Page 1: A Blue Box Batteries Guide To Recycling Old Batteries

A Blue Box Batteries Guide To Recycling Old Batteries

Page 2: A Blue Box Batteries Guide To Recycling Old Batteries


• Slide 3 - The Power of the Battery• Slide 4 – Time For a Replacement Battery?• Slide 5 - Why Recycle?• Slide 6 - Recycling Statistics• Slide 7 – Your Recycling Options• Slide 8 – Recycling Options: Local Authority• Slide 9 - Recycling Options: Manufacturer• Slide 10 – Recycling with Blue Box Batteries• Slide 11 - Installing New Batteries• Slide 12 – About Blue Box Batteries• Slide 13 - References

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The Power of the BatteryTake a moment to think about where we would be without the creation of the battery. Technological innovation and science has resulted in the battery powering a whole host of devices and applications, including:

• Computer and data centres• Telecommunications equipment• Emergency lighting systems• Fire alarms• Motorbikes• Lawnmowers• Mobility scooters• Parking meters

The battery has made our lives easier by providing both a portable and convenient source of energy.

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Time For A Replacement Battery?

Signs that your existing battery needs to be replaced include:

• Equipment/application failing to start after a full charge• Application/device not operating to its full potential• A noticeable difference in the items output• A quicker than normal turnaround of power straight

after a full charge• No power given to the application at all

Upon replacing your battery, the old one can be recycled

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Why Recycle?

Did you know - electrical equipment that’s no longer required is the UK’s fastest growing type of waste? (*1)

Therefore, recycle your old batteries and benefit from the following:

• Help protect the environment• Save natural resources• Allow manufacturing companies to reuse materials• Save landfill space and prevent toxic waste • Become more environmentally friendly and green

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Recycling Statistics

• In 2012, the UK recycled nearly 28% of portable batteries (*2)

• New style lead acid batteries can contain 60-80% of recycled lead and plastic (*3)

• 9,094 tonnes of lead acid batteries were recycled in 2012 (*4)

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Your Recycling Options

If you are looking to recycle your old, unwanted batteries, what are your options?

Your first port of call is to speak to


• Your local authority or council

• The manufacturer or supplier where you bought your battery

Let’s look at these options in more detail.

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Recycling Options: Local Authority

Speak to your local authority to see if they have any battery recycling services in your area.

UK councils have introduced battery collection schemes to adhere to regulations and to encourage more people to recycle.

Check which batteries you can/can’t recycle first before making a wasted journey to the dump/recycling centre.

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Recycling Options: ManufacturerAnother option is to speak to the manufacturer or supplier who originally sold you the battery.

Since 2010, shops that sell more than 32KG a year must offer free of charge collection facilities for batteries in their store.

This complies with the Waste

Electrical or Electrical Equipment

Directive (WEEE).

Get in touch with your supplier and see how they can help.

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Recycling with Blue Box Batteries

At Blue Box Batteries, we offer our customers the opportunity to recycle your old and unwanted electrical items.

This service is offered when replacing like for like products purchased from our website.

Find out more by contacting our friendly team on 02381 789197 or via [email protected].

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Installing New Batteries

Once you have recycled your old batteries, you’ll need to purchase and install new ones.

Blue Box Batteries sell a range of

batteries for a whole host of


When installing new batteries, always read the owner’s manual/handbook, or speak to a qualified professional and ask them for assistance.

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About Blue Box BatteriesFor help and advice regarding battery requirements, speak to Blue Box Batteries, a supplier of domestic and commercial batteries and accessories.

Contacting us today:


Phone: 02381 789 197

Email: [email protected]



Google Plus:


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Image Credits




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