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Faculty, staff and stu-dents who shelled out $60 this year for a parking per-mit might have purchased them directly from Butler University, but the univer-sity isn’t the only stake-holder in the parking situ-ation.

Butler’s hardly parking-friendly campus is nestled in the Butler-Tarkington neighborhood, and a 1989 legal commitment with the Butler-Tarkington Neigh-borhood Association re-quires not only that the university enforce permit rules against parking on its streets but also to hold the university responsible for providing adequate park-ing for those who need it.

It also gives BTNA the right to put the kibosh on any of the university’s fu-ture building plans.

Police Chief Ben Hunter said the university could get some resistance from BTNA or the city about starting to build the next project if the university does not have a more comprehensive park-ing plan.

The campus Master Plan calls for the university to de-velop both structured and additional surface parking in two areas to make up for displaced parking that is lost as current surface lots eventually are developed for other uses, but these solutions are listed as mid-term or long-term projects.

“We’ve made it clear to the university, before any-thing major happens, we’d like to see some sort of look about whether the number of student vehicles can be limited,” Neil Bloede, presi-dent of BTNA, said.

Butler’s lawyers ac-knowledged BTNA’s con-cern about the future of on-campus parking and agreed in a Dec. 28, 1989, letter to BTNA’s attorney that it would “continue to provide parking within its borders sufficient to accom-modate vehicles operated by all faculty, staff and stu-dents.”

The university needs the support of BTNA, since it has the ability to remon-strate against any new building or structure.

BTNA recently approved building the Howard L. Schrott Center for the Per-forming and Visual Arts because of the university’s good-faith effort and ex-cellent relationship with it, Hunter said, but parking was a factor in the decision-making.

“The very tough ques-tion and first question they asked was about parking,” Hunter said, adding that the university’s parking capacity will increase by about 20 new spots when the center is built.

Bloede said the univer-sity and BTNA have had a

Many Butler University students and staff members seeking a lunch-time pizza slice or cupcake last Wednesday were left unsatisfied.

The NY Slice and Scout’s Treats food trucks parked by Norris Plaza for lunch service but were asked to leave before the rush ended because they violated both an Aramark stipu-lation and the university’s ban on so-licitation.

“Businesses cannot be here with-out being invited in,” Irene Stevens, dean of student life, said.

Under the solicitation policy, no business can operate on campus without being invited by a student organization and approved through the PuLSE office.

Aramark’s contract also states that it is the sole food vendor on campus, and exceptions to that policy must be approved.

The solicitation policy was en-acted many years ago, Stevens said, to keep students from being ap-proached by disreputable salespeo-ple.

Lisa Moyer, owner of Scout’s Treats, said food trucks frequent oth-er campuses and venues like Indiana University- Purdue University India-napolis without any problems.

“Our experience at other universi-ties has been foreign to this,” Moyer said.

Moyer said business was good before the trucks left, and she would like those on campus to be able to choose where they eat.

“We support giving people what they want,” she said. “And they showed what they want.”

Freshman Rithvi Melanta, a chem-istry and engineering major, was one of many students who ate at The NY Slice and the Edward’s Drive-In trucks at Student Government As-sociation’s assembly kickoff Tuesday.

The trucks came after being invit-ed by SGA.

Melanta said she understands why the policy exists but said it lim-its students’ choices.

“They’re not really taking stu-dents away from eating here,” Mel-anta said. “They’re giving us closer options for eating out.”

Moyer and NY Slice owner John Ban said they would like to work with the university to be able to re-turn.

“We’d love to come back for regu-lar lunches,” Ban said.

Stevens said there is no push to revisit the policy and the administra-tion will be enforcing it in regard to other restaurants like Jimmy John’s.

She said they will be informing them of the policy and not allowing them to pass out free food on cam-pus.

“We’re going to tell them, ‘This is our policy. Please abide by it,’” Ste-vens said.

SportS 5 | ArtS & EntErtAinmEnt 8 | opinion 10 | oVErHEArD on tWittEr 12

COLLEGIAN Vol. 126 issue 3 established 1886 indianapolis

butler uniVersity | Wednesday, september 7, 2011 |

the butler A&E: School of Music kicks off its season with a program to

commemorate 9/11.Page 9

Sports: Senior QB Andrew Huck breaks record at home opener.Page 5

Opinion: Colum-nist Jim Hanna says parking dilemma could easily be solved.Page 11

Photos by Rachel AndersonThe Campus Farm and intramural fields always have shared space, but a new grant to expand the farm may cause some trouble.

Solicitation policy drives food trucks awayBy Sara Pruzinprint managing [email protected]

to play or to plow?The resource is space. The

players: intramural sports and Butler University’s Cam-pus Farm.

The two always have ex-isted in close proximity to one another, but as both are going through times of increased popularity and expansion, the two must work together to maintain a mutually ben-eficial coexistence.

Since its establishment in January 2010, the farm has received strong support from Earth Charter Butler, students, faculty, Center for Urban Ecology staff and members of the Indianapolis community, CUE Director Tim Carter said.

“We’ve made every effort we could to be transparent about the farm by working directly with campus opera-tions from day one on the site selection and keeping every-one in the loop as activities continue down there,” Carter said.

Though it started out hum-bly as a half-acre agricultural project near the Butler Prai-rie and intramural fields, the

Campus Farm has achieved tremendous popularity with-in the Butler and Indianapolis communities.

So much so, in fact, that it recently received a $230,000 grant from the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust to help fund further expansion and promotion of urban ag-riculture, food safety and or-ganic farming techniques.

Dan French, a junior bio-medical engineering and chemistry major, helped with some of the planting and

other jobs required when the farm was first established.

French said that he sup-ports the farm’s mission to promote locally grown pro-duce.

“Food that is grown locally helps to support local econo-mies and also saves on green-house gases that are caused by shipping,” French said.

But due to the farm’s lo-cation, expansion must be handled carefully and strate-gically.

Junior Carl Miller, an in-

tramural supervisor for the Health and Recreation Com-plex, said the main concern is that farm expansion, along with an increase in the popu-larity of intramural sports, might cause parking issues.

“Last year, every intra-mural sport had increased in the total number of teams in-volved from the year before,” Miller said.

He said he suspected that intramural involvement would continue

By Aaron KelpinStaff [email protected]

Photo by André SmithMany students waited in line to get food from vendors at the Student Government As-sociation assembly kickoff. The NY Slice returned after being told to leave last week.

__________see intramurals page 3

Before Butler grows, officials will answerto neighborhood

By Hayleigh ColomboEditor in [email protected]

_____________see parking page 2

Beforeanything majorhappens, we’d like to see some sort of look about whether the number of studentvehicles can be limited.

neil BloedeprESiDEnt, BtnA


A 1989 contract with BTNA forces Butler to address concerns.

Page 2: 9.7.11

University offi cials said they are looking at ways to cut out waste-fulness, but some students and fac-ulty members said they want the university’s sustainability projects to be more focused.

“All the time I see lights on in buildings at night, and even the sprinklers will be on when it is raining,” sophomore chemistry major Kaitlynn Brooks said. “If we stopped doing things like that then I think we’ll be fi ne.”

Director of the Center for Urban Ecology Tim Carter said the uni-versity is always looking to fi nd ways to cut out wastefulness.

Carter pointed toward new en-ergy audit results for Butler that were taken by the center to calcu-late the university’s carbon emis-sions. They show that Butler’s emissions were slightly less than other universities similar in size.

“The fact that we set up this study was a great fi rst step,” Carter said. “Now we can fi gure out how we can be more effi cient with our energy use. The next step, I would hope, would be for President [Jim] Danko to set up a sustainability committee to try to eliminate un-necessary waste.”

The research shows that But-ler’s emissions for 2009 were about 27,522 net megatons of carbon di-oxide. This is less than Depauw University, which has an enroll-ment about half Butler’s size but emitted 38,716 megatons. Data also show that 61 percent of all of But-

ler’s energy use comes from elec-tricity.

When asked for information on the cost of Butler’s electricity con-sumption, vice president of opera-tions Gerald Carlson said the infor-mation was not readily available. But he said that consumption has decreased, which is what the uni-versity tends to focus on instead of costs.

“Our consumption has been re-cently going down,” Carlson said. “Natural gas prices have been go-ing up, so that is not really our con-cern. If consumption goes down, then we know we did things right.”

Carlson said the university is working to cut down on unneces-sary consumption by encouraging students to engage in more envi-

ronmentally friendly habits. “There are some night lights

that stay on outside for safety rea-sons,” Carlson said. “Some stu-dents study in the buildings at night, and when they leave, they do not always turn off the lights. We want to try to change student habits by putting signs in the door-ways, but we do not always suc-ceed.”

Carlson added that the universi-ty wants to move away from using steam to heat buildings, instead us-ing hot water, which requires less natural gas to heat. So far, Irwin Library has been converted, and this year plans are for Clowes Me-morial Hall to be converted as well.

Water consumption is currently not tracked at Butler, but Carlson

said that it is something he expects the university will do soon.

Carlson said that it is the job of the facilities engineer to keep track of utility usage, but that position has been vacant for two and a half years.

“We do not really track water consumption, but we would like to in the near future,” Carlson said. “It is one of our goals to start.”

Administrators also implement-ed the PrintSmart system during the 2010-2011 school year to de-crease wasteful printing.

The system allots a certain num-ber of printing credits for each stu-dent and informs students of how their printing affects the environ-ment.

Project Manager Tyler Johnston

said administrators were originally planning to charge students this year if they went over their print-ing limit but decided against it.

“Last year was a pilot,” Johnston said, “but once we implemented it, we saw a huge decrease in print-ing, so I said, ‘Maybe we should not charge the students.’ If we can keep the printing low then we will not have to put charging in.”

