  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas



    . AD E L S O N

    S TAS


      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N

      o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h

      a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s

    _  u  s  e  #  c  c -  b

      y -  n

      c -  s

      a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    E S R V E D Y


    G R M AN

    N .G U C ST AD T

     C r e a

     t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e

     / h t t p : / / w w w . h a t h i t r u s t . o r g / a c c e s s_ u s e # c c - b y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    T S AN D MO N O G R A H S

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    T S AN D M O NO G R A H S

    eatiseson sub ectsrelating

    y medalsanddecorations.

    N CO M M T T E

    E L L I NG R Ch ai rma n

    .B U TTR E Y R .

    O TT

    STA F

    S S R d it or

    L S O N A ss oc ia te d it or

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    O NS Í X

    E ANA Y S S I

    A A NA Y S S 17

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    epublicationofthesecondof three

    ef romthelatef if thcenturywhichhavecome

    sare allbasicallyofthesamecomposition.

    rliestspecimens w hichdecrease innumberas

    aretheremnantsofthecoinage ofthe

    urystill incirculation.Thefirsthoard

    a leU niversity w aspublishedbyusin

    p p . 13 9 -1 8 8. I t e t e nd s t o th e p er i od o f L e o I .

    bothac uiredfortheA mericanNumismatic

    neM. E dw ardsduringherso ournsinGreece

    econdcontinuestothesecondreignof theEmperor

    rdhasitsterminusinthepre- re formco inage


    thethreehoards formswhatisoften

    of animpenetrablefoglyingbetweenthe

    eB y antinesplendorof theepochof  

    atthroughthisworkthereader willcometo

    mportanceofthecoinsas historicalpieces

    lityoftheir ownandthatthestudy

    econstructionofthe historyofthe

    nhas previouslybeenpossible.



    emetro logica lanaly sisanditstabulationare

    whileMr.K ustasisresponsibleprimarily



    orthestudyofthecoins eachelaborated

    r hasinnoinstanceyieldedcontradictory


    f ourreaders.

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    eP ublicationCommitteeoftheSociety

    tionofthe work andweoweaparticular



    errorsinascriptionand discussionwe

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    O NS

    rdofminim iofLeo I , parto f theYa leco llection

    it le " A B ron eH oardof theP eriod

    se u m No t es I X ( i 9 60 , p p . 1 3 9- 1 88 .

    e ll inger C atalogueof theC oinsF oundatCorinth

    1 9 30 .

    k e " T h e Mo n et a ry R e f o r m of A n as t as i us I a n d

    ications " A mericanC ouncilo fLearnedSocieties.

    umanities.StudiesintheH istoryofCulture.


    r y H i s t o ry o f t he R o m a n E m p i re f r om t h e D e at h

    deathof J ustinian( A . D. 395toA . D. 565 ,

    lI o f 2 vo l s.

    . B r o n e R o m a n I m pe r ia l C oi n ag e o f th e L a t e r E m p i re

    . A . G . Ca r so n a nd J . P . C . K e n t i n cl u de d

    eR omanB ron eC oinageA . D. 324-498

    I isareprintw ithcorrectionsandaddit ions


    g ly " A L a t e R o m an H o a r d f ro m Co r in t h "

    5thSeriesX I ( 1931 , pp. 229-233.

    na g e = J . W . E . P e a r c e R o m a n Co i na g e fr o m

    do n 1 9 33 .

    . W . E . P e ar ce a nd M .E . W o od " A L a t e

    a lmatia " NumismaticC hronicle 5thSeries

    P - 2 6 9- 28 3.

    n TheAthenianAgora.V olumeI I .

    hroughtheV enetianPeriod P rinceton 1954.

    a a ge A n ti o ch - on - th e -O r o n t es I V , P a r t I I . G r ee k

    n e an d C ru s ad e rs C o in s P r i nc e to n 1 9 52 .

    C ata logueof theC oinsof theV andals O strogoths

    heEmpiresofThessa lonica Nicaeaand

    ritishMuseum L ondon 1911.

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    E ANA Y S S

    American NumismaticSocietyisa

    3andЖ 4rangingf romthetimeofC onstan-

    ndreignofZ enointhelatter partofthe

    blishthis andsimilarhoardsofminimi1in

    hadbeendevelopedbyMissK atherineEd-

    edbyherdeathi n1950.Shehadproceeded


    k-listofthecontents ofthehoard.H er

    s werepurchasedintheGreekcity of 

    meinthe20 s.Nofurtherinformationabout


    of2231 bron epieces.O fthese 1064are

    andarelistedi nthecatalogue.Theillegible


    lysmallmodule( c. 3mm. w hichdonot

    the imprinto fadie and20piecesofe ceed-

    woormore" taps onthesurface inthefo l-

    ave ignoredtheslivers astheyservenoscien-

    recordthebrittlenessofthe metal.

    proportiontothe numberoftimestheyare


    generalcompositionasY .I fitspurchase

    ographicalprovenience ourhypothesisthat

    ewhereon" alinerunningfromCorinth

    emssupported.2ThehoardconsistsofbothЖ 3

    e b ee n c ut d o wn a n d J E 4 s :

    ermof referenceanddoesnotappearinthe con-

    modernstudiesthewordusuallyrefers asitwillhere

    epiecesofЖ 4moduleorsmallerf romthelatefourth

    erunderofficialauthorityor byirregularmoneyers

    esternportionsof theEmpire . F oradiscussion

    y theR omansthemselvesseeY, pp. 148s.

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    cimens 62arebarbarousissues therest

    5areЖ 3andtheremainderЖ 4. A llthe

    hoardhavebeencutdow n. A sinY , theya ll

    wearbecauseofthelongperiod ofcircula-

    estthatthe clippingwasdonenotatthe

    somelater dateinthefifth century as

    temofproduction8 nodoubtforthepurpose

    enerallytothereducedweightand module


    instructivetonotethatY , w hiche tends

    yasfarasL eo containsahigherpercentage

    mew enton morew ere losttocirculation. 4

    ationislessthanin Y .Thereare for

    uivalentto504-515intheY a lecatalogue

    ngnocorrespondencewhatevertoR oman

    occasionallyfindsamongtheissuesof Marcian

    ecimenw hichshow sadegreeofdebasement

    ybethe productofaR omanmint.s

    in comparisonwithY thuspermitsus

    littlemoreandverify thee istenceofthe

    ever therarityofthesebarbarousissues

    ealmostcompletecontrolthattheR oman

    coinage acontrolthathashitherto not

    ousЖ 3 aphenomenonnotappearinginY .

    ofkeepingwiththecharacterofthe remainder

    rtoissuesfoundabundantlyin Western

    ippingseep. 18andY, p. 144.

    esintheZ achahoard( unpublished , presently inthe

    ha isav il lage inthew esternPé loponn se. Thehoard

    ne bute tendsbeyondV intothesi thcentury .

    appearinit inaproportionlesseventhanV .

    eo: 508 739 886 Z eno: 1002 il legiblemonograms:

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    t imeso lim itedinnumber( 5: 8 54 64


    rnR omanhoard.Notonlythestylebut the

    k richbrow nasaga instthegreenish-grayof the

    estsmintingina differentarea.6Thestyling

    anissuesof theperiodofV a lentinianI I I

    ndgenerally" dumpy fabric.Since

    uch greatersparsityandwithadebased

    uch incommonwiththeso-calledbar-

    cultto determinetheiroriginwithany

    nI ta lyorthenorthwesternportionof the


    le muchclearerandmorelegiblethan

    many instancesthemint-mark mayberead.

