), or let what you have seen Jesus do be enough evidence for you that He is exactly who He says He is.

CONNECT: Ask four couples (or eight individuals) to look up the Scriptures in the “An Inclusive Invitation to an Exclusive Gospel” feature. Lead the four volunteers with the “Inclusive Invitation” verses to read their verses, without commenting in between. 2What are some common threads to these verses?

2Do you think it is clear from the passages that Christ’s invitation really is open to anybody?

Now, ask the four volunteers with the “Exclusive Gospel” verses to read their Scriptures out loud, again without commenting in between.

2Do you think it is clear from these Scriptures that Jesus really is the only way to a relationship with God?

2 Think about these two groups of verses. On one hand, it is clear that there really is only one way to heaven. But on the other hand, God has made that way open to anyone. So when you put those two claims together, do you think it is fair to say that Christians are exclusive?

DISCUSS / SUMMARIZE: Ask if anyone in the group pledged a fraternity or sorority in college. Discuss the process of getting invited to join the fraternity. Was it open to anyone, or was it by invitation only? Once you were invited to join, were you immediately accepted as a member, or were there rules and rituals that you had to follow? Finally, once you were a full-fledged brother or sister, were you then trying to get as many as people as possible to become what you were? No one would suggest that there were multiple ways to become a member of a sorority. There is only one. And most people don’t have a problem with a fraternity insisting that their pledge book is the only way to become a member

So, You’re God? Take a Number.Did Jesus Claim to be God?


Jesus’ identifi cation with Jesus’ identifi cation with Jesus’ identifiGod was offensive to the monotheistic Jews, but for the fi rst-century Romans, it the fi rst-century Romans, it the fiwas no big deal. Beginning with Julius in A.D. 44, the Caesars were worshiped as deity, along with thousands of other gods. The Pan-theon, a temple honoring all the gods (pan + pan + pan theon = all gods), was fi rst built in 27 gods), was fi rst built in 27 gods), was fiB.C. It was rebuilt in A.D. 126, and still stands today.

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An Inclusive Invitation to an Exclusive GospelAn Inclusive Invitation to an Exclusive GospelJesus doesn’t say He is one of many ways or Jesus doesn’t say He is one of many ways or even one of a few ways. “No one” comes to even one of a few ways. “No one” comes to the Father but through Him. Sounds exclusive, the Father but through Him. Sounds exclusive, right? Absolutely! But according to John 3:16, right? Absolutely! But according to John 3:16, who may respond to this message?


1 Timothy 2:3-4 1 Timothy 2:5

So, You’re God? Take a Number.Did Jesus Claim to be God?


Jesus’ identifiGod was offensive to the monotheistic Jews, but for the fi

John 1:12 John 6:68John 1:12 John 6:68John 1:12 John 6:68John 3:16 J John 14:6Romans 10:13 Acts 4:Romans 10:13 Acts 4:121 Timothy 2:3-4 1 Timothy 2:5 1 Timothy 2:3-4 1 Timothy 2:5

{ C O N N E C T } PAGES 66-67

O C TO B E R 2 4

John used the verb believe ten times more often than any other Gospel writer. For John, the verb didn’t just mean intellectual agreement. To “believe” something meant to place one’s reliance in it or upon it.

67O C TO B E R 2 4

An Inclusive Invitation to an Exclusive GospelJesus doesn’t say He is one of many ways or even one of a few ways. “No one” comes to the Father but through Him. Sounds exclusive, right? Absolutely! But according to John 3:16, who may respond to this message?


John 1:12 John 6:68John 3:16 John 14:6Romans 10:13 Acts 4:121 Timothy 2:3-4 1 Timothy 2:5

So, You’re God? Take a Number. Did Jesus Claim to be God?


Jesus’ identifi cation with God was offensive to the monotheistic Jews, but for the fi rst-century Romans, it was no big deal. Beginning with Julius in A.D. 44, the Caesars were worshiped as deity, along with thousands of other gods. The Pan-theon, a temple honoring all the gods (pan + theon = all gods), was fi rst built in 27 B.C. It was rebuilt in A.D. 126, and still stands today.

