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Settlement Agreement

1. Parties

This Settlement Agreement is between the following Parties:

1.1 Geffen Mesher & Company, P.C., an Oregon Professional Corporation ("Geffen");


1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ;


1.3 Michael A. Grassmueck, as Receiver in the SEC Case and as trustee of the

Litigation Trust ("Receiver").

2. Definitions

Defined terms are capitalized. The following definitions apply:

2.1 . "Agreement" means this Settlement Agreement.

2.2 "CCD" means Canyon Creek Development, Inc.

2.3 "CCF" means Canyon Creek Financial, LLC.

2.4 "Claim" or "Claims" means claims against Geffen for relief, actions, causes of action, suits, causes of suits, demands, liens, administrative proceedings, governmental investigations, fines, penalties, sanctions, and any other basis for legal liability in anyway related to the Sunwest Enterprise.

2.5 "Court" refers to United States District Court, District of Oregon, Judge Michael R. Hogan, except where the context specifies a different court.

2.6 "Final Claim Bar Order" means a federal court order or judgment that bars or enjoins the persons enumerated below from asserting Claims against Geffen arising from or relating to all services provided, or that should have been provided, and any other conduct of, in connection with one or more Sunwest Affiliates. To constitute a Final Claim Bar Order, the order or judgment must not be subject to further appeal or collateral challenge. To constitute a Final Claim Bar Order, the order or judgment must also be binding on the Receiver, on all Investor Claimants, on all defendants in the Litigation, and on all professionals who provided services to Sunwest Affiliates or to Investor Claimants. All of the persons intended to be bound by a Final Claim Bar Order will receive the Claim

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Bar Notice as defined above. In addition, the Final Claim Bar Order will state that it binds all persons who receive the Claim Bar Notice.

2.7 Any form of the word "include" is non-exclusive in this Agreement unless. preceded by the word "exclusively."

2.8 "Investor Claimants" means entities, owners of such entities, and other persons or their successors who directly or indirectly invested or formerly invested in one or more Sunwest Affiliates. This definition includes all persons who have asserted or have grounds to assert Claims against arising from or relating to their investments in Sunwest Affiliates. Investor Claiml:ints includes persons whose investment consisted of a TIC or other interest in real property intended to be used by or provide a benefit to a Sunwest Affiliate. Investor Claimants also include all persons whose investment consisted of a membership interest in a limited liability company, limited partnership interest or similar investment that was utilized in connection with a Sunwest Affiliate.

2.9 "The Litigation" refers to the Pending Case entitled: John E. Semasko, et al., v. Thompson & Knight LLP, a Texas limited liability partnership and Geffin Mesher & Company, P. c., an Oregon professional corporation, US DC Case No. lO-cv-06335.

2.10 "Party" or "Parties" means one or more persons identified in section 1 of this Agreement.

2.11 "SEC" means United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

2.12 "SEC Case" means SEC v. Sunwest Management, Inc., et aI, United States District Court, District of Oregon, Case Number 09-cv-6056-HO.

2.13 "Sunwest" means "Sunwest Management, Inc."

2.14 "Sunwest Affiliates" refers to Sunwest Management, Inc., Canyon Creek Development, Inc., and Canyon Creek Financial, LLC, and all business entities affiliated with or having common ownership with those firms. Sunwest Affiliates include all entities placed under the control of the Receiver in the SEC Case.

2.15 "TIC" means a tenancy-in-common interest in real :property.

3. Recitals

3.1 Geffen provided audit and related services to CCF.

3.2 Investor Claimants made investments either directly in certain Sunwest Affiliates; through the purchase of membership interests, preferred membership interests, or limited partnership interests in Sunwest Affiliates; or through the acquisition of a TIC or other interest in real estate to be utilized by, managed by, or otherwise intended to benefit a Sun west Affiliate.

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3.3 In March 2009, the SEC filed the SEC Case. Through a series of orders in the SEC Case, the Court appointed the Receiver and placed Sunwest, CCD, CCF, and other known Sunwest Affiliates under the collective control of the Receiver, a Chief Restructuring Officer, and a management committee. The Court conferred upon the Receiver the authority to bring, mediate, and settle certain claims that any Sunwest Affiliate and/or Sunwest Investor Claimants may have against third parties.

3.4 By order in the SEC Case, the Court granted the Receiver authority to participate in mediation and negotiate a global settlement of the Claims, either on his own behalf or as an assignee or transferee of Investor Claimant Claims related to Sunwest Affiliates.

3.5 The Receiver and attorney representatives ofInyestor Claimants participated in mediation with Geffen. The mediation resulted in agreement on basic terms of a binding settlement agreement.

3.6 The terms of the settlement agreement called for the Parties to prepare this more detailed Agreement. The terms also require the Parties to obtain the necessary court orders and to implement a procedural mechanism to obtain entry of a Final Claim Bar Order.

3.7 The Receiver, counsel representing individual Plaintiffs, and the putative class of Investor Claimants have conducted a thorough investigation relating to the Claims and the underlying events and transactions at issue in this matter. This includes review of information obtained from members of the putative class of Investor Claimants; review of publicly available documents; review of documents obtained from third parties; review of documents obtained during the mediation process from Geffen; information provided during witness interviews during the mediation process; and research of the applicable law with respect to the claims asserted in the Litigation and the potential defenses thereto.

3.8 The Receiver, counsel representing Investor Claimants, and counsel for the putative class ofInvestor Claimants have conducted discussions and arm's-length negotiations with counsel for Geffen, and the mediator, with respect to a compromise and settlement of the Litigation with a view to settling the issues in dispute and achieving the best relief possible consistent with the interests of the Receiver, entities he represents, and all Investor Claimants.

3.9 Based on their investigation, the Receiver, counsel representing the Plaintiffs and the class of Investor Claimants have concluded that the terms of this settlement are fair, reasonable and adequate to all Investor Claimants, and in their best interests, and have agreed to settle the Claims raised in the Litigation pursuant to the terms of this settlement, after considering: (i) the benefits that members of the class will receive from the settlement of the Litigation; (ii) the attendant risks of the Litigation; (iii) the difficulties, expense and delays inherent in such Litigation; (iv) the belief that the settlement is fair, reasonable, and adequate, and in the best


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interest of the class members; and (v) the desirability of permitting the settlement to be consummated as set forth herein.

3.10 The Court has authorized the Receiver to create and manage a litigation trust into which the proceeds of the settlement will be paid (the "Litigation Trust"). The Court further has authorized a claim procedure whereby Investor Claimants may submit claims for losses and receive compensation from the Litigation Trust. The Parties agree that the Receiver, the Receiver's counsel, and counsel for the Investor Claimants and the putative class of Investor Claimants will be compensated only from the Litigation Trust or the Receivership Estate, subject to Court approval (or other means approved by the Court), and not by way of direct payment from Geffen.

4. Purpose

The purpose of this Agreement is to fully and finally compromise disputed Claims in which liability is expressly denied by Geffen. This Agreement will not be deemed to constitute an admission of liability or of the validity of any Claim, or of the truth of any allegation.

5. Consideration

5.1 In exchange for the promises in this Agreement, the Parties agree that Geffen will cause to be paid the total sum of$1,350,000. Except as the Parties or their representatives otherwise agree, all such funds will be paid into the Litigation Trust within ten (10) business days following entry of a Final Claim Bar Order.

5.2 Once Geffen causes the funds provided for in section 5.1 to be paid into the Litigation Trust, Geffen will have no responsibility for the allocation, distribution, or payment of such funds to the Receiver, Investor Claimants, their respective attorneys, or to any other person. All Parties or their attorneys who claim a right to any portion of the consideration paid under this Agreement will submit to the jurisdiction of the Court for resolution of disputes involving such claims or rights.

6. Federal Court Actions

6.1 The Parties will seek the Court's approval of this settlement in the Settlement Class Action and certification of a settlement class for the purpose of obtaining a binding judgment in the Settlement Class Action.

6.2 In addition, the Receiver or representatives of Investor Claimants will use their best efforts to seek entry of a Final Claim Bar for the protection of Geffen and its professional liability insurance carrier from Claims arising from or relating to the services Geffen provided one or more of the Sunwest Affiliates and any other conduct of Geffen in connection with one or more Sunwest Affiliates. Attached as Exhibit A is a list of all Investor Claimants known to the Receiver. Notice of the Class Action Settlement and the proposed Claims Bar Order will be sent to each by the best means available.

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6.3 If the Court does not approve any portion of this Agreement, then the Parties agree to continue to negotiate in good faith to reach a mutually acceptable agreement and to obtain Court approval for such agreement.

6.4 . The Investor Claimants will file motions in the Pending Case for purposes of certifying a settlement class, obtaining Court approval of this settlement, and effectuating the terms of this Agreement. Geffen will not object to certification of the settlement class for this purpose.

6.5 In the event that this settlement is terminated or fails to become effective for any reason, the Parties shall be deemed to have preserved their respective litigation positions as of June 1, 2010, and the Parties shall proceed in all respects as if this settlement and any related orders had not been entered.

7. Fees Related to Settlement

7.1 Geffen will cause to be paid 50 percent of Judge Velure's fees for mediating this dispute and will have no responsibility for the other 50 percent.

7.2 Neither Geffen nor its professional liability insurance carrier will be liable for the attorneys' fees and costs incurred by the Receiver or the Investor Claimants in finalizing and implementing the terms of this Agreement, including those incurred in securing a Final Claim Bar Order (this is without prejudice to the right of plaintiffs' counsel to seek payment of those fees and costs from the Consideration as set forth in section 5). Likewise, the R~ceiver and the Investor Claimants will not be liable for the attorneys' fees and costs incurred by Geffen in finalizing and implementing the terms of this Agreement, including those incurred in securing Final Claim Bar Orders.

8. Mutual Release

8.1 The release provisions in this section 8 apply to: all persons on whose behalf this Agreement is signed; and all Investor Claimants who participate in the Receiver's plan of distribution in the SEC Case.

8.2. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Receiver, the Sunwest Affiliates, and Investor Claimants (including their members, managers, officers, directors, shareholders, assigns, heirs, or successors) release and forever discharge Geffen (including its current and former partners, employees, insurers, marital communities, assigns, heirs, and successors) from any and all Claims and liability whatsoever, whether known, unknown, or undiscovered, arising from or relating

. to all audit and related services provided or that should have been provided to one or more Sunwest Affiliates and any other conduct of Geffen in connection with one or more Sunwest Affiliates or in connection with any officer, director, manager or member of a Sunwest Affiliate. This includes the release of all Claims, transactions, and occurrences that were alleged or could have been alleged by the Receiver and the Investor Claimants in the Litigation.


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8.3 Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, Geffen (including its partners, assigns, heirs, and successors) release and forever discharge the Receiver, the Sunwest Affiliates, and Investor Claimants (including their current and former managers, members, officers, directors, shareholders, employees, marital communities, assigns, heirs, and successors) from any and all Claims and liability whatsoever, whether known, unknown, or undiscovered, arising from or relating to all audit and related services provided or that should have been provided, and any other conduct of Geffen in connection with one or more Sunwest Affiliates or in connection with any officer, director, manager or member of a Sunwest Affiliate. This includes the release of all Claims, transactions, and occurrences that were alleged or could have been alleged by Geffen in the Litigation.

8.4 To the extent permitted by law, all Parties who have released Claims under this Agreement are deemed to have expressly waived, released, and forever discharged any and all defenses, provisions, rights and benefits that may be available under:

8.4.1 Section 1542 of the California Civil Code, which provides:

"A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him or her must have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor."


8.4.2 Any statue, law, or the common law of any jurisdiction which is similar, comparable or equivalent to Section 1542 of the California Civil Code.

8.5 Nothing in the above releases will be construed to release Claims that the Receiver and Investor Claimants may have arising from or relating to professional services performed for Sunwest Affiliates by persons or firms other than Geffen.

8.6 Except as provided in the following sentence, Geffen agrees not to initiate a claim for contribution or indemnification against any person or entity arising from or related to, the Claims released above. In the event any person or entity asserts a claim for contribution against Geffen, then Geffen will be entitled to pursue counter-claims against that person or entity under any legal theory that may be available to it, including contribution and indemnity.

8.7 As a condition of any settlement with any other person or entity in the future, the Receiver, Sunwest Entities, and Investor Claimants will require that such settling person or entity release Geffen from Claims arising from or related to the Claims released above, including all claims for contribution and indemnification. Geffen will reasonably cooperate with the Receiver, Investor Claimants and Sunwest Affiliates to obtain a release from any other settling person or entity and, in exchange for such release, Geffen will release the settling person or entity from

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all Claims arising from or relating to the audit and related services provided, or should have been provided, and any other conduct of Geffen in connection with one or more Sunwest Affiliates.

9. Indemnity.

Following Geffen's payment of any consideration provided for in section 5, the Receiver, on behalf of the Litigation Trust and the Sunwest Affiliates, agrees that those entities will defend and hold harmless persons released in section 8.2 of this Agreement for any Claims arising from or relating to the allocation, distribution, or disbursement of the funds held in the Litigation Trust, any attorneys' fees paid to counsel for Investor Claimants or counsel for the Receiver, litigation expenses incurred by Investor Claimants or the Receiver, and any claim for contribution asserted by any person or entity arising from or related to the claims released above. Geffen will promptly notify and tender defense of any such Claims to the Receiver as a condition of this obligation.

10. Representations and Warranties

The Parties make the following representations and warranties:

10.1 Each Party agrees that this Agreement is freely, voluntarily, and validly executed and that each Party has entered into the Agreement with the advice of counsel.

10.2 Each Party is relying solely upon his or her own judgment and the judgment of each Party's own counsel in making this Agreement and has not been influenced by any representations or statements made by any other person.

10.3 Each Party has the legal capacity and authority to enter into this Agreement.

10.4 Plaintiffs and the Receiver represent and warrant that they own the claims being released, and that they have not sold or assigned those claims.

10.5 The Receiver represents and warrants that Section VIII B.3. of the Distribution Plan for the Sunwest Enterprise approved by the Court on or about October 2, 2009, provides as follows:

The right to receive Plan Distributions shall be deemed to be made in exchange for an assignment to the Receivership Estate of a Claimant's right, if any, that it held as of the date of the. first Receiver Order to assert a claim against any Receivership Entity, any employee of a Receivership Entity for conduct in the course and scope of employment, any Sunwest-related HFG Party, or any other third party, including without limitation, Secured Creditors, attorneys, accountants, and others that the Receiver also has a right to pursue. Third Party Claims and Secured Creditor Third Party Claims may be pursued only by the Receiver. Except as otherwise ordered by the Court or in the Reorganization Case, the Receiver shall assert any Third Party Claims no later than April 15, 2010 [most recently extended to October 15, 2010], and to the extent not asserted

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by such date (which date may be extended for cause by Court order), thereafter any party with standing shall have the right to pursue such Third Party Claims.

11. Interpretation

11.1 This Agreement, including the Addendum and all exhibits and Schedules, supersedes all previous agreements and negotiations among the Parties regarding the settlement that is the subject matter of this Agreement. Nothing in this section precludes enforcement of agreements made between the Parties or their representatives contemporaneously with or subsequent to this Agreement.

11.2 This Agreement is the product of negotiations among the Parties and enforcement will be interpreted in a neutral manner and not more strongly for or against any party based upon the source of draftsmanship.

12. Confidentiality and Nondisparagement

12.1 The terms of this Agreement will be kept confidential py the Parties except to their attorneys, accountants, taxing authorities, andto other persons only as reasonably necessary to approve and effectuate the terms of this Agreement, or to comply with applicable law, or as provide for in the Agreement. For purposes of this paragraph 12.1, the term "Party" includes partners of a Party that is a partnership, members of a Party that is a limited liability company, and shareholders of a corporation.

12.2 Neither the Parties nor their counsel will discuss the settlement memorialized by this Agreement publicly or with the news media without prior consent of the other Parties. Each Party will designate a representative for this purpose.

12.3 It is expected that the terms of this Agreement will need to be disclosed in one or more public court filings. It is also understood that this Agreement does not prohibit a Party from disclosing any terms of the Agreement to the Oregon Board of Accountancy or from cooperating with an investigation by the Board or by any agency of the state or federal government. Subject to these exceptions, the Parties will use reasonable efforts to keep the terms and provisions of this Agreement confidential.

12.4 None of the signatories to this Agreement will disparage or make derogatory remarks about another Party to any news media or in any communication medium.

13. Dispute Resolution

The Court in the SEC Case, the Grassmueck v. KLG Case and the Pending Case will retain jurisdiction as necessary to enforce the terms of this Agreement.

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14. Governing Law

This Agreement will be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon.

15. Notice

Any notice that a Party is required or permitted to give to other Parties under this Agreement, including notice of Final Approval, shall be sufficient if provided to the following representatives in writing via U.S. Mail and email. Each representative below may substitute or designate another representative to receive such notice by giving notice to the other Parties:

Michel J. Esler ESLER, STEPHENS & BUCKLEYLLP 888 SW 5th Ave Ste 700 Portland OR 97204 [email protected]

Attorney for Investor Claimants and putative Class Counsel

16. . Counterparts

John Spencer Stewart STEWART SOKOL & GRAY LLC 2300 SW 1 st Avenue, Ste 200 Portland, OR 97201 j [email protected]

Attorney for Receiver

Gary V. Abbott ABBOTT LAW GROUP 111 SW 5th Avenue, Ste 2650 Portland, OR 97204 [email protected]

Attorney for Geffen

This Agreement will be fully effective if executed in one or more counterparts. A duplicated, scanned, or faxed signature of a party on the signature page will have the same effect as an original signature.


BY: Gary V. Abbott


Michael A. Grassmueck, Receiver


By: Michael J. Esler John W. Stephens

Attorneys for Investor Claimants





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By: John Spencer Stewart Attorney for Receiver

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Bruce LePage

Anna Maria Martin

Pekkola Enterprises. lLC 401K Plan Dennis Pekkola. Member

Michael Smith

Volk Revocable Trust dtd 3/15/99 Donald J. Volk and Debra L Volk, Trustees

Helayne Gheen

Ardith Haws

Roth Family Trust Bruce and Alice Roth. Trustees


Robert and Diana Schmidt Uvlng Trust, UTA dated February 1, 2005 Robert and Diana Schmidt, Trustees

The Wielde Family Uvlng Trust dated August 1. 1995 Richard Wielde. Trustee

Dennis Smith

Kiefer Uving Trust John B. Kiefer and Wilma M. Kiefer. Trustees

Mead and Associates. LLC George Mead. Member

Eric Meurer

Read Family 2002 Trust Malcom Read. Trustee

Bernard Bottfeld

BURCO (First Independent Bank). Custodian FBO Byron Kellar. IRA Account 1160484F12

BURCO (First Independent Bank). Custodian FBO Byron Kellar. Roth IRA Account 1160484F10

Baxter Uvlng Trust Theodore and Judy Baxter. Trustees

Baxter Uving Trust Theodore and Judy Baxter. Trustees

Sandra Biller

Josh Bottfeld Trust dated August 4. 1997 Josh Bottfeld. Trustee


Dorothy Brutke

BURCO (First Independent Bank). Custodian FBO Casey Kellar. Roth IRA Account 1160484F13

. Richard Catemang

William Connery

Timothy Daily

Roy Deitchler

i=\'1I-.,,'.-own l .. · • .,,--=s,or Clail-IItii7f\S

BURCO (First Independent Bank), Custodian FBO Casey and Byron Kellar. Trustees, FKD. Ltd., Inc. Defined Benefit Plan. Account #3S458F35

William Forsch

Ray Frederick, Jr.

Jonathan Funk

Glasser Family Uving Trust dated July 5, 1994 Raymond J. Glasser, Trustee

James Goggin

John Gray

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Debra Hashek

lowell Hein

Beverly Holt

leslie Jordan Trust u/d/t, est. July 23, 1998 leslie Jordan, Trustee

leslie Jordan Trust u/d/t. est. July 23, 1998 leslie Jordan, Trustee

Kaltenberg Famil,V Trust dated 3/17/1993 Theo W. Kaltenberg and Christa Kaltenberg, Co·Trustees

Janet Kelly

Kurz/Marks Trust of 2007 Stanley Kus;t and Sharon Marks, Trustees

lamb Family 1991 Revocable Trust Jeffrey D. lamb and Jeanette Z. lamb, Trustees

Donald Lemmons

Greg McCulsh

Diana McManaway

Dan Meyers

Mary Murphy

Mary Murphy

PENSCO Trust Company, Custodian FBO Marja-Leena Nieminen, IRA Account #N1067

larisa Rappaport

Sandra Robinette

Norah Roscamp Sebesta Trust dated June 17, 1998 Rowan Sebesta, Trustee

Daniel Struiksma

Mary Taylor

William Wagner II


Rebecca K. Wilson Uving Trust R.F. Wilson, Trustee

Zlnk, Inc. Defined Benefit Pension Plan Robert Zlnk, Trustee

OWL, lLC Donald Lemmons

Pekkola Enterprises, LLC 401K Plan Dennis Pekkola, Member

Cheri C. Wulf Revocable Uving Trust Cheri C. Wulf, Trustee

HLM, Inc. Hayden Watson

Eric Meurer

Seaport landing, UC Ken LoganbiU, Manager

M. Gregg Smith

Michael D. Stewart and Mary Jude Stewart Trust Dated 1/15/98 Michael and Mary Stewart, Trustees

AMTL Assodates UC Ken Loganbill, Managing Partner

Divine Investments, UC William Fisher, Manager

Rrst Trust Company of Onaga FBO Robert G. Thompson, Account #4102138801

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Volk Revocable Trust'dtd 3/35/99 Donald J. Volk and Debra L Volk, Trustees

AMTL Associates LLC Ken loganbill. Managing Partner

Andrew Chen

Erika Delarosa

Anthony Attanasio

Bernard Family Living Trust DavId Bernard. Trustee

RJ. Carney UvIng Trust.dated October 19 •. 2006. and any amendments thereto Richard J. Carney. Trustee

Michael Lee

Henry O'Dougherty

The Joseph and Carolyn MeisWinkel Uving Trust Joseph Meiswlnkel and Carolyn Meiswinkel. Trustees

Mary Murphy

Harold Satur

The Stearns Family Trust Sheila M. Stearns. Trustee

Norma Balogh

Sandra Biller

Martin Binder

Dorothy B. Oack

Cardio Products Corp. Defined Benefit Pension Trust dated 10/1104. FBO Kenneth Gava~a Kenneth Gavan. Trustee

Annabella Greb

Kyle Grix

Kent Hansen

The Bernard D. Hiatt Uving Trust Bernard Hiatt. Trustee

DA Howden Trust dated 4/19/1996 DA Howden. Trustee

. Huffman Trust dated February 28. 200S Donald S. Huffman. Trustee

Jane Henriksen

Jane Walderbach

First Trust Company of Onaga FBO Ronald M. Johnson. account #4102139897

Roberta Kosturn Uving Trust Roberta K05turn. TrUstee

Bobbi Kurka


Lynn Henriksen

Marilyn MCWilliams

Novak Uving Trust dated October 21.1997 Frank T. Novak and Patricia A. Novak, Trustees

James Oates III

Thom·as J. and Patricia M. Paliganoff UvIng Trust dtd 09/11100 Thomas J. Paliganoff and Patricia M. Paliganoff. Trustees

Gerald Peabody

Annette Quast

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James D. Sculthorp Family Trust James D. Sculthorp and Pamela J. Sculthorp, Trustees

Daniel Struiksma


Terry L Young Revocable Trust Agreement dated December 30, 1997 Terry L Young. Trustee

George Travess

William Walderbach

lawrence and Maxine Young Revocable Uving Trust lawrence Young and Maxine E. Young. Trustees

George Travess

leslie Jordan Trust u/d/t. est. Ju!y 23, 1998 leslie Jordan, Trustee

leslie Jordan Trust u/d/t, est. July 23,1998leslleJordan, Trustee

Mary Ann Karadsheh Trust 1 UAD. 9-23-96 Mary Ann Karadsheh, Trustee

Mary Travess

leon A. Martin and Melba L Martin Family Trust dated Aprl13,1995 leon A. Martin and Melba L Martin, Trustees

Survivor's Trust. U/T/A 10/24/86, FBD Jack Whitesell Jack Whitesell, Successor Trustee

Richard and Alma Boudreau Revocable Uving Trust Richard A. Boudreau, Trustee

Daniel MCWilliams

Deborah McWilliams

Philip W, Evonuk Trust dated March 30,1999 Philip W. Evonuk, Co-Trustee

Richard Farance

NTC & Co. FBD Bruce F Hertel - Prin Account #O5().O60-456-593

Paul Howard

MK-KK Investments, UC Michael R. Kuhn and Karen K. Kuhn, Members

Schwab Alternative Investment Services FBD Marion .l.angton IRA Account #80915859

PENSCD Trust Company, Custodian FBD Sandra lawrence, IRA Account #LA287

Harold Satur

Sandra Balada

PENSCD Trust Company, Custodian FBD Sandra Balada, IRA Account #BAITB

Doris Under

MarUyn Gilbert

Gene Johnson

Jeanette lamb

Deborah Under

John Marceau

National Rnandal Services for the Exduslve Benefit of Marvin Parnell, IRA Account #146-205320

Kenneth Price

David Saul

PENSCD Trust Company, Custodian FBD David H. Saul, IRA Account #SAlJM

Rm Trust Company of Onaga, Custodian FBD John F. Thompson, Account #T2145084

f.a.1J~'iY.;)wn I~~r~~"r Cla'ln ........ '\ ... _~ ----1 I ' --'-----' -.J

Page 4 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 14 of 74 Page ID#: 36529

Page 15: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

~ ,'--- '~--

Jau-Yang Wu and Mei-Ju Wu Trust dated September 14. 2007 Jau-Yang Wu and Mei-Ju Wu. Trustees

Apple Cave. LLC Larry Layton. Managing Member

First Trust Company of Onaga. Custodian FBO Gary Bargen. Account #4102144829

Milton Brown

Cynthia Carpenter

Karen Cooper

Bertha CrIpps

Bryon Crosby

Macario EcIevia

Shannon E~onuk Revocable Uving Trust Shannon Evonuk and Philip W. Evonuk. Co-Trustees

Diann Hemmert

Elaine B. Hughes Trust dated February 21. 1996. as amended Elaine B. Hughes. Trustee

Gregory Hume

Gordon Johansen

PENSCO Trust Company. Custodian FBO Kathy Wiseman. IRA Account IIWllAF

Russell LeSage

Leon A. Martin and Melba L Martin Family Trust dated April 3. 1995 Leon A. Martin and Melba L Martin. Trustees

PENSCO Trust Company. Custodian FBO William McCoy. IRA Account IIMClAR

Dan Meyers

Charles R. and Kelly e. Marl Revocable Trust Charles R. MOri. Trustee

Jeffrey Potts

FrederickSena Uving Trust Frederick Sena. Trustee

Margaretta Stawinski

Carol H. Steele Revocable Uving Trust u.d.t dated 7-15-1988 John S. Steele. Trustee

Donald Walters

Decedent's Trust, UIT/ A 10/24/86. FBO Jack Whitesell Jack R. Whitesell. Successor Trustee

PENSCO Trust Company. Custodian FBO Jerry Wiseman, IRA Account I/WI346

Vernon Mathwig

John & Lois Balkenbush Trust John J. Balkbush and Lois M. Balkenbush. Trustees

Clifford Hanson

Cheri Harriet

Weldon Chamberlain

Kenneth and Barbara Chen Trust. 1999 Kenneth and Barbara Chen. trustees

Dennis Lawrence

Clifford and Mary Friesen Family Trust ulald 11/25/1996 Clifford Friesen and Mary Elizabeth Friesen. Co-Trustees

George Travess

TR Harriet Trust Thomas S. Harriet, Trustee

Hl'1f"I'i'iUwn I.· .. re ... "i:'''r Clau,'Ar.·R'S ~

Page 5 of 65


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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 15 of 74 Page ID#: 36530

Page 16: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

Bernard Hiatt

Gregory Hume

Jane Henriksen

David Knowlton

Lynn Henriksen

l __ _

Mary E.lawrence Revocable Trust Mary E. ~wrence, Trustee

Mary Travess

Richard Massey

Angela Mclean

Andreas Nager

Anthony Perry Holding, LlC Anthony G. Perry, Manager

Colleen Popham

Bruce Romfo

Ronald Ross

Sandra Hanson

Anthony E. Schiffer Trust Anthony E. Schiffer, Trustee

Dirk Stangier

Sturza Family Trust dated 11/3/97 Thomas J. and Dixie L Sturza~ Trustees

Teressa Giguere Perry Holdings, LlC Teressa Giguere Perry, Manager

Mary Taylor

Yarrls Family Trust dtd June 3, 1992 Robert P. Varris and Holly K. Varris, Trustees

Donna Casper

Jesse Cherian

Shuying Green

Bob and Vannette Kanna Revocable Trust dated May 8, 2000 Robert W. Kanna and Vannette M. Kanna, Trustees

Robert Nelson

E. Marie Peters, a married woman as her sole and separate property

Gunter Vlerthaler

Jau-Vang Wu and Mel-Ju Wu Trust dated September 14, 2007 Jau-Vang Wu and Mei-Ju Wu, Trustees

Novare Trust Theodore and Jean Bunten, Trustees

Karen Cooper

Richard Fleming

Jerry Smith

Kim Fleming

laurence Brown

M. Katherine Brown

Martia L Pickens Revocable Uving Trust dated July 13, 1994 Martia L Pickens, Trustee

: .-

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Page 6 of 65


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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 16 of 74 Page ID#: 36531

Page 17: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation


Margaretta Stawinski

Thomas R.. Pickens Revocable Uvlng Trust dated July 13,0 1994 Thomas R. Pickens, Trustee

Volk Revocable Trust dtd 3/15/99 Donald J. Volkand Debra L Volk, Trustees

Walter Stawinski

Dale Wirkkala

John Anderson

The Virginia W. Fahey Income Beneift Trust Nand Watkins, Trustee

Paul Frank

Ray Frederick, Jr.