    betterindicationof thenumismatic

    anhas generallybeenavailablefrom

    eginningsometimeinthereignof TheodosiusI I

    noreasontosuspectthattheseco insarenotintegra lto

    mayperhapsbesufficientlyaccountedforby a

    onofthemetal aswellasthe placementofthe

    amongtheregularissuesis notableandnodoubt

    roughthe socialandeconomicdisruptionsoftheperiod


    141andthe j udiciousobservationsof J . W. E . P earcc

    gef romalate4thcenturybron ef ind( " A nE astern

    " N u m is m at i c Ch r on i cl e 5 th S e ri e s X I ( 1 9 31 , p . 3 2 1 :

    ncedthatifunmistakable instancesofdegradationarefoundthey

    if legitimate to loca landtemporarycondit ionsat



    materia lf romthisperiodlistedinY pp. 145 146

    undatCorinthinthe courseofthee cavationsof 

    venby J . M. H arris " C o insF oundatC orinth "

    , p. 145. Thehoardconta inssomeco insf romtheH ouseof  

    a l e nt i ni a n I , 6 M a rc i an 3 L e o 9 Z e n o 9 2 A na s ta s iu s

    ata llsuchf indsrepresentof f icia lR omanmintingis

    ninhisreferenceto asimilar unpublishedhoardfrom

    n s e ( L e P é l op on n s e by a nt in j u s u e n 12 04 P a r i s 1 95 1

    esmonnaiesauthenti uementbarbaressontrares etl on

    silesmonnaiesby antinesdesV ° -V I esi clesqui

    sbarbaresà causedeleurmaladressesontr ellement

    onby antins.

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    tthecentury thediesarepractically

    .Thereductionin thesi eofthecoins

    aturi ationindie-cuttingthatthe unskilled

    ldnoteasilymeet w hile thetechni ueo


    those issuesw hichbearthemint-mark of  

    omanprovenienceorforw hichaR oman

    rpossible 9a lltheco insinthehoard aside

    mentionedabove weremintedintheeastern

    fw econsiderthatV o f ferstw iceasmam-

    theproportionof issuesf romR omein

    23V ) w ouldsuggestthatY istobe locatedin

    closertoR omethanV , w hichw illhaveaprov -

    sternGreece.V beingalaterdeposit the

    hichbelongtothemiddleof thecentury tended

    ssoutofcirculationmoreandmore. I nother

    samepatternofdisuseastheЖ 3.

    eraclea isrepresentedinthehoard.

    pecimens 2ofA rcadiusand1ofhisgenera l

    vebeenrecordedforZ eno w hileL eo sissue

    on series.10Thesparsityofrepresentation

    tsthattheoutputfromthis mintserved

    ndeed thechaosofE gyptiancurrency

    e nt in ia n I I ; 2 ( 3 7 3 8 o f H o no ri us 1 ( 4 5 o f Ar ca di us 2

    e a rl y 5 Ü 1 c e nt u ry 1 b a rb a ro u s sp e ci m en ( 7 7 o f T he o do s iu s

    o n or i us a n d 5 ( 2 5 8 2 5 9 2 6 6 2 6 7 2 7 0 o f t he p e ri o d of  

    show varietiesof theR omanmint-mark. ThethreeG sre uire

    theratR omeorA uile ia (seecata loguenotes.v . .

    gatewithastar betweentheturretsbelongsto

    6 . A sinthecaseof71 sincewehavenothingdef initely

    herwestthan R ome thesetooareprobably

    a lentinianI I andofhisperiodshow ingadistinctive

    on d a d ou b t R o m an ( 2 5 4 2 6 0- 2 62 2 6 5 2 6 8 2 6 9 .

    f the" tw ov ictoriesfacingoneanother ho ldingonew reath

    2 7 3 , o f w hi c h th e re a r e so me s p ec i me n s in Y ( 2 8 5- 2 89 , s o me

    o o d ( p . 2 83 a n d so m e by N e we l l ( E . T . Ne we l l T u v

    umismaticNotesandMonographsNo.60.NewY ork

    3 2 ( 9 5 _ I ° 8 i i n s o fa r a s th e d es i gn a ti o n of m i nt i s a va i la b le i s su e


      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas



    fromtherestofthe E mpire.AfterTheo-

    C O R D I A A V G c r o s s re v er s e fr o m Al e a n dr i a t h er e

    neofhis" crossinw reath has so far

    etermine anA le andriansource nordo

    sA mongtheco insof theE asternmints

    odosiusI I f oundintheA gorae cavations

    driamak esthepoorestshowing. 12I t isthereforenot

    ontothenorthof Athensforthelatter

    enthemintw asstil l inoperation therepre-

    sinsomewhatsimilarcase.I nreviewing

    ompsonremark s: " O new oulde ceptto

    gthetwomoredistantmints( v i . N icomedia


    elingofitsoutputto thenorthratherthan

    nately nomateria lf romthenorthhasbeen

    ughformtoassist ushere.H owever a

    Thompson sstatementissuesfromacom-

    goraco ins P earceandWood sD almatian

    sC orinthianpieces. Corinthhasonly iHerac-

    co ins 14theDalmatianhoardtothenorth

    whatlargerproportion.Y has3outof 928.

    ationfromH eracleainV isprobablyac-

    ty intheseB alk anhoards coupledw itha

    ce shoardf romA siaMinor 16impliesan

    essivelydecliningin thecourseofthe

    posit intheenvironsofH eracleamaywe

    eablerepresentationof thismintage.

    showsasteady contractionfromthe


    w o R o ma n H o a r ds o f C oi n s fr o m E g y pt " J o u rn a l of R o m a n

    p . 1 84 .

    milarly forP earceandWood sD almatianhoard.

    e " A L a t e R o m an H o a r d f ro m S ou t hw es t A si a M in o r "

    Series X V ( 1935 , passim.

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    nV isthe" crossinw reath o fTheodosius

    w here indeed thenumberofspecimense ceeds

    his largesamplingisunusual particularly

    heCorinthmaterialconfirmsit.W hether


    henecoinsofthereign ofMarcianare

    ) . 16Thedecline involumeisdeducible f romthe

    nw reath co inageisrecordedforLeo. 17


    iningin AntiochaswellasAle andria


    ConstantinoplemintedforZ eno ls

    ere ected. TheA gorahasunearthedamonogram

    essa lonica( Thompson 1678 . unconf irmed

    9 9 0 9 9 1 c o nf i rm e d . C y i c us s h ow s a t ot a l ot

    9 3 6 9 3 7 9 5 9 9 9 4 , a n d th e re i s o ne f r om N i co -

    rarereverse( Sab. 18 andunusua lfabricand

    ofZ eno sissues how ever show nomint-

    ospaceforone. I tmaybepresumptuousunder

    nthemall toConstantinople.Theforce

    nd here asidefromconsiderationsof 

    uldbebetterservedbya moree uitable

    rrencythroughouttherealm thanbythe

    onlyone location.Norshouldoneneglect

    erationthat asthemoduleofZ eno s

    thereisreallynoroom leftfortheinclusion

    mllersi ecouldquiteeasilyprovokethe

    asitdid thefinerdetailsofthe wreath

    sincethediesw erea lw ayslargerthanthef lan

    ouldtendto eliminatetheimpressionof 


    fmorethan onemint.F romtheevidence

    hf romtheco llectionofP ro fessorA . R . B e ll inger

    irmedspecimenatA ntioch( 2028 .

    cit inSabatier slist ings.

