Page 1: A Future in New Zealand, Overseas Advice for New Zealand Employers

Friday, 19 October 2012 1 of 19

To get you to live, work and/or invest in New Zealand,

what advice do you have for New Zealand employers

and businesses?

Make the information more accessible, head hunt people who have shown interest, offer potential employees a week of living and working in NZ at a cost to them. If you eliminate the smoke and mirrors and get the information across people will be more willing to take the chance and move to NZ.

To be as outward-looking and open as possible

- Remuneration - Flexible working hours - Work from home

Raise awareness of skills shortages within the NZ economy. Advertise key job roles through international accounting bodies Offer international competitive packages and support for relocation (not just financial support, but the basics such as phones, bank accounts, accommodation, etc).

international tax

Look at an individual's 'life experience' and the skills set they have built up throughout their working life and not just the paper qualifications. A more mature person who has worked in real life situations; who has learned from their mistakes; who has risen to face and meet the challenges set before them; who is not afraid to use 'common sense' and who knows what hard work means can bring so much to any organisation or business. They are also likely to be more loyal and more settled within their new employer. After all, if they are seeking employment with a particular company it means they know what that company can potentially offer them through the rest of their working career. All of this and still be adaptable, dynamic and 'can do' in their overall approach to work and life.

Promote reasons why it would be great to live and work there.


Focus on initiatives to try and keep New Zealanders from leaving the country for Australia and make them more globally competitive.

I think New Zealand should position itself, or at least work towards a model of, the "scandanavia" of the Southern Hemisphere with its natural beauty and focus on delivering benefits for the social system. Examples would be fast rapid transport, free education, quality health care and importantly a broadband/wireless network that can out do the likes of Japan/Singapore. Especially with its remote location in the Pacific, it would greatly benefit businesses to invest and then hopefully the people will come.

Competitive packages and opportunities for flexible working hours and work/life balance.

Promote the lifestyle and adventure sports. Though i have never been, i have seen NZ in many photos and on travel documentaries and it looks amazing. With Skiing, mountain biking, rafting, fishing and many other outdoor activities on the doorstep, it could be a very rewarding place to have a work / life balance.

More companies who have accreditation from Immigration NZ to make themselves known. Also why would a company with a stipulation of only employing candidates with a NZ work visa on vacancy notices be accredited, the accreditation implying they would consider appropriate candidates from overseas?

Page 2: A Future in New Zealand, Overseas Advice for New Zealand Employers

Friday, October 19, 2012 2 of 19

To get you to live, work and/or invest in New Zealand,

what advice do you have for New Zealand employers

and businesses?

Availability of roles in the accounting/finance area with decent pay packets

Would like them to offer graduates also job opportunities, they could then train in New zealand ways and potentially stay there to contribute to the country.

Offer attractive salaries and also sell the good work life balance to families

Make New Zealand more accessible to commonwealth citizens and look favourably on English speaking individuals.

My partner and I decided to relocate to the UK from Australia for two years for an exciting change. So perhaps NZ businesses need to promote a dynamic, fun, adventurous destination. It’s also got the advantage of being so close to Aus, yet so different, so it wouldn’t be as daunting as moving to the other side of the world as people do when moving to the UK. In addition, I believe it’s all about awareness. I was fully aware that I could easily obtain a work visa in the UK, however I have no clue how easy it is to do this in NZ, how much it would cost, or even if it's possible. So spreading the word would help.

Make it easier to get a job before committing to migrating; you could, for instance, promote remote interviewing.

Improve the awareness of the type of positions and opportunities available in New Zealand. Also the ability to interview for New Zealand jobs from overseas, so positions could be obtained before having to make the significant commitment to move to New Zealand in the hope a suitable position could be found.

Proper advise re relocation and setting up bank accounts, rental properties and transport advice. Proper market advice re remuneration and long term salary levels.

there is a need to change the imigration system,cannot get a job with no visa,cannot get a visa without a job.Because of my trade there is no way i could get a job before leaving the uk.I was i NZ and had 13 interviews but had to return to the uk because i couldn't get a job because mostly of no visa.

I think would not make as much money as Australia as most people from NZ come to Australia to make more money.

Living in an international mega city such as London has one siginificant advantage - you get expose to new trends, ways looking at things and a lot of exosure to the sector you're working in. For every country and country's leading companies it is key to attract these people wanting to relocate and improve the overall team / company's performance.

If I were to consider relocating to NZ, I'd need to be reassured that I could find a job in my chosen field (marketing/communications). When I think of NZ I think of bungy jumping and skiing, not a major hub of opportunity like London.

Give the employee the certainty that they will achieve professional and personal stability through supportive employment and goverment policies.

Be willing to interview Australians for senior roles. I've applied for several roles there in the past exactly doing the roles I've done before elsewhere and didn't get interviews. I've heard rumours that NZ businesses don't like hiring Australians.

Page 3: A Future in New Zealand, Overseas Advice for New Zealand Employers

Friday, October 19, 2012 3 of 19

To get you to live, work and/or invest in New Zealand,

what advice do you have for New Zealand employers

and businesses?

NZ employers and Businesses should relax the recruitment policies to accommodate foreigners especially Africans .

Career Progression, good public transport and lifestyle.

terms of emloyment, basic background discription of the company and the type of work of this postion entails and final wages etc.

Look at successful NZ entrepreneurs who are putting NZ on the map - Karen Walker ( fashion), Michael Hill (jewellery) etc. Make it appealing place for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial -- particularly lifestyle entrepreneurs, "global nomads"

Employers and Government need to set up agencies or web sites that screen and assist required skilled people to apply and prepare immigration clearance for these people efficiently

Make petrol cheaper :) Perhaps better access to job vacancies advertised worldwide would help me to see the opportunities available in NZ. The main thing that would put me off moving there is my fear that it is too small. Maybe advertising campaigns for cities like Wellington and auckland and spreading awareness about all the wonderful opportunities and sites the bigger cities have to offer might give foreigners the confidence to consider a life change like moving there. hope this is in some way useful.

the employers of nz must realise the main aim of a buisnes is to be profitable, but still not to lose sight of the lifestyle which is one of the main attractions of nz (a happy workforce is a productive workforce ) eg which of these 2 jobs is the harder job, a man sat behind a desk signing his name 2 to3 times a day, or a man swinging 14lb sledge hammer for 10h/rs a day. but to take into consideration the man swinging the sledge hammer enjoys his work & the man behind the desk does not,

I want to hear primarily about the willingness of NZ businesses to employ Australians. Once that is satisfied I want to hear about the lifestyle opportunities e.g. about working in what I presume are vibrant cities but being in close proximity to skiing, hiking, outdoor activities.

Advertise jobs to the right candidates - too much spam and we lose interest. Nake it look attractive, moving overseas is stressful, assist with bank accounts, accommodation, taxes etc.

Assistance with relocation; distance interviews via video links


To stop being so nit picky and pedantic about trivia. Protecting your borders is fine, but it is very often taken to extremes.