Information provided by John-ston shows that the year before PrintSmart was implemented, during 2009-2010, there were an estimated 5.1 million pages print-ed by all students. But the year PrintSmart was installed, there were 3.7 million pages printed.

“Our goal was to curb the bla-tant disregard of waste and money by students,” Johnston said.

Johnston did not have informa-tion on the cost of the PrintSmart program, but said that it was rea-sonable compared to other alterna-tives.

“I would say it is cheaper and less expensive than other pro-grams,” Johnston said.

General construction mainte-nance manager Craig Hardee said that he thinks the university would be most effective in minimizing its environmental impact by setting up a sustainability program.

“If we had a director of sustain-ability, then we would have a cen-tralized and more focused effort to make a bigger gain instead of sev-eral different people trying to do the same thing,” Hardee said.

Carter said he believes that the only way to get Butler to improve its environmental status is by fo-cusing on students.

“Getting students to drive envi-ronmental initiatives would be the most effective,” Carter said. “They are the ones who drive the univer-sity.”


Sustainability projects put in place

Juniors from Shortridge Magnet High School for Law and Public Policy are participating in an early college program this fall that in-volves a partnership with Butler University.

These 11 students are enrolled in one of six different courses that meet every Tuesday and Thursday morning, and they can earn up to 30 college credits before they grad-uate high school.

Mary Ramsbottom, associate provost for student academic af-fairs, has been one of the key de-velopers of the early college pro-gram since its proposal.

“The purpose of the program is to give select students at Short-ridge the opportunity to earn col-lege credit,” Ramsbottom said, “and to experience courses on a college campus in terms of the rig-or, expectations and being around a degree-seeking student body.”

After a temporary closure dur-ing the 1980s to restructure the school, Shortridge reopened in 2009 as a magnet high school

through a partnership with Butler as part of the Shortridge Initiative.

“The program’s intent is not to push Butler on these students,” Ramsbottom said.

Credits earned through the pro-gram are not only accepted at But-ler but also at other institutions at their discretion.

Of the 21 students who applied to be part of the program, 12 were accepted and 11 currently are par-ticipating.

Jay Howard, dean of the Col-lege of Liberal Arts and Sciences, has some of the Shortridge juniors in one of the social world courses he teaches.

Howard said the students seem to be adapting well to the campus environment.

Prior to beginning their classes, students briefl y met with the six instructors involved in the pro-gram.

Professor Matt Maurer, who also has Shortridge juniors in his “Introduction to Computers in Education” course, said the meet-ing was a way to help the students understand the program.

“[It was] a very useful activity,”

Maurer said. “We got a sense of them, and they got a sense of us.”

The growth of greater diversity was one of instructor Janis Craw-ford’s initial thoughts when she fi rst heard about ECP early last spring.

She has two students in her “Rhetoric and the American De-mocracy” course in which stu-dents learn about public speaking and politics.

Crawford said this process is an exciting way to get Indiana pub-lic school students more involved with Butler and other statewide universities.

“[The program will] bring a di-verse perspective to campus ,be-cause the average Indianapolis Public Schools student is not com-ing from the same social angle as our Butler scholars,” Howard said.

There is a mutual feeling of hope among the people who are involved with the program.

“I hope it continues and evolves over time. Nothing you do the fi rst time is perfect,” Maurer said. “It’s our job to learn what is working and what isn’t and to adjust so that it works better.”

Shortridge studentsimmersed in Butler courses

By Aly MartinezStaff [email protected]

Photo by Rachel AndersonStudents from Shortridge Magnet High School are offered the opportunity to take courses at Butler, allowing them to earn up to 30 college credits before they graduate. Eleven students currently are participating in the program.

By André SmithAssistant News [email protected]

Butler offi cials look for options to make the university “greener” to reduce future impact.

Butler UniversityPrinting Activity

Since Butler has installed PrintSmart, printing among students has dropped by 1.4 million pages.

Graphic by Erin Drennan and Jill McCarter


continued from page 1good relationship as of late re-garding parking issues but that he is mindful of concerns in the future.

“I don’t think we are currently at a crisis point with a respect to the neighborhood,” Bloede said, “but anytime they come to us with a project, we ask about parking.”

Hunter said he would imag-ine that the university would move to create a parking facility as outlined in the Master Plan if the number of students at Butler grows.

“Going forward, if you take and wipe out a parking lot, we’re going to have to have an answer about where we’re placing that capacity,” he said. “The need for parking is going to increase as the university grows.”

President Jim Danko said he had a “high-level” discussion with Hunter and interim vice president for operations Gerald Carlson last week about parking capacity.

Hunter said his chief concern

about parking is making sure BUPD enforces against faculty, staff and students who park on the neighborhood’s streets in front of homes of residents who are concerned about their property values.

Bloede said the 1989 commit-ment created a covenant between BTNA and the university with re-spect to how the two entities han-dle certain issues but that it rec-ognizes the university’s authority to deal with problems so long as neighborhood residents are not adversely affected.

Bloede said it is a major con-cern for Butler-Tarkington resi-dents when students who live in rentals eat up parking capacity on neighborhood streets.

“What’s important is the long-term health of the university when it comes to parking,” Hunter said. “Anytime you have growth at the university, one of the last things we want to do is encroach in the neighborhood that is the very thing that supports us.”



DECEMBER 28, 1989:

.... Butler hereby reaffi rms and agrees:

.... 2. To continue its ef-forts to keep its faculty, staff and students from parking their vehicles on the neighborhood streets which adjoin its campus, except for special events as described in the Com-mitments; ....

.... 4. Butler acknowledges BTNA’s concern regarding parking in the future, and agrees that it shall con-tinue to provide parking within its borders suffi cient to accommodate vehicles operated by all faculty, staff and students;....

To read full letter, visit

staff and students from parking their vehicles on the neighborhood streets which adjoin its campus,

.... 4. Butler acknowledges BTNA’s concern regarding parking in the future, and agrees that it shall con-tinue to provide parking

Page 3: 9.7.11


New process helps administrators wade through

application pool

In a year full of changes for But-ler University, the highly competi-tive physician assistant program has instituted a new admissions process for its students.

Butler freshmen looking to en-ter the physician assistant program now have the option of auto-ad-vancement while upperclassmen are permitted to apply for early decision.

Mike Roscoe, program director for the physician assistant pro-gram, said that the recent changes will be benefi cial to Butler stu-dents.

“The decision to change this year

was to pull apart the application pool so that we are not spending all of our time in one month trying to fi gure everything out,” Roscoe said. “That way we try to reduce the error rate, reduce the amount of stress and give more time to our students to make decisions.”

In previous years, students sub-mitted their applications by a stan-dard deadline that often caused stress for both the administration and the students.

“We were burdening both ad-missions and registration and re-cords, and it was stressful for the students because it was so late they didn’t know what school they were going to go to,” Roscoe said.

Students who meet the crite-ria for the early decision deadline have the advantage of knowing whether they will be offered a spot in the physician assistant program earlier than students who apply through the standard deadline.

Roscoe said that it defi nitely will

help the students in their decision-making process.

“Our old process was always late,” Roscoe said. “We inter-viewed in early March while a lot of other schools are already fi lling up their classes. So some of our top students were getting into multiple places and had accepted some-where else.”

Audrey Wagaman, a sophomore pre-physician assistant major, was recently told that she qualifi ed to apply for early decision into the program.

“It’s very exciting to have this opportunity for early decision,” Wagaman said. “It’s a bit stressful since we have an earlier deadline, but overall I think it will prove

mostly benefi cial.”As for the introduction of the

auto-advancement for Butler fresh-men, the program hopes that it will capture great students right out of high school.

Associate professor in the phy-sician assistant program Jennifer Snyder said she believes that it will bring more allegiance.

“It will bring a loyalty, not only to the physician assistant program, but a loyalty back to the universi-ty,” Snyder said.

Snyder said auto-advancement for freshmen will allow the stu-dents to have better experiences.

“If the students commit, let them go through Butler, let them experience the core, experience a

liberal arts education and all the great things it has to offer, and then let them come into our professional phase,” Snyder said.

Though this might be exciting for incoming physician assistant students, it could leave upperclass-men wondering why the auto-advancement could not have been initiated when they were freshmen.

Snyder said that she can under-stand the concern, but changes to the admissions process had to start somewhere.

“Somebody was going to be in that boat,” Snyder said. “And all of the faculty are sympathetic to the sophomore students because they truly are the ones that just missed out.”

Photo by Taylor CoxPA student Bethany Burrell observes professor Michele Schultz as she demonstrates lab procedures on student Ariana Evenson.

Freshmen will now have the option of auto-advancement into the professional program.

By Jessica KilcoyneStaff [email protected]

Attendance policies for Butler University classes are like the pro-verbial snowfl ake—no two are the same.

Some are aggravatingly strict, others are temptingly lax, but nearly all professors have one.

Many professors say attendance policies are put in place to encour-age students to come to class and participate and also to penalize those who don’t, providing further incentive.

According to the Butler Universi-ty Student Handbook for 2011-2012, “students are expected to attend ev-ery meeting of all classes in which they are enrolled. The defi nition of excessive absence, as well as the penalty for such absence, may vary with the nature of the course.”

In other words, professors may establish their attendance policies however they want, and it is up to their best judgment to determine whether a student deserves aca-demic action based on absenteeism. With that in mind, professors at Butler said they tend to design their attendance policies not to eliminate any possibility of missing class, but to provide a reason to go.

Students said they might be in-timidated by strict attendance poli-

cies, fearing a bad grade if they miss class or losing esteem with the pro-fessor.

Professor of English Bill Walsh understands the importance of at-tendance but acknowledges that things come up.