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    arstohaveusedonly tw oformsofZ eno s

    V 3and4 , w hileThessa lonicashowsonly

    ationsarefacileanddangerous butmostof  

    nogramsЫ andИ ( V 3and4 , 915-988 are

    weightthan thosewithmonograms

    d 2 , 8 9 6- 9 14 a n d di s pl a y a wo r km a ns h ip

    odetail thelineationofbothobverse


    henone considersthoseissuesofL eo

    igureonthereverse( Sab. 15 . This


    lo f147co ins oroneseventhofa llthe legiblepieces.

    sitnotat leasttheoreticallypossible

    ibutionofmintsforbothL eoandZ eno 19


    I t istruethatahighconsistencyofsty ling

    aperiodwhich asw ehavesuggested 20

    dtheservicesofgood die-cutters.Nor

    suere uireanyothere planationthana

    perorormint-master.H owever the

    tainclearly definedstylisticgroupings

    picionthatthereis aninnerlogicto

    eeminglyamorphous couldwebutfind

    stheclosemeasureofcontrol overthe

    anditscoinagethat thepovertyofthe

    tobelie.I nthisparticularinstancea

    ainbemadeonthe basisofweightand

    rtherobservethatsomecoins showathick-

    eminiscentof someofthemonogramissues

    istinctionhasits sourceinaparticular period

    argeographicalareais aq uestionwhich

    fadditionalfindsfor itssolution.Attempts

    thparticular versionsoftheobverse

    eno atechni uew hichw oulda llow at


      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    how ever w eshouldnotlosesighto f the


    centurytobethe primesourceofcoinage

    eandmay indeedhavearrogatedtoitself 

    imew enton. L eo svarious" lion reverses

    erew ecanreadthemint-mark a llcomefrom

    eptionis418w ithC V Z onw hichthe

    .Thegroupallowsusa neatstylistic

    totw overydistinctseries the" crouching

    4-508 displayingahomogeneityofstyle

    co insw iththe" standing variety ( 418-423 ,

    ntcompositionandmuch morefinely

    uching varietyinV allissuesfromCon-


    e . 21

    iain V attestthecontinuingimportance

    oftheE mpire.We notethatunderMarcian

    esameasthatof Constantinople.How-

    nentrationislarge it isa lsose lective . Nico-

    rtionofthe varietiesoftheMarcianic

    ottohavemintedanyofL eo smonogram

    forthe latteremperorbeinglim itedtothe" emperor

    cianshow stwomint-mark s N C andN C O,

    lingofNicomedianco inscanbedistinguished

    ainty.Theflanstendtobe broader

    ewhathigherrelief.Theoutlinesof thefigure

    thewreath andthemonogramlinesaresharp

    nvariablywell made theleavesnot

    ysharplydrawn linesingoodrelief.

    icusisama orminto f theE mpireand

    roughthereign ofZ eno.Theabsenceof 

    reignofMarcianand thestronglyrising

    w osucceedingemperors(L eo 5 Z eno 5

    putf romthissourceor converse ly areduc-

    ss a lo n ic a C y i c us a n d Al e a n dr i a. A " w al k in g l i on

    aandNicomedia( C 2009 2470 , andtheanimal

    tioch(C 2813 .

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    heodosiusI I ( 7co ins andL eo. How ever

    ghproportionofthecoinsof Marcian

    slegible isf romC y icus( 2outof10

    raryaconclusion. F orbothL eoandZ eno

    icarethecrudestamongthespecimensinV .

    e thestylingcloseto barbarous.

    onicaisclosesttothe areaofdeposition.

    atnoe amplesof itsco inageappearbefore


    thatcoinsfromThessalonicaheadthe list

    ns. 22C orinthshow saverysi eablerepresenta-

    butaheavydropforthef if thcentury .23P earce

    anmaterialandMattingly sC orinthianhoard24

    rto f thee planationliesinthefactthat

    tionsinbron ebetw een393andthe j o int

    heodosiusI I , 408-423. 25H ow ever this

    table lack ofe amplesf rombeforeorafter

    phasi ingtheimportanceofAthensand

    nthin thecommerceofthefifthcentury 28


    largemartsoftheE mpire.Theinland

    w ere le f tto theirow ndevices supplied

    redistantmints ( inpartbyoverland

    thavebeenlitt lecontactbetw eentheGreek

    hinterlandinthef ifthcentury . Leo sissues

    icaarethe bestmadeofthecoinsin

    lyroundedandthe metalisfirm.Thelines

    ed asifto conformtothecontourofthe

    carefullye ecuted.

    rL iciniusI throughTheodosiusI I Thessa lonicashows

    nople thene tmintinorderof f re uency 1244.

    NospecimensofTheodosiusI appearinC orinth.

    osiusI andhisperiod 2 A rcadius 7MarcianC HE S

    odosiusI ; 1A rcadius 6Marcian noneforL eo.

    fhcenturyseeJ . H . F inley J r. " C orinthintheMiddle

    I I ( 1 9 22 , p p . 4 7 7 4 7 8 a n d P . C h ar a ni s " T h e Si g ni f ic a nc e

    theH istoryofAthensandCorinthin theSeventhand

    i s to r ia I V ( 1 9 55 , p p . 1 63 1 6 4.

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

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  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas



    -325 374 375 . Themark hasoccasionedsome

    ensuggested. 7H ow ever there isnoreason


    ginbefore J ustinianI inanycase in

    hcentury . 28P earceandWoodrecordthee -

    amples aga inofMarcian intheDalmatian

    ascription. I t isnoticeablethatnoMarcianic

    ionallyrecogni edmarksofThessalonica

    anyformulathatmay besointerpreted.There

    eof MarcianfromThessalonicawhich

    . Themintisw ork inginboththeprev iousand

    reis noreasontosuspecta suspensionof 

    an. The largesamplinginV o fC HE S

    hichthemint-mark islegible w ouldsuggest

    scouldmoreeasilybemetatama orminting

    TheodosiusI hasaw iderrangeofmints

    Marcianthereis acontractionofimperial

    rrito ries. Thisw oulda lsohelpe pla inthe

    ThessalonicathatweobserveforL eointhe

    oubtof theformoftheinitial letterinour

    hesitationinsupposingС tostandforTand

    mint ofThessalonica.Thetransitionfromthe

    is confirmedbycoin511whichclearly

    SforTH S , w iththesamedistinctivesty lingas

    pecimensfromL eo sreign.Theassignment

    ica isepigraphica lly sound. I tsuppliesthe

    andmeetsthehistoricalre uirementsof 

    sra isedbyК О С observedinlarge

    co ins , w ith1specimenrecordedforB asil iscus29

    cimensofalltheseemperorshavea common

    rscloseto thatofNicomedia.Theflanstend

    ndthereliefsomewhathigher.E ffect

    h er i ne E d wa r ds i n h er n o te s o n V .

    nagef romtheChersonesemintseeB MC p. cii i .

    e . O . o f 1 02 4 c on c ea l s К О С a n d no t C O N .

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    nline inthew reath the lettering or

    rguallineisveryprominentin thisgroup

    К О С co insofL eo. V conta ins10e amples

    9 t ( V 6 a n d 1 ( 7 0 3 o f i nd e te r mi n at e

    ssumptionthatthismaverick isa lsot -

    aw holehas26co ins( 667-692 withthismono-

    r mint-markforthisseries.Sofaras the

    sespermitsusto j udge there isa fairlyw ide

    hapreponderanceof theshortD N E O .

    wouldseemtoindicatethat К О С isaGreek

    .С isthenthelunatesigma.This distin-

    ermints.O neshouldthereforelookto

    amecouldbeabbrev iatedasК О С . F or

    comestomind only tobesummarilydis-

    noev idencetoconnectLeow ithC orinthinany

    fadingoutpostof empirewouldbe

    on.The e cavationsatCorinthseem

    lespecimen. К О coulde ua llywell

    twolettersofCy icus.Thissupposition

    forC y icuscontinuesanimportantmint

    ry. C y icus how ever seemssuf f iciently

    C V Z . B arringnew ev idence it ishardly

    Cosismeant.I tisa sufficientlyvalidrule

    mintbe locatedinacityofsomema ormili-

    ortance andtheislanddoesnot meetthis

    od. F urther themintingcit iesintheEast


    all oftheE asternempirefromwithinthis

    s andC y icuscanberuledout le tusconsider

    pleitself.I tisthe onemintweshouldhave

    lly represented yetamongL eo sco insitshow s

    ev e rs e 5 0 9 5 1 0 wi t h ^ £ ( V 1 a n d 58 9

    heobverse legendon510cannotberead but

    edistinctivefullerformofthe legendwith

    e ni t iv e D N E O S F A V G . L e o s m o no g ra m s

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    1 - 4 s h o u ld b e r ea d a s ab b re vi a ti o ns o f L E O S o r

    N I S ) . A ss um in g th es e ar e L a t in f or ms w it h , £ 4 a n d t< £

    e pa s s in t o Gr e ek . Th e О a t t he t o p of t h e le f t pe r -

    iredacross-barbeneathitwhich couldbe

    themonogramasstandingfor A flN.

    le tosuggestthatК О standsforthenameof  

    mandmarksatransitionfromL atinto

    sre ign. I tsintroductionisastepintheGrae-

    , w hichendsinthemiddleofLeo sre ign

    eomegaandall itsmonogramissuesshow

    msof the legend. I nthecaseofZ enoК О С


    , 2 w hi ch h av e th e om eg a. I n de ed Z E N O N w hi ch

    eknominativeinthe legend appears

    0 1 9 0 2 9 0 5 9 1 2 .

    eenthestylingofL eo smonogramissues

    seriessuggestthatw ehavetodonotw ithan


    ctor. H erew eare intherea lmofpurespecu-

    osupposethattheverydestructivefire which

    eSeptember2 46530destroyedpartof the

    mportationofnew die-cuttersandpromptinga

    nage I f so maynotthesim ilarit ieswith

    tthesource? 31TheК О coinsmayrepresent



    e plausiblethoughitmayappearon

    w oob ections: 1 w ouldnottheforceof tra -

    thestandardsymbolfortheminto f theca-

    eranynew comer particularly sinceC ON

    utthe lifeo f theE asternE mpire and

    sc u s sh o ws b o th К О С ( 1 0 23 a n d CO N ( C 2 2 84

    tleastthepossibil ityo f twodistinctmints if  

    vagrius H ist. Eccl. i i13. F ordeta ilsandsupplementa l

    pp. 321 322.

    twocities wasinanycaseclose.W rothnotesthat

    ndC y icusintheB y antineperiodisclose ly

    apita l( B MC p. c .

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas



    presentstate ofourevidencedoesnot

    atefortheB asiliscanspecimens.I tisalso

    nocoinswithCO Nappeareitherinour hoard

    southerncoastof theP ropontisonthe

    e uidistantf romC y icusandNicomedia . I t

    he mainroadfromL ydiatoConstanti-

    andtheeast. 32A noldandproudcity it

    ntilthe reignofSaloninus.I nthefifthcen-


    prics.A measureofitscivilimportanceis

    etachmentofScholarii ordomesticguards

    etime ofJ ustinian.33Anumberofits

    arecitedasactivein churchaffairs.34Thus

    amintand sincetheК О С co insaresim ilar

    edia itsdie-cuttersmayeasilyhavecome

    reekformofthemonogramontheК О С

    nkeepingwiththe Greekhinterlandthan


    mperial seriesforwhichCiosis known.


    specimensassignedtoCios. Theoccasionfor

    must remainobscure.Militarypressure

    eryearsofLeo sre ignf rombarbarianin-

    necaveatshouldbegiven:howlikelyis it

    itsmintdesignationtoК О С , or putan-

    nof amint-markinthreelettersfor this

    heHistoricalGeographyofA siaMinor L ondon 1890

    ned. p. 236.

    bishopof CiosattheCouncilof E phesusin431

    Sacrorumconcil io rumnovaetamplissimacollectio reprint P aris

    2 70 a n d i f R a m sa y i s co r re c t ( o p . c it . p . 4 28 , a c e rt a in

    upposestobebishopofC ios w aspresentattheC ouncil

    pearsin 458asoneof thecorrespondentsofthe

    oV . Schult e A ltchrist l icheSt dteundLandschaften


      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    ercomethedifficultyinvolvedin there-

    s becauseof thenesto fproblemsconnected

    ntof theК О С co ins w eprefertopostpone


    chronologicallybyreign butdoesnot

    y orderwithinthereignitself.The in-

    onprimarily forthere ignofLeobecauseof  

    ypesand obverselegends.O ntheusual

    hattheissuewiththefullest rangeand

    hinthetypeshould precede thishonor

    nthe" lion series( 418-508 . Thesame

    reК О С tobe late inthere ign forthese

    plyDN E O. Thelastissuew illbethe

    ed " representedinV byasinglespecimen

    ugustusbe ingpresumablyLeo sgrandsonof  

    edinOctober 473. 38I fw emaydraw а л

    umberof " lion typesw iththeshort

    O ( 5outof91co ins , theseriesmayhavebeen

    ningof theDN E O obverseandthengave

    fits demiseisthesameas theintroduction

    astheshortformalmoste clusive ly . The issueswith

    mo n og r am Щ , ^ ( V 1 - 4 , s e em t o

    w ithonly1co in( 524 showingtheshortform

    s" emperorandcaptive serieshasasitslargest

    P E R P E T . I t t h en p a ss e s th r ou g h th e t wo g e ni -

    L E O N S a n d L E O S a n d sh o ws m a ny c o in s

    emaysupposeitbeginsshortly after

    P E T A V G a n d r un s w el l t hr o ug h t he r e ig n .3 7 T he l a te r

    mint-markofastar orcrossinthe left

    ury p. 323 note1 remark sthat" co insissuedat

    sre ignshow Marcian shead the legendbeingmere ly

    P E R P E T A V G .

    aptive reverseusually impliesav ictoryofsomek ind


    arstobeavictory inP ontusoveranunspecified

    atearlyinthereign mentionedincertainepiscopal

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

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  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    gue. The" empress seriesappearstohave

    legendand maybeconsideredcontem-

    missuesbeginshortlyafterthe" lion

    atappearstobe anabbreviationofthe

    s e en a s P T i n 5 2 8 an d 5 31 t h ro u gh a h e av y c on c en -

    egenitivedownto theshortforms.38

    msof theemperors w ehavelisteda larger

    aspreviouslybeendone althoughsurely

    oe amplesreflectnotanofficialchange


    archif moree amplesoftherarerforms


    fthevarietiesofmonogramfoundin V


    1 = C 7

    6 1

    63 = C 2 = P e ar ce a nd


    4 3 65 = C 6 = P e a rc ea nd


    3 67 V a r .

    3 69 = C 4 = P e ar ce a nd

    Sab. 21=


    5 = P e ar ce a nd W o od n in th o n

    sinMansi J . D . Sacrorumconcil io rumnova— co l-

    5 8 1 5 8 3 6 0 0 c i te d b y B u r y p . 3 2 2 n o te 5 . T he e v id e nc e a t

    more accuratedesignation.Althoughthedatecan

    tistemptingtoconnectthe" emperorandcaptive

    ctory particularlyastheonly tw omintstostrik ethe

    ndNicomedia thelatterbeingcloseto thebattle-

    opiousevidenceofV promptsthisrevisioninsub-

    ttentative lyof feredinY , pp. 144 145. F uturee -

    -marksmaybelegiblewill sharpenpresentdistinc-

    tw efeelw il lnotseriouslya lterthebasicpattern.

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

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  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas



    N I S

    R U S



    . 3 26

    r .

    3 2 6

    ( u nd er B a s il is cu s

    de r B a s i li s cu s

    C i

    O N O F M O N O GR A MS B Y M N TI N Y

    N i co m ed i a C H E S




    ssa lonica C y icus


      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

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  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    A A NA Y S S

    eV olohoardisparticularlyrewarding.

    4coinswhichare fullydescribedandweighed


    thesecoinscanbeused inthemetrological

    romthestudy fourco insofLibiusSeverus

    estintheperioda. D. 461-465 one il le-

    cannot beattributedwithanycertainty


    oorZ enoorA eliaZ enonis. C arefulstatist ica l

    pieces usedinthefre uencytablesreveals

    a orclasses: f irst thereare810specimens

    ntinianI I throughL eo second 36specimens

    scus andthird 110specimensf romthereign

    coversa crucialperiodinR omanhistory

    ourthcenturytothe reformcoinageof 

    sitpossibleto fo llow thema orvaria tionsof  

    ingtheV ö lk erw anderungf romthecontents

    ebodyofthe metrologicalanalysis how-

    putforthafew wordsofcaution. B ron e


    small willshowagreatervariationin

    pectedinthecaseofsilverorgo ld. The

    waysproducedal-marco anditmustbe

    eraneffectivesystemof ad ustmentto

    ards.Sincetheindividualcoinswere of 


    sof themint. I naddit ion thefactthatthe

    acterwouldhave lessenedtheimportance

    erminingtheirvalue.I tismorelikely

    tionsofweightfrom reigntoreignwhich

    onomicsignif icance. Thestatehadse i edcom-

    e ofallcurrency includingthefiduciary

    heendof thethirdcentury. Suchcurrency

    ervaluedatthemintand inthemarket

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

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  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    profitsmusthaveaccruedtothe mintfrom

    anperhapspointoutsomeof thesmaller


    blereasonsforthesechanges butanyattempt

    scientificdescriptionofthe historyofthe

    eevidenceof asinglehoardwouldbeillusory.


    trologicalstudyof minimi.Allwho

    tainingminimihavebeenstruck by

    ng normallypresent.I nourdiscussion

    use planationspossibleandconcluded

    en w ouldseemanintegralparto fanew and

    ratherthana devicefortheconservation

    conclusion whichattributedthepeculiar

    othe generaldecayinmintingprocedures

    antiatedinthis hoard.O nceagainthe


    uvestoacerta indegree. I t isimpossibleto

    tateandC urrency intheR omanE mpireto300a. D. Stock-

    2103. We neednotresorttoB o lin sthesisregarding

    ria tion o f so-ca lled" charged co insinthecaseo

    soovervaluedthatthe intrinsicvalueofthemetal

    theiracceptabilityinthemarket.O nlyinsofar

    ew aslega llye uiva lenttoagivenw eightofgo ldw ould

    nagevaryw ithitsw eight. Theactua lquantityof  

    paredwiththe needsforsuchcurrencywouldhave

    ofthefiduciarycurrencyinto goldtoagreaterde-

    erew astoomuchbron eonthemarkettobeabsorbed

    nvertibil itywouldhavefa llen. I nsofarasthequantity

    besaid tobeanatural concomitantofitsweight

    pieces maybesaidtoreflect theconvertibility

    nstantrateofabsorptionintothe economyispostu-

    88 hasmadeaninterestingremark ontheoverva luation

    cywhichwasmaintainedduringthe earlyempire:

    urrency how ever w asquiteadif ferentmatter. During

    eenheavilyovervalued ascomparedtothegold

    spect thoughI cannotprove it thattheemperors

    eamountofcopperincirculation inordertoe tricate

    ncialdifficulties andthatcertainmeasuressuch

    dAntoninianus hasasoneofits basicaimsthedeva-

    rncy asHill igerasserts. B o linstressesthatthe

    have beenverygreat.

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

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  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    mtheundippedspecimensin thehoard

    rudeworkmanshipwhichisevidentin the

    theconse uentlackofuniformity

    anyverye actdistinctionsmeaningless.

    ardclippingonthe formofthefre uency


    dationw ouldbee aggerated. I tshould

    edthatthemode orpo intofhighestconcentra-

    eaverageweightand thatthecoefficient


    hepublicationofY therearedataw ithw hich

    n.F orthispurposeweshall addthe

    rdtothatderivedfrom V .Manyofthe

    atstudyareconfirmedin V .Thisisparti-

    onsbaseduponthefre uencytable.

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

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  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    ductionswhichmaybemadeon thebasis

    aw ordshouldbesa idaboutthecho iceof  

    oningbehindthechoice ofaninterval

    actly thesameasinthecaseofY . I t is

    nminteverad ustedevenitsprecious



    nthecaseof al-marcoissuesoffiduciary

    ttheR omanmintw ouldhavebeenaware

    n afullcarat.A tablebasedupona


    ofaccuracythanwase ercisedbythe

    pintervalofonecaratseemsto yieldthe

    uency table forV theco insarediv idedinto


    fV a lentinianI I I , Marcian andL eoare

    velopmentofthelarger pictureoffifth

    ymaynotbeobscured. I naddition o fcourse

    mogeneous thelargerthebodyof datathe


    efre uencytablewhichmustbee plained.

    alforall periodssavethatfromV alenti-

    s. F orthissegmentof thehoardthere isabi-modal

    how ever rememberthatonly thirty -eight

    particularseriesandthatclipping was


    omparisoninarigidsensew iththef re uency

    ble.Y containsonlythirty-sevencoins

    dduringthesameinterval.The inter-

    ntedbyY canonlybetentativebe-

    blesis toogreat.I tispossiblethat this

    tsfromstrikingtheearlierissues ofЖ 4

    rweightthan thelaterissues.This

    g whichfollowedaspecificpatternto

    o lderco ins ortoother unk now nfactors.

    basis oftheevidencenowbeforeusis that

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

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  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    f romV alentinianI throughA rcadiusdoes

    ousseries.I twillre uirefurthermetrological

    moreinformationcomesto lightfrom

    stsofclarityw ehaveincludedaf re uency

    mationderivedfromY andV .


    ebroaderpicture certainfactsareimme-

    lstepforall thecoinsinV beforethe

    iththeso lee ceptionof thosedatingf romthe

    ween0.78and0.95grams.Thecoins of 

    avier themodalstepbeingbetween

    eY containedcoinsthroughthereign

    dsaredirectly comparable buttheco insin

    econdit ionthanthose intheV o lodeposit.

    circulationfor alongerperiodoftime


    d containsspecimenswhich f romthestandpo int

    dcondition.Theyhad verylikelybeen

    odof time.Anobviousconclusiontobe

    udedinthef re uency table isthatthe J 4

    Arcadius toZ enoformsahomogeneous

    truckveryslightly heavierduringthe

    rmsthe findingmadeinthecaseof Y ,

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

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  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    ei nweightduringthereignof Marcian

    entinthatcasebecauseof thepaucity


    thecaseof theco inagesofZ enoandthe


    mitsfurtherdeductions. I t isimpossibletodeter-

    noarederivedfromhis firstreign( 474-475

    d(477-491 . P ossibly thefourco insofZ eno

    otherthana monogramandseemtobe

    006 w erestruck inZ eno sf irstre ign

    nogramtypes whicharegenerallylighter

    condre ign. Thisiscon ectura l a lthough

    rityofic onographietypesandthediffering

    how ever placetoomuchimportanceonthe

    enthetwoseriesbecausethis initselfmay

    w coinsoftheiconographietypesto

    ents.We maysafelyassumethatthebulk

    epresentedinthishoarddatesfrom thesecond

    oyedthe imperia ldignity f romF ebruary9

    hhischild L eo I I , itw asonlyaf terNovember

    leemperor. 41B y J anuary9 475hehadalready

    asiliscuswasincontrolof thecapital.