{ C O N N E C T }

w i t h t h e W o r d a n d o t h e r

p a r e n t s d u r i n g c l a s s

The Only Son John 3:16-18 16 “For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world that He might condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. 18 Anyone who believes in Him is not condemned, but anyone who does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the One and Only Son of God.

The Only Way John 14:6-11 6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. 7 “If you know Me, you will also know My Father. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him.” 8 “Lord,” said Philip, “show us the Father, and that’s enough for us.” 9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been among you all this time without your knowing Me, Philip? The one who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words I speak to you I do not speak on My own. The Father who lives in Me does His works. 11 Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me. Otherwise, believe because of the works themselves.

65% of Americans

who claim a religious affi liation believe that many religions, not only their own,

lead to eternal life.

Is it any wonder that there isn’t much excitement

for evangelism?

“Many Americans Say Other Faiths Can Lead to Eternal Life,” Pew Forum, 18 Dec. 2008;

John 1:12 John 6:68John 3:16 John 14:6Romans 10:13 Acts 4:121 Timothy 2:3-4 1 Timothy 2:5


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Lost in Translation? The Greek word monogenes, “one and only son,” comes from two familiar words: monos (“only”) and genos (“kind,” Latin genus), meaning “the only one of its kind.” In the Old Latin translation, the word was translated as unicus, from which we get our word unique. Jesus is God’s “One and Only Son” in that His essential nature is the same as the Father’s. There are many children of God (see John 1:12-13), but Jesus is unique in nature, form, and function.

Most translations of John 3:16 emphasize the de-gree to which God loved the world: “God so loved”

(KJV, NIV, NASB); “This is how much God loved the world” (The Message).The HCSB emphasizes the

manner in which God loved the world by saying “God loved… in this way.”

005075000_LifeTruthsLearner_FAL10_38-79.indd 66-67 3/11/10 2:18 PM

So, You’re God? Take a Number.Did Jesus Claim to be God?


Jesus’ identifi cation with Jesus’ identifi cation with Jesus’ identifiGod was offensive to the monotheistic Jews, but for the fi rst-century Romans, it the fi rst-century Romans, it the fiwas no big deal. Beginning with Julius in A.D. 44, the Caesars were worshiped as deity, along with thousands of other gods. The Pan-theon, a temple honoring all the gods (pan + pan + pan theon = all gods), was fi rst built in 27 gods), was fi rst built in 27 gods), was fiB.C. It was rebuilt in A.D. 126, and still stands today.

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An Inclusive Invitation to an Exclusive GospelAn Inclusive Invitation to an Exclusive GospelJesus doesn’t say He is one of many ways or Jesus doesn’t say He is one of many ways or even one of a few ways. “No one” comes to even one of a few ways. “No one” comes to the Father but through Him. Sounds exclusive, the Father but through Him. Sounds exclusive, right? Absolutely! But according to John 3:16, right? Absolutely! But according to John 3:16, who may respond to this message?


John 3:16 John 14:6John 1:12 John 6:68John 1:12 John 6:68John 3:16 J John 14:6Romans 10:13 Acts 4:Romans 10:13 Acts 4:121 Timothy 2:3-4 1 Timothy 2:5 1 Timothy 2:3-4 1 Timothy 2:5


of their fraternity. Finally, with the exception of Rush Week, fraternities aren’t aggressively trying to convince people on campus to become their brother. So it’s ironic that people express such animosity toward biblical Christianity. Yes, there is only one way to become a brother or sister. But anyone can become one! And the members of this organization are constantly on the lookout for how to get more members. The church is the most inclusive exclusive organization on the planet!

2 If we believe Jesus to be the “only way,” what holds us back from telling others?

CONNECT: Distribute copies of Pack Item 14: Letter from an Atheist. Ask a volunteer to read the letter aloud.

2How does that letter make you feel? 2When you put your name on it, did you also think of any atheists or agnostics

in your life that you know personally? How would you feel if you got such a letter from that person?

