Page 1: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo


Labor Day

- No School -

Page 2: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

qǐ lì

a. 起 立

yī èr sān

b. 1, 2, 3

Lín Lǎo shī

林老师shàng kè

上 课 (class begin)

xià kè

下 课 (Class dismiss)



nǐ hǎo, Lín lǎo shī


zài jiàn , Lín lǎo shī


(Hello, teacher Lin)

(Good bye, teacher Lin)(Monitor)

Page 3: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

jiàn shēn gē

健 身 歌

Pāi pāi shǒu, pāi pāi shǒu


Yáo yáo nǎo dài, diǎn diǎn tóu,


Niǔ niǔ shēn zǐ, sǒng sǒng jiān


Yáo yáo pì gǔ, duò duò jiǎo.

摇摇屁股,跺跺脚,Wān wān yāo yā, zuò xià lái.


Page 4: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo
Page 5: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Wǒ men shì Tā men shì

3. 我们是___. 他们是___。

1.问候 – wèn hòu – greeting

2.拼音- Pinyin Finals

们men – plural

We are ____ They are ____

4. 数字 shù zì – numbers

yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Chinese Buddy

50 Fun Songs to Easily

Learn Mandarin




9/5- 9/6- Quiz – Unit – Greeting

Element of Art – Line & ShapeAssessment: Line, Shape and Shade, Quiz – Line/


Page 6: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Video – Hello China – Learning

one Chinese Culture word a Day

1. Hello- 你好2. Chinese Lunar Calendar

3. China

4. Beijing

5. Yellow river

Culture Notes: #1

Page 7: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Video – Hello China – Learning one Chinese culture word a Day

1. China – 中国2. Hello- 你好3. Confucius-孔子4. SunTzu-孙子5. Lao Tzu- 老子6. Sun-太阳7. Moon-月亮8. Chinese Lunar Calendar-中国农历年9. Compass –指南针10. Gun Powder-火药11. Paper-纸12. Printing-印刷13. Beijing Opera-北京京剧14. Traditional Chinese Painting-国画15. Fresco – 壁画16. Dance-舞蹈17. Music-音乐18. Chime Bells-编钟19. Gu Qin-古琴20. Calligraphy-书法21. Writing Brush-毛笔22. Journey to the West-西游记23. Bamboo-竹24. Dragon –龙25. Phoenix-凤26. Kung Fu- 功夫27. Tai Chi Chuan- 太极拳28. Sword-剑29. Traditional Chinese Medicine-中药30. Acupuncture and Moxibustion-针灸31. Spring Festival-春节32. Qingming Festival – 清明33. Dragon Boat Festival-端午34. 34. QiXi Festival – 七夕

35. Mid-Autumn Festival- 中秋节36. Water- Splashing Festival-拨水节37. Animal Signs of the Chinese


38. Feng Shui- 风水39. Lion Dance – 舞狮40. Door God – 门神41. Wedding- 婚礼42. Matchmaker- 红娘43. Chrysanthemum- 菊花44. Etiquette- 礼45. Number One Scholar- 状元46. Beijing- 北京47. Great Wall –长城48. Imperial Palace – 故宫 (紫禁城)49. Temple of Heaven- 天坛50. Xi’an- 西安 (长安)

51. Terracotta Warriors – 兵马俑52. Yellow river – 黄河53. West Lake- 西湖54 Garden – 庭院55 Three Gorges – 三峡56 Dujianyan Irrigation Dam – 都江堰57 Taishan Mountain –太山58 Dunhuang –敦煌 ()

59 Shaolin Monastery – 少林寺60 Dumpling –饺子61 Roast Duck – 烤鸭62 Tang hu lu- 糖葫芦63 Hotpot-火锅64 Tofu- 豆腐65 Alcoholic Drinks – 酒66. Noodles- 面67. Fish- 鱼

68 Ethnic Group-民族69. Name- 姓名70. Family-家71 Courtyard- 四合院72 Alleyway-胡同73 Tulou Building-土楼74 Tea-茶75 Chopsticks- 筷子76 Paper cutting-剪纸77 Silk-丝78 Porcelain Ware-瓷器79 Jade- 玉80.Money – 钱81.Lantern-灯笼82.Kite- 风筝83.Shadow Puppet- 皮影

84. Wax Printing- 蜡染85. Brocade- 云锦86. Cheongsam- 旗袍87. Tang Suit-唐装88. Fan- 扇子89. Abacus- 算盘90. Panda-熊猫91. Magpie-喜鹊92. Chinese Characters

93. Contradiction- 矛盾94. Careless

95. Jealous- 吃醋96. Bosom Buddy –知音97. Things – 东西98. Baby- 宝贝99. Numerals – 数字100. Ru Yi- 如意

Page 8: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo


b p m f d t n l(bay) (pay) (may) (fair) (day) (take) (nay) (lay)

g k h j q x(go) (king) (happy) (jeep) (cheap) (sheep)

z c s zh ch sh r(lads) (cats) (son) (germ) (church) (shirt) (leisure)


a o e i u ü

y = i

w= u - Initials - Initials

Page 9: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

38 韵母: yùn mǔ – finals

Simple finals: a o e i u ü(father saw British her see rude French tu)

Compound finals: ai ei ao ou

(eye eight now oh )

ia iao ie iu (iuo)

(Asia yawl yes )

ua uo uai ui (uei)

(guano wall wife )


Nasal finals: an en ang eng ong

ian in iang ing iong

uan un(uen) uang ueng

üan ün(üen) See Textbook – p.61

Page 10: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

mā 妈 -mom

má 麻- hemp

mǎ 马- horse

mà骂- to scold - Greeting - Tone Mark

Page 11: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Nǐ hǎo nǐ hǎo nǐ hǎo mǎ

你好 , 你好 , 你好 吗 ?wǒ hǎo wǒ hǎo wǒ hěn hǎo

我 好 , 我 好 , 我 很 好 !bù hǎo bù hǎo bù tài hǎo mǎ hu mǎ hu mǎ ma hǔ hu

(不 好 , 不 好 ,不 太 好!) (马虎 , 马虎 , 马马虎虎)xiè xiè nǐ bú kè qì duì bu qǐ méi guàn xì

谢谢 你 , 不客气 , 对不起 , 没关系

Nǐ hǎo nǐ hǎo nǐ hǎo mǎ

你好 , 你好 , 你好 吗 ?wǒ hǎo wǒ hǎo wǒ hěn hǎo

我 好 , 我 好 , 我 很 好 !bù hǎo bù hǎo bù tài hǎo mǎ hu mǎ hu mǎ ma hǔ hu

(不 好 , 不 好 ,不 太 好!) (马虎 , 马虎 , 马马虎虎)

Greeting Song

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1. Hello and Goodbye Song (0:00)

2. How Are You? (3:01)

3. Mamahuhu Song (5:16)

4. Pinyin Song (7:07)

5. Tones Song (10:59)

6. Sorry Song (13:35)

7. Thank You and You’re Welcome (16:19)

8. 16 Colors (19:10)

9. Counting Song (Numbers 1-10) (22:50)

10. Numbers 10-10,000 (25:38)

11. How Much? (28:41)

12. Do You Have Money? (31:13)

13. Too Expensive (34:35)

14. How Old? (37:45)

15. Days of the Week (41:39)

16. Months (44:17)

17. The Seasons (47:39)

18. What Time Is It? (51:09)

19. Right or Wrong? (53:50)

20. Stinky Tofu Song (Want) (57:16)

21. Vain — Have/Not Have (1:00:10)

22. Found My Friend (to Be) (1:03:58)

23. I Love My Family (1:07:10)

24. Extended Family (1:10:20)

25. Where Are You? (1:13:36)

Check out these 50 fun songs to easily learn Mandarin. Chinese Buddy makes learning Mandarin Chinese super

fun and easy through songs. Melodies get stuck in your head, grammar becomes effortless and vocabulary

becomes incredibly difficult to forget!

26. Countries (1:16:06)

27. Where Are You Going? (1:19:05)

28. Trip to China (1:22:09)

29. Where’s the Bathroom (1:26:02)

30. Questions Song (1:28:51)

31. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (1:31:25)

32. The Face Song (1:34:23)

33. I Love My Hair - Body Parts (1:38:28)

34. Activities Song (1:41:17)

35. Daily Routines (1:44:08)

36. Dynasty Song (1:47:50)

37. The Story of Nian - Chinese New Year Story (1:50:38)

38. Gongxi Song - Chinese New Year Celebration Song (1:53:50)

39. Dragon Boat Festival Song (1:56:30)

40. Mid-Autumn Festival Song (2:00:27)

41. Mother’s Day Song (2:03:38)

42. Are You Full (2:07:30)

43. Thirsty (2:10:58)

44. Common Food Song (2:14:12)

45. Fish Ice-cream Song (2:16:41)

46. Sweet Treats (Snacks) (2:19:32)

47. Sixteen Fruits (2:22:18)

48. Shapes (2:26:14)

49. Weather (2:30:14)

50. Proud of You (2:34:04)

Page 13: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo


你 2





Page 14: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo


是 ___________________。

xué shēng

学 生

chāo rén

超 人

(Is, are, be)

zhēn nī fó

珍 妮 佛

měi guó rén

美 国 人(American)

Page 15: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo






Page 16: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo


Value – 明度 Míng dù

Line – 线条 Xiàn Tiáo

Shape – 形状 Xíngzhuàng

Color – 色彩 Sè cǎi

Form – 形态 Xíng tài

Space – 空間 Kōng jiān

Texture – 质感 Zhì gǎn

Yì shù de shì jué yuánsù

Page 17: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo
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Line – 线条Xiàn Tiáo

- A mark made by a

pointed tool such a brush,

pen or stick; a moving



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Example – Lines and Shapes

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Shape – 形状Xíngzhuàng

- A flat, enclosed area

that has two dimensions,

length and width. Artists

use both geometric and

organic shapes


Page 24: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo
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Joan Miro, a Spanish artist who studied in Paris, is best known for his whimsical abstracts. Many of his paintings combine lines and colors that create wonderful shapes that may or may not tell a story–depending on your perspective!

Page 26: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

qǐ lì

a. 起 立

yī èr sān

b. 1, 2, 3

Lín Lǎo shī

林老师shàng kè

上 课 (class begin)

xià kè

下 课 (Class dismiss)



nǐ hǎo, Lín lǎo shī


zài jiàn , Lín lǎo shī


(Hello, teacher Lin)

(Good bye, teacher Lin)(Monitor)

Page 27: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

jiàn shēn gē

健 身 歌

Pāi pāi shǒu, pāi pāi shǒu


Yáo yáo nǎo dài, diǎn diǎn tóu,


Niǔ niǔ shēn zǐ, sǒng sǒng jiān


Yáo yáo pì gǔ, duò duò jiǎo.

摇摇屁股,跺跺脚,Wān wān yāo yā, zuò xià lái.


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1. Reviewa. Pinyinb. Greetingc. number

yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



On Canvas -quiz- I. Line, Shape, Form

9/19- 9/20 – Recite Poetry “ Quiet Night

Thought “

Element of Art – FormAssessment: Quiz - Form

Page 29: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Video – Hello China – Learning

one Chinese Culture word a Day

1. Hello- 你好2. Chinese Lunar Calendar

3. China

4. Beijing

5. Yellow river

Culture Notes: #1


Page 30: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Video – Hello China – Learning one Chinese culture word a Day

1. China – 中国2. Hello- 你好3. Confucius-孔子4. SunTzu-孙子5. Lao Tzu- 老子6. Sun-太阳7. Moon-月亮8. Chinese Lunar Calendar-中国农历年9. Compass –指南针10. Gun Powder-火药11. Paper-纸12. Printing-印刷13. Beijing Opera-北京京剧14. Traditional Chinese Painting-国画15. Fresco – 壁画16. Dance-舞蹈17. Music-音乐18. Chime Bells-编钟19. Gu Qin-古琴20. Calligraphy-书法21. Writing Brush-毛笔22. Journey to the West-西游记23. Bamboo-竹24. Dragon –龙25. Phoenix-凤26. Kung Fu- 功夫27. Tai Chi Chuan- 太极拳28. Sword-剑29. Traditional Chinese Medicine-中药30. Acupuncture and Moxibustion-针灸31. Spring Festival-春节32. Qingming Festival – 清明33. Dragon Boat Festival-端午34. 34. QiXi Festival – 七夕

35. Mid-Autumn Festival- 中秋节36. Water- Splashing Festival-拨水节37. Animal Signs of the Chinese


38. Feng Shui- 风水39. Lion Dance – 舞狮40. Door God – 门神41. Wedding- 婚礼42. Matchmaker- 红娘43. Chrysanthemum- 菊花44. Etiquette- 礼45. Number One Scholar- 状元46. Beijing- 北京47. Great Wall –长城48. Imperial Palace – 故宫 (紫禁城)49. Temple of Heaven- 天坛50. Xi’an- 西安 (长安)

51. Terracotta Warriors – 兵马俑52. Yellow river – 黄河53. West Lake- 西湖54 Garden – 庭院55 Three Gorges – 三峡56 Dujianyan Irrigation Dam – 都江堰57 Taishan Mountain –太山58 Dunhuang –敦煌 ()

59 Shaolin Monastery – 少林寺60 Dumpling –饺子61 Roast Duck – 烤鸭62 Tang hu lu- 糖葫芦63 Hotpot-火锅64 Tofu- 豆腐65 Alcoholic Drinks – 酒66. Noodles- 面67. Fish- 鱼

68 Ethnic Group-民族69. Name- 姓名70. Family-家71 Courtyard- 四合院72 Alleyway-胡同73 Tulou Building-土楼74 Tea-茶75 Chopsticks- 筷子76 Paper cutting-剪纸77 Silk-丝78 Porcelain Ware-瓷器79 Jade- 玉80.Money – 钱81.Lantern-灯笼82.Kite- 风筝83.Shadow Puppet- 皮影

84. Wax Printing- 蜡染85. Brocade- 云锦86. Cheongsam- 旗袍87. Tang Suit-唐装88. Fan- 扇子89. Abacus- 算盘90. Panda-熊猫91. Magpie-喜鹊92. Chinese Characters

93. Contradiction- 矛盾94. Careless

95. Jealous- 吃醋96. Bosom Buddy –知音97. Things – 东西98. Baby- 宝贝99. Numerals – 数字100. Ru Yi- 如意

Page 31: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Nǐ hǎo nǐ hǎo nǐ hǎo mǎ

你好 , 你好 , 你好 吗 ?wǒ hǎo wǒ hǎo wǒ hěn hǎo

我 好 , 我 好 , 我 很 好 !bù hǎo bù hǎo bù tài hǎo mǎ hu mǎ hu mǎ ma hǔ hu

(不 好 , 不 好 ,不 太 好!) (马虎 , 马虎 , 马马虎虎)xiè xiè nǐ bú kè qì duì bu qǐ méi guàn xì

谢谢 你 , 不客气 , 对不起 , 没关系

Nǐ hǎo nǐ hǎo nǐ hǎo mǎ

你好 , 你好 , 你好 吗 ?wǒ hǎo wǒ hǎo wǒ hěn hǎo

我 好 , 我 好 , 我 很 好 !bù hǎo bù hǎo bù tài hǎo mǎ hu mǎ hu mǎ ma hǔ hu

(不 好 , 不 好 ,不 太 好!) (马虎 , 马虎 , 马马虎虎)

Greeting Song

Page 32: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

bù tài hǎo

A.不太好 B. 再见 c. 一会儿见1.





zài jiàn

xiè xiè

bù kè qì

duì bù qǐ

yī huì ér jiàn

Nǐ hǎo mǎ mǎ hǔ hǔ

wǒ hěn hǎo

zài jiàn

Quiz – Unit - Greeting Name: _______________

I. Listen to your instruction and choice an appropriate


A.对不起 B.谢谢! c. 一会儿见

A.没关系 B.不客气 c. 我很 好

A.你 好! B.没关系 c.马马虎虎

A.不客气! B.不太好 c. 再见!

bù tài hǎo

A.不太好 B. 再见 c. 一会儿见1.





zài jiàn

xiè xiè

bù kè qì

duì bù qǐ

méi guān xì

yī huì ér jiàn

Nǐ hǎo mǎ mǎ hǔ hǔ

wǒ hěn hǎo

zài jiàn

Quiz – Unit - Greeting Name: _______________

A.对不起 B.谢谢! c. 一会儿见

A.没关系 B.不客气 c. 我很 好

A.你 好! B.没关系 c.马马虎虎

A.不客气! B.不太好 c. 再见!

bù kè qì

yī huì ér jiàn

méi guān xì

bù tài hǎo

méi guān xì

yī huì ér jiàn

bù kè qì

méi guān xì

bù tài hǎo

I. Listen to your instruction and choice an appropriate


Page 33: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

活动 2:

péng yǒu

朋 友men


是 …….

xué shēng

学 生

(Is, are, be)

Zhōng guó rén

中 国 人

Měi guó rén

美 国 人

Page 34: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

yī èr sān sì wǔ一 二 三 四 五1 2 3 4 5

liù qī bā jiǔ shí六 七 八 九 十6 7 8 9 10

Page 35: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

数字shù zì – numbers:

yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Page 36: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo






Page 37: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo
Page 38: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Form –形态Xíng tài


- Objects that are three-

dimensional having length,

width and height. They can

be view from many sides.

Forms take up space and


Page 39: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo
Page 40: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo


1. What is different between Shape

and Forms?

2. Can you provide one example

that is consider a shape and a

form (not the example on the


3. Do you have any question?

Page 41: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Elements of Art

I. Line, Shape, Form – 30 points

1. Usually in art:

a. form refers to three-dimensional objects

b. form refers to two – dimensional objects

c. shape has to do with 3-D images

d. none of the above

2. A line may be described as an endless series of:

a. curves

b. dots

c. cubes

d. spheres

3. Form refers to three – dimensional objects which have:

a. length and width

b. height and width

c. length, width and depth

d. none of the above

4. Shape refers to two-dimensional objects, or objects which


a. length and width

b. height and width

c. length and height

d. none of the above

5. The image pictured at right is a:

a. geometric shape

b. geometric form

c. free from / organic form

d. cube

6. A line may be defined as:

a. the hue of an object

b. the lightness or darkness of contrasting areas

c. the path of a moving point

d. a three – dimensional image

7. Lines can be:

a. straight, thin

b. jagged, rough

c. curved, thick

d. all of the above

8. The images pictured at right are:

a. shapes

b. forms

9. Geometric shapes include:

a. cubes

b. cones

c. circles

d. spheres

10. The image pictured at right consists of:

a. geometric forms

b. geometric shapes

c. freeform/ organic form

d. cube

11. The image pictured at right is a:

a. geometric shape

b. geometric form

c. free from / organic form

d. cube

12. Geometric forms can be:

a. cubes

b. cones

c. spheres

d. all of the above

13. A geometric form includes a:

a. a circle

b. a square

c. a sphere

d. a triangle

14. The shapes and forms in a

work of art represent________:

a. geometric forms

b. converging lines

c. positive space

d. none of above

15. The area above, below,

between, within, and around an

object is called________:

a. shape

b. space

c. form

d. negative space

Page 42: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

qǐ lì

a. 起 立

yī èr sān

b. 1, 2, 3

Lín Lǎo shī

林老师shàng kè

上 课 (class begin)

xià kè

下 课 (Class dismiss)



nǐ hǎo, Lín lǎo shī


zài jiàn , Lín lǎo shī


(Hello, teacher Lin)

(Good bye, teacher Lin)(Monitor)

Page 43: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

jiàn shēn gē

健 身 歌

Pāi pāi shǒu, pāi pāi shǒu


Yáo yáo nǎo dài, diǎn diǎn tóu,


Niǔ niǔ shēn zǐ, sǒng sǒng jiān


Yáo yáo pì gǔ, duò duò jiǎo.

摇摇屁股,跺跺脚,Wān wān yāo yā, zuò xià lái.


Page 44: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

1. Review - Pinyin2. Poetry - Quiet Night Thought

3. Number – 11- 100

yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí

一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2. Art Project- #1 -Line, Shape, Form



9/11 – 9/12:Project - #1 : Line, Shape,

Form – 3D Shading

9/19- 9/20 – Recite Poetry “ Quiet Night

Thought “ 1. Element of Art – Quiz - I

9/9 – 9/10:Quiz- 1 : Line, Shape, Form

1. Submit your Culture

Note- #1 through Canvas

Share with Mrs. Pettus by type:

[email protected]

Page 45: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Video – Hello China – Learning

one Chinese Culture word a Day

1. Hello- 你好2. Chinese Lunar Calendar

3. China

4. Beijing

5. Yellow river

Culture Notes: #1


Page 46: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Video – Hello China – Learning one Chinese culture word a Day

1. China – 中国2. Hello- 你好3. Confucius-孔子4. SunTzu-孙子5. Lao Tzu- 老子6. Sun-太阳7. Moon-月亮8. Chinese Lunar Calendar-中国农历年9. Compass –指南针10. Gun Powder-火药11. Paper-纸12. Printing-印刷13. Beijing Opera-北京京剧14. Traditional Chinese Painting-国画15. Fresco – 壁画16. Dance-舞蹈17. Music-音乐18. Chime Bells-编钟19. Gu Qin-古琴20. Calligraphy-书法21. Writing Brush-毛笔22. Journey to the West-西游记23. Bamboo-竹24. Dragon –龙25. Phoenix-凤26. Kung Fu- 功夫27. Tai Chi Chuan- 太极拳28. Sword-剑29. Traditional Chinese Medicine-中药30. Acupuncture and Moxibustion-针灸31. Spring Festival-春节32. Qingming Festival – 清明33. Dragon Boat Festival-端午34. 34. QiXi Festival – 七夕

35. Mid-Autumn Festival- 中秋节36. WaterSplashing Festival-拨水节37. Animal Signs of the Chinese


38. Feng Shui- 风水39. Lion Dance – 舞狮40. Door God – 门神41. Wedding- 婚礼42. Matchmaker- 红娘43. Chrysanthemum- 菊花44. Etiquette- 礼45. Number One Scholar- 状元46. Beijing- 北京47. Great Wall –长城48. Imperial Palace – 故宫 (紫禁城)49. Temple of Heaven- 天坛50. Xi’an- 西安 (长安)

51. Terracotta Warriors – 兵马俑52. Yellow river – 黄河53. West Lake- 西湖54 Garden – 庭院55 Three Gorges – 三峡56 Dujianyan Irrigation Dam–都江堰57 Taishan Mountain –太山58 Dunhuang –敦煌 ()

59 Shaolin Monastery – 少林寺60 Dumpling –饺子61 Roast Duck – 烤鸭62 Tang hu lu- 糖葫芦63 Hotpot-火锅64 Tofu- 豆腐65 Alcoholic Drinks – 酒66. Noodles- 面67. Fish- 鱼

68 Ethnic Group-民族69. Name- 姓名70. Family-家71 Courtyard- 四合院72 Alleyway-胡同73 Tulou Building-土楼74 Tea-茶75 Chopsticks- 筷子76 Paper cutting-剪纸77 Silk-丝78 Porcelain Ware-瓷器79 Jade- 玉80.Money – 钱81.Lantern-灯笼82.Kite- 风筝83.Shadow Puppet- 皮影

84. Wax Printing- 蜡染85. Brocade- 云锦86. Cheongsam- 旗袍87. Tang Suit-唐装88. Fan- 扇子89. Abacus- 算盘90. Panda-熊猫91. Magpie-喜鹊92. Chinese Characters

93. Contradiction- 矛盾94. Careless

95. Jealous- 吃醋96. Bosom Buddy – 知音97. Things – 东西98. Baby- 宝贝99. Numerals – 数字100. Ru Yi- 如意

Page 47: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

dī tóu sī gù xiāng

低头思故乡(Lowering my head I dream that I'm home)

chuáng qián míng yuè guāng

床前明月光yí shì dì shàng shuāng


jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè


Lǐ bái

- 李白

(Before my bed here is bright-lit moonlight) (So that it seems like frost on the ground)

(Lifting my head I watch the bright moon)

(静夜思)A Quiet Night Thought

cnPd3yJn8HvwiC8pmB1HxhZxy&index=2 - Fast version

Page 48: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

dī tóu sī gù xiāng

低头思故乡(Lowering my head I dream that I'm home.)

chuáng qián míng yuè guāng

床 前明月光yí shì dì shàng shuāng

疑是地上霜jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè


Lǐ bái

- 李白

(Before my bed here is bright-lit moonlight.)

(So that it seems like frost on the ground.)

(Lifting my head I watch the bright moon.)

dī tóu sī gù xiāng

低头思故乡(Lowering my head I dream that I'm home.)

chuáng qián míng yuè guāng

床 前明月光yí shì dì shàng shuāng

疑是地上霜jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè


(Before my bed here is bright-lit moonlight.)

(So that it seems like frost on the ground.)

(Lifting my head I watch the bright moon.)

(静夜思)A Quiet Night Thought

Lǐ bái

- 李白(静夜思)

A Quiet Night Thought

Page 49: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

yī èr sān sì wǔ一 二 三 四 五1 2 3 4 5

liù qī bā jiǔ shí六 七 八 九 十6 7 8 9 10

Page 50: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí

一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

11-20shí yī shí èr shí sān shí sì shí wǔ shí liù shí qī shí bā shí jiǔ èr shí

十 一 十 二 十 三 十 四 十 五 十 六 十 七 十 八 十 九 二 十21-30èr shí yī èr shí èr èr shí sān èr shí sì èr shí wǔ èr shí liù èr shí qī èr shí bā èr shí jiǔ sān shí

二十一 二十二 二十三 二十四 二十五 二十六 二十七 二十八 二十九 三十sān shí yī sān shí jiǔ sì shí三 十 一 -------------------------- 三 十 九 四 十sì shí yī sì shí jiǔ wǔ shí 四 十 一 -------------------------- 四 十 九 五 十wǔ shí yī wǔ shí jiǔ liù shí五 十 一 -------------------------- 五 十 九 六 十liù shí yī liù shí jiǔ qī shí六 十 一 -------------------------- 六 十 九 七 十qī shí yī qī shí jiǔ bā shí七 十 一 -------------------------- 七 十 九 八 十bā shí yī bā shí jiǔ jiǔ shí八 十 一 -------------------------- 八 十 九 九 十jiǔ shí yī jiǔ shí jiǔ yī bǎi九 十 一 -------------------------- 九 十 九 一 百 两百, 三百,四百,五百




Page 52: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo






Page 53: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo


Value – 明度 Míng dù

Line – 线条 Xiàn Tiáo

Shape – 形状 Xíngzhuàng

Color – 色彩 Sè cǎi

Form – 形态 Xíng tài

Space – 空間 Kōng jiān

Texture – 质感 Zhì gǎn

Yì shù de shì jué yuánsù

Page 54: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Elements of Art

I. Line, Shape, Form – 30 points

1. Usually in art:

a. form refers to three-dimensional objects

b. form refers to two – dimensional objects

c. shape has to do with 3-D images

d. none of the above

2. A line may be described as an endless series of:

a. curves

b. dots

c. cubes

d. spheres

3. Form refers to three – dimensional objects which have:

a. length and width

b. height and width

c. length, width and depth

d. none of the above

4. Shape refers to two-dimensional objects, or objects which


a. length and width

b. height and width

c. length and height

d. none of the above

5. The image pictured at right is a:

a. geometric shape

b. geometric form

c. free from / organic form

d. cube

6. A line may be defined as:

a. the hue of an object

b. the lightness or darkness of contrasting areas

c. the path of a moving point

d. a three – dimensional image

7. Lines can be:

a. straight, thin

b. jagged, rough

c. curved, thick

d. all of the above

8. The images pictured at right are:

a. shapes

b. forms

9. Geometric shapes include:

a. cubes

b. cones

c. circles

d. spheres

10. The image pictured at right consists of:

a. geometric forms

b. geometric shapes

c. freeform/ organic form

d. cube

11. The image pictured at right is a:

a. geometric shape

b. geometric form

c. free from / organic form

d. cube

12. Geometric forms can be:

a. cubes

b. cones

c. spheres

d. all of the above

13. A geometric form includes a:

a. a circle

b. a square

c. a sphere

d. a triangle

14. The shapes and forms in a

work of art represent________:

a. geometric forms

b. converging lines

c. positive space

d. none of above

15. The area above, below,

between, within, and around an

object is called________:

a. shape

b. space

c. form

d. negative space

Page 55: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

qǐ lì

a. 起 立

yī èr sān

b. 1, 2, 3

Lín Lǎo shī

林老师shàng kè

上 课 (class begin)

xià kè

下 课 (Class dismiss)



nǐ hǎo, Lín lǎo shī


zài jiàn , Lín lǎo shī


(Hello, teacher Lin)

(Good bye, teacher Lin)(Monitor)

Page 56: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

jiàn shēn gē

健 身 歌

Pāi pāi shǒu, pāi pāi shǒu


Yáo yáo nǎo dài, diǎn diǎn tóu,


Niǔ niǔ shēn zǐ, sǒng sǒng jiān


Yáo yáo pì gǔ, duò duò jiǎo.

摇摇屁股,跺跺脚,Wān wān yāo yā, zuò xià lái.


Page 57: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

1. Number 1-100


百 100



Element of Art – Line & ShapeAssessment: Line, Shape and Shade, Quiz – Line/


9/11 – 9/12:Project - #1 : Line, Shape,

Form – 3D Shading

9/19- 9/20 – Recite Poetry “ Quiet Night

Thought “

9/9 – 9/10:Quiz- 1 : Line, Shape, Form

Page 58: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Video – Hello China – Learning

one Chinese Culture word a Day

1. Name

2. Dragon

3. Phoenix

4. Calligraphy

5. Writing Brush-毛笔

Culture Notes: #2


Page 59: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Video – Hello China – Learning one Chinese culture word a Day

1. China – 中国2. Hello- 你好3. Confucius-孔子4. SunTzu-孙子5. Lao Tzu- 老子6. Sun-太阳7. Moon-月亮8. Chinese Lunar Calendar-中国农历年9. Compass –指南针10. Gun Powder-火药11. Paper-纸12. Printing-印刷13. Beijing Opera-北京京剧14. Traditional Chinese Painting-国画15. Fresco – 壁画16. Dance-舞蹈17. Music-音乐18. Chime Bells-编钟19. Gu Qin-古琴20. Calligraphy-书法21. Writing Brush-毛笔22. Journey to the West-西游记23. Bamboo-竹24. Dragon –龙25. Phoenix-凤26. Kung Fu- 功夫27. Tai Chi Chuan- 太极拳28. Sword-剑29. Traditional Chinese Medicine-中药30. Acupuncture and Moxibustion-针灸31. Spring Festival-春节32. Qingming Festival – 清明33. Dragon Boat Festival-端午34. 34. QiXi Festival – 七夕

35. Mid-Autumn Festival- 中秋节36. Water- Splashing Festival-拨水节37. Animal Signs of the Chinese


38. Feng Shui- 风水39. Lion Dance – 舞狮40. Door God – 门神41. Wedding- 婚礼42. Matchmaker- 红娘43. Chrysanthemum- 菊花44. Etiquette- 礼45. Number One Scholar- 状元46. Beijing- 北京47. Great Wall –长城48. Imperial Palace – 故宫 (紫禁城)49. Temple of Heaven- 天坛50. Xi’an- 西安 (长安)

51. Terracotta Warriors – 兵马俑52. Yellow river – 黄河53. West Lake- 西湖54 Garden – 庭院55 Three Gorges – 三峡56 Dujianyan Irrigation Dam – 都江堰57 Taishan Mountain –太山58 Dunhuang –敦煌 ()

59 Shaolin Monastery – 少林寺60 Dumpling –饺子61 Roast Duck – 烤鸭62 Tang hu lu- 糖葫芦63 Hotpot-火锅64 Tofu- 豆腐65 Alcoholic Drinks – 酒66. Noodles- 面67. Fish- 鱼

68 Ethnic Group-民族69. Name- 姓名70. Family-家71 Courtyard- 四合院72 Alleyway-胡同73 Tulou Building-土楼74 Tea-茶75 Chopsticks- 筷子76 Paper cutting-剪纸77 Silk-丝78 Porcelain Ware-瓷器79 Jade- 玉80.Money – 钱81.Lantern-灯笼82.Kite- 风筝83.Shadow Puppet- 皮影

84. Wax Printing- 蜡染85. Brocade- 云锦86. Cheongsam- 旗袍87. Tang Suit-唐装88. Fan- 扇子89. Abacus- 算盘90. Panda-熊猫91. Magpie-喜鹊92. Chinese Characters

93. Contradiction- 矛盾94. Careless

95. Jealous- 吃醋96. Bosom Buddy –知音97. Things – 东西98. Baby- 宝贝99. Numerals – 数字100. Ru Yi- 如意

Page 60: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

dī tóu sī gù xiāng

低头思故乡(Lowering my head I dream that I'm home)

chuáng qián míng yuè guāng

床前明月光yí shì dì shàng shuāng


jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè


Lǐ bái

- 李白

(Before my bed here is bright-lit moonlight) (So that it seems like frost on the ground)

(Lifting my head I watch the bright moon)

(静夜思)A Quiet Night Thought

cnPd3yJn8HvwiC8pmB1HxhZxy&index=2 - Fast version

Page 61: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí

一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

11-20shí yī shí èr shí sān shí sì shí wǔ shí liù shí qī shí bā shí jiǔ èr shí

十一 十二 十 三 十四 十五 十六 十七 十八 十九 二十

èr shí yī èr shí jiǔ sān shí

二十一 -------------------------- 二十九 三 十sān shí yī sān shí jiǔ sì shí

三十一 -------------------------- 三 十九 四十sì shí yī sì shí jiǔ wǔ shí

四十一 -------------------------- 四十九 五十wǔ shí yī wǔ shí jiǔ liù shí

五十一 -------------------------- 五十九 六十liù shí yī liù shí jiǔ qī shí

六十一 -------------------------- 六十九 七十qī shí yī qī shí jiǔ bā shí

七十一 -------------------------- 七十九 八十bā shí yī bā shí jiǔ jiǔ shí

八十一 -------------------------- 八十九 九十jiǔ shí yī jiǔ shí jiǔ yī bǎi

九十一 -------------------------- 九十九 一百 两百, 三百,四百,五百




Page 62: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Sì bù shì shí shí bù shì sì


Sì shí bù shì shí sì, shí sì bù shì sì shí


S vs. Sh

Page 65: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo
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Type of Shading: method

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ject -

#1 : L

ine, S

hape, F



e: _





: ____________

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ject -

#1 : L

ine, S

hape, F



e: _





: ____________

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qǐ lì

a. 起 立

yī èr sān

b. 1, 2, 3

Lín Lǎo shī

林老师shàng kè

上 课 (class begin)

xià kè

下 课 (Class dismiss)



nǐ hǎo, Lín lǎo shī


zài jiàn , Lín lǎo shī


(Hello, teacher Lin)

(Good bye, teacher Lin)(Monitor)

Page 74: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

jiàn shēn gē

健 身 歌

Pāi pāi shǒu, pāi pāi shǒu


Yáo yáo nǎo dài, diǎn diǎn tóu,


Niǔ niǔ shēn zǐ, sǒng sǒng jiān


Yáo yáo pì gǔ, duò duò jiǎo.

摇摇屁股,跺跺脚,Wān wān yāo yā, zuò xià lái.


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On Canvas -quiz- IV. Value

9/19- 9/20 – Recite Poetry “ Quiet Night

Thought “

9/19 - 9/20Art Project – Color Wheel Element of Art – Value

Assessment: Quiz – Value

10/02, 10/03 – Vocab. Writing

叫 jiào – to call, yell什么 shénme - what名字 míngzì - Name

Nǐ jiào shénme míng zì

Q:你叫 什么 名字?Wǒ jiào


Page 76: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Video – Hello China – Learning

one Chinese Culture word a Day

1. Name

2. Dragon

3. Phoenix

4. Calligraphy

5. Writing Brush-毛笔

Culture Notes: #2


Page 77: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Video – Hello China – Learning one Chinese culture word a Day

1. China – 中国2. Hello- 你好3. Confucius-孔子4. SunTzu-孙子5. Lao Tzu- 老子6. Sun-太阳7. Moon-月亮8. Chinese Lunar Calendar-中国农历年9. Compass –指南针10. Gun Powder-火药11. Paper-纸12. Printing-印刷13. Beijing Opera-北京京剧14. Traditional Chinese Painting-国画15. Fresco – 壁画16. Dance-舞蹈17. Music-音乐18. Chime Bells-编钟19. Gu Qin-古琴20. Calligraphy-书法21. Writing Brush-毛笔22. Journey to the West-西游记23. Bamboo-竹24. Dragon –龙25. Phoenix-凤26. Kung Fu- 功夫27. Tai Chi Chuan- 太极拳28. Sword-剑29. Traditional Chinese Medicine-中药30. Acupuncture and Moxibustion-针灸31. Spring Festival-春节32. Qingming Festival – 清明33. Dragon Boat Festival-端午34. 34. QiXi Festival – 七夕

35. Mid-Autumn Festival- 中秋节36. Water- Splashing Festival-拨水节37. Animal Signs of the Chinese


38. Feng Shui- 风水39. Lion Dance – 舞狮40. Door God – 门神41. Wedding- 婚礼42. Matchmaker- 红娘43. Chrysanthemum- 菊花44. Etiquette- 礼45. Number One Scholar- 状元46. Beijing- 北京47. Great Wall –长城48. Imperial Palace – 故宫 (紫禁城)49. Temple of Heaven- 天坛50. Xi’an- 西安 (长安)

51. Terracotta Warriors – 兵马俑52. Yellow river – 黄河53. West Lake- 西湖54 Garden – 庭院55 Three Gorges – 三峡56 Dujianyan Irrigation Dam – 都江堰57 Taishan Mountain –太山58 Dunhuang –敦煌 ()

59 Shaolin Monastery – 少林寺60 Dumpling –饺子61 Roast Duck – 烤鸭62 Tang hu lu- 糖葫芦63 Hotpot-火锅64 Tofu- 豆腐65 Alcoholic Drinks – 酒66. Noodles- 面67. Fish- 鱼

68 Ethnic Group-民族69. Name- 姓名70. Family-家71 Courtyard- 四合院72 Alleyway-胡同73 Tulou Building-土楼74 Tea-茶75 Chopsticks- 筷子76 Paper cutting-剪纸77 Silk-丝78 Porcelain Ware-瓷器79 Jade- 玉80.Money – 钱81.Lantern-灯笼82.Kite- 风筝83.Shadow Puppet- 皮影

84. Wax Printing- 蜡染85. Brocade- 云锦86. Cheongsam- 旗袍87. Tang Suit-唐装88. Fan- 扇子89. Abacus- 算盘90. Panda-熊猫91. Magpie-喜鹊92. Chinese Characters

93. Contradiction- 矛盾94. Careless

95. Jealous- 吃醋96. Bosom Buddy –知音97. Things – 东西98. Baby- 宝贝99. Numerals – 数字100. Ru Yi- 如意

Page 78: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Nǐ hǎo nǐ hǎo nǐ hǎo mǎ

你好 , 你好 , 你好 吗 ?wǒ hǎo wǒ hǎo wǒ hěn hǎo

我 好 , 我 好 , 我 很 好 !bù hǎo bù hǎo bù tài hǎo mǎ hu mǎ hu mǎ ma hǔ hu

(不 好 , 不 好 ,不 太 好!) (马虎 , 马虎 , 马马虎虎)xiè xiè nǐ bú kè qì duì bu qǐ méi guàn xì

谢谢 你 , 不客气 , 对不起 , 没关系

Nǐ hǎo nǐ hǎo nǐ hǎo mǎ

你好 , 你好 , 你好 吗 ?wǒ hǎo wǒ hǎo wǒ hěn hǎo

我 好 , 我 好 , 我 很 好 !bù hǎo bù hǎo bù tài hǎo mǎ hu mǎ hu mǎ ma hǔ hu

(不 好 , 不 好 ,不 太 好!) (马虎 , 马虎 , 马马虎虎)

Greeting Song

Page 79: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

dī tóu sī gù xiāng

低头思故乡(Lowering my head I dream that I'm home)

chuáng qián míng yuè guāng

床前明月光yí shì dì shàng shuāng


jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè


Lǐ bái

- 李白

(Before my bed here is bright-lit moonlight) (So that it seems like frost on the ground)

(Lifting my head I watch the bright moon)

(静夜思)A Quiet Night Thought

cnPd3yJn8HvwiC8pmB1HxhZxy&index=2 - Fast version

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yī èr sān sì wǔ一 二 三 四 五1 2 3 4 5

liù qī bā jiǔ shí六 七 八 九 十6 7 8 9 10

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C- I – WS – Number -#1 Name: _____________________

yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí

十 二 十 五 十 七 十 八 二 十

四 十

六 十

八 十






二十三 二十四 二十七 二十八二十一





























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Page 83: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

叫jiào - to call

名字míng zì -name

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wǒ jiào


(Ex: 我叫Harry Potter.)

Nǐ jiào shén me míng zì

你叫什么名字?(What is your name?)

Page 85: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Project: Introduce Self

1. Art – doing self-portrait

2. Language Function:


introduce self- name, number, color

4. Adj. 大,小,长, 短,5. Facial features: 眼睛,鼻子,嘴巴,耳朵

Presentation: This is me

你好,我叫林家仪, 我的 生日 是 五 月 十八 号,

我 喜欢 红色。我来自美国, 我是 美国 人。

Nǐ hǎo, wǒ jiào Lín jiā-yí, wǒ de shēngrì shì wǔ yuè shíbā hào,

wǒ xǐhuān hóngsè. Wǒ láizì Měiguó, wǒ shì Měiguó rén

(Hi, my name is Jah-yi Lin, my b-day is May, 18th. I like red color. I am from US, I

am an American)

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Value – 明度Míng dù


- Degree of lightness or

darkness. The difference

between values is called

values contrast.

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The value of green

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Elements of Art

IV. Value

1. The value scale is:

a. The range of light and dark values from white to black

b. The range of prices for a work of art

c. The index used by art dealers to appraise the value of art objects

d. None of the above

2. The technique used in this drawing is primarily:

a. Front lighting

b. Common shading

c. Mixing other colors

d. None of the above

3. Value in art is:

a. The market value of art

b. A place where art objects are displayed

c. The lightness or darkness of an object

d. None of the above

4. Texture can effect how light is absorbed or reflected:

a. true

b. False

5. Value can represent in:

a. Black color

b. Only in color

c. both a and b

d. None of above

Page 92: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

qǐ lì

a. 起 立

yī èr sān

b. 1, 2, 3

Lín Lǎo shī

林老师shàng kè

上 课 (class begin)

xià kè

下 课 (Class dismiss)



nǐ hǎo, Lín lǎo shī


zài jiàn , Lín lǎo shī


(Hello, teacher Lin)

(Good bye, teacher Lin)(Monitor)

Page 93: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

jiàn shēn gē

健 身 歌

Pāi pāi shǒu, pāi pāi shǒu


Yáo yáo nǎo dài, diǎn diǎn tóu,


Niǔ niǔ shēn zǐ, sǒng sǒng jiān


Yáo yáo pì gǔ, duò duò jiǎo.

摇摇屁股,跺跺脚,Wān wān yāo yā, zuò xià lái.


Page 94: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo



Element of Art – ColorAssessment: Color Wheel, Quiz - Color

Nǐ jǐ suì

Q:你几岁?(How old are you?)


Wǒ shí'èr suì

我十二岁。 (I am 12 years old.)

岁Suì –years old

Wǒ suì

A:我_____岁。(I ___ years old.)

Page 95: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

3. Chinese script styles 1. the Oracle bone script (甲骨文 jiǎgǔwén; literally "shell

bone writing“)

2. the Seal Script (篆书 zhuànshū).

3. the “Clerical Script” (隶书 lìshū)

4. the “Semi-cursive Script” (行书 xíngshū)

5. The Cursive script (草书cǎoshū),

2. Radical:A Chinese radical or classifier (部首: bùshǒu) is a graphic

component of a Chinese character under which the character is

traditionally listed in a Chinese dictionary.

1. Story of Radical:-- 36 个象形字 – 36 Pictograms

Page 96: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

你nǐ - you

好hǎo - good

吗ma - question

我Wǒ – I, me, my

他Tā – he,him,his


不bù - not

没méi – not have

们men – plural is, are, am, was, were

yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí

一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

岁Suì –years old

有yǒu - have

Unit – 1 -Greeting

叫 jiào – to call, yell 名字 míngzì - Name

什么 shénme - what

Direction: Please write down the Chinese characters below by using character writing sheet –front and back. One word on box. If you are not finish that will be your homework.

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Video – Hello China – Learning

one Chinese Culture word a Day

1. Name

2. Dragon

3. Phoenix

4. Calligraphy

5. Writing Brush-毛笔

Culture Notes: #2


Page 98: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Video – Hello China – Learning one Chinese culture word a Day

1. China – 中国2. Hello- 你好3. Confucius-孔子4. SunTzu-孙子5. Lao Tzu- 老子6. Sun-太阳7. Moon-月亮8. Chinese Lunar Calendar-中国农历年9. Compass –指南针10. Gun Powder-火药11. Paper-纸12. Printing-印刷13. Beijing Opera-北京京剧14. Traditional Chinese Painting-国画15. Fresco – 壁画16. Dance-舞蹈17. Music-音乐18. Chime Bells-编钟19. Gu Qin-古琴20. Calligraphy-书法21. Writing Brush-毛笔22. Journey to the West-西游记23. Bamboo-竹24. Dragon –龙25. Phoenix-凤26. Kung Fu- 功夫27. Tai Chi Chuan- 太极拳28. Sword-剑29. Traditional Chinese Medicine-中药30. Acupuncture and Moxibustion-针灸31. Spring Festival-春节32. Qingming Festival – 清明33. Dragon Boat Festival-端午34. 34. QiXi Festival – 七夕

35. Mid-Autumn Festival- 中秋节36. Water- Splashing Festival-拨水节37. Animal Signs of the Chinese


38. Feng Shui- 风水39. Lion Dance – 舞狮40. Door God – 门神41. Wedding- 婚礼42. Matchmaker- 红娘43. Chrysanthemum- 菊花44. Etiquette- 礼45. Number One Scholar- 状元46. Beijing- 北京47. Great Wall –长城48. Imperial Palace – 故宫 (紫禁城)49. Temple of Heaven- 天坛50. Xi’an- 西安 (长安)

51. Terracotta Warriors – 兵马俑52. Yellow river – 黄河53. West Lake- 西湖54 Garden – 庭院55 Three Gorges – 三峡56 Dujianyan Irrigation Dam – 都江堰57 Taishan Mountain –太山58 Dunhuang –敦煌 ()

59 Shaolin Monastery – 少林寺60 Dumpling –饺子61 Roast Duck – 烤鸭62 Tang hu lu- 糖葫芦63 Hotpot-火锅64 Tofu- 豆腐65 Alcoholic Drinks – 酒66. Noodles- 面67. Fish- 鱼

68 Ethnic Group-民族69. Name- 姓名70. Family-家71 Courtyard- 四合院72 Alleyway-胡同73 Tulou Building-土楼74 Tea-茶75 Chopsticks- 筷子76 Paper cutting-剪纸77 Silk-丝78 Porcelain Ware-瓷器79 Jade- 玉80.Money – 钱81.Lantern-灯笼82.Kite- 风筝83.Shadow Puppet- 皮影

84. Wax Printing- 蜡染85. Brocade- 云锦86. Cheongsam- 旗袍87. Tang Suit-唐装88. Fan- 扇子89. Abacus- 算盘90. Panda-熊猫91. Magpie-喜鹊92. Chinese Characters

93. Contradiction- 矛盾94. Careless

95. Jealous- 吃醋96. Bosom Buddy –知音97. Things – 东西98. Baby- 宝贝99. Numerals – 数字100. Ru Yi- 如意

Page 99: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

dī tóu sī gù xiāng

低头思故乡(Lowering my head I dream that I'm home)

chuáng qián míng yuè guāng

床前明月光yí shì dì shàng shuāng


jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè


Lǐ bái

- 李白

(Before my bed here is bright-lit moonlight) (So that it seems like frost on the ground)

(Lifting my head I watch the bright moon)

(静夜思)A Quiet Night Thought

cnPd3yJn8HvwiC8pmB1HxhZxy&index=2 - Fast version

Page 100: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

wǒ jiào


(Ex: 我叫Harry Potter.)

Nǐ jiào shén me míng zì

你叫什么名字?(What is your name?)

Page 101: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Nǐ jǐ suì

Q:你几岁?(How old are you?)

Wǒ shí'èr suì

Ex.: 我十二岁。

Wǒ suì

A:我_______岁。(Number - #)

(I am 12 years old.)

Page 102: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo
Page 103: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

Color – 色彩Sè cǎi

- Is one of the most

dominant elements. It is

created by light. There are

three properties of colr; Hue

(name), Value (shades and

tints,) and



Page 104: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo
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7. Pictured at right are:

a. refracted colors

b. intermediate colors

c. secondary colors

d. primary colors

8. Pictured at right are:

a. secondary colors

b. primary and secondary colors

c. primary colors

d. complimentary colors

9. The illustration below demonstrates:

a. that white is the presence of all colors

b. a gray-black form

c. complimentary shades

d. none of the above

10. Color includes:

a. an element that is derived through reflective light

b. white is the presence of all colors and when light

is refracted through a prism, the color spectrum

is revealed

c. a and b

d. only a

Elements of Art

III. Color

1. Each separate color corresponds to a different:

a. shape of color

b. wavelength of light

c. texture or medium

d. none of the above

2. The name of a color is its:

a. shade

b. intensity

c. value on the white to black scale

d. hue

3. The three primary colors are:

a. red, blue, yellow

b. blue, green, purple

c. orange, white, black

d. none of the above

4. Color is a perception of:

a. light

b. the mind

c. the medium

d. none of the above

5. A secondary color is:

a. directly across the color wheel from a primary color

b. of less intensity than primary colors

c. red, yellow and blue

d. a mixture of a primary color and the next color

on the color wheel

6. Secondary colors are:

a. refracted colors

b. intermediate colors

c. primary colors

d. none of the above

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Example: the color

blue and green on

different value


You will pick three

different value of color.

For example:

Warm color:

Red, orange, yellow

Cool Color:

Dark blue, sky blue, light


Note: Please

bring your own

Color Pencils

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shàng kè

上 课(class begin)

xià kè

下 课(Class dismiss)

qǐ lì jìng lǐ

起 立, 敬 礼

nǐ hǎo,Lín lǎo shī

你好,林 老 师(Hi, Teacher Lin)

zài jiàn ,Lín lǎo shī

再见, 林老师(Bye, Teacher Lin)

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jiàn shēn gē

健 身 歌

Pāi pāi shǒu, pāi pāi shǒu


Yáo yáo nǎo dài, diǎn diǎn tóu,


Niǔ niǔ shēn zǐ, sǒng sǒng jiān


Yáo yáo pì gǔ, duò duò jiǎo.

摇摇屁股,跺跺脚,Wān wān yāo yā, zuò xià lái.


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2. Radical:A Chinese radical or classifier (部首: bùshǒu)

is a graphic component of a Chinese character

under which the character is traditionally listed

in a Chinese dictionary.

1. Story of Radical:-- 36 个象形字 – 36 Pictograms

(Watch video)



On Canvas -quiz- V. Texture

9/19 - 9/20Art Project – Color Wheel

9/19- 9/20 – Recite Poetry “ Quiet Night

Thought “

10/02, 10/03 – Vocab. Writing

Element of Art – TextureAssessment: Quiz - Texture

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Video – Hello China – Learning

one Chinese Culture word a Day

1. Name

2. Dragon

3. Phoenix

4. Calligraphy

5. Writing Brush-毛笔

Culture Notes: #2


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Video – Hello China – Learning one Chinese culture word a Day

1. China – 中国2. Hello- 你好3. Confucius-孔子4. SunTzu-孙子5. Lao Tzu- 老子6. Sun-太阳7. Moon-月亮8. Chinese Lunar Calendar-中国农历年9. Compass –指南针10. Gun Powder-火药11. Paper-纸12. Printing-印刷13. Beijing Opera-北京京剧14. Traditional Chinese Painting-国画15. Fresco – 壁画16. Dance-舞蹈17. Music-音乐18. Chime Bells-编钟19. Gu Qin-古琴20. Calligraphy-书法21. Writing Brush-毛笔22. Journey to the West-西游记23. Bamboo-竹24. Dragon –龙25. Phoenix-凤26. Kung Fu- 功夫27. Tai Chi Chuan- 太极拳28. Sword-剑29. Traditional Chinese Medicine-中药30. Acupuncture and Moxibustion-针灸31. Spring Festival-春节32. Qingming Festival – 清明33. Dragon Boat Festival-端午34. 34. QiXi Festival – 七夕

35. Mid-Autumn Festival- 中秋节36. Water- Splashing Festival-拨水节37. Animal Signs of the Chinese


38. Feng Shui- 风水39. Lion Dance – 舞狮40. Door God – 门神41. Wedding- 婚礼42. Matchmaker- 红娘43. Chrysanthemum- 菊花44. Etiquette- 礼45. Number One Scholar- 状元46. Beijing- 北京47. Great Wall –长城48. Imperial Palace – 故宫 (紫禁城)49. Temple of Heaven- 天坛50. Xi’an- 西安 (长安)

51. Terracotta Warriors – 兵马俑52. Yellow river – 黄河53. West Lake- 西湖54 Garden – 庭院55 Three Gorges – 三峡56 Dujianyan Irrigation Dam – 都江堰57 Taishan Mountain –太山58 Dunhuang –敦煌 ()

59 Shaolin Monastery – 少林寺60 Dumpling –饺子61 Roast Duck – 烤鸭62 Tang hu lu- 糖葫芦63 Hotpot-火锅64 Tofu- 豆腐65 Alcoholic Drinks – 酒66. Noodles- 面67. Fish- 鱼

68 Ethnic Group-民族69. Name- 姓名70. Family-家71 Courtyard- 四合院72 Alleyway-胡同73 Tulou Building-土楼74 Tea-茶75 Chopsticks- 筷子76 Paper cutting-剪纸77 Silk-丝78 Porcelain Ware-瓷器79 Jade- 玉80.Money – 钱81.Lantern-灯笼82.Kite- 风筝83.Shadow Puppet- 皮影

84. Wax Printing- 蜡染85. Brocade- 云锦86. Cheongsam- 旗袍87. Tang Suit-唐装88. Fan- 扇子89. Abacus- 算盘90. Panda-熊猫91. Magpie-喜鹊92. Chinese Characters

93. Contradiction- 矛盾94. Careless

95. Jealous- 吃醋96. Bosom Buddy –知音97. Things – 东西98. Baby- 宝贝99. Numerals – 数字100. Ru Yi- 如意

Page 113: 9/2 Labor Day - No - Sept.pdfjiàn shēn gē 健 身 歌 Pāipāishǒu, pāipāishǒu 拍拍手,拍拍手 Yáo yáo

dī tóu sī gù xiāng

低头思故乡(Lowering my head I dream that I'm home)

chuáng qián míng yuè guāng

床前明月光yí shì dì shàng shuāng


jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè


Lǐ bái

- 李白

(Before my bed here is bright-lit moonlight) (So that it seems like frost on the ground)

(Lifting my head I watch the bright moon)

(静夜思)A Quiet Night Thought

cnPd3yJn8HvwiC8pmB1HxhZxy&index=2 - Fast version

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你nǐ - you

好hǎo - good

吗ma - question

我Wǒ – I, me, my

他Tā – he,him,his


不bù - not

没méi – not have

们men – plural is, are, am, was, were

yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí

一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

岁Suì –years old

有yǒu - have

Unit – 1 -Greeting

叫 jiào – to call, yell 名字 míngzì - Name

什么 shénme - what

Direction: Please write down the Chinese characters below by using character writing sheet –front and back. One word on box. If you are not finish that will be your homework.

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Texture – 质感Zhì gǎn


- Describes the feel of an

actual surface. The surface

quality of an object; can be

real or implied.

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Elements of Art

IV. Value

1. The value scale is:

a. The range of light and dark values from white to black

b. The range of prices for a work of art

c. The index used by art dealers to appraise the value of art objects

d. None of the above

2. The technique used in this drawing is primarily:

a. Front lighting

b. Common shading

c. Mixing other colors

d. None of the above

3. Value in art is:

a. The market value of art

b. A place where art objects are displayed

c. The lightness or darkness of an object

d. None of the above

4. Texture can effect how light is absorbed or reflected:

a. true

b. False

5. Value can represent in:

a. Black color

b. Only in color

c. both a and b

d. None of above

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7. Pictured at right are:

a. refracted colors

b. intermediate colors

c. secondary colors

d. primary colors

8. Pictured at right are:

a. secondary colors

b. primary and secondary colors

c. primary colors

d. complimentary colors

9. The illustration below demonstrates:

a. that white is the presence of all colors

b. a gray-black form

c. complimentary shades

d. none of the above

10. Color includes:

a. an element that is derived through reflective light

b. white is the presence of all colors and when light

is refracted through a prism, the color spectrum

is revealed

c. a and b

d. only a

Elements of Art

III. Color

1. Each separate color corresponds to a different:

a. shape of color

b. wavelength of light

c. texture or medium

d. none of the above

2. The name of a color is its:

a. shade

b. intensity

c. value on the white to black scale

d. hue

3. The three primary colors are:

a. red, blue, yellow

b. blue, green, purple

c. orange, white, black

d. none of the above

4. Color is a perception of:

a. light

b. the mind

c. the medium

d. none of the above

5. A secondary color is:

a. directly across the color wheel from a primary color

b. of less intensity than primary colors

c. red, yellow and blue

d. a mixture of a primary color and the next color

on the color wheel

6. Secondary colors are:

a. refracted colors

b. intermediate colors

c. primary colors

d. none of the above

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Elements of Art

V. Texture

1. Tactile refers to:

a. the physical texture of a surface

b. the impression of texture which an artist can create on a flat surface

c. the feel of an object’s interior

d. none of the above

2. Texture is:

a. the feel of an object’s interior

b. the surface quality or feel of an object

c. the change in an object’s weight

d. none of the above

3. Texture can be suggested in two-dimensional objects by using:

a. line and color

b. transparent objects

c. vertical coincidence

d. none of the above

4. Visual texture:

a. refers to the physical texture of the surface

b. is fake or simulated texture that the artist can create

c. is the feel of an object’s interior

d. none of the above

5. A picture of tree bark is a picture of:

a. simulated texture

b. light texture

c. implied/ fake texture

d. real or actual texture

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Example: the color

blue and green on

different value


You will pick three

different value of color.

For example:

Warm color:

Red, orange, yellow

Cool Color:

Dark blue, sky blue, light


Note: Please

bring your own

Color Pencils

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Jenks Wild

- 9/23 --- 9/30 -Note: Students will do the following

1. Make up all missing work – that include Art Quiz, Vocab. writing

2. Class will do Chinese Brush Painting and Calligraphy

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1. Chinese Calligraphy-1 a. Why Chinese consider ‘Calligraphy’ as

an Art?b. Know your toolsb. Basic strokes

The Eight Principles of Yong

A. Understand why

Calligraphy consider as an

art form in China

B. Understand “The Eight

Principles of Yong”

Culture Center – 3 Stations

1. Paper Cutting

2. Calligraphy – Write your name

3. Chinese Chess

Jenks Wild Week

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Video – Hello China – Learning

one Chinese Culture word a Day

1. Sun-太阳2. Moon-月亮3. Confucius-孔子4. SunTzu-孙子5. Lao Tzu- 老子

Culture Notes: #3


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Watch Video: 36 gè zì- xiàng xíng zì dòng huà

36 个字- 象 形 字 动 画

日 火 山 木 水

石 象 人 子 林

鸟 草 马 田 竹

夫 女 刀 舟 鱼

网 燕 云 雨 伞

龟 鹿 胄 虎 弓

舍 羊 花 门 犬

36 个象形字 – 36 Pictograms

See Textbook – p.44

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See Textbook – p.14 -15

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Elements of Art

I. Line, Shape, Form – 30 points

1. Usually in art:

a. form refers to three-dimensional objects

b. form refers to two – dimensional objects

c. shape has to do with 3-D images

d. none of the above

2. A line may be described as an endless series of:

a. curves

b. dots

c. cubes

d. spheres

3. Form refers to three – dimensional objects which have:

a. length and width

b. height and width

c. length, width and depth

d. none of the above

4. Shape refers to two-dimensional objects, or objects which


a. length and width

b. height and width

c. length and height

d. none of the above

5. The image pictured at right is a:

a. geometric shape

b. geometric form

c. free from / organic form

d. cube

6. A line may be defined as:

a. the hue of an object

b. the lightness or darkness of contrasting areas

c. the path of a moving point

d. a three – dimensional image

7. Lines can be:

a. straight, thin

b. jagged, rough

c. curved, thick

d. all of the above

8. The images pictured at right are:

a. shapes

b. forms

9. Geometric shapes include:

a. cubes

b. cones

c. circles

d. spheres

10. The image pictured at right consists of:

a. geometric forms

b. geometric shapes

c. freeform/ organic form

d. cube

11. The image pictured at right is a:

a. geometric shape

b. geometric form

c. free from / organic form

d. cube

12. Geometric forms can be:

a. cubes

b. cones

c. spheres

d. all of the above

13. A geometric form includes a:

a. a circle

b. a square

c. a sphere

d. a triangle

14. The shapes and forms in a

work of art represent________:

a. geometric forms

b. converging lines

c. positive space

d. none of above

15. The area above, below,

between, within, and around an

object is called________:

a. shape

b. space

c. form

d. negative space

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Elements of Art

IV. Value

1. The value scale is:

a. The range of light and dark values from white to black

b. The range of prices for a work of art

c. The index used by art dealers to appraise the value of art objects

d. None of the above

2. The technique used in this drawing is primarily:

a. Front lighting

b. Common shading

c. Mixing other colors

d. None of the above

3. Value in art is:

a. The market value of art

b. A place where art objects are displayed

c. The lightness or darkness of an object

d. None of the above

4. Texture can effect how light is absorbed or reflected:

a. true

b. False

5. Value can represent in:

a. Black color

b. Only in color

c. both a and b

d. None of above

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7. Pictured at right are:

a. refracted colors

b. intermediate colors

c. secondary colors

d. primary colors

8. Pictured at right are:

a. secondary colors

b. primary and secondary colors

c. primary colors

d. complimentary colors

9. The illustration below demonstrates:

a. that white is the presence of all colors

b. a gray-black form

c. complimentary shades

d. none of the above

10. Color includes:

a. an element that is derived through reflective light

b. white is the presence of all colors and when light

is refracted through a prism, the color spectrum

is revealed

c. a and b

d. only a

Elements of Art

III. Color

1. Each separate color corresponds to a different:

a. shape of color

b. wavelength of light

c. texture or medium

d. none of the above

2. The name of a color is its:

a. shade

b. intensity

c. value on the white to black scale

d. hue

3. The three primary colors are:

a. red, blue, yellow

b. blue, green, purple

c. orange, white, black

d. none of the above

4. Color is a perception of:

a. light

b. the mind

c. the medium

d. none of the above

5. A secondary color is:

a. directly across the color wheel from a primary color

b. of less intensity than primary colors

c. red, yellow and blue

d. a mixture of a primary color and the next color

on the color wheel

6. Secondary colors are:

a. refracted colors

b. intermediate colors

c. primary colors

d. none of the above

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Elements of Art

V. Texture

1. Tactile refers to:

a. the physical texture of a surface

b. the impression of texture which an artist can create on a flat surface

c. the feel of an object’s interior

d. none of the above

2. Texture is:

a. the feel of an object’s interior

b. the surface quality or feel of an object

c. the change in an object’s weight

d. none of the above

3. Texture can be suggested in two-dimensional objects by using:

a. line and color

b. transparent objects

c. vertical coincidence

d. none of the above

4. Visual texture:

a. refers to the physical texture of the surface

b. is fake or simulated texture that the artist can create

c. is the feel of an object’s interior

d. none of the above

5. A picture of tree bark is a picture of:

a. simulated texture

b. light texture

c. implied/ fake texture

d. real or actual texture

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ject -

#1 : L

ine, S

hape, F



e: _





: ____________

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Example: the color

blue and green on

different value

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o红色hóng sè

o紫色zǐ sè

o黄色huáng sè

o绿色lǜ sè

o蓝色lán sè

o黑色hēi sè

o白色bái sè

o褐色hè sè

o桔色jú sè

o粉红色fěnhóng sè

o灰色huī sè

o金色jīn sè

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e: _





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Chinese calligraphy is a form of

calligraphy widely practiced and revered in

the Chinese cultural sphere, which often

includes China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and

Vietnam. The calligraphic tradition of East

Asia originated and developed from China.

There is a general standardization of the

various styles of calligraphy in this

tradition. Chinese calligraphy and ink and

wash painting are closely related, since

they are accomplished using similar tools

and techniques. Chinese painting and

calligraphy distinguish themselves from

other cultural arts because they emphasize

motion and are charged with dynamic life.

According to Stanley-Baker, "Calligraphy is

sheer life experienced through energy in

motion that is registered as traces on silk

or paper, with time and rhythm in shifting

space its main ingredients.“[Calligraphy

has also led to the development of many

forms of art in China, including seal

carving, ornate paperweights, and


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Different kind of styles in Chinese Calligraphy

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The Eight Principles of Yong

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Chinese Brush Painting - Orchid

Art- Chinese painting -



1. Practice on newspaper.

Start paint leaves, phoenix


2. Paint flowers

Jenks Wild Week

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Nǐ jiào shénme míng zì

1. 你 叫 什 么 名 字?wǒ jiào Lín jiā yí

我叫 林家仪。Nǐ de shēng rì shì jī yuè

2.你的生日是几月?(What month is your birthday?)

月yuè - month



On Canvas -quiz- V. Texture

10/02, 10/03 – Vocab. Writing

Element of Art – SpaceAssessment: Quiz - Space

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Video – Hello China – Learning

one Chinese Culture word a Day

2. Ethnic Group

3. Confucius-孔子4. SunTzu-孙子5. Lao Tzu- 老子

Culture Notes: #3


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Nǐ hǎo nǐ hǎo nǐ hǎo mǎ

你好 , 你好 , 你好 吗 ?wǒ hǎo wǒ hǎo wǒ hěn hǎo

我 好 , 我 好 , 我 很 好 !bù hǎo bù hǎo bù tài hǎo mǎ hu mǎ hu mǎ ma hǔ hu

(不 好 , 不 好 ,不 太 好!) (马虎 , 马虎 , 马马虎虎)xiè xiè nǐ bú kè qì duì bu qǐ méi guàn xì

谢谢 你 , 不客气 , 对不起 , 没关系

Nǐ hǎo nǐ hǎo nǐ hǎo mǎ

你好 , 你好 , 你好 吗 ?wǒ hǎo wǒ hǎo wǒ hěn hǎo

我 好 , 我 好 , 我 很 好 !bù hǎo bù hǎo bù tài hǎo mǎ hu mǎ hu mǎ ma hǔ hu

(不 好 , 不 好 ,不 太 好!) (马虎 , 马虎 , 马马虎虎)

Greeting Song

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数字shù zì – numbers:

yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí

一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)11-20shí yī shí èr shí sān shí sì shí wǔ shí liù shí qī shí bā shí jiǔ èr shí

十 一 十 二 十 三 十 四 十 五 十 六 十 七 十 八 十 九二 十

èr shí yī èr shí jiǔ sān shí二 十 一 -------------------------- 二 十 九 三 十sān shí yī sān shí jiǔ sì shí三 十 一 -------------------------- 三 十 九 四 十sì shí yī sì shí jiǔ wǔ shí 四 十 一 -------------------------- 四 十 九 五 十wǔ shí yī wǔ shí jiǔ liù shí五 十 一 -------------------------- 五 十 九 六 十liù shí yī liù shí jiǔ qī shí六 十 一 -------------------------- 六 十 九 七 十qī shí yī qī shí jiǔ bā shí七 十 一 -------------------------- 七 十 九 八 十bā shí yī bā shí jiǔ jiǔ shí八 十 一 -------------------------- 八 十 九 九 十jiǔ shí yī jiǔ shí jiǔ yī bǎi九 十 一 -------------------------- 九 十 九 一 百 两百, 三百,四百,五百

bǎi qiān

百 千100 1000


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你nǐ - you

好hǎo - good

吗ma - question

我Wǒ – I, me, my

他Tā – he,him,his


不bù - not

没méi – not have

们men – plural is, are, am, was, were

yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí

一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

岁Suì –years old

有yǒu - have

Unit – 1 -Greeting

叫 jiào – to call, yell 名字 míngzì - Name

什么 shénme - what

Direction: Please write down the Chinese characters below by using character writing sheet –front and back. One word on box. If you are not finish that will be your homework.

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(Character only)

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Nǐ hǎo

: 你好!Nǐ hǎo

: 你好!

Nǐ jiào shénme míng zì

: 你 叫 什么 名字?

Wǒ jiào Nǐ ne

: 我 叫___________,你呢?

Wǒ jiào

: 我叫___________。

(how about you?)


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Space – 空間Kōng jiān


- Is used to create the

illusion of depth. Space can

be two-dimensional, three -

dimensional, negative and/

or positive

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Elements of Art

II. Space

1. Negative space is:

a. the area where there are no objects

– around, below, and between

b. the area occupied by forms or shapes

c. not important in designing a composition

d. none of the above

2. Positive space is the area taken up:

a. between forms or shapes

b. by forms or shapes

c. under forms or shapes

d. Inside forms or shapes

3. The emptiness or area between, around, below, or within objects is


a. texture

b. medium

c. form

d. negative space

4. Pictured at right is an example of:

a. positive and negative space

b. the area occupied by forms

c. a value scale

d. none of the above

5. The colored objects at right occupy:

a. negative space

b. positive space

6. The white background below is called:

a. positive Space

b. negative Space