    ereignforZ enolastedlessthantwo

    asiliscuslastedtwentymonths from

    476. I t isimprobablethatthef irstreign

    nlyone- tenthaslongasthere ignofB asil iscus

    aternumberofcoins.SinceV shows110

    edtoonly36 struckduringthereignof 

    nferthatthebulk of theco inageofZ enoderives

    eventeenyears.Wecan notdatethedeposit

    sincethebron eco inageitse lf isundated

    asburiedq uitesometimebeforethe

    1. ThechildemperorLeo I I hadconferredthe imperia l

    hecoinagewasissuedinboth namesuntilthesole

    Sabatier Descriptiong n ra ledesmonnaiesby antines

    reursd O rientdepuisA rcadiusj us u à laprisedeCon-

    I , r e p r in t G r a , 1 9 5 5 P i s . V I I , n o s . 15 1 6 a nd 1 7 .

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

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  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    necanonlysay thattheev idencepo intsto

    ugust476and April491.I fweallowa

    heaccumulationofZ eno s110specimens


    tmadecanbeaccepted thene tgroupofco ins

    geofB asil iscus A e liaZ enonis andthe j o int

    Marcus.Thepiecesfalling intothiscategory

    othetw entymonthsbetw eenJ anuary

    is anoticeabledropinweight reflected


    obviouslymirroredin thedeclineinthe

    ageto0.79grams thelightestyeten-

    minimi.B asiliscusapparentlytookthe



    chcoversthenospecimensfromthe reign

    ntinuingdecline inw eight. Wehavepresumed

    sdatefromAugust476to April491.

    itslowestpoint 0.42to0.59grams and

    esthenadirat 0.62grams.

    the historyoftheminimimaybe

    ency tables butacloserana ly siso f the

    uponthesetablesis necessarybeforethe

    hany degreeofe actness.

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

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  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas

    34/101  C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

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  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    d 1.21grams.Areviewofall thedata

    eticalweightof about1.18grams with

    mthe poundofrawmetal.O nceagain

    nmustbee ercised fortheR omanmoneyer

    onsinbron ecoinagefinerthanthe carat.

    hisseries couldj ustaseasilybe1.14

    beingstruckfromthe poundofrawmetal.

    aR omanmoneyercoulddistinguishob ects

    byonly0.04grams.W emaylogically

    hatthetheoretica lw eightof thecoinsw asa

    ansystemofweights. Thescruple aunito f  

    mansystem w eighs1. 14grams. Thereare288

    ththisinmind w ew ouldsuggestthatthe

    inimiissuedduring theperiodfromTheo-

    re ignofLeo w iththee ceptionof those

    Marcian wasonescrupleinweight.This

    indingsonaverysmallsca le fromY, but

    essomeviolencetothe principlesupon

    eisusedinnumismatics. I nthecaseofY

    wassogreat thatwefeltit morelikely

    18gramswasmoreaccurate.I nactual


    recouldbeacceptedf romtheev idenceofY .

    moreserious foritinvolvesplacingthe

    wohundredthsofa gramabovethehighest

    eforthecoinsfromthe reignsofTheo-

    n t in i an I I I a s w el l a s in t h e se r ie s f ro m t he

    inianI I throughV alentinianI I I andin

    etica lly it isimprobablethattheco ins

    rethan1.12 or1.13gramswhenissued.

    insfrom theperiodfromV alentinianI I

    enincludedin thetotalof237covering

    nianI I toV a lentinianI I I mak esnoappreci-

    ts.O mittingthesepiecesdoesnotalter

    hedifficulty.All thatcanbesaid isthat

    o insf romthereignofV a lentinianI to

    emstoshowatheoreticalweightof 1.14

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    erhapsthe136coinsfromthe reignsof 

    hroughA rcadiusandthere ignofMarcianhave


    heperiodprecedingthereignof Z eno.


    playingwithfiguresin ordertogeta spe-

    emustallowthefacts tospeakforthem-

    heminimi werestruckslightlyheavier

    r.This conclusioncannotbeavoided.

    er werenegligibleandevenundetectable


    recoinsbe issuedfromthepoundof 

    ingthere ignsofTheodosiusI andV alen-

    llasduringthatofLeo asmanyas300co insw ere

    fmetal.E achpiecewouldthenhavea

    9grams( f iveandahalf carats . Thisaccords

    nthere ignofMarcian how ever m inimi

    stheoretica lw eight( j ustabovesi carats

    nedfromthe poundofrawmetal.These

    R omanmoneyermightoperateandstill

    erybythepublic.All coinswouldcirculate

    auniformweightof1.14gramsandas if 


    sedisthatthere wereminorfluctuationsin

    hich reflectedgovernmentalmonetary-





    omeofthe attributions.I twouldseem


    weight oftheminimi wehaveseen


    bout0.97grams.P erhapsitwasevenas

    ecarats butthestatist ica ldataseemto

    eight.I neithercase thedifferencebetween

    ecoins asissuedfromthemint andthe

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

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    oins weremorethantwo-tenthsofa

    ticalweight whileonlyveryfewspecimens


    greaterdroptoabout0. 84grams( fouranda

    h384co insstruck f romthepoundof raw meta l.

    ly awareofthechangewhichhadbeen




    htof theminiminowbecomesclear.

    pla inthemonetarypo licyw hichcausedthese

    heentire picturetothegeneraleconomic

    The evidencefortheperiodpreceding

    mewhatconfusing butitwouldseemthat

    elast q uarterofthefourthcenturythe

    gramstheoreticalweight.This agrees

    forintheyear396 theEmperorsA rca-

    edthattwenty-fivepoundsofbron eshould

    s.43This constitutionwasincludedinthe

    edin438.ANovellaof V alentinianI I I of 

    thesolidus mightbeboughtfromthe

    gildofmoneychangers , f o r7 200nummiandso ld

    ignif icantchangeoccurredinthew eightsof thegold

    period396-445 anditseemsclearthatthe

    tomaintaina fi edvalueforthesolidus

    s. Go ldco inageva luesintermsofbron e

    tefreelyin themarket andthemargin

    salepriceof solidibythecollectantwas

    husthe profitmarginofthemoneychanger

    rnment.E conomicconditionsinthemarket


    ecollectariimightevenpetitionfor sucha

    2 1 2 . Cf . С . J u s t. X , 2 9 I , w h i c h re p ea t s th i s co n st i tu t io n

    mssionofq uin u a f terv iginti. I nthecourseof the


    I . S e e Y , p . 1 51 n o te 2 6 f o r ou r d is c us s io n o f th i s te t .

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

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    w ek now thatin384/ 5theydidmak esuchapeti-

    idiandminimi andtheq uantityofthese

    etwouldchange andasaresult thepur-


    prescribedbylaw.O neisclearlybefore

    erventionintheoperationof themarket

    Thattherewere constantdifficulties

    entalinterferenceisclearfromthe number


    200nummitotheso lidusistakenaspreva il-

    f if thcentury andif theedicto fHonorius

    orce thenatheoreticalweightof1.14

    mthepoundof raw meta lisre uiredfor

    eemtobereasonablein thelightofthe

    heperiodfromArcadius throughthereign

    f itsthissystemwell. I tseemslik e ly thattheaction

    rcadiusestablishingthemintratio ofgold

    ainthenatureofareformconnectedw itha


    hecoinageof theperiodbeforethedeath

    turalconcomitantofthischange.I nany

    swasa periodoffinancialandfiscaldifficulty

    nt.L argetributepaymentsweremadeto

    barbarians. A tthesametimetheta struc-

    ppliedrigorously.B ydintoftheseefforts


    thefinancialpositionofthe government

    .P erhapstheresoluteq ualityofhis

    alpolicytowardsthebarbarians aswell

    fthewesternrulers andthemachinations

    a inducedtheHunstoturnthe irattention


    tswhichhadbeenmadetothe H uns


    n100 000poundsofgo ld asumw hiche cited

    us i n M GH , A . A. V I , p p . 30 3 3 0 4.