TRANSITION: When we come to grips with the reality of our sin and its consequences, we understand our need for a Savior. But we aren’t the only ones with the need. Notice the line in the letter from the atheist: “If you believe one bit that thousands every day were falling into an eternal and unreachable fate, you should be running the streets mad with rage at their blindness. That’s equivalent to standing on a street corner and watching every person that passes you walk blindly directly into the path of a bus and die, yet you stand idly by and do nothing.” Remember the picture we started this lesson with, of the road going nowhere? Think about the question we asked once again: If you saw a car driving down that road, what would you do? In our final lesson point, we’ll consider response to that question.

The Only Mediator (1 TIM. 2:3-6)


SCRIPTURE: Ask the learner who volunteered to read 1 Timothy 2:3-4 aloud in the previous lesson point to read it again, this time through verse 6.

3 This is good, and it pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and man, a man, Christ Jesus, 6 who gave Himself—a ransom for all, a testimony at the proper time.

SUMMARIZE: Paul was no stranger to legal metaphors. In these verses, Paul used the image of a legal mediator to help Timothy understand Christ’s role in reconciling humanity back to God.

CONNECT: If you happen to have a lawyer in your class, ask her to explain the legal concept of mediation. Otherwise, direct learners’ attention to “How to Share the Gospel with a Law Student.” Discuss the questions listed on the page.

Pack Item 14 • Letter from an Atheist • For use October 24 • Life Truths Leader Pack © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention • Printed in the United States of America. Note: Permission is granted by the copyright holder to make photocopies of this pack item for its intended use only.

This was a letter an atheist wrote Christian author Ray Comfort. But write your own name in it, and imagine it was addressed to you. Put it in your Bible next to 1 Peter 3:15.

Dear ___________________

You are really convinced that you’ve got all the answers. You’ve really got yourself tricked into believing that you’re 100% right. Well, let me tell you just one thing. Do you consider yourself to be compassionate of other humans? If you’re right, as you say you are, and believe that, then how can you sleep at night? When you speak with me you are speaking with someone who you believe is walking directly into eternal damnation into an endless onslaught of horrendous pain which your ‘loving’ god created, yet you stand by and do nothing.

If you believe one bit that thousands every day were falling into an eternal and unreachable fate, you should be running the streets mad with rage at their blindness. � at’s equivalent to standing on a street corner and watching every person that passes you walk blindly directly into the path of a bus and die, yet you stand idly by and do nothing. You’re just twiddling your thumbs, happy in the knowledge that one day that ‘walk’ signal will shine your way across the road.

� ink about it. Imagine the horrors Hell must have in store if the Bible is true. You’re just going to allow that to happen and not care about saving anyone but yourself? If you’re right then you’re an uncaring, unemotional and purely sel� sh that has no right to talk about subjects such as love and caring.

The entire discourse between Ray and this atheist is now in a fascinating book called Intelligent Design Versus Evolution—Letters To An Atheist (Orlando: Bridge-Logos, 2006).

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2Why is it that Jesus is the only One who could serve as a mediator between holy God and sinful man?

SUMMARIZE: Think about it: if a mediator is called in to arbitrate a dispute between a husband and wife, he can’t be the husband himself. The mediator has to come from the outside. He has to be able to relate to both parties, but he himself cannot be accused of the same offense that makes the mediation necessary in the first place. So Jesus is literally the only One who could fill that role. He is the only Man who is also God, so He is the only One who has common ground with both parties in the dispute. And if the dispute God has with humanity is sin, then Jesus is the only human being who never sinned. And because He Himself is not guilty, He can mediate between us and the Father.

CONNECT: If you have time, discuss the points made in the “Universalism?” feature. Make it clear that just because verse 4 says that God wants everyone to be saved doesn’t mean everyone will be. If you don’t have time, invite class members to discuss this point together on your class’ Parent2Parent group site (see p. 10).

Wrap It UpSUMMARIZE: Many struggle with the idea of there being one way. We expect there to be only one way to win a football game, or that there is only one way to complete a Master’s degree. In fact, we are quick to accuse someone of cheating if they don’t follow the rules. But we chafe in our spirit when it comes to applying those same logical principles to what it takes to be in right relationship to God. But when we understand that God wants to be in relationship with us and provided for us a way to Him, gratitude should be our response. Rather than seeing Christianity as a “we’re in and everybody else is out” proposition, we ought to communicate that God has made a way for everybody to be in. He only made one way. But one way is more than we deserve.

BEFORE YOU GO: Before you dismiss, remind your group of the “5 x 5 x 5” lists you made on page 46 of the { L I V E } section during week one. Ask them to pray silently for the people they hope will come to know Jesus while you pray aloud. Pray boldly for opportunities for each member of your group to seize chances to show Christ with their actions and speak Christ in their words to those they are praying for today. Point out the { D E E P E N } section on page 69 of the Learner Guide for further discovery, and the { L I V E } section on pages 70-71 for additional reading, reflection, and application for families. Remind learners to check their e-mail for devotions to help them get ready for next week, and to login to Parent2Parent for class updates as well as great parenting resources and discussion topics.

How to Share the Gospel with a Law Student, Part 2* How to Share the Gospel with a Law Student, Part 2* How to Share the Gospel with a Law Student, Part 2* A signifi cant branch of legal studies is the fi cant branch of legal studies is the fiA signifi cant branch of legal studies is the fiA signifi eld of mediation. When two par- eld of mediation. When two par- cant branch of legal studies is the fi eld of mediation. When two par- cant branch of legal studies is the fities have a dispute but want to avoid litigation, they will hire a mediator, who ties have a dispute but want to avoid litigation, they will hire a mediator, who ties have a dispute but want to avoid litigation, they will hire a mediator, who helps the two opposing sides reconcile in a manner benefihelps the two opposing sides reconcile in a manner benefihelps the two opposing sides reconcile in a manner benefihelps the two opposing sides reconcile in a manner benefi ting both parties. ting both parties. ting both parties. helps the two opposing sides reconcile in a manner benefi ting both parties. helps the two opposing sides reconcile in a manner benefihelps the two opposing sides reconcile in a manner benefi ting both parties. helps the two opposing sides reconcile in a manner benefi• What was the confl ict between God and humanity? What was the confl ict between God and humanity? What was the confl• How did Jesus reconcile the two?• How did both parties (God and humanity) benefi t from the reconciled relationship?benefi t from the reconciled relationship?benefi

*For Part One, see p. 52

Universalism?Does an omnipotent God always get every-God always get every-thing He wants? Verse 4 says that God wants everyone to be saved. But not everyone will come to a saving knowledge of Christ. Since we know the Bible does not teach universalism (the doc-trine that all human beings will eventually be saved), the logical conclusion is that God limits His own absolute power so that everyone may freely choose whether or not to receive Christ. to receive Christ.

{ C O N N E C T } PAGE 68

Universalism? Does an omnipotent God always get every-thing He wants? Verse 4 says that God wants everyone to be saved. But not everyone will come to a saving knowledge of Christ. Since we know the Bible does not teach universalism (the doc-trine that all human beings will eventually be saved), the logical conclusion is that God limits His own absolute power so that everyone may freely choose whether or not to receive Christ.

RANSOM The word ransom in verse 6 comes from the Greek word luo, which means “to loosen.” John used the same word in his Gospel. When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He told those who were standing there, “Loose him and let him go” (John 11:44).

{ C O N N E C T }

69O C TO B E R 2 4

{ D E E P E N }

y o u r u n d e r s t a n d i n g

J O H N 1 0 : 3 1 - 3 3


N o R o o m f o r C o n f u s i o n Skeptics of Christianity like to point out that Jesus never said point blank, “I am God.” This allows them to admire Him as a historical fi gure and great moral teacher without having to trust Him as the only way to heaven. While there are numerous implicit references to Jesus’ identity as God in Scripture, many still insist that Jesus Himself never made the claim. But if Jesus was being misun-derstood, He had numerous opportunities to correct people’s misperceptions, and certainly could have saved Himself the pain of crucifi xion. Consider the following passages and what they have to say about Jesus’ claim to be God.

When Jesus healed the paralytic in Mark 2:3-12, He also claimed the authority to forgive sins. Scribes in attendance called this blasphemy.

In John 5:16-18, Jesus called God His Father and made the Jews all the more angry; they began a plot to kill Him. In John 8:58, Jesus responded to the Phari-sees, “before Abraham was, I Am.” This identifi cation with the personal name that God revealed to Moses (Ex. 3:14) infuriated them to the point that they wanted to stone Him.

In John 9:35-38, Jesus revealed His identity to the man born blind (see last week’s lesson). The man worshiped Jesus as God, and Jesus accepted it. In the next chapter, Jesus taught that He was the Good Shepherd who would lay down His life for His sheep only to take it up again (John 10:11-18). Again, the men wanted to stone Him to death for such blasphemy (John 10:31).

In Matthew 26:63-66, Jesus had an opportunity to “set the record straight” with the Sanhedrin. On trial for His life, He was asked if He was the Messiah, the Son of God. His response, “You have said it,” amounted to blasphemy for the Jewish religious leaders. One has to ask, if Jesus had been misquoted all these times, wouldn’t He have refuted the charge when His life was on the line?

To the Jews of the day, blasphemy was assuming oneself to have the rights and qualities of God. In essence, the claim to be God was a most heinous offense. To the Jews who saw Jesus as merely human, such words would have made Him a liar. Claiming to be God isn’t blasphemy if it’s true!

Again the Jews picked up rocks to stone Him. Jesus replied, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. Which of these works are you stoning Me for?” “We aren’t stoning You for a good work,” the Jews answered, “but for blasphemy, because You—being a man—make Yourself God.”–John 10:31-33

The Only Mediator 1 Timothy 2:3-63 This is good, and it pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

5 For there is one Godand one mediator between God and man,a man, Christ Jesus,

6 who gave Himself—a ransom for all,a testimony at the proper time.

How to Share the Gospel with a Law Student, Part 2* A signifi cant branch of legal studies is the fi eld of mediation. When two par-ties have a dispute but want to avoid litigation, they will hire a mediator, who helps the two opposing sides reconcile in a manner benefi ting both parties. • What was the confl ict between God and humanity? • How did Jesus reconcile the two?• How did both parties (God and humanity) benefi t from the reconciled relationship?

*For Part One, see p. 52

68 O C TO B E R 2 4

005075000_LifeTruthsLearner_FAL10_38-79.indd 68-69 3/11/10 2:18 PM

How to Share the Gospel with a Law Student, Part 2* How to Share the Gospel with a Law Student, Part 2* How to Share the Gospel with a Law Student, Part 2* A signifi cant branch of legal studies is the fi cant branch of legal studies is the fiA signifi cant branch of legal studies is the fiA signifi eld of mediation. When two par- eld of mediation. When two par- cant branch of legal studies is the fi eld of mediation. When two par- cant branch of legal studies is the fities have a dispute but want to avoid litigation, they will hire a mediator, who ties have a dispute but want to avoid litigation, they will hire a mediator, who ties have a dispute but want to avoid litigation, they will hire a mediator, who helps the two opposing sides reconcile in a manner benefihelps the two opposing sides reconcile in a manner benefihelps the two opposing sides reconcile in a manner benefihelps the two opposing sides reconcile in a manner benefi ting both parties. ting both parties. ting both parties. helps the two opposing sides reconcile in a manner benefi ting both parties. helps the two opposing sides reconcile in a manner benefihelps the two opposing sides reconcile in a manner benefi ting both parties. helps the two opposing sides reconcile in a manner benefi• What was the confl ict between God and humanity? What was the confl ict between God and humanity? What was the confl• How did Jesus reconcile the two?• How did both parties (God and humanity) benefi t from the reconciled relationship?benefi t from the reconciled relationship?benefi

*For Part One, see p. 52

Universalism?Does an omnipotent God always get every-God always get every-thing He wants? Verse 4 says that God wants everyone to be saved. But not everyone will come to a saving knowledge of Christ. Since we know the Bible does not teach universalism (the doc-trine that all human beings will eventually be saved), the logical conclusion is that God limits His own absolute power so that everyone may freely choose whether or not to receive Christ. to receive Christ.
