Page 1: 9 th National Food Security Mission Executive Committee Meeting Department of Agriculture Andhra Pradesh 1 On 16.05.2012 at 11:00 AM in ICAR Committee

9th National Food Security Mission Executive Committee Meeting

Department of AgricultureAndhra Pradesh


On 16.05.2012 at 11:00 AM in ICAR Committee Room No.1, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi

Page 2: 9 th National Food Security Mission Executive Committee Meeting Department of Agriculture Andhra Pradesh 1 On 16.05.2012 at 11:00 AM in ICAR Committee


GSDP (Rs. in Crores)

Growth Rate (%)

GSDP (Rs. in Crores)

Growth Rate (%)

GSDP (Rs. in Crores)

Growth Rate (%)

% of contribution


2006-07 39266 67356 301035

2007-08 55173 10.13 86775 7.21 364813 5.30 15.12

2008-09 63027 14.24 98658 13.69 415832 13.98 15.16

2009-10 68856 9.25 111875 13.40 475267 14.29 14.49

2010-11 84744 23.07 137560 22.96 567636 19.44 14.93

Average of 4 years 14.17 14.31 13.25 14.92


Agriculture alone Agriculture & Allied Sector Andhra Pradesh

Source:- DES

Andhra Pradesh

Growth Rate at Current Prices (2004-05)Growth Rate at Current Prices (2004-05)

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GSDP (Rs. in Crores)

Growth Rate (%)

GSDP (Rs. in Crores)

Growth Rate (%)

GSDP (Rs. in Crores)

Growth Rate (%)

% of contribution


2006-07 34951 60966 273730

2007-08 42973 22.95 71563 17.38 306645 12.02 14.01

2008-09 42682 -0.68 72841 1.79 322053 5.02 13.25

2009-10 41765 -2.15 73633 1.09 340712 5.79 12.26

2010-11 45875 9.84 80330 9.10 372142 9.22 12.33

Average of 4 years 7.49 7.34 8.02 12.96


Agriculture alone Agriculture & Allied Sector Andhra Pradesh

Source:- DES

Andhra Pradesh

Growth Rate at Constant Prices (2004-05)Growth Rate at Constant Prices (2004-05)

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Seasonal Conditions 2011-12Seasonal Conditions 2011-12

Monsoon Normal 2009 2010 2011

% deviation to

Normal as on date


South-West Monsoon (June,11 – Sep,11)

624.0 454.0 810.0 540.0 -14% Normal

North-East Monsoon (Oct-11 – Dec-11)

224.3 184.6 332.4 113.3 -49 Deficit

Winter period (1st Jan-29th Feb-2012)

14.0 11.5 0.6 17.7 +27% Excess

Hot Weather period (1.3.12 to 25.4.12)

22.2 0 0 11.7 -47% No rains

Total 884.2 650.1 1143.0 682.7 -23% Deficit



Disaster Prone State

• 2009-10 Drought Year - 981 Mandals declared drought affected• 2010-11 Floods - 692 Mandals affected by floods• 2011-12 Drought - 878 Mandals declared drought affected

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S.No DistrictsNo. of

districtsStatus & deviation

1------------- NIL----------------------- 0

Excess(20% & above)

2 Nellore, Kadapa, Anantapur, Chittoor and Nalgonda5

Normal(+19% to -19%)

3 Vizianagaram, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Kurnool5

Deficit(-20% to -59%)

4 Srikakulam, Vishakapatnam, East Godavari, West Godavari, Ranga Reddy, Nizamabad, Medak, Mahabubnagar, Warangal, Khammam Karimnagar and Adilabad


Scanty(-60% to -99%)

5----------------NIL-------------------- 0

No rain(-100%)

Status and deviation of Rainfall – Rabi-2011-12

• All major reservoirs are holding 380.27 tmc (39%) as on 25.04.2012• 878 mandals declared as drought affected.


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NFSM - Financial Statement 2011-12NFSM - Financial Statement 2011-12

(Rs. in lakhs)

NB:- Expenditure figures are provisional and under reconciliation.7


SchemeApproved by


Revalidated Unspent balance


Amount Available

Provisional Expenditure

as on 31.03.12Balance

% of Expenditure to Amount available

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8NFSM-Rice 3926.780 426.55 3500.23 3926.780 3543.971 382.809 90.25NFSM-Pulses 3889.214 492.73 3396.48 3889.210 3861.576 27.634 99.29Publicity 6.716 6.716 6.596 0.119 98.22A3P (K+R) including Addl. Areas

3119.000 2025.376 1991.000 4016.376 3891.090 125.286 96.88

Total 10934.994 2951.372 8887.710 11839.082 11303.233 535.848 95.47

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NFSM – Rice Physical and Financial Progress up to 31.03.12 (Provisional) (Rs. in lakhs)

NFSM – Rice Physical and Financial Progress up to 31.03.12 (Provisional) (Rs. in lakhs)

Phy Fin Phy Fin1 2 3 4 5 6 7 81 Demonstrations on Improved Package of

Practices (One demon. of 0.4 ha at every 100 ha of Rice area)

Rs. 2500/-per Demon. Nos. 2700 67.5 2518 50.7040

2 Demonstrations on System of Rice Intensification (SRI)-one demon. of 0.4 ha at every 100 ha of Rice area.

Rs. 3000/-per Demon Nos. 1000 30.000 933 22.95

3 Demonstrations on Hybrid Rice Tech. (one Demon. Of 0.4 ha at every 100 ha of Rice area.

Rs. 3000/-per Demon Nos. 55 1.650 46 1.101

4 Support for Promotion of Hybrid Rice Seed:(a) Assistance for Production of Hybrid Rice Seed Rs. 1000/-per Qtls

Qtl. 0 00 0

(b) Assistance for Distribution of Hybrid Rice Seed

Rs. 2000/-per Qtl Qtl. 0 00 0

5 Assistance for Distribution of HYVs Seeds. Rs. 500/-per Qtl Qtl. 380000 1900.000 369289 1846.4476 Seed Minikits of Rice:

(a) HYVs (5 kg each) Full Cost Nos. 29700 0 28700 0

(b) Hybrids (6 kgs each) Full Cost Nos. 25000 0 15504 07

Incentive for Micro-nutrients.50% subsidy limited to Rs. 500/-per ha.

Ha 73000 365.000 27488 137.44

8 Incentive for Liming in Acidic Soils Rs. 500/-per ha. Ha 0 0 0 0Sub-Total INM (item 7+8) Ha 0 365.000 0 0

9Assistance for Plant Protection Chemicals and bio-agents

50% subsidy limited to Rs. 500/-per ha

Ha. 40000 200.000 33242 144.46

10 Incentive for Cono-weeders & Other Implements50% subsidy limited to Rs. 3000/-per imple/farmer

Nos. 10000 300.000 3037 65.48

Sl. No

InterventionsApproved Rate of


Target Achievement

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NFSM – Rice Physical and Financial Progress up to 31.03.12 (Provisional) (Rs. in lakhs)

NFSM – Rice Physical and Financial Progress up to 31.03.12 (Provisional) (Rs. in lakhs)

Phy Fin Phy Fin1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

11 Incentive on Knap Sack Sprayers.50% subsidy limited to Rs. 3000/-per Sprayer

Nos. 9003 270.090

12 Incentive Zero Till Seed Drills.50% subsidy limited to Rs. 15000/-per Machine

Nos. 550 82.500

13 Incentive on Multi-crop Planters.50% subsidy limited to Rs. 15000/-per Machine

Nos. 550 82.500

14 Incentive on Seed Drills.50% subsidy limited to Rs. 15000/-per Machine

Nos. 332 49.800

15 Incentive on Power Weeders.50% subsidy limited to Rs. 15000/-per Machine

Nos. 110 16.500

16 Zero Till Multi-crop Planters50% subsidy limited to Rs. 15000/-per Machine

Nos. 110 16.500

17 Ridge Furrow Planters50% subsidy limited to Rs. 15000/-per Machine

Nos. 110 16.500

18 Laser Land Levelers50% subsidy limited to Rs. 1.50 lakh /

Nos. 168 252.000

19 Incentive on Rotavators50% subsidy limited to Rs. 30000/-per Machine

Nos. 500 150.000

Sub-Total Machinery Nos. 21045 1236.390 21045 1170.91

20 Incentives for Pump Sets50% subsidy limited to Rs. 10000/-per Machine

Nos. 0 0.000 0

21 Farmers Trainings. (One FFS at every 1000 ha) Rs. 17000/-per Training Nos. 220 37.400 204 32.58922 Award for Best Performing Districts. # Rs. 5.00 lakh per Year Nos. 1 5.000 1 023 Miscellaneous Expenses:

(a) Project Management Team & Other Misc. Expenses at District Level.

Rs. 6.36 lakh per districtNo. of

Districts11 69.960 11 59.81

(b) Project Management Team & Other Misc.Expenses at StateLevel.

Rs. 13.87 lakh per stateNo. of State

1 13.870 1 12.08

24 Local Initiatives (Activity-wise) 0.000 0 0(a) Global Gap/Organic Certification 0 0TOTAL FINANCIAL 3926.770 3543.971

Approved Rate of Assistance

Unit Target Achievement

Physical Numbers and U.Cs are awaited

Sl. No


Under Rice Nellore district for the year 2008-09 and Nalgonda district for the year 2010-11 is selected as best district

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NFSM – Pulses Physical and Financial Progress up to 31.03.12 (Provisional) (Rs. in lakhs)

NFSM – Pulses Physical and Financial Progress up to 31.03.12 (Provisional) (Rs. in lakhs)

Physical Financial Physical Financial1 2 3 4 5 6 7 81 Seed

(i) Purchase of Breeder Seeds of Pulses from ICAR

Full cost as per uniform rate fixed by DAC (Approx. Rs.5234/- per qtls.

Qtl. 350 18.319 0 0

( ii) Production of Foundation Seeds. Rs. 1000/-per qtls Qtl. 8000 80.000 8000 80.00(iii) Production of Certified Seeds. Rs. 1000/-per qtls Qtl. 40630 406.300 40630 406.30

(iv) Distribution of Certified Seeds.subsidy limited to Rs. 1200/-per qtls Qtl.

130500 1566.000 193181 2318.172

(v) Strengthening of State Seed Certification Agency

Rs. 25.00 lakh per year year 0 0 0 0

Sub total seeds (I to v) 2070.619 2804.47

2Organisation of Technology Demonstrations of 0.4 ha.

Rs. 2000/-per demo Nos. 0 0 0 0

3 Frontline Demonstrations of Pulses. Rs. 5000/-per Dem. Of one ha Ha 0 0 0 0Sub total demo.(2+3) 0.000 0.000

4 Integrated Nutrient Management:(a) Lime/Gypsum 50% subsidy limited to Rs. 750/-per Ha Ha 35000 262.500 11230 54.718

(b) Micro-nutrients. 50% subsidy limited to Rs. 500/-per Ha Ha 35000 175.000 8371 39.253

(c ) Assistance for Rizobium Culture/Phosphate Solublizing bacteria distribution

50% subsidy limited to Rs. 100/-per Ha Ha40000 40.000 25399 23.034

Sub-Total INM (4-a to 4-c) Ha 477.500 117.015 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 50% subsidy limited to Rs. 750/-per Ha Ha 16200 121.500 14069 86.092

6 Assistance for Distribution of NPV 50% subsidy limited to Rs. 250/-per ha Ha 0 0.000 0 07 Assistance for Distribution of PP

Chemicals.50% subsidy limited to Rs. 500/-per ha. Ha

25000 125.000 20280 96.173

Sub-Total IPM (5 to 7) 246.500 182.27

Unit Target Achievement Sl. No

Interventions Approved Rate of assistance

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NFSM – Pulses Physical and Financial Progress up to 31.03.12 (Provisional) (Rs. in lakhs)

NFSM – Pulses Physical and Financial Progress up to 31.03.12 (Provisional) (Rs. in lakhs)

Physical Financial Physical Financial1 2 3 4 5 6 7 88 Assistance for Weedicides 50% subsidy limited to Rs. 500/-per ha. Ha

2500 12.500 1304 5.332

9 Incentive for Knap Sack Sprayers. 50% subsidy limited to Rs. 3000/-per Sprayer

Nos.2203 66.090

10 Distribution of Zero Till Seed Drills.50% subsidy limited to Rs. 15,000/-per machine

Nos. 441 66.150

11 Distribution of Multi-crop Planters.50% subsidy limited to Rs. 15,000/-per machine

Nos. 450 67.500

12Distribution on Zero Till Multi crop planters

50% Limited to Rs.15000/- per implement

Nos 450 67.500

13 Distribution of Seed Drills.50% subsidy limited to Rs. 15,000/-per machine

Nos. 0 0.000

14 Distribution of Rotavators. 50% subsidy limited to Rs. 30000/-per machine

Nos. 500 150.000

15 Leaser Land lever50% subsidy limited to Rs.150000/-per machine for group of 10 farmers

Nos. 110 165.000

Sub-Total Machinery Nos. 4154 582.240 4154 582.24016 Incentive for Pump sets. 50% subsidy limited to Rs. 10000/-per

per machineNos 0 0 0 0

17 Distribution of Sprinkler Sets. 50% subsidy limited to Rs. 7500/-per set Ha3200 240.000 1011 75.825

18Assistance for Pipe for carrying water from source to the field (limited to 800 mtrs per farmer)

50% subsidy limited to Rs. 15000/- per farmer

Nos. 0 0.000 0 0

19(a) Extension, Training including Award to best performing districts

50% subsidy limited to Rs. 15000/- per farmer

0 0

(i) Training on Pattern of FFS. Rs. 17,000/- per trag. Nos. 220 37.400 175 29.450(ii) State Level Trainings for Trainers. Rs. 1.00 lakh per trag. Nos. 1 1.000 1 0.190( iii) Award for Best Performing District.# Rs. 5.00 Lakh per dist Nos

1 5.0001

20 Local Initiatives (Activity-wise) 139.58521 Miscellaneous Expenses relating to

PMTincluding contractual services, Pol and other expenses.(a) District Level (Existing NFSM Districts)

Rs. 4.47 lakh per dist. Nos14 62.580

14 54.257

(b) State Level Rs. 6.28 lakh Nos 1 6.280 1 6.660(c ) Misc. expenses to State for other districts

Rs. 1.00 lakh per dist.8 8.000

8 3.880

TOTAL FINANCIAL 3889.204 3861.576

Unit Target Achievement

Physical Numbers and U.Cs are awaited

Sl. No

Interventions Approved Rate of assistance

Under Pulses Kurnool district for the year 2008-09 and Nizamabad district for the year 2010-11 is selected as best district

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Rice:• Due to severe drought in 2011-12 Rice area in the state is reduced by 3.16

lakh ha.• Under NFSM districts the area is reduced by more than 2.00 lakh ha• An area of about 32.00 lakh ha was affected by drought• During Rabi water in commands was not released• Hence, the number of demos as targeted could not be organized• Due to drought micronutrient deficiency correction was also affected• The shortfall under Rice seed minikits is based on actual supplies• The year 2011-12 was comparatively free from pest and diseases hence the

shortfall in P.P. Chemicals

Pulses:• Due to severe drought, area under pulses was reduced by 0.59 lakh ha• An area of 2.70 lakh ha was affected due to drought• Due to drought micronutrient deficiency correction was also affected• The year 2011-12 was comparatively free from pest and diseases hence the

shortfall in P.P. Chemicals• The targeted FFS could not be organized due to drought 12

Reasons for Shortfalls – 2011-12Reasons for Shortfalls – 2011-12

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Physical & Financial Progress under A3P – 2011-12Physical & Financial Progress under A3P – 2011-12


No. of Demos

Expenditure (Rs. in lakhs)

No. of Demos

Expenditure (Rs. in lakhs)

No. of Demos (1000


Expenditure (Rs. in lakhs)

1 A3P a Redgram 24 909.72 0 0.00 24 909.72b Greengram 6 212.43 8 234.28 14 446.71c Blackgram 6 212.43 15 443.39 21 655.82d Bengalgram 0 20 690.69 20 690.69

Total 36 43 79 2702.942 Addl. Areaa Greengram 0 0 2.5 76.56 2.50 76.56b Blackgram 0 0 35.5 1111.59 35.50 1111.59

Sub Total 0 38 38 1188.16Total 36 0 81 0 117 3891.09

3 RKVY 60000 villagesa Redgram 3 113.72 0 0.00 3 113.72b Greengram 3 106.22 0 0.00 3 106.22c Blackgram 3 106.22 1 34.56 4 140.77d Bengalgram 0 0 2 79.07 2 79.07

Sub Total 9 3 12 439.77Grand Total 45 0 84 0 129 4330.87

S.No Crop

Kharif-11 Rabi-2011-12Total Expenditure

(Rs. in lakhs)

NB:- Un Reconciled / Provisional

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S.No District CropNo.of A3P blocks


during Kharif 11Average yield in A3P

block per ha/qtlAverage yield in Non A3P

block per ha/qtl1 Srikakulam Greengram 1 1 7.8 5.02 Guntur Redgram 2 2 10.375 7.33 Prakasam Redgram 4 4 5.89 4.54 Anantapur Redgram 1 1 4.7 3.65 Kadapa Redgram 1 1 5.2 4.06 Kurnool Redgram 2 2 4.75 3.0

Redgram 5 5 6.7 4.96Greengram 1 1 5.68 4.69

8 Nizamabad Blackgram 2 2 6.05 5.2Redgram 3 3 7.0 6.0

Greengram 2 2 7.5 5.5Blackgram 3 3 7.3 6.0Redgram 2 2 5.6 4.55

Blackgram 1 1 5.8 4.0Redgram 1 1 5.88 4.9

Greengram 2 2 8.8 5.2Redgram 1 1 4.8 3.4

Greengram 2 2 6.8 5.5Redgram 1 1 8.6 6.0

Greengram 1 1 8.0 4.0Redgram 4 4 7.85 6.75

Blackgram 3 3 6.85 6.00

Total 45 45


13 Khammam

10 Rangareddy

11 Nalgonda

7 Mahabubnagar


9 Medak


District wise, Crop wise A3P Results – Kharif-2011District wise, Crop wise A3P Results – Kharif-2011

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Review of status of Rice Minikits – 2011-12Review of status of Rice Minikits – 2011-12


S.No Variety DurationYield

Potential M.T/ha

Size of the kit (Kgs)

Nos Allotted

Nos Received

Nos Distributed

I HYV Rice Seed Minikits1 NLR-3449 (NSC) 125 days 8.0 5 3000 3000 3000

2Samba Masuri Sub-1 (MS) Pre released (SFCI)

4000 - -

3 JGL-3884 (APSSDC) 120-125 7.5 5 13900 25700 25700JGL-3828 (APSSDC) 800 - -WGL-23985 (APSSDC) - - - 8000 - -

Total 29700 28700 28700II Hybrid Rice Minikits

KRH-2 (APSSDC) 125 days 9.6 6 25000 15504 15504

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• A recent review on performance and constraints of seed minikits in Andhra Pradesh broadly indicated the following:– 100% respondents informed that the seed was received in

time, certified seed was supplied in packed minikits and the variety was supplied for the first time

– All farmers responded that the seed was treated– 100% responded that minikit program is useful to them– 80% of the respondents informed that they have not used

any herbicide– 80% responded that they have not adopted fertilizer dosage

as per soil test data– 48% respondents informed that the field day was organized


Performance of Rice MinikitsPerformance of Rice Minikits

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Area, Yield and Production - 2011-12Area, Yield and Production - 2011-12

Source: 3rd Advance estimates (D.E.S) 17

Kharif Rabi Total Kharif Rabi Total Kharif Rabi Total1 Rice 2874 1196 4070 8562 4389 12951 2979 3670 31822 Redgram 479 3 482 147 1 148 306 306 3063 Blackgram 63 473 536 41 306 347 645 647 6474 Greengram 152 128 280 82 50 132 542 391 4715 Bengalgram 0 570 570 0 549 549 0 964 9646 Other Pulses 14 47 61 6 27 33 429 574 5417 Total Pulses 708 1221 1929 276 933 12098 Total Foodgrains 4312 2946 7258 10580 7678 18258

Area ProductionCropS.No Yield

{Area in 000’ ha, Yield in Kg/ha, Prod in 000’ tons}

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(Area in Lakh ha, Yield kg/ha, Prod. Lakh tons)

Source: DESNB:- 2011-12 – 4th estimate awaited.

Area Yield Prod. Area Yield Prod. Area Yield Prod.

1 Rice 33.69 2936 98.91 41.41 3189 132.06 5.29 2.09 7.492 Redgram 4.66 451 2.10 5.02 484 2.433 Greengram 4.77 377 1.80 3.61 386 1.394 Blackgram 4.96 579 2.87 4.34 572 2.485 Bengalgram 4.30 1147 4.93 6.17 1351 8.346 Total Pulses

including other pulses

19.71 613 12.08 19.87 757 15.04 0.2 5.42 5.63

CAGR %S.No Crop

10th Plan 11th Plan (4 years)Normal

(2002-03 to 2006-07)Normal

(2007-08 to 2010-11)

Impact of NFSM - Statement showing Crop wise, Plan wise Normal Area, Yield and Production

Impact of NFSM - Statement showing Crop wise, Plan wise Normal Area, Yield and Production

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Rice – Impact of the MissionRice – Impact of the Mission


NDC in its 53rd meeting held on 29.05.2007 fixed the following targets for Rice & Pulses in the state under NFSM up to the 11th plan.

S.No CropPresent

Production level (lakh tones)

Production targeted by 2011-12 (lakh tones)

Increase (lakh tones)

1 Rice 100.00 130.00 30.002 Pulses 12.50 16.00 3.50

Incase of Rice the state achieved higher production levels except during 2009-10 which was a severe drought year. The statement below indicates Area, Production and Yield of Rice in the state compared to baseline.

Kharif Rabi Total Kharif Rabi Total Kharif Rabi Total Area Production Yield

23.05 10.49 33.54 61.23 37.68 98.91 2657 3594 2950

1 2007-08 25.78 14.06 39.84 81.91 51.33 133.24 3178 3650 3345 19 35 132 2008-09 28.03 15.84 43.87 83.8 58.61 142.41 2989 3700 3246 31 44 103 2009-10 20.63 13.78 34.41 59.56 48.82 108.38 2887 3543 3150 3 10 74 2010-11 29.22 18.30 47.52 75.10 69.10 144.20 2570 3777 3035 42 46 3

% increase over baselineArea (lakh ha) Production (lakh tons) Yield (kg /ha)

Base Line - 2006-07(2002-03 to 2006-07)


Source: D.E.S

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As indicated above, the Area, Production and yield of Rice are always higher during the 11th five year plan compared to base level.

•The National Food Security Mission (Rice) is under implementation in 11 districts only.

•As per Concurrent Evaluation-II which is based on DES data

•In NFSM district the Rice productivity which was 2650 kg / ha as baseline increased to 3276 kg / ha i.e. an increase of 15.54% up to 2009-10. The trend continued during 2010-11 also.

•The productivity in Non NFSM districts marginally decreased from 3276 kg / ha to 3263 kg / ha i.e. a decrease of 0.39% during the above period.

•The contribution of Rice production in NFSM districts which was 46.79% increased to 54.68% by the end of 2009-10. Whereas in Non NFSM districts the contribution which was 53.21% came down to 45.32%.

Source: Concurrent Evaluation –II based on DES data

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Pulses – Impact of the MissionPulses – Impact of the Mission


Incase of Total Pulses the state achieved higher production level than 16.50 lakh tons during 2007-08 it self. The following statement indicates Area, Production and Yield of Total Pulses in the state compared to baseline.

Kharif Rabi Total Kharif Rabi Total Kharif Rabi Total Area Production Yield

9.08 10.63 19.71 3.88 8.20 12.08 428 771 613

1 2007-08 8.59 12.54 21.13 4.97 12.00 16.97 579 957 803 7 40 31

2 2008-09 7.29 10.42 17.71 3.38 11.1 14.48 464 1066 818 -10 20 333 2009-10 7.55 11.78 19.33 2.40 11.92 14.32 317 1012 741 -2 19 214 2010-11 9.89 11.42 21.31 4.35 10.05 14.40 440 880 676 8 19 10

Base Line - 2006-07(2002-03 to 2006-07)

S.No YearArea (lakh ha) Production (lakh tons) Yield (kg /ha) % increase over baseline

As indicated above, the Area, Production and yield of Total Pulses are always higher during the 11th five year plan compared to base level except area during 2008-09 and 2009-10, but production and productivity levels were higher than base level.

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• The National Food Security Mission (Pulses) was under implementation in 14 districts only up to 2009-10.

• As per Concurrent Evaluation-II which is based on DES data

• In NFSM districts the Total Pulses productivity which was 638 kg / ha as baseline increased to 812 kg / ha i.e. an increase of 27.3% up to 2009-10. The trend continued during 2010-11 also.

• The productivity of Total Pulses in Non NFSM districts which was 517 kg / ha decreased to 474 kg / ha i.e. a decrease of 8.36% during the above period.

• The contribution of Total Pulses production in NFSM districts which was 82.53% increased to 86.44% by the end of 2009-10 i.e an increase of 3.91%. Whereas in Non NFSM districts the contribution which was 17% came down to 14%.

Source: Concurrent Evaluation –II based on DES data

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Statement below indicates the targets fixed by Government of India vide Lr.No. CPS-2-4/2010, dt: 22.06.2010 and year wise achievements made by the state under NFSM.

S.No Crop YearTarget

(lakh tons)Achievement

(lakh tons)

State Achievement

(lakh tons)Remarks

1 Rice        Base 2006-07 55.59  55.59 100.0011 districts 2007-08 56.68 67.75 133.24 The programme was implemented in Rabi

  2008-09 58.85 71.93 142.10  2009-10 61.02 59.27 108.38 Marginal decrease - Drought year

2010-11 64.27 70.26 144.202011-12 66.45 Awaited 129.51 3rd estimate

2 Pulses  Base 2006-07 7.42 11.20 12.50

 14 districts 2007-08 7.77 14.41 *16.97 The programme was implemented in Rabi

  2008-09 8.12 12.50 14.64  2009-10 8.83 12.37 14.32 Drought year

22 districts 2010-11 16.78 14.40 14.4022 districts 2011-12 17.33 Awaited 12.09 3rd estimate

* The state achieved this level i.e. 16.97 lakh tons during 2007-08 itself. (22 districts) • Andhra Pradesh got the best performance award n Rice & Pulses for Southern Region – 2008-09

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Status of implementation of e-Pest Surveillance in A3P units of 2010-11 & 2011-12

Status of implementation of e-Pest Surveillance in A3P units of 2010-11 & 2011-12

S.No Training on e-Pest SurveillanceNo. of



1 A3P Blocks 26th - 28th April-2011 45 28 Master Trainers2 a) A3P Kharif-2011 - 07.08.11 45 ADAs / MAOs

b) A3P Rabi-2010-11 - 07.08.11 46 27 ADAs / MAOsSub total 100

3 Addl. A3P blocks - 17.12.11 43 40 MAOsTotal 140

• Three tier capacity building i.e Level-I, Level –II & Level – III training programs completed in all A3P districts.

• Farmer scouts selected and positioned

• Disaster Management Groups constituted in all A3P districts

• Out of 100 officers trained by NCIPM & ANGRAU, 79 officers have uploaded data

• NCIPM advisories also received 24

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Special AchievementsSpecial Achievements

•Concurrent Evaluation – I and II issued

•Success Stories Booklet containing 40 success stories of Kharif-2011 brought out (Series – 6)

•Review of under performing districts in Andhra Pradesh and measures to correct the situation submitted to Government of India.

•A3P results for Kharif-11 submitted to Government of India.

•NCIPM appreciated the excellent work of Andhra Pradesh in e-Pest Surveillance.

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S.No CropAllocation

made by G.O.I (Lakhs)

Amount proposedby the State


1 Rice 4718.13 8543.4452 Pulses 5815.50 11262.323 A3P 3726.00 4862.00

Total 14259.63 24667.765

Action Plan – 2012-13Action Plan – 2012-13

Upward revision is requested:

Rice:• Direct Seeded Rice• HYV seed distribution• Plant Protection Chemicals and Bio-agents • Farm Mechanization• FFSPulses:-• Distribution of Certified Seeds• Cluster Demonstrations• IPM• Farm Mechanization• Sprinkler Sets

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Targets fixed under Rice & Pulses – 2012-13Targets fixed under Rice & Pulses – 2012-13

S.No CropNormal

Production (lakh tons)

Highest Production (lakh tons)

Target for - 2012-13

(lakh tons)1 Rice 129.39 144.20 *153.91

2 Redgram 2.27 3.02 3.003 Greengram 1.40 1.92 1.804 Blackgram 2.68 3.50 3.195 Bengalgram 7.98 9.12 9.75

0.40 0.54 0.4514.73 18.19

Other PulsesTotal Pulses

* Out of 153.91 lakh tons 77.28 lakh tons will be contributed by NFSM districts i.e. 50.2%

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Strategies under NFSM during 2012-13

Integration with district Plans:

• Various interventions will be integrated with district plans

Promotion of HYV Seeds:

• During 2012-13 the concentration will be on distribution of HYV seeds to cover 33% of the planned area

• Latest released varieties will be promoted both under Rice & Pulses

• To facilitate access to high cost machinery like transplanters and other implements farm Mechanization will have priority

Water Use Management – Promotion of SRI

• 5.00 lakh ha to be achieved under wells, bore-wells, tanks and tail-end areas

• Promotion of Drum Seeders

• Direct Seeding

• Rice Transplanters

• NABARD Collaborative Project

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• Promotion of Hybrid Redgram in coordination with ICRISAT

• Hybrid Redgram demos will be organized in Guntur, Prakasam, Ranga Reddy, Kurnool and Mahabubnagar – 400 ha.

• A short duration variety of Redgram ICPL-88039 (100 days) will be tried in drought prone districts of Anantapur, Kurnool, Mahabubnagar, Kadapa and Nalgonda – 100 ha.

• Coordination with MONSANTO

• MONSANTO would complement departmental activities through on-mobile advisory services through on-field demonstrations of best practices in Redgram

• Department would assist them in setting up Centers Of Excellence

• Districts selected are Prakasam, Kurnool, Anantapur and Mahabubnagar

• Coordination with SFAC

• SFAC identified three NGOS – ALC, VRUTTI and ISAP for FPO promotion, Capacity building as well as FAG leaders

• To take up seed production, demonstration and exposure visits

• Develop infrastructure and provide capital for marketing


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• Indent placed for supply of 2.93 lakh qtls of HYV paddy seed with APSSDC

• Indent placed for supply of 0.55 lakh qtls of Pulses Seed with APSSDC

• Seed Treatment chemical is also being supplied on 75% subsidy


Preparedness for Kharif-12Preparedness for Kharif-12

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Govt. nominated AP MARKFED as nodal agency and permitted to maintain 2.00 LMTs of Urea and 1.00 LMTs each of DAP & Complexes as buffer during Kharif 2012 (Total 4.00 LMTs), for use in case of exigency. As on date, AP MARKFED is holding 3.32 LMTs of fertilizers.

 Liaison with Railways for speedy movement of fertilizers from ports and Units.

 Daily monitoring of fertilizer stocks and availability at Head Office as well as at District level by fertilizer monitoring cell.

Strict vigilance on cross border movement of fertilizers by vigilance as well as Department officials.

Zinc Sulphate:

It is planned to distribute 3000Mts of zinc sulphate-21% with financial allocation of Rs.555.00 lakhs to correct zinc deficiency in an area of 60000 ha through APMARKFED


It is proposed to issue Rs. 52,711.00 Crores towards Agriculture Credit for the year 2012-13.

Preparedness for Kharif-12 (Contd..)Preparedness for Kharif-12 (Contd..)

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