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

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    softhe empireinsuchfashionthatnot

    utenewta esbutevenremovedoldones

    a lsoremittedarrearsinta es. Hisre ignw as

    age inwhichallthingswere well.47This


    int andtostriketheminimi slightlyheav-

    msor276 coinsfromthepoundof metal.

    duced thenumberofcoinsissuedand

    ncreasedthe irva lue. I nessence theminim i

    redtothe standardprevalentbefore396.


    yL eo. TheB y antineauthorshavegivenL eo

    davaricewhich isperhapssomewhat

    thetighteningoffiscal policyintimesof 

    sfule peditionagainsttheV andalsin

    hichensued uponthemurderofAspar

    umsofreadycash.U nderthecircumstances

    aina greaterprofitfromtheissuanceof 

    cingtheweight onceagaintothestandard

    orius.B ythismeasureagreaternumber

    dfromagivenweightofbron e.

    luctuationsofthe bron ecurrencyfrom

    calq ualityintheseminorshifts which

    enalargemassof minimifromasingle

    ordetailedstudy.Thefactsare q uite

    ge planationforthesecyclica ltrendsmust

    eabsenceof literaryevidenceoracomplete

    nviewofthepaucityof certainlydatedpapyri

    suchaprice inde w ouldappeartobebeyond

    eightinthe caseoftheminimi however

    olicyandarenot merechance.F orreasons

    us D e M a gi st ra ti bu s P o pu li R o m an i I I I , 4 3 ( B o nn e d. p . 23 6 :

    a io v к а M cc p i av v t v p hp io v ê X Ô c ov ô A < o v K a i t 6v u Ao t ov

    X o s à T s o t o vp vT is т т о Х ё щ о ; X an í á v i vü h eX X e v ( f v 5 í mi pT s

    r ov T S oc s т о й x p v̂ í o uA iT p v .

    237 w hocitestheancientsources. The laterchronicler

    thereignof Marcianasa" goldenage ( B onned. p.167 .

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

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    f f icia lso f thetime minorad ustmentsw ere

    bron ecurrency . Onesuchad ustment as

    de inthere ignofMarcian andthoughw ehave

    planation theev idence isinsuf f icientfor

    rntoaslightlyheav ierbron eco ininthe

    y j udgethebron ecurrencyof theperiod

    edat 1.14gramsand288minimito the

    ssiblethat thetheoreticalweightwasslightly

    renoma orchangesduringthoseyears.

    ngedabruptly.P erhapstheshortreign

    ngprecariously fortw entymonths e hausted

    inthetreasuryatthetimeofL eo sdeath.


    yearsfollowingthedeathof L eobecauseof 

    ressure.48U nderthecircumstancesaweight

    urrencywouldhaveyieldeda signi-

    thavesolvedthe fiscalproblemsofagovern-

    ydependentuponta rece iptsink ind but

    lioratingeffect.Atthispoint ifthesame

    7 200nummitotheso lidushe ldtrue tw enty

    havepurchasedonegoldpiece.This isa

    nnow bedatedonnumismaticgrounds

    ofB asiliscus.

    dictofH onoriusandArcadiusaspreserved

    cordstheolder evaluationattwenty-five

    eso lidus. Whenthissameconstitutionw as

    urisC ivil is theva luationw aschanged


    ef fectasof J anuary1 439 thechangemust

    rthisdate.No changeisindicatedinthe

    tnianI I I o rMa orian. I nthepreservedsecond

    w ascompletedin534 how ever thechange

    H i s t o ry o f t he L a t er R o m a n E m p i re f r om A r ca d iu s t o I r e í ,

    p . 25 3.

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

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  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    irstC odeof J ustinian w hichisunfor-

    aredin529by acommissionoftenwithvery


    concilecontradictorylaws andeventomake

    nte tsandin theorderoftheenactments.

    ntoTrebonianus D orotheus andthethree

    w ork edonthesecondC ode w hichise tant.


    sevident therefore thatthechangeoccurred


    monetaryhistoryofthe laterR oman

    e thechangeto475/6.Trebonianusandhis


    older constitution.

    s notendhere.A fragmentfromthe

    dinSuidastells usthatduringthe early

    othetreasuryhadreachedsuch alowebb

    hateverL eohadmanagedtoaccumulate

    peditionandbeforehisdeathhadbeenq uick ly

    argesses. 60E venif thispassagebedatedto

    o n n ed . p . 2 75 : t 5 k oi v v t t e el s т г й с т о т â - rr op ia v к а -

    uriS vï x e ví nr Aomov & tey pê vт ф koivc tc u I coA covkoteAittev

    r oZ r i vo ov os t oc ú í k ek ev c t o Tr v To c T r o AA u v x a p it ou v ou t o ç ç î A oi ,

    C k ô w to s5 ¿ x p î o O s с Ь с г г е c cC rr y iv cb a E i v e t ti к а 1 ä A Ac os kA et tt oi ut o.

    esthete tto477w ithoutany furthercomment. C . M ller

    um G r ae c or u m P a r is 1 8 68 I V , p . 1 16 r e pe a ts t h e sa m e

    buthedatestheeventto475 re ly ingontheauthority

    etorianPraefectEry thrius w hoseactivit iesaredis-

    w asinoff ice in473andlater andthathew asprobably

    tlybeforethereturnofZ eno. O. Seeck P auly -Wissow a

    derclassischenA ltertumsw issenschaf t I V , co l. 602 ho ldsthat

    ceduringthefirstreign ofZ enobecausethepassage

    cf ic a ll y ' E p O ô p i o â - r ra p /o s y ey o vc o s ё т г 1 Z r v c v o s. I n f a ct

    essedtoE rythriusdatefrom466and472 duringthe

    e d . P a u l K r u e ge r C o de I u s ti n ia n us i n C or p us I u r is C i vi l is

    rl in 1954 H » P -5 7-E ry thriusw asapparently succeeded

    ometimeintheyear472 ifw emay j udgef romthecon-

    urisC ivil is. A lsoseeE. Ste in H isto ireduB as- mpire

    , p . 66 . Cf . Ma lc hu s 88 B ( B o n n ed . p . 26 3 : ô t i t v & p o vt o

    Р и с т ' ° и Ah pc ns v E K r r e uT r u ev ov с о с т т г е р E Ü S o nn ov a r p oc s ys vo u v ri s

    ё т г T re vT oc O C T a is ó u o A T pa i й л г ё с т т е Л е у . T hi sp as sa ge is re pe at ed in

    i s t or i co r um G r ae c or u m I V p . 1 20 . I t i s d at e d by M l l er t o

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

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    asiliscus.With anemptytreasurythe

    esorttoall possiblesourcesofrevenue.