George Gochnour

Ron Graff .

John Acarregul

JBllnvestments, LtC James Frank, Managing Member

Unda Acarregui

lyle Merrifield

Frands E. Richards and Ursula M. Richards Family Trust Francis E. Richards and Ursula M. Richards, Trustees


Jennifer Sohn

Mary Taylor

!".-... ·, ... ,I)Wn i. .......... i:lr CIa-~· ...... ...5

Nicholas M. nchinin Uving Trust dated August 31. 2005, and any amendments thereto Nicholas M. nchinin and Cynthia E. nchinin, Trustees

The Yvonne M. Trask Trust Yvonne M. Trask, Trustee

Gunter Vierthaler

Volk Revocable Trust dtd 3/15/99 Donald J. Volk and Debra L Volk, Trustees

Revocable Trust of Ute E. Waldman dated October 1, 1993 Ute E. Waldman, Trustee

Survivor's Trust. U/T/A 10/24/86, FBO Jack Whitesell Jack Whitesell, Successor Trustee

WIX Uving TrustJ. Robert Wix and Carol M. Wix, Trustees

AMn Associates LLC Ken logan bill, Managing Partner

William Barnato

The Bork Family Trust Paul F. Bark and Norma K. Bark, Trustees

National Finandal Services for the Exclusive Benefit of Cynthia Parnell, IRA Account #146-280445

Lee & Laurie E. Eastwood Trust dated 5/9/2001 Lee Eastwood and Laurie E. Eastwood, Trustees

Kent Hansen

Lamb Family 1991 Revocable Trust Jeffrey D. Lamb and Jeanette Z. Lamb, Trustees

National Finandal Services for the Exclusive Benefit of MarvinParnell,lRAAccount #146-205320

Patrick Mack


leonardo Montoya

Page 7 of6S

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 17 of 74 Page ID#: 36532

Page 18: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

L- ~ '---- ~.vr'i'Q;·~wn f~"'_-""i-.:llr Clall·I'C'i."'O;;~

larry Nelson

Kim O'Neil

Cheryl Pierson

The Cannen A. Silva 1993 Trust Cannen A. Silva, Trustee

Walter Stawlnski

John Swenson

Dean Throntvelt

Jau-Yang Wu and Mei-Ju Wu Trust dated September 14, 2007 Jau-Yang Wu and Mei-Ju Wu, Trustees

Columbus Investments, LLC. Charles F. Columbus and Beverly K. Columbus, Members

E. Uoyd Hiebert

Patrick Mack

NW Holdings, LLC Mark Stapleton and Jeff Raines, Members

Curtis Pence

The Read Family 2002 T~ust Malcolm and Julie Read, Trustees

Rebecca K. Wilson Uvlng Trust R.F. Wilson, Trustee

William R. Bamato and Unda M. Bamato Family Trust dated July 5, 2007 William R. Barnato and Unda M. Bamato, Trustees

Thomas R.' Pickens Revocable Uvlng Trust dated July 13,0 1994 Thomas R. Pickens, Trustee

John Rude

Ray Frederick, Jr.

James Goggin

Kaltenberg,FamilyTrust dated 3/17/1993 Theo W. Kaltenberg and Christa Kaltenberg, Co-Trustees

John Kosta

Frank lewis Krebs Revocable Uvlng Trust Frank Lewis Krebs, Jr., Trustee

Jeanette lamb

The lang Revocable Uvlng Trust of September 5,1990 Jane E.lang, Trustee

Margaretta Stawinski

Bruce Mar

Paul Murphy

larry Nelson


National Anandal Services for the Exclusive Benefit of Marvin Parnell, IRA Account #146-205320

E. Marie Peters, a married woman as her sole and separate property

Robert Nelson

Rebecca Goggin

VCR Trust Victor E. Rice and Corrine A. Rice, Trustees for the benefit of the

Bruce Romfo

The Carmen A. Silva 1993 Trust Cannen A. Silva, Trustee

PageS of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 18 of 74 Page ID#: 36533

Page 19: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

i ' '( '--- ~.....Dwn 1."""'--....iIr Cla ...... ....,.1 ) , -L..J -I

'--- ---'

Gunter Vierthaler


Walter Slawinski

James Wooster


Daniel Wise

Lee Howard

Raymond and Pearl Zent

Rocky Wardle

Rose Marie Andreas

Rose Marie Andreas ,i Bamato Familv Trust 0 ...... CFP, Inc Pension and Profit Sharing ,f-;

:0 David and Beverlv Morgan '::;S

Elford and Norabel Radke ,0 :~

Elford and Norabel Radke ;r/) ;0 'p..

John and Carol Steele j p.. '? Judith B. Allen Uving Trust

:0 <!) :5 s , <!)

Justine lee ' <!)

; ~ 5h Oriindo and Barbara Barsetti 10<

Pensco Trust Co. FBO Bradley Rising #RIICR ~~ o <!)

Pensco Trust Co. FBO Usa lawson p.. S p..~

Raymond and Pearl Zent ~~ ' r/) r/)

Richard and Virginia Wilson :~ B Richard Blacker :::;s< Robert and Ronica Mitchell ,~ ~

, 0 ~ Robert Rusch ., Z ::--

William and Tamara Dotson ;2~ Dean L Throntveit

0.-;:: ::;S:9

John Pigram ~,~ ::;s~

leroy J. Blake and Unda J. Blake Familv Trust-#2

RI FIX 'Marital Trust

Robert W. fix, POA for Betty M. Rx ~ Scampone Familv Trust

Andrew Nowak Remainder Trust <!) <!) MM

Carolvn Vanderpool ~ ~


Page 9 of 65

'I r-I

Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 19 of 74 Page ID#: 36534

Page 20: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

David and Beverly Morgan

Doris Under

Eden Rose Brown UvlngTrust

Greg and Debbie Under

James and Lenka Frank

Jon Harder

Shelley N. Brown Uving Trust

Webstar III. LLC


Attanasio Sunrise Creek. llC

Carney Sunrise Creek, llC

DeArmond Sunrise Creek. llC

L Fasano Sunrise Creek, llC

Lee Sunrise Creek, llC

M Fasano Sunrise Creek, llC

Owre Sunrise Creek. llC

Elshout's Bluffs at Northwoods. LLC

Kim's Bluffs at Northwoods. LLC,

Anderson's French Quarter. llC

B Crosby's French Quarter. llC

Baxter's French Quarter. llC

Bolles' French Quarter. LLC

C Crosby's French Quarter. LtC

C Pippus' ~rench Quarter. llC

Cooley-Under's Fren~ Quarter, LLC

Elconin's French Quarter. llC

Evans' French Quarter. LLC

Fender's French Quarter. LLC

Ashman's French Quarter. LLC

Gorman's French Quarter. llC

Machenberg's French Quarter. llC

N Pippus' French Quarter. llC

Penn Ventures' French Quarter. llC

TImberline's French Quarter. llC

Arias' River's Edge, llC

Bannerman's River's Edge. llC

............... ;)Wn h......".· • .Ir Cla,= ......... ---'

(UnderlyIng Member)

Anthony Attanasio

RJ. Carney Uvlng Trust. dated October 19. 2006. and any amendments thereto Richard J. Carney. Trustee

DeArmond Family llC Tom DeArmond. Manager

Fasano Family. LLC Louis J. Fasano. Member

Michael lee

Fasano Family. LLC Louis J; Fasano. Member

Jesse C. Owre Survivor's Trust. dated November 17. 2004 Lynn S. Owre, Trustee

The Elshout Fainlly Trust. 1999 Anthony & Sally Elshout. Trustees

The Dukju Kim Revocable Trust, 2003 Anthony L Elshout, Power of Attorney

'Mark Anderson

Bryon Crosby

Mary Baxter

Joyce D. Bolles Revocable Uvlng Trust Joyce D. Bo"es. Trustee

Charity Crosby

Charles Pippus

Virginia Co~ey-linder

324 Alisos.llC Gordon V. Elconln, Trustee, Elconln Family Trust. Manager

Jack C. Evans and M. Jeanette Evans Uving Trust dated 6/13/1989 Jack C. Evans and Mary Jeanette Evans. Trustees

The Fender Family Revocable Trust dated November 14. 2005 Nicholas Fender and Margaret Fender. Trustees

2006 Irving Fishman and Joyce Fishman Revocable Trust Irving G. Fishman and Joyce Fishman. Trustees

Jack Gorman

Machenberg Family Umited Partnership Marcie M. Ryan and Usa R. Machenberg. General Partners

Nadia Pippus

Penn Ventures, Ltd. Eugene Caffrey. General Partner

TImberlln~ River Ranch, llC Norman Pickett, Member

Elodia Arias

Margaret Ii.. Bannerman Revocable Trust dated September 20, 2005 Margaret A. Bannerman, Trustee

Page 10 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 20 of 74 Page ID#: 36535

Page 21: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

-"-- ~

Chen's Rivers' Edge, UC

Dadourian's Rivers' Edge, UC

Davis' River's Edge, LLC

Duffer's River's Edge, LLC

Gellert's RIver's Edge, LLC

Kloutsinlotis' River'.s Edge, UC

Miles' River's Edge, LLC

Nancy's River's Edge, UC

Nash's Rivers' Edge, UC

o Wales' River's Edge, UC

Picchi's River's Edge, UC

Sanner's River's Edge, UC

Scheller's River's Edge, LLC

Smith's RIver's Edge, UC

Tringali's River's Edge, LLC

Z Wales' River's Edge, UC

Zimmers' River's Edge, LLC

Alexander Partners' Willow Trace, UC

Bomstein's Willow Trace, LLC

Farr's Willow Trace, UC

Ferrari's Willow Trace, LLC

K Wickersham's Willow Trace, UC

Nash's Willow Trace, LLC

D Hogue's Overlook, LLC

Eimers' Overlook, UC

Green's Overlook, LLC

J Rains' Overlook, U.C

Lavis' Overiook, UC

Lowry's Overlook, LlC

M Rains' Overiook, LLC

Mitchell's Overiook, UC

Momyer's Overlook, LLC

Nolte's Overiook, LLC

Oates' Overlook, UC

Plagentini's Overiook, LlC

R Hogue's Overiook, UC

Vincelett's Overlook, U.C

,-"--' ,-

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Eve Chen

Noushlg Dadourian

Richard A. Davis and Teri K. Davis Revocable Trust dated December 12, 2003 Richard A. Davis and Teri K. Davis, Trustees

David Duffer

West Winton Investments, UC Fred Gellert, Jr. Trustee of the Fred Gellert Trust for Fred Gellert, Jr., Member

Kloutsinlotis Family Trust dated December 29, 2005 Constantin and Penny Kloutsiniotis, Trustees

Desiree Miles

Uli Nancy Restated Trust Agreement dated May 22, 2002 Debra Wollaston, Trustee

Patricia Nash

Oren Wales

James F. Picchi 1990 Uving Trust James F. Picchi, Trustee

Tamara Sanner, a married woman as her sole and separate property

Scheller Family Trust dtd February 21, 1991 Paul Scheller and Edna Scheller, TrusteeS

The Nancy T. Smith Revocable Trust dated June 14, 2000 Nancy T. Smith, Trustee

Tringali Trust dtd March 1, 2000 Christopher A. Tringali and Lorrl L Tringali as Trustees


Dr. Emory Zimmers, Jr.

Alexander Partners, LLC lawrence Mathf!llls, Member

Gary Bornstein


Ferrari Family 1989 Trust dtd 7/18/1989 Alfred A. & carolyn C. Ferrari, Trustees

Kathy Wickersham

The R & P Nash Family Trust dated May 14, 1986 Ronald J. Nash and Patricia M. Nash, Trustees

Dolores Hogue

Garth Eimers

Katherine Storey Green Rev. Trust Katherine Storey Green, Trustee

Jo Lynn Rains

Mark Lovis

John Lowry

James Rains

Robert Mitchell

Momyer Famiy Revocable Uving Trust James and Karen Momyer, Trustees

Charles Nolte

James Oates III

Water T; Piagentini, Jr. Trust Walter T. Piagentini, Jr., trustee

Roger Hogue

Jeff Vincelett

Page 11 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 21 of 74 Page ID#: 36536

Page 22: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

" '----

Zarlder's Overlook, LLC

Baum's Pointe Apartments, liC

Berry's Pointe, LLC

Berry's Pointe, LLC

David Herber's Pointe. liC

Davis' Pointe Apartments, LLC

Donald Herber's Pointe, LLC

Arst's POinte, liC

Astel's POinte, liC

Groshong's Pointe, LLC

Hartvickson's Pointe, LLC

J Wiseman's Pointe, LLC

K Wiseman's Pointe, LLC

Lewis' Pointe, LLC

Uem's Pointe, LLC

Mlranda's POinte, LLC

Perry's POinte, LLC

Rains Pointe I, LLC

Rains Pointe Ii, liC

Saban's POinte,LLC

Tanacea's Post Polnte,LLC

Tappe's Post Pointe, LLC

TIemey's POinte, LLC

TInsley's Post POinte, LLC

Trevers' Pointe Apartments, liC

Womer's Pointe. LLC

GAC. Holdings III, LLC

Hubbard's Autumn Glen, LLC

Merrifield's Autumn Glen, LtC

Woodbury Autumn Glen, LLC

GAC. Holdings Ii, liC

Hubbard's Autumn Park, LLC

Merrifield's Autumn Park, UC

Woodbury Autumn Park, LLC

A Burley's Canterbury Court, LLC

B Burley's Canterbury Court, LLC

Brooks' Canterbury Court, liC


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Robin l. Zarider and Frances B. Cardrant 2004 Revocable Trust Robin l. Zarlder and Frances B. Cardrant, co-trustees

Franz Baum, Jr.

Sandra Berry

V&S Berry Revocable Trust u/tld 1/11/08 Vernon Berry and Sandra l. Berry, trustees

David Herber

SherRon Estates LLC Ronald and Sherron Davis, Member

Donald Herber

Franz Baum, Jr.

Astel Properties, LLC Susan G. Astel, manager

Joel Groshong

Donna Hartvickson

Jerry Wiseman

Kathy Wiseman

Mark lewis

Oliver Investment Group, LLC Caleb and Doreen Uem, managers

The Miranda Family Trust u/d/t dated 11/23/2004 Tomas and Teresita Miranda, trustees

Garden Point, LLC Christopher Perry, member

James Rains

Jo Lynn Rains

John Saban

Kendra Tanacea

Rodney Tappe

Martin J. TIemey

John TInsley

Dana Trevers

Cathy Womer

GAC. Holdings I, LLC Garey & Ja-Ann Cosentino, Managers

CH Investment Properties, UC Connie Hubbard, Managing Member

Lyle Merrifield

Woodbury Ascot, LLC Sid Woodbury, Manager

GAC. Holdings I, liC Garey & Ja-Ann Cosentino, Managers •

CH Investment Properties, LLC Connie Hubbard, Managing Member

Lyle Merrifield

Woodbury Ascot, LLC Sid Woodbury, Manager


Barbara Burley

Cindy Brooks

Page 12 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 22 of 74 Page ID#: 36537

Page 23: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

-, '---~.

Brown's Canterbury Court, liC

Garrett's Canterbury Court, LLC

Hilsabeck's Canterbury Court, liC

Holt's Canterbury Court, UC

Kuhn's Canterbury Court, UC

laFollette's Canterbury Court,LLC

Matthews' Canterbury Court, UC

Neely's Canterbury Court, liC

P Johnsen's Canterbury Court, UC

Prime's Canterbury Court, liC

R Johnsen's Canterbury Court, liC

Wielde's Canterbury Court, liC

Aster's Canyon Crest, liC

Benner's Canyon Crest, liC

C Bauschelt's Canyon Crest liC

C Valentine's Canyon Crest liC

o Kurtz's Canyon Crest, UC

Ewart's Canyon Crest, liC

Rtzgerald's Canyon Crest lie

France's Canyon Crest, LlC

G Bauschelt's Canyon Crest liC

Gaugler's Canyon Crest, liC

Grieb's Canyon ,Crest, llC

Johnson's Canyon Crest, liC

L Valentine's Canyon Crest liC

Lewis Canyon Crest, LLC

luchsinger's Canyon Crest, lLC

Majack's Canyon Crest, liC

McE.ntire's Canyon Crest II liC

McEntire's Canyon Crest, liC

Murray's Canyon Crest, UC

Northwest Way's Canyon Crest, llC

Pollack's Canyon Crest, lLC

S Kurtz's Canyon Crest, liC

Schnyder's Canyon Crest, LLC

Thompson's Canyon Crest liC

Wielde's Canyon Crest, liC

,,~~ .. " ~~~ .,

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Steven C. Brown and Noushin·Brown Revocable Trust dated August 24, 2002 Steven & Noushin Brown, Co-Trustees

Garrett Uvlng Trust dated 1/23/01 Royce Garrett, Trustee

Dennis Hilsabeck

Whit-Mil-Town Apt., Inc. Raymond Holt, President

1986 Rev. Uvlng Trust of Michael & Karen K. Kuhn Michael & Karen Kuhn, Trustees

Kathy laFollette

WHM Enterprises, liC William J. Matthews and Heidi J. Matthews, Members

Dale and Penni Neely Family Trust Dale Neely, trustee

Patrida Johnsen

James Cole

Richard Johnsen

Wielde Family Uving Trust dated August I, 1995 Richard E. Wielde and Arydth M. Shultz-Wielde, Trustees

Craig Aster

Westwood Apartments lLC Michael Benner, Member

Charles Bauschelt

Christopher Valentine Trust U/ AID 1/29/98 Christopher Valentine, Trustee

Dan Kurtz

Glenn Ewart

Clifford Fitzgerald

Gary France

George Bauschelt

John Gaugler

Krista Grieb

Reed Johnson

Unda Valentine Trust U/ AID 1/29/98 Unda B. Valentine, Trustee

Jerome Lewis

Karl Gregerson

Conrad Majack

Teresa McEntire

Teresa McEntire

Kevin Murray

Northwest Way Properties, llC Heidi Hausner, Manager

Alan P.ollack

Sydney Kurtz

Alma Schnyders

James A. and Ullian L Thompson Family Trust James Allen & Ullian L Thompson, Trustees

The Wielde Family Uvlng Trust dated August I, 1995 Richard Wielde, Trustee

Page~ of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 23 of 74 Page ID#: 36538

Page 24: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

----:-~j : -;.;~~

A Geistlinger's Vyne at Cedar Ridge, LLC

CDelano's Vyne at Cedar Ridge, LLC

D.Delano's Vyne at Cedar Ridge, LLC

G Leeds' Vyne at·Cedar Ridge, LLC

Greb's Vyne. at Cedar Ridge, LLC

H Gelstlinget's Vyne at Cedar Ridge, LLC

Lowry's Vyne at Cedar Ridge, LLC

Matlas'Vyne at Cedar Ridge, LLC

Minden's Vyne at Cedar Ridge, LLC

S Leeds' vyrie at Cedar Ridge, LLC

Staley's Vyne at Cedar Ridge, LLC

Rietz's Century Place, LLC

Anderson's Cooper Villa, LLC

Burright's Cooper Villa, LLC

Camry's Cooper Villa. LLC

Hansbrough's Cooper Villa, LLC

Muller's Cooper Villa, LLC

Rising's Cooper Villa, LLC

A Gullickson's Cottage Village

Allen's Cottace Village, LLC

Allen's Cottage' Village, LLC ,

Brauburge~s CottageVlllage, LLC

o Kurtz's C~ttage Village, LLC

Davis' Cottage Village, LLC

Arst's Cottage Village, LLC

Groshong's' Cottage Village, LLC

J Gullickson's Cottage Village, LLC

Marten's Cottage Village, LLC

Monfore's Cottage Village, LLC I

Rising's Cottage Village; LLC

Romfo's Cottage Village, LLC

S Kurtz's cOttage Village, LLC

Sentz's Cottage Village, LLC

White's Cottage Village, LLC

Wiegel's Cottage Village, LLC

A Burley's Eagle Cove, LLC

Allen's Eagle Cove, LLC

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Anita Geistlinger

Carol Delano

Dan Delano

Gloria Leeds

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Greb Revocable UvIng Trust Agreement Dated March 2, 1988, as Amended George Greb and Annabella Greb, Trustees

Harry Geistlinger

John Lowry

Teresa Matias

Geraldine Boldt

Seth Leeds

Marian Staley

Alice S. Rietz

John Anderson

Richard Burright

-,---::--::.' :'::"-'~-:-'-:.

Camry, Ltd., Yellow Rose Mgmt., Inc., General Partner Todd Batiste, President, Yellow Rose Management, Inc., General Partner

James Hansbrough

Peter Muller

Bradley .Rislng

Anna Gullickson

Clifford Allen

Katherine Kam

Norbert ·Skip· Brauburger

Dan Kurtz

Gordon Davis

The Wielde Family UvIng Trust'dated August 1, 1995 Richard Wielde, Trustee

Joel Groshong

James Gullickson

Kirk F. Marten Trust dated July 15, 1991 Kirk F. Marten, Trustee

Unda Monfore

Bradley Rising

Bruce Romfo

Sydney Kurtz

Jay Sentz


Helen Wiegel Trust Helen Wiegel, Trustee

Arnold Burley

K. James Allen Trust dated 5/22/1997 K. James Allen, Trustee

pal;e 14 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 24 of 74 Page ID#: 36539

Page 25: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

~ l""'-- .~.

Lanstrum Uving Trust's Fisher's Landing.LLC

Montgomery's .osher's Landing, LLC

Raymond Partnerships Fisher's Landing, LLC

Zimel's Fisher's Landing, UC

Allen's Georgian Place, UC

Allen's Georgian Place, UC

B Rupprecht's Georgian Place, UC

C Rupprecht's Georgian Place

Dobrowski's Georgian Place,UC

Gaugler's Georgian Place, UC

Green's Georgian Place, UC

Hansbrough's Georgian PlaCe, UC

Landau's Georgian Place, UC

Langton's Georgian Place, UC

lee's Georgian Place, UC

Newcomer's Georgian Place, UC

P Jones' Georgian Place. UC

R Jones' Georgian Place, UC

Stanley's Georgian Place, UC

Ward's Georgian Place, UC


Carver Trust's Hawthorne at HUton Head! UC

Henriksen Properties' Hawthorne at Hilton Head, UC

McClelland's HaWthoml\ at Hilton Head, UC


J .oscher's Heritage, LLC

M Fischer's Heritage, LtC

Davis' Homesteads at Newtown, LLC

First's Homesteads at Newtown, UC

Freeman's Homesteads at Newtown, UC

Geistlinger's Homesteads at Newtown, UC

Jackson's H~mesteads at Newtown, UC

Loucks' Homestead, UC

Majack's Homesteads at Newtown, UC

Martin's Homesteads at Newtown, llC

McHenry's Homesteads at Newtown, UC

Milligan's HOmesteads at NeWtown, LLC

Oki's Homesteads at Newtown, LLC

f--"=: ~ ~ .~ ~ -~

A~,,,,~,,,,,v\,n In"c:nv" Clair:·::!lo • .i;'

The Lanstrum Joint living Trust Philip & Carolyn Lanstrum, Trustees

Frank Montgomery

Raymond, Raymond el al Partnership Victor Raymond

Margaret Zimel

David Allen

C and J Allen Family lim. Partnership Clifford G. Allen, General Partner

Bruce Rupprecht

Carole Ru"precht

Francis Dobrowski

John Gaugler

Norman E. Green living Trust ufd/t October 4,2001 Norman E. Green, Trustee

James Hansbrough

Jarrell Landau


Langton living Trust dated August 23, 2000 Marion F. Langton & Evelyn M. Langton, Trustees

Roger C. & Bonnie H. lee, 1985 Trust, dated November 15, 1985 Roger C. lee & Bonnie H. Lee, Trustees

NewcomeiPuyaliup fI, UC William Newcomer, Member

Patricia Jones

Ronald Jones

Park Plate, LLC James D. and Debra L Stanley. members

Joyce Ward

Ocotillo Plaza Assoclates II, a California limited Partnership Roy William Carver, President

Henriksen Properties, UC Lynn Henriksen, Member

Anne McClelland

Darryl Fisher

Jean Fischer

Michael Fischer

SherRon' Estates UC Ronald and Sherron Davis, Member

Wielde Family living Trust dated August 1, 1995 Richard E. Wielde and Arydth M. Shultz-Wielde. Trustees

Bernice Freeman

Anita Geistlinger

Charlene Jackson

Howard Loucks

Conrad Majack


leon A. Martin and Melba L Martin Family Trust dated April 3, 1995 leon A. Martin and Melba L Martin, Trustees

Peggy McHenry

Milligan Investments, LtC Harvey & Carolyn Milligan, Members



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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 25 of 74 Page ID#: 36540

Page 26: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation



~ ,~ :

Smith's Homesteads at Newtown, llC

Tallaclcson's Homesteads at Newtown, llC

TInsley's Homesteads at Newtown, llC

Bangs' King's Manor, llC

Howden's King's Manor, U£ ,

Johnston's Kings Manor, llC

lee's King's Manor, LLC

MacKay's King's Manor, UC

Massey's King's Manor, llC

Slaw's King's Manor, UC

Smith's King's Manor, LLC

Blacker's La Villa, llC

Fuller's la Villa, llC

Grettenberger's La Villa, llC

Heald's la Villa, LLC

J Ely's La Vi!la, llC

Johnston's La Villa, llC

la Follette's la Villa, llC

lechner's la Villa, l!-C

Loganbill'~ ~ Villa, LLC

Mozeika's La Villa, LLC

Person's la Villa, LLC

REly's la villa, llC

Stout's la Villa, LLC

Wright's La Villa. LLC

B Walters' laurel Gardens, LLC

First's laurel Gardens, llC

Frank's laurel Gardens, llC

Huang's laurel Gardens, UC

Laurel Gardens Investments, LLC

lee's laurel Gardens, llC

Miller's Laurel Gardens, llC

Oates' laurel Gardens, LLC

Prime's Laurel Gardens, LLC

Stettenfeld's laurel Gardens, LLC

T Walters' laurel Gardens, lie

Freedman's lexington Gardens, liC

~ ~ ~ \.... ' ~'. ~ ~~ ""'-'-',; '~

2004 Eastside, Inc. Terry Smith, PreSident

Gerald Tallackson

John TInsley

Leslee Bangs

-A,I ',,"vwn Ir,vc~~vi' Clai"" .......