Having lived and worked in the UK - London and lived but not worked in the US - Manhattan, I consider the difference in the two adventures is the ability I had to make friends through the work networks I developed when in the UK. If I was to move to New Zealand, I would need to consider that the role I was taking on: - was in line with my career aspirations and had strong succession planning attached to it - was in a city where I could build a network quickly and easily to avoid feeling isolated - was in a city where I found cultural and social stimulation, live events, strong arts community - was in a city where the climate enabled me to enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle - hopefully outdoors.

Page 4: A Future in New Zealand, Overseas Advice for New Zealand Employers

Friday, October 19, 2012 4 of 19

To get you to live, work and/or invest in New Zealand,

what advice do you have for New Zealand employers

and businesses?

Relatively free trade, so that small businessess are able to start up and invest.

A competitive remuneration package, strong career development prospects, onboarding activities that will provide support and help me and my family transition to NZ life (both on a personal and professional level), and above all a commitment that they care about me as a person and want to see me succeed in my career and life.

It is hard when you are thinking of relocating if salaries are not clearly indicated on job descriptions or adverts as you don't know the level of expertise required which is usually indicated in the level of salary. Therefore more salary transparency would be helpful.

Financial incentive is the key. With a high cost of living and generally low currency exchange rate, draw cards like reduced personal invome taxes, increased annual leave or providing international workers access to subsidised or free health care, cars/fuel could be good draw cards to make up for differences in earning potential elsewhere whilst encouraging travel around NZ during non-work periods. Pegging the kiwi dollar to the Aussie could help in some respects also.

I was told by the agencys that Employers were looking to recruit from the local market so my CV did not even get submitted to jobs I was interested in.

I reckon it would help with attracting more people to move over if they spoke the moment they just take the puss (sic). Where did that dialect come from anyway? No one else in the world speaks like that... Why would someone even invent such a cruel thing and force it upon their kids? I fear it's been bred into too many generations to reverse it.The only other thing that would probably get me to move over - is if they found better living conditions for them poor hobbits. I'm pretty sure I saw a 4 hour documentary on them a few years back. It's not their fault they're small, have wierd toes and smell a bit but hey so does the majority of the population! I feel discrimination plays a big part over there and that would have to change before I consider a move.

I have well over 25 years of experience in IT, yet the NZ Immigration Policy does not recognise my experience due to me not having a level 7 qualification (I am one year from completing BSc Hons). So they discount my application for Permanent Residence as not having enough points to apply (I did previously have enough). It would be very beneficial to NZ Businesses, if they were involved in the application process, and had an input as to what the criteria were. I understand that this does currently happens - on a limited scale - but do feel that the involvement does need to be increased so that businesses can attract the right kind of experienced persons and families.

I don't know what advice I have for those agencies, but one thing I do have to say is: I can't believe how expensive New Zealand is. I live in London - supposedly one of the most expensive cities in the world. And yet, when I go back home to Auckland I am always shocked at how much everything costs. $10 for a bottle of beer in a pub? I can find a pint for less than £3 in London. Same goes with food and clothing. Even Auckland rent is comparable to London (when you take into account exchange rates and earning ability). I don't know what the answer is. And I am aware that this may come across as a grumpy rant. But, given that New Zealand is on the other side of the world from almost everywhere, if you want to make it a more attractive destination then a good place to start is to make it a less expensive one. Chur.

I'am willing to give it 100% whatever I do.

More competitive personal tax regime, greater ease of visas for Europeans and more business friendly tax authority

Support with relocation and initial accommodation.

New Zealand appeals because it has great weather, is a beautiful country, and has great people. The main obstacle to moving there is how far it is from most other places in the world. So focusing on the ease (if true) of transport between the UK and NZ would help. As would focusing on a quality of life so great that it would be worth it.

Page 5: A Future in New Zealand, Overseas Advice for New Zealand Employers

Friday, October 19, 2012 5 of 19

To get you to live, work and/or invest in New Zealand,

what advice do you have for New Zealand employers

and businesses?

To work - offer career progression and competitive salary with work / life balance, including flexible leave policies. NZ is not likely to match UK salaries, but could compete on the work / life aspect.

To live - The ethos of UK pubs, happy to host children, adults over 30 and dogs, authentically furnished with a welcoming and relaxing atmosphere. To work - Reasonable pay, a realistic ladder for progression, an all encompassing superannuation package and 25+ days of annual leave. 10 years ago any employer willing to contribute to my student loan would have won me over. Invest - More kiwis willing to take a punt on start ups and not just the seemingly secure blue chips.

Try to Make job offers more available, like when people want to come over an live the whole process is quite hard if your over 30 because ya need a job offer to get visa/residency and ya can't apply for work until ya have it. It's a bit of a circle unless your fully qualifies in a job where there is shortage or skilled. I was skilled and during the quakes I just wanted to help out and work to get Christchurch back on its feet and I wasn't allowed until visa came through which was a shame because I was will Inge to do anything. I am now a resident and am loving the fact that I am now involved in the rebuild but for some people it is still hard and they are skilled workers with a lot to contribute to the NZ economy.

Invite the USA Eagles to play the All Blacks!

make it possible to get a visa to work before getting a job (with conditions on type/catagory of job, location and/or salary band if necessary)

Advertise diverse lifestlyes that are available, with less focus on the adventure sports & winter angle as NZ is already highly regarded for these. What else is everyone doing in new Zealand? Provide some detail on who the main enterprises are there and what they can offer.

Simply need help with getting there, the costs involved are quite large (bringing my family over too), and the fees for the various agencies do seem quite over the top. Does it really cost NZ$535 for an expression of interest just because I am from the other side of the world?

Collate industries to give the scale of a big national powerhouse but operate like the small entrepreneural business hub that New Zealand is.

Be flexible - work hours etc. Offer payment of professional membership fees.

Reduced taxes.

Keep New Zealand clean, green and beautiful with fantastic people like the Global crew

It is important that businesses and economic development agencies strongly promote consumer perceptions of sustainability along with the superior quality of life in New Zealand. As an island nation the most important element is water. As a leader water's management and usage should be developed not just on land with energy and water supplies etc but around the coast and across the Pacific by harvesting natural resources and cooperating with other nation states.

To be able to demonstrate their business has growth potential and is at the cutting edge of its industry whilst still offering their employees a true work-life balance

Page 6: A Future in New Zealand, Overseas Advice for New Zealand Employers

Friday, October 19, 2012 6 of 19

To get you to live, work and/or invest in New Zealand,

what advice do you have for New Zealand employers

and businesses?

Offer comparable rates & conditions to Australia and other commonwealth countries. Circulate/advertise accessibility of visas and investment regulations for foreigners.

Pay your employees more and invest in your workforce with benefits like training, maternity leave. Don't expect ppl to just come back and be grateful to have a job.

