  • 7/23/2019 A few favourites from Kahlil Gibran.......25-04-2013.


    O dbw dovluritbs drln Koheie Gicrom-

    Ar- Krishmo`o O-Z-


  • 7/23/2019 A few favourites from Kahlil Gibran.......25-04-2013.


    O dbw dovluritbs drln Koheie Gicrom-

    Qhb ybor wos?977- Qhb peofb wos Euahiomo roiewoy stotilm- I wos lm ny woy tl Clncoy

    tl ottbma om imtbrvibw- It wos ot thb roiewoy stotilm cllkstoee% crlwsimg thrlugh thb cllks

    aispeoyba% tryimg tl gbt lmb dlr thb `lurmby% thot I dirst geomfba ot o Koheie Gicrom cllk

    with thb outhlrs pifturb ogoimst om lromgb flvbr- I wos furilus% quifkey stortba rboaimg o

    dbw possogbs romalney% eikba whot I rboa oma bm`lyba rboaimg it thrlugh thb `lurmby- It

    wos nomy ybors eotbr% lmey im 3::2% thot I glt o flpy ld thb Grbot wlrks ld Koheie Gicrom%

    o flncimba vleunb ld twbevb ld his sbnimoe wlrks- Qhb writimg is nogifoe. rbebvomt tl

    bvbry dofbt ld eidb% prldluma lr numaomb-

    Gicrom's nlst plpueor wlrk Qhb Zrlphbt is o fleebftilm ld 34 plbtif bssoys lr prlsb

    plbns- Qhb phielslphifoe nusimgs givbm im thb dlrn ld sbrnlms cy o wisb nom foeeba

    OENRVQODO im thb cllk orb spirituoe oma imspirotilmoe os wbee- Hb is oclut tl sbt soie

    dlr his hlnbeoma odtbr ?3 ybors im bxieb lm o diftilmoe iseoma- Qhb pblpeb ld thb iseoma thbm

    womtba hin tl shorb his wisaln lm thb no`lr qubstilms ld eidb sufh os elvb% doniey% wlrk

    oma aboth- Qhb fhoptbrs flvbr o wiab orroy ld tlpifs sufh os elvb% norriogb% fhiearbm%

    hlusimg% wlrk% botimg oma arimkimg% felthbs% cuyimg oma sbeeimg% frinb oma pumishnbmt%

    eows% drbbaln% rboslm oma possilm% poim% sbed.kmlwebagb% tbofhimg% dribmaship% toekimg%

    givimg% tinb% `ly oma slrrlw% glla oma bvie% proybr% pebosurb% cbouty% rbeigilm% oma aboth-

    It givbs om inprbssilm ld spbokimg tl pblpeb ot aiddbrbmt stogbs im thbir eivbs- Qhb writimgs

    rbvboe o rorb imsight imtl thb puesb ld thb hunom hbort oma nima% flnpbeeimg nb tl gl

    thrlugh it ogoim oma ogoim-

    I elvb rboaimg @- Krishmonurti% Koheie Gicrom oma Lshl- Qhbir writimgs hoa imdeubmfba ny

    thlught prlfbss oma hoa o homa im thb woy I pbrfbivb eidb- I dirst hbora oclut @iaau

    Krishmonurti drln ny umfeb% fonb ofrlss his writimgs oma eistbmba tl his toeks ot @@

    grlumas im thb borey sbvbmtibs- Qhb onozimg feority with whifh hb splkb oma wrltb% thb

    vivia absfriptilms ld moturb oma thb abbp imsights lm eidb im his cllks wbrb grippimg oma

    noab o prldluma inprbssilm lm nb% im ny borey twbmtibs- Retinotbey% Eidb mbbas o eitteb

    peoyduembss% o eitteb hunlr% o eitteb eoughtbr% oma thot is whot I gothbrba drln thbsb thrbb

    grbot nimas-

  • 7/23/2019 A few favourites from Kahlil Gibran.......25-04-2013.


    Wb cbgim with lmb ld Gicroms donlus eimbs drln #Voma oma Dlon#-

    #Hoed ld whot I soy is nbomimgebss% cut I soy it sl thot thb lthbr hoed noy rbofh ylu#-

    Lm Elvb

    Cut ebt thbrb cb spofbs im ylur tlgbthbrmbss-

    Oma ebt thb wimas ld thb hbovbms aomfb cbtwbbm ylu-

    Elvb lmb omlthbr% cut nokb mlt o clma ld elvb

    Ebt it rothbr cb o nlvimg sbo cbtwbbm thb shlrbs ld ylur slues-

    Vimg oma aomfb tlgbthbr oma cb `lylus% cut ebt bofh lmb ld ylu cb oelmb

    Bvbm os thb strimgs ld o eutb orb oelmb thlugh thby quivbr with thb sonb nusif-

    Givb ylur hborts% cut mlt imtl bofh lthbrs kbbpimg

    Dlr lmey thb homa ld Eidb fom flmtoim ylur hborts-

    Oma stoma tlgbthbr ybt mlt tll mbor tlgbthbr

    Dlr thb pieeors ld thb tbnpeb stoma oport

    Oma thb Lok trbb oma thb Fyprbss grlw mlt im bofh lthbrs shoalw-

    Whbm o noms homa tlufhbs thb homa ld o wlnom thby clth tlufh thb hbort ld btbrmity-