DA Howden Trust dated 4/l!J/l!J96 DA Howden. Trustee

Bryan Johnston

Richard Chi-Ho-lee

The Patricia A. MacKay Trust Patricia MacKay. trustee

James Massey


R. Tom5mith

Richard Blacker

Cynthia Fuller

James Grettenberger

James Heald

James Ely


,Johnston Third Family Umited Partnership John H. and Marion E. Johnston, General Partners

Kathy laFollette

Ed Lechner

- AMTlAssociates liC Ken Loganbill, Managing Partner

511, llC Michael Mazeika, President

Person/Shuler Family Revocable Trust Elizabeth Ann Person and Robert T. Shuler, Trustees

Rosemary Ely

Willis H. Ferris Testamentary Trust Robert D. Ferris and Ruth A. Robinson, trustees

James Wright

Barbara Walters

Barbara Pfeiffer

JBLlnve5tments, llC James Frank, Managing Member

Jianxin Huang tiving Trust Jianxin Huang. Trustee

Raymundo Rios

Roger C. & Bonnie H. lee, l!J85 Trust, dated November 15, 1985 Roger C_ Lee & Bonnie H. lee, Trustees

Miller Family Trust dated July 8, l!J96 Arthur H. and Catherine A. Miller. trustees

James Oates III

Raymundo Rios

Frank Stettenfeid

TIffany Walters

lucille Freedman Rev. Trust dtd 9/10/98 Lucille Freedman, Trustee

Page 17 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 26 of 74 Page ID#: 36541

Page 27: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

,-...-::....~ ~ .~,

landau's lexington Gardens, LtC

lexington Garden Investments, ltC

Miller's Lexington Gardens, ltC

Oates' Lexington Gardens, LtC

Rohnow's lexington, Gardens, ltC

Rosenblum's lexington Gardens, LtC

Stanley's lexington Gardens, ltC

D Kurtz's Maplewood, LLC

G Smith's Maplewood, LLC

Goggin's Maplewood, LLC

Jauregui's Maplewood, LtC

Kailes' Maplewood, LLC

Lowry's Maplewood, LLC

Robinson's Maplewood, LLC

Romfo's Maplewood, LtC

S Kurtz's Maplewood, ltC

Stanley's Maplewood, LLC

Struiksma's Maplewood, ltC

T Smith's Maplewood, ltC

TIC 7 Maplewood, LLC

G leeds' Minnetonka, LLC

Martin's Minnetonka, LLC

Mitchelr s Minnetonka, LtC

Poslvak's Minnetonka, LtC

Raymond's Minnetonka, LtC

Rogers' Mlinnetonka, LtC

S Leeds' Minnetonka, ltC ,

Savara's Minnetonka, LLC i

Currens' MOSes lake, LtC

Davis' Mo~es lake, LtC

Eclevia's Moses lake, LLC

Hughes' Moses lake, LLC

Kirby's Moses lake, LtC

, Madsen's Moses lake, LLC

Murphy's Moses lake, LLC

Smith's Moses lake, LLC

Walter's Moses lake, LLC

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Jarrell landau

~., ~ ""'-"""'--";"~

'., "II ."" • .Jwn 1 ...... .2".)r CI2:1 ...... '~S

Bowman Trust dated 7/17/1990 Vernon L and Mary K. Bowman, trustees . .


David Land Devonna J. Miller Uving Trust dated 9/12/2002 David Land Devonna J. Miller, trustees

James Oates III

David Rohnow

Karen Rosenblum

Park Pla,ce, LLC James D. and Debra L Stanley, members

Dan Kurtz

Gloria B. Smith Uvlng Trust Robert D. Smith, co-trustee

James Goggin

The 1988 Jauregui Family Trust Jerry Jay and Norma A. Jauregui, trustees

AlbertJ. Kailes Family Trust dated September 6,1989 Albert J. Kailes, Trustee

John Lowry


The Robinson<rawford Family Trust Otd 11/13/2000 Craig F. Robinson and Mary Ann Crawford, Co-Trustees

Bruce Romfo

Sydney Kurtz

Woodland Residential Care, LLC Debra L and Charles D. Stanley, members

Daniel Strulksma

Thomas W. Smith Uving Trust Robert D. Smith, co-trustee

Victoria Biernacke

Gloria leeds

Leon A. Martin and Melba L Martin Family Trust dated April 3, 1995 Leon A. Martin and Melba L Martin, Trustees

Odea Mitchell

The Olive G. Posivak Declaration of Trust Lou Stierlin, POA

Raymond, Raymond el al Partnership Victor Raymond

Betty Rogers

Seth Leeds


David Currens

SherRon Estates LLC Ronald and Sherron Davis, Member

Macario Eclevia

Elaine Hughes

Judy Kirby

Betty J. Madsen Revocable Trust dated 2/13/97 Betty J. Madsen, Trustee

Three M Plus L Family Umited Partnership Paul Murphy, General Partner

2004 EaStside, Inc. Terry Smith, President

Frank Walter

Page 18 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 27 of 74 Page ID#: 36542

Page 28: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

-_....A., ,; .-0--=:

Wielde's Moses Lake, llC

C Steele's Osprey Court, llC ;

Davis' Osprey Court, llC

Erickson's Osprey Court, LLC

Henry's Osprey Court, LLC

Hethely's Osprey Court, llC


J Steele's Osprey Court, llC

Kuhn's Osprey Court, UC

McNutt's dsprey Court, UC

Michaelson's Osprey Court, LLC

Walker's O~prey Court, llC

White's Osprey Court, LLC

Winer's ,Osprey Court, llC

Benner's Palms, LLC

Brown's Palms, LLC

Cogan's Palms, llC

Dillard's Palms, LLC

Gaugler's Palms, LLC

Gilmore's Palms, llC

J Stearns' Palms, UC

J Vlasak's Palms, UC

Johnson's Palms, LLC

K Stearns' Palms, llC

La Follette's Palms, LLC

Landes' Palms, LLC

Northwest Way's Palms, UC

R Vlasak's Palms, UC

Wielde's Palms, LLC

Abrell's Park Place Portland, llC

Davies' Park Place Portland, llC

Donald's Park Place Portland, UC

F Walter's Park Place Portland, UC

F1axel's Park Place Portland, UC

Fremont Manor's Park Place Portland, UC

,Gilmore's Park Place Portland, llC

Golden Shelter'S Park Place Portland, UC

J Walter's Park Place Portland, UC

~, ~ ~ ~ ~ .,.....~ ',~~ ~. '~

Au I\nlhvn IrnfeStl.j~ Clatmll'ms

Wielde Family Uvlng Trust dated August 1, 1995 Richard E. Wielde and Arydth M. Shultz-Wielde, Trustees

, Carol Steele

Gordon Davis

Erickson Uvlng Trust dated 1/14/2004 Ronald Erickson and Unda Erickson, trustees

Virginia Weston

AWla Hethely

John Steele

1986 Rev. Uvlng Trust of Michael & Karen K. Kuhn Michael & Karen Kuhn, Trustees

John McNutt

4 M Property Management, llC Brent Michaelson, Managing Member

Virginia Weston


Michael Winer

Westwood Apartments LLC Michael Benner, Member


Steven c. Brown and Noushin Brown Revocable Trust dated August 24, 2002 Steven & Noushin Brown, Co-Trustees

Irene Cogan

Dillard Family Trust dated October 30, 2006 Mackeal Storm Dillard and Merilu Dillard, Trustees

John Gaugler

Michael N. and Judith M. Gilmore Revocable Trust MIchael N. and Judith M. Gilmore, Trustees

Jay Steams

James Vlasak

Reed Johnson

Joseph Elian, llC Kent H. Steams, manager

Kathy laFollette

RaChel Landes Trust dated March 3D, 1998 Rachel Landes, Trustee

Northwest Way Properties, LLC HeIdi Hausner, Manager

Vlasak Family Revocable ,Uving Trust Edwin Roger Vlasak, trustee

Wielde Family Uving Trust dated August 1, 1995 Richard E. Wielde and Arydth M. Shultz-Wielde, Trustees

G. William AbreU

Julia Davies Uving Trust Julia Davies, Trustee

Laureen Donald

Frank Walter

Dr. John Flaxel

Fremont Manor Apartments, LLC Rozell Gilmore, member

Michael N. and Judith M. Gilmore Revocable Trust Michael N. and Judith M. Gilmore, Trustees

Golden Shelter Umited Craig Potts; Secretary

JoAnn Walter


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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 28 of 74 Page ID#: 36543

Page 29: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

~ ... ~ \~. ~

Martin's Park PlaCll Portland, LLC

McEntire's Park Place Portland,LLC

McWilliams' Park Place Portland, LLC

Neils' Park Place Portland, LLC

o Mitchell's Park Place Portland, LLC

R & R Mitchell's Park Place Portland, LtC

Read's Park Place Portland, LtC

Rogers' Park Place Poi-tland, LlC

Smith's Park Place Portland, LLC

Staats' Park Place Portland, LLC

Walker's Park Place Portland, LtC

Wielde's Park Place Portland, LLC

Zimel's P~ Place Portland, LLC

Krause's Peachtree Village, LLC

Tallackson's Peachtree Village, LLC

Thumher's Peachtree Village, LLC

E Oark's Peridot, LtC

Eimers' Peridot, LtC

Emandes' Peridot, UC

lam's Peridot, LLC

lesher's Peridot, LLC

lund living Trust's Peridot, LLC

N Rask's Peridot, LLC

Pinelli's Peridot, LtC

ROark's Peridot, LLC

R lohnson's Peridot, LLC

S Johnson's Peridot, LLC

Scanlon Family Trust's Peridot, LLC

Siakey's Peridot, LLC

. TRask's Peridot, LLC

Trevers' Peridot, LtC

Weberg's PeridOt, LLC

Woodbury:s Peridot, LtC

aine's Railibow, LLC , Price's Rainbow, LLC

Thumer's Rainbow:LLC

Ingraham's Remington House, LLC

~ ~ r:-~ ,~. ~ .~ .~~ ~--,

A~'! "n...:wn'irryc:::t,v1 Claf~.Q""": :-=---,.. ~,

leon A. Martin and Melba L Martin Family Trust dated April 3, 1995 leon A. Martin and Melba L Martin, Trustees

Teresa McEntire

Marilyn McWilliams

Harbor Vista II WC Neils, President

Odea Mitchell

Robert Mitchell

WAR. Investment, LLC William A. Read, Operating Manager

Betty Rogers

Marilou Smith

Sandra Staats

Roland Walker

Wielde Family Uving Trust dated August 1, 1995 Richard E. Wielde and Arydth M. Shultz-Wielde, Trustees

Margaret Zimel

Krause Family Umited Partnership lawrence B. Krause

Gerald Toillackson

Osbr R. Thumher and Barbara J. Thumher Trust dtd 12/19/05 Oskar and Barbara Thumher, Trustees '

Ernest Clark, Jr.

Eyrie Properties, LLC Garth and Wendy ,Eimers, members

, Frank Ernandes

Ignatius Po-Cheung lam

laurence Lesher

The lund Uving Trust UAD 5/22/1990 Victor & Patsy lund, Trustees

Najat Rask

Frank Pinelli

Ruth Clark

Richard Johnson

Sally Johnson

The Scanlon Family Trust Agreement R. Patrick & Susan A. Scanlon, Trustees

Philip B. and Diana P. Siakey Rev. Uving Trust Philip & Diana Siakey, Trustees

Thomas Rask

Trevers Family Trust dated 11/35/2002 Richard Trevers and Dana labow Trevers, trustees

lawrence J. Weberg and CarofR. Weberg Family Revocable Trust lawrence J. and Carol R. Weberg. trustees

Woodbury Ascot, LLC Sid Woodbury, Manager

Cline Uving Trust dated 6/2/1998 Craig and Cherie Cline, trustees

,steve Price

Osbr R. Thumher-,and BarbaraJ. ThumherTrust dtd 12/19/05 Osbr and Barbara Thumher, Trustees'

E. Blake Ingraham

Page 20 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 29 of 74 Page ID#: 36544

Page 30: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

'~e ~ ~,

! Loncar's Remington House, LtC

Machlan-lilncar's Remington Hse

Naylor's Remington House, LtC

Pickett's Remington House, LLC

Slaw's Remington House, LLC

WHM's Remington House, LtC

B Amato's Sandia Springs,LtC

Benner's sandia Springs, ltC

C Hanson's sandia Springs, lLC

C Hanson'~ Sandia Springs, LLC

Ewart's sandia Springs, LtC

First's Sandia Springs, lLC

Fitzgerald's Sandia Springs, ltC

Gilmore's sandia Springs, LLC

Gross' Sandia Springs, LtC

Hatanaka's Sandia Springs, LLC

Johnson's Sandia Springs, LtC

K Stearns' sandia Springs, lLC

Malack's Sandia Springs, ltC

Maxwell's Sandia Springs, LLC

Montoya's sandia Springs, LtC

Northwest Way's Sandia Springs, LLC

P Amato's Sandia Springs, LtC

Roger's Sandia Springs, LLC

Romfo's Sandia Springs, llC

S Hanson's Sandia Springs, llC

S Hanson's Sandia Springs, LLC

Sentz's Sandia Springs, lLC

Taylor's sandia Springs, LLC

liger's Sandia Springs, ltC

Wiseman's sandia Springs, llC

Grettenberger's Sprll)g Creek Gardens, ltC

Helms' Spring Creek Gardens, lLC

Holt's Spring Creek Gardens, LtC

Jordan's Spring Creek Garden, llC

Kuhn's Spring Creek Gardens, LtC

McNutt's Spring Creek Gardens,llC

~ _.~, .... ,..,.e :

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' .. ".,' ..... ~wn b... ..... h.flr Cla:'.I\Co1"I'''S

Branko Loncar

Denise Machlan-Loncar

Cheryl Naylor

Heather Pickett

Profit Sharing Plan FBO Caleb Siaw

WHM Enterprises, llC William J. Matthews and Heidi J. Matthews, Members

Beverly Amato

Westwood Apartments LtC Michael Benner, Member

Cliff N. Hanson Trust dated April 26, 1993 Cliff N. Hanson, trustee

Clifford Hanson

Glenn Ewart

2001 Taylor Family Trust ulald November 15, 2001 Terry W. Taylor and Maria R. Taylor, trustees

Clifford Fitzgerald

Michael N. and Judith M. Gilmore Revocable Trust Michael N .. and Judith M. Gilmore, Trustees

Sky-Vue Motelcorp, Inc. Scott Gross, President

Valerie Hatanaka

Reed Johnson

Joe Wolkowlcz

Conrad Malack

WeStside 1-2, lLC Kenneth & Barbara Maxwell, Managers

leonardo Montoya

Northwest Way Properties, LlC Heidi Hausner, Manager

Patrick Amato

Betty Rogers

Bruce Romfo

Sandra Hanson

Sandra K. Hanson Trust dated April 26, 1993 Sandra K. Hanson, trustee

Jay Sentz

2001 Taylor Family Trust u/a/d November 15, 2001 Terry W. Taylor and'Maria R. Taylor, trustees

liger Industries, llC William McCoy, Manager

Northridge Properties, LtC Jerry D. Wiseman, Operating Manager

Erin Grettenberger

Pat Helms

Whit-Mil-Town Apt,lnc. Raymond Holt, President

leslie Jordan Trust u/d/t, est July 23, 1998 leslie Jordan, Trustee

i986 Rev. Uving Trust of Michael & Karen K. Kuhn Michael & Karen Kuhn, Trustees

John McNutt

Page 21 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 30 of 74 Page ID#: 36545

Page 31: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

~ ~ ~ ,} ~

Michaelson's Spmg Creek Garden, LlC

B Schulz's Spring Estates, LlC

Byzinker's Spring Estates, LlC

Cedi Hawley Trust's Spring Estates, LlC

o Chan's Spring Estates, LlC

o Schulz's Spring Estates, llC

Farance's Spring Estates,Ltc

Griffith's Spring Estates, llC

Uncaln Oty ?ne's Spring Estates, LLC

Martin Family Trust's Spring Estates, LlC

N Rask's Sprjng Estates, LlC

PrIme's Spring Estates I, llC i

Prime's Spring Estates II, LlC

Robbins Trust's Spring Estates, llC i

Rulli's Spring Estates, LlC

S Chan's Spring Estates, LlC

Sandra HaWley Trust's Spring Estates, LtC

Scanlon F~mily Trust's Spring Estates, LlC

T Rask's Sp~ng Estates, llC

A Geistling~r's Spring Village, LlC

H Geistlingoir's Spring Village, LlC

Swiftsure Holdings, llC

Robertson's Ponds at Punaluu. LlC I

AMA Investments-Auburn, llC

B Fletcher's Town Village, llC

Bitar Brothers' Town Village, LLC

C Delano's Town Village, llC

C Hanson's Town Village, llC

C Hanson'sTown Village,llC , o Delano's Town Village, llC

First's Town Village, LlC

Greb's Town Village, LLC I

Gross' Town Village, LlC

Heald's ToWn Village, llC

K Fletcher'~ Town Viilage, Ltc

Kalles' T~ Village. Ltc

Kauffman's Town Village, Ltc


~ ,~ ~. .~ '~';;:"" .-c-- ""'--- .... ~

;,. ... ·,,· ..... lln ln~ ..... ".~ Clair'.i ...... _·i

"4 M Property Management, Ltc Brent Michaelson, Managing Member

Barbara Schulz

Constance Byzlnker

Cedi H. Hawley Trust Cecil and Sandra Hawley, Trustees

Debbie Chan

Douglas Schulz

Richard Farance

Patricia Griffith

Uncaln Oty One, LLC Ronald L Rubin, Member

. ,.-.-...-... ~ .

Leon A. Martin and Melba L Martin Family Trust dated April 3, 1995 Leon A. Martin and Melba L Martin, Trustees


Dianne L Sherman 1997 living Trust U/t/d 02/17/1997 Dianne L Sherman, Trustee

Fidelity Trust Company Bumill F. Oark IRA Accct. # 186-465348

Norvelle and Betty Robbins Trust u.a.d. S/7/04 Norvelh! and Betty Robbins, Trustees

James Rulli

Sing Chan

Sandra J. Hawley Trust Cedi H. Hawley and Sandra J. Hawley, Trustees

The Scanlon Family Trust Agreement R. Patrick & Susan A. Scanlon, Trustees

Thomas Rask

Anita Gelstllnger

Harry Geistllnger

Swiftsure Holdings, llC Joseph Kurka, Umited Partner

Robertson Investments, LLC Kenneth L Robertson. Manager

Beatrice Slater

The Kenneth B. & Cathy L Fletcher AB Uving Trust Kenneth B. and Cathy L Fletcher, Trustees

Bitar Bros., A Umited Partnership Kristine Bitar Wilkins, President, Robert A. Bitar Management Co., General Partner

Carol Delano

Cliff N. Hanson Trust dated April 26, 1993 Cliff N. Hanson, trustee

Clifford Hanson

Dan Delano

Wlelde Family Uving Trust dated August 1, 1995 Richard Eo Wlelde and Arydth M. Shultz-Wielde, Trustees

Greb Revocable living Trust Agreement Dated March 2, 1988, as Amended George Greb and Annabella Greb, Trustees

Sky-Vue Motelcarp, Inc. Scott Gross, President

James Heald

The Kralg and Unda Fletcher AD Uving Trust Kraig and Unda Fletcher, trustees

A1bert.J. Kailes Family Trust dated September 6, 1989 Albert J. Kailes, Trustee

James Kauffman

Page 22 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 31 of 74 Page ID#: 36546

Page 32: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

~; ~

Lam's Town Village, Ltc

Lowry's Town Village. LLC

Matias' Town Village, LLC

Miller's Town VIllage. LLe

Minden's TOwn Village, LLC '

Olson's Town Village, LLC

Person's Town Village, LLe

Pike's Town Village, LLC

S Hanson's Town Village, LLe

S Hanson's Town Village, LLC

Schaub's Town Village, LLC

Sentz's Town Village, LLC

Shumaker's Town Village, LLC

Steinmetz's Town Village, LLe

Struiksma's Town Village, LLC

Wiseman's Town Village, LLC

Wise's Town Village, LLC


C Valentine's West Park Place, LLC

Grettenberger's West Park Place, LLC

Holt's West Park Place, LLC

Kausek's West Park Place, LLC

L Valentine's West Park Place. LLC

Matthews' West Park Place, LLC

Michaelson's West Park Place, LLe

Mozeika's West Park Place, LLC

Petshow's West Park Place, LLC

Stegner's West Park Place, LLC

Stiehl's West Park Place, LLe

Winter's West Park Place, LLC

Hayes' Apple Ridge, LLC

McCartney's Apple Ridge, LLC

Morita's Apple Ridge, LLe

Silver Creek Ventures' Apple Ridge, LLC

Tallawon's Apple Ridge, LLC

Bayer's Autumn Glen Cottages, LLC

Indiana Sunwest I, LLC

Bates' Brookside. Ltc

~ ~ ~ ~ ~----~ ---, ~,~ ... All I\n"wn lriv-"",.ur CJail/id'"''''

Ignatius Po-Cheung Lam

John Lowry

Teresa Matias

The Milleri'rust u/d/t 11/6/1997 Ronald L Miller and Marlo G. Miller, Trustees

Geraldine Boldt

Sandra Olson

Person/Shuler Family Revocable Trust Elizabeth Ann Person and Robert T. Shuler, Trustees

Teton Park, LLC Kevin M. Pike and Penni E. Pike, Members

Sandra Hanson

Sandra K. Hanson Trust dated April 26, 1993 Sandra K. Hanson, trustee

The Schaub Family Trust, u/d/t 2/28/2oolJohn A. and Dorothy B. Schaub, trustees

Jay Sentz

Shumaker's, Inc. Jerry D. Shumaker and Dianne L Shumaker, members

Steinmetz'Umlted Partnership Wade Steinmetz, General Partner

Daniel Struiksma

Northridge Properties, LLC Jerry D. Wiseman, Operating Manager

Daniel Wise

Christopher Valentine Trust U/ A/D 1/29/9B Christopher Valentine, Trustee

Erin Grettenberger

Whit-MilcTown Apt., Inc. Raymond Holt, President

John Kausek

Unda Valentine Trust U/A/D 1/29/98 Unda B, Valentine, Trustee

WHM Enterprises, LLC William J. Matthews and Heidi J. Matthews, Members

4 M Property Management, LLC Brent Michaelson, Managing Member

SII, LLC Michael Mozeikil, President

Petshow Family Umited Partnership John Dean Petshow, General Partner

Jane Stegner

Courtyards at Fairview, LLC June Stiehl, Manager

Earl Winter

Todd Hayes

Janice McCartney

Bessie S. Morita Revocable Trust Morgan Morita, POA

Silver Creek Ventures, LLC Kent & Renita Hansen, Members

Gerald Tallawon

Bayer Family Trust, 2003 UDT, December 3, 2003 Anton Peter Bayer and Charlotte Emma Bayer, Trustees

The Van Dyke Family Trust dated 7/15/l!J98 Undell H. Van Dyke and Lynn Mary Van Dyke, Trustees

Hal-Don, LLC Harold W. Bates and Dona L Bates, Trustees of the Bates Trust, Member

Page 23 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 32 of 74 Page ID#: 36547

Page 33: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

"""--'" ~

Hiebert's Brookside. LLC

B Cripps' Carnegie Village. LLC

Davis' Carnegie Village. liC

Dayle's eantegle Village. LLC

Elling's Ca~egle Village. liC

Elling's Carnegie Village. lie

Fall's Carnegie Village. liC

G Leeds' Carnegie Village. liC

Glover's Carnegie Village. liC

Houghmaster's Carnegie Village. liC

J Meeker's Carnegie Village. lie

J Pollard's Carnegie Village. liC

J waynowsicle's Carnegie Village, liC

K Cripps' Carnegie Village, liC

Kim's Carn~gie village. lie

Kuleck's Cainegie Village. liC

Kuleck's Carnegie Viilage. lie

Kuleck's Carnegie Village. lie

L Hein's Carnegie Village. LLC

L Karasek's Carnegie Village. liC

louie's Ca~egie'Viliage. lie

Meeker's Carnegie Village, lie I

R WaynowS!de's Carnegie Village, lie

Rhee's Carnegie Village. lie

Robinson's 'Carnegie Village, ,lie

Rokris' Can:aegle Village. lie

S Hein's Ca~egie Village, LLC

S Leeds' Carnegie Village. liC

SchiIHnger's Carnegie Village. liC

Semasko's tamegle Village. lie

T Karasek's Carnegie Village. lie

T Pollard's Carnegie Village

Vaughn's Carnegie Village. lie

Vierthaler's Carnegie Village, liC

Woodhouse's Carnegie Village, LLC

Ackerman's Chestnut Lane. llC

Adams' Chestnut Lane. lie

~ .r----

E. Uoyd Hiebert

Bertha Cripps

Vicki Davis

~. ~, ~ ~ ~""'-~'~. ~. ~,

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Recreational Holdings. LlC, a Washington Kmlted Nability company W. Scott Doyle and Patricia S. Dayle, Members

Elling Properties. LLC Kay C. Elling. Manager

Elling Properties, LLe Kav C. Elling, Manager

Andrew Fall

Gloria Leeds

Phillip Glover

Patricia Houghmaster

James Meeker

Janice Pollard

Jacqueline Waynowskle

Kenneth Cripps

Festival Apartments One. liC Phillip Duk Ki Kim. President

Gary Kuleck

Gary Kuleck

Gary Kuleck

Lowell Hein

Lois Karasek

Po Van and Melinda F. Louie Family Trust dated 10/11/1993 Po Van Louie and Melinda F. Louie. trustees

Ethel E. Meeker James W. Meeker. Power of Attorney for

Richard Waynowskle


The Robinson-Crawford Familv Trust Dtd 11/13/2000 Craig F. Robinson and Mary Ann Crawford. Co-Trustees

Rokris lie Robert E. Austin, Manager


Seth Leeds

Frederick Schillinger

Semasko Uving Trust dated January 31. 1995 John E. Semasko and Mary Jane Semasko. Trustees

Thomas Karasek

Terrance Pollard

Kathleen Vaughn

Peter Vierthaler

John Woodhouse

Gary Ackerman

Steven L Adams & Dawn D. Adams Trust, UA oTD November 12, 1997 Steven L Adams & Dawn D. Adams. Trustees

Page 24 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 33 of 74 Page ID#: 36548

Page 34: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation


i '~

B Cripps' Chestnut Lane, LLC

Bordcosh's Chestnut Lane, llC

Braun's Chestnut Lane, llC

Groves' Chestnut Lane, UC

. Groves' Chestnut Lane, LlC

James lyon's Chestnut Lane, llC

Johnson's Chestnut Lane, llC

Judy Lyon's Chestnut Lane, UC.

K Cripps' Chestnut Lane, lLC

K Elling's Chestnut Lane, llC

K Elling's Chestnut Lane, llC

Kraft's Chestnut Lane, llC

OKO's Chestnut Lane, llC

P Elling's Chestnut Lane, llC

P Elling's Chestnut Lane, lLC

Rehmus' CheStnut Lane, UC

Seyer's Chestnut Lane, llC

Smith's Chestnut Lane, llC

Wilcox's Chestnut Lane,·UC

Boyer's Chris Ridge, llC

Casto's Ch~is Ridge, llC

D Brutke's Chris Ridge, llC

Divine Investments' Chris Ridge, UC

Eliopoulos' Chris Ridge, llC

Fim's Chris Ridge, llC

Hayes' Chris Ridge, llC

Henriksen's Chris Ridge, UC

J Fischer's Chris Ridge, lLC .

l Brutke's Chris Ridge, llC

M Fischer's Chris Ridge, llC

Mattson's Chris Ridge, llC

McClelland's Chris Ridge, llC

Muller's Chris Ridge, llC

Northwest, Partners 2's ·Chris Ridge, lLC

Penn's Chris Ridge, UC .1

Sanchez's Chris Ridge, llC

Silver Creek Ventures' Chris Ridge, lLC

~ ~ , ~ .~ ;~. ·r~ ........ , .. own ' .... ,,_~ .. Dr CI~ •• · ........ ~

Bertha Cripps

Marius Bordcosh

Randall Brauri

Phillip Groves

Phillip Groves

James lyon

Annie's Trust Annie Du Buc-Johnson, Trustee

Judy lyon

Kenneth Cripps

Kay C. elling Revocable "standby" Trust Kay C. Elling, Trustee

Kay C. Elling Revocable "standby' Trust KaY C. Elling, Trustee

Kraft Family Trust Kenneth A. Kraft and Marilyn C. Kraft, Trustees

OKO Umited Partnership· Cestmir Hemus, President of IRT, Inc., General Partner

Patricia Z. Elling RevoCable "standby' Trust Patricia Z. Elling, Trustee

Patricia Z. Elling Revocable "standby· Trust Patricia Z. Elling, Trustee

Farzaneh Rehmus


Sidney Smith

John A. Wilcox Uving Trust ulald October 23; 2007 John A. Wilcox, Trustee

Pheasant Court Apartments, LlC James D. Boyer and Barbara J. Boyer, Members

Helga Casto

Dorothy Brutke

Divine Investments,llC William Fisher, Manager

Richard ElIopoulos

The Wielde Family Uving Trust dated August 1, 1995 Richard Wielde. Trustee

Todd Hayes

Henriksen Properties. llC Lynn Henriksen, Member

Jean Fischer

leo Brutke

Michael Fischer

Laurel Mattson

o. H. and A. M. McOeiland Revocable Trust O. H. & A.M. McClelland, Trustees

The Elijah Trust, U.A.D. U/6/07 FBO Margaret A. Muller Margaret A. Muller. Trustee

Northwest Partners 2llC Peter G. Vierthaler, Manager

Jackie Penn

Raymond Sanchez

Silver Creek Ventures, llC Kent & Renita Hansen. Members


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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 34 of 74 Page ID#: 36549

Page 35: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

..-. --Tallackson's Chris Ridge. llC

Taylor's Chris Ridge. llC

Wulrs Chri.s Ridge. llC


Connor's Cottages at Albuquerque, llC

Eliopoulos' Cottages at Albuquerque. llC

Krause's Cottages at-Albuquerque. llC

lund's Cottages at Albuquerque, llC


SherRon Estates' Cottages at Albuquerque, llC

Arias' COVAK5.llC

Atid's COVAK 5, llC

B Broumand~. COVAK S. llC

C Broumand's COVAK 5, llC

Davis' COVAK 5, llC

Eash's COVAK 5. llC

Forsch's CaVAK 5, LLC

Ii Travess' COVAK S. llC

Gavrier. COVAK S. llC

Hermann's COVAK S. llC

Hlghpointe's COVAK S. llC

Kinsey's COVAK 5, llC

langford's COVAK 5. llC

levine's COVAK 5. llC

M Travess' COVAK S. llC

Michaels' COVAK S. llC


Nager's COVAK 5, LLC

New Haven's COVAK 5, LLC

Novak's COVAK 5, LtC

Premiere's COVAK 5, llC

Reber's COVAK 5, llC

Ridge Park's COVAK 5, llC

Ruderman's COVAK S,llC

SchnyderskoVAK5,ll~ ..