“I don’t pay much attention to at-tendance unless it’s spotty,” he said. “Class is about developing skills.”

Walsh said it is diffi cult to acquire those skills if a student doesn’t at-tend class regularly.

“We all believe in what we’re do-ing, but we also believe in the au-tonomy of the student,” Walsh said.

Walsh also acknowledged the dif-ferences between skills and content courses.

“A content course is different,” he said. “Sometimes students can get away with being absent.”

Since skills courses meet infre-quently throughout the week, it is imperative that students attend class to hone those skills, he said.

Lecturer of mathematics and ac-tuarial science Mary Krohn has a similarly loose attendance policy but agrees with Walsh on the impor-tance of regular attendance.

“Attendance doesn’t count for a grade, but I do take attendance ev-ery day,” she said. “Having a record of attendance is good for students on the border. I want to make them accountable.”

Sophomore business and man-agement information systems major Thach “Rocky” Huynh sees atten-dance policies in a more optimistic light than most students.

“Professors’ attendance poli-cies are guides to keep students on track,” Huynh said. “They also can refl ect the personality of the profes-sor. The departments that are more involved with communication and discussion tend to have stricter at-tendance policies.”

He said he believes in the posi-tive correlation between attendance and academic performance.

“It’s logical that frequent atten-dance leads to better performance,” Huynh said. “Coming to class is also essential to building relationships with your professors.”

Other programs, such as the Col-lege of Pharmacy and Health Sci-ences, have slightly different situa-tions.

“My general pharmacy classes don’t really have an attendance pol-icy,” fourth year pharmacy student Bonnie Kaminsky said. “They are all large lecture classes of about 130 students, so professors don’t take attendance. Attendance for our lab and recitation sections is mandato-ry, and if you have to miss one, you have to let the professor know in ad-vance and make it up by attending a different section.”

Kaminsky said pharmacy classes are recorded online, making it easier for students to keep track of mate-rial if they miss class, but notes that a recording doesn’t compare to actu-ally being present.

“I believe, particularly in my major, that it is important to attend class,” she said. “All of the informa-tion we cover in classes is relevant to being able to practice as a phar-macist.”

Most professors are willing to al-low students an extra chance pro-vided they put forth the effort, espe-cially if students communicate with their professors.

By Kyler NaylorStaff [email protected]

Weak attendance policy creates inconsistencies intramurals:FARM AND IM FIELDS CRAMPED FOR SPACEcontinued from page 1to grow in the coming years.

This means that even with the current layout parking may become more diffi cult to facilitate and main-tain.

Because of the fi elds’ location, many students drive down and park in designated parking areas.

If the Campus Farm were to con-vert this area into land used for oth-er purposes, the risk of damage be-ing done to the intramural fi elds by automobiles likely would increase.

Aimee Wilkinson, a junior psy-chology major, plays intramural Frisbee and tennis at the intramu-ral fi elds and said she doesn’t feel there should be issues concerning the space.

“As long as they don’t reduce space for playing and designate a new area for parking, I don’t think it will interfere with any of the intra-murals,” Wilkinson said.

Eric Kammeyer, assistant director of intramurals and club sports, was unavailable for an interview con-cerning the issue but briefl y com-mented through an email.

“All departments—athletics, rec-reation, ecology and grounds—are working together to create a long-term plan for the outdoor fi elds that provides the most benefi t to the But-ler community,” Kammeyer said.

Having a record of attendance is good for students on the border.



Page 4: 9.7.11

Page 4 | the butler collegian wednesday, sePteMber 7, 2011

Grid improves class scheduling

Students had fewer courses to choose from, faculty struggled to find available rooms in which to teach and Butler University faced a scheduling crisis.

It all led to the formation of a new class grid, active for the first time last semester. The grid, a school-wide template of course meeting times, introduced new slots for Monday-Wednesday classes, a reduction of gaps between courses and an ex-pectation that colleges adhere to the official times more than they did un-der the old grid.

Registrar Sondrea Ozolins said the goal is to spread offerings evenly across the days of the week and the hours of the day.

“The grid is like a huge puzzle,” she said. “We did make things a little tighter. We also came up with more meeting slots that would sat-isfy both the students and the fac-ulty.”

Two options introduced by the new grid are meeting Monday and

Wednesday from 1 to 2:15 p.m. or 2:25 to 3:40 p.m., replacing Monday-Wednesday-Friday slots that met from 2 to 2:50 p.m. and from 3 to 3:50 p.m.

“Good idea,” Griffin Richeson, a senior finance major, said. “It gets too drawn out with M-W-F.”

The changes followed a 12-month study conducted by the commit-tee of associate deans that oversees scheduling. Joined by Ozolins and associate provosts Mary Ramsbot-tom and Laura Behling, a represen-tative from each college at Butler serves on the group. The affection-ately-termed “A-Deans” approved the new grid in March 2010. It took effect in April 2010 after adoption by the Provost Advisory Council.

“We had a grid people didn’t like, so they routinely violated it,” Bill Templeton, associate dean of the College of Business Administra-tion, said. “A lot of us were making up our own class times Monday and Wednesday. So we legitimized those, but we said, ‘OK, you need to comply with the rest of it.’”

Templeton said the committee

had to break a logjam.“Getting a classroom at 9:30, 11

or 1 on Tuesday or Thursday was practically impossible. He said part of what we were trying to do is cre-ate a grid that was more attractive at other times. Let’s use the whole day and the whole week to get students a reasonable schedule.”

Several periods begin sooner in the afternoon, and the new grid thus ends the schedule of day classes sooner, with the last adjourning at 5:05 p.m. as opposed to 5:30 p.m.

Some committee members are still taking a wait-and-see approach.

“It’s early in the process,” said Bruce Clayton, associate dean of the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. “I think the intent is cer-tainly good. It opens up greater flex-ibility for all colleges.”

Ozolins said professors can still schedule off the grid with cause despite a more hard-line approach against the practice.

“In a perfect world, everyone stays on the grid,” she said. “The grid itself tries to be neutral. It’s just a tool, not a mandate.”

By Christopher Goffhead copy [email protected]

For many Butler University students, finding an on-campus job is harder than finding a nee-dle in a haystack.

“Jobs fill up very quickly,” Liz Freedman, student employment coordinator, said. “Finding an on-campus job is like finding a real-world job.”

About 1,000 students are work-ing an on-campus job, and as stu-dents’ schedules become busier, there is less time for having a job either on or off campus.

“To relieve this stress, we are working with trying to lengthen hours at the HRC and the library to allow for more student work-ers,” Council on Presidential Af-fairs member Ashley Torres said.

Freedman said that the num-ber of loans and the lack of hav-ing a car on campus are the top reasons that students need on-campus jobs.

Because the demand for jobs is so high, there are students work-ing in every department on cam-pus.

Some supervisors do not post jobs on the Butler Links U To Em-ployers database, so Freedman would like to remind students that the best way to find a job would be through networking.

“Get in touch with staff and faculty and don’t always rely on B.L.U.E.,” she said.

As CPA works on the expan-sion of student jobs, Freedman said she would be interested in working with them, but she wouldn’t be the deciding factor on the issue.

Torres said CPA is very excited about the new ideas.

“The Council for Presidential Affairs has a lot of great ideas we are working with for Butler stu-dents,” Torres said.

“Be prepared for a lot of these to start showing up in the next few weeks.”

By Brooke Deadystaff [email protected]

Jim Danko already might have the title of Butler University presi-dent, but he hasn’t yet received all the regalia that comes with his posi-tion. That will come this fall.

The theme for Danko’s official in-auguration? “Imagine the possibili-ties.”

The actual installation ceremony will be Nov. 12, but Danko already spoke to the Faculty Senate Tuesday with his hopes for the larger set of inaugural events that will take place throughout the year.

“What I’d like to happen here is to put a spotlight on how much this university’s done that goes beyond our boundaries,” Danko said.

An inauguration typically in-cludes many festivities, not just the president’s actual installation cer-emony when he will receive the charter of the university and past

presidents’ medallions, Meghan Haggerty, director of programs for leadership and service education, said.

To help plan the events, an in-auguration committee already is in place to go over their ideas and offer their expertise.

Courtney Tuell, director of public relations, said the committee is plan-ning already because November is quickly approaching.

Danko said he is appreciative of the work that already has gone into the inauguration. He said hopes that the planners think in a “highly creative way” in order to make the most impact on the community.

“Perhaps that week we would have events across campus that would unleash the creative energy of this campus,” Danko said.

Tuell said part of the inaugural events would be a chance for But-ler’s faculty and staff to show off what makes their programs unique

to the Indianapolis community as well as to dignitaries who will at-tend from across the nation.

Danko said he wants to go be-yond typical inaugurations, which only wrap a day of service around the event.

“It would be helpful for us to spotlight how much we actually do for this community and come up with different areas where we’re all able to have a positive impact,” Danko said.

Tuell said the university most likely will spend one or several days completing a large service project, but that it probably will take place near the end of the year.

Haggerty, a member of the inau-guration committee, said inaugura-tions are a great way to shed light on Butler’s academic accomplishments.

“It really is an opportunity to showcase what the students, faculty and staff here are known for,” Hag-gerty said.

Danko: Events should be creativePrEsiDEnt’s inauguration

By Hayleigh Colomboeditor in [email protected]

Photo by André Smith Junior Allison Hill, a communication sciences and disorders major, assists soph-omore Jillian Bugos, an exploratory major, while working at the bookstore.

Finding on-campus jobs proves difficultCPA focuses on solutions

Page 5: 9.7.11

sportsthe butler collegianwednesday, september 7, 2011 page 5

upcoming bulldog home events



vs. Elon11:00 a.m.


vs. austin Peay6:00 p.m.


vs. Central Mich.6:00 p.m.


