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9 Tips for Creating a Website Positioned for Success

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You have a website and you know it’s not working for you.You’re ready for a redesign. You may find yourself wondering, “Where do I begin?” The process of developing a new website can be a daunting one. But it doesn’t have to be. We’ve compiled a list of our 9 most helpful tips to help you launch a successful website – one that will engage your visitors and increase your number of qualified online leads.

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Tip #1 Set Measurable & Realistic GoalsIdentify what you hope to accomplish with your new website. Map out specific goals for various intervals after your site launches (3 months post-launch, 6 months post-launch, etc.)

Example: At 6 months post-launch, we want our website to have an average bounce rate of less than 30% and we want to see a 10% increase in overall website traffic.It’s important to note that simply launching a new website will not help you achieve your online marketing goals. You need a strategic inbound marketing plan in place – along with a plan for regular website updates post-launch – to help you achieve your goals.

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Tip #2 ChooseYour Web Designer/Developer CarefullyYour website is one of the most important marketing pieces that your business can invest in. It’s not the place to be cutting corners. And it goes without saying that you get what you pay for. Trying to save money up front will not prove to be profitable down the road.

If you’re hoping to generate online leads with your website (why wouldn’t you?) then you need to work with a digital marketing agency. They will partner with you to develop meaningful goals, and they have the means to produce a website that can sell.

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Tip #3 Use a Content Management System

(CMS)Setting up your website in a CMS such

as WordPress (vs. a proprietary site) allows you to easily

make edits once the initial web design process is

complete. Not only is it easier to maintain

a site developed in a CMS, but

also it offers much better

security features, and it is optimal for

incorporating a blog.

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Tip #4 Consider the User Experience (UX)At the onset of any website or digital marketing strategy, it’s important to consider your end user. What are their pain points? What do you want them to do after visiting your site? Using this information, you can develop meaningful buyer personas. These buyer personas should shape every decision you make with your website design.

Everything from your colors and font choices to your navigation menu and headings should focus

around creating a user experience that speaks to your buyer persona(s).

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Tip #5 Think Mobile FirstWith the number of people researching and making decisions online rapidly growing, it’s imperative that you think mobile first with your new website design. Is your content easy to read when viewed on an iPhone? Is the navigation readily apparent and easy to use? Consider the context of your user when they visit your website from their phone and make strategic decisions based upon that information.

Example: If your user will frequently visit your website while on-the-go

and needs your phone number quickly, make a ‘Click to Call’

button prominent, and make sure it’s a live telephone

link (this will activate the keypad right on

their device).

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Tip #6 Ditch the SliderNew research has shown only around 1% of website visitors will click on a call to action button on a slider. Of that 1%, even less are likely to click on a call to action in the subsequent slider images.

Use this newly-found landscape on your website to highlight something that will speak to your user. We suggest finding an image that accurately represents your brand, coupled with a message that addresses your user’s pain points and lets them know how you can solve their problem.

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Tip #7 Complete Extensive Pre-Launch TestingYou’ve made it to the end of the website project. Everything has been developed and it’s time to go live, right? Wrong. Before you go live, it’s important to do pre-launch testing. Evaluate your site on the most recent version of the most common browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Opera) and test it across multiple handheld devices and tablets.

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Tip #8 Develop a Plan for Regular Post-Launch UpdatesRegular updates to your site are crucial for SEO (search engine optimization) and for maintaining a positive user experience. Consider an inbound marketing agency that sells websites that are focused on growth-driven website design.

Growth-driven design is a cutting-edge approach to website design. With a growth-driven site, you get a “launch pad” site – including only your must-have items – within 30 days. Starting with month 2, your website is continually updated to meet the items on your wish list, and to make meaningful changes based on what the data says.

Want to learn more about the growth-driven design website concept? Call us today at 419.629.0080.

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Tip #9: Install Google Analytics

Make sure that Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools are integrated with and

installed on your website. This allows you to measure all aspects of your website

and will help you gauge whether or not you’re meeting your goals.

If you’re considering a growth-driven design website, this

will be crucial as the data collected from Google

Analytics will determine every

copy and design decision you make on

your website after it’s launched.

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Strategic Website Design for Online Marketing Success

After reading our 9 tips, can you confidently say that your current website makes the cut? Are you losing out on leads because you don’t have an effective online presence? Your new website is the first step towards online marketing success. Make sure yours will work for you, not against you.

New Bremen, Ohio 419 629 0080

Contact Marketing Essentials today! We would love to schedule a free 30-minute consult to discuss your goals and how we can partner with you to help you achieve them.

Click Here Now!