Scott's COYAK 5. llC

Steams' COVAK 5, llC

Sylla's COVAK S. llC

Walsh's COVAK 5, LLC

.----.,. ~

Gerald Tallackson

Betty Taylor

~ ... .~. r--- ',- ..----.. > A\( I\ml".vn InVeltL\I,: Clain>lam,,;

Cheri C. Wulf Revocable Uvlng Trust Cheri C. Wulf, Trustee

.~ ~. ---..

Philyn Investment Group. Limited Partnership Phillip A. Connor and Carolyn L Connor, Managers, Philyn Management Services, llC, General Partner

Richard Eliopoulos

Krause Family Umited Partnership lawrence B. Krause

The lund Uving Trust UAD 5/22/l!J90 Victor & Patsy lund, Trustees

SherRon Estates llC Ronald and Sherron Davis, Member

Elodla Arias

Atio, Inc. dba Atid, Inc. Zeev Ben-Oni. President

Brenden Broumand

Cameron Broumand

SherRon Estates llC Ronald and Sherron Davis, Member

Jon R. and Margaret A. Eash Family Trust u.t.a. March 4, 2004 Jon R. and Margaret A. Eash, Trustees

William Forsch

George Travess

Gavriellnvestment Group. llC Yaakov Dorian and Oshirit DOrian, Co-Managers

Elaine Hermann Family Trust dated April 28, l!J93 Elaine Hermann. Trustee

Hlghpolnte. Inc. TImothy J. Katz, President

The Gregory W. Kinsey and Kristine M. Kinsey Family. Uving Trust dated August 30. 2004 Gregory W. Kinsey, Trustee

langford Family Trust Robert langford, Trustee

Levine l!J98 Family Trust dated December 4. l!J98 David L Levine and Margaret G. Levine, Trustees

Mary Travess

Solano Apartments, LLC Andrew Michaels, Member

N.W.B. Associates. LLC. Ru:;sell Blum, Managing Member

Michael Nager

New Haven. llC Richard Miller, Manager

Diana Novak

Milton Premiere Umited Partnership, a California limited partnership Milton Blenenfeld, General Partner

Josep/1 E. Reber Uvlng Trust Joseph E. ·Reber, Trustee

Ridge Park Investments, LLC Sestino Milito, Manager

Annette Osterlund

Alma Schnyders

Scott 2004 Family Umited Partnership Jeff Scott, Umited Partner

Cynthia Stearns

Werner and Edit Sylla Family Trust dated March 15, 2001 Werner Sylla and Edit Sylla. Trustees

earl Huetter Walsh and Beatriz A. Walsh Trust dated 12/3/99 earl Huetter Walsh and Beatnz A. Walsh, Trustees

Page 26 of 65


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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 35 of 74 Page ID#: 36550

Page 36: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

.,---'. '~

Wolfe's COVAK 5, lLC

Wong's COVAK 5, llC

Vee's COVAK 5,llC

Allyn's Crown Pointe. lLC

Bennett's Crown Pointe, llC

BLW's Crown POinte, llC

Bowman's Crown Pointe, llC

Denaire's Crown Pointe, LLC

Elling's Crown Pointe,llC

Go's Crown Pointe. lLC

Hart's Crown POinte, llC

J Kirch's Crown Pointe, llC

Jernigan's Crown Pointe, llC


JHCB Properties' Crown POinte, llC

JHCB Properties' Crown POinte, lLC

Kuleck's Crown Pointe. llC

l Goodman's Crown Pointe. llC

lyon's Crown Pointe. lLC

Meeker's CrOwn Pointe, llC

MinnIs' Crown PoInte. lLC

MR Golfs Crown Pointe. lLC

Prepon's Crown POinte. llC

Quon's Crown Pointe, llC

Ritter's CroWn Pointe. llC

Rollett's Crown Pointe, llC

Rothman's Crown Pointe. llC

Sangmin's Crown Pointe, lLC

Scampone's Crown Pointe, u.c W Goodm~n's Crown Pointe, llC

W Kirch's Crown POinte, llC

Walter's Crown Pointe, llC

Wedell's Crown Pointe, llC

Wilcox's CrOwn Pointe, llC

Wilkerson's Crown POinte, lLC

Williams' crown Pointe, It.C Altman's C~'pepper Place, llC

, . B Amato's Culpepper Place, lLC

~ ,....-....... :~. ~,.Q. -- ,..--..-.. ~ ....... .Jwn 1o, ..... _ • .Jr Cla .... _ ••• 5

LlW,llC Scott D. Wolfe and Kimberly A. Wolfe. Members

lee Wong

Vee Family Trust Jack G. Vee and Carmon L Vee, Trustees

Cynthia Allyn

Bennett Family Trust dated December 8,1968 Steven R. Bennett, Trustee

BLW Investments,llC Franklin Wong, Manager of Trio Investments,llC, Managing Member

The Arthur and larue Bowman Family Trust Arthur L Bowman and larue H. Bowman, Trustees

Denalre Holdings, llC Dan Shoham, Manager

Eltong Properties, llC Kay C. Elhng. Manager


Hart Family lLC Merlin Hart, Member

Jo Ann Kirch

Berdine Jernigan

JHCB Properties, llC Judy Baxter, Manager

JHCB Properties, llC Judy Baxter, Manager

Gary Kuleck

leona Goodman

Gerald and lorraine M. Lyon Trust James Lyon, Trustee

James Meeker

Mark Minnis

MR Golt; Inc. Mark Weeks, President

laura Prepon

The Quon Trust of 1987 William Quon & Agnes P. Quon, Trustees

The Ruth D. Ritter Revocable Trust Robert P. Ritter and Ruth D. Ritter, Trustees

Thomas Rollett and Nancy Rollett Revocable Trust dated May 11, 1999, Schedule B property Thomas R. Rollett. Trustee

Paul Rothman November 16, 2007 Trust Paul Rothman, Trustee

Sangmin Investment, lLC Chae Min Hyun and Sang Jin Hyun, Members

Scampone Family Trust dated August 15, 2001 August G. Scampone and Toni Sue landry, Trustees

Wayne Goodman

Wiliiam Kirch

Frank and Jo Ann Walter Trust Frank and )0 Ann Walter, Trustees

lawrence Wedell

John A. Wilcox Uving Trust u/a/d October 23,2007 John A. Wilcox, Trustee

Wilkerson Uving Trust, U! A dated Nov. 7, 1992 Wayne Michael Wilkerson and Fredrlcka A. Wilkerson, Trustees

The Williams Uvlng Trust las the separate property of Unda M. Williams) Warren D. Williams and Unda M. Williams, Trustees

Fruitvale Gardens, lLC Daniel Altman, Manager

Beverly Amato


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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 36 of 74 Page ID#: 36551

Page 37: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

..... .- -Baxter's Culpepper Place, UC

Chen's Culpepper Place, LLC

Clark's Culpepper Place, LLC

Evonuk'$ Culpepper Place. llC

J Fischer's Culpepper Place, LLC


J Freedman'~ Culpepper Place, llC

Kimbrough's Culpepper Place, llC

Levine's Culpepper Place, llC

M Fischer's Culpepper Place, LLC

Nicolopulos~ Culpepper Place, UC

P Amato's Culpepper Place, UC _

Parrish's Culpepper Place. UC

T Freedman's Culpepper Place, UC

YUdess' Culpepper Place, UC

Deer Run's Desert Springs, LLC

Hale's Desert Springs,llC

James Kelly's Desert Springs, UC

JEM's Desert Springs, llC

Judith Kelly's Desert Springs, UC

Miller's Des~rt Springs, LLC

Pope's Desert Springs, UC

Allen's Englewood Heights, LLC

B Cripps' Englewood Heights. LLC

Brandt's Englewood Heights, UC

C Moore's Englewood Heights, UC

DiCarlo's Englewood Heights I, LLC

F Chen's Englewood Heights, llC

Fitzwater's Englewood Heights, LLC

K CrIpps' Englewood Heights, UC

leSage's Englewood Heights, UC

M Chen's Englewood Heights, UC

Nicolopulos' Englewood Heights, UC

, Semasko's Englewood Heights, UC

Smith's Englewood Heights, UC

W Moore's Englewood Heights, UC

Yams' Englewood Heights, UC


r--. r--

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An ", .. oWn Inv""" .. r Claih ..... ~,

Baxter Uving Trust Theodore and Judy Baxter, Trustees

DCRE Investments, LLC David Chen, Manager


Stephen R. Oark-Appraisal & Consultant, Inc. Defined Benefit Pension Plan Stephen R. Oark, Trustee

Philip W. Evonuk Trust dated March 30. 1999 Philip W. Evonuk, Co-Trustee

Jean Fischer

Jofen Freedman

Kriss Kimbrough

levine 1998 Family Trust dated December 4, 1998 David L levine and Margaret G. lev.ine, Trustees

Michael Fischer

Ann Nlcolopulos.

Patrick Amato

Stephen and Unda Parrish Family Trust Stephen.w. Parrish and Unda M. Pamsh, Trustees

Thomas Freedman

Yudess Family Trust Dated January 16, 2003 Barry'Mark Yudess and laurie Jeanne Yudess, Trustees

Deer Run Farm Umlted Partnership Ronald & Barbara Ebel, Co-Tttees, Ebel Fam. Trust

Hale Uving Trust William W. Hale, Trustee

James Kelly

JEM Services Profit Sharing Plan Judith E. Matthies, Trustee

Judith Kelly

Faith Miller

Pope Properties, UC Unda Pope, Member

Jack and Paul'la Allen Uving Trust dated 3/27/1996 Jack and Paul'la Allen, Trustees

Bertha Cripps

Janet Brandt

Carol Moore

Domenit DiCario


Bruce Fotzwater

Kenneth CrIpps

Marianne leSage


Ann Nicolopulos

Semasko Uving Trust dated January 31. 1995 John E. Semasko and Mary Jane Semasko, Trustees


The Cecil C. Smith Family Trust by Agreement dated oct. 4, 1993 Allan K. Smith, POA, Mary L Smith, Trustee

Winston Moore

Yarris Family Trust dtd June 3, 1992 Robert P. Yams and Holly K. Yarris, Trustees


Page 28 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 37 of 74 Page ID#: 36552

Page 38: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

'- .~.

Atid's COVAl< 5, LLC

B Broumand's COVAK 5, llC

C Broumand's COVAK 5,llC

A. Fall's Glenellen, llC

Atwater's Gienellen, LLC

Bennett's Glenellen, LLC

o Fall's Glenellen, llC

Deer Run's Glenellen, llC

01 Carlo's Glenellen, llC

Gore's Gienellen, llC

L Hein's Gleriellen, LlC

Perrelli's Glenellen, llC

Rios' Glenellen, llC

Roediger's Glenellen, LLC

Rothe's Glenellen, LlC

SHein's Glenellen, llC

liddle's Gleriellen, llC

Tullus' Glenelien, LLC

Baxter's Golden Eagle, llC

Layne's Eagle Properties, llC

Lemmons' Golden Eagle, LlC

Swenson's Golden Eagle, llC

Vierthaler's Golden Eagle, llC

Boldenweck's Harrisburg. LLC

Bunten's Harrisburg, LlC

Hackett's Harrisburg,llC

J. Shoemaker's Harrisburg, LlC

Kim's Harrisburg,llC

.. ~

O'Neill Pine's Harrisburg, LLC

R. Shoemaker's Harrisburg, LLC

Thurnher's Harrisburg. llC

Bernhardt's Selinsgrove, llC

Brown's Selinsgrove, LLC

Oraudt's Selinsgrove, llC

Flaxel's Selinsgrove, LLC

Green's Selinsgrove, llC

Hiatt's Selinsgrove, LLC

-- F"'-"'" ~....--. r---""'. ,~-.. ----. Atrl\ll;;Wn Imn:nur' Clain-Idm .. -:

Atio, Inc. dba Atld, Inc. Zeeli 8en-Oni, President

Brenden Broumand

cameron Broumand

Andrew Fall

Jean Atwater

Bennett Family Trust dtd 3/17/92 Kevin C. Benett & Deborah L Bennett, Trustees

Don Fall

Deer Run Farm Umited Partnership Ronald & Barbara Ebel, Co-Tttees, Ebel Fam. Trust

Raymond Oi Carlo

The Gore Family Trust created Feb. 17, 1990 Howard & Kimberly Gore, Trustees

Lowell Hein

Ann Marie Perrelli

Raymundo Rios

R.oedlger Family, llC 10m fleming. Manager

Ronald H. Rothe Trust dtd U/7/95 Ronald H. Rothe. Trustee

Shirley Hein

Kathy liddle

Kathleen Tullus

Baxter Uving Trust Theodore and Judy Baxter, Trustees

. John Layne

JRL Uving Trust dated February 11, 2003 John R. Lemmons, Trustee

John Swenson

Gunter Vierthaler

Janice E. Boldenweck Trust Janice E. Boldenweck, Trustee

Novare Trust Theodore and Jean Bunten, Trustees

Lewis E. Hackett Revocable 1976 Trust Lewis & Louise Hackett, Trustees

John G. ShOemaker Trust John G. Shoemaker, Trustee

The Oukju 10m Revocable Trust, 2003 Anthony L Eishout, Power of Attorney

O'Neill Pine Company Richard Pine, President

Roxanne L Shoemaker Trust Roxanne I. Shoemaker, Trustee


Oskar R. Thurnher and Barbara J. Thurnher Trust dtd 12/19/05 Oskar and Barbara Thurnher, Trustees

Thomas Bernhardt

Irvin Brown

James Oraudt

Joy Flaxel

Douglas S. Green Revocable Trust dtd 11·20-1996 Douglas S. Green, Trustee

The Hiatt Family Trust William and Joyce Hiatt, Trustees

Pace 29 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 38 of 74 Page ID#: 36553

Page 39: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation



Karnopp's Selinsgrove, LLC

loYls' SeUnsgrove, LLC

Petersen's Selinsgrove, LLC

Pinelli's Selinsgrove, LLC

R Beaty's Selinsgrove, lLC

Rlos' Selinsgrove, LLC

S Beaty's Sennsgrove, LLC

Witsil's Selinsgrove, LLC


BLW's Hawthorne' Gardens, LLC

Calhoun's Hawthorne Gardens, LLC

Carey's Hawthorne Gardens, LLC

Cosgrove's Hawthorne Gardens, lLC

, Fall's Hawthorne Gardens, LLC

Fitzwater's Hawthorne Gardens, lLC

French Village's Hawthorne Gardens, lLC

Hufford's Hawthorne Gardens, lLC

Jay Shupack'sHawthorne Gardens, LLC

Johns' Hawthorne Gardens, LLC


Judy Shupack's Hawthorne Gardens, lLC

Legat'{ Management's Hawthorne Gardens, LLC

MiUnvest's Hawthorne Gardens, LLC

Porter's Hawthorne Gardens, LLC

Selker's Hawthorne Gardens, LLC

Thai's Hawthorne'Gardens,LLC

Wrobel's Hawthorne Gardens, LLC

Yarris' Hawthorne Gardens, LLC

Conover's Hawthorne at Greenville, LLC

McClelland's Hawthorne at Greenville, LLC

Prime's Hawthorne at GreelM1le, LLC

Resnick's Hawthorne at Greenville

Willoughby's Hawthorne at Greenville

Prien's Hawthorne Inn Cottages, LLC

Brown's Legat'{ Crossing, LLC

Flaxel's Legat'{ Crossing, LLC

Furnas'Legat'{Crosslng, LLC

Krause's legacy Crossing, LLC

Lesher's Legat'{ Crossing, LLC

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Karnopp Family Revocable Trust Darrell Karnopp, Trustee


Laura Marlene Kruft Trust dated June 20,1980 Laura Kruft Petersen, Successor Trustee

Frank Pinelli

Ray Beaty

Raymundo Rlos

Sherri Beaty

Ann Witsil

BLW Investments, LLC FrankUn Wong, Manager of Trio Investments, LLC, Managing Member

Marvin Calhoun

Carey Family Revocable Trust dated February 15, 2000 Edwin S. Carey, Trustee

Russell Cosgrove

Andrew Fall

Bruce Fitzwater

French Village, LP. James G. Rector, Manager of Recent LLC., General Partner

Rebecca Hufford


Samuel Johns

Judy Shupack

Legat'{ Management, LLC Kevin Wetherell, Treasurer of Rader Angus Ranch, Inc., Member

Milinvest II, LLC Robert E. Miller and Pamela R. Miller, Managers

Dean Porter

Michael Selker

Van Huynh

The Sparrow Fund Ridiard J. Wrobel and Penny H. Wrobel, Trustees

Yarris Family Trust dtd June 3,1992 Robert P. Yarris and Holly K. Yarris, Trustees

Alesla Conover

McClelland Family Trust Scott & Christina A. McClelland, Trustees

J. Wallace Gutzler

Rhonna Resnick

Canterbury Mobile Estates, LLC Alton o. Willoughby, Member

Margaret S. Prien Trust Margaret S. Prein, Trustee

Irvin Brown

Joy Flaxel

Christine Furnas

Krause 'Family Umited Partnership Lawrence B. Krause

Laurence Lesher

Page 30 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 39 of 74 Page ID#: 36554

Page 40: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

.~ r---

Still Creek Developments' Legacy Crossing. LtC

W1x's legacy Crossing. LLC

21st Street's legacy-Village, LLC

Baum's legacy-Village, ltC

Colomblnrs legacy-Village, LtC

Davis' lepcy-Vlllage, LtC '

Duggan's legacy-Village, LLC

Eastwood's Legacy-Village, LlC

F Walter'slega~Vlllage, LtC I

Garton's LegaCY-Village, LLC

Hecate's legaCY-Village, LtC

Highpointe's legacy-Village, LLC

J Undner's legacy-Village, LLC

J Walter's legacy-Village, LLC

K Brown's 'legacy-Village, LLC

K Marten's legacy Village, LLC

Kinsella's te8acy-Village, LLC

l Brown's te8acy-Village, lLC

UU-Gunnoe's legaCY-Village, lLC

Locust Tree Apartments legaCY-Village, ltC , Lo's legacy-Village, LtC

M Undner's Legacy-Village, lLC

Martin's Legacy-Village.lLC

Marvin Douma's legacy-Village. LLC

Mary Douma's legacy-Village, lLC

Miglionico's legacy-Village, LtC

Olcazaki'slegacy-Village, LtC

Rader Angus Ranch's Legacy-Village. LLC

Roediger's'legacy-Vlllage.'lLC i .

SU's Lega~Village. LtC

Smith's l~CY-Vlllage, LLC

Solomon's Legacy-Village. LtC

Stardust's Legacy-Village. LtC I

Stich's legacy-Village. LtC

Valentine's Legacy-Village. LtC

Watts' t.eSacy-Village, lLC

yost'slegai:y-Vlllage. lLC

~. .~. ...-....:.:. ,.-----., \ ....... " .... own ~""~oio· • .or CIa-..... o· •• lS

Still Creek Development Co. John M. Couch. Director

First Trust Company of Onaga. Custodian FBO John Robert'W1", Account #4102140075

,21st Street, LtC Jim L Lyon and Judy A. Lyon. Members

Franz Baum. Jr.

Howard 1550 LP. Rudy Colomblni. Member. Pacific Equities West. ltC. General Partner

Brett Davis

William R./ Mary E. Duggan Family Trust William R. Duggan III and Mary E. Duggan. Trustees

lee & laurie E. Eastwood Trust dated 5/9/2001 Lee Eastwood and laurie E. Eastwood. Trustees

Frank Walter

Garton Revocable Trust James R. Garton and Darlene R. Garton. Trustees

HeCate Holdings. LLCJoseph and Roberta Kurka. Members

Highpointe. Inc. l1mothy J. Katz. President

Janice Undner

JoAnn Walter

M. Katherine Brown

Kirk F. Marten Trust dated July 15. 1991 Kirk F. Marten. Trustee

Kinsella Investment Company. LLC Patrick L Kinsella. Manager

laurence Brown

Helen Uu-Gunnoe

Locust Tree Apartments. LtC Judy Lyon and Kathleen Morett, Operating ManaGers


Michael Lindner


Leon A. Martin and Melba L Martin Family Trust dated April 3. 1995 Leon A. Martin and Melba L Martin. Trustees

Marvin Douma

Mary Douma

, Debra Migllonico

Eldon Okazaki

Rader Angus Ranch. Inc. Kevin Wetherell. Treasurer

Roediger FamilY. LtC Kim Fleming, Manager

511, LtC Michael Mozelka, President

Francis Smith

Solomon Family Trust dated October 30. 2003 Rahel and Baroukh Sham ash. Trustees

Stardust Village, an Oregon Partnership Willis A. Byers. Rachel L Byers. Derald Hostetler. Melvena Hostetler. Partners

Victoria Stich

Christopher Valentine Trust U/A1D 1/29/98 Christopher Valentine. Trustee

GregWatts '

Dennis Yost

Page 31 of 65


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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 40 of 74 Page ID#: 36555

Page 41: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

~, :-----.

I Zarlder's Legacy-Village, liC

. Cvon Klein's Mountain View,LlC

D Jones' Mountain View, lit

Elshout's Mountain View,llC

Fitzwater's Mountain View, liC

Hansbrough's Mountain View, liC

J Jones' Mountain View, liC

J Talbert's Mountain View, lie

Kim's Mountain View, liC

L Hein's Mountain View, llC

L Talbert's Mountain View, liC

L von Klein's Mountain View, llC

·Probst's Mountain View, llC

SHein's Mountain View, liC

Adams' NOrthpark, liC

Bayer's Northpark, liC

Bottfeld's Northpark,llC

Bowman's Northpark, lLC .

Chinskey's Northpark,.lLC

Conover's Northpark, liC

D Guyette's Northpark, llC·

E Guyette's Northpark, liC

Greenwood's Northpark, liC

Hilsabeck's Northpark, liC

MtCallum's Northpark, liC

Next Step's Northpark,llC

Petrucelli's Northpark, liC

Windman's Northpark,lLC

A Takeuchi's Oaks at Riverstone, LLC

is Schulz's Oaks at Riverstone, liC

Beary's Oaks at Riverstone, liC

C Fuller's Oaks at Riverstone, liC

Circle H's Oaks at Riverstone, liC

D Schulz's Oaks at Riverstone, lie

D Takeuchi's Oaks at Riverstone, liC

Eva's Oaks at Riverstone, liC

Fender's Oaks at Riverstone, lLC

r---- ,...-I

,~, -. AI,-n.uuvlln Inin::;,,,.: Clain·.a ..... ··

Zarlder Family Trust Frank and Ruth Zarlder, Trustees

Carmen von Klein

Danny Jones

The Elshout Family Trust. 1999 Anthony & Sally Elshout. Trustees

Bruce Fitzwater

James Hansbrough

Judith Jones

Joanne Talbert

Kim DUkju; Anthony Elshout. POA

lowell Hein

larry Talbert

larry von Klein

Leo Probst

Shirley Heln

Jerry Adams

. Bayer Family Trust. 2003 UDT, December 3,2003 Anton Peter Bayer and Charlotte Emma Bayer, Trustees

Josh Bottfeld Trust dated August 4, 1997 Josh Bottfeld, Trustee

The Arthur and larue Bowman Family Trust Arthur L Bowman and larue H. Bowman, Trustees

Suzanne Chinskey

A1esla Conover

David Guyette

Elizabeth Guyette

Greenwood Associates,a California general partnership James T. Ulrich

Dennis Hilsabeck

The McCal.lum Family TruSt Michael MtCalium and Lois Blackford MtCallum, Trustees

Next Step HOUSing, LLC Herbert E. Uberman and Beverly M. Uberman, Members

The David Petrucelli and Gail L Petrucelli Trust dated F"ebruary 5, 1990 David Petrucelli and Gail L Petrucelli, Trustees

Windman Family Trust U/T/ A dated U/16/J!J88 Janet Windman and Martin Windman, Trustees

Alan Takeuchi

Barbara Schulz

The Ury and Arela Beary Uving Trust dated 10/31/J!J94 Ury Beary and Arela Beary, Trustees

Craig Fuller

Circle H. llC Kory Hamman, Managing Member

Douglas Schulz

Deborah Takeuchi

June Eva

The Fender Family Revocable Trust dated November 14, 2005 Nicholas Fender and Margaret Fender, Trustees


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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 41 of 74 Page ID#: 36556

Page 42: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

'~' ,-- :-,

G Leeds' Oaks at Riverstone, LLC

Gibson's Oaks at Riverstone, llC

Lobsenz's ()aks at Rlverstone, ll.C

M Fuller's'Oaks at Rlverstone,llC

MaCHugh'~ Oaks at Rlverstone, LLC

,Magnolia's Oaks at Riverstone, llC

Miller's Oaks at Rlverstone, llC

Next Step ,HoUSing's Oaks at Rlverstone, llC

Oakbrook Court's Oaks at Riverstone, llC

R Kavula's,Oaks at Riverstone, llC

Roshani's Oaks at Rlverstone, ll.C

S leeds' Oaks at Riverstone, LLC

S lobsenz's Oaks at Riverstone, llC , T Kavula's 'Oaks at Rlverstone, llC

Tafoya's Oaks at Riverstone, LLC


WAR. InVestment's Oaks at Rlverstone, ll.C

Vacobian's Oaks at Riverstone, llC

Cranwell's Oaks at Woodstock, llC

Duggan's Oaks at Woodstock, llC

Elliot's Oaks at Woodstock, LLC

Griggs' Oaks at Woodstock, llC

Jakofslcy's Oaks at Woodstock, LLC

Schil6nger's Oaks at Woodstock, llC i

Wagner's Oaks at Woodstock, LLC

G Fulop's ~arkview estateS Cottages, ll.C

Hackett's Parkview Estates Cottages,LLC

J Harper's Parkview Estate Cottages, llC

K Harper's,Parkvlew Estates Cottages, ll.C

L Harper's Parkview Estates Cottages, llC

M Fulop's Parkview Estates Cottages, ll.C

Quay Investments Buford, llC, a Washington llC

Schoell's Parkview Estates Cottages, LLC

Wainio's Parkview Estates, ll.C

Wilking Investments I Parkview Estates Cottages, llC

Currens' Parkway Village, LLC

DiCarlo's Parkway Village, LLC

Eva's Parkway Village, llC

--- ,......--.. ----- - ~

........ ''''I''own 'of ... ",,# .. Or CI~''''&4I''.~S

Gloria leeds Uving Trust Gloria leeds, Trustee

Very! G. Gibson Trust dated January 17, 2006 Veryl G. Gibson, Trustee

Charles Labsenz

Melanie Fuller

MacHugh's Preston Hollow, llC William A. MacHugh and Nancy M., MacHugh, Members

MagnoliaVentures, Inc. David Schreiber, President

The Miller Trust u/d/t 11/6/1997 Ronald L Miller and Marlo G. Miller, Trustees

Next Step Housing, LLC Herbert E. Ubennan and Beverly M. Ubennan, Members

Oakbrook Court, LLC John Brown, Member

Ron Kavula

Soleiman Roshani

Seth Leeds Uving Trust Seth leeds, Trustee

Serafina lobsenz

Terry Kivula

Alfred Tafoya

W.A.R. InveStment, llC William A. Read, Operating Manager

Ditran Vacoblan Trust dated 6/21/85 Dimn Vacobian, Trustee

Ron Cranwell

William ft./ Mary E. Duggan Family Trust William R. Duggan III and Mary E. Duggan, Trustees

M.A., Ud. Robert A. Elliot, General Partner

William GriggS

The Jakofsky Trust dated August 24, 1987 Leslie H. Jakofsky, Trustee

Frederick Schilfinger

William Wagner II

Gerald Fulop

Lewis E. Hackett Revocable 1976 Trust Lewis & Louise Hackett, Trustees

James Harper

Katherine Harper

Harper Uving Trust dated May 2, 1997 Lois Harper, Trustee

Melissa Fulop

Quay Investments Buford, llC Joe & Bobbl Kurka, Members of BJK Enterprises, LLC, Member

Schoell Revocable Uving Trust Erica Antonia Schoell, Trustee

Teresa Jeanne Wainio Family Trust Sid Woodbury, POA, Jeanne Wainio, Trustee

W!lking Investments VI, llC Charles M. O'leary, Manager/Member

David Currens

Domenit DiCarlo

June Eva


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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 42 of 74 Page ID#: 36557

Page 43: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

~ ..-- ~

Frederick's Parkway Village, LLC

Martin's Parkway Village, LLC

Patterson's Parkway Village, llC

Phillips' ParkWay Village, UC

Robbins' Parkway Village, UC

Smith's Parkway Village, UC

Whitesell's Parkway Village, LLC

Willoughby's Parkway Village, UC

Amin's Peachtree Village, UC

C Chinn's Peachtree Village, LtC

Dever's Peachtree Village, llC

Hildebrand's Peachtree ViIIage,llC

Keehn's Peachtree Village, UC

Kloutsiniotis' Peachtree Village, UC

Sena's Peachtree Village, UC

Sewell's Peachtree Village, llC

Stearns' Peachtree Village, UC

35th Avenue's Rosemont 6, UC

Billings' Rosemont 6, UC

ELWACO's Rosemont 6, LLC

Emry's Rosemont 6, UC

Fender'S Rosemont 6, llC

Henriksen's Rosemont 6, LLC

Hines' Rosemont 6, LLC

Klassen's Rosemont 6, LLC

L Daily's Rosemont 6, UC

Meyer's Rosemont 6, UC

Osterhout's.Rosemont 6, UC

Peabody's Rosemont 6, UC

Seim's Roseinont 6, llC .

