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A complete guide by providers of best post graduate diploma courses in India

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5 Tips to lead Cross Border Teams

“Don’t Aspire to be best on the Team, Aspire to be best for the team.”

In the current global economy, whether you havedone diploma in financial management or in humanresource management, there are bright chances you aredependent on remote teams & remote communication forgetting your work done. Now is an exciting time for cross-border work & if you are a post graduate with no idea howto handle a remote team, then you are doomed for sure.

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As a provider of one of the best Post graduate diplomacourses in India, here are 5 tips that will help our futuremanagers to manage a cross border team more efficiently andproductively :

Tip 1 : Understanding Cultural Differences

A team consists of people from different cultural background.Handling such a team remotely & that too when you are in adifferent country becomes a much difficult task. In such case,the foremost step should be keenly observe the culturaldifferences in the team members by means of Video Callsindividually as well as collectively. The next step should be tomake each other understanding towards other people &culture & a readiness to adapt to it.

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Tip 2 : Making the transformation as Painless as possible

In such multi cultural scenarios, it is almost impossible toachieve 100% adaptability. Hence, there must arise thecharacteristics or work practices that needs to be changed.Such change cannot be ensured overnight & hence thetransition should be as smooth as possible making sureeveryone is satisfied & comfortable with it.

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Tip 3 : Local Ownership

You are far away from your team & hence it is verydifficult for you to take responsibility for every actperformed by your team. However, you would be solelyresponsible if anything goes wrong. In such scenarios, itis always best to identify local expertise in your team &then dispersing off the roles & responsibilities at thelocal level. This would ensure feeling of oneness &ownership & hence more productivity.

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Tip 4 : Multiple Communication Channels

No communication then a face to face discussion or abrainstorming round. However, when you are handlingyour team remotely, it becomes rather impossible to dothat. In such case, the team should have multiplecommunication channels to reach you anytime. Dailymeetings should be there. “Minutes of Meetings”should be a must practice in order to eliminate even atiniest chance of miscommunication. A manager shouldbe available through calls, mail as well as visualcommunication whenever his team feel stuck up.

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Tip 5 : Creating a Positive Outlook

This can be done by creating an environment where everyteam member can represent his/her own opinion eventhough it clashes with that of yours. This would create asense of positivity that their vice is being heard & justbecause their manager is far off, he doesn’t understandthe ground difficulties.