Photo by Maria Portersenior quarterback andrew Huck (right) drops back to pass as senior wide receivers Jordan Koopman (center) and Zach Watkins run their routes during Butler’s 31-17 Saturday win over Albion. Huck set a new school record when he completed his first 19 pass attempts, shattering the previous record of 12 in one game.


The Butler football team opened its season in record-breaking fashion Saturday en route to beating Albion 31-17.

Senior quarterback Andrew Huck etched his name in Butler lore, completing his first 19 passing attempts.

Dwayne Ewing (2001) and Matt Kobli (2008) shared the old record for consecutive completions with 12. Kobli also set his mark against Albion.

“The record is cool to have,” Huck said, “But I couldn’t get that done without good line protection and my guys outside making plays. It definitely wasn’t a one-man show out there.”

Huck led the Bulldogs to a 31-3 halftime lead by throwing for 212 yards and three touchdowns, including a 19-yard strike to senior receiver Zach Watkins to end the sec-ond quarter. Huck finished with 235 passing yards.

Butler’s 273 first-half yards more than doubled Albion’s 116.

The Bulldogs’ offensive onslaught was put on ice in the second half, with Albion holding Butler scoreless on 45 yards of of-fense.

“We didn’t show the mental toughness necessary to come out of halftime and play like it’s 0-0,” Butler head coach Jeff Voris said. “You’re going to have hiccups, but I was proud of our effort and the way we played today.”

Behind a stellar performance by junior running back Clinton Orr, Albion mounted

a second-half comeback, cutting its deficit to 31-17 with about 12 minutes to play in the fourth quarter.

Orr, who finished second in Division II for all-purpose yards last season, rushed for 39 of his 85 yards in the second half, including a third-quarter touchdown run from the goal line.

“He [Orr] is a good football player,” Voris said. “The only way you defend a guy like that is to get 11 guys in the right spot and fit

in the right place. We did that pretty consis-tently.”

Sophomore running back Trae Heeter helped the Bulldogs stave off Albion’s come-back attempt and seal the victory.

Butler handed off to Heeter four times on its final possession to run the clock out on the Britons’ chances.

The Bulldogs will look to continue their success Saturday as they travel to Terre Haute to play the Indiana State Sycamores at

Memorial Stadium.Butler’s defense will be put to the test

against the Sycamores. Indiana State amassed 351 points and found the end zone 48 times last season, both school records.

In order to overcome the Sycamores, Huck and the Bulldogs will need to stay focused on the high goals they have set for themselves.

“Our expectations are to return to the ’09 stature, win some games and eventually win a championship,” Huck said.

By Lance rinkersports [email protected]

Bulldogs upset coach’s old team


Photo by Maria PorterJunior midfielder Rachel Scott (left) moves the ball down the pitch as sophomore midfielder Mary Allen (center) looks on during the Bulldogs’ 2-1 win versus Eastern Michigan on Friday.


Comeback win gives Butler perfect weekend

By Luke shawsports staff [email protected]

The Butler women’s soccer team played two matches over the weekend, beating East-ern Michigan at home 2-1 before traveling to Eastern Illinois and coming away with a 3-2 victory.

The Bulldogs (4-2) got off to a slow start Friday versus Eastern Illinois, giving up two goals in the first 25 minutes.

Junior Kristin Germann accounted for both Eastern Illinois goals, and Butler found itself facing a 2-0 halftime deficit.

“It was a pretty unlucky situation,” sopho-more defender Ali Backscheider said. “The ball got behind us, and we got broken down.”

Putting pressure on the Panthers (0-4-1) with a more attacking formation, the Bull-dogs got their first breakthrough when soph-omore Nikki Hafele scored a header in the 54th minute.

Junior Katie Griswold wasted no time in extending Butler’s lead, scoring a penalty kick just two minutes later.

The game-winner came from freshman Elise Kotsakis in the 69th minute.

With a lead, the Bulldogs were able to switch back to a more conservative formation

and hold on for the victory.Sophomore Jackie Hafele said coming

back against the Panthers was simply a mat-ter of the team believing in each other and in themselves.

“The coaches were very positive, and they knew we would win if we played our game,” Hafele said. “Once they instilled that in us we were all like, ‘Yeah, we can do this.’”

Two days earlier, the Bulldogs played host to Eastern Michigan, picking up a 2-1 victory.

With the game knotted at 1-1, Jackie Hafele scored a header on a corner pass from fresh-man Stephanie Kaylor.

“I knew it was going to be our last chance, and I just got a head on it,” Hafele said. “I knew I had to be ready once my name got called. It was a great ball, and I just kind of pinned my mark off and scored.”

The goal gave Butler the win and kept Eastern Michigan (0-3-1) winless.

Despite the pair of wins, the Bulldogs real-ize there is room for improvement.

“One of our main goals is to get a shutout or at least try not to get scored on as early,” Backscheider said.

The Bulldogs will take the field again this weekend when they play Southeast Missouri State and Louisville in the University of Ken-tucky Tournament.

The possible results of a soccer match are a win, a tie and a loss. For the Butler men’s soccer team, it took just three games to pick up one of each.

On Sunday, the Bulldogs (1-1-1) wrapped up the Mich-igan Invitational with a 1-1 tie, following two scoreless overtime sessions against Oakland.

The first 80 minutes of regulation time saw no goals. However, just two seconds past the 80-minute mark, redshirt junior midfielder Jeff Cheslik put a ball through the posts off a corner kick, giving the Golden Grizzlies (0-2-1) a 1-0 advantage.

Butler’s offense quickly rebounded with a goal seven minutes later by sophomore midfielder Adam Glanzer.

Glanzer found the back of the net thanks to a deflected loose ball by Oakland’s goal-keeper.

Glanzer’s goal would be the last of the match, al-though sophomore forward Adekunle Oluyedun just barely missed a header off a pass from sophomore for-ward Blake Leyden with 30 seconds left in the second overtime period.

Oakland outshot the Bull-dogs 23-14, including 10-8 in

shots on goal. Butler kicked off the invi-

tational Friday with a 2-1 win against host Michigan.

The victory secured head coach Paul Snape’s first ca-reer win, which was even sweeter considering that it came against the team he helped lead from 2002-2010.

“It was a great team vic-tory and a great victory for the coaches,” junior defense-man and team captain Jared Isenthal said.

Early on, it did not look like Snape would have much to celebrate. The Wolverines (0-4) found the net first with a goal by sophomore mid-fielder Fabio Pereira 26 min-utes into the match.

Pereira’s strike would be the only goal of the first half.

The Bulldogs came out strong in the second half. Oluyedun passed the ball to sophomore forward Aus-tin Oldham, who sent a shot bouncing off the post and into the goal to tie up the contest.

The goal was Oldham’s team-leading second of the season.

Butler continued to attack with another goal just seven minutes later by Oluye-dun. Freshman midfielder Bryce Howard fed the ball to Oluyden, who fired a shot into the net from the 12-yard mark.

Michigan responded to

the Bulldogs’ attack by tak-ing 13 shots, six on goal.

Freshman goalkeeper Andy Holte, who was mak-ing his first career collegiate start, had a top-notch per-formance and held Michigan scoreless in the second half. His biggest save came when he blocked a penalty kick with 11 seconds remaining in the game.

“Andy pulled off a great thing,” Snape said. “He was terrific.”

The win was a big one for Butler, as the Wolverines were formerly ranked No. 9 in the nation this season and traveled to the College Cup Final Four last year.

“We were hungry for a win,” junior goalkeeper Matt Soyka said. “We were confi-dent with our preparation, how hard we worked and our team chemistry. That’s what sets us above other teams.”

Northern Illinois captured the invitational champion-ship with a shutout victory against Michigan on Sunday.

The Bulldogs will head to Dayton, Ohio, Sept. 9 for the Dayton Invitational, where they will take on Western Il-linois and Houston Baptist.

The Leathernecks (2-3-1) of Western Illinois are coming off a thrilling victory, while the Houston Baptist Huskies (1-4) are currently on a three game losing streak.

By Zach Ervinsports staff [email protected]

Huck shines as Bulldogs win opener

Page 6: 9.7.11


Week 1 player watchRotoDawg: Butler ’s source for fantasy football

The season is almost here! Tomorrow the de-fending champion Green Bay Packers take on the Saints from New Orleans.

This game matches up two contenders to repre-sent the NFC in the Super Bowl.

Last year the Packers did just that in winning it all while the Saints fl amed out and lost to the Seahawks in the wild card round.

I bring this up, not to sour those Saints fans who remain loyal to Drew Brees but to make a point: the results from last year really don’t matter a whole lot anymore.

The Saints offense is considered one of the league’s best, but so is the Packers’ defense. Which of these will prevail?

In the NFL, it is hard to predict such things, but in fantasy football, those people who correctly project which players will excel in a given matchup are the owners of a victo-rious team come Tuesday.

Here are some players who I think will excel in matchups this week.

I look for Kevin Kolbto target Larry Fitzger-ald early and often. The Arizona Cardinals should have the ball on offense quite a bit against the Carolina Panthers. Kolb could post some big num-

bers in this game.Brandon Marshall

should return more to form this season after posting only three touch-downs last year. He is still one of the most talented wide receivers in the game, and the Dolphins have struggled to gener-ate any form of a rushing attack. The New England Patriots should jump out to an early lead, forcing the Dolphins to throw the ball to catch up.

Wide receiver Lee Ev-ans seems to have a good connection with Joe Flac-co in just a short amount of time. Evans can be hit or miss, but his hits tend to be for explosive re-sults. This is more of a gut-feeling call that Ev-ans will outrun the Pitts-burgh Steelers’ secondary on multiple occasions, as they have perennially been prone to the deep ball.