T Dally's Rosemont 6, LLC

Wasson's Rc:isemont 6, UC

Wilson's R05~mont 6, UC

C Popham's Sugarland R1dge,llC

Knowlton's Sugariand Ridge, LLC

Muddy Creek's Sugarland Ridge, llC

Nielsen's Sugarland Ridge, UC


, I,.

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L r---: . .~ ~

An n.lluWn In." .. ".",,' Clair"'''''Q~

Ray Frederick, Jr.

Leon A. Martin and Melba L Martin Family Trust dated April 3, 1995 Leon A. Martin and Melba L Martin, Trustees

Patterson Family Trust u/tla dated June 7, 2001 Ronald L Patterson & Peggy J~ Patterson, Trustees

Rebecca Phillips

Norvelle and Betty Robbins Trust u.a.d. 5/7/04 Norvelle and Betty Robbins, Trustees


Decedent's Trust, UITI A W/24/86, FBO Jack Whitesell Jack R. Whitesell, Successor Trustee

Canterbury Mobile Estates, UC Alton O. Willoughby, Member


Carol Chinn

Kevin Dever

Hildebrand Tamara Family Rev. Trust Eric Hildebrand and Hubertha Tamara, Trustees

Christopher Keehn, a married man as his sale and separate property .

Kloutslnlotis Family Trust dated December 29, 2005 Constantin and Penny K1outslniotis, Trustees

Frederick Sena Uving Trust Frederick Sena, Trustee

Orville Sewell, Jr.

Cynthia Steams

860G-35th Avenue Assodates, UC Victoria P. Hansen and Mary Jane Blanton, Managers

24th South Development. UC Delyle Billings, Manager

ELWACO Umlted Partnership Eddie L Wilson and Judith M. Wilson, General Partners

John Emry

The Fender Family Revocable Trust dated'November 14, 2005 Nicholas Fender and Margaret Fender, Trustees

Henriksen Properties, UC Lynn Henriksen, Member

Kathleen Hines

Klassen TruSt Agreement dated December 5, 1997 Jack W. Klassen and Myrna L Klassen, Trustees

. Daily.Famiy PartnerShip, a California General Partnership Lawrence f. Daily, Authorized 'Representative

Meyer Family T~ Norman A. Meyer and Ingrid K. Meyer, Trustees

Osterhout Family Properties, LLC Glenn B. Osterhout, Manager

Gerald Peabody


Daily Family Partnership, a California General Partnership Timothy M. Daily, Authorized Representative

Robert Wasson

The Eddie L Wilson Uving Trust Eddie L Wilson & Judith M. Wilson, Trustees

Colleen Popham

2034 Pearl Street, UC David M. Knowlton, Manager

Gardner Muddy Creek Angus, llC Ronald S. Gardner, Managing Member

The Nielsen Family Trust dated June 6, 1997 Jesper Nielsen and Sandra G. Nielsen, Trustees

Page 34 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 43 of 74 Page ID#: 36558

Page 44: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

·- ,.....- F""-

R Popham's Sugarland Ridge. ltC

RWA's Sugarland Ridge. LtC

Hughessuinmlt House. LLC

James Kelly'sSummlt House. LLC

Judith Kelly's Summit House. ltC

Petersen's Summit House, ue Porter's Summit House. LtC

Singler's Summit House. LlC

Tower-lrvlne's Summit House. LtC

Tower's Summit House. LlC

Doyle's G~rdens. LtC

Earp-Thomas' Gardens. LtC

F Smith's Gardens. LLC

Gilbert's Gardens. LlC

H Gettman's Gardens. LLC

Hayes' Gaidens. LLC

Jeff Earp-Thomas' Gardens. LLC

Parmenter's Gardens. LlC

Sunde's Gardens. LlC

T and M', Gardens. LlC

T Gettman's Gardens. LLC

Whitesell's Gardens. LlC

Wielde's Gardens. LlC

A Geistlinger's Riverchase. LtC

Chinn's Riverchase. LtC

Divine investments' RIverchase. LLC

G Leeds' Riverchase. LLC

H Geistlinger's Riverchase, ltC

Larkin II Enterprises. LLC

Maxwell's Riverchase, LLC

Newcomer's RIverchase. LlC

Pinder's Riverchase. LLC

S Leeds' RiverChase. LLC

Sky-Vue's Riverchase. ltC

Zimmers' Riverchase. LLC

Bosque's Village at Lake Norman, ltC

Boyer's Village at Lake Norman. Ltc

~""""'4 .-. r-' -. -! : ........ " .. rawn •· .... ·"" .... Dr Chit .... Q",S

Ricky Popham

RWA, Inc. Robert W. Akers. President

Elaine Hughes

James Kelly

Judith Kelly

Laura Marlene Kruft Trust dated June 20.1980 Laura Kruft Petersen. Successor Trustee

The Christina S. Porter Revocable Trust Christina S. Porter, Trustee

Timothy Singler

. Mervelyn S. Tower Trust. 2002 Mervelyn S. Tower. Trustee

Mervelyn S. Tower Trust. 2002 Mervelyn S. Tower. Trustee

Tallmadge Doyle

Jacqueline Earp-Thomas

Francis Smith

Robert L. Gilbert and Laura D. Gilbert Uving Trust dated March 5. 1993 Robert L. Gilbert and Laura D. Gilbert, Trustees

H. Georgia Gettman

Todd Hayes

Jeff Earp-Thomas

Jody Parmenter

Sunde Family Trust Ronald R. Sunde and Torunn E. Sunde, Trustees

T and M Investments. LtC Timothy f. Keeton. Managing Member

Thomas Gettman

Decedent's Trust, U/T/A 10/24/86. FBO Jack Whitesell Jack R. Whitesell. Successor Trustee

The Wielde Family Uving Trust dated August 1.1995 Richard Wielde. Trustee

Anita Geisthnger

Judy Chinn

Divine Investments. LtC William Fisher; Manager

Gloria Leeds

Harry Gelstlinger

larkin II Enterprises. LtC Undell H. Van Dyke. Manager

The Jason S. and Kerry Po- Maxwell Family Trust dated October 8. 2003 Jason S. Maxwell and Kerry Po- Maxwell. Trustees

Newcomer Puyallup II. LLC William Newcomer. Member

Barbara Pinder

Seth Leeds

Sky-Vue Motelcorp. Inc. Scott Gross. President

Dr. Emory Zimmers. Jr.

Bosque Enterprises. LtC Harold M. Stoller. Managing Member

Boyer Uving Trust dated November 14, 2002 James & Barbara Boyer, Trustees

Page3S of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 44 of 74 Page ID#: 36559

Page 45: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

... - ;-..-. l""""-

Davis' Village at Lake Norman, lLC

English's Village at lake Norman, LLC

J Frank's Village at Lake Norman, LLC

JBL's Village at lake Norman, lLC

NlM Investment's Village at lake Norman, lLC

Keehn's Village at lake Norman, LLC

L Frank's Village at Lake Norman, LLC

lew's Village at Lake NOi'man, LLC

N DeVaney's Village at Lake Norman, lLC

R DeVaney's Village at lake Norman, LLC

Scherer's Village at lake Norman, LLC

Smith's Village at lake Norman, lLC

Staszewski's Village at Lake Norman, LLC

White's Village at lake Norman, lLC

Wilmar's Village at lake Norman, LLC

Yee'sylIIage at lake Norman, lLC

Zimmers' Viliage at Lake Norman, LLC

Altman's Waterford, LLC

Collins' Waterford, lLC

Dunn's Waterford, LLC .

Evonuk's Waterford, lLC

Ford's Waterford, lLC

Gellert's Waterford, LLC

Hallett's Waterford, LLC

Heintz's Waterford, lLC

Hoeppner's Waterford, lLC

Kimbrough's Waterford, LLC

Nimbus' Waterford, lLC

Parrish's Waterford, lLC

Smith's Waterford, LLC

Wasson's Waterford, LLC

Watson's Waterford, lLC

Williams' Waterford, LLC

Yarris' Waterford, lLC

Chappel's Waterford In Bellevue, LLC

o Glucksteln's Waterford in Bellevue, lLC

Daniels' Waterford In Bellevue, lLC i

,..-..... ~ A ... ·" •• 'U'Nn Inyc.;n.'.n~ Clai .... u •.• ,,;1;· --

Gordon Davis

. The English Uving Trust U.D.T. dated February 19, 1999, as to an undivided One-Half (1/2) Interest A. David English and Kathleen P. English, Trustees

James Frank

JBLlnvestments, LLC James Frank, Managing Member

JWM Investments, lLC John W. Maulhardt, Manager

Christopher Keehn, a married man as his sole and separate property


lew Family Trust, dated January 20, 1992 Marshall Lew and Jenny F. Lew, Trustees

Nancy DeVaney

Robert DeVaney

U.D.T. dated February 18, 1999, as to an undivided one-half interest, of The Scherer Uvlng Trust Robert A. Scherer and Charlotte D. Scherer, Trustees

The Nancy T. Smith Revocable Trust dated June. 14, 2000 Nancy T. Smith, Trustee

Staszewskl/Cristlnl Trust, established March 20, 1996 Abrasha Staszewski and Marla P. Cristinl, Trustees


The Wilmar Family Trust of 2005 Frederick B. Wilmar, Jr. and Carol V. Wilmar, Trustees

Vee Family Trust Jack G. Vee and Carmon L Vee, Trustees

Dr. Emory Zimmers, Jr.

Fruitvale Gardens, lLC Daniel Altman, Manager

Collins family Trust dated February 16, 1982 Michael H. Collins and Lourdes Collins, Trustees

MRD Properties, lLC Michael R. Dunn, Member

Philip W. Evonuk Trust dated March 30, 1999 Philip W. Evonuk, Co-Trustee

Colleen Holly-Ford, a married woman as her sole and separate property

Fred Gellert Trust Fred Gellert, Jr, Trustee

Michael Thomas Hallett Trust dated 4/24/2002 Michael Thomas Hallett, Trustee

Peter G. and Elizabeth A. Heintz Family Trust Peter G. and Elizabeth A. Heintz, Trustees

Gary Scott Hoeppner and Margaret Ann Hoeppner Revocable Uving Trust Gary Scott Hoeppner and Margaret Ann Hoeppner, Trustees

Kriss Kimbrough


Nimbus Properties, lLC Jack H. Randle and Carol Ann Randle, Trustees of the Jack H. and Carol Ann Randle Revocable Uving Trust dated October 5, 1999, as amended, Member

Stephen and Unda Parrish Family Trust Stephen W. Parrish and Unda M. Parrish, Trustees

The Cedi C. Smith Family Trust by Agreement dated Oct. 4,1993 Allan K. Smith, POA, Mary L Smith, Trustee

James Wasson

Stuart Watson

Gary & lori Williams Uving Trust dated 2/12/1990 Gary P. Williams and Lori I. Williams, Trustees

Yarris Family Trust dtd June 3, 1992 Robert P. Yams and Holly It Yarris, Trustees

Ellie N. Chappel Trust dated U-17-04 Ellie N. Chappel,Trustee

Dana Gluckstein

Great Valley Land Company, lLC Donald Daniels, Managing Member

Page 36 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 45 of 74 Page ID#: 36560

Page 46: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

..............- ,--- r--

r , !

Engine Co" #S's Waterford in Bellevue, U.C i

Jones' Waterford in 'Bellevue, U.C i '

Jubitz' Waterford in Bellevue, LLC

P Jubitz' Waterford In Bellevue, U.C

Parmente~s Waterford in Bellevue

R Gluckstein's Waterford in Bellevue, LLC

Sanc!'ez' Waterford in Bellevue, LLC

SRE's Waterford In Bellevue, LLC

linsley's Waterford In Bellevue, U.C

Williams' Waterford in Bellevue, U.C

GAC. Holdings IV, LLC

Green's Westbrook. Gardens, LLC

Hartmann's westbrook Gardens, U.C

Rosenblu~'s Westbrook Gardens, U.C

Whitt's Westbrook Gardens I, U.C

Whitt's Westbrook Gardens II, LLC

Wulfs Westbrook Gardens, LLC

Biller's Willow Creek, U.C

Braly's Willow Creek, U.C

Catholsam's Willow Creek, LLC

Chen's Willow Creek, LLC

CMc Center's Willow Creek, U.C

Couch's Willow Creek, U.C

E Bull's Willow Creek, U.C

G Leeds' Willow Creek, LLC

J Bull's Willow Creek, LLC

J Wiseman's Willow Creek, LLC

Johnstone's Willow Creek, U.C

K Wiseman's Willow Creek, LLC

Kalles' Willow Creek, U.C

louis' Willow Creek, LLC

Miglionlco's Willow Creek, LLC

Moreno's Willow Creek, LLC

Morris' Willow Creek, U.C

Murray's Willow Creek, LLC

Peters' Willow Creek, LLC

Poon's Willow Creek, LLC

-!' ,......- ,--. ~ ....--.., ;_ •• ..... ~own l .. , .. ~ .... .)r·CI.a.",.~ •.• s

Engine Co. #5, LLC Howard J. Larson, Manager

Jones Trust'Darold H. Jones and Joyce M. Jones, Trustees

Beatrice Jubitz

Peter Jubitz

Jody Parmenter

Rochelle Gluckstein

Raymond Sanchez

SRE Real Estate, LLC. Stephen R. England, Sole Member

John linsley

The Williams Family Trust Denise Williams, Trustee

GAC. Investments, LLC Garey & Jo-Ann Cosentino; Managers

Douglas S. Green Revocable Trust dtd 11-20-1996 Douglas S. Green, Trustee

Richard Hartmann

Karen Rosenblum

Whitt, Inc. Robert Whitt, President

Whitt, Inc. Robert Whitt, President

,Paul R. Wulf Revocable Uving Trust Paul R. Wulf, Trustee

Sandra Biller

Jacquelyn Braly

Catholsam Investments, Inc. Beatrice B. Slater, Pr~ident

Chen and Chin, Inc. Foo Yoon Chen, President '

Ovic Center Partners, Ud. GeoffreY H. Wood, President, Civic Center BREGP, Inc.; General Partner

Stili Creek Development Co. John M. Couch, Director

Elizabeth Bull

Gloria Leeds Uving Trust Gloria Leeds, Trustee

Jeffrey Bull

Jerry Wiseman

Johnstone Uving Trust dated 1/43/91 Arthur Frank Johnstone, Trustee

Kathy Wiseman

Albert J. Kailes Family Trust dated September 6, 1989 Albert J. Kailes, Trustee

Robert Louis

Wielde Family Uvlng Trust dated August 1.1995 Richard E. Wielde and Arydth M. Shultz-Wielde, Trustees

Malcolm Moreno

Morris Family Trust dated March 27, 1997 Anthony J. Morris and Sharon R. MOrriS, Trustees

Murray uving Trust dated 7/19/2000 Kevin Murray and Lynne Murray, Trustees

E. Marie,Peters, a married woman as her sole and sep~rate property

Poon Uving Trust dated 9/20/06 DominiC, Poon and Natalie Poon, Trustees,

Page 37 of 65


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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 46 of 74 Page ID#: 36561

Page 47: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

i"'--- roo-

S leeds' Willow Creek, llC

Santee's Willow Creek, LLC

Scampone's Willow Creek, llC

Slater's Willow Creek, llC

Ziebell's Willow Creek, llC

Agee's Wyndmoor, LLC

C Moore's Wyndmoor, LLC

Crosson's Wyndmoor, llC

Galadriel's Wyndmoor, LLC

Klassen's Wyndmoor, llC

Marten's Wyndmoor, LLC

Mauk's Wyndmoor, llC

Ross' Wyndmoor, llC

W Moore's Wyndmoor, llC

Wright's Wyndmoor,llC

Ziebell's Wyndmoor, llC


Krawayk's Cambridge Court, llC

Saleema's Cambridge Court, llC.

Schnell's Cambridge Court, llC

Seagraves' cambridge Court, llC

Seagraves' cambridge Court, llC

Seagraves' Cambridge Court, llC

Seagraves' Cambridge Court, llC

Seagraves' Cambridge Court, LLC

Travess' Cambridge Court, llC

Vander Stoep's Cambridge Court, LLC

Walsh's Cambridge Court, LLC

Whitaker's Cambridge Court, LLC

Carney's Eagle Lake Village, LLC­

Crew's Eagle Lake Village, llC

DeArmond'~ Eagle Lake Village, llC

l Fasano's Eagle LaJceVIliage, llC

M Fasano's Eagle Lake Vlllage,LLC

Owre's Eagle Lake Village, LLC

Carlisle's La~rel Gardens, llC

Chang's Laurel Gardens,llC

Elshout's Laurel Gardens, LLC

.r- ~, r-- ---A~""l\.lIu~n In\n::n;QI': Clair .. .an~; ~ .. -

Seth -Leeds Uving Trust Seth Leeds, Trustee

Santee Self Storage, LP. Dale R. Marquardt, PreSident, Buena Vista Venture, Inc., General Partner

Scampone Family Trust-dated August 15, 2001 August G. Scampone and Toni Sue Landry, Trustees

Beatnc:eB. Slater Family Trust Beatrice B. Slater, Trustee

Kim Ziebell


Carol Moore

Kyung Crosson

Galadrlel Properties, LLC Kenton R. Daniels and Patricia A. Daniels, Members

Klassen Trust Agreement dated December 5, 1997 Jack_ W. Klassen and Myrna L Klassen, Trustees

Kirk F. Marten Trust dated July 15, 1991 Kirk F. Marten, Trustee

Julie Mauk

Robert Ross

Winston Moore

James Wright

Kim Ziebell

Frank Krawczyk

Frank Krawczyk

Larry Schnell

James A. Seagraves Family Trust u.d.t. dated 8/1/91 James _Seagraves, Trustee

Bryan Johnston

Eric Meurer

Malcolm Read

M. Gregg Smith

George Travess

R. Tom Smith

Kieran Walsh

Dan Whitaker

Richard Carney

Crystal Peaks-Consulting, Inc. Kevin Crew

DeArmond Family llC Tom DeArmond, Manager

Louis Fasano

Margaret Fasano


Robert Carlisle

The Dukju Kim Revocable Trust, 2003 Anthony L Elshout, Power of Attorney

-The Elshout Family Trust, 1999 Anthony & Sally Elshout, Trustees

Page 38 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 47 of 74 Page ID#: 36562

Page 48: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

r-- r---. ..--

Freedman's·Laurel Gardens,llC

Ghirardo's :Laurel Gardens, llC

Huang's Orange, llC

Mcinerney's Laurel Gardens,llC

Hickman's Sundial, llC

Macoubray's Sundial, llC

NMCO Sundial, llC

Person's Sundial; llC

Tower's Sundial, llC

Truckee Z " Sundial, llC

Davis' Victorian Manor, llC

F Perachiotti's Victorian Manor, llC

Henriksen's Victorian Manor, llC

J Perachiottl's Victorian Manor, llC

Kirby's Victorian Manor, llC

Klee's Victorian Manor, llC

lavis' Victorian Manor, llC

Rusch's Victorian Manor, llC

Westbrook's Victorian Manor, llC

White's Victorian Manor, llC

A Geistllnger's Vi~ry Hills, llC

Brauburger's Victory Hills, llC

D Brutke's Victory Hills, llC

F Johnston's Victory Hills, llC

Garrett's Victory Hills, llC

H Geistlinger's Victory Hills, llC

Howden's Victory Hills, llC

K Johnston's Victory Hills, llC

l Brutke's Victory Hills, llC

la's Victory Hills, llC

MilUgan's Victory Hills, llC

Strykowski~s Victory Hills, llC

Valentine's Victory Hills, llC'

Dobrowski's Carriage Inn, llC

Oozois' Carriage Inn, llC

Gomes' Carriage Inn, llC

Lawrence's CarrIage Inn, llC

r-- .....- .- ,'-""'--" ~ ...... .,wn 1 ••• _~..Jr Cla ...• _ •. .s

lucille Freedman

Ashbury 545, LP Rudy Colomblni, Manager of Pacific Equities Group. llC, its GP

The Huang Family Trust dated 1996 Samuel and Suzanne Huang, Trustees

Michael Mcinerney

Karen Hickman

Macoubray Family Trust B dated August 9, 1979 Ruth Macoubray, Trustee

The New Millennium Company, LLC. Thomas Rutledge, Member-Manager

Person/Shuler Family Revocable Trust Elizabeth AIm Person and Robert T. Shuler, Trustees

Mervelyn S. Tower Trust, 2002 Mervelyn S. Tower, Trustee

TruckeeZ II, llC Becky Wallway, Manager

Gordon Davis

The Perachiotti Family Trust, 1996 Frank T. Perachiotti, Jr., Trustee

Jane Henriksen

The Jon lee Perachlottl Revocable Trust 1996 Jon lee Perachiottl, Trustee

Kirby Family Trust Irene M. Kirby, Trustee

Christopher Klee


Robert Rusch

2005 Westbrook Family Trust Stephen M. and J. Kathleen Westbook. Trustees


Anita Geistlinger

Brauburger Investment Corp. Norbert T. Bra'uburger, President

Dorothy Brutke

,---,-- ~

Frank Johnston III living Trust dated February 20, 2004 Frank Johnston III and Kathleen M. Johnston, Trustees

Garrett living Trust dated 11'23/01 Royce Garrett, Trustee

Harry Geistnnger

D.A. Howden Trust dated 4/19/1996 D.A. Howden, Trustee

. Kathleen M.Johnston UvingTrust dated February 20,2004 Kathleen M.Johnston and FrankJohnston III, Trustees

leo Brutke


Milligan Investments,llC Harvey & Carolyn Milligan, Members

The StrykoWski Family Trust Dated August 31, 2004 David Strykowski and Frances Strykowski, Trustees

linda Valentine Trust U/A/O 1/29/98 linda B. Valentine, Trustee

Francis Dobrowski

Sonja Oozols

Ronald Gomes

Sandra Lawrence

Page 39 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 48 of 74 Page ID#: 36563

Page 49: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

~ r--

Leet's Carriage Inn, UC

Maxwell's carriage Inn, UC

Metropolitan-lKBK, ltd.

Morgan's carriage Inn,LLC

Prime's carnage Inn, UC

Probst's Carriage Inn. UC

Stewart's Carriage Inn. UC


Stone's Carriage Inn. UC

Stout's carriage Inn, UC

Tsuchlyama's Carriage Inn, UC

Walker's Carriage Inn. UC

Wielde's carriage Inn, UC

Butler's Emerald Pointe, LLC

Eliopoulos' Emerald Pointe. UC

First Emer.:ld POinte, UC

. Gomes' Emerald Pointe. UC

Groshong's Emerald Pointe. UC

Lesher's Emerald Pointe. UC

Unda Beug's Emerald Pointe. UC

Ray Beug's Emerald POinte. UC .

Tsuchlyama's Emerald Pointe. UC ., Wainio's Emerald Pointe, UC

Woodard's Emerald POinte. UC

Kim Hemenway Middlefield Oaks, LLC

lund's Middlefield Oaks. UC

B. Retcher's Park View Estates. UC

8JK HoldinBs I. UC

Ewart's Pa~ View Estates, UC

K. Fletcher's Park View Estates. Ltc

McEntlre'~ Park View Estates, UC

Picatti's Park View Estates. UC

Scampone:'s Park View Estates, UC

Smith's Pari. View Estates. UC i .

Travess' Park View Estates. Ltc , A Lewis' Spring Village, UC

F Johnston's Spring Village. UC

K Johnston's Spring Village. UC

-- ~ I.


Jayne Leet

Barbara Maxwell


Metropolitan-LKBK, Ltd. Bryan Kastleman

. ~

""I n. .. "wn f. ... c.:..-Jr Cla ......... .s

Greystone Investments, UC George Morgan and Sandra Morgan, Members

Eddie Ward

Leo Probst


Michael D. Stewart and Mary Jude Stewart Trust Dated 1/15/98 Michael and Mary Stewart, Trustees

Lawrence Stone

J.M.T. Properties. Inc. Tom Stout. President

Alexis Tsuchlyama

Roland Walker

Wielde Family Uvlng Trust dated August 1. 1995 Richard E. Wielde and Arydth M. Shultz-Wielde. Trustees

The Butler FamliyTrust u/d/t 5/3/1989 Frank and Barbara Butler, trustees

Richard Eliopoulos

The Wielde Family Uving Trust dated August 1, 1995 Richard Wielde, Trustee

Ronald Gomes Trust Ronald A. Gomes. Trustee

Joel Groshong

Laurence Lesher

Unda Beug'

Ray Beug

Alexis Tsuchlyama

Teresa Jeanne Wainio Family Trust Sid Woodbury, POA, Jeanne Wainio. Trustee

Juanita Woodard

Chong Ae Kim Hemenway

Victor Jr. lund

The Kenneth B. & Cathy L Fletcher AB UvingTrust Kenneth B. and cathy L Fletcher, Trustees

BJK Holdings, UC Joe and Bobbl Kurka, members

Glenn Ewart

The Kraig and Unda Fletcher AB Uving Trust Kraig and Unda Fletcher, trustees

Teresa McEntire

Darlene Picatti

Toni landry

R. Tom Smith

George Travess

Arthur Lewis.

Frank Johnston III.

