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Formal ProposalTitle of the magazine you wish to produce:Fizz! I have chosen this because I carried out a small scale piece of market research on what my masthead should be and this is the name that was favoured for my magazine. Also, I feel that names that are associated to sounds have a better effect on the target audience because it makes them wonder as to what the content could be which is associated to a sound. It is almost like a mystery. A fizzing sound is often heard before an explosion of some sort so by naming the magazine fizz it could lead to the idea of the content in the magazine acting like some sort of exciting explosion of gossip and interviews with the target audiences favourite celebrities and artists. The name, Fizz is also very unique as I have never heard of it as the name of a UK magazine brand.Explanation of choice of genre:Pop I have decided to choose pop as my genre because I feel that I will be able to make a suitable magazine for the correct target audience in mind. I feel this way because I am a pop magazine reader and I feel like I can understand what the key features of a magazine are by using the knowledge I already have as a part of that certain target audience for whom I am designing this magazine. Another reason why I have chosen pop is because I would rather use my knowledge and experience I have with this genre to create a successful magazine rather than spending extra time to research different genres in which I do not have a vast amount of knowledge on and risking the supposed reputation of the magazine.

Target Audience:Female, 15-18 year olds, working and middle class citizens living in Britain Pop is usually associated to fashion and this is why I have chosen females because I know from my contextual knowledge that stereotypically, pop magazines are expected to be read by middle class, white young girls. I have targeted the older end of the teenage line because I want to create a pop magazine that is girly but also mature so I can aim for those older teenagers who also like pop but arent really catered for because the stereotype is for pop magazines to be enjoyed by 13-16 year olds. I would like my magazine to according to stereotypes, be aimed towards middle class girls.Initial ideas for the front page:Main Cover line - This will be linked to the model who will be a celebrity and there will be a creative cover line outlining what will be featured about them in the magazine.Colour scheme Pink with hints of other colours if necessary.Font - The font will be sans serif for definite because I feel that serif fonts portray too much of a formal look. To separate headings and sub headings from text I can easily make the font different or change the size to bold or italics. For page headings I will use a sans serif font from a website called lines - I will have 5 cover lines giving an insight into some key pages of the magazine.Issue number and date -These two elements will be located near the bottom of the page close to the barcode because these are all official elements of a magazine.Footer - I will not have footer, as my barcode and price will be located at the bottom of the page.Layout - The layout of the front page will be simple and according to the rule of thirds with all the cover lines in the left third column. Initial ideas about the contents page:Colour scheme Pink and turqoiseFont - I will use sans serif font for most of the text but for subheadings and maybe page numbers I will use serif fonts and in differing sizes, to aid the reader in noticing the difference between each section of information. Editorial I will have an editorial as a welcome message from the editor outlining the efforts gone into the magazine and well-wishing.Layout - I will briefly follow the rule of thirds for this page.Initial ideas for the double page spread:Title This will be about the celebrity that will be interviewed on the pageArticle type Question and answer.Layout - The layout will be a question and answer layout with subheadings and text following after each sub heading.Font The title will be a font from dafont and the rest of the text on the page will be sans serif font.Language - The language will be informal because this is a gossip magazine and I am supposedly recording what the celebrity has said but the celebrity will speak in decent manner and not use too much slang or jargon.Subtitle - A brief introduction to how the first look made an impression and how the interview began.

Topic A small gossip interview on how the celebrity has reached where they are in life and in showbiz.Initial ideas for photographs:Front cover An image of the celebrity standing with a guitar.Contents page Several images of different people as supposed celebrities and a main image of the editor for the editorial.Double page spread images of the celebrity.