    erageweightoftheminimi nowfellto

    mayc on ec turethatthetheoretic alweightwas

    imately 84c oinswerenowstruc k fromthe

    eclineofthe nummus introducedinthe

    asvirtuallytheonly smallchangeduring

    tury wasnowcomplete. tremained

    fbetterfinancialability withasenseof 

    iutereformsveryearly inhisreign. A n

    n ecurrencywithsomelargeso-called

    andan averageweightofalmostseventeen


    tseemsobviousata glancethattheim-

    ellawareoftheprofitsto besecuredby

    rybron ecurrency.Theprofittothemint

    minimicannothavebeen inconsiderable


    romapoundof metal. ntimesofrelative


    c aseofmostc oinages however theimperial

    oresisttemptation andthegeneraltrend

    epassageis uestionablebecauseoftheimprobability

    yptincreasedfromfiftypoundsofgoldto 5oopounds

    oftime.Sucha ten-foldincreasewouldhavebeen

    theperiod butthereisnosupportingevidence.

    rnhistorianshave simplyomittedanyreferenceto

    e M a gi st ra ti bu s o pu li R o m an i I I , 4 5 B o n n ed . p p . 2 8

    pec if ically thatthestatewasonthevergeof f inanc ialruinf romthe

    ssionofAnastasiusbecauseZ enoforcedthemagistrates

    ebarbarians. ohn yduswasac ontemporaryof 

    anditmaybesafelyassumedthat hewouldhave


    7 stressesthef inanc ialac umenoftheemperor. Seealso

    e M ag is tr at ib us o pu li R o m an i I I , 4 5 B o n n ed . p p . 2 8

    sthatAnastasiussavedthestatef romvirtualruin. B ury


     C r e a

     t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e

     / h t t p : / / w w w . h a t h i t r u s t . o r g / a c c e s s_ u s e # c c - b y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    ecoinage.Thisis particularlytrueafter

    aya lsonotethatthe increase inthenumber


    tisunlikelythat theimperialgovern-

    n anywayintermsofthe q uantity


    therewasadayof reck oning andthatday

    asil iscus a f terthema orforceof the

    dspentitselfandtheW estwaslost.Thelarger

    cedweightmusthave lostsomeoftheir

    nversionintogold atthefi edrateof 


    y coinagewassolowthattheir market


    ecurrencyhadbeenissuedi nlargeamounts

    hat L eowasforcedintoa positionof 

    ntsthanbefore.H istremendouse pen-

    ll-f a tedV andalice peditionin468had

    sofover100 000poundsofgo ldle f ttohim

    estimatesthecosto f thee pedit ionat130 000

    ohnL ydusandC andidusgivetheestimate

    o ldand700 000poundsofsilver. 52Thesetre-


    sus. Theearly si thcenturyauthor Malchus

    mostavariciousruler who becauseof 

    w asguiltyo f thesinofe tortingmoney f rom

    apswasthemeasureof hisneed.W ithan

    yholdon thethronetheemperorwasin

    tosecure moneyfromallpossiblesources.

    ralthanthat heshouldseekagreatin-

    theoperationofthemint Theevidence

    heeconomicsituationre uiredsomegovern-

    e l lo V a n d l ic o I , 6 ( B o n n ed . I , p . 3 35 ; I o an ne s L y du s

    u l i R o m an i I I I , 4 3 ( B o n n e d . p . 23 7 ; C a nd i du s ( B o n n

    y p. 337 note3 foradiscussionof thesef igures. Also

    h te d e s sp t r m i sc h en R e i c h es V i e nn a 1 9 28 1 p p . 53 1 5 3 2.

    B o n n e d . p p . 2 7 4 2 7 5 = f r a g. 7 i n M l l er F r a gm e nt a

    m I V , p . 1 16 .

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

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    swereopentohim:either hemight

    nimie ualtothesolidus andsimplyre-

    w hichmusthaveoccurredw henthebron e

    lity—inwhichcase hederivednoprofit— or

    tratioofgo ldtobron e w itha llthatthis

    ngedthenumberofminim ie ua ltothesolidus

    hew ouldsimplyhavestabil i edthecourseof  

    rrency . I t isclearf romthete tintheC orpus

    condcourse thato f low eringthego ld-

    1:1800to1:1440 w aschosen. Thereasons

    Stocksof bron eformonetarypurposes

    ble.B yloweringthemintratiothe E mperor

    ne- f if thtotheva lueofsuchbron estock s.


    fiduciarybron ecurrency.This however

    assbecauseprices arenotoriouslyslowon

    nditisdoubtfulthat thismovebyitself 

    sedconfidenceinthefiduciarybron e.The

    nforcedtoaccept thegovernment s

    highestauthority butthereisno surety

    sthemovewas particularlyeffective.


    ngewastheincreasedabilityto lighten

    orquick ga in. Thef irstso lution w hich

    conomicsituation thatis thedecline in


    how ever l ik e indiv idua ls are interested

    economics andsothesecondcourse was

    erin476wasnotmark edbyany improvement

    the government.Aswehaveindicated

    ringhisfirst yearsinpower.O nlyone

    mperor a furtherreductioninthew eight

    togetherw itha largerissue. B asil iscushad

    eminimitothebreakingpoint.There can

    mintratioof1: i8oogavebron eahigher

    ein themarketplace.Suchis thenature

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

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    overnmentinitstime ofneedwasvitally

    chit couldobtainfromtheoperation

    lana ly sis w hentheminimife lltoanaverage

    anda theoreticalweightof0.84grams

    maintained.Notonlywasthebron every

    buttheactualcoinagewas belowitstheoretical

    hatallcoulddetectit. Thisinitselfmight

    ningless iftheissueshadbeen limitedand

    ouldhavebeen maintained.Unfortunately


    of itmusthavebeenalmostoverw helmingin

    tinthemidstofa financialcrisis.

    eformof Anastasiusremainssomewhat

    ay.Thereis noinformationastohowthe

    eti edorhow thee changew asaccomplish-

    arscertain.An emperorofbusinessability

    dingupthetreasurycouldnot havemade

    alueofthebron einthetreasurystocks

    intratio . I nstead theemperorreformed


    ioof 1:1440whichappearsintheCorpus

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


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    I — A R CAD I U S

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      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas


    O AR D

    O I N SF R O M


    NI I I V A E N T N A NI I I

      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas



    O ARD


    e ~ m s o o o



    C A N

    # # 5# S # # S #2

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    H G N d oo e os i o c o oe c + or c o o

    CO I N SO F E O

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     C r e a

     t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e

     / h t t p : / / w w w . h a t h i t r u s t . o r g / a c c e s s_ u s e # c c - b y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas

    49/101  C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas




    a l en s o r







    us or

    us or




    o r

    o r





      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h  a  t  h  i  t  r  u  s  t .  o  r  g  /  a  c  c  e  s  s_

      u  s  e  #  c  c -  b  y -  n  c -  s  a -  4 .  0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas



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    Ae li a


    Ae li a


     C r e a

     t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e

     / h t t p : / / w w w . h a t h i t r u s t . o r g / a c c e s s_ u s e # c c - b y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 A bronze hoard of the period of Zeno I / by Howard L. Adelson and Georg L. Kustas




    l e ns o r V a le nt in ia n I I i 3


    C e nt u ry i 3 a n d i 4

    us orH onorius


    orTheodosiusI I


    I I

    h e od o si u s I , A r ca d iu s H o n or i us ( V a l en t in i an I I I )

    s I I , V a l en t in i an I I I

    L e o Z e n o o r A el i a Z e n on i s


    C e nt u ry i 3 3

    us orH onorius1

    3 1

    o r T he o do s iu s I I 2


      C  r  e  a

      t  i  v  e  C  o  m  m  o  n  s  A  t  t  r  i  b  u  t  i  o  n -  N  o  n  C  o  m  m  e  r  c  i  a  l -  S  h  a  r  e  A  l  i  k  e

      /  h  t  t  p  :  /  /  w  w  w .  h