Kathleen Johnston

Page 40 of65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 49 of 74 Page ID#: 36564

Page 50: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation


M Lewis' Spring Village. llC

o Lewis' Spring Village. Ltc

Swiftsure Holdings I. llC

Tanacea's Spring Village, llC

White's Spring Village. llC

Arbrook Investment, Ltc

Bryans' Arbrook, Ltc


Divine Investments' Arbrook, llC

Burnside's Cache Valley, llC

Fulwiler's Cache Valley, llC

Hubbard's Cache Valley, llC

Matthews', Cache Valley, llC

Stiehl's Cache Valley. llC

Trevers' Cache Valley, llC

AUs's Cottonbloom, llC

Johnston's Cotton bloom, llC

Madsen's Cottonbloom, llC

Sulin's Cotton bloom, llC

TIerney's Cottonbloom, llC

Womer's Cottonbloom, LLC

Wright's Cottonbloom, llC

Edevia's Courtyard, LLC

Eliopoulos' Courtyard, LLC

First's Courtyard, llC

Jordan's Courtyard II, LLC

Jordan's Courtyard, LLC

Marques' Courtyard, LLC

Sulin's Courtyard, llC

Tallackson's Courtyard, llC

B Rupprecht's Forest Park, llC

C Rupprecht's Forest Park, llC

Cogan's FOrest Park, llC

Freedman's Forest Park, llC

Green's ~rest Park, LLC

Grieb's Forest Park, LLC

Johnson's Forest Park, LLC

P Jones' F'1rest Park, LLC

i' i ~

~ r- ~ -~ --'-~ _ ... c.Jwn t:' __ .Jr Cia, '. ;$


Mark lewis

Odessa Lewis

Swiftsure Holdings, LLC Joseph Kurka, Umlted Partner

Kendra Tanacea

Carol White

MaryV, Carver Trust 4/11/95 MaryV. Carver, Trustee

William M. Bryan Uving Trust dtd 1/16/98 'William M. Bryan, Trustee

Divine Investments, llC William Fisher, Manager

PatrIck Burnside

Jay Fulwiler

CH Investment Properties, llC Connie Hubbard, Managing Member

WHM Enterprises, llC William J. Matthews and Heidi J. Matthews, Members

Courtyards at Fairview, llC June Stiehl, Manager

Trevers Family Trust dated 11/15/2002 Richard Trevers and Dana labow Trevers, trustees

Janet E. Johnstun Uving Trust Robert JohnStun, trustee

Johnston third Family Umlted Partnership John H. and Marion E. Johnston, General Partners

Betty J, Madsen Revocable Trust dated 2/13/97 Betty J. Madsen, Trustee

los Banos Gravel Company, Inc., a California corporation Janine Falasco, CEO

Martin J. TIerney

Cathy Worner

James Wright

Macarlo Edevia

Richard Eliopoulos

Wieide Family Uving Trust dated August 1, 1995 Richard E. Wielde and Arydth M. Shultz-Wielde, Trustees

leslie Jordan Trust u/d/t, est. July 23, 1998 leslie Jordan, Trustee

Leslie Jordan Trust u/d/t, est. July 23, 1998 leslie Jordan. Trustee

Manuel E. Marques 2003 Uving Trust Manuel D. Marques, trustee

los Banos Gravel Company, Inc., a California corporation Janlne Falasco, CEO

Gerald Tallackson

Bruce Rupprecht

Carole Rupprecht

Irene Cogan

lucille Freedman Rev. Trust dtd 9/10/98 Ludne Freedman. Trustee

Norman E. Green Uving Trust u/d/t October 4, 2001 Norman E. Green, Trustee

Krista Grieb

Gregory Johnson

Patrlda Jones

Page 41 of 65,

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 50 of 74 Page ID#: 36565

Page 51: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation


Pollack's Forest Parle, llC

R Jones' Forest Park, llC

Romfa's F6rest Park, llC

Schrogin's Forest Park,llC

Slattery'S Forest Park, llC

Trombetta's Forest Park, llC

Dana Jones Grand Court, llC


Grand Court Investments, llC

Jones' Grand Court, LLC

Madeline Strafello

Richard & Patrida Johnsen

Alleman's Kensington, llC

Buonaccorsi's Kensington~ llC

Davies' Kensington, llC

G Leeds' Kensington, llC

Greb's Kensington, llC

J Rain~' Kensington, LLC

lam's Kensington, llC

M Rains' Kensington, llC

Minden's Kensington, LLC

Mozeika's Kensington, llC

Olson's Kensington, llC

Pickett's Kensington, llC

Pike's Kensington, llC

Prime Kensington, LLC

Raffety's Kensington, llC


S leeds' Kensington, LtC

Whipple's Kensington, LtC

Wiseman's Kensington, llC

Andrew Kim's Northwesterly, LLC

Aus' Northwesterly, LLC

Bulcher's Northwesterly, LtC

Dave Chrowl Northwesterly, LtC

Dean Chrow! Northwesterly, ltC

Doyle Northwesterly, LLC

Earp-Thomas Nort!'westeriy, llC

~ ~"" .~;~ .. ~ I-:::: .• -: •• ..,wn 'I~=~-=: Clak.~_._~~


Alan Pollack

Ronald Jones


Maxim D. Schrogin and Karen Harber 1996 Trust Maxim D. Schrogin and Karen Harber, trustees

Sherrick Slattery

Valentina Trombetta-

Dana Jones


Marcella Smith

Jennifer Maines

Madeline Strafello

Patrlda Johnsen

Bryant Alleman

Robert 8uonattorsi

Julia Davies Uving Trust Julia Davies, Trustee

Gloria leeds

Greb Revocable Uving Trust Agreement Dated Marth Z. 1988, as Amended George Greb and Annabella Greb, Trustees

Jo Lynn Rains

Ignatius Po-Cheung lam

James Rains

Geraldine Boldt

SII, LtC Michael Mazeika, President

Sandra Olson

TImberline River Ranch, LtC Norman Pickett, Member

Teton Park, LLC Kevin M. Pike and PenniE. Pike, Members

Teresa Matias

The Harry Raffety Trust David Raffety, benefidary

Seth leeds

Robert Blaine Whipple Trust Robert & Ines Whipple, Trustees

Northridge Properties, LtC Jerry D. Wiseman, Operating Manager

Andrew Kim

lake Point Properties, LLC. Alfred 8. Aus, Member

Brenda Bulcher



TaUmadge Doyle

Jeff Earp-Thomas


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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 51 of 74 Page ID#: 36566

Page 52: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation


Am Northwesterly, LLC

Gomes' Northwesterly, LLC

. Harder Northwesterly,LLC

leet's Northwesterly, LLC

Nieland's Northwesterly, LLC

P & K Northwesterly, LLC


Philip Kim's Northwesterly, LLC

Walker's Northwesterly,LLC

Ward's Northwesterly, LLC

Chamberlain's Park Place, LLC

Dobrowski's Park Place, LLC

Fabrycki's Park Place II, LLC

Fabrycki's Park Place tn, LlC

Fabrycki's Park Place, LLC

Arst's Park Place, LlC

Henvy's hrk Place, LlC

Kim's Park Place, LLC

Lake Point Spartanburg, LlC

Majack's Park Place, LLC

McHenry's Park Place, LlC

Park Place South Carolina, LLC

pfeiffer's Park Place, LLC

Piagentini's Park Place, LLC

Prime's Park PlaCe II, LLC

Prime's Spartanburg. u"C

Proffit's Park Place, LLC

Rock Creek's Park Place, LLC

Rutledge's Park Place, LLC ii

Tsuchiyania's Park Place, LLC

C Hanson's Richland Pines, LLC

C Hanson's' Richland Pines, LLC

o Kurtz's liichland Pines, LLC

G leeds' Richland Pines, LLC

Greater Oregon's Richland Pines, LLC

Gross' Richland Pines, LLC

Richland Pines Investments, LLC

Rios' Richland Pines, LLC

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Wielde Family Uving Trust dated August I, 1995 Richard E. Wielde and Arydth M. Shultz-Wielde, Trustees

Ronald Gomes

Fred Harder

Jayne leet

Kristi Nieland

Providence and Kinship ill, LLC Jeff Earp-Thomas

Philip Kim

Roland Walker

Eddie Ward

Weldon Chamberlain

Frands Dobrowski

Mark Fabrycki

Darin Fabrycki

Janice Fabrycki

Wielde Family Uving Trust dated August 1, 1995 Richard E. Wielde and Arydth M. Shultz-Wielde, Trustees

Patrida Henvy

Andrew Kim

Lake Point Properties. LLC. Alfred B. Aus, Member

Conrad MaJack

Jay McHenry


Barbara pfeiffer

Rodney pfeiffer

Leo Probst

Barbara Barsetti

Leslie Paula Proffit Uving Trust leslie Paula Proffit, Trustee

Rock Creek, Ltd. Mark DeVos, President of Sancor. Inc., its GP

47-51 Fales Street, LlC Thomas Rutledge, Member-Manager

Alexis Tsuchiyama

Cliff N. Hanson Trust dated April 26, 1993 Cliff N. Hanson, trustee

Oifford Hanson

Dan Kurtz

Gloria Leeds

Greater Oregon Leasing & Development, Inc. Ronald L Halter, Secretary/Treasurer

Sky-Vue Motel~rp, Inc. Scott Gross, President

Sterling Trust Company, Custodian FBO: Joseph H. Keeney

Raymundo Rios

Page 43 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 52 of 74 Page ID#: 36567

Page 53: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation


, . __ ·· .. ··l; .-:::",

S Hanson's Richland Pines, UC

S Hanson's Richland Pines, UC

S Kurtz's Richland Pines, UC


S lawrence's Richland Pines, llC

S Leeds' Richland Pines, UC

W lawrence's Richland Pines, LLC

Boudreau's Riverside at Belfair, UC

Dameron's Riverside at Belfair, LLC

Dubois' Riverside at Belfair, UC

Hilsabeck's Riverside at Belfair, LLC

Leeds' Riverside at Belfair, UC

Machugh's Riverside at Belfair, UC

Miller's Riverside at Belfair, UC

Nolte's Riverside at Belfair, UC

Pimilli's Riverside at Belfair, LLC

Prime Riverside at Belfair, UC

Richard's Riverside at Belfair, UC

A Miller's Pikesville, LLC

C Hanson's Pikesville, UC

C Hanson's Pikesville, UC

Dolan's Pikesville, LLC

Greb's Pikesville, LLC'

Gross' Pikesville, UC

M Miller's Pikesville, UC

Macoubray's Pikesville, LlC

Pekkola's Pikesville, LLC

Proffit's Pikesvile, UC

Redfield's Pikesville, UC

S Hanson's Pikesville, LlC

S Hanson's Pikesville, UC

Tower's Pikesville, LlC

Anderson's Carolina 7, LlC

B & T Smith's Carolina 7, UC

Bai's Caronna 7, LLC

Brandt's Carolina 7, UC

Buck's Carolina 7, UC ,

Camry's Carolina 7, LLC

,,~, =-- ~ ........ ~ ~.\ A; .. "".~.,," 1I\':=~C1air~:-'"

Sandra Hanson

San'dra K. Hanson Trust dated April 26, 1993 Sandra K. Hanson, trustee

Sydney Kurtz

Sandra lawrence

Seth leeds

William Lilwrence "

Richard Boudreau


William DubOis

Dennis Hilsabeck

Seth leeds

Wilfiam MacHugh

Ronald Mnler

Charles Nolte

Frank Pinelli

Richard Eisman

Richard Wielde

Miller Family Trust dated July 8, 1996 Arthur H. and Catherine A. Miller, trustees

Cliff N. Hanson Trust dated April 26, 1993 Cliff N. Hanson, trustee

Clifford Hanson

Mark T. Dolan Trust Mark T. Dolan, Trustee

.. ~.

Greb Revocable Living Trust Agreement Dated March 2, 1988, as Amended George Greb and Annabella Greb, Trustees

Sky-Vue Motelcorp, Inc. Scott Gross, President

Michael Miller, Trustee Michael Miller Living Trust

Macoubray Family Trust B dated August 9, ,.1979 Ruth Macoubray, Trustee

Dlirol Company, LLC Dennis Pekkola, Manager

leslie Paula Proffit Living Trust Leslie Paula Proffit, Trustee

Redfield Family Trust Will Redfield, Trustee

Sandra Hanson

Sandra K. Hanson Trust dated April 26, 1993 Sandra K. Hanson, trustee

Mervelyn S. Tower Trust,,2002 Mervelyn S. Tower, Trustee

Anderson Family Trust dated March 13, .1990 Richard and Brenda Anderson, Trustees

Bert Smith


Mari Brandt

Ranco Properties, lLC Richard W. Buclc, Member

.. ~

Camry, Ltd., Yellow Rose Mgmt., Inc., General Partner Todd Batiste, President, Yellow Rose Management, Inc., General Partner


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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 53 of 74 Page ID#: 36568

Page 54: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation


Carney's carolina 7, llC

Chen's Carolina 7, LLC

Doyle's Carolina 7, llC .

Fenner's. Caronna 7, llC

Funk's Carolina 7, llC

Golay's Carolina 7, llC

Gunnoe's Carolina 7, llC

Hawley's Carolina 7, llC

Hodson's Carolina 7, llC

J FIScher's Carolina 7, LLC

lewis' Carolina 7, lLC

Uang's Carolina 7, llC

M Fischer's C~rolina 7,llC

Nash's Carolina 7, llC

Parker's Carolina 7,llC

P~na's Carolina 7,.LLC

Rigali's Carolina 7, llC

S Smith's Carolina 7, llC I

Silversage's Carolina 7, llC

Siakey's Carolina 7,llC

Smith's Carolina 7,llC

Sturza's C~rolina 7, llC

lichinin's Carolina 7, llC , Waldau's Carohna 7, LLC

Altman's Cherry Oaks, llC

. ~ ~

Amberhill Properties' Cherry Oaks, llC

Desert Home Communities' Cherry Oaks, llC I

Kelly Hernlan's Cherry Oaks, llC

Ke~t Hernian's Cherry Oaks, llC

Rogers' Cherry Oaks, llC

C Chinn's Chestnut Hill, llC

C Tennison's Chestnut Hili, llC

Chinn's Chestnut Hill, llC

D Dunlap's Chestnut Hill, LLC

David Giambrone's Chestnut Hill, llC

Daylene Giambrone's Chestnut Hili, llC

E Zimmers' Chestnut Hill, llC

~ ~~.

Sean Carney

Eve Chen

~ ~ .'

",-" -. -'

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Recreational Holdings, LLC, a Washington limited liability company W. Scott Doyle and Patricia S. Doyle, Members

Carol Fenner

Jonathan Funk

Andrew Golay

Ron Gunnoe

.c::..:...--= ,:...--;.:-......... I


Thomas E. Hawley and Mary louise Hawley Family Trust u~der Agreement dated May 3, 1991 Thomas E. Hawley and Mary Louise Hawley as Co-Trustees

The William H. Hodson and Dorothy J. Hodson Trust dtd 8-~1-92 William H. Hodson and D,orothy J. Hodson, Trustees

Jean Fischer

Mark E. and Mary F. lewis Revocable Trust dated June 20, 2003 Mark E. and Mary F. lewis, Trustees

Yin Uang

Michael Fischer

, The R & P Nash Family Trust dated May 14, 1986 Ronald J. Nash and Patricia M. Nash, Trustees

2021 Virginia Street, llC Mary A. Parker and Donald G. Parker, Managers

The Pestana Family Trust dated March 8, 2004 James N. Pestana and Nadine Pestana, Trustees

Indigo Creek TIC 23, llC Elizabeth Rigali, Trustee, Elizabeth Rigali 2000 Revocable Uving Trust dated October 12, 2000

2002 The Woods, LLC. Suzanne M.B. Smith, Manager

Silversage, ltd., a Texas Umited Partnership Todd Batiste, President, Yellow Rose Management, Inc., General Partner

PENSCO Trust Company, Custodian FBO Philip B. Siakey, IRA Account ISLO 27

M. Gregg Smith

Sturza Family Trust dated 11/3/97 Thomas J. and Dixie L Sturza, Trustee.

Cynthia E. nchinln Uving Trust, dated August 31, 2OOS, and any amendments thereto Cynthia E. Tichinin, Trustee

Christina Waldau

The 1986 Altman Uving Trust. dtd 2/25/86 Daniel & Nancy Altman, Trustees

Amberhill Properties, LP Martin V. Overstreet, General Partner

Desert Home Communities, llC Steven Zank, Managing Member

Kelly Herman

Kent Herman

Betty Rogers

Carol Chinn

Corey Tennison

Judy Chinn

The David C. Dunlap Trust UIND January 23,2007 David C. Dunlap and Jeannine C. Dunlap, Trustees

David Giambrone

Daylene Giambrone

Dr. Emory Zimmers, Jr.

Page 45 ~f65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 54 of 74 Page ID#: 36569

Page 55: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

~ .. : .......-.-..

Gorter's Chestnut Hill, LLC

Graham's Chestnut Hill, LLC

Green's Chestnut HiII,LLC

J Dunlap's Chestnut Hill, Ltc

Jannace's Chestnut Hill, LLC

Jobe's Chestnut Hill, LtC

L Zimmers' Chestnut Hili, LLC

Miller's Chestnut HiI~ LLC


N DeVaney's Chestnut Hill, LtC

Nicolopulos' Chestnut Hili, LLC

R DeVaney's Chestnut Hill, LLC

Robertson Investments' Chestnut Hili, LLC

Rokris' Chestnut Hill, LLC

Schulz' Chestnut Hill, LLC

Semasko's Chestnut Hill, LLC

Sommer's Chestnut Hili, LLC

Staszewski's Chestnut Hill, LtC

TTennison's Chestnut Hill, ltC

Wanner's Chestnut Hill, LtC

Williams' Chestnut Hili, LtC

Zent's Chestnut Hill, LLC

Altman's Corinthians, LLC

C Williams' Corinthians, LtC

Derol's Corinthians, ltC

F Williams' Corinthians, LLC

Flaxel's Corinthians, LtC

Furcinite's Corinthians, LLC

Gargan's Corinthians, LLC

Hansbrough's Corinthians, LLC

Henriksen's COrinthians, LtC

McCartney's COrinthains, LLC

. Morgan's·Corinthians, LLC

Muela's Corinthians, LtC

P Johnsen's Corinthians, LtC

Perkins' Corinthians, LLC

R Johnsen's Corinthians, LLC

Rios' Corinthians, LLC

-- ~ ~ James Gorter

Charles Graham

William Green

--= ~:- -'-- ----. ,-~ ;...,:, ,,,, • .Jwn 1!· ....... ,OJO~d·r Clak~."_,,,.;:,=·


The David C. Dunlap Trust U/A/D January 23, 2007 David C. Dunlap and Jeannine C. Dunlap, Trustees

louis Jannace

Daniel Jobe

Unda Zimmers

The Miller Family Trust Richard Paui Miller and Joan Charlene Miller, Trustees

Nancy DeVaney

Ann Nlcolopulos

Robert DeVaney

Robertson Investments, LLC Kenneth L Robertson, Manager

Rokris LtC Robert E. Austin, Manager

Barbara Schulz

Semasko Uving Trust dated January 31, 1995 lohn E. Semasko and Mary Jane Semasko, Trustees

Judy Sommer

Staszewski/Crlstini Trust. established March 20, 1996 Abrasha Staszewski and Maria P. CrIstini, Trustees

Tobey Tennison

Janice Wanner

~\ ~

The Anthony James and Unda Valerie Williams Family Trust dated January 29, 2001 Anthony J. Williams and Linda V. Williams, Trustees


The 1986 Altman Uving Trust. dtd 2/25/86 Daniel & Nancy Altman, Trustees

Corinne Williams

Derol Company, LLC Dennis Pekkola, Manager

Frank Williams


Furcinite Family Revocable Trust U/ A/D 2/26/98 Joseph Furcinite, Jr. & Jane Furcinite, Trustees

Robert Gargan

James Hansbrough

Jane Henriksen

Janice McCartney

Greystone Investments,LtC George Morgan and Sandra Morgan, Members

David and Virginia Muela Family Trust dated 10/8/1990 David and Virginia Muela, Trustees

Patricia Johnsen

Edgar Perkins

Richard Johnsen

Raymundo Rios

Page 46 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 55 of 74 Page ID#: 36570

Page 56: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

-~: r---- f

Semasko's Corinthians, llC

Sentz's Corinthians, llC

Smith's Corinthians, llC

Strafello's Corinthians, LLC

Vacaville Investors' Corinthians, llC

Wainio's Corinthians, LtC

Westside's Corinthians, llC ,

Willoughby's Corinthians, llC

Woodbury's Corinthians, llC

Ben-Joseph's Heritage Oaks, llC

Carrillo's Heritage Oaks, llC

Downing's Heritage Oaks, llC

E Tea's Heritage paks,llC

Eastwood's Heritage Oaks, LlC

Fender's Heritage Oaks, llC .'

Hail's Herltllge Oaks, llC

Hergenred~s Heritage Oaks, llC

Hermach's Heritage Oaks, llC

J Tea's Heril:age Oaks, llC

Upsey's Heritage Oaks, llC

Macchiarula's Heritage Oaks, llC

Maclean's Heritage Oaks, llC

Marion Richter's Heritage Oaks, llC

Marlene Richter's Heritage Oaks, llC

Milito's Heritage Oaks, LLC

Mitchel's Heritage Oaks, ll~

Mkrtchyan's Heritage Oaks,·llC

Norfleet's Heritage Oaks, llC

Pirofski's Heritage Oaks, llC

Robinette's Heritage Oaks, llC

S lawrence's Heritage Oaks; LLC

W lawrence's Heritage Oaks, llC

W.A.R. Investment's Heritage Oaks, LlC

Williams' Heritage Oaks, llC

Baum's Champlin Shores,llC

Davis' Champlin Shores, llC

F Johnston's Champlin Shores, llC

~. ~ ~ ~ ~, ~, <".:...-.:,' .,...~ .~~~

A.: n..luwn In.!i;'~!,~! Clail.tQ"ea.;:l

Semasko Uving Trust dated January 31, 1995 John E. Semasko and Mary Jane Semasko, Trustees

Jill Sentz

Juanita Smith

Madeline Strafello

~ ~,

Vacaville Investors, a Nevada General Partnership Everett Johnston, Trustee, Everett H. Johnston Family Trust, Managing Partner

Teresa Jeanne Wainio Family Trust Sid Woodbury, POA, Jeanne Wainio, Trustee

Westside 1-2, llC Kenneth & Barbara Maxwell, Managers

Canterbury Mobile Estates, llC Alton O. Willoughby, Member

Woodbury Ascot, llC Sid Woodbury, Manager

The Ben-Joseph Family Trust dated August 10, 2000 Zvi Ben-Joseph and Rosalie Ben-Joseph, Trustees

Rebecca Carrillo

Kevin Downing

ErlZabeth Tea

Lee & laurie E. Eastwood Trust dated 5/9/2001 lee Eastwood and laurie E. Eastwood, Trustees

The Fender Family Revocable Trust dated November 14, 2005 Nicholas Fender and Margaret Fender, T~stees

Gregory Hall

Sherry Hergenreder

Hermach FamiiyTrust UTA dtd.12-17-2004 George R. Hermach and Martha Ruth Hermach, Trustees

John Tea

Michael Upsey

The louis Macchiarulo Revocable Uving Trust dated January 13, 1999 louis Macchlarulo, Trustee

Colin Maclean

Marion Richter

Marlene Richter

Kelly Milito

Steven Mitchel

Mkrtlch Mkrtchyan

Norfleet 1995 Uving Trust Mary Ann Norfleet, Trustee

Plrofsky/Plrofski 1985 Family Trust Florence Pirofski, Trustee of The Survivor's Trust

Sandra Robinette

Sandra lawrence

William lawrence

WAR. Investment, llC William A. Read, Operating Manager

The Anthony James and linda Valerie Williams Family Trust dated January 29, 2001 Anthony J. Williams and linda V. Williams, Trustees

Franz Baum, Jr.

SherRon Estates llC Ronald and Sherron Davis, Member

Frank Johnston III

Page 47 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 56 of 74 Page ID#: 36571

Page 57: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

,.....---. r-: ... . ~.

F Walter's Champlin Shores, UC

Groshong's Champlin Shores, UC

Hansen's Champlin Shores. LLC

Hecate Holdings. UC

J Walter's Champlin Shores. UC

J Wiseman's Champlin Shores. ue K Johnston~s Champlin Shores, UC

K Wiseman's Champlin Shores, UC

Martin's Champlin Shores, UC

Merrifield's Champlin Shores, UC

Milligan's Champlin Shores. UC

Moreno's Champlin Shores. ue

Olci's Champ/in Shores. UC

Stone's Champlin Shores. UC

Tallackson's Champlin Shores. UC

Tanacea's Champlin Shores. UC

lim Keeton Champlin Shores. UC

Zarider's Champlin Shores. UC

Acarregui's Cliff View. UC

Billings' Cliff View. LLC

Braly's Cliff View. UC

Arst's Cliff View. UC

Swenson's Cliff View. UC

Wetherell's Cliff View. ue Soot's Colonial Gardens. UC

Strafello's Colonial Gardens. UC

Brutke's Medallion. uc

Couch's Medallion. UC

Fabrycki's Medallion. LLC

Arst's Medallion. UC

Friesen's Medallion. UC

Geistlinger's Medallion. UC

Hume's Medallion. UC

Johnstone's Medallion. UC

Karadsheh's Medallion. UC

lee's Medallion. UC

Uma's Medalfion. llC


" ,. ....----.. ------... '--. ~~.---:--.~

.; •..•• _<own : __ •• _~.or Cl ...... _ •• ts

Frank Walter

Joel Groshong

Silver Creek Ventures. LlC Kent & Renita Hansen. Members

Huntington on Piper's Lane. LP Joe Kurka. President

JoAnn Walter

Jerry Wiseman

Kathleen Johnston

Kathy Wiseman


leon A. Martin and Melba L Martin Family Trust dated April 3. 1995 leon A. Martin and Melba L Martin. Trustees

Lyle Merrifield

Milligan Investments. UC Harvey & Carolyn Milligan. Members

Malcolm Moreno


Philip Stone

Gerald Tallackson

Kendra Tanacea

T and Mlnvestments. UC limothy F. Keeton. Managing Member

Zarider Family Trust Frank and Ruth Zarider. Trustees

John Acarregui

24th South Development, ue Delyle Billings, Manager

Jacquelyn Braly

Wielde Family Uving Trust dated August 1. 1995 Richard E. Wielde and Arydth M. Shultz·Wielde. Trustees

John Swenson

Rader Angus Ranch, Inc. Kevin Wetherell, Treasurer


Madeline Strafello

Dorothy Brutke

Stili Creek Development Co. John M. Couch, Director

Janice Fabrycki

Wielde Family UvingTriist dated August 1.1995 Richard E. Wielde and Arydth M. Shultz-Wielde, Trustees

Clifford and Mary Friesen Family Trust u/a/d 11/25/1996 Clifford Friesen and Mary Elizabeth Friesen, Co-Trustees

Anita Geistlinger

Gregory Hume

Johnstone Uving Trust dated 1/23/91 Arthur Frank Johnstone, Trustee

Mary Karadsheh

lee Family Trust u/d/t 10/3/1997 James and Arlene Lee, trustees

ehzabeth lima

Page 411 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 57 of 74 Page ID#: 36572

Page 58: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

--"". ,-Miirtin's Medallion, LtC

Probst's Medallion, llC

Smee's Medallion, LLC

Stone's Medallion, LtC

Travess' Medallion, LtC

Brown's Park Place, LtC

FISh Investments, llC

FMI Park ~.Iate. llC


Fremont Manor's Park Plate,llC

Johnsen's Park Place, llC

Kauer's Pa~k Place, llC

Merrifield's Park Place, LtC

Prime Park Place, LtC

Rhonna Resnick, llC ,

Root's Park Place, LtC j

Salem Eye :ainie's Park Place, LtC

Shaboss PoIrk Place, llC i

VRT. LtC ,

Boudreau's Southpark, llC I

Brutke's Southparli, llC

Bulther's Southpark, llC

Butler's Southpark, llC

Couch's Southpark, LtC

Earp-Thomas' Southpark. llC

Flrst's South park, llC

Hume's Southpark, llC

Martell's South park, LLC

Morgan's Southpark, LtC

Morlta's Southpark, LLC

Probst's Southpark, llC

Roediger'sSouthpark, llC

Brauburger's Sun Mountain. LtC

C Valentine's Sun Mountain, llC

Chen's Sun Mountain, llC

. Ewart's Sun Mountain. LtC

F Berardi's Sun Mountain. llC

F Walter's Sun Mountain, UC

~ ~ ~ f-~ .~ .-. 'N .. .... own I...G ... Dr Cla· •••• w.nS

leon A. Martin and' Melba l. Martin Family Trust dated April 3. 1995 leon A. Martin and Melba l. Martin. Trustees

Leo Probst

Novelyn Smee

Philip Stone

George Travess

Jordan Brown

Gerda Fish

Rrstmark, Int. Defined Benefit Pension Plan Robert l. Dunn. Trustee

Fremont Manor Apartments. LLC Rozell Gilmore, member

Patrida Johnsen

R & B Kauer Investments. llC Ray & Barbara Kauer. Members

lyle Merrifield

Three M Plus L Family Umlted Partnership Paul Murphy. General Partner

Rhonna Resnick

Catherine Root

Jordan Brown

Jordan Brown

Vistontl Residual Trust Judith K. VIsconti. trustee

Kathy Boudreau

Dorothy Brutke

Brenda Bulcher

The Butler Family Trust u/d/t 5/3/1989 Frank and Barbara Butler. trustees

Still Creek Development CD. John M. Couth. Direttor

ProvIdente and Kinship III, llC Jeff Earp-Thomas

Wielde Family Uving Trust dated August 1. 1995 Rithard E. Wielde and Arydth M. Shultz-Wielde. Trustees

Gregory Hume

Martell, llC Bernard Martell. Member

Greystone Investments. LLC George Morgan and Sandra Morgan. Members

Bessie S. Morita Revocable Trust Morgan MOrita. POA

leo Probst

Roediger Family. LLC Kim Fleming, Manager

Brauburger Investment Corp. Norbert T. Brauburger, President

Christopher Valentine Trust U/A/D 1/29/98 Christopher Valentine, Trustee

Chen and Chin, Int. FaD Yoon Chen, President

Glenn Ewart

Frantes Berardi

Frank Walter

Pa~e 49 of (;~\

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 58 of 74 Page ID#: 36573

Page 59: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

·~ --.j'. .~.

