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Class: 8/___

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A Gapped Text

B Multiple Matching



A Word Formation

B  Topic Vocabulary


A Multiple Choice Cloze

B Open Cloze




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If a new piece of technology appears, it always seems strange at first. The sciencefiction writer Arthur C. Clarke said that advanced technology is like magic to peoplewho haven’t seen it before. However, we soon get used to it. We shop atsupermarkets every day and hardly notice what happens at the checkout as a laserscans our products. In the 60s, though, when the barcodes that make it possiblewere introduced, people thought it was an amazing idea.

 The same is true of many things being developed today. If you knew whattechnology companies are working on, you would be surprised. One area whereprogress is being made very quickly is wearable computers. 1 ….. and a number ofscientists and inventors are trying to find new ways to build them into clothes,

watches and headsets. If they succeed, it will mean a new era in computing.

One exciting idea is the EyeTap. This is a kind of computerized camera which isworn over one eye. 2 ….. It’s far more, though, than just a digital camera connected to your head. The computer can also add images or information to the scene youare looking at. This could have many different users and completely change the waypeople use computers.

Imagine, for example, that you are at a football match. If you are wearing anEyeTap, you can do a number of thins. You can look at information and statistics onthe player you are matching at that moment. You can read comments from otherspectators which their EyeTaps transmit instantly around the stadium. 3 ….. And youcan do all this without missing a single moment of the action on the pitch. When thematch gets a bit boring, you and your computer are already online so you can checkyour e-mail and surf the internet without leaving your seat.

 There are many other uses for this technology. Travel becomes a differentexperience. Information on timetables, tickets, and possible delays is constantlyavailable. You can leave your guidebook at home because you have instant accessto any information you like about the sights you visit. You might even send livepictures from your headset to the internet. 4 …..  The days of showing people yourholiday photos when you get back home might be gone forever!

 The EyeTap also means that learning languages changes. At the moment, learning aforeign language means many hours of hard work. 5 ….. If you need to know a wordor phrase, the EyeTap will instantly display it for you. You might even be able toprogram your wearable computer to speak for you. Of course, people will still learnlanguages for all sorts of different reasons, but tourists need never be stuck  forwords again.

 The EyeTap is just one example of how computers are becoming a part of everymoment of our lives. It’s not without its problems, though. 6 ….. Will we need otherpeople’s permission  to record them every second? Do we really want to beconnected to a computer and to the internet every minute of every day? There’s adanger that we might come to depend on this technology to help us in almost every

aspect of our lives.That will probably be fine, as long as everything works well. Butwhat happens when we get to the point where we need this technology for evensimple tasks and then things start to break down?

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I.  Read the article quickly and tick the things the writer mentions.

technology and shopping _______

technology and the environment _______

technology and sports _______

technology and work _______

technology and tourism _______

technology and clothes _______

II. Read the article again. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose

from the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra sentence

which you do not need to use.


  The whole idea of wearable computers raises a number of difficult questions.

B.  From machines the size of rooms, computers have become smaller, cheaperand smarter.

C.  Many people claim that this is unlikely to happen in the near future.

D.  Friends and family around the world can experience exactly what you areexperiencing.

E.   You can still see through it while a computer records everything you look at.

F.  With a wearable computer, all that effort becomes unnecessary.

G.  Your own opinion can be added for everyone to read and respond to.

III. Match the words in the text

Wearable Computers

with the following definitions (a-

h). There are two extra definitions.

( ) progress a) able to be gotten, taken or used

( ) connect b) the act of allowing someone to do something

( ) available c) to join or put two or more things together

( ) stuck d) a strong feeling that you dislike someone or something

( ) permission e) to need the help or support of someone or something else

( ) depend on f) to discuss something with someone

g) development and improvement

h) not able to move

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Early humans dreamed of going faster and further than they could on foot. Theyprobably first achieved this in northern countries before 3000 BC (before Christ)using skis. The wheel was invented around 3500 BC but carts were very slowwithout roads. So for many centuries the fastest and most popular means oftransport was the horse, which can run at about fifty-five kilometers an hour. Thisrecord for speed was unbroken until the end of the eighteenth century when the hotair balloon and the railway both began to develop.

