
A Brief History of A Brief History of

The beginning: 1299The beginning: 1299

• Osman founds Ottoman Empire.


Expanding: 1352Expanding: 1352

• The Ottoman Empire acquires the land from the European side of the Dardanelles from the Byzantine Empire.

Common Ottoman weapons


• Conquest of Constantinople (Istanbul).

• This was the 4th and last capital.

Golden Age: 1534Golden Age: 1534

• Suleyman the Magnificent, the most important Ottoman emperor comes to the throne.

More Land: 1534-1535More Land: 1534-1535

• Suleyman the Magnificent takes expeditions into Iran and Iraq to take more land for the Ottoman Empire.


• First Ottoman ambassadors sent to Western European capitals.

Empire in CrisisEmpire in Crisis

• 1875- Empire declares bankruptcy.

• 1895- Last Ottoman province in the Balkans, Macedonia, succumbs to civil war.

• 1909- Muslim counter-revolution stopped. The sultan is deposed and a Constitutional monarchy is declared.

The Modern AgeThe Modern Age

• 1914- Turkey enters World War I on the German side (a.k.a. the losers).

• 1918-1921- Mustafa Kemal Attaturk secures the boundaries of a new Turkish state.

New LeadershipNew Leadership

• 1923- Attaturk is elected president. In 15 years he takes a bankrupt, medieval, Islamic empire and turns it into a modern, secular democracy.

• 1923- The modern Republic of Turkey is born.

Side note-AttaturkSide note-Attaturk

• April 23 is now celebrated as Attaturk Day because the people believe that Attaturk saved their nation. He is considered the “father of Turkey”.

Children celebrating Attaturk Day.

What you should have learned:What you should have learned:

• Ottoman Empire founded 1299 by Osman.

• Grew steadily in land mass because of Suleyman the Magnificent.

• Began to decline because of bankruptcy and losing land to civil war.

• Entered the losing side of WWI.

• Resurrected by Mustafa Kemal Attaturk.

• Now a modern republic.