Running back Mike Tolbert has been getting the goal line work for the San Diego Chargers so far in the preseason. That is a promising sign, as the Minnesota Vikings lost some key components along the defensive line. The Chargers could ex-ploit that weakness, espe-cially in the red zone.

If your league starts a team defense, take a fl ier on the Cleveland Browns’ defense this week versus the lowly “Bungles.” They have looked good so far in the preseason against better offensive lines than the Bengals have. Also, the Bengals are starting a rookie quarterback.


Contact sports staff writerJerren Fair at [email protected].

Another weekend, anoth-er road trip.

Traveling has encapsu-lated the season so far for the Butler women’s volleyball team. Over the weekend, the Bulldogs (2-6) took their tal-ents to Portland, Oregon.

There they participated in the Portland Classic, losing three matches but also grab-bing their fi rst win of the young season.

Butler lost its fi rst match in the Classic to host Port-land 3-1 on Thursday, drop-ping the Bulldogs to 0-4 on the season.

Against the Pilots (2-2), Butler opened the match by winning the fi rst set 25-20 be-fore falling in the next three.

Freshman outside hitter Kelly Kyle led the team with 13 kills and had personal bests in digs and blocks, with 15 and four, respectively.

The Bulldogs were right back at it on Friday, begin-ning the day with a match against Big 12 member Texas A&M.

Butler struggled to get anything going against the Aggies (5-0). The Bulldogs scored 20 points just once in the match and fell 3-0.

“[Texas A&M] is a really

strong serving team, ” fresh-man defensive specialist Brooke Ruffolo said. “We had a lot of leadership on the court, and we were able to stick with them [the Aggies] most of the game.”

Kyle again led the Bull-dogs with 10 kills, and soph-omore Maggie Harbison led all players with four blocks.

The breakthrough for the Bulldogs came in the second game of Friday’s double-dip when Butler swept Nevada 3-0.

The Bulldogs opened the match with a 25-21 set vic-tory over the Wolf Pack (0-5) and then proceeded to grab the fi nal two sets in nail-bit-ing fashion, 29-27 and 27-25.

“We had some good late game pushes, and we were able to fi nish those games,” Kyle said. “We were able to close in three [games], which is great because we got our fi rst win. “

Butler’s fi nal match in the Classic was Saturday versus Pac-12 member Washington State.

After losing the fi rst two sets, the Bulldogs picked up the third set 25-23. The Cou-gars (5-1) proved to be too strong, however, as they took the deciding set 26-24.

Kyle had another strong match, recording 12 kills and

Bulldogs rebound

after early struggles

By Zach ErvinSports Staff [email protected]

_________ see volleyball page 12

Photo by Taylor CoxJunior setter Gina Vera passes to a teammate. Vera’s efforts proved fruitful as she fi nished with 38 assists yesterday in Butler ’s win over Chicago State.


Page 7: 9.7.11


The National Hockey League has been con-fronted with one of the

most terrifying issues in the his-tory of professional sports.

While the other three major American professional sports leagues are dealing with lockout issues (National Basketball Asso-ciation), post-lockout issues (Na-tional Football League) and boring postseason races (Major League Baseball), the NHL is faced with a frightening problem: its players are dying.

We are not talking about dying- at-a-ripe-old-age dying. We are talking about men under the age of 40 possibly taking their own lives.

Something has to change. Some-thing has to be done to prevent pro-

fessional athletes from even think-ing about committing suicide.

This NHL offseason has seen three men, all known as “enforc-ers” on the ice, die under suspi-cious circumstances.

The fi rst of the three was Derek Boogaard, who passed away at the age of 28 on May 13 from consuming a mix of alcohol

and oxycodone.Rick Rypien, 27, died three

months later on Aug. 15. His death was ruled a suicide.

Most recently, Wade Belak, 35, was found dead in a Toronto con-dominium. While his death is cur-rently under investigation, it too is thought to be a suicide.

It would be easy to blame these deaths on the hard-hitting nature of being an NHL enforcer. All three men regularly took part in on-ice fi ghting and threw their weight around when and where they could.

We are not looking at a concus-sion problem though. Sure, fi ght-ing and hard hits took their toll on all three men. The real problem is more diffi cult to solve, diagnose

and deal with.Boogaard, Rypien and Belak

have all been connected to depres-sion. Rypien in particular suffered from depression for at least 10 years.

The stressors of competing in professional sports day in and day out were possibly too much for these men.

When someone who is de-pressed is part of a major sports organization, however, something should be done to help.

Professional sporting leagues need to do everything in their power to help their athletes. With-out them, the executives and the owners would not make a cent and would likely be out of work.

There is some help available.

“NHL teams have psychologists, the league and the [NHL players’] union have a substance abuse and behavioral health program that covers players for up to two years after they leave the game, and the union has a program to help play-ers fi nd careers after hockey,” ac-cording to Yahoo! Sports writer Nicholas Cotsonika,

Clearly, this is still not enough.The fi ght against depression

and other mental health problems needs to start at youth league lev-els. Children may not fully grasp the seriousness of depression, but schooling NHL hopefuls in what depression is and how to get help should be the fi rst step for the NHL.

This schooling needs to go on past youth hockey too. The NHL or its players union should estab-lish a yearly seminar where the main topic is depression.

It may be one of those things that players groan about each sea-son, but if it helps one player, it is worth the time and money.

More needs to be done for cur-rent and former NHL players as well.

The league would benefi t from a “mental disabled list,” similar to MLB. Team physicians, doc-tors and psychologists also need to keep an eye on those that they feel are struggling and keep them off the ice. Then they need to moni-tor them inside and outside of the locker room.

As far as former NHL players are concerned, the substance abuse and behavior program that covers retirees for two years after they retire needs to have lifetime cov-erage. This may cost more money, but it will also prevent more heart-aches.

Accidental deaths and suicides should not be part of everyday life. The NHL needs to realize this and act now, before things have a chance to get worse.

OVERTIME: NHL needs to act on player deathsCOLINLIKAS

Contact sports editorColin Likas at [email protected].

Cross country starts strongThe 90-degree heat did not

stop the Butler women’s cross country team from scorching its opponents at the season-opening Illini Challenge last Friday.

The women’s team fi nished on top of the challenge with a score of 16. Purdue fi nished in second place, tallying 51 points.

The men’s team also had a strong showing. The Bulldogs took second place overall with a score of 62. Illinois’ 21 points al-lowed them to capture the cham-pionship.

In the women’s race, Butler had runners fi nish in the top

four spots of the 4-kilometer competition.

Freshman Mara Olson had an exceptional fi rst race, fi nishing with a fi rst-place time of 14:45. Junior Becky Howarth crossed the line just nine seconds later to capture second place.

Rounding out the top four were sophomore Shelbi Burnett, who fi nished third with a time of 14:58, and junior Kaitlyn Love, who fi nished eight seconds be-hind Burnett.

Freshman Erica Carlson took eighth place with a time of 15:21, while freshman Chelsea Ste-phen completed the race just one second after her and grabbed ninth place.

In the men’s 6-kilometer race, sophomore Callum Hawkins put up a fi ght for fi rst place but had to settle for a runner-up fi nish. Hawkins’ time of 18:51 put him one second behind the even-tual winner, Illinois senior Chris DeSilva.

“It was a slower race,” Hawkins said. “The heat does affect [us] a lot, but everyone is in the same situation. The wom-en’s team did very well, and for the guys it was there, but it just didn’t click.”

Sophomore Craig Jordan came in second for Butler and in 10th place overall with a fi nishing time of 19:20.

Junior Kevin Oblinger was

Butler’s third fi nisher. His time of 19:39 was good for 15th place overall. Freshmen David Ford (23rd) and Kodi Mullins (29th) were the fourth and fi fth fi nish-ers for the Bulldogs, respectively.

“The women’s race went well, but the guys kind of had a tough one,” Oblinger said. “We all got out there and really grinded on the course, so it was a good effort overall as a team.”

Neither Butler squad sent out all of its top runners since the Challenge was both teams’ fi rst meet of the season.

Both teams will compete at the Indiana Intercollegiates on Friday Sept. 16 at Indiana University.

By Luke ShawSports Staff [email protected]

Athletic teams strong in classroom

For several athletic teams at Butler, hard work occurs not only during practice but also in academics.

The men’s and wom-en’s tennis and men’s golf teams have received team academic awards for their dedication and success in the classroom.

The tennis squads re-ceived the Intercollegiate Tennis Association’s Aca-demic Award for having a collective GPA of 3.2 or higher. The women’s team also had the univer-sity’s highest team GPA of 3.63.

Just 43 other universi-ties across the nation had a men’s and wom-en’s team that received an Academic Award.

Also, the Butler men’s golf team earned President’s Recognition from the Golf Coach-es Association of America for the second year in a row.

In order to earn this prestigious award, a team has to have a collective GPA of 3.5 or better. The men’s golf team’s GPA was 3.53.

The President’s Recognition honor was the second award earned by the squad. The Bulldogs were also recipients of the All-Ac-

ademic Team award for having a collective GPA greater than 3.0.

Head coach Bill Mat-tingly said he realizes how impressive his team’s accomplishment is.

“We have a lot of tough majors, like phar-macy and fi nance,” Mat-tingly said. “These guys work hard, and school comes fi rst.”

Senior Alex Walker gave credit for the awards

to Butler’s faculty and staff. “The professors here make accommoda-

tions so you can excel on and off the course,” Walker said.

Only fi ve other Division I teams received the President’s Recognition honor.

By Luke ShawSports Staff [email protected]

Photo by John FetchoSophomore Callum Hawkins (left) fi nished runner-up in the Illini Challenge on Friday.