Furclnite's Sun Mountain, LlC

G Leeds'Sun Mountain, UC

Greb's Sun Mountain, UC

, Hallet's Sun Mountain, LtC

Hilsabeck's Sun Mountain, ltc

Howden's Sun Mountain, LtC

J Henricksen's Sun Mountain, llC

J Walter's Sun Mountain, LtC

Jordan's Sun Mountain, LtC

K Brown's Sun Mountain, LlC

Kim's Sun Mountain, ltC

L Berardi's Sun Mountain, ltC

L Brown's Sun Mountain, ltC

L Henriksen's Sun Mountain, UC

L Valentine's Sun Mountain, LLC

laFollette's Sun Mountain, LtC

luchsinger's Sun Mountain, LtC

McEntire's Sun Mountain, UC

Mozeika's Sun Mountain, LtC

Murphy's Sun Mountain, LlC

Murray's Sun Mountain, LlC

Nager's Sun Mountain, ltC

Olson's Sun Mountain, LLC

Pekkola's Sun Mountain, ltC

Rader's Sun Mountain, ltC

S Leeds' Sun Mountain, UC

Scampone:s Sun Mountain, Ltc

Schnell's Sun, Mountain, UC

Stiehl's Sun Mountain, ltC

Swezey's Sun Moutain, ltC

Wielde's Sun Mountain, ltC

Boyer's Tanner Spring. LtC i

Erickson's Tanner Spring. LtC

G Feuz's T~nner Spring. LLC

Green's Tanner Spring, LtC

Heinmert'~ Tanner Spring. ltc

Hilsabeck's Tanner Spring. ltC

-r::--- r---- .~ - ~.

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Furclnlte Family Revocable Trust UIND 2/26/98 Joseph Furcinite, Jr. & Jane Furcinlte, Trustees

Gloria Leeds


Greb Revocable Uving Trust Agreement Dated March 2, 1988, as Amended George Greb and Annabella Greb, Trustees'

Michael Thomas Hallett Trust dated 4/24/2002 Michael Thomas Hallett, Trustee

Dennis Hilsabeck

DA Howden Trust dated 4/19/1996 D.A. Howden, Trustee

Jane Henriksen

JoAnn Walter

NTC & Co. FIIO teslie Faith Jordan PRI, Account 11031038031650

M. Katherine Brown

Philip Kim

louis Berardi

Laurence Brown

lynn Henriksen

Unda Valentine Trust U/ND 1/29/98 Unda B. Valentine, Trustee

Kathy laFollette

Joseph Luchsinger

Teresa McEntire

SII, UC Michael' Mozelka, President

Three M Plus l Family Umited Partnership Paul Murphy, General Partner

Murray Uving Trust dated 7/19/2000 Kevin Murray and Lynne Murray, Trustees

Andreas Nager

Sandra Olson

Derol COIl1pany, LtC Dennis Pekkola; Manager

Barbara G. Rader Trust u/d/t 8/19/1994 Barbara G. Rader, Trustee

Seth Leeds

Toni landry

Larry Schnell

Courtyards at Fairview, LtC June Stiehl, Manager

Swezey Joint Trust Agreement dated February 17, 2004 John and Shirley Swezey, Co-Trustees

Wielde Family Uving Trust dated AugUst 1, 1995 Richard E. Wielde and Arydth M. Shultz-Wielde, Trustees

Boyer Uving Trust dated November 14, 2002 James & Barbara Boyer, Trustees

Erickson Uving Trust dated 1/14/2004 Ronald Erickson and Unda Erickson, trustees

Gwyneth Feuz

Katherine Storey Green Rev. Trust Katherine Storey Green, Trustee

R. Lynne Hemmert

Oennis Hilsabeck

Page SO of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 59 of 74 Page ID#: 36574

Page 60: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

! ~.!: ~

J Feuz's Tan~er Spring, lle

Johnson's T~nner Spring, lie


L Merrifield's Tanner Spring, LlC

loke,lie i Ji

M Merrifield's Tanner Springs, lle

Milligan's Tanner Spring, LlC

Pinelli's Taniler Sprlng,Ue

Woodbury's Tanner Spring, lie

Adam Walsh Sanddollar Court, LlC ,

Hicks Sandollar Court, lie

Hilsabeck's Sandollar Court, lie

Lauren's Sandollar Court, lie

Sandollar Court Investors I, liC

Sandollar Court Investors II, lie

Sandollar Court Investors III, liC

Sandollar Court Investors rI, liC

Smith's Sandollar Court, lie

Travess' Sandollar Court, lie

Walsh Sandollar Court, LlC

Brutke's Bluegrass, lie

Oarke's Bluegrass, LlC

Couch's Bluegrass, liC

Earp-Thomas' Bluegrass, lie

Am's Bluegrass. lie

G Freeburg'S Bluegrass, lle

Garrett's Bluegrass, lie

J Freeburg's Bluegrass, lie

Lake Pointe Terrace at Bluegrass, liC

Langford's Bluegrass, lle

Lee's Bluegrass,lle

M Pickens BluegraSs, lie

Martin's Bluegrass, lie

, Moreno's Bluegrass, lle

Morris' Bluegrass, lie

Prime Bluegrass, LlC

Roediger's Bluegrass, liC

Schnyder's Bluegrass, lie

~ ~ -r-- - ~ ~'.. '. '.~

Au .," .... In',._~"",,· Clah\u .... '""-~

John Feuz

Bock Johnson

Lyle Merrifield

Penny Bamard

Misty Merrifield

Milligan Investments, LLe Harvey & Carolyn Milligan, Members

Frank Pinelli

Sid Woodbury

Adam Walsh

Brian Hicks

Dennis Hilsabeck

Ken Lauren

Joel Groshong

The Wielde Family Living Trust dated August 1, 1995 Richard Wielde, Trustee

Linda Keizer

Gloria Leeds

R. Tom Smith

George Travess

Ardemis Walsh

Dorothy Brutke

Robert Clarke

Still Creek Development Co. John M. Couch, Director

Earp-Thomas Trusts/Survivor's Trust Jacque6ne T. Earp-Thomas, Trustee

M~rris Family Trust dated March 27, 1997 Anthony J. Morris and Sharon R. Morris, Trustees

Gisela Freeburg

Garrett living Trust dated 1/23/01 Royce Garrett, Trustee

James Freeburg

Lake Point Properties, LLC. Alfred B. Aus, Member

Langford Family Trust Robert Langford, Trustee

Lee Family Trust u/d/t 10/3/1997 James and Arlene lee, trustees

Marda Pickens

Leon Martin

Fern Moreno

Morris Family Trust dated March 27, 1997 Anthony J. Morris and Sharon R. MOrriS, Trustees

Aserve ISS & Co. Trustee FBO, Thomas Mock

Roediger Family, llC Kim Fleming. Manager

Alma Schnyders

P.ce 51 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 60 of 74 Page ID#: 36575

Page 61: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

~ ~, ~

T Picken's Bluegrass, tiC

A Gullickson's Autumn Parle Cottages, LLC

J Gullickson's Autumn Parle Cottages, LLC

Sherrell's Blossom Yalley Cottages, LLC

Tappe's Blossom Yalley Cottages, tiC

lierney's Blossom Yalley Cottages, LLC

Worner's Blossom Yalley Cottages, LLC

Hubbard's Woodburn, LLC

Judy Bonn's Woodburn, LLC

Schneiders WODdburn; UC'

Sullivan's WODdburn, LLC

Thompson's Woodburn, LLC

EM Bull Springs Holdings, LLC

Alleman's Chesterley Cottages

Bolewicz's chesterley Cottages, UC

J Smith Chesterley Cottages, UC

Jordan Trust's Chesterley Cottages, tiC

R Smith's Chesterley Cottages, tiC

Thomas' Chesterley Cottages, UC

Whitt's Chesterley Cottages,LLC

Cine's Clovis, LLC

Hubbard's Covis, LLC

Lundrigan's Covis, LLC

SUva's Covis, tiC

Langford's Fairview, UC

Perkins Fairview II, LLC

Perlcins Fairview, LLC

Soot's Fainllew, tiC

West Hills Fairview, tiC , Avarette Gems, UC

Helen Hasting Bennet Trust

leland's Gemstone, UC

The Vernon. Company

o Hemmert's Hobbs, LLC

Doubrava's Hobbs, UC

Holt's Hobbs, LLC

l Hemmert's Hobbs, UC

,....- ~ ~ .----... ~ -. -, ----. '" - .:.. .... n ... .:own l, .• ';,:n.or Cla .... Clliln5

Thomas Pickens

Anna GuUickson

James Gullickson

David Sherrell

Rodney Tappe

Martin J. lierney

Cathy Womer

CH Investment Properties, UC Connie Hubbard, Managing Member

Judy Bonn


William and Waltraud Schneider Trust dated AprilS, 1995 William and' Waltraud Schneider, trustees

Christine Sullivan

Charles Thompson

Eric Meurer

Bryant Alleman

Bolewlcz Family Trust dated August 25, 2004 Barry M. Bolewicz & Unda Bolewlcz, Trustees

Jerry Smith

Leslie Jordan Trust u/d/t. est. July 23, 1998 Leslie Jordan, Trustee

Roberta Smith

Charles Thomas

Whitt, Inc. Robert Whitt, President

Cline Uving Trust dated 6/2/1998 Craig and Cherie Cline, trustees

CH Investment Properties, LLC Connie Hubbard, Managing Member

Kevin Lundrigan

The Carmen A. Silva 1993 Trust Carmen A. Silva, Trustee

Langford Family Trust Robert Langford, Trustee

The Perkins Family Trust dated March 29, 1995 Robert E. and carrie P. Perkins, co-trustee

The Perkins Family Trust dated March 29, 1995 Robert E. and Carrie P. Perkins, co-trustee


West Hills Enterprises, Inc. 401 (k) Profit Sharing Plan Kenneth L Robertson, Trustee

Beauford Averette

Helen Hastings Bennett Helen Hastings Bennett, trustee


The Vernon Company Jim Munson

Diann Hemmert

Armella Doubrava

Whlt-Mil-Town Apt., Inc. Raymond Holt, President

R. lynne Hemmert

Page 52 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 61 of 74 Page ID#: 36576

Page 62: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

~, .~ ~

Moore's Hobbs, llC

Barrett's Meadowlark Cottages, llC

Davis' Me~dowlark Cottages, llC

Allen's Oregon Gardens, LLC

Davis' Oregon Gardens, LLC

Am's Oregon Gardens, llC

Prime Oregon Gardens, llC

Walter's Oregon Gardens, LLC

Gascho's Poulsbo, LlC

Hughes' Poulsbo, LLC

Rodney and Marcia Byers' Poulsbo, LLC

Tappe's Poulsbo, LlC

Willis & Rachel Byers Poulsbo, LlC

J~hnston's Bluffs, LLC

Shumaker's Bluffs, LLC

Steinmetz's Bluffs, LLC

G Smith's Rose Valley Cottages II, LlC

Jacobson's Rose Valley Cottages II, LlC

Under's Rose Valley Cottages II, LLC

Six Trust's Rose Yalley Cottages II, LlC

Six's Rose Valley Cottages II, LLC

T Smith's Rose Yalley Cottages II, LLC

Doubrava's Sequim, LLC

Hawley's Sequim, LLC

Seely's Sequim, tic

Smith's Sequim, LLC

Walker's Sequim, LLC

Wielde's Sequim, LLC

Womer's Sequim, LLC

Zink's Sequim, LLC

Alexander Partner's Avondale, LlC

Bryan's Avondale, LLC

Ferrari's Avondale, LLC

Haber's Avondale, LLC

Roos' Avondale, LLC

Waldau's Avondale, LlC

White's Avondale, LLC

~ ,~

" ~ ~ I

i. .. " .. own h •• c ... oJr Clai .... ui ...

Kenneth B. Moore Trust. u/ald January 3, 1996 Kenneth B. Moore, trustee

.""-----.. ,...-.--- -------.,

The Barrett Family Revocable Trust. under Second Restated Joint Revocable Trust Agreement dated July 14, 2005 lral D. Barrett and Gwen A. Barrett, Trustees

Davis Company, LLC James E. Davis, manager

Jack Allen

SherRon Estates LLC Ronald and Sherron DaviS, Member

Wielde Family Uving Trust dated August 1, 1995 Richard E. Wielde and Arydth M. Shultz-Wielde, Trustees

Jack Allen

Frank Walter

The Eugene R. and Judith A. Gascho Trust Eugene and Judith Gascho, trustees

Elaine Hughes

The Rodney Lee and Marda Kathryn Byers Trust dated 11/9/1993 Rodney Lee and Marda Kathryn Byers, trustees

Rodney Tappe

Rachel Byers

. EVMAR Investors Everett Johnston, managing partner

Shumaker's, Inc. Jerry D. Shumaker and Dianne L. Shumaker, members

Steinmetz Umited Partnership Wade Steinmetz. General Partner

Gloria B. Smith Uving Trust Robert D. Smith, co-trustee

National investor Services Corp. FBO: Karen Jacobsen

Doris Under

Marjory E. Six Trust Garnet M. Six and Gordon J. Six, co-:trustees

Gamet Six

Thomas W. Smith Uving Trust Robert D. Smith, co-:trustee

The Doubrava Uving Tnist Louis and Armella Doubrava, trustees

Thomas Hawley

Justus Seely

R. Tom Smith

Richard Walker

Wielde Family Uving Trust dated August 1,1995 Richard E. Wielde and Arydth M. Shultz-Wielde, Trustees

Cathy Womer


Alexander Partners, LlC Lawrence Mathews, Member.

Bryan Family Trust Jack & Margueritte Bryan, Trustees

Ferrari Family 1989 Trust dtd 7/18/1989 Alfred A. & Carolyn C. Ferrari, Trustees

2002 Robert J. Haber and Harriet K. Haber Revocable Trust Robert J. Haber and Harriet K. Haber Trustees

Roos Uving Trust dated January 21. 2004 Scott Roos and Denise Roos, Trustees

Christina Waldau

The Karen Solomon and William B. White 2006 Revocable Trust Karen Solomon and William B. White, Trustees

Page 53 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 62 of 74 Page ID#: 36577

Page 63: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

~ .~. .r--

Couch's Broomfield, LLC

Giguere's Broomfield, LLC

Heller's Broomfield, LLC

Heller's Broomfield, LLC

Henderson's Broomfield, LLC

Henriksen's Broomfield, LLC

Hepp's Broomfield, LLC

Lawrence'~ Broomfield,.LLC

Miles' Broomfield, LLC

Soot's Broomfield, LLC

Stone's Broomfield, LLC

Waller's Broomfield, LLC

Weeks' Broomfield, LLC

Weeks' Broomfield, LLC

Eliopoulos' Absaroka und, LLC

Gustafson's Absaroka Land, LLC

J Fischer's Absaroka Land, LLC

M FIScher's Absaroka Land, LLC

Maurer's Absaroka Land, LLC

Michael Johnson's Absaroka Land, LLC

Molly Johnson's Absaroka Land, LLC

Mueller's Absaroka Land, LLC

Oates' Abs~roka Land, LLC

Shillington~s Absaroka Land, LLC

Stritzke's Absaroka Land, LLC I: .

Deter's Cordova Cottages, LLC

Tweed's C~rdova Cottages, LLC i.

Whitt's Cordova Cottages II, LLC ,.

Whitt's Cordova Cottages, LLC

Alkhafaji's Cottonwood Land, LLC

Barnhart's Cottonwood Land, LLC

Bensink's Cottonwood Land, LLC

o Fischer's .Cottonwood Land, LLC

o Ross' Cottonwood Land, LLC

o Ross' Cottonwood Land, LLC

English-Paul Cottonwood Land, LLC

Fasano's Cottonwood Land, LLC

r--- ,---, . ~ ~ . ~ : r---. _ : ... , ...• own •..• ~~.or Cl ...... u .. !s

r'-~ ~ {~

Still Creek Development Co. John M. Couch, Director

Raymond C. Giguere, Jr. Revocable Uving Trust ~ressa Giguere Perry and Wayne M. Willhaus, President of Investments Holding Corporation, Co-Trustees

Heller Irrevocable Trust Arthur M. Heller, Trustee

Arthur Heller

RWH Spousal Trust Sandra L Henderson, TrUstee

Jane Henriksen

H Four Bar Company, LLCJames B. Hepp and Phyllis A. Hepp, Managing Members

Dennis R. Lawrence Trust dated February 10, 1988 Dennis R. Lawrence, Trustee

Naomi L Miles Revocable Trust Naomi L Miles, Trustee


Philip Stone Revocable Trust dated 3/26/l!J93 Philip Stone, Trustee

Waller Family Revocable Trust Peter M. Waller and Regina S. Waller, Trustees

Valley Sage Properties, LLC. Daniel C. and Mella L Bedell, Managers

Weeks Land Company, LC. Mella L Bedell, Manager

Richard Eliopoulos

J. Eric Gustafson

Jean F"lScher

Michael Fischer

Unda Maurer

Michael Johnson

Molly Johnson

Fred Mueller

James Oates III

Mary Ann Shillington

Debra Stritzke

Carol Deters

Tweed Family, LLC. Gayle Tweed, Member

Whitt, Inc. Robert Whitt, President

Whitt, Inc. Robert Whitt, President

A1khafaji Revocable Uving Family Trust u/a dated October 31, 1995 Riyadh Alkhafaji and Khulood Alkhafaji, Trustees

Barnhart Trust dated May 25, 1988 Ralph L Barnhart and Dorothy Barnhart, Trustees

Marilyn Bensink

Debbie Fischer

Dorothy Ross

Dorothy Ross

English Paul Family Uving Trust Don & ilene Paul, Trustees

Elisa Fasano

Page 54 of 65


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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 63 of 74 Page ID#: 36578

Page 64: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

~.-.:: .~ ......-

Glasser's Cottonwood Land. LLC

Kelly's COttonwood Land. UC

Kiefer's Cottonwood Land. LLC

Koch's Cottonwood Land. UC

Krause's Cottonwood Land. llC

O'leary's Cottonwood Land. UC

Petshow's Cottonwood Land; UC

R Fischer's Cottonwood Land. LLC

W Bensink's Cottonwood land. llC

W Ross'·Cottonwood Land. LLC

W Ross' Cottonwood Land. LLC

C Pittock's Drake's Landing. UC

Clark's Drake's Landing. UC

Corkum's Drake's landing. LLC

E Plttock's Drake's Landing. UC .

.Knowlton's Drake's Landing. UC

Mansker's Drake's Landing. UC

Martin Family's Drake's landing.llC

Meyer's Drake's landing. UC

Peters' Drake's landing. llC

Stuber's Drake's Landing. UC .

Vlasak's Drake's Landing. UC

Barlevy's Fort Bragg. LLC

Ben-Joseph's Fort Bragg. UC

Garcia's Fort Bragg. LLC

Gorman's Fort Bragg. UC

Hemmert's Fort 8ragg. UC

Henriksen's Fort Bragg.LLC

Merys' Fort Bragg. UC

Norfleet's Fort Bragg, LLC

Pirofski's Fort Bragg. LLC

Sebesta's Fort Bragg. UC

Smith's Fort Bragg. llC

Stuber's Feirt Bragg. UC

Wasson's Fort Bragg. LLC

C Thomas' :Framatone, uc Cornell's Fral'!'atone. UC

I ,-.- r-- 'f"--::- ~ --. .-----.=-. ,,"~ ......:.:----..

r.. ... ",:n\lWn h'1lt'C:. .. dr Cla~ .... CIi"'~

I Glasser family Uving Trust dated July 5; 1994 Raymond J. Glasser, Trustee

The Wilham Dale Kelly and Joan Hull Trust. dated October 23. 1990 William Dale Kelly aka Dale Kelly and Joan Hull. Trustees

John Kiefer

Louise Anne Koch Revocable Tr!I5t Robert carl Koch, Trustee

Krause Family Umlted Partnership Bemelle Krause. Trustee. The Krause Faniily Trust, dated August 8. 1990, General Partner

Wilking Investments V, UC Charles M. O'Leary. Manager

Petshow Family Umited Partnership John Dean Petshow. General Partner

Ron Fischer

William Bensink

Wesley Ross

Wesley Ross

Charles Pittock

Clark Trust dated August U. 1993 William J. Clark and Barbara L Clark, Trustees

Dick and June Corkum Joint Uving Trust, u/tla dated July 18. 2005 Dick M. Corkum and B. June Corkum. Co-Trustees

Esther Plttock

2034 Pearl Street, UC David M. Knowlton. Manager

The Sharon L Mansker Revocable Trust Agreement Dated May U. 1995 Sharon L Mansker. Trustee

Martin Famiiy Properties. UC Joanne Talbert. Trustee of the Vivian R. Deffenbaugh Trust u/I/d 6/22/98. Member

Meyer Trust dated 1/2S/2001 Andrew McDonald Meyer and Lucy Ann Meyer. Trustees

C. Ronald Peters

The Stuber Family Trust dated 2/29/1988 Leah Stuber. Trustee

Edwin Vlasak

Rllena Barlevy

The Ben-Joseph Family Trust dated August 10. 2000 Zvi Ben-Joseph and Rosalie Ben-Joseph. Trustees


Jack Gorman

R. Lynne Hemmert

Henriksen Properties. LLC Lynn He.nriksen. Member

Rodney Merys

Noifleet 1995 living Trust Mary Ann Norfleet, Trustee

Pirofsky/Pirofski 1985 Famil~ Trust Florence Plrofski. Trustee of.The Survivor's Trust

Rowan Sebesta Trust dated June 17. ;1998 Rowan Sebesta. Trustee

Smith family Trust dated January 20. 2005 Ernest F. Smith and Socorro Q. Smith. Trustees

The Stuber family Trust dated 2/29/1988 Leah Stuber. Trustee

James Wasson

Charles Thomas

Steven f. and loraine S. Cornell Trust dated December 8. 1998 Steven F. Cornell and loraine S. Cornell. Trustees


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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 64 of 74 Page ID#: 36579

Page 65: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

-, , ' '

~~. ~.

Elliot's Framatone, llC

JCHB Properties Framatone, LtC

JHCB Properties Framatone, LtC

L Karasek's Framatone, 'LtC

leonard's Framatone, LtC

luchsinger's Framatone, LtC

McCuis~'s Framatone, llC

Nelson's Framatone, UC

o Thomas', Framatone, LtC

Peabody's ~ramatone, LtC

Stoller's F.amatone, LtC

T Karasek'~ Framatone, llC "

Dobrowski's Garden Estates Cottages,llC,

Gore's Garden Estates Cottages, lLC

Murphy's Garden Estates Cottages, llC i ,

Newcomer's Garden Estates Cottages, llC

Poole's Garden Estates Cottages, llC

Earp-Thomas' Garden Way Land, llC

Highpoint~'s Garden Way Land, LLC

M weave~~ Garden Way Land,llC

N Weaver's Garden Way Land,llC

Altman's Graham's Ferr{, LLC

D Friesen's,Graham's Ferr{,llC

F Moreno's Graham's Ferry, llC

Henriksen's Graham's Ferr{, llC

J Knudsen's Graham's FerTv, llC

Lake POint's 'Graham's Ferr{, llC

M Knudsen's Graham's Ferr{, llC

Milligan's Graham's Ferr{, LtC

N Epler's Graham's Ferry, llC

Probst's Graham's Ferry, LtC

R Epler's Graham's Ferry, llC

R Moreno's Graham's Ferry, llC

S Friesen's Graham's Ferry, LLC

S Lawrence's Graham's Ferry, llC

Swezey's Graham's Ferry, llC

Tanacea's Graham's Ferry, llC

t-- .~ ,....--.....""" -----....-......

.MA, Ud. Robert A. Elliot, General Partner

JHCB Properties, LtC Judy B~er, Manager

JHCB Properties, LLC Judy Baxter, Manager

Lois Karasek

William leonard

Joseph Luchsinger

Greg McCuish

, ~,~

J.... ...... ,.,wn II •• ___ .tr ClaL. •. _ ••• ";

Nelson Family Trust dated May 23, 2001 Donald & Sarita Nelson, Co-Trustees

Opal, Thomas

Gerald Peabody

Barbara Stoller

Thomas Karasek

Dobrowski Family Trust dtd. 3-12-92 Francis & Patricia Dobrowski, Trustees

The Gore Family Trust created 'Feb. 17, 1990 Howard & Kimberly Gore, Trustees

Mary Murphy

Newcomer Puyallup II, llC William Newcomer, Member

. ...:..-.~

Marianne Poole Uving Trust UDT dated 7/15/1998 Marianne Poole and Robert E. Pool, Co-Trustees

Earp-Thomas Trusts/SUrvivor's Trust'Jacqueline T. Earp-Thomas, Trustee

Highpointe, Inc. TImothy J. Kotz, President

Michael Weaver

Nancy Weaver

Fruitvale Gardens, llC Daniel Altman, Manager

Darrel Friesen

Ferd Moreno

Jane Henriksen

James Knudsen

Lake Point Properties, LLC. Alfred B. Aus, Member

Morissa Knudsen

Milligan Investmel)ts, llC Harvey & Carolyn Milligan, Members

Nell Epler

leo Probst

Robert Epler

Ruby Moreno

Susan Friesen

Sandra Lawrence

Swezey Joint Trust Agreement dated February 17, 2004 John and Shirley Swezey, Co-Trustees

Kendra Tanacea


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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 65 of 74 Page ID#: 36580

Page 66: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

- :~ I

W lawrence's Graham's Ferry, lLC

Barnhart's Highland land, LLC

Chittenden's Highland land, liC

Euchner's Highland land, liC

Farley's Highland land, LLC

Jensen's Highland land,ut

Kennicott's Highland land, liC

Altman's lacey Care, liC

BBNWs lacey Care, liC

Darlene Anderson's lacey Care, LLC

Donald Anderson's Lacey Care, liC

G Hume's lacey Care, lLC.

Hiatt's lacey Care, liC

Olson's lacey Care, lLC

Peters' lacey Care, liC

S Hume's lacey Care, LLC

Stone's lacey Care, lLC

Brule's Yakima School, lLC

Deer Run's Yakima School, LLC

Gochnour's Yakima School, lLC

Hughes' Yakima School, liC

J Knudsen's Yakima School, lLC

Knudsen's Yakima School, liC

la Noue's Yakima School, lLC

Utochleb's Yakima School, lLC i

M Knudsen's Yakima School, lLC

Murphys' Yakima School, lLC

Nelson's Yakima School, liC

Poss' Yakima School, LLC

VanderHouwen's Yakima School, liC

Vierthaler's.Yakima School, liC

A Henson's Post Falls, liC

Fasano's PoSt Falls, liC

Hausner's Post Falls, lLC

Henriksen's Post Falls, LLC

J Henson's Post Falls, LLC

Kauer's Post Falls, liC

r-- ~'

I .~, ,~~ r-- ~ ',---, .'--':--:

A ... · .. u,"'wn In._ ... v{ Claii ........ ..,.

William lawrence

Barnhart Trust dated May 25, 1988 Ralph L Barnhart and Dorothy Barnhart, Trustees

Chittenden & Chittenden Robert Chittenden, Partner

Paul Euchner

John Farley

Fred Jensen Properties, liC Fred Jensen, Member

Frank Kennicott Corporation Marda Drager, President

Fruitvale Gardens, liC Daniel Altman, Manager

BBNW, Inc. William Brantley, President

Darlene Anderson

Donald Anderson

Gregory Hume

The Bernard D. Hiatt Uving Trust Bernard Hiatt, Trustee

Sandra Olson

E. Marie Peters, a married woman as her sole and separate property

Shelley Hume

Philip Stone Revocable Trust dated 3/26/1993 Philip Stone, Trustee

Donald Brule

Deer Run Farm Umited Partnership Ronald & Barbara Ebel, Co·Tttees, Ebel Fam. Trust

George Gochnour

Judith Hughes

James Knudsen


Morris Knudsen Revocable Uving Trust Marissa Camille Knudsen-Smith, Sale Successor Trustee

------. ------, ---,

la Noue Development lLC Mark la Noue and Christine Rollins la Noue, Co-TrusteeS of the Mark la Noue and Christine Rollins la Noue Trusts, Members

Catalina Utochleb

Marissa Knudsen

Mary Murphy

larry Nelson

Victoria Blernacke

Marguerite VanderHouwen

Peter Vierthaler

Annis Henson

Fasano Family, LLC louis J. Fasano, Member


Jill Hausner Trust, dated March 18, 1996 as Amended bV First Amendment to Trust rltla dated November 5, 2004 Jill Whitney Newcomb Hausner, Trustee, or a Successor Trustee

Henriksen Properties, liC Lynn Henriksen, Member

James Henson

R & B Kauer Investments, liC Ray & Barbara Kauer, Members

page 57 Clf65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 66 of 74 Page ID#: 36581

Page 67: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

; .~! ,



Muller's P~st Falls, LLC

Palmer's Post Falls, LLC

Romfo's Post Falls, UC

Siakey's Post Falls, LLC

Acarregul'~ Prairie Ridge, LLC

Derol's Prairie Ridge, UC

F Berardi's Prairie Ridge

Hansen's Prairie Ridge, LLC t

Henriksen's Prairie Ridge, LLC

L Berardi'; PrairIe Ridge, LLC

Lake Point's Prairie Ridge, LLC

M Pickens' Prairie Ridge, LLC

McEntire's Prairie Ridge, LLC

Soot's Prairie Ridge, UC

T Pickens' Prairie Ridge, LLC

Weeks' Prairie Ridge, LLC

Weeks' Prairie Ridge, UC

Allen's Atwater Land, UC

Anderson's Atwater Land, UC

Barnhart's Atwater Land, UC

Boyer's Atwater Land, LLC

Coates' ~ater Land, LLC

G Feuz' Atwater Land, LLC

Glasser's Atwater Land, LLC

Green's Atwater Land, LLC

Hemmert's Atwater Land, UC

J Feuz' Atwater Land, LLC


L Merrifield's Atwater Land, UC

M Merrifield's Atwater Land, LLC

Meiswinkel's Atwater Land, LLC

Milligan's Atwater Land, LLC

Pinelli's Atwater Land, LLC

Ritter's Atwater Land, LLC

Sioate-lewis' Atwater Land, UC

C Pippus' Puyallup Land, LLC

Copeland's Puyallup Land, LLC

Dowling's Puyallup Land, LLC

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The Eh)ah Trust, UAD. U/6/07 FBO Margaret A. Muller Margaret A. Muller, Trustee

Donald Palmer

Bruce Romfo

Jeanette Siakey

John Acarregui

Derol Company, LLC Dennis Pekkola, Manager

Frances Berardi

Silver Creek Ventures, LLC Kent & Renita Hansen, Members

Jane Henriksen

louis Berardi

Lake Point Properties, LLC. Alfred B. Aus, Member

Marda Pickens

Teresa Mcentire


Thomas Pickens

Valley Sage Properties, LLC. Daniel C. and Mella L Bedell, Managers

Weeks Land Company, LC. Mella L Bedell, Manager

Jack and Paul'la Allen Living Trust dated 3/27/1996 Jack and Paul'la Allen, Trustees

Mark Anderson

Barnhart Trust dated May 25, 1988 Ralph L Barnhart and Dorothv Barnhart, Trustees

Boyer Uving Trust dated November 14, 2002 James & Barbara Boyer, Trustees

Vernon Coates, Jr.

Gwyneth Feuz

Glasser Family Living Trust dated July 5, 1994 Raymond J. Glasser, Trustee

Katherine Storey Green Rev. Trust Katherine Storey Green, Trustee

R. Lynne Hemmert

John Feuz

Lyle Merrifield

Misty Merrifield

Carolyn Meiswinkel

Milligan Investments, LLC Harvey & Carolyn Milligan, Members

Frank Pinelli

The Ruth D. Ritter Revocable Trust'Robert P. Ritter and Ruth D. Ritter, Trustees


The Sioate-Lewis Uving Trust dated March 24, 2004 Johnnie Roland Sioate and Doreen Paulette Lewis, Trustees

Charles Pippus

Billy Copeland

Dowling Family Trust Kevin F. Dowling and Mary F. Dowling, Trustees

Page 51! of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 67 of 74 Page ID#: 36582

Page 68: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

--- ~ 6-1 Properties' Puyallup land, liC

Gardner's Puyallup land, LtC

Gorman's Puyallup land, liC

James Lyon's Puyallup land, LtC

Judy Lyon's Puyallup land, LLC

Knowlton's Puyallup Land, LLC

M Stawinski's Puyallup land, liC

N Pippus' Puyallup land, LLC

Perry's PuYallup Land, LLC

Powell's PuYallup land, LtC

Shillington's Puyallup Land, LLC

Singer's Puyallup Land, LLC,

Stawlnski's Puyallup Land, liC

Stuber's Puyallup land, LLe

Vance's Puyallup Land, LLC

Deter's Regal Estates Cottages, LtC

Monred's Regal Estates Cottages, LLC

Rokris Regal Estates Cottages, LLC

Six's Regal Estates Cottages, LLC

Tweed's Regal Estates Cottages, LLC

B 'Gardiner's Smart Park Land, LtC

Fuller's S"1art Park land, LLC

Gochnour's Smart Park Land, liC

Greb's Smart Park Land, LtC

Hensel's Smart Park Land, LLC

Jardine's Smart Park Land, LLC

, Kaufman's Smart Park Land, LLC

Knudsen's ,smart Park Land, LLC

Meurer's Smart Park Land, LLC

Nelson's Smart Park Land, liC , Park's Smart Park Land, LLC

R Gaidine.j's Smart Park Land, LtC

Schnell's slnart Park land, liC

Thompsori'~ Smart Park Land, liC

VanderHo:men's Smart Park Land, LLC

o Dupre's Sunshine Village, LtC

Kirby's Sunshine Village, LtC ;

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G-1 Properties, LtC John M. Gorup and Hallie J. Gorup, Member

Gardner Muddy Creek Angus, LLC Ronald S; Gardner, Managing Member

Jack Gorman

James Lyon

Judy' Lyon

2034 Pearl Street, LLC David M. Knowlton, Manager

Margaretta Stawinski

Nadia Pippus

Anthony Perry

Mary Angela Powell Revocable Trust dated 1/26/07 Mary Angela Powell, Trustee

Mary Ann Shillington

Arnold Singer Residuary Trust Donald S. Singer, Trustee

'Walter Stawinski

The Stuber Family Trust dated 2/29/l!J88 Leah Stuber, Trustee

Vance EnterpriSes, Inc. Carol Vance, President

Carol Deters

Monred, LtC David McCain, Mem,ber

Rokris LtC Robert E. Austin, Manager

Garnet Six

Tweed Family, LLC. Gayle Tweed, Member

Brenda Gardiner

William Fuller

George Gochnour

Greb, LLC George Greb and Annabella Greb, Managing Members

Caroline Hensel

Jan Jardine

Gary Kaufman

James Knudsen

Eric Meurer

Douglas Nelson

Christopher Myers

Robert Gardiner

larry Schnell

Arst Trust Company of Onaga FBO Robert G. Thompson, Account 114102138801

Marguerite VanderHouwen

Dennis Oupre

Judy Kirby

Page 59 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 68 of 74 Page ID#: 36583

Page 69: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

~. -----N Oupre's;Sunshine Village, LLC

i Peters' Sunshine Village, 1LC

Whitesell's Sunshine Village, 'LLC

A Howell'sSweetwilter Springs, LLC i.

Connor's Sweetwater Springs, LLC

DeVos' Sweetwater Springs, 1LC

Oates' Sweetwater Springs, LLC

R Howell's Sweetwater Springs, 1LC i·

A Carney's Vista Pointe, 1LC

A Geistlinger's Vista POinte, LLC

A Miller's Vista Pointe, LLC

A Miller's Vista Pointe, 1LC

Acarregui's Vista Pointe, 1LC

Barrett's Vista Pointe, LLC

Barrett's Vista POinte, 1LC

C Blass' Vista Pointe, LLC

C Palmer's Vista Pointe, LLC

Oark's Vista POinte, LLC

Clark's Vista Pointe, 1LC

Connor's Vista Pointe, LLC

o Blass' Vista Pointe, 1LC

o Carney's Vista Pointe, LLC

o Dunlap's Vista Pointe, LLC

o Hemmert's Vista POinte, LLC

o Palmer's VIsta Pointe, 1LC

David Giambrone's Vista POinte, LLC

Daylene.Giambrone's Vista POinte, 1LC

Gudeman's Vista /!ointe, LLC

H Geistlinger'sVista Pointe, 1LC

Hashek's Vista POinte, 1LC

Hergenreder's Vista POinte, 1LC

J Dunlap's Vista Pointe, LLC

J Vreeland's Vista Pointe, LLC

Johnson's Vista Pointe, 1LC

Kaufman's Vista POinte, 1LC

L Hauck's Vista POinte, LLC

Lew's Vista Pointe, LLC

.,.-- ~ r--- ."'~

~Ir""' .".,.own ,,, .•• :_ .. 100r Clc. .... · ..... ~ .. ts

Nancy Dupre

C. Ronald Peters Profit Sharing Plan C. Ronald Peters, Trustee

Survivor's Trust, utr IA lfJ/24/86, FBO Jack WhltesellJack Whitesell, Successor Trustee

Aileen McGee Howell Revocable LMng Trust dated May 22 Unden Albert Howell, Attorney-in-Fact

Philyn Investment Group, Umlted Partnership Phillip A. Connor and Carolyn L Connor, Managers, Philyn Management Services, LLC, General Partner

Patrida deVos

James Oates III

Rex Unden Howell Revocable Uving Trust dated May 22, 1998 Unden Albert Howell, Attorney-in-Fact

Alexandra Carney

Anita Geistlinger

Anne Miller

Anne Miller

Christopher Acarregul


The Barrett Family Revocable Trust, under Second Restated Joint Revocable'Trust Agreement dated July 14, 2005 lral D. Barrett and Gwen A. Barrett, Trustees

The Barrett Family Revocable Trust, under Second Restated Joint Revocable Trust Agreement dated July 14, 2005 lral D. Barrett and Gwen A. Barrett, Trustees

Caren Blass·

Candice Palmer

Stephen R. Clark-Appraisal & Consultant, Inc. Defined Benefit Pension Plan Stephen R. Oark, Trustee

Stephen R. Oark-Appraisal & Consultant, Inc. Defined Benefit Pension Plan Stephen R. Oark, Trustee

.Philyn Investment Group, Umlted Partnership Phillip A. Connor and Carolyn L Connor, Managers, Philyn Management Services, LLC, General Partner

David Blass

David Carney

The David C. Dunlap Trust U/A/D January 23,2007 David C. Dunlap and Jeannine C. Dunlap, Trustees

Diann Hemmert

Donald Palmer

David Giambrone

Daylene Giambrone

Richard H. Gudeman Uving Trust dated July 21, 2004 Richard H. Gudeman and Janice C. Gudeman, Trustees

Harry Geistlinger

John Hashek

Sherry Hergenreder

The David C. Dunlap Trust U/A/D January 23, 2007 David C. Dunlap and Jeannine C. Dunlap, Trustees

Judith J. Vreeland Trust, u/a/d November 24, 1999, as amended James M. Vreeland and Judith J. Vreeland, Trustees

First Trust Company of Onaga FBO .Ronald M. Johnson, account #4102139897

Gary Kaufman

lois Hauck

Lew Family Trust, dated January 20, 1992 Marshall Lew and Jenny F. Lew, Trustees

page 60 of 65

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 69 of 74 Page ID#: 36584

Page 70: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

r-- ~

M Hauck's Vista POinte, LLC

M Schmaedick's Vista Pointe, llC

Mattson's Vista POinte, ltC

Muth's Vista Pointe, llC

Muth's Vista POinte, LtC

Nancy's Vista POinte, LtC

Nevls'Vista Pointe, llC

R Hemmert's Vista POinte, llC

R Schmaedick's Vista POinte, llC

Reierson's Vista POinte, llC

Romfo's Vista Pointe, llC

Romfo's Vista Pointe, ltC

. Rutledge's Vista Pointe, llC

Seabold's Vista Pointe, LLC

Stone's Vista POinte, llC

Stritzke's If"lSta Pointe, ltC

Thompson's Vista POinte, llC

llchinin's Vista POinte, LLC

Vreeland's Vista POinte, LLC

W Miller's Vista POinte, LtC

W Miller's Vista Pointe, LtC

Wulfs Vista POinte, ltC

G Travess' White Cliff, LLC

Goodman'~ White Cliff, LtC

M Travess' White Cliff, ltC

Morrison'sWhite Cliff, ltC ;. ,

Strafello's White Cliff, ltC

Tallaclcson;s White Cliff, llC

Weeks' White Cliff, llC , Weeks' white Cliff, llC

Clark's Hol1day lane Cottages, llC

Rietz's Holiday lane Cottages, llC

1ierney's ~oliday lane Cottages, ltC

Worner's Holiday lane Cottages, llC

Altman's Kuebler land, llC .'

Fairhaven's Kuebler land, LtC

Hale's Kuebler land, LLC

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Mark Hauck

Mary Schmaedick

Donna Mattson

Edward Muth

Edward Muth

liIi Nancy Restated Trust Agreement dated May 22, 2002 Debra Wollaston, Trustee

The Nevis Family Trust U/A/D 4/1/94 Richard L Nevis, Trustee

R. Lynne Hemmert

Ronald Schmaedick

KIm Reierson

Bruce Romfo

Bruce Romfo

The New Millennium Company, LLC. Thomas Rutledge, Member-Manager

Seaco, ltC Michael Seabold, Manager

Philip Stone RevoCable Trust dated 3/26/l!J93 Philip Stone, Trustee

Debra Stritzke

First Trust Company of Onaga FBD Robert G. Thompson, Account #4102138801


Nicholas M. TIchinin Uvlng Trust dated August 31, 2005, and any amendments thereto Nicholas M. TIchinin and Cynthia E. llchinln, Trustees

Whitaker Way, ltC James M, Vreeland, Trustee, James M. Vreeland Revocable Trust dated 11/24/99, Member

Winston Miller

Winston Miller

Cheri C. Wulf Revocable Uvlng Trust Cheri C. Wulf, Trustee

George Travess

Gary M. Goodman Revocable Trust Gary M. Goodman, Trustee

Mary Travess

Norma Morrison Trust Norma Morrison, Trustee

Madeline Strafello

Gerald Tallaclcson

Valley Sage properties, LLC. Daniel C. and Mella L Bedell, Managers

Weeks land Company, LC. Mella L Bedell, Manager

Stephen Clark

BillyJ. Rietz

Martin J. TIerney

cathy Worner

The l!J8G Altman Uving Trust, dtd 2/25/86 Daniel & Nancy Altman, Trustees

Fairhaven Apartments, ltC Dirk Stangier and Dick Carney, Managers

William Hale


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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 70 of 74 Page ID#: 36585

Page 71: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

l -, - --Hatanaka's Kuebler land, LLC

Hiatt's Kuebler land, LLC

Hilsabeck's Kuebler land, LLC

Lee's'Kuebler land, llC

Muela TruSt's Kuebler land,LLC

Stili Creek's Kuebler land,llC

Sundial's Kuebler land, LLC

AMTlAssociates' Kuebler land, LLC

B Kauer's Kuebler, LLC

Delarosa's Kuebler land II, llC

Deiarosa's.Kuebler, LLC

L Hauck's Kuebler, llC

M Hauck's Kuebler, LLC

R Kauer's Kuebler, llC

A Geistlinger's Sea View, LLC

Ammerman's Sea View, llC

B Gardiner's Sea View, llC

o Sherrell's Sea View, LLC

H Geistlinger's· Sea View, LLC

Hudkins' Sea View, LLC

J Studer's Sea View, LLC

McNutt's Sea View, llC

Pekkola's Sea View, LLC

R Gardiner's Sea View, LLC

R Sherrell's Sea View, llC

Seely's Sea View, LLC

Sullivan's Sea View, llC

Wielde's Sea View,liC

WISe's Sea View, LLC

EastWood's Morgan Hill, llC

Erskine's Morgan Hill, LLC

Ferrari's Morgan Hill, llC

Friesen's Morgan.HiII, LLC

Ganahl's Morgan Hill, LLC

Hardy's Morgan Hill, LLC

Joslin's Morgan Hill, LLC

Marvin Douma's Morgan HUI, llC

r-- r--- - ~

~I' ...... .;)wn h .... ·-. .. ,,"'r Cla,,,·.~u,.. .. ';

Valerie Hatanaka

The Bernard D. Hiatt Uving Trust Bernard Hiatt, Trustee

Dennis Hilsabeck

Diana Lee

Elias Muela 2002 Revocable Trust Eilas Muela, trustee

Still Creek Development Co. John M. Couch, Director

Sundial Apartments, llC Dirk G. Stangier, Member

AMTL Assodates LLC Ken Logan bill, Managing Partner

Barbara Kauer

Erika Delarosa

Shannon Company, LlC Romeo Delarosa, Member .

lots Hauck

Mark Hauck

Ray Kauer

Anita Gelstlinger

Sandra Ammerinan

Brenda Gardiner

David Sherrell

Harry Geistlinger

Charies Hudkins .

John Studer

John McNutt

Pekkola Enterprises, LLC 401K Plan Dennis Pekkola, Member

Robert Gardiner

Rose Sherrell

Justus Seely

Christine Sullivan

Wie1de Family Uving Trust dated August 1, 1995 Richard E. Wielde and Arydth M. Shultz-Wielde, Trustees

Daniel Wise

Lee & laurie E. Eastwood Trust dated 5/9/2001 Lee Eastwood and laurie E. Eastwood, Trustees

Ronald C. Erskine a.,d Renee filice living Trust Ronald C. Erskine and Renee Filice, Trustees

Ferrari Family 1989 Trust dtd 7/18/1989 Alfred A. & Carolyn c. Ferrari, Trustees


Clifford and Mary Friesen Family Trust u/a/d 11125/i996 Clifford Friesen and Mary Elizabeth Friesen, Co-Trllstees

Michael Ganahl

Leslie Hardy, D.V.M.

Leon Joslin

Marvin Douma


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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 71 of 74 Page ID#: 36586

Page 72: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

r---' .,---

Mary Douma's Morgan Hill, llC

Norfleet's Morgan HiII,llC

Pirofs"'~s Morgan Hill, ll~.

Raabe's Morgan Hill, llC ..

Bienenfe1d's Pullman Land, LLC

Cusson's Pullman Land,LLC

D Dupre's Pullman land, llC

Gardner's Pullman Land, LLC

Knowlton's Pullman Land, LLC

N Dupre's Pullman Land, llC

Peabody's Pullman Land, llC

Perry's Pullman Land, LLC

Singer's ~ullman Land, LLC

Van Dellen's Pullman Land, LLC

Young's Pullman Land, llC

Strafello's Addie Mi!edom Cottages, llC

AUs's Albany, llC

Brown's Albany, llC

F Moren~'s Albany, llC


Gilbert's Albany, LLC

Hart's Al~any, llC

Hiatt's Albany II, LLC

Hiatt's Albany III, llC

HIatt's Albany, llC

L West's Albany, llC

Lundrigan's Albany; LLC

McNutt's lubany, llC

Montgomery's Albany, llC " R Moreno's Albany, llC

SB III's Albany, lLC

Stout's Albany, llC

Studer'S Albany, llC

T West's Albany, llC

Walker's Albany, llC

Werner's Albany, llC

William Hiatt's Albany, LtC

L ~. 'r- .---

Mary Douma

-- .-----"

,_ .... ,..,own, ..• ~·_~or Ch ..... ·._ • .J:s

Norfleet 1995 Uving Trust Mary Ann Norfleet, Trustee

Pirofsky/Pirofski 1985 Family Trust Florence Plrofski, Trustee of The SurvIVor's Trust

Teresa Raabe, a married woman as her sole and separate prC!.perty

The Joel Bienenfeld Revocable Trust (Restated) loel E. Bienenfeld, Trustee

Cusson Uving Trust dated 5/25/88 Hilda A. Cusson, Trustee

,Dennis Dupre

Gardner Muddy Creek Angus, llC Ronald S. Gardner, Managing Member

2034 Pearl Street, llC David M. Knowlton, Manager

Nancy Dupre

Gerald Peabody

Anthony Perry

Donald Singer


Lubbert and Nancy Van Dellen Revocable Trust dated 12/12/94 Lubbert L Van Dellen and Nancy L Van Dell en, Trustees

Terry L Young Revocable Trust Agreement dated December 30, 1997 Terry L Young. Trustee

Madeline Strafello

Judith B. Allen Uving Trust Robert Johnstun, trustee

Gary Brown

Ferd Moreno ::

Wielde Family UvingTrust dated August 1, 1995 Richard E. Wielde and Arydth M. Shultz-Wielde, Tru~ees

Marilyn Gilbert

Hart Family lLC Merlin Hart, Member

The Bernard D. Hiatt Uving Trust Bernard Hiatt, Trustee

The Bernard D. Hiatt Uving Trust Bernard Hiatt, Trustee

The Bernard D. Hiatt Uving Trust Bernard Hiatt, Trustee


Kevin Lundrigan

John McNutt

DeWitt Montgomery III

Ruby Moreno

SB III, llC Maxim Schrogin and Michael Baar

Willis H. Ferris Testamentary Trust Robert D. Ferris and Ruth A. Robinson, trustees

John Studer

Thomas West

Elaine F. Walker Trust dated May 10, 2002 Elaine F. Walker and Richard A. Walker, Trustees

William Werner

The Hiatt Family Trust William and Joyce Hiatt, Trustees


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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 72 of 74 Page ID#: 36587

Page 73: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

......--- - r--

Robertson's Cape Elizabeth, UC

cas Holdings, UC

First's PRH, UC

Hiatt's PRH, UC

R'ohnow's PRH, UC

Sherrell's PRH, UC

Olsen's Absaroka, UC

Rietema's Absaroka, UC

Steinmetz's Absaroka, UC

Vujovich's Absaroka, LLC

Allen's Gig Harbor Senior Uving. LLC


AMTl's Gig Harbor Senior Uving. UC

Anderson's Gig Harbor Senior Uving. UC

Bienvenue's Gig Harbor Senior Uving. LLC

Bienvenue's II Gig Harbor Senior Uving. UC

Bridger Uvestock's Gig Harbor Senior Uving. UC

Casper's Gig Harbor Senior Uving. UC

Coates' Gig Harbor Senior Uving. UC

DeBethizy's Gig Harbor Senior Uving. llC

Gaugler's Grg Harbor Senior Uving. UC

J Smith's Gig Harbor Senior Uving

Lee's Gig Harbor Senior Uving, UC

Nelson's Gig Harbor Senior Uving. UC

R Smith's Gig Harbor Senior Uving. UC

Aaron Ridge Membership-Wulf

EM Fairview Business Park UC

Hausner's Fairview Business Park, UC

Henriksen's Fairview Business Park, UC

Schlenker's Fairview UC

Sundial's ~airview, llC

Wilson's Fairview Business Park, UC

Garlick Investments, UC

GEl 2400 Smart Park, UC

Bolster's!!th & Rose. UC

Corkum's 9th & Rose, UC

Elling's 9th & Rose, LLC

Keizer's 9th & Rose, UC

r--"'" .....-.--. r-- ,..--.. ,---

h,,' , ... own ... ·.·~~.or CIc. .... ~,,~S

Robertson Investments, LLC Kenneth L Robertson, Manager

Sheila Moore

Sharon Farmer

The Hiatt Family Trust William and Joyce Hiatt, Trustees

Alan George Rohnow Revocable Family Trust dated 1/16/2003 Alan George Rohnow. trustee

David Sherrell

Clayton Olsen

Steven Rietema

Steinmetz Umited Partnership Wade Steinmetz, General Partner

Michael Vujovich

Jack Allen

AMTlAssodates UC Ken Loganblll, Managing Partner

John Anderson

J & Llnvestments, UC Lyn Bienvenue, Managers

J & Llnvestments, LLC Lyn Bienvenue, Managers

Bridger Uvestock Co. Duane Nollmeyer, Manager

Donna Casper

. Vernon Coates, Jr.

Cynthia deBethizy

John Gaugler.

Jerry Smith

Diana lee

Nelson Family Trust dated May 23, 2001 Donald & Sarita Nelson, Co-Trustees

Roberta Smith

Cheri C; Wulf Revocable Uving Trust Cheri C. Wulf, Trustee

Eric Meurer

~. ~

Jill Hausner Trust, dated March 18, 1996 as Amended by First Amendment to Trust r/t/a dated November S. 2004 Jill Whitney Newcomb Hausner, Trustee. or a Successor Trustee

Jane Henriksen

Harold Schlenker

Sundial Apartments, LlC Dirk G. Stangier, Member

Eddie Wilson

George Garlick

Garlick Enterprises. Inc. George F. Garlick, President

Kathy Bolster

Dick and June Corkum Joint UvingTrust, u/t/a dated July lB. 2005 Dick M. Corkum and B. June Corkum, Co-Trustees

Elling Properties, llC Kay C. Elling. Manager

The Russell J. Keizer Revocable Uving Trust UAD 9-29-98 and The Unda Keizer Revocable Uving Trust UAD 9/29/98 Russell J. Keizer and Unda Keizer, Co-Trustees


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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 73 of 74 Page ID#: 36588

Page 74: A. Class Action Settlem… · 1.2 Plaintiffs, in their own behalf and in behalf of the Class they seek to represent ("Plaintiffs") ; ... compromise and settlement of the Litigation

...-~: r-

Kennlcott's 9th & Rose, LLC

Myers' 9th & Rose, LLC

Paterson's 9th & Rose, LLC

Porter's 9th & Rose, LLC

Prime's 9th & Rose, LLC

Schillinger's 9th & Rose, LLC

Seabold's 9th & Rose, LLC

~ .

Boss' Neils~n Complex, LLC

Hallett's Neilsen Complex, LLC

Hanstedt's Neilsen Complex, LLC

J Beaupre's Neilsen Complex, LLC

Maxwell's:Neilsen Complex, LLC

N DeVaney's Neilsen Complex, LLC

P Nafslng~r's Neilsen Complex, LLC

R DeVaney's Neilsen Complex, LLC f

R Nafsing~r's Neilsen Complex, LLC

Robbins' Neilsen Complex, LLC

Rose's Neilsen Complex, LLC

S Beaupre's Neilsen Complex, LLC

Shafer's Nensen Complex, LLC

Siakey's Neilsen Complex, LLC

Steele's Neilsen Complex, LLC

Alpha Nursery's Retail Property, LLC :;

Black Dog's Retail Property, LLC

Cooley-Under's Retail Property, LLC

o Zielinskl;s Retail Property, LLC ,

HiIIlnvestnients' Retail Property, LLC

J Zielinski's Retail Property, LLC

Pence Holdings' Retail Property, LLC

Pence Investments' Retail Property, LLC

Rose's Retail Property, LLC

Sayers' Retail Property, LLC

--. I ,..----- -- --,---

_ .... , ..... ·own · •• , .. .".;~ .. or CI~"'ICI'I~S

Frank Kennicott Corporation Marcia Drager;President

Myers Uving Trust dated January 5, 2006, and any amendments thereto Ronald R. Myers and Darlene K. Myers, Trustees, or their successors In trust, under the

Boomerang, Ltd. Charles G. Paterson, President

Dean Porter

Samuel Johns

Frederick Schillinger

Seaco, LLC Michael Seabold, Manager

Robert Boss

Michael Thomas Hallett Trust dated 4/24/2002 Michael Thomas Hallett, Trustee

Gary Hanstedt

John Beaupre

James Maxwell

Nancy DeVaney

Phyllis Nafslnger

Robert DeVaney

Richard Nafsinger

lurelle Robbins

Mark Rose

Sharon Beaupre

leta V. Shafer Revocable Uving Trust leta V. Shafer, Trustee

PENSCO Trust Company, Custodian FBO Diana Siakey, IRA Account #SLO 26

Donald Steele

Alpha Nursery, Inc. Jamie P. Zielinski, Secretary

Black Dog Holdings, LLC Robert B. Boss, Member

Virginia Cooley-Under

Doug Zielinski

Robert Hill Investments, LLC Robert Hill, Member

Jamie Zielinski

Pence Holdings, LLC Curtis Pe_nce, Manager

Curt Pence Investments, LLC Curtis Pence, Manager

Mark Rose

Robert Sayers

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Case 6:09-cv-06056-HO Document 2110-1 Filed 08/09/11 Page 74 of 74 Page ID#: 36589
