Page 1: A Fighter's Lines- Worksheet

Exercise 2

Answer the following questions.

1. What value comes out very strongly in this poem?


2. Who does the persona represent?


3. What is the physical condition of the persona now?


4. Why has the persona lost his voice?


5. What does the persona ask the younger generation to do?


Malaysian Hearts, Global MindsLower Secondary English Language Panel Tasksheet2014

Sri KDU® Secondary School

Name of Student :

Week : Date :

Class : Time :

Topic : A Fighter’s Lines

Day :

Tasksheet No :

Page 2: A Fighter's Lines- Worksheet

6. What does the phrase ‘erect a wall of people’ mean?



7. What does the ‘forced sacrifices’ refer to?


8. What does the phrase ‘net of deceit’ show?


Exercise 3

Explain the meaning of the following lines from the poem.

1. ‘see and cannot do much’



2. ‘these times are too big a challenge’



3. ‘Stand up heirs of our freedom’



4. ‘It is you now who should speak!’




Exercise 1

1. False

2. True

3. False

4. True

5. True

6. True

7. False

8. False

Page 3: A Fighter's Lines- Worksheet

Exercise 2

1. Patriotic/Loyalty/ Brave/ Courageous

2. The persona in this poem is a veteran fighter / soldier / war hero 3. Physical condition of the persona

a. he is old and tired

b. he was badly injured from the war

c. he became disabled from the war

4. He is old and weak and does not have the energy to speak.

5. It is now the younger generation’s turn to protect the freedom of their country/The younger generation must

speak for their rights.

6. The younger generation must unite regardless of their age, gender, race and religion/We must be brave to

fight for our rights

7. The fight for independence has forced the persona to make sacrifices.

8. The net of deceit disturbs and worries the persona. (Betrayal, Corruption, Lie and Dishonesty)

Exercise 3

1. I do not have energy and strength to contribute to the country as much as I want to.

2. The persona realises that the threats faced by his country are now a different nature.

3. The younger generation must unite regardless of their age, gender, race and religion and we must be brave to

fight for our rights.

4. The younger generation must speak for their rights.
