
8/6/2019 A day wthout tod is not today..... its just another day. Welcome to Today 1/2

LatestA day without tod is not today……its just a day.”Welcome to Today”.No pills requiredWell world, I presume you are all recovering nicely after your dose of Tod. If you are experiencing” todmania” that’s fine. Exuberance and enthusiasm are the resultsof such a dose.Grins and giggles should be expected and encouraged. In my ultimate quest to refine and then redefine myself, I took stock of my two gr8est assets . Today and Tod .(God gives tod Today)That being said a plethora of ideas fo

rmed in my mind and connected to my catch phrase”Let my imagination runaway with you…and get away with it” Thats exactly what happened. My imagination ran away and created,’ You can’t have today without tod because the first part of today is tod”.And its 100% true 100%of the time!!!What an amazing discovery about seeking perfection in this perfect imperfection’. I’m granted 24 hours a day to define it, then findit, and then refine it, and then re define that .Having complete authority overits authenticity keeps it fresh, upbeat, constantly changing and ever evolving and most importantly, funny.

A while ago I suggested that the tods of the world get together and form todworld and shout out to the world “We Live for today”!2

So rather than google every tod in the world I took the Totally Opposite Direction, I did what any tod would do, I looked myself up in the dictionary.And no, not Websters. I went to a higher source, The urban dictionary ,of course. After all, I am defining myself. I wanted to see what definition I fell under.Heres thefirst one I read:

buy todd mugs, tshirts and magnetsthe most amazing men in the world are Todds. He is sweet, kind, amazingly awesome and super cute.Enough said .Hmmm. I see someones been doing their homework .But I dont see m

y picture next to the definition. Heres another. It goes on to say Toddscan include, but are not limited to, penis size, car size, how drunk he got/howmany “xxxxx” were at/he had sex with at the party, bench pressing, and possibly irr

ational exaggerations with regard to extreme sports that he is, in reality, probably not that good at.“Shut up, Dahlhauser! I saw you getting shut down by that chick at the Delta Chi party last night! Quit being such a todd!”“That guy thinks he can chug an entire keg. What a todd.”Male who seems to be livin it large. An alpha douche who seems to be able to befriend anyone and everyone. Todd’s are loyal almost to a fault, they would fight their own if it made them feel justified or vindicated. Todd’s never finish last inanything and often end up with the all the cash and ladies. Todd’s somehow never seem out of place, even if they know they are. Todd’s are sly, crafty, sweet talker’swho intoxicate those who they choose to seduce. Watch out when around a Todd! ATodd will offer up the shirt on his back and the beer in his hand to the least

amongst us if it makes him look good in front of attractive or powerful people.Todd was probably the president of his fraternity in college and captain of thelacrosse team. Todd’s will punch you in the face if you pick on any the weak OR his friends.Who’s that with your friends? It’s Todd. He’s just like you, only funny and better looking and well more — Todd.

Todd takes photo’s suitable for framing — every time. Hmmm, I knew I was right! But The clever word play on my name is just the tip of iceberg.Im sure you’d amaze yourself with yourself if you looked up your name in the dictionary. Find you,Define you Re define you .My real point is to” embrace the very part of you that is the very heart of you,It is your very best and sets you apart from all the rest”.Utilize your gifts and talents that are unique and solely you .Share them with

the world .Theyre gifts and gifts were meant to share. You know the saying” you can’t keep a gift unless you give it away.” ’that’s the only way we can enjoy it….When we experience the same joy the receiver gets, as the giver.

8/6/2019 A day wthout tod is not today..... its just another day. Welcome to Today 2/2

May 31, 2011 Categories: Uncategorized Tags: compassion dedicated, dynamic,faith, freedom, human, itod, life love.god.higher power., love, medication, nonmedical therapy, professional, therapy citizens commission for human rights international, tod, todd, todville Leave A Comment » Edit