Photo from MCTWade Belak (left) engages in a fi ght with Derek Boogaard in a game between Belak’s Panthers and Boogaard’s Wild in 2008. Boogaard died from a lethal mix of alcohol and oxycodone in May, while Belak died of a possible suicide in August. Both were believed to have suffered from depression.

“These guys work hard, and school comes fi rst.”

Bill MattinglyMen’s head golf coach

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the butler collegian wednesday, sePteMber 7, 2011

a&EPage 8

The Butler Arts and Entertainment Calendar7 8 9 10 11 12

No events scheduled No events scheduled No events scheduledChinese FestivalClowes Memorial Hall

7:30 p.m.

School of Music ShowcaseClowes Memorial Hall

3 p.m.

No events scheduled Doug TallamyClowes Memorial Hall

7:30 p.m.


Penrod brings arts to the areaIt’s one of the biggest arts events in the city, and it takes place right in our backyard at the Indianapo-lis Museum of Art. More than 20,000 people come annually to the Penrod Arts Fair to enjoy live music, local cuisine and plentiful art. With—hopefully—not too much homework piling up quite yet, walk the 10 minutes to the IMA this Saturday to experience the best of Indy’s art scene. Penrod Society chairman

Jake Sturman told us what to expect. BY PETE WELDY

Penrod. Surprise, surprise—the name isn’t an acronym. It’s actually the name of a fictional character created in 1914 by Booth Tarking-ton, one of only three individuals to win the Pulitzer Prize for fiction twice. Tarkington, like the 12-year-old boy of his creation, was from Indianapolis.

In 1967, 12 men latched onto the name of Tarkington’s fictional character and founded the Penrod Society with a mission that focused on “the cultivation, encouragement and development of public interest in and support of [the] arts.” Their main event, the Penrod Arts Fair, now is in its 45th year and is the largest event of its kind in the Midwest.

Embrace your neighborhood farmerHappy Going Local week, Butler! While you may have missed the first couple

of days, make up for it the rest of the week by celebrating in style.

There isn’t one central event; instead, do something on a personal level. Con-

sider volunteering at Butler’s Campus Farm during one of their regular volun-

teer hours. Visit for more details.

Visit the farmer’s market on Broad Ripple Avenue Saturday morning, or one

of the city’s restaurants that uses locally grown products, like Café Patachou,

the Earth House Café or Bjava Coffee and Tea.

Local bands will perform both here at the Rock Stage and at the Jazz Stage and WFYI/Katz & Korin Blues Tent. Ex-pect Cynthia Layne, Uptown Quartet and Gordan Bonham. Want something more classical? The symphony stage in the blue section will host the India-napolis Men’s and Women’s Choruses and the Indianapolis Children’s Choir.


Tickets are $12 if purchased in advance at Marsh, MainStreet, Hubbard & Cravens or the IMA and $17 at the gate. Sturman said 100 percent of proceeds go to vari-ous arts organizations such as the IMA, Sug-ar Creek Arts Center and different ballets.




Plenty of Indianapo-lis talents perform throughout the day at Penrod. At the Performing Arts Stage, expect dance companies such as Dance Kaleido-scope, the Indianap-olis School of Ballet and the Extreme Rhythm Project.

PERFORMING ARTSThe private art vendors at Penrod come from nearly all 50 states. This year, there were 600 vendor applications for 350 spots. “Local art critics formed a jury that awarded the available spots, but it’s always tough making those de-cisions,” Sturman said.


Photo from Mct

As in years past, Penrod will provide free transportation for those who wish to park at Clowes Memorial Hall. That makes for an easy ride for Butler stu-dents. A free bike corral will be located off the Central Canal Towpath at the Pony Truss Bridge en-trance to the IMA.


42nd St. & Michigan Rd. Entrance

Canal Gate Entrance

Page 9: 9.7.11

Since joining the free world in Novem-ber, the public eagerly has been awaiting the drop of Lil Wayne’s album “Tha Carter IV.”

Lacking the influence of his former al-cohol and drug-fueled lifestyle, the album has some hits and misses.

This album isn’t horrible; it’s just a mess.Kudos to Weezy for being healthy, but

sobriety has taken away the distinct sound that officially launched his super star sta-tus. The grain and the grit of his voice are gone.

Not only has his voice become more clear but his lyrics lack the struggle and plight of the youth culture he used to so closely mirror.

Anguish is missing. His post-prison life-style has created lyrics that mimic cheesy jingles—“You can have it your way…Burg-er King,” or “When it Waynes, it pours.”

His mixtapes, notably “Dedication 2” and “Da Drought 3,” and previous albums revealed a prolific and captivating stream of beats and words that officially put him on the charts.

Lil Wayne’s impressive line-up of guest

tracks give the public what they expect from him: soul, struggle and strength.

Despite the fact that each track has a dif-ferent sound, with no real flow, the album has a bit of organizational structure. The Intro, Interlude and Outro make up the body of the album, while the other songs and artists fill in the rest, giving the body a little boost in personality. Tech N9ne is sure to gain a few thousand fans from their guest appearance.

Other guests include Busta-Rhymes, An-dre 3000, T-Pain, Bruno Mars and the oh-so- smooth John Legend.

Aside from an all-star lineup of guest tracks, the other high points of the album are the invigorating “6 foot 7 foot” and the acoustic “How to Love.” These two tracks alone demonstrate the shift of Lil Wayne’s career over the past months.

“6 foot 7 foot,” while not incredibly unique, illustrates Lil Wayne’s ability to excite a crowd and connect to the audience, leaving them wanting more.

“How to Love” is mainstream, no doubt, but caters to a different audience, showing Lil Wayne’s willingness to be daring and try a different style.

One of the final tracks, “Mirror, Mirror,” illustrates Lil Wayne’s life in a reflective ballad. With Bruno Mars, he manages to produce the most honest of all the tracks of “Tha Carter IV.”

While most of the album is Lil Wayne’s lament about women, drugs and death, “Mirror” ends the album with a touch of hope.

References to his past in prison and the ending of his old ways suggest that his once crazy, irresponsible and somewhat dangerous lifestyle is over.

the butler collegian | page 9wednesday, septeMber 7, 2011

Music school opens season with world premiere

The school of music is opening the school year with a world premiere num-ber inspired by the Nostrad-amus prophecy for the end of the world and the weath-er catastrophes of Japan in March.

The Butler School of Mu-sic Showcase Concert will feature performances from Butler’s Chorale and Uni-versity Choir, Wind Ensem-ble and Symphony Orches-tra.

“[The concert] gives us a chance to hit the ground running and provides great motivation to get up to performance-quality levels quickly right at the begin-ning of the year,” professor Robert Grechesky, director

of bands, said. “If we didn’t have such talented students, there is no way we could have a performance ready in two and a half weeks of school.”

The Wind Ensemble will tackle the world pre-miere of “The End of the World,” composed by com-poser-in-residence Michael Schelle.

He said he originally planned to write a piece about the Nostradamus “doomsday prophecy,” but his Japanese wife’s sadness about the 2011 disasters in-spired him to make a piece which combines both ele-ments.

“It’s always exciting to do a world premiere, but it’s also very rewarding,” Grechesky said. “It is very important to the music pro-fession and the art world to

bring new works into exis-tence, and our commitment to that has always been a significant part of our band program here at Butler.”

Schelle said that although it is a challenging, profes-sional piece, Butler’s “fan-tastic young musicians” have stepped up “big time.”

Junior Butler Chorale member Doug Johnson sim-ilarly praised his classmates.

“Practices have been very intensive and productive so far,” Johnson, a voice major, said. “The Chorale is lucky to have top-notch student musicians. Everyone really pulls their weight.”

The Wind Ensemble also will be performing “Lincoln Portrait” by Aaron Copland. It combines music with text from Copland’s writing. The narrator of the piece will be special guest Chris

Wright, chief meteorologist for WTHR.

It will be performed with a multimedia presentation.

The Chorale will perform American works, includ-ing one from Abbie Betinis, who set text from the Book of Psalms to music the day after Sept. 11 in response to the tragedies.

The Symphony Orchestra will perform a Leonard Ber-nstein piece.

“Our students are very talented and very dedicated to their art,” Grechesky said. “Even though we have only six rehearsals to prepare for the concert, I have no doubt that it will be an excellent and exciting performance.”

The showcase takes place Sept. 11 in Clowes Memorial Hall at 3 p.m. followed by a JCFA alumni reception. Ad-mission is free.

By Caitlin O’Rourkea&e [email protected]

Any TV show that employs the use of a “douchebag jar” has a significant amount of potential.

“New Girl,” the new Fox comedy set to premiere Sept. 20, definitely has potential. It has plenty of hype as well, with ads every 10 minutes on Fox and a prime spot right after the ever-popular “Glee” on Tuesday nights. However, “New Girl”could be better.

Zooey Deschanel stars as Jess, a slightly offbeat woman who just got dumped by her boyfriend. Needing a new place to live, she moves in with Nick (Jake Johnson), Schmidt (Max Greenfield) and Coach (Damon Way-ans Jr.) after letting it slip that her best friend is a model—played by Hannah Simone, who provides a nice punch to the show for the five minutes she is on screen. Her new room-mates don’t quite expect her endless sobbing to “Dirty Dancing” and continuous singing to herself. Once they get used to her, how-ever, they encourage her to try to start living her life again.

The first episode felt rushed. The boys seem to get to know Jess extremely quickly

and their “annoyance” with some of her odd qualities is dismissed fairly quickly. The episode tries too much for the time given.

There is a great chemistry among the four roommates, which hopefully continues de-spite Wayans leaving for a previous commit-ment on ABC’s “Happy Endings.” He will be replaced by Lamorne Morris. It’s a shame, because Coach’s awkward interactions with Jess and admitted inability to speak to wom-en were endearing.