Play to NZ's strengths- Promote wine and agritourism internationally, increase promotion on NZ ski resort towns. With regards to ski resorts, the actual towns of Queenstown and Wanaka are much nicer than Australian ski towns, so that for me is a key draw add when looking at ski holidays.

If competing on money alone for staff is not an option then there are other benefits for working in NZ, make these available/ known, even promote them in conjunction to your business. Most expats know how good NZ is but also have to quantify a career and location move to NZ so it's a matter of making NZ as attractive as possible with the job options at right levels for those people.

Forbid kiwi workers from saying 'ay?' after every sentence.

Competitive salary rangr against Australia at least.

guaranteed stability, every one already knows NZ is a great place.

NZ is about a lifestyle. When I think of the draw cards that would pull me back its: • lifestyle - outdoors and accessibility, length of holidays and time to take off and enjoy • Raising a family – Safety, wholesome country. • Personal growth – Can I continue to be stretched and grown? Both on a professional and personal level? I feel that we should look to get a more work/life integration. Not balance. The places where I have enjoyed and also benefited the business the most are those places where my work/life has been integrated. I don’t have time to do all the things like gym, training, music, reading and social outings and then a loaded work life. There has to be a melding for sustainability and fulfillment. Better for the individual and the company.

Form a national football team and join the AFL! Better yet, just join Australia

After playing a key role in assisting a NZ software start-up take its product to the global telecommunications market, I want to go back and help other kiwi tech companies to do the same. However, as I start networking and sounding out opportunities to do just that there doesn't seem to be much recognition of the value of the skills and experience that the kiwi diaspora can add to NZ businesses. I think NZ employers and businesses - particularly those looking to export products and services - should think strategically about the key roles they require and proactively profile and target kiwis abroad rather than awaiting for their return. Otherwise, I fear, there will be little benefit from the NZ talent export with attractive roles, salaries and challenges beyond the shores of Aotearoa preventing many a kiwi from returning home.

Dont underestimate the older yoofs ( thats English for youth, I believe its what the kids are saying now!!!) pushing 38 doesnt mean we are no use and dead and buried, more the opposite. life skills cant be taught or put into an exam and given out each year. They are earned to then share out. Whether its business, sport, or personal, bringing experience amd knowledge to the younger generation alongside other proffesional indiviudals can only build upon the growth of New Zealand both economically, diversly and proffessionaly. We are not too old to be a hindrance or too young to be draw on others for constant support, we are just right to pass on, mentor and grow for the years to come.

What is attractive about working in NZ is the culture and attitudes of the people. This is the reason why I will be returning, and these social aspects should be advertised by businesses.

Page 7: A Future in New Zealand, Overseas Advice for New Zealand Employers

Friday, October 19, 2012 7 of 19

To get you to live, work and/or invest in New Zealand,

what advice do you have for New Zealand employers

and businesses?

Can't honestly see myself wanting to invest back in NZ any time soon.

1. You get what you pay for & 2. The experience developed in more substantial overseas companies should be viewed as a significant advantage and not undervalued

Zero income tax and I could be interested!

Offer an excellent salary remuneration Offer an incentive to return to NZ (write off student loan debt, tax-free rent, free private health insurance, superannuation contributions, for example) Provide relocation budget and temporary accommodation

Pick another country ;)

Work/Life balance is increasingly important to people living in all countries. In London where i currently live there are a lot of flexible working options: from the ability to work from home when you like (which was never heard of when i worked in NZ but seems common practice in London and increasingly throughout the UK), 35 hour working weeks and for women, very flexible arrangements to help return to work after maternity leave. Whilst i only get paid to work 35 hours per week it certainly makes for a much better work life balance and that combined with options to work from home either regularly or on occasion is also highly desirable. I've looked at some job advertisements for roles in New Zealand and am still surprised that most do not indicate even a broad salary range - if you want to tempt people back you need to give them an idea of the range. Obviously this is something that is very common with all job advertisements in NZ. In the UK it would be highly unusual to NOT at least give an indication - it actually also helps potential employees know what level you are pitching your job at and to determine if they have the right level of experience. Annual leave allowance is also an important consideration, not just the cash in hand. In job descriptions or accompanying information why not state what some of the company benefits are at that stage? There might be a recession on but if you want the best people to do jobs to come back to NZ and share their international experience you need to make it easy for them to apply for suitable opportunities as they arise - giving a guide to salary and any extra employee perks or benefits is a must.

Start paying some money! Until wage conditions are better in New Zealand, Australia and the UK will continue to gobble up the best and brightest Kiwis.

New Zealand is a pretty isolated place so play up to that. Try and attract the kind of people that "just want to get away from it all" and enjoy doing things outdoors.

Competitive salary.

Put a good package together. Not just money based as you can always earn more overseas.

Competitive salaries with the rest of the world and opportunity to live throughout NZ

Page 8: A Future in New Zealand, Overseas Advice for New Zealand Employers

Friday, October 19, 2012 8 of 19

To get you to live, work and/or invest in New Zealand,

what advice do you have for New Zealand employers

and businesses?

I've not started to seriously think about moving home yet, but I guess my ultimate solution would be to work for a multi-national here in the UK but know there might be an option to relocate to a New Zealand based office in the future. Taking away the unknown of finding a job when moving back would really help.

Promote the benefits of NZ to expats. Make the transition opportunity simple.

Advertise jobs to expats whilst still living abroad and facilitate international interviews. The main concern for kiwis living abroad is that we won't get jobs quickly and easily and at the same rate of pay so finding a job before you move home is very appealing.

Increase wages. The cost of living is so high in New Zealand.

The issue of rising costs vs low salaries in New Zealand is one key matter that deters us from returning. Given this is primarily based on the low population and economies of scale, there's little that can be done in the sort term, unfortunately. I don't suppose there's anything that can be done about the weather :) ?

more dynamic roles and flexibility

Many advertisements for work in NZ imply that the candidate must already be physically present (in addition having the right to live and work there). With modern technology it is entirely feasible to conduct initial interviews with candidates anywhere in the world, so employers and recruiters should work to eliminate bias towards local candidates in cases where there is a real skills shortage.

be flexible about pay, number of holidays, working hours

Match salaries or contracting rates with Australia

Pay more - or if not feasible, be very flexible in terms of hours and work life balance as that is what people return for, so having it is a real advantage, dont have a "have to be at work 9-5" kind of employer relationship

You need to convince people of the economic benefits of working/living in New Zealand as well as they lifestyle. I would also hi light the work culture. This is a big draw card nowadays that many employees consider.

Flexible holidays

Lobby the government to breakup that winter period in between June and October, with another public holiday or two. Christmas achieves that over here; and to invest more in urban public transport - removing the hassle of driving to work is always a good thing. A freedom to work agreement (as with Aust) with a few other 'local' countries eg Singapore or Chile may help too. Unlike Aust I'd imagine kiwis would tend to return afterwards in greater numbers.

Offer good remuneration packages, especially in the form of benefits. Generally the benefits packages overseas are a lot more comprehensive than in New Zealand. Use any knowledge expat employees may have gained from their time abroad to improve businesses where possible/relevant.

New Zealand employers should be aware that the opportunity to specialise in diverse areas of work comes with the larger scale of industry and business abroad. They should be open minded of the ability to transfer these skills in to the more limited range of positions offered in New Zealand.

Page 9: A Future in New Zealand, Overseas Advice for New Zealand Employers

Friday, October 19, 2012 9 of 19

To get you to live, work and/or invest in New Zealand,

what advice do you have for New Zealand employers

and businesses?

Judge people with the skills and work experience doesn't only mean that one has in New Zealand. How is one supposed to find work who has experience working in some other country and is now seeking work in New Zealand. A chance should be given to the employee to prove himself/herself.

A very strong aspect going for NZ is the increased community feel, work life balance, and smaller business (by global standards). NZ will alway struggle to lure through money of seniority in global organisations. Focus should instead relate to the way of life, and willingness to try new things. Examples of this sort of innovative thinking that NZers take for granted has been shown by Subway and McDonalds. -McDonald's use of hand held devices to speed surface; and -Subways online ordering (which after over 5 years use in NZ has only just been released in UK and only in London.)Both are relatively simple, yet work politics with larger numbers of stakeholders make these things a challenge in most organisations.I believe most people especially as the get more settled, get increasing interested on enjoying work, and money and heirarchal power I believe loose out to liking those you work with, and being able to see the tactile improvements that have helped to create.

Salaries competitive with Australia. Salary packages that ensure generous retirement packages. Expos of NZ companies in UK - I still invest in NZ but it does get more difficult keeping up with info being so far away. Job roles with opportunity for international travel. Openness and flexibility in the kind of job roles available - ask potential candidates what their perfect role looks like, yo might find that there is role that doesn't yet exist in your org that could generate significant value

The exchange rates to drop. Support for businesses wanting to set up online companies. Advice, marketing, tax and other financial benefits to be made avaliable.

Higher pay.

increased job and pay opportunities

When advertising jobs, include an indication of salary - job titles and experience in the UK are so different to those in New Zealand, salary indication would give a better idea of the role, and also help returning expats to be realistic about salaries which can take some time! Stating they're open to interviews via Skype, or to supporting with relocation costs would also make applying for jobs more appealing

On first migrating to NZ in 2004 I found it extremely difficult to break into the labour market. Iwas repeatidly provided the excuse that I didn't have sufficient "NZ experience". I later found this was "code" for "we only really want to give jobs to New Zealanders". Possibly this is NZ's way of coping with the brain drain; retain senior level jobs for NZ'rs only. But then please don't expect experienced, qualified migrants to show up on your doorstep to take lower level roles in hopes of advancements that are reserved for others. I am male, US educated, certified in my field, and have lived/worked in over a dozen countries in 25 years. I gave up trying to find an permanent role in NZ and sought contracting roles. I had multiple temporary contracts for 7 years, but never an offer of employment. The "NZ Experience" attitude persisted for all of the 7 years and finally drove me to exit NZ for a job in Switzerland that is aligned with my qualifications, but was absolutely unattainable for me in NZ. I had several colleagues in the same position and they have likewise departed NZ. So the best advice I can give you to promote NZ as a preferred destination for migrants is to drop the attitude.

Growth and training for employees, especially those in the middle tier. Work/life balance.

Page 10: A Future in New Zealand, Overseas Advice for New Zealand Employers

Friday, October 19, 2012 10 of 19

To get you to live, work and/or invest in New Zealand,

what advice do you have for New Zealand employers

and businesses?

I believe that companies should be more able to hire overseas, I have a senior profile today and I'm finding some difficulties in doing interviews through internet. As I hold an important position in my country today, it's hard to give up this in order to make myself available in New Zealand to do interviews.

Consider overseas workiing experience an asset as it shows a willingness to try new things, go outside of your comfort zone and appreciate different cultures.

The opportunity to do things a little differently, with scope for flexibility to enjoy the lifestyle that NZ has to offer. There is no point trying to emulate the big countries - we need to differentiate ourselves as a destination of choice for expats.

Companies need to show that as well as having a functional side they are innovative and willing to try something new. Compared to NZ, my job in London offers a lot more flexibility in my work plan, more developmental work and gives more back to its employees in terms of social events and bonuses.

Make coming home.more attractive by making it clear what opportunities there are and that there is life outside Auckland. I would.also be I.interested in companies that operate worldwide or with a world wide focus

I think a large majority of people returning to NZ are doing so for the lifestyle. Promote the lifestyle benefits - Nowhere compares to NZ in that area. Accommodate flexible work practices - hours and location.

Ensure you maintain a friendly work environment with emphasis on a work and personal life balance. The big draw back for working in the UK is within the massive companies you feel like just a number and you are constantly working. Whereas in NZ I always felt like more than just an employee, almost a family feel and we were encouraged to spend time with our own families ensuring we weren't burnt out.

Introduce more wider wider breadth of roles and career choices, better pay, more technology enablement and flexibility in working conditions (working from home, hot desking, cloud solutions etc). NZ already is great for lifestyle, project it as place where you can have a great career alongside the lifestyle.

It's unlikely i'll return in the near future, but the key is to build a network and underst

This is a huge issue for me and New Zealand. I lived and worked in NZ for 4 years of my professional career, in both Wellington and Auckland and am doubtful if I will ever be as fulfilled in my work as I was then. It is not the cost of living or the salary that will bring me 'home', but the wider context that is New Zealand, there needs to be more culture and opportunities. Not marly what I am able to work for and how much, but if I want to try a new direction, is that going to be possible for me in such a small market? Therefore I am not sure that there is anything that NZ employers or businesses can do as I already think that they are generally great places to work, and New Zealand a great place to live. It is a wider issue of population, density and more breadth of industry that keeps a number of New Zealanders from returning.

Offer decent money and benefits. Giving up the lifestyle and opportunities in the UK is a big thing.

Offer a good work/life balance. Falxible hours and advertise any potential to travel in the role, even if its domestic.

Don't sell me on the benefits of living in NZ, I already know them. Sell me on career progression, dynamic work and the ability to compete globally with emerging technologies. The ability to have a visible impact within a smaller market sometimes outweighs anonymous work on a larger scale.

Develop better online shopping facilities (which may include a more lenient returns policy than statutory requirements), a more vibrant arts/theatre scene.

Page 11: A Future in New Zealand, Overseas Advice for New Zealand Employers

Friday, October 19, 2012 11 of 19

To get you to live, work and/or invest in New Zealand,

what advice do you have for New Zealand employers

and businesses?

Think outside the box, find out what specific skills the employee has gained overseas - some skills are harder to gain within NZ

I don't understand what I could earn vs the cost of living in NZ. The cost of living seems so high when I go back to visit, it pretty much kills the idea of returning. I feel like I'd have to give up my l ifestyle and standard of living, which I'm not prepared to do. Also, now I have a child, a better understanding of how the NZ education system compares to the UK one would help, and might even take the focus somewhat off our standard of living. But then I have no idea how to get this information across to people like me.....

I will move home from London to Auckland if the following criteria are meet: - work life balance. I work hard in London and will be returning for lifestyle reasons so I whilst I expect to further develop my career in NZ I don't want to be working ridiculous hours and weekends (I hear some friends are doing this and I think 'what is the point of going home?' - might as well stay in London and earn more). - transport is satisfactory. I don't think I could cope with the wasted down time of being stuck in traffic jams. We would need to find a location where we could run/bike/take public transport into work in Auckland. - the money has to enable the lifestyle I want (although I except it will be less than London) - sufficient annual leave (min 5 weeks)

I think most businesses have a good understanding of the motivation for Kiwis to live overseas and travel for at least some amount of time. If this is something important to your employee then if you can support them with this you will have a better chance at either retaining them as an employee (eg. Leave of absence and return to the same job) or them returning to the business after their travels, you as a business will then benefit from their experience and skill development. Most kiwis I know do want to return home to settle, sometimes it is more a matter of when. If there are attractive job opportunities at home then the when will become a shorter time. NZ is a small market so the aspects of a job that are attractive will be different from those overseas... Diversity in role, job flexibility, annual leave are some of the aspects that might be more important to someone returning to NZ.

More flexibility around leave. Sorry - but NZ can't do much about it's location - even though it has so much going for it.

Employers need to allay potential fears/barriers of distance, isolation and the unknown; by instead enticing potential newcomers by embracing maori principals of whanau and papatuanuku in recruitment and relocation drives.

Increase pay rates especially in provincial areas, offer better career progression, and provide more in house and external training.

Provide the right career progression and remunerate accordingly. Also ensure you have an attractive benefit scheme (pension, gum membership, car allowance, annual bonus) that encompasses total reward, as this can be a factor in deciding who to work for.

Concentrate on making the work experience the best they can. Thing like work/life balance and company cultures need to be exceptional because that is where NZ will have a comparative advantage. Make it a more attractive place to have a family.

Businesses:- Really push the kiwi lifestyle and fantastic country we have and love. Employers:- Give assistance for relocation back to New Zealand, stress the importance of transferrable skills required whilst working overseas and how they would relate to the opportunities offered. AND, again, really push the lifestyle of New Zealand!

An interesting role with a good salary. Offering assistance to relocate and help us to resettle in NZ.

Page 12: A Future in New Zealand, Overseas Advice for New Zealand Employers

Friday, October 19, 2012 12 of 19

To get you to live, work and/or invest in New Zealand,

what advice do you have for New Zealand employers

and businesses?

I work in global product management creating new products. I would love to come back home but there are limited opportunities where I could do a similar role and not just roll out the products that a parent company or larger m arket has created. As a nation we are incredibly resourceful, innovative and have a unique can-do attitude. We have a powerful brand image which NZ companies can harness further to launch and succeed on the global stage. To come back home I need businesses that are currently innovating and/or producing locally with an intent to continue, and an ambition and drive to expand into new markets and territories. Employers often focus on the size or multi -national nature of a company, instead I want to see communication of the ambition and philosophy to explore new territory and ideas and the opportunities for future growth.

Make is easier for New Zealander's living abraod to get a job sorted before they leave their current country. I have had a real stuggle with people calling me back and not wanting to due to costs etc.

Be more proactive in raising educational levels for our children to compete internationally, it starts now. Raise the level of second language training or learning, giving them exposure and appreciation of wider cultures and imagination. Bridge the international gap because NZ is so isolated physically. More focus on crime prevention and punishment. Enforce the law, less emphasis on traffic laws giving drivers tickets etc for revenue, it's criminals I am concerned with not the occasional drivers who went 10km/h over the speed limit. Rehabilitate the criminals and make crime pay not as a mere slap on the hand. Start to put people (who are born outside NZ) and naturalized in NZ in top jobs in bluechip companys because they have contacts and networks that takes a lifetime to established. They bring the business and imagination back to where they live and raise their children. I left NZ because of poor job opportunities, very closed and guarded fraternity of traditional white NZ kiwi culture, conservativeness that are stifling. EEO is a joke in most commercial companies that bring in overseas revenues. It works in government but that is not a main revenue engine. Observe your explosive and world famous wine exports, how many owners and founders are native-born in NZ? Many come from Europe a generation or two ago. They had to do it on their own and on their own terms. Get a grip on social welfare. People who are successful and who considers NZ as a future home is not looking forward to handouts and not high income taxes to subsidise those who are reliant on handouts. Give people a reason to be hardworking and successful. Work them too hard to achieve wealth and success, they will end up overseas, it doesn't pay. NZ is dangerously, in my opinion, sitting on the slide on being insular more and more.

Be open to interviewing candidates from abroad. Indicate this to your agency (many of whom put UK into the too hard box, regardless of skills and experience match)Be willing to Skype interview and take the time to find the right candidate.

Need competitive salaries and benefits.

My advice would be to get NZ companies to start thinking about their " Overseas recruitment / repatriation" strategy, what does this look like or if they havent considered this, what would it look like. What benefits would we (overseas based kiwi) bring to the company? Our view of Global issues and the impact on businesses and more importantly repsonse? Stategies, risk and Governance in response to global issues?

In order for me to return to New Zealand to live and work it would need to offer me something that I can't get over here. Something enticing enough to make me give up my ability to be in Paris in two and a half hours. Things like, if I could run my own business, or at least be supported to develop the skills that I could one day. Or be able to create a more interesting life by possibly working untraditional work hours/patterns, I'm meaning really untraditional - like working 9 months of the year and travelling for 3. Maybe be supported to do some further study or apply my skills to a new industry. Or have the opportunity to give back somehow, work with a community group to create a really positive change. Something more than just a job and a paycheck. I came over here for the experience and I won't move home unless I can continue the adventure. So if you want to attract people back home then you're going to have to be innovative. If you're just offering a job, that will be enough for some people - but probably not enough to attract back the adventerers that are out exploring that you want to bring back their energy, ideas and skills. What is it that you do for them that would add to their adventure?

Page 13: A Future in New Zealand, Overseas Advice for New Zealand Employers

Friday, October 19, 2012 13 of 19

To get you to live, work and/or invest in New Zealand,

what advice do you have for New Zealand employers

and businesses?

Many people who live overseas do so to gain international experience but I believe that many do come back to New Zealand eventually. It should be seen as a good thing by NZ as it means that in a few years time they willl welcome home many skilled workers who can bring new and fresh ideas to grow NZ business to a high international standard. So NZers should be encouraged to go overseas but in saying this they do need a motivation to return. Firstly, the lifestyle in New Zealand is great is this is a positive to come home, the pay isn't great but there is probably not a lot you can do about this given the current economy. What I would suggest is to provide these skilled workers with job opportunities where they are encouraged to share their experiences and be respected and utilised for their unique skills they can offer. New Zealand is a great country but in my view it is not world leading so what would make me come home is a role where I could really make a difference using the skills I have developed while working internationally.

One of the biggest challenges to coming back (apart from the NZ Dollar / sterling exchange rate which is a major deterrant at the moment) is not just finding a job for myself to come back to, but for my partner as well. Offering support to help a partner find a job would help encourage people to come back.

Improvement in the cost of living. New Zealand has a great environment, enough business activity to sustain a healthy career. The price of food, transport and other every day necessities is highly overpriced compared to salaries.

Better pay

Clean green image Strong NZ/global brands

Salaries/remuneration linked to performance, not just simply a fixed salary with a target bonus percentage. Ie. being rewarded for the effort you put in.

My time is important to me, so I would be looking for a job that shows challenge, variety and most importantly flexible working times, i.e 4 days per week, or one day work from home. It seems many people want to have flexibility to enjoy their lives, to do this, either shorter working hours, or more flexibility in start finish times.

I would like an interesting role with flexibility e.g. flexible work hours and the ability to work from home.

Keep it simple, don't oversell

For long-term expats, opportunities to minimise 'reverse culture-shock' and also assistance for foreign partners returning with expats in terms of work and social opportunities.

Think global and export because NZ market is simply not big enough. Immerse yourself in other markets to get to know what they want, and never assume it's the same as NZ market preferences.

The only thing that will get me to live back in NZ (if I can't get visa extensions) will be when I want to start a family. Working in NZ isn't hugely enticing - small market, less pay, less opportunity - but the potential to work for a company who appreciate their employees and reward them with non-monetary lifestyle benefits can go a really long way. We know money is not great in NZ, but if this can be off-set by other things like gym memberships, healthcare it does make a position more appealing.

Use Linked In to connect with individuals who will be returning to NZ as this is a very common network site in the UK. Have an attractive savings account/low fees to transfer money back to NZ for individuals who are working in the UK but saving money.

Page 14: A Future in New Zealand, Overseas Advice for New Zealand Employers

Friday, October 19, 2012 14 of 19

To get you to live, work and/or invest in New Zealand,

what advice do you have for New Zealand employers

and businesses?

want same salary as UK, and high quality team to work with

New Zealand is seen as a wonderful place to bring up a family and this is what is attracting us back to New Zealand. However, here in the UK my husband and I work in organisations with flexible working policies and working from home initatives. The concept of agile working does not appear to have been embraced by New Zealand businesses. Having more agile workers allows them more family time and has proven to increase productivity. Effectively using technology (skype, interest and phone) means you can operate very successfully more virtually. There no longer becomes the concept of 'out-of'the-office' you are always connectable. Therefore, on returning to New Zealand my husband and I will be conciously looking for organisations that offer flexible working or are keen to embrace this way of working. The key reason we are returning to New Zealand is for family and lifestyle but if we are unable to find a working situation which complements that we wil l be reluctant to give up our lives here in the UK. Very happy to discuss further if anyone is interested.

introduce better policies i.e. working from homeadvertise to overseas people - if i was thinking about coming home the right job would make me come home earlier

Need lower interest rates, export costs and conversion rates are too high

Be open to new ideas and approaches to working practices through the use of technology, such as; paperless offices, drop in offices, working remotely, video conferencing, instant messaging.

Have a broad vision and think globally. Be more efficient and competitive in the global market. Employ people with international background.

Interesting roles - expansion of NZ companies globally. Good salary

Think global as the world is becoming a smaller place, focusing on NZ only is not that interesting for those of us who have had a broader more global view

They need to offer interesting positions with competitive benefits/income. LIving abroad it is disheartening to compare salaries and benefits with those similar in New Zealand. Especially in regards to the cost of living. Another important factor is the possibility of work related travel. If moving back to New Zealand from being abroad, you definitely miss that factor in NZ business life.

Invest in your employees - think about future markets / economies not in time scale of 1-2 years more so like 5. Be ready for change its going to happen and engage with the right team to get you through. The future is changing - retail is changing.

The main reason I have come to work in the UK is the much larger scale of projects in terms of spend and global exposure, so if companies in NZ can expand into the Asia Pacific region and beyond, and provide opportunities to work on projects that go beyond NZ and potentially overseas secondments. The other key thing is that when I think about returning to NZ I know that I will have to make a sacrifice in salary. Australia still appears very appealing - still close to friends/family and a good lifestyle, but remuneration is more competitive.

Often jobs ads in NZ don't mention the salary. Most other places in the world mention salary. There is often no mention of relocation support. When I moved from the UK to Australia a few years back I was given a very generous relocation support package. NZ cities can seem small compared with places where ex-pats work. I would be most interested in a job that enables me to maintain my international links, through conference travel and secondments etc.

Salary needs to increase to be at par with Australian salaries.

Page 15: A Future in New Zealand, Overseas Advice for New Zealand Employers

Friday, October 19, 2012 15 of 19

To get you to live, work and/or invest in New Zealand,

what advice do you have for New Zealand employers

and businesses?

It needs to be attractive for people to return to NZ - if the wages are significantly lower, and need to stay that way due to the economy, then another way to entice people to return or stay needs to be found. Be that tax breaks, or student loan concessions, or free car parking!

Provide flexibility in lifestyle. For example I get a lot more paid leave than I typically would in nz. A few tax incentives would also help. Also remember most expats return to home for family reasons. So don't think you need to be too cleaver with benefits Nz is a great place !

They need to demonstrate that there is the range of opportunities available and career progression opportunities. There is a perception that NZ is unable to offer a wide variety of job opportunities particularly at a senior level.

I have recently tried to settle back in New Zealand. Although New Zealand will always be home. However, as an HR information specialist, there is not the calibre or range of jobs in New Zealand as there is in a larger market. Because of the size of the job market, I found it difficult to find a good company fit. For me, in my current career, I have looked off shore for jobs and have been successful in securing employment before returning to the UK. For me to return to New Zealand, I would need to have a career change, and so any employment there would potentially need to come with training.

There has to be a rethink by NZ business that experience gained overseas is actually of value to NZ employers particularly as many of the companies are exponentially greater than their NZ equivalents. Having had to employ in NZ, too often I have seen my fellow employers disregard overseas experience as often it is difficult to assess but not if both the recruiting companies/employers are prepared to make the effort.

Equal opportunity in NZ requires a change in the assessment of "ability and performance" , which are based 'primarily' on "qualification and productivity". The former could be verified by industry specific interviews & tests, while the latter, especially, could be based on relevant KPI's which are largely quantitative, as qualitative measurements are more likely to be subject to perception and bias.

Be brave and recognise the skills that kiwis develop working overseas. Income security is important so its hard to make the call to come back to NZ without a job. If employers were more open to hiring direct from overseas that barrier can be eliminated. Those with international experience, who are coming back to NZ for the right reasons (family, lifestyle etc), have far more insight to offer than those candidates who haven't left NZ. Video calling and Skype can eliminate the need to interview someone in person these days. Agencies need to recognise this too! Don't let the fact someone isn't in NZ yet as a reason you shouldn't interview them!

Engage globally in IT, finance & all services & operations with the Northern Hemisphere as a cost competitive & government supported way to take advantage of the New Zealand time zone & globally recognised professionals. This model established in other countries, will make the economy more vibrant & make New Zealand an even more attractive place to live.

Need more roles for my specialism. Salaries that would entice me to leave the UK. Roles that actively are recruited for overseas. When applying for roles in NZ there is the expectation that companies would rather take a NZ candidate and sacrifice international experience for convenience.

Highlight the wider NZ environment and lifestyle as unique drawcards that no other country has. Try to remain competitive with Australia - people looking to come to NZ to live/work are probably looking at Australia as well. Look at what is being done over the ditch and how you can remain a preferred option.

The pay should be competitive and the workplaces fair. I've heard from many friends that employers are working employees to the ground and there are workplace culture issues.

Work hard, play hard. I lived in London for three years and absolutely loved the work/life balance that I had there. I was very fortunate that I had a great remuneration package at the company I worked for. Base salary plus results based bonus plus 5 weeks annual leave AND we were also given between Xmas and New Years off "for free". Lots of team events, staff functions and general celebration when a job is well done. I have been back in NZ now for over 18 months and what I see is that we work hard, work hard, work hard and sometimes the play hard bit gets left behind. We are by nature a very hard working bunch of people (as the UK job market knows very well), but I think sometimes we need to stop and say yea we did a good job on this project, lets reward ourselves. And I don't mean money, I mean team days out, work functions, a Friday afternoon off perhaps. A lot of people don't even get to take their 4 weeks annual leave each year because their is just too much going on. Happy, healthy staff will be much more productive than run down, stressed out ones :-)

Page 16: A Future in New Zealand, Overseas Advice for New Zealand Employers

Friday, October 19, 2012 16 of 19

To get you to live, work and/or invest in New Zealand,

what advice do you have for New Zealand employers

and businesses?

The company I currently work for has an excellent values based culture. I feel valued and am able to manage my work and family life well. I returned to NZ after a 10 month working holiday and now have a two year old and a one year old, my family and career are harmonious and I couldn't be happier.

Emphasise the lifestyleand the laid back atmosphere

Advertise work / life balance, hours, perks, roles available.

Be willing to source talent from around the world as many people would love to live and work in NZ for lifestyle reasons. Prepare to offer relocation packages as this makes an offer very appealing.

New Zealand is never going to be able to compete for professionals purely based on salaries. We move back for family and lifestyle. As employers looking to bring people back, the focus should be on total packages that enable potential employees greater flexibility, non financial rewards (CPD & Networking ops, variation in roles, different leave packages etc). For myself, I am a NZ CA with 6 years PQE and not looking to return for another couple of years, I looked around but at my level (especially in Wellington) there are a limited number of roles that appeal (not wanting to drop down to a Finance Manager level). Clear career progression should be spelt out in job specs to make sure that potential employees are aware that there is scope to move upwards.

New Zealand business are simply unable to compete for the best talent in terms of remuneration. Businesses from other nations can always outbid you. Instead focus on the lifestyle. New Zealand is a fantastic place to live. Its just very expensive and the jobs are comparatively low paid. However if a job there meant I would have more time to enjoy the place I'm living - say through either more vacation time, flexible working hours/arrangements then the offer would be more competitive. If I could earn a decent living in New Zealand and had enough time off during the year to really enjoy the place I would be tempted. For instance 3 months vacation a year (even if most of it was unpaid) would probably even the playing field for New Zealand in my view. If you can't compete on pay you need to find another way to differentiate yourselves.

The reason I came back to live and work in NZ after spending time living in the UK was the NZ lifestyle and (relatively) low population. Salary levels tend to be lower and job opportunities are fewer, so employers and businesses should make it clear to the candidates they want to attract that they really can have a good work/life balance to make the most of living in New Zealand. This might mean offering things like additional annual leave, non-financial benefits such as health insurance, perhaps opportunities to travel within New Zealand and/or Australia/Oceania/Asia and to spend time outdoors as part of the job. This is the type of stuff I would be attracted to if looking for current NZ-based job opportunities.

Overseas experience in larger companies

Provide the same type of supperannuation benefits as Australia.

More attractive "Return to NZ packages" need to be advertised in overseas recruitment markets. Carrots such as flights, relocation costs, salaries respectful of experience, distinctive career paths mapped out following job advertised.

Provide an interesting, energetic workplace with a vision for the future and opportunities for employees to reach and further their potential. Invest in people, research, development and the future of the business.

It's about tapping into the things we can't get here. I find businesses here are very slow moving and weighed down by legacy processes. Offer the chance to work in a fast-paced, dynamic organisation where the emphasis is on getting stuff done and giving customers a good experience. And pay well for it!

Page 17: A Future in New Zealand, Overseas Advice for New Zealand Employers

Friday, October 19, 2012 17 of 19

To get you to live, work and/or invest in New Zealand,

what advice do you have for New Zealand employers

and businesses?

Pay more and offer roles in expanding companies.

Project relevance in an international market place. Top roles in New Zealand should be projected as just as relevant, exciting and complex, with the same transferrable skills, as the equivalent roles in larger financial centres, irrespective of the likely scale adjustment. I would not advocate the lifestyle change associated with the move as a primary driver. That should remain an unstated bonus rather than a focus. The point is the top applicants should not feel they are giving up career advancement by the relocation, and that they will maintain the skills to remain competitive with international peers. The needy, desperate plea from our national anthem, “make our praises heard afar”, comes from a time we were isolated and felt less significant. This attitude is outdated. By projecting confidence and relevance we don’t need to plead to be heard, but rather assume we are and act accordingly.

I am a teacher, and I would like to be able to get a job before returning to NZ. Not sure whether this would work at all, but would like to know that I can get an interview before paying for the lfight! I would also like to have a way of getting fairly cheap accomodation for working in the public sector.

I am looking at returning to New Zealand next year and have been trying to weigh up whether I would be best off working in Australia rather than New Zealand. New Zealand employers and businesses need to put together good employment packages (salary and benefits). Many of us are overseas as we like having the opportunity to travel and further our careers. If employers and businesses are flexible with holidays and can match salaries (or be close to Australia) then more individuals would be more enthusiastic about working in New Zealand. Career development is important and if a employer or business can show that there are opportunities to move up the ladder they will be more attractive. The impression in the United Kingdom is that New Zealand salaries are quite low, but after recently talking to recruiters back in New Zealand I have found out that they are not as low as I expected. Employers and businesses need to work at changing this perception as it is a big deterrent and leads to individuals choosing Australia over New Zealand. Another perception that needs to be worked on is that individuals believe you get paid more in Australia. The pay may be better but the cost of living is also higher, so in the end New Zealand can work out as a better choice.

Provide challenging opportunities with plenty of scope for change. Since arriving in the UK, my experience has developed incredibly (in only 2 years), to the point where I'm not sure I will find a role suitable when I return to NZ as the opportunities are just not available, I am considering the option of moving to Australia as I know their job market offers roles that are more suited to my experience and qualifications.

It's a hard one! We left London after 4 years (mostly to be closer to family and buy a house). I was worried I wasnt going to find a decent job with half as much pay as I got in London, but turns out I managed to get a really good role and great salary package. It was through contacts who also had worked in London before and they wanted people with good experience and generally good personality/work ethic. So I think that if kiwis overseas see that there are really good opportunities here, where their worldy experience will be valued and that they don't have to take a massive pay cut, they might think more seriously. I also have a friend in Aussie who was asking how long it took us to get jobs when we got back - it was less than a week! So if businesses are prepared to get the interview process rolling prior to them moving home that's a bonus.

Greater availability of high level jobs with competitive salaries. Earning power is a lot higher in the UK so it is harder to move back to NZ in that respect.

Nothing they can do at the moment - at this stage i want to be able to travel easily to a large number of countries and continuely work directly for large organisation (the area of law i currently work in will never provide the opportunity i have hear in NZ - but this doesn't mean i wont come home, i will just not yet)

- Recognise flexible working hours policy to enable migrant employees to maximise the "lifestyle" benefits the New Zealand offers (this will help to offset the potential pay gap that one may have to absorb when moving down-under)

Page 18: A Future in New Zealand, Overseas Advice for New Zealand Employers

Friday, October 19, 2012 18 of 19

To get you to live, work and/or invest in New Zealand,

what advice do you have for New Zealand employers

and businesses?

Pay me a decent salary

Make wages comparable to cost of living - nz is too expenseive for day to day living (groceries, eessntials, etc)

Increase salaries and the work place

Enable candidates to apply and be offered roles before returning to NZ. In my own case, if I were offered a NZ job tomorrow, I would return immediately.

You need to leverage Internet and social media to more accurately target people living overseas. Most ex-pats are interested in what is going on back home and in hearing about any exciting opportunities in NZ, whether they be for work or investment. You can use existing resources like Facebook and LinkedIn as cheap ways to stay in touch with ex-pats. Resources like Track Me Back are also an excellent and pleasing development to see.

It needs to be more interesting - in a cultural sense there needs to be more going on, rather than sport/outdoors being the sole focus. Auckland city needs to be made liveable - less traffic, more pedestrian places, more things for inner-city dwellers to do - e.g. festivals or events. And not dead after 6pm when all offices close down.

Value overseas experience! Create appropriate tax incentives (that is more a comment for the Government of NZ I appreciate) Advertise your positions where they will attract the attention of expats

Employers need to pay higher salaries in order to compete with Australia and businesses need to reduce the price of products given the fact that the same product is always cheaper overseas and readily available for purchase online.

See International experience as a talent that is much more beneficail to an organisation than just NZ experiene. Dont advertise positions looking for candiates that have worked in the NZ market over the last 5 years. People living and working in NZ need to relaise, the NZ market is tiny compared to the rest of the world and the overseas marekt experience returning kiwis bring back should be invaluable. Its not just the professional global experience that comes back to NZ, but the openmindedness and life experieces that you just dont get in NZ.

Treat people equally do not treat people differently because of the colour of their skin

Salaries need to be competitive in the international market

Think outside the square when recruiting and be open to work experience gained abroad. Even if their skills don't necessarily translate on paper for the role you're recruiting for, they'll bring a wealth of transferable skills.

The government needs to tackle the high cost of living in NZ. For example, address the fact that I can buy NZ export foodstuffs (lamb, butter etc) cheaper in London than in NZ. Address the unreasonably high cost of broadband, mobile phone data rates etc. Auckland and Wellington will never be able to compete with other global cities in terms of pay rates, but they can work towards moving up the list of "best cities in the world to live".

Provide job security, flexible working and a good salary package including benefits.

Page 19: A Future in New Zealand, Overseas Advice for New Zealand Employers

Friday, October 19, 2012 19 of 19

To get you to live, work and/or invest in New Zealand,

what advice do you have for New Zealand employers

and businesses?

Invest for long-term - number 8 wire attitude has to go - no more of the short-term piecemeal approach to infrastructure. NZ can't afford to sit back with a 'she'll be right' attitude - we need to be more aggressive in taking business opportunities and backing the successful NZ companies to re-invest locally rather than being sold off to overseas interests once they get to a certain size. NZ Inc needs to be braver in its decision-making to take the steps to where it wants to be in the next 10-20 years.

Flexible working arrangements, including remote working, are the norm in my sector in London, and not only for parents as seems to be the case in NZ. Employers should be more creative when trying to attract talent.

Remember that quality of life will always be NZs main advantage, and environmental and social policies have a bigger impact on that than short term financial decisions.

Interesting well paid roles made available, possible re-location benifits, career progression

pay more. support better transport links throughout the country!

Expand Investment Banking industry to create more opportunities.

I will be returning anyway in 3-4 years due to family and friend connections.

That they offer competitive salary packages and a work life balance as a lot of New Zealanders are returning for the lifestyle. The other suggestion is that there is more flexibility with leave with companies not forcing individuals to take the bulk of their annual leave entitlement over the Christmas period so those returning can still afford to travel.

NZ is home and we will return one day. It also has a good work/life balance but not a good disposable income. Employees want to have their cake and eat it - my advice would be to increase wages/salaries and/or provide packages and bonuses that incentivise employees not only to perform but to return.

I have grown used to the commute whilst working in London and attitude to being able to work from home, in case something happens to the rail network. This has improved my quality of life. Whilst Auckland has the best career prospects, my concern is the price of living and houses. When I move back in 18 months, I will most likely have to live on the very outskirts of Auckland but work in the CBD, which will equate to at least one hour commuting. NZ offers quality of life and that is why I will move back, however I would like to know that the Auckland infrastructure can offer a good commute and my potential employer will be flexible and acknowledge that employees will now be commuting for perhaps 3 hours a day.

you can't compete on wages even with the uk exchange not being what it used to be so don't try. I work for a company in London that makes working from home on Fridays compulsory. its a great perk. It would be great to have that in nz. Or even 4 day working weeks. like most people coming back to nz it is for lifestyle and weather. there is no point having lifestyle and weather if you are working 50 hour plus weeks.

Better marketing in overseas countries of the opportunities available back home. Australia does it much better.

In the UK businesses seem to emphasise the other benefits their company offers beyond salary (eg health insurance, ride to work schemes, employee benefits). I see very little of this when looking at NZ employers.
