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Page 2: A Cop's Legacy: 2.4 Birthdays

I apologize for the long break guys! I got caught up with classes and such. But now summer is here and I can devote some time to the Greene family once again. We reconvene our journey with young Dakota, who just celebrated his birthday.

After his birthday, Dakota became obsessed with working out. He saw his father make use of their work out room and dreamed of the day when he could join him pumping iron. Instead, he made use of his time, following work outs on television.

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On his first day of school, Dakota sat at the front of the bus. He silently wondered what it would be like to make friends with other children his age besides his brothers. He was excited and nervous about the prospect.

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After all of the boys had been put to bed, Carter and Elissa would sit at the chess table. Elissa enjoyed the time spent with her youngest son, reminiscing about the “good ole’ days” and listening to Carter talk about his cases with the police department.

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The old woman knew her days were numbered. She could feel it in her joints. She spent her days looking after Elijah and Forrest, taking the occasional nap, not bothering to pull the sheets down. It was too much effort and the bed was just as comfortable above the comforter as it was below.

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On the weekends, when both Carter and Sharon were home to take care of the children, she tried to enjoy the outdoors, walking to the lake behind the Greene family home. Never catching much, she relished the fresh air and the youthful feeling a day outside gave her.

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Carter was, once again, promoted. After what he thought would be a long haul in his position, a big case was finally closed. His boss recognized the effort which Carter had attacked the case with and the over time he’d put in to assure that the trial went smoothly. The promotion came with a big bonus which was a welcome sight to the Greene family with three small mouths to feed.

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Before they knew it, Forrest had joined Elijah in toddlerhood. He was a precious little thing, latching onto the xylophone and showing immense talent for such a young boy.

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Grandma Elissa was always a welcome sight. She spent lots of her time potty training Forrest, snuggling him and reading to him during the day while his parents were off at work. He quickly became her favorite of Carter’s children, though she would never admit that to anyone who asked her.

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Sharon had gone back to work after Forrest’s birth. The transition from house wife to working mom was rough for her. She often stumbled in after a long day writing articles for the paper to pass out on the couch in the living room.

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And rest assured, Shouji was not forgotten. Carter spent time, teaching the well-behaved dog some new tricks. He quickly learned shake and roll over.

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Though he’d made several friends at school, spending more time with his cousins and meeting new people along the way, Dakota preferred spending the evenings at home with his family. Carter quickly took advantage of the opportunity to bond with his oldest son, teaching him the ways of a Chess Legend.

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As always, time flew by and before the family knew it, it was time for a joint birthday celebration. Sharon and Elijah were growing older. The Greene family was starting to become famous for their pool parties and chose to throw another one in celebration of the special day.

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First up, little Elijah, who was more than eager to blow out the four candles which graced the top of his cake. His parents and other guests enjoyed the little boys enthusiasm.

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Sharon found herself wondering what the world of adulthood would hold for her. After having three beautiful boys she had yet to lose the baby weight or reach her lifetime goal.

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Watching her husband and Elijah, who’d grown into a fine young boy, she knew that what she’d already done with her life was success enough. She was a happy woman with a loving family.

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As she blew out her candles, Sharon wished for the success of her sons and herself despite what the future may hold for the family.

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Again, Carter threw himself into his work. The basement gym was a regular hang out. Both Elijah and Dakota would join hiTm there, talking to their father and wondering in amazement at his muscle strength.

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Sharon felt that her youngest had been slightly neglected in the birthday celebrations. Therefore she spent her off hours teaching Forrest how to walk. The toddler was soon running around the home, or at least the upstairs or downstairs depending on where Grandma and his parents were.

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Elijah discovered a passion for fishing, quickly becoming a great Angler. He enjoyed spending time at the lakes around town, discovering new fishing spots and the perfect bait to catch the perfect fish.

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On his first day of school, Elijah was even late for the school bus after fishing at the lake behind the Greene family house for too long. Running to catch the bus, he realized he was probably leaving a pretty terrible first impression to anyone on the bus.

Again, thanks for coming back, guys! Comments are welcome. If anyone has any photography suggestions I would greatly appreciate them. I’m always looking for ways to improve. And I can’t wait to get back to this little family.