Greenfield provides a few good laughs as a bit of a sleaze who usually means well, but it’s Johnson who truly shines of the three men. He receives the secondary story line after Deschanel and manages to steal some scenes from her—a feat in itself.

Deschanel steals the show altogether though, making Jess a quirky and adorable leading lady who is easy to root for, even when it would be easier to look away from the screen in secondhand embarrassment.

“New Girl” combines the right amount of awkward, quirky and outright funny that will appeal to audiences and bring them back for more.

However, there is still more that could be done to improve the show. While the charac-ters are amusing, all four could benefit from more characterization to make them three-dimensional.

Overall, the show could just be more. The potential is there, but “New Girl” hasn’t quite hit the mark yet.

“New Girl” premieres at 9 p.m. Sept. 20 on Fox.

Having sold more than 4 million albums since their Clowes Memorial Hall de-but in 2005, The Fray has made a name for itself in the music world and cre-ated a lot of buzz.

On Sept. 16, The Fray will return to Clowes. Only this time, instead of open-ing for Ben Folds, they are headlining their own show.

Kyle Wehr, head of Stu-dent Government Asso-ciation’s program board’s concerts committee, said he was thrilled to have the band back, especially since they have evolved with their music and added a new level to their sound and performance.

“It’s a whole new ball game,” Wehr said. “I’m ecstatic to have them back now that they have achieved more hype.”

Wehr said The Fray wanted to return to Butler because of the welcoming audience at their last Butler performance.

More than 700 student tickets have been sold. That means there are plen-ty left, and the committee wants those tickets to go to the students, not the pub-lic, Wehr said.

“The public interest [in the concert] is very high,”

Josh Lingenfelter, director of marketing at Clowes, said.

“The Fray has over 2 million fans on Facebook, and they are only playing three shows. One is at the Ryman in Nashville, then Clowes, followed by a huge music festival in Mil-waukee.”

Lingenfelter said the band has not been back to Indianapolis since 2009 when they performed at White River State Park.

In order to choose an artist, the committee has to follow a process. Co-chairs sit with their advi-sors to brainstorm and cre-ate a master list that must receive approval from the administration, Wehr said.

Once the list is ap-proved, the committee begins to formulate offers and send them to different bands.

“After that, it becomes a waiting game,” Wehr said.

But the committee mem-bers did not have to wait on The Fray. Their offer was quickly accepted and Wehr said the band accepted less than the original offer.

“That’s how much they love Butler and Butler stu-dents,” he said. “This show is for them, and it’s going to be awesome.”

Student tickets are avail-able for $20 at the Clowes box office.

Butler to bring back The Fray

Photo by Rachel AndersonWORLD PREMIERE AT MUSIC SCHOOL: Trevor Fanning, graduate choral conducting assistant, helps prepare the Butler Chorale for their student showcase performance this Sunday at Clowes Memorial Hall. The show will commemorate Sept. 11.

‘New Girl’ disappoints

5 = perfect, 4 = outstanding, 3 = good, 2 = fair, 1 = poor

New girl | tv review

new girl is clever and cute but fails to live up to the potential of its cast and advertising campaign.

Photo by MCTNEW GIRL IN TOWN: Zooey Deschanel stars in Fox’s “New Girl.”

By Caitlin O’Rourkea&e [email protected]

By Anne Carpenterassistant a&e [email protected]

5 = perfect, 4 = outstanding, 3 = good, 2 = fair, 1 = poor

tha carter iv | album review

while the new album alludes to his turbulent past, these new tracks give weezy a whole new sound.

By Anne Carpenterassistant a&e [email protected]

FALL CONCERT: The Fray is coming to Clowes Sept. 15. The band is back for a repeat performance, this time headlining the show.

New sound for Weezy

Photo by MCTTHA CARTER IV: Llil Wayne’s new album proves he has a new voice for the future.

Photo by MCT

Page 10: 9.7.11

A barren fi eld strewn with tattered soccer nets; what is hap-

pening to the intramural fi elds?

The campus farm is expanding its half-acre plot of land onto the fi elds. That’s what’s happening.

We at The Butler Col-legian feel this expansion is outrageous, because Butler University is failing to fi nd a more equal solution that allows both the farm and the intramural fi elds to continue in an adequate space with the proper equipment.

The campus farm and the intramural fi elds are integral parts of the university, but the current

solution isn’t fi xing much of anything.

Bigger isn’t better in this scenario. This is about Butler making the most of what the campus has available.

By enhancing each of these campus components, they would more effi cient-ly serve their purpose. If better equipment were provided, more students would partake in intra-mural sports; likewise, if the campus farm were improved on its current grounds, it could produce better crops and continue to attract more students.

While the campus farm is an interesting, fresh addition to the campus, it

needs to improve within the confi nes of its own space. The intramural fi elds are already suffer-ing along with worn, torn equipment that has long-since passed its expiration date.

Expanding the farm and encroaching upon the space of intramural fi elds could prevent some stu-dents from participating in team, club and intramural sports.

In turn, refusing the farm any expansion space hinders a chance for stu-dents to learn more about urban farming and become involved in producing a valuable commodity.

It is incomprehensible

that the university can-not fi nd a solution to location-related issues without acting as though something has to be scaled back. Compromise can be reached in this regard.

The farm serves its own important role within campus, as part of a green initiative that Butler has adopted in the past few years to help make the campus more environmen-tally friendly.

Expanding the farm would require the tilling of fresh soil to make it sustainable for crops.

However, the amount of work and energy it would take would virtually defeat the green effort

Butler has attached itself to.

The university is miss-ing the point that it would make more sense to im-prove the quality of both the campus farm and the intramural fi elds than favor one over the other.

Improvement doesn’t always require expan-sion. The campus farm and intramural sports fi elds should come to a consensus to fi nd a middle ground that suits both parties and doesn’t require expansion.

Frankly, this is a prob-lem with a simple solution that the university is over-looking: compromise.

Tennis, anyone?If you aren’t a mem-

ber of the Butler Uni-versity tennis club, the men’s or women’s teams or tennis for enroll-ment credit, then you most likely won’t be enjoying a game of tennis today.

Butler has succeeded in mak-ing some of its best sports facilities nearly inaccessible to students who aren’t athletes.

If students were to attempt to use the indoor or outdoor tennis courts for an average game of tennis, their plans likely would be impeded by practice for the university teams or physical well being classes.

While I understand that the ath-letic department can’t give students keys to the Butler Bubble, it is the university’s responsibility to make sure that all students have access to the athletic facilities at the appro-priate times.

The problem is not that students do not have options to play any sports on campus unless they are on a team; the problem is that some sports are more acces-sible than others.

Students wanting to play a pick up game of basketball have to look no further than Ross Hall or the Health and Recreation Complex.

If students want to play a game of volleyball, they can set that up at the HRC or visit Phi Psi’s yard.

Butler should work harder to in-crease the availability of their facili-ties to all other students.

For example, the HRC, for which students pay a fee to use, is claimed

to be accessible. It isn’t always open for swim-

ming, though.According to Butler’s HRC web-

site, “swimmers who want more privacy should consider our off-peak hours: Monday through Fri-day, 6:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.”

To swim for pleasure, students are provided nearly fi ve hours out of 24. Never mind that these hours awkwardly are placed in the realm of a student’s schedule.

Most classes and lunches occur between the hours of 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. I don’t know a soul who is not an athlete who has the willpower or desire to wake up for a swim at 6:00 a.m.

Also, even though students can’t always access facilities at a more convenient time than sun-rise, they still pay a fee—$275 per semester.

If all students are going to pay $550 per academic year for the HRC, shouldn’t they be allowed more fl exible hours to swim, play tennis and do the activities they

want to do? Teams need time to practice. The

swimming teams and tennis teams need to have access to their facilities for practices, meets or matches.

But when student-athletes aren’t practicing, why can’t we be playing?

The university needs to suc-ceed in making its students feel as though they are part of the bigger community.

Allowing time to use athletic fa-cilities would help this. Let’s con-tinue the tradition of focusing on all students, including non-athletes.



COLLEGIANthe butler

The Butler watchdog and voice for BU students

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The Butler Collegian is published weekly on Wednesdays with a con-trolled circulation of 2,600. The Col-legian offi ce is located in the Fair-banks Building, Room 210.The Collegian is printed at The Greenfi eld Reporter in Greenfi eld, Ind. The Collegian maintains a subscrip-tion to MCT Services Campus wire service. The Collegian editorial staff determines the editorial policies; the opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of The Collegian, but of the writers clearly labeled.The Collegian accepts advertising from a variety of campus organi-zations and local businesses and agencies. All advertising decisions are based on the discretion of the ad manager and editor in chief. For a copy of The Collegian advertis-ing rates, publication schedule and policies, please call (317) 940-9358 or send an email to the advertising staff at [email protected]. Di-rect postal inquiries to: The Butler Collegian-Advertising.For subscriptions to The Collegian, please send a check to the main ad-dress above. Subscriptions are $45 per academic year.

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Don’t forsake sports for farm OUR POINT THIS WEEK: An expansion of the Campus Farm that impedes on the intramural fi elds is not an effective solution for the campus. VOTE: 28-4-1

Limited access to athletic facilities for all students disarming, inconvenient

The campus farm and intramural fi elds are integral parts of the university, but the current solution isn’t fi xing much of anything.


Turns out, if you aren’t a student-athlete, you have a very limited amount of

time in which you can play certain sports.

Here’s an exact list, so you can plan to play


-Swimming at the HRC: Monday-Friday:

6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

-Basketball at the HRC: During operational hours 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

We were unable to reach athletic department of-

fi cials about hours to play tennis at the Butler Bubble.

Non-athlete playing schedule,


If all studentsare going topay $550 peryear for theHRC,shouldn’t they be allowed morefl exible hours to do the activities they want to do?

Collegian cartoon by Hali Bickford

Page 11: 9.7.11


PawPrintsWhat do you think of Butler ’s green initiatives?

“It’s very pro-active about recycling. But things can al-ways improve since everyone isn’t involved.”

Cameron Clark Freshman

“They are tak-ing a step in the right direc-tion, but they sometimes have misplaced priorities.”

Jared ToddFreshman

“There are plenty of good ideas out there, but students aren’t aware of the agenda.”

Karina HamamoucheSophomore

“I don’t really know what they are.”

Victor NavarroSenior


Parking on university cam-puses can be a real pain.

For the last several years I attended and worked at Indiana University-Purdue Uni-versity Indianapolis, where once I looked nearly two hours for a spot.

Texas Christian University, my undergraduate alma mater, was more like Butler University, and it presented a fair share of problems too.

Butler is the smallest university I have attended, and its parking “concerns” were well addressed

in last week’s Butler Collegian. With 1,412 more faculty, staff and student parking decals issued than there are parking spaces, a lot of Bulldogs want something done right away.

The way I see it, the solution is simple. Next year, do not issue parking decals to freshmen.

The university’s Master Plan foresees the construction of two parking garages, but both are slat-ed for “long-term” development. The Master Plan does not say how long the “long-term” is, but I think we can rest assured that all the cur-rent freshmen will be gone before it happens.

The reason for the delay in building parking garages is fairly simple. The university just doesn’t

believe that parking is a key to the future success of its students.

That’s a bitter pill to swallow when you’re stuck behind three cars waiting for a spot to open up.

Now I know there are good rea-sons for allowing freshmen their cars, and I will get to those.

But fi rst, consider this: Last year 671 freshmen had cars with decals. That fi gure represents nearly half of the 1,400 surplus decals.

Freshmen and their advocates will argue that they need cars to be fully engaged in the Indianapo-

lis commu-nity. And it is absolutely essential in today’s com-petitive job market for students to have access to commu-nity events, internships across town and whatever else they may fancy.

But, frankly, there are oth-er, greener options for getting around town — options that also will alleviate Butler’s parking crunch.

Butler is situated in a beauti-ful, bike-friendly neighborhood. Broad Ripple is less than three miles away. The Indianapolis Museum of Art is less than two miles.

Unfortunately IndyGo, the In-dianapolis bus system, doesn’t offer a direct line on Butler’s campus. But freshmen easily can ride a bike to one of the nearby IndyGo bus stops. The Illinois

Street line is only a half-mile away. Meridian, Central, and College lines are less than one mile away.

And the 38th Street line is less than two miles away via the Cen-tral Canal Greenway.

And if that isn’t enough, the Stu-dent Government Association of-fers a free— yes, that’s right, free— shuttle service to Glendale, Broad Ripple, downtown or the airport. Did I mention that it’s free?

I know, shuttles aren’t stylish. They aren’t hip. You cannot blast your music with your windows

rolled down in-side a shuttle.

So you could rent one of But-ler’s two new Zipcars.

I’ve been as-sured that they have both win-dows and radios.

Let’s face it. Freshmen without cars will still need to get around. There’s no doubt about that.

They say that necessity is the mother of invention, and if fresh-men need to go somewhere, they will invent a way to get there.

Granted, Indianapolis has plac-es to go that are not bike-friendly, but that’s one more reason for freshmen to make new friends—just make sure at least one has a car.

In the end, it’s only one year. And, really, let’s be honest, freshmen should be studying anyway.

Butler University funds ambitious projects and proclaims goals of becom-

ing an environmentally responsible campus.

But the day-to-day decisions and functions of the university seem to contradict these efforts. Many cam-pus buildings light up the sky ev-ery night, all night—even though most of them close at 10 p.m.

But even if it were not good for the university’s publicity, or even popular, Butler has a responsibility to its community and environment.

The university prides itself on giving students a well-rounded ex-perience that’s not just focused on getting the job after graduation but on preparing thoughtful, passion-ate human beings to change the world for the better. Butler encour-ages responsible consumerism as part of its liberal arts philosophy.

And they’ve made real progress in some fi elds.

The PrintSmart system forces students to think about their paper consumption.

Department of Operations wants to upgrade the heating systems on campus to be more energy effi cient.

But again, the problem is not Butler’s philosophy but its execu-tion. At some point in between the ideology of energy conservation and other needs—like students us-ing study spaces in Jordan Hall un-til 4 a.m.—the university struggles to fi nd balance.

The real issue here, though, is not

the lights themselves but the prin-ciple of the matter. Butler spends money on green projects—a virtu-ous pursuit if ever there was one. But then the university functions in ways that seem to completely con-tradict their stated goals.

In a way, it would be easier to tolerate if Butler simply didn’t at-tempt to be “green.”

Take the campus farm as anoth-er example. It is often mentioned as part of Butler’s vibrant efforts to change how cities are viewed in general, and how campus can be more progressive. Yet it is diffi cult to fi nd, and there is very little on cam-pus to direct more attention to it.

The university likely does sup-port urban ecology and greener, healthier cities. But you’d never know if you didn’t read pamphlets and press releases.

Butler’s administration does not do this on purpose; there is no conspiracy. The leaders of this uni-versity have to juggle dozens of pri-orities. Butler is a business, a com-munity, an educational institution and a model for forward thinking.

Bulldogs should live out these ideals, whether they are faculty, staff or students.

Gerald Carlson, vice president of

operations, said he believes that en-vironmentally responsible changes must be student driven.

To an extent, he’s right. Without students demanding better condi-tions, the university is not likely to change.

Personal responsibility is im-portant but becomes almost mean-ingless in a community of 4,000. Students should organize and ad-vocate for causes that matter.

However, from beginning to end, the administration has the power and responsibility to make the larger moral decisions.

The university already makes decisions all the time based not on profi t but morality. Advocates of liberal arts education argue that college should be more than for-malized job training and should enrich students’ lives.

Sometimes, that means taking stands before students advocate them.

Accountability starts small, though. So get the lights on your way out.

Angry we missed the scoop? Have an opinion of your own? Send letters to the editor to [email protected]. We’d love to print your rants and raves.

Keep it classy and see page 10 for guidelines.


Butler needs to use more energy to save energy

Future freshmen don’t need cars

By Reid Bruner

Photo by Reid BrunerContrary to Butler ’s recent drive toward eco-friendliness, several buildings throughout the campus, such as Hinkle Fieldhouse and the residence halls, leave lights on during the night.

The university supports green initiatives but you’d never know it if you didn’t read pamphlets and press releases.

The solution is simple. Next year, do not issue parking decals to freshmen.

Contact asst. opinion editor Jeremy Algate at [email protected].

Contact asst. opinion editor James Hanna at [email protected] illustration by Rachel Anderson and Erin Drennan

Page 12: 9.7.11

10 digs, while Ruffolo led Butler with 19 digs.

Off the court, senior out-side hitter Maureen Bamiro provided a bright spot for the Bulldogs when she was named to the all-tour-nament team at the Clas-sic. Bamiro averaged 2.43 kills per set and totaled 16 blocks over four matches, including an impressive nine blocks against Wash-

ington State.“She [Bamiro] provides

a ton of leadership,” Kyle said. “She was great at the net and her ability to be up in the air and put balls away is just phenomenal.”

Butler returned home Tuesday to play host to Chicago State, winning 3-0.

Butler captured the fi rst two sets handily, 25-11 and 25-10, in part due to sound

passing by junior setter Gina Vera.

Vera fi nished with a match-high 38 assists, more than doubling Chi-cago State’s leading setter Angelica Brewer’s 14.

The Cougars (1-8) fought back in the third set, losing narrowly 25-20.

Kyle led the Bulldogs with 15 kills, followed by Bamiro with eight.

Ruffolo led all players with 16 digs.

Butler will compete in another weekend invita-tional starting Friday, only this time inside the friendly confi nes of Hinkle Field-house.

The Bulldogs will host Elon, Austin Peay and Cen-tral Michigan for the Butler Invitational.

Butler’s opening match

will be against the Elon Phoenix (6-2).

After winning its fi rst fi ve matches, Elon has lost two of its last three.

The Austin Peay Gov-ernors (2-5) ended a four-match losing streak Satur-day with a win over East Tennessee State.

Central Michigan will enter the tournament with a 2-3 record.

OVERHEARD ON TWITTERThe Butler University community this week in 140 characters or less. Follow @butlercollegian for more of our favorites.

I simply have the best job in the world! RT @chrisbeaman: I wish I had @LevesterJohnson’s energy. #heneverstops@LevesterJohnson

Quick note - @ButlerMBB plays both IU and Purdue this year. Quite a year for Indianabasketball.@butleru

Out of class 30 minutes early & aced my quiz #winning #best-dayever #ilovebutler @jayjames88

Home sweet home #rosshalllove@LKA419

#nowplaying Dominic the Donkey (ready for Christmas haha)@AshlynMMoore

Nothing says fall like a warmzebra mocha from #starbucks@AlainaRodriguez

There are only 7 spots left for the Gondola Ride and dinner at the Creation Cafe sponsored by @SGAatBU Program Board Out&About. Sign up!@annaroueche

Getting homework done (sort of) while listening to the greatest pandora station ever: Michael Jackson.@coshodi13

First day to bust out my @butleru sweatshirt! #lovethisweather@LaurenCPedigo

What’s YOUR view of Butler? Send us your fun, artistic or unique photos, and they could end up in The Butler Collegian. Just email a .jpeg of your photo, a caption explaining details

of what’s happening in the photo and your name and academic year to [email protected].

Balloons fl oat into a view of Jordan Hall at Block Party.

Mary AllgierSophomore



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