 The hot air-balloon made its first free flight in 1783. Two Frenchmen, the Montgolfierbrothers, were working as papermakers when they had the idea for the balloon. Afire heated the air, making the balloon rise. During the first flight, the twopassengers were admiring the view when they suddenly saw smoke! The balloonwas burning, but luckily, they managed to put the fire out and land safely.

 The railway developed gradually from carts on tracks. The first vehicle with anengine to run on tracks was developed in 1803 by an Englishman, Richard

 Trevithick. In 1804, he took the first passengers, although they didn’t have to buy aticket. Unfortunately, they were travelling in the train when it began to fall off thetracks and Trevithick realised that the tracks were not strong enough to take theweight of the train. The passengers escaped unharmed, but it was another exampleof how dangerous the development of transport can be.

Perhaps unexpectedly, the bicycle didn’t appear until around 1840 when a

Scotsman, Kirkpatrick McMillan, created the first one to have pedals. People rodebicycle without pedals before then, but they were slow and not very popular. It tookaround 140 years for McMillan’s design to develop into modern mountain bikes. 

 The twentieth century saw the development of many other means of transport,including the hydrofoil and the hovercraft. The petrol-driven car (invented in 1885 inGermany) completely changed the way people thought about transport, and so didthe aeroplane. People have always dreamed of flying. One day, in 1903, that dreambecame a reality. Two American brothers, Wilbur and Orville Wright, managed tomake a short flight in their aircraft, the Flyer. From there, a huge industry grew thatallowed, and still allows, people to visit the whole world easily and cheaply.

 The challenge for the twenty-first century is transport in space. Since the first MoonLanding in 1969, technology has developed to give us the space shuttle (1981) andeven space tourists (2002). The future of transport will probably be as exciting as itspast.

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I. Read the text and choose the answer A, B, C, or D which you think fits according to

the text.

1. The wheel didn’t lead to fast means of transport because … 

A. people could already travel fast.B. they invented it after skis.

C. good roads didn’t exist. D. people preferred to use horses.

2. The passengers discovered the fire … A. while they were checking the balloon.B. while they were in the balloon.C. before they left the ground.D. after they landed on the ground.

3. The invention of the train … 

A. came as a complete surprise.B. grew out of things that came before.C. took longer than anyone expected.D. didn’t make Trevithick much money. 

4. The writer is surprised by the fact that … 

A. the inventor of the bicycle was Scottish.B. nobody had invented the bicycle earlier.C. McMillan’s bicycle had pedals. D. we waited over a century for the mountain bike.

5. What can we say about the aeroplane?

A. It had a great effect on people’s attitudes. B. It wasn’t as popular as the car was. C. It came to the Wright brothers in a dream.D. People didn’t want to allow it at first. 

II. Match the words in the box with the correct definitions.

cart tracks hydrofoil vehicle pedal hovercraft

1. This is a kind of fast ship that partly lifts itself out of the water. _______________

2. This is a general word for a car, a bus, etc. ________________

3. This floats on a cushion of air on land or on water. ________________

4. Trains travel on two of these, made of metal. ________________

5. This has four wheels and might be pulled by a horse. ________________

6. You put your foot on this on a bicycle. ________________

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Imagine a tasty plate of chips, fried in hot oil until golden-brown, topped with a littlesalt and served with ketchup. Think of a hot jacket potato, filled with butter andcheese. Imagine a packet of delicious crisps that leave the flavor on your fingers tobe licked off when you have finished.

Wherever you go, you can’t get away from them. They are everywhere, eaten byeveryone with practically every meal. 1- _____  But have you ever asked yourselfwhere they came from? (And I don’t mean the supermarket!) 