    Nomy o wlnom clrrlws o noms hbort; Tbry dbw fluea plssbss it-

    Elvb plssbssbs mlt mlr wluea it cb plssbssba; Dlr elvb is suddifibmt umtl elvb- Oma thimk

    mlt ylu fom airbft thb flursb ld elvb% id it dimas ylu wlrthy% airbfts ylur flursb- Elvb hos

    ml lthbr absirb cut tl duediee itsbed-

    Id ylu elvb slnbclay% ebt thbn gl% dlr id thby rbturm% thby wbrb oewoys ylurs- Id thby

    alm't% thby mbvbr wbrb-

    Elvb plssbssbs mlt mlr wluea it cb plssbssba; dlr elvb is suddifibmt umtl elvb

    It tokbs o nimutb tl hovb o frush lm slnblmb% om hlur tl eikb slnblmb% oma o aoy tl elvb

    slnblmb--- cut it tokbs o eidbtinb tl dlrgbt slnblmb-

  • 7/23/2019 A few favourites from Kahlil Gibran.......25-04-2013.


    Lmb aoy ylu wiee osk nb whifh is nlrb inplrtomt< Ny eidb lr ylurs< I wiee soy nimb oma

    ylu wiee woek owoy mlt kmlwimg thot ylu orb ny eidb-

    Oma bvbr hos it cbbm kmlwm thot elvb kmlws mlt its lwm abpth umtie thb hlur ld

    sbporotilm-Lm fhiearbm

    Ylur fhiearbm orb mlt ylur fhiearbm-

    Qhby orb slms oma aoughtbrs ld Eidbs elmgimg dlr itsbed-

    Qhby flnb thrlugh ylu cut mlt drln ylu-

    Oma thlugh thby orb with ylu ybt thby cbelmg mlt tl ylu-

    Ylu noy givb thbn ylur elvb cut mlt ylur thlughts%

    Dlr thby hovb thbir lwm thlughts-

    Ylu noy hlusb thbir claibs cut mlt thbir slues%

    Dlr thbir slues awbee im thb hlusb ld tlnlrrlw% whifh ylu fommlt visit% mlt bvbm im ylur


    Ylu noy strivb tl cb eikb thbn% cut sbbk mlt tl nokb thbn eikb ylu-

    Dlr eidb glbs mlt cofkwora mlr torribs with ybstbraoy-

    Ylu orb thb clws drln whifh ylur fhiearbm os eivimg orrlws orb sbmt dlrth-

    Qhb orfhbr sbbs thb nokb uplm thb poth ld thb imdimitb% oma Hb cbmas ylu with His night

    thot His orrlws noy gl swidt oma dor-

    Ebt ylur cbmaimg im thb orfhbr's homa cb dlr geoambss-

    Dlr bvbm os Hb elvbs thb orrlw thot deibs% sl Hb oesl elvbs thb clw thot is stoceb-

    Lm Eidb

    Eidb is o prlfbssilm- Qhb selw ld dllt dimas it tll swidt oma hb stbps lut;

    Oma thb swidt ld dllt dimas it tll selw oma hb tll stbps lut-

    Whbm ylu rbofh thb hbort ld eidb ylu shoee dima cbouty im oee thimgs%

    Bvbm im thb bybs thot orb ceima tl cbouty-

  • 7/23/2019 A few favourites from Kahlil Gibran.......25-04-2013.


    Doith is om losis im thb hbort whifh wiee mbvbr cb rbofhba cy thb forovom ld thimkimg-

    Whbm ylu rbofh thb bma ld whot ylu shluea kmlw

    Ylu wiee cb ot thb cbgimmimg ld whot ylu shluea sbmsb-

    Lmb noy mlt rbofh thb aowm sovb cy thb poth ld thb might-

    Ylur `ly is ylur slrrlw umnoskba- Oma thb sbedsonb wbee drln whifh ylur eoughtbr risbs

    wos ldtbmtinbs dieeba with ylur tbors-

    Aboth is mlt mborbr tl thb ogba thom tl thb mbwclrm; mbithbr is eidb-

    Qhb wima spboks mlt nlrb swbbtey tl thb giomt loks thom tl thb ebost ld oee thb ceoabs ld


    HB whl fom put his dimgbr uplm thot whifh aiviabs

    Glla drln bvie is hb whl fom tlufh thb vbry hbn ld Gla-

    Vtromgb wb oee abdbma lur wrlmgs with nlrb viglr thom wb al lur rights-

    Lur nlst sofrba tbors mbvbr sbbk lur bybs-

    Id ylur hbort is o vlefoml hlw shoee ylu bxpbft delwbrs tl celln im ylur homas
