  • A Green Foxtail (Setaria viridis) CultivationExperiment in the Middle Yellow River Valley

    and Some Related Issues


    CURRENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ARCHAEOBOTANICAL discoveries indicatethat foxtail millet (Setaria sativa) was domesticated from its wild progenitor-green foxtail (Setaria viridis)-in the loess area of the Yellow River Valley by atleast 8000 years ago. Recent genetic studies also seem to support this hypothesis(e.g., Benabdelmouna et al. 2001; d'Ennequin et al. 2000; Nakayama et al. 1999),although some geneticists argue that there might have been more than one centerof indigenous domestication (Schontz and Rether 1999). Millet farming hadexpanded to a vast area from the middle to the lower Yellow River Valley by7000 years B.P. (Lu 1999). Many archaeological assemblages with foxtail milletremains have been found in the Yellow and the Yangzi River valleys and Tibet,with the Yellow River Valley being the core area (Table 1). Based on the culti-vation of foxtail and broomcorn millets, Chinese civilization emerged at approxi-mately 5000 B.P.

    However, many questions remain with respect to the origin of millet farmingin the Yellow River Valley. The progress and remaining problems on this issue,as well as scholars who have been working on the topic, have been summar-ized elsewhere (Lu 1999, 2001). Briefly, the questions of where, when, how, bywhom, and why foxtail millet was domesticated by 8000 years ago still remain.The domestication process is not clear, nor is it known what tools and cultivationmethods were used in the initial domestication of this plant.

    To date, research on the origin of millet farming in the Yellow River Valleyis primarily based upon archaeological and archaeobotanical data, which, unfor-tunately, are very limited for the period prior to 8000 years ago. Therefore, theinitial phase of millet farming in the Yellow River Valley has not been archaeo-logically recognized. Apart from an observation of the botanical characteristics ofgreen foxtail (Setaria viridis) and a harvesting experiment on this grass in 1996 (Lu1998), no other observations or experiments had been carried out on this topic inmainland China prior to this experiment in 1999.

    Tracey Lie-Dan Lu is an assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology, the Chinese Uni-versity of Hong Kong. Hong Kong. China.

    Asian Pcrspcct"',cs, Vol. 41, No.1 © 2002 by University ofHawai'j Press.






    9000-7000 Warm and wet 77000-5000 Warm up to 6000 B.P. 15 2

    then start to cool down5000-3500 Cool 14 2

    Sources: Chen 1993, 2000; Fu 2001.

    Cultivation experiments have been used by scholars in North America andEurope since the 1980s to investigate the origin of wheat and barley farmingin the Middle East, providing informative data for questions such as cultivationtechniques and processes, domestication rate of wild grasses, and use-wear pat-terns on tools (e.g., Anderson 1992). Because none of these questions had beeninvestigated in the Yellow River Valley, a cultivation experiment was designed in1999 to obtain empirical data. The objectives of the experiment were threefold.The first objective was to investigate the techniques and the initial process ofdomesticating green foxtail by cultivation. It was hoped that by conducting culti-vation experiments, changes to green foxtail under human manipulation wouldbe observed. As such, the experiment focused only on green foxtail and excludedthe domesticated foxtail millet. The second objective was to examine which toolswere likely to have been used in the initial stage, and to obtain reference datapoints for further study on local Neolithic tools. The last objective was to obtaindata for the yield rate of green foxtail and the possible impact of human selectionon this grass.

    The experiment was designed to be carried out in the loess area, where theinitial domestication of green foxtail took place in prehistory, and where soil, cli-mate, and environment are similar to that of 8000 years ago. The experiment willbe long term, but the preliminary results have already provided some interestinginformation.


    The cultivation experiment of 1999 was conducted in a small village of JiyuanCounty, Henan Province, in the middle Yellow River Valley. The village islocated at the edge of a loess plateau, with a landscape of loess ridges. The yearlyaverage temperature is 12°C, and the average annual precipitation is 700 mm.Generally speaking, the climate is dry and temperate.

    The 1999 experimental cultivation field was a deserted and isolated section of aterrace along a small stream. Measuring about 50 m 2 in size, the field was locatedapproximately 30 m above the stream and faces southeast, exposed to plentyof sunshine. A closely guarded apple orchard bordered the northern edge ofthis field and cliffs bordered the other three edges. This setting prevented in-trusion by animals or human beings. There were no modern cultivated cerealsnear the field, so pollen contamination by domesticated cereals was not likely.


    Some dry-resistant grasses dominated the land before the commencement of thisexperiment.

    According to Hillman and Davies (1992), it is necessary to shift the cultivationfield each year in order to maintain species mutation (Hillman and Davies 1992).Chinese agronomic documents also state that shifting fields is a must for culti-vating foxtail millet (Agronomic Institute of Shanxi Province 1987; Jia 1977).Therefore, the cultivation field for the experiment of 2000 was carried out inanother village in the loess area.

    The field in 2000 was located on a plain, and was much smaller, only measur-ing about 30 m Z• It was within a courtyard and was enclosed by walls, prevent-ing animal and human intrusions. The whole field had been used for vegetablegrowing and since there were no cultivated cereals near the field, the possibilityof pollen contamination was very low.

    Land Clearing and Sowing

    The experiment commenced in the spring of 1999. Seeds of green foxtail weregathered in the autumn of 1998 near Beijing, air-dried, and packed for sowing.According to ethnographic data in China, burning is the simplest way to clear afield, and broadcasting is the most primitive method of sowing (Agronomic Insti-tute of Shanxi Province 1987), so these techniques were used. The land was firstcleared by fire, taking only about 15 minutes until the grasses became ashes.Panicles of green foxtails were first counted, and then broadcast (seeds of greenfoxtail are very tiny, and difficult to count, so panicles are used as counting units).A total of 1377 panicles were sown. The land was not tilled before sowing, andthe seeds were not buried afterwards. The green foxtail was then left unattended.Neither irrigation nor any other forms of cultivation were undertaken. Accordingto the local climatologic bureau, the weather was very hot and dry in 1999, withprecipitation during the summer (June, July, and August) totaling only about200 mm, which was about 40 percent of the average precipitation in these threemonths. Nevertheless, the green foxtail grew very well. When the field wasvisited after 136 days, stands of green foxtail densely covered an area of more than40 m Z (Fig. 1).

    Land clearing was not required in 2000, as vegetable growers had cleared thefield prior to the experiment. A total of 400 panicles harvested in 1999 werebroadcast on 5 April 2000, then left unattended for another 130 days. Again,neither tilling nor irrigation was conducted in 2000. However, the green foxtaildid not grow as well as it had in 1999. Possible causes for this will be discussed inthe following section.


    Harvesting green foxtail was first conducted in the lower Yellow River Valleyin 1996, and the results have been published (Lu 1998). While the harvestingexperiment on wild stands of green foxtail in 1996 provided data on gatheringreturns, a similar experiment on cultivated green foxtail in 1999 and 2000 pro-vided information regarding initial farming.

    The first objective of the experiment in 1999 was to test the harvesting effi-ciency of two different types of tools. The second was to compare the efficiency


    Fig. 1. Cultivated green foxtail (Setaria viridis) in 1999. (Photograph by FuXianguo)

    Fig. 2. Making a stone sickle.(Photograph by Fu Xianguo)

    of different harvesting methods. The last was to examine the return of cultivatinggreen foxtail. Thus, two types of stone harvesting tools were prepared: an edge-polished sickle and three flakes. These tools were made by striking flakes fromlarge limestone slabs, then polishing them on fine-grade sandstone, using water asa smoothing agent. The denticulate edge of the sickle was made by holding asmall piece of sandstone and sawing and abrading the edge from an angle of about30 degrees (Fig. 2). Two men and one woman worked for a total of 1 hour and35 minutes to make these tools. The output was one axe, three flaked knives, andone sickle, all edge-polished. The tools were designed to be replicas of Neolithictools commonly found in the Yellow River Valley.


    Fig. 3. Harvesting by cut-ting the whole plant. (Pho-tograph by Fu Xianguo)

    Fig. 4. Harvesting by reapingoff the panicles. (Photographby Fu Xianguo)

    Two types of harvesting methods were tried: one was to cut the plant fromabout 3 to 5 cm above the ground; the other was to reap the panicles only (Figs. 3and 4). Both the sickle and a flaked knife were used to cut the stem near theground. The polished sickle proved to be more efficient. It took only 4 minutesfor a man using this sickle to harvest an area of 2 m 2 , but it took 12 minutes forthe same area when the same harvester used a flaked knife. The efficiency of the


    sickle was thus three times greater than the flaked knife. When the sickle wasused, the denticulate edge can hold and cut into the stem of the plant in onemotion, after which only a slight effort was needed to sever the plant. But whenthe edge-polished flaked knife was used, a much greater effort had to be made-first to press the knife edge into the stem, then to cut the plant-because therewas no denticulate edge to hold the stem.

    However, when harvesting panicles only, the difference in efficiency betweena flaked knife and a sickle was insignificant. The average harvesting efficiency was24 panicles per minute with an edge-polished knife used by a woman harvesterand 26 panicles per minute for the sickle.

    The method of reaping panicles was designed to imitate the gathering of greenfoxtail, which mayor may not be part of cultivation activity. It has been arguedthat cutting the plant near the ground or pulling the whole plant would be nec-essary harvesting methods for domesticating cereals, but reaping panicles couldhave been done for both gathering wild plants or harvesting domesticated cereals(e.g., Anderson 1992). Based on results from harvesting experiments and use-wearanalysis, it has been proposed that the domestication process in the Middle Eastbegan by cutting whole plants near the ground (Anderson 1992). However, todate, no use-wear analysis has been conducted for the early Neolithic harvestingtools found in the Yellow River Valley. By trying these two methods (reapingand cutting), we have tested the harvesting efficiency of the tools, and have ob-tained use-wear data that can be used for future study on Neolithic tools found inthe Yellow River Valley.

    Mter the plants were harvested, the next step was threshing and husking.According to an ethnoarchaeological survey conducted in 1999 in the villagewhere the cultivation experiment was carried out, domesticated foxtail millet(Setaria sativa) was harvested by first cutting down the whole plant, then cuttingoff the panicles. An iron sickle was used for both steps. Then the panicles werescattered on a prepared ground surface and threshed by using stone rollers. Husk-ing is usually done with pestles and mortars or millstones. Such implements arestill in use today (Fig. 5).

    For those plants harvested by cutting the whole stem, the next step was to cutoff the panicles (Fig. 6). This step was quite time-consuming: the average rate ofcutting panicles was 19-21 panicles per minute. Thus, at least 17.5 hours wouldhave been needed to cut off 21,000 panicles (based upon calculations discussedbelow). On the other hand, if reaping panicles was used as the harvesting method,then the panicles could be directly taken into the threshing and husking steps. Itseems that the reaping method was more efficient than the cutting method. Sowhy did the farmers use the latter? This question will be discussed later.

    Calculation of the yield in 1999 was based upon two standard blocks withinthe field, each measuring 2 m 2 . The green foxtail harvested from each block wascounted; the average was 1053 panicles from each block. Thus, in the field mea-suring 40 m 2 , the total yield should be approximately 21,000 panicles. Because1377 panicles were sown in the spring, the yield ratio is about 15.25 to 1. Paniclesfrom one block (randomly selected) were kept for the following year as seeds.This seed grain represented about 5 percent of the yearly output.

    Nevertheless, it was realized that many of the panicles harvested in 1999 werenot ripe since the harvesting conducted in 1999 was not selective. Green fox-


    Fig. 5. A pestle and mortar. (Photograph by Fu Xianguo)

    Fig. 6. Cutting off the panicles in the field. (Photograph by Fu Xianguo)


    tail, like many other wild grasses, has a long and highly heterochronous growthcycle, which has been lost in domesticated foxtail millet (Lu 1998). It has beenhypothesized that human selection might have been a major mechanism for theloss of heterochronicity (Lu 1998). Thus the harvesting in 2000 was designed toexercise human selection by cutting only ripe panicles on the day of harvesting.

    The 2000 harvesting experiment was conducted on 10 August. Small stoneflakes were used as harvesting tools. A woman harvester selected and reaped ripepanicles only. This combined process of selection and harvesting took only 32minutes for a field of about 30 m 2 . On the day of harvesting, only 211 panicles


    were ripe and harvested, which accounted for approximately 7.5 percent of thetotal panicles produced that year. The rest were still in the process of floweringand ripening. However, the green foxtail did not grow very well in 2000. Theplants were shorter and were not densely packed. The yield ratio in 2000 wasvery low, the average panicles per 2_m2 block was 184, and it was estimated thatonly approximately 2800 panicles were produced. This is only about seven timesthat sown in the spring. One possible reason for this bad year could be the ex-tremely dry weather in the Yellow River Valley in 2000. The climatic recordfrom April to August 2000 indicates the total precipitation was only 243 mm andtotaled only 42 mm in April. Because April is the time for germination, the lowspring rainfall might have had a strongly negative effect on the germination andgrowth of the grass. A small germination test conducted in April 2000 revealedthat of 200 grains of green foxtail sown, none germinated. Another possible rea-son for the low yield could be the lack of fertilizer, as no land clearing was carriedout in 2000, there was no plant ash to act as fertilizer for the grass. A controlledexperiment will be carried out in the future to provide more data on issues ofwater and fertilizer, both of which are crucial for cultivation.


    Scholars have carried out cultivation experiments on wild wheat and barley(Anderson 1992; Hillman and Davies 1992), and wild rice (Oka and Morishima1971), although the latter was for a purpose other than investigating the origins offarming. It has been proposed that at least five years of cultivation are required toestablish the mutation that resulted from human selection (Oka and Morishima1971). As we have carried out our cultivation experiment on green foxtail foronly two years, we did not expect such biological mutation to be visible. How-ever, the cultivation experiment does provide some interesting and importantdata for several issues on the origin of millet farming in the Yellow River Valley.

    Conditions and Techniques Required for Domesticating Green Foxtail

    Based upon observations conducted in 1996, 1999, and 2000 in the lower and themiddle Yellow River Valley, there are several different traits between green fox-tail (S. viridis) and foxtail millet (S. sativa), summarized in Table 2. Except the lossof dormancy, all traits are visible, particularly trait numbers 1-3 and 7, whichwould be eye-catching even for people without any farming knowledge. How-ever, some of the traits could be causal while others are consequential. For exam-ple, it is possible that a plant with significantly fewer panicles would transport,distribute, and use water or other fertilizing materials from the soil more inten-sively and efficiently than would a plant with abundant panicles. Consequently,the stem could become more robust, florets from each panicle would significantlyincrease, and seeds would become heavier and rounder, containing more ediblestarch.

    Both plant dormancy and the long and higWy heterochronous cycle of flower-ing and ripening are characteristics of S. viridis. It has been observed that after aheavy rain (around 40-50 mm) occurring anytime between April and August,many plants and panicles quickly germinate, flower, and ripen (Lu 1998). The








    Panicles per plant a

    Diameter of stemsa

    Florets per paniclea

    Shape of the grainsWeight per 1000 grainsRachisGrowing of new panicles

    from the stemRipening timeDormancy


    Varying from 4-56 panicles

    Around 0.2-0.3 cmBetween 68 and 374Ovall.3gFragile, shattered when ripeCan occur during the

    flowering-ripe periodHighly heterochronousPresent


    Mainly between 1 and 3panicle(s)

    Around 0.6-1.1 cmBetween 3300 and 6700Round3gTough, unshatteredOccur only before the

    flowering periodSimultaneouslyLost

    a Sample population: 30 plants.

    process from flowering to ripening of green foxtail could last for 4 months, fromJune to October (Lu 1998). These characteristics would enable S. viridis to opti-mize water and other nutrition from the soil during these several months, and toproduce as many seeds as possible. Apparently, these are adaptive mechanisms forsurvival in the dry loess area, and the loss of these characteristics could result onlyfrom human interference. So it seems that at least mutations for trait numbers 1and 6-9 must have resulted from the cultivation of S. viridis in the Yellow RiverValley, and that human manipulation must have provided the selective pressurefor these mutations.

    Many scholars have argued that cultivation is a human selection mechanismfor the changes from wild to domesticated plants (Anderson 1992). Judging fromthe results obtained during the cultivation experiments in 1999 and 2000, and theharvesting experiments conducted in 1996 (Lu 1998, 1999, and 2000), it can beinferred that mutation numbers 6-9 of green foxtail could have occurred by cul-tivation and harvesting even under "unconscious selection" (Hillman and Davies1992), as harvesting and repeated. cultivation of harvested seeds would haveselected for tough rachis, simultaneous growth cycle, and loss of dormancy (Hill-man and Davies 1992; Lu 1998), although the mechanism of controlling dor-mancy is still under debate (Viemont and Crabbe 2000). Whether cultivationwould have the same effect for the changes in other traits remains unclear.

    Theoretically, mutations for trait numbers 1-5 could result only from con-scious selection by human beings. According to ethnographic data, certain groupsof indigenous Taiwan people still cultivated foxtail millet in the 1970s (Fogg1983). They selected plants with fewer but stronger panicles during harvesting,and kept these plants for the following year (Fogg 1983). This clearly representshuman selection for trait numbers 1-3 in Table 2. A similar process might haveoccurred in the Neolithic Yellow River Valley, causing the reduction of paniclesper plant and the increase of robustness of the stem. In the coming years, furtherexperiments will be conducted to examine this hypothesis.

    The experiments of 1999 and 2000 showed that no special techniques arerequired for initial cultivation of green foxtail. On the other hand, quick ger-mination of plants and panicles after rain, and the extremely low yield of 2000


    due to spring drought, might have been noticed by the first millet farmers a fewthousand years ago. They would have realized that water was good for the plants.Eventually, this observation would have led them to practice irrigation to insurebetter yields. It should also be noted that the long and uneven process of flower-ing and ripening of S. viridis has two important consequences. First, it is impossi-ble to determine when the whole stand will reach the stage of ripe or half-ripe.Harvest has to be carried out sometime in the autumn (August to October), butnot every floret of every plant would have been ripe or edible when harvestingwas taking place. Therefore, the real gain of cultivation is much less than itappears. Second, many seeds would have shattered from the panicles before beingharvested. Some of these seeds would have survived various predators-birds,rodents, etc.-and germinated the following year. The survival rate for greenfoxtail seeds has not yet been investigated, but, according to an observation madein 1996, the quantity of seeds shattered in anyone given day between July andOctober is always greater than the quantity of seeds being harvested (Lu 1998).For example, within the population of 668 panicles, 263 panicles had alreadyshattered and dispersed some or all of their seeds when harvesting was planned for5 August (Lu 1998). It is clear that many seeds would have been shattered natu-rally during initial stages of cultivation. Therefore, if the same land is used forcultivation the following year, those seeds sown by human beings will germinatealong with those self-shattered grains. People would eventually harvest the plantsresulting from human-sown seeds and the self-shattered seeds. Therefore, if thesame land was used continuously for the cultivation of the same grass, then itwould be very difficult, if not impossible, to preserve the mutations leadingtowards a domesticated plant. On the other hand, by shifting the land every year,one can preserve any possible mutations in the cultivated grains of the previousyear, and can continuously select for them (Hillman and Davies 1992).

    According to local farmers, continuous use of the same land results in loweroutput and an increase in weeds even for the cultivation of foxtail millet (S. sativa).Therefore, foxtail millet crops must be shifted to different fields every year. Doesthis suggest that some of the characteristics of S. sativa are still reversible, or atleast have to be maintained by shifting fields every year? This question requiresfurther investigation. In summary, the occurrence of certain mutations in S. viridisis the prerequisite for producing domesticated foxtail millet. Shifting fields everyyear and harvesting at a certain time are both necessary stimuli for such mutations,and consequently for the domestication process.

    Sedentism and Farming

    It seems that green foxtail can grow well without human attention. Provided thatthe climate was balanced and there were no animal or human intrusions, the firstfarmers did not have to tend the field after sowing. They could have left the fieldfor four months and returned to the field at harvest time. However, an essentialcondition for the first farmers is that they must have had their own territory.

    Even with a clearly bordered territory, protection was still required when thecrops were about to ripen. According to local farmers in the village where thisexperiment was carried out in 1999, they often protect their crops before har-vesting by "camping" on the field. Quite often this is also a task for males. It can


    be inferred that the initial farmers in prehistory would have encountered a similarproblem, and would have to remain near the fields in order to ensure the returnof their cultivation. This would be a strong impetus for the occurrence or increaseof sedentism. Therefore, the occurrence of sedentism and farming does seem tohave a close correlation. Sedentism initially might not have been for the purposeof tending plants, but for protecting the crops at the harvest stage. Further, as thiscultivation experiment indicates that the edible grains obtained from initial farm-ing were limited, it would be impossible for the first farmers to rely purely oncultivation. The first farmers probably took the seeds as storable foods for the leanseason. Foraging must have been still the major subsistence strategy for the firstfarmers. In fact, archaeological discoveries in China illustrate that hunting andgathering were important activities even for Neolithic farming societies (for asummary see Lu 1999). Therefore, the first farmers could still be foragers.

    Meanwhile, the two-year cultivation experiment seems to suggest that certainattention was, in fact, necessary if the cultivators wanted to have a reasonable re-turn every year. As discussed above, prehistoric farmers might have noticed thebenefit of water, and might have wanted to tend their plants. In order to do so,however, the farmers would have had to stay near the land, or at least regularlyreturn to the land. This would have reduced their traveling distance and wouldalso have affected their foraging activities. In this case, the prehistoric farmers andforagers might have had to choose between farming and foraging, one as theirmajor subsistence strategy and the other becoming a supplement. Alternatively,some members of the group could be farmers and the others foragers. Division oflabor by gender is also possible, although that would be difficult to find in thearchaeological record. Once farming became the major economic activity, alongwith sedentism, the consequences would be population increase and cultural de-velopment, and the occurrence of prosperous farming villages. If this were thecase in the prehistoric Yellow River Valley, and the first farmers were still mobileand only returned to their field regularly, it would be difficult to recognize sucharchaeological remains. It is probably when farming became a major subsistencestrategy and villages grew that such societies become clearly recognizable.

    In the Yellow River Valley, from 10,000 to 9000 years B.P., there are fewarchaeological remains, none of which can be clearly recognized as those offarming societies. However, after 8500 years B.P. there were numerous farmingsocieties, some with advanced culture such as the Jiahu assemblage found in theHuai Valley (Zhang 1999). Could the seemingly sudden outburst of farmingsocieties in the Yellow River Valley be the result of farming becoming a majorsubsistence strategy? Could the sparse archaeological record prior to 9000 B.P. bedue to mobile part-time farmers in the region who were mainly foragers? If thiswas the case, what were the reasons for the first farmers to choose farming as theirmajor subsistence strategy at the cost of foraging? Was it the shrinking of naturalresources, or the attractiveness of seeds being storable for the cold winter, orboth? Those questions require further investigation.

    Tools for Cultivation and More

    This experiment indicates that very few tools are needed for cultivation. One axefor land clearing (if there are few trees, not even the axe is necessary), and one

  • 12 ASIAN PERSPECTIVES . 41 (I) . SPRING 2002

    flake for harvesting are all that is necessary. For grain processing, grinding slabsand rollers are sufficient. All these tools have been present in the Yellow RiverValley since the terminal Pleistocene. Of course, this is not to say that the pres-ence of these tools indicates the practice of cereal cultivation. It is only to suggestthat the simplicity of the tool assemblage does not necessarily indicate the absenceof cultivation in an archaeological assemblage.

    As mentioned above, a sickle seems to be more efficient than a flaked knife incutting the whole plant. In the Yellow River Valley, the initial agricultural soci-eties that date from 8500 to 7000 B.P. did use sickles, as polished stone sickles arecommonly found dating to this period. However, after 7000 B.P. the quantity ofsickles significantly reduced in the Yellow River Valley, and it seems that knivesbecame popular in agricultural societies dating from 7000 to 5000 B.P. Why didthis occur? Does this change from sickle to knife indicate some changes in agri-cultural activities or reliance upon different cultivars? Or was this the outcome ofdifferent cultures? These questions are unanswered at this moment.

    According to my ethnographic survey, the millet stalks are often used for fueland for feeding livestock. That is why the whole plant is cut from the groundfirst, then the panicles are cut from the stalk. Thus, cutting the whole stem isnecessary not only for the process of plant domestication but also for animal hus-bandry. However, according to local farmers, if the land is too far from home, orif the stalks are no longer needed, they cut only the panicles, and set fire to thestalks after harvesting. By doing so, they have to reap the panicles only once andcarry only the panicles back home, thus greatly reducing their workload. More-over, the ash from the stalks is good fertilizer for next year. Are these practicesapplicable to prehistoric farmers in the Yellow River Valley? As both knife andsickle are similar in terms of harvesting efficiency for reaping panicles only, butthe labor cost of producing knives is lower than that of the sickle, does the popu-larity of knives in the Neolithic Yellow River Valley between 7000 and 5000 B.P.indicate a shift from cutting the whole plant to reaping only panicles? Did peopleduring that time extend their fanning to distant fields so that they preferred tocarry only the panicles home? Further use-wear analysis may provide data to testthis hypothesis.

    In summary, the transition from foraging to farming and the origin of foxtailmillet domestication in the Yellow River Valley is still a question awaiting furtherinvestigation. Archaeological experiment is only one of the approaches used togather information. By integrating various approaches, we can obtain more infor-mation to further our knowledge about this subject.


    The cultivation experiment was conducted when I was a postdoctoral fellow of theArchaeology Centre, CNRS in France, sponsored by the Fyssen Foundation from1999 to 2000. I am most grateful for the financial support I received. Dr. PatriciaAnderson of the Archaeology Centre, CNRS, gave me valuable advice and encour-agement during my postdoctoral fellowship there, and I am deeply indebted to her.This experiment could not have been conducted without the help of Professor FuXianguo, the Institute of Archaeology CASSo His continuous and unselfish assis-tance is deeply appreciated. I would also like to thank Mr. Zhang Baocai ofJiyuanCounty, and Professor Gu Fei of the Archaeology Institute CASS for providing landfor this experiment, as well as their support of my work.







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  • 14 ASIAN PERSPECTIVES . 41 (I) . SPRING 2002


    Green foxtail, the progenitor of foxtail millet, was domesticated in the YellowRiver Valley by 8000 B.P. However, the domestication process is not known.Hence a cultivation experiment was conducted in 1999 and 2000. Although bio-logical change indicative of domestication is usually not manifest in two years, thisexperiment provides information relevant to the origin of millet farming, sedentismand farming, and the Neolithic tools used for millet farming in the Yellow RiverValley. KEYWORDS: Green foxtail, Yellow River Valley, cultivation experiment,farming, sedentism.