It all started in Peru. They grew potatoes there over 2,000 years ago. They weren’tlike the ones we know today. 2- _____ The first Europeans to try the potato were the

Spanish. In 1537, Spanish explorers discovered people eating what they calledpapas. They brought this strange vegetable back to Spain in the 1550s.

People generally didn’t like  the potato. Lots of other vegetables were introducedinto Europe at the same time, like tomatoes and sweet potatoes, and peoplepreferred those  to the unattractive potatoes. 3- _____  Very slowly, they spreadthrough Europe, although many people still thought potatoes were poisonous forquite a long time.

 There is a story that King Louis XVI (that’s ‘the sixteenth’ to me and you) of Franceliked the potato and wanted to encourage people to eat them. He planted them inthe royal gardens, since he knew this would make them seem valuable and

desirable. 4- ____ Once they got used to this strange plant, it became a popular part of the Frenchdiet.

So, what about chips? Well, the Belgians claim that they invented fried potatoes,although nobody really knows for sure. The first mention of ‘chips’ in England is bythe writer Charles Dickens in 1859. 5- _____  The Americans call them ‘French fries’because soldiers from America went to France during the First World War and lovedthe dish. Now, the Americans eat over 20 million tones of chips a year. (That’saltogether, not each!)

Crisps are an American invention, although they call them ‘chips’ (don’t getconfused!). Everybody agrees that a Native American chef, George Crum, made thefirst crisps in 1853. One day, a difficult customer wanted fried potatoes, slicedthinly. When they arrived, he  said they weren’t thin enough. 6- _____  In the end,Crum got annoyed and sliced the potato as thinly as he could and fried it, thenadded lots of salt. The dish was an immediate success.

So now you know. Next time you’re in your favorite fast food place  with your friendseating chips, amaze them with your potato knowledge! Who knows? They mighteven share their chips with you.

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I-  What do the words and phrases refer to? Choose the correct option.

1-  the ones (par. 3) ___________________

2-  those (par. 4) ___________________


he (par. 7) ____________________4-  them (par. 8) ____________________

II-  Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the

sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra

sentence which you do not need to use.

A He mentions ‘chips of potato’ fried in oil in one of his books.  

B He kept sending them back to be sliced again. 

C Ordinary people stole them and planted them in their own gardens. 

D  The original potatoes were smaller and tasted bitter. 

E  They are a good source of vitamins, surprisingly.

F  They were given to slaves and prisoners because they were so cheap.

G  We seem to love potatoes however they are cooked.

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Lucy Chang tell you what’s new (and not so new ) on your screens this summer. 

I always look forward to this time of year, and I’m always disappointed! It’s the timeof year when TV channels tell us their plans for the summer and every year I tellmyself that it might be different. It never is. Take Super TV, for example. Thischannel, on our screens for five years now, broadcasts a depressing mix of gameshows and music videos. So what do we find in the new schedule? I’m The One , agame show with holidays as prizes, and VJTV , yet another music video programmewith brainless presenters. They are also planning to repeat the dreadful chat showStar Quality , which is about as entertaining as watching grass grow. Why can’t theycome up with new ideas?

Channel 9 does a little better. Now that Train Driver  has finished, they’ve decided toreplace it with Staff Room , a reality show that follows teachers around all day. Itshould be the hit of the summer, giving us an idea of what really goes on when thelesson is over. Who doesn’t want to see and hear what teachers say about theirstudents at the end of the school day? Greta stuff! Together with Life in Aylesford  Street , the soap opera that everyone’s talking about, it looks like Channel 9 could bethe channel to watch this summer.

Over on BTV1, Max Read is back with Joke-a-Cola , the comedy show. The first serieswas slightly amusing, the second hilarious. Let’s wait and see what the third series islike. Comedy is difficult to get right, but it ought to be great. I wish I could say the

same for the sitcom, Oh! Those Kids ! It’s enough to look at the expressions on thefaces of the cