
9th Grade Global Regents Review

1) Basic Vocabulary:

Primary Sources vs. Secondary Sources

- Maps: ____________________ maps show boundaries of nations, states, cities, etc., while ___________________ maps show topography (mountains, rivers, lakes, etc.)

- Century = ___________ years (to figure out the years subtract one i.e. 20th Century = __________)

- 1st Person- present and experienced event

- Examples: diary/journals, autobiography, personal letters

- 2nd Person- reporting on research/learning

- Examples: textbook, biography, encyclopedia



2) Social Scientists and Elements of Culture:Economist studies:

Sociologist studies:

Archaeologist studies:

Anthropologist studies:

Cultural Diffusion =

Golden Age =

Money, trade, supplies

Interactions of groups in society

Artifacts to interpret past societies

Human cultures and how they lived

Mixing/spreading of cultures

A period in a civilization described by wealth, stability, achievements and/or peace

3. Early Man Neolithic Revolution:How did early man get food? -Example: Why is the Neolithic Revolution a turning point? - ___________________ societies formed at this point in history. __________________ follow traditional roles; history spreads through _________, _____________________ farming is used for families to produce just enough to survive

Hunting and gathering (Nomadic life)

Bantu migrations in Africa

Change from hunting and gathering TO domestication of animals and farming *Start of civilization*


stories Subsistence

Elements of civilization

4. River Civilizations:

•Why were the earliest civilizations around rivers?



Art & architecture

religionGovernment & laws

Organized economy

Writing system

Social classes

Irrigation, flooding, transportation, food supply

Nile (Egypt), Tigris-Euphrates (Mesopotamia), Indus (India), Yellow (China)

5. Classical Civilizations:

- Han and Tang Dynasties (_______________)- used the ___________ Roads for trade/cultural diffusion, followed _____________________ to direct society, implemented ___________ _____________ exams, paper(money), ___________________, and rubber - Maurya (___________)- _____________________ gov’t (one main location)




gunpowdercivil service


6. Ancient Greece:- ___________________ and many _____________; introduced _______________ where citizens share power/decision-making - Hellenistic Culture: Led by __________________ the Great. An example of __________________ _____________________; mixing of Greek, Egyptian, Persian, and Indian cultures - Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were great ____________________________

Mountains islandsDEMOCRACY



Alexander the Great

7. Ancient Rome:

- Expanded throughout ______________ Europe and areas surrounding the ____________________ Sea - Introduced _____________________ gov’t; citizens elect ______________________ - __________________ Tables: written law

- Extensive ______________ system





8. Belief Systems:

Animism (__________) and Shintoism (___________) are similar because: Basics of Hinduism: Basics of Buddhism: Basics of Confucianism:

Africa JapanBoth believe in spirits in nature

(India)- caste system (no social mobility), reincarnation, dharma (duties), karma (consequences)

(India China, Japan, SE Asia)- end suffering to reach Nirvana, Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Path = code of behavior

(China) designed to guide society through individuals knowing expectations, based on 5 relationships and filial piety (respect for elders)

9. Monotheistic Belief Systems:


Judaism Islam

- Roots in the Middle East

- Jerusalem (Holy City)

- One God- Holy Book- Moral Code

Bible, 10 Commandments

Torah, 10 Commandments

Qur’an (Koran), 5 Pillars

10. Early Empires:- Gupta (__________)- math (_________ and ________________) and medicine -Byzantine (_______________ Europe)- after the fall of _____________; used _____________________ as it’s center for trade because of its location between the ____________________ and ____________ Seas; _______________ Code = written _________; preserved ___________ and _____________ culture; spread ideas like Orthodox Christianity to _________ - Muslim (_____________________)- spread religion into N. Africa and India; preserved ___________ and ______________ learning, created _________________ and advanced ______________



Middle East





11. Middle Ages:

- _____________ Empire fell, ________________ Europe went into the Dark Ages, a period of chaos, disorder, and political instability - _____________ became the center of people’s lives - Feudalism = an ___________________ system based on an exchange for land and _____________ service and/or loyalty; Manors became __________ - ________________sufficient



Roman Catholic Church


12. Crusades:

- Holy Wars between _____________ and ________ for control of ___________________ - “History’s most successful failure”No clear winner, but….Better ____________, increased __________, revival of _____________, end to _________________ as people began to travel and leave their manors

Feudalism (in Europe)tradewealtheducation

“Holy Land”MuslimsChristians

13. Renaissance:

- Guilds = organized ____________ workers set to help regulate _________ and ______________

- Commercial Revolution= __________-based economy; introduced banking system - _________________ of learning; less religious

more ______________ (_____________) ideas

- Humanism- focus on the ___________________



RebirthSecular worldly


14. Later Empires:

- Tokugawa (__________) =

- Mongol (_________) = superior _____________, made Silk Roads safe and _____________________ - Ming (China) = ___________________, Great Wall - Ottoman = ____________, forced Europeans to find a new route to Asia

Feudal society under an emperor; isolationists

Turkish Muslims




15. African Tribal & Mesoamerican Empires:

- Ghana-Mali-Songhai = _________ Africa; traded ___________ and ____________ with Arabs; - ___________________ and _________________ =Cultural diffusion, spread _____________ ideas - Mayas, Aztecs, Incas all had __________________ technology, __________________, and ___________________ that helped them adapt to their __________________environment



IslamicIbn BattutaMansa Musa


16. Global Trade (Old Imperialism):

- China: Zheng He travelled to promote __________; reinforced the idea of the ______________________ (ethnocentric ideas) - Europe: explored for 3 Gs: ______, ______, ______Spread diseases, killing _______________Advanced ______________, weaponsForced cultures and traditions on nativesTriangle Trade =

Columbian Exchange =

Middle Kingdomtrade

World-wide exchange of goods/ideas/culture between East and West

Trade between Europe, Africa, and Americas, including slave trade



17. Spanish Imperialism- Conquistadors – Spanish _______________ leaders -_____________________ System = Spanish colonists used _______________ as forced labor (_____________); similar to ___________________ -“Latin American” culture created from mix of _____________, _________________, and ______________ cultures - Social Class System = __________________ at top (Europeans with most power, least population), _______/_______ at bottom (no power, biggest pop.)




AfricanEuropeanNative American



18. Protestant Reformation:

- Roman Catholic Church = powerful, sold _______________ and collected _________ (corrupt), center of ________; no one ____________ - Martin Luther = 95 Theses (__________________ against the church)Followed by John ___________, Henry ____ - Considered a ______________ _____________ because:People began questioning the ____________Spread new ideas (with help of the invention of the________________ _______________)

_______________ began gaining back power




Calvin VIII




19. Absolutism:- Divine Right = - Absolutism = -Machiavelli wrote ____________________; rulers must do what is necessary to maintain ____________ - Hobbes wrote _________________________; people are unorganized/simple, they need ______________ leaders - Examples: Akbar the Great (___________), Phillip II (_______________), Louis XIV (_____________), Peter the Great (_______________), Suleiman the Magnificent (_________________________)

Monarch with total, centralized power

Theory that ruler’s power came from God

powerThe Prince

strongThe Leviathan

IndiaSpain France

RussiaOttoman Empire

20. English Limits it’s Monarchy:- What documents and events helped lead to the limited monarchy in England?

- Magna Carta- Parliament- English Civil War- Glorious Revolution- English Bill of Rights

10th Grade Global Regents Review

21. Scientific Revolution:Overall impact- introduced a new way of thinking, based on ________________________ and ____________________________, instead of tradition (___________________) Names to know- CopernicusGalileoNewtonDescartes

reasonScientific method


Heliocentric ideas (sun-centered universe)Excommunicated over heliocentric beliefs

GravityPhilosopher- “I think, therefore I am

22. Enlightenment:

Overall impact- Emphasized reason to reform ___________________________ and society. Led to increasing feelings of ______________________. Names to know- John Locke





Basic rights: life, liberty, property; consent of governed, social contract

3 branches of gov’t (3 syllables to his name)

Social contract

- Voice (freedom of speech)

23. Political Revolutions: AMERICA

Overall impact- American colonists sought independence from __________________________. Influenced by the ____________________________.

Influenced future revolutions in _______________ and _________________________.


Latin AmericaFrance

24. Political Revolutions: FRANCE

Causes: ruled by King __________________; abused power and overtaxed the _______ Estate (which was made up of the poorest peasants and the bourgeoisie or _______________________). Important Info: Started as a non-violent revolt against the King, grew into a radical period led by _________________________. Eventually __________________ overthrew an ineffective gov’t by a coup d’état and tried to conquer all of Europe. Effects: Ideas of democracy grew and spread (in part thanks to Napoleon’s conquests) and ideas on _______________________ grew.



middle class3rd

Louis XVI

25. Political Revolutions: LATIN AMERICACauses: Influenced by the success of the ___________________ and ___________________ revolutions.Tired of control by ____________, ___________________, and ______________

Important People: Toussaint L’Ouverture

Simon Bolivar

Jose de San Martin

Slave, turned leader in Haiti

S. American nationalist leader (Bolivia)

S. American nationalist leader




26. Congress of Vienna:

Purpose: Monarchs of Europe came together in reaction against Napoleon’s rule. Results: Establish a _______________________ of __________________ and restore the rule of the ________________________.monarchs


27. Mexican Revolution:

Causes: Mexico ruled by a _________________, Porfirio Diaz, in the late 1800s early 1900s. Wealth was unevenly distributed and he was a brutal leader. Important People:

- Emiliano Zapata

- “Pancho” Villa


Led nationalist revolutions

28. Unification Movements: ITALY- Italy was divided into many small states. Common culture, language, history, and self-determination drove ____________________ ideals. Important People:Mazzini= Count Cavour= Garibaldi= Victor Emmanuel= Crown- King

Sword- military

Brains- diplomacy

Soul- writings


29. Unification Movements: GERMANY

Driven by ____________________ ideals, Germans who wanted to be free from ____________- rule, but were denied this at Vienna. Otto von Bismarck appointed chancellor of Prussia. He used “______________ and __________” to rule over and unite German states, through a series of three wars, against the Danish, Austrians, and French



30. Agrarian Revolution:Importance: Change in methods of ______________.

Effects:- More food produced,

using less workers- Population growth, need

for more supplies- Farmers move to cities

for new jobs

Farming (agriculture)

31. Industrial Revolution:Began in _________________ around 1750. Reasons why (causes)- Access to natural resources of

____________, _________________ Geography- an island- nation with

many ______________ ________________ AND many rivers that helped transportation and acted as sources of _______________ for factories

Increasing population in _______________. Thanks to the agrarian revolution, fewer farmers were needed and people began moving to work in factories.

Strong economy = plenty of _____________ ($ to invest)

Political Stability- no revolutions

Effects-- Laissez-Faire Economics- theory

started by __________________, means gov’t is “______________” business (aka capitalism)

- Rise of big business- New class structureo Upper class = rich business ownerso Growing upper middle class = lawyers,

drs, business peopleo Lower middle class = teachers, shop

owners, office workerso Low class= factory workers, peasants- Urbanization- increase of people

moving to ____________. Immediate effect were poor living conditions

- Poor working conditions, ___________ labor

- Improved transportation- Rising ________________________- Increased gap between ________ and



Iron orecoal



rural areas



Hands-offAdam Smith


Standard of living


32. Reactions to the Problems of the Industrial Revolution:-Thomas Malthus- believed population would increase faster than ___________________; poor should have fewer children to prevent

-Social Darwinism- based on Charles Darwin’s idea of “survival of the _________” applied to society- only the __________ and most __________ succeed.

-Marxist Socialism- Karl Marx wrote the ________________________, believed that the ________________ (workers) of the world needed to unite and overthrow the bourgeoisie; create a classless society

- Labor Unions- workers organized to improve _____________ and __________________

food supply



Communist Manifesto


33. Mass Starvation in Ireland:

- Irish lived off potato crops b/c other crops were exploited by the British -1845 a _____________ destroyed the potato crop, but the British continued to take the wheat and oats - By 1848 millions of Irish had died of starvation, millions others _______________ to the US and Canada



34. New Imperialism: Africa

-between 1870 and 1914; driven by the __________________________ and ____________________________. - ________________________________- Europeans decide to peacefully divide Africa. Met at _______ ________________ (Germany) in 1884. Divide up parts of Africa amongst themselves with no concern for the _____________________. Led to conflicts to remove foreign influence (_______Resistance and _________ War) -British Prime Minister ______________________ expanded British control from Egypt to South Africa

Cecil Rhodes


native Africans

Berlin ConferenceScramble for Africa

new marketsneed for natural resources

35. New Imperialism: India-

- By the 1800s, _____________________________ controlled most of India as an example of _______________ imperialism. ____________ (Indian soldiers) forced into British militaryLed to conflicts to remove foreign influence (________________)

British helped modernize India, but exploited the Indians and their _________________________natural resources and markets

Sepoy Mutiny/Rebellion



British East India Company

36. New Imperialism- China:Isolationists- Since mid-1600s, the Qing dynasty had refused to adopt ___________ ways or trade (this is an ______________________ view) Opium Wars- Britain forced China to open its ports for ______________ with the Treaty of __________, taking ________________ - Helped establish __________________________ for foreigners to trade in certain areas of China Conflicts to remove foreign influence:Taiping Rebellion- ___________ revolt against gov’t b/c of _____________________; quickly put downBoxer Rebellion- group of Chinese known as _____________ attacked foreigners, but were quickly put down by western powers


tradeHong Kong


spheres of influence

Boxersforeign influence


37. New Imperialism and Japan-Historically __________________US sent Commodore ___________________ to force Japan to open ports for trade Modernization and Industrialization-Japan chose to ____________________ instead of being taken over. Time period known as the _____________________ Restoration; b/c of their geography, Japan needed to use _________________ to take over other nations/regions (ex. Manchuria, Korea) to access __________________; would change Japan into a ____________ power

natural resources



Matthew Perryisolationists

38. World War IUnderlying Causes:M=A=I=N=“Powder Keg”= - Immediate “Spark”-- Trench Warfare- Total War- Russia-U.S. Ending WWI: -Genocide: ______________ in the Ottoman Empire

U.S. entry

joined in 1917 after the Zimmerman Telegram and sinking of the Lusitania; ended stalemate

had to leave in 1917 because of a civil warall of a country’s efforts go to fighting the war

led to stalemate

assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

Balkan Peninsula (SE Europe, ethnic tensions, nationalistic feelings)



39. Russian Revolution (similar to French Revolution)Causes:______________ ruler (Czar), WWI, ____________ and ___________ shortages, peasants and urban workers without _______ Bolshevik Revolution 1917- communist party removed the Czar. United people under the slogan: “_____________, ___________, _____________” Russia becomes the ___________ _____________ (USSR) Lenin- set up the _______________ Policy (NEP), mostly communism, but some __________________ Stalin- took control of the Soviet Union in 1924, and created a full _______________________________, introducing __________________ to improve agriculture and 5- year plan to modernize the USSR through __________________



capitalismNew Economic

Soviet Union

communist, totalitarian state



40. Between the Wars:

- Treaty of Versailles-blamed __________________, caused _________________ in the country b/c of high reparations -- Germany sought a new leader, b/c people felt the _____________ Republic had failed them - League of Nations= failure b/c - Empires collapsed: - Turkey = __________ movement (____________)led by Ataturknationalist

it was weak and ineffective (no U.S.)




41. Rise of Fascism:Italy- Germany- Militarism in Japan- Emperor Hirohito (military leader Tojo)



42. World War II:Causes- Failure of the _______________; aggressive nations (J_______, I________, G_________) sought to build ___________; __________________(giving into an aggressor to avoid conflict) - Started when Germany invaded ________________ - Hitler failed, like Napoleon when invading _______ - Turning Point: _____________ forced Germany to fight a _____-front war (advantage to Allies) - New technology: improved planes, tanks, and first use of the ____________ on Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Holocaust: ___________________ against Jews, led to __________________ Trials, where military leaders were held accountable for their actions AND creation of the _______________________ and the Declaration of ________________________


USSR (Russia)



apanLeague of Nations

Human RightsUnited Nations


atomic bomb

43. Cold War:Superpowers: __________ v. ______ (and its allies), led to competition and potential _______ destruction - Europe Divided by the imaginary ______________- _______________ split up after WWII, stayed that way through the Cold War - Major Events: ___________Doctrine, ___________ Plan, __________ Airlift (all sent ________) - Formation of ___________ vs. __________ Pact - Cuban _________ Crisis = closest to war - ________ and ________ Wars= fighting by proxy - Détente = easing of ______________ - ____________- some nations did not choose sides - Important Soviet Leader = Mikhail ____________. He introduced Glasnost (= ____________________) and Perestroika (= __________________________) - End of Cold War = Fall of the _________________


GermanyIron Curtain




some capitalismpolitical opennessGorbachev


Berlin Wall

44. Communism in China:- Sun Yat-sen and Chaing Kai-shek = ____________ - Communist Revolution led by _________ Zedong; attracted ______________ class; led the _________ ________ to defeat the Nationalists - China Under Mao: ________________________= plan to increase ______________ and ___________; _______________ Revolution- no more school, meant to strengthen communism, equality for ______; BOTH PROGRAMS FAILED - China under Deng: introduced ______________ reforms (kinda ______________) through his Four ________________; used _______________ to crush pro-____________ protests at Tiananmen Sq. (1989)




industryagricultureGreat Leap Forward



Long March


45. Communism Elsewhere:-_____________ Theory- idea that if one country fell to communism, others around it would. __________ used to prevent this - Korea- divided North (________) and South (________); no winner, still divided led by the Kims - Vietman- divided North = communist under _____ ___________, South = democratic; N. won and reunified as communist - Cuba= led by ______________, who led the revolution to overthrow Batista - Cambodia- led by ______________ and the ______ ___________; committed acts of ______________ against own people


genocideKhmer RougePol Pot

Fidel Castro

Ho Chi Minh


46. Post-WWII Nationalism:Nationalism drove _________________ movements - Africa: Kwame Nkrumah (____________) = non-violent; Jomo Kenyatta (____________) = violent with the _____________ movementSouth Africa under ____________- Mandela led the ____________, TuTu pushed for international ________________, F.W. deKlerk eventually ended apartheid and _________ elected president - India: ___________ used _____________________ to gain independence; Britain granted in 1947, but ____________ the subcontinent into India (_______) and Pakistan (__________) which caused a violent ________________ and border conflicts

Mau MauKenyaGhana







Gandhi civil disobedience

47. Recent World Conflicts: _______- _____________ (the desire for self-rule/ independence) is cause of many recent conflicts - examples: Chechnya, Tibet, Bosnia - Yugoslavia = ethnic conflicts that led to _________ _____________ violations by Serbs against Muslims - N. Ireland = ____________ v. British ___________ led to violence and terrorism - Middle East: Jewish ___________ movement (nationalism) led to a series of wars v. ___________ for control of land; ________________created but continue to struggle for peace -Iran = Islamic ___________________ overthrew U.S. supported Shah, led to a revolution; continued tension between ___________ and __________ as well as ____________ threats - Iraq= led by ____________________ (a dictator), invaded Kuwait (1990s), led to _____________ War and human rights violations; removed from power - Afghanistan = ________________ influence (Taliban, Bin Laden); U.S. involvement






human rights

terroristPersian Gulf

Saddam Hussein

48. World Economic Issues:Market Economy Command Economy Mixed

International Trade Agreements:- NAFTA= - OPEC =-EU

- US currently has an ________________ with China; we ____________ more than we __________


makes trade and travel easier among European nationsoil producing nations, control production and pricing

trade between Canada, US, Mexico

both; gov’t controls or influences “big business”



49. Current Global Issues:

- UN= _____________ security- Modernization v. __________ leads to illiteracy, lack of equal rights and poor economies (ME, India)- Green Revolution = meant to fight famine; better technology to increase ___________ supply- _______Threats/Safety- need regulations and limits- Overpopulation- led to China’s ________________- Deforestation, Desertification, Pollution, Epidemics, Urbanization, World Hunger

One Child PolicyNuclear


