Page 1: 9 ways to use google search more efficiently


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9 Ways to Use Google Search More Efficiently

30.06.2014 [email protected]


Page 2: 9 ways to use google search more efficiently

30.06.2014 [email protected] ©

Use of Search Enginges

Search engines like Google have made accessing and searching for information easier than it has ever been. For learning, for work, for entertainment – you can find so much stuff on Google, but it can sometimes be difficult to find exactly what you’re looking for. There are some very neat little tips and tricks which help you to use the search engine to its full potential. Most are easily implemented and can be extremely useful. Here’s a list of the best tips on using Google more efficiently:

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30.06.2014 [email protected] ©

1) Use Quotation Marks

Using quotation marks will tell Google that you are looking for a specific phrase. This is helpful for making your search more precise. Just typing in the words without quotes will search for the words altogether, in any given order, while the quotes give you a very accurate result.

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30.06.2014 [email protected] ©

2) Hyphens

Sometimes fewer results are better. You can exclude certain search results by using a hyphen. Writing in the phrase marketing freelancers -"social media" will for example give you search results about everything connected to marketing and freelancers, but will leave out the keyword social media and narrow it down.

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30.06.2014 [email protected] ©

3) Site-Specific search

It often happens to me that I know where on the web something can be found, but just typing in my key words in Google gives me tons of irrelevant results. Typing in Apple, for example, will give you everything written about Apple on and there only, saving you a a lot of filtering out results you don’t want to see.

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30.06.2014 [email protected] ©

4) Find a specific file

Are you looking for a user manual of a certain product, a PowerPoint presentation or some other file on the web? You can look for a specific kind of file on Google by giving in [search item here] filetype:pdf.

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30.06.2014 [email protected] ©

5) Reverse Image Search

Image search is very handy and probably all Google users know how to use it – it’s simple, just click on the image tab and you get results in the form of pictures. But did you know that it goes the other way around as well? That’s right, just drop a picture into and you can track its origins, find an unlabeled product, where your artwork is being used and much more.

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30.06.2014 [email protected] ©

6) Find quick answers with shortcuts

Typing in some words in the search bar will directly lead to quick results. You can put weather, define and quick facts for example. Entering an equation will tell you the solution. Typing in 1 euro in dollars or any other currencies will give you the current exchange rates.

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30.06.2014 [email protected] ©

7) Search operators

There are more of these so called search operators as well. Searching for X OR Y will only give you sites that have either the keyword X or the keyword Y, but not pages that contain both at once. If you want to check out some more, visit

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30.06.2014 [email protected] ©

8) Spelling doesn’t necessarily matter

Google isn’t all too picky when it comes down to grammar. Small spelling mistakes will be ignored and automatically fixed, so you don’t have to come back and delete a mistyped letter or two.

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30.06.2014 [email protected] ©

9) Google Advanced Search

Last but not least, you can always check out if you think that you need a good amount of filtering to get the information you’re looking for. It sort of automates all the operator usage for you and gives you a bunch more options, like looking for non-copyrighted material from a certain country for example.

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30.06.2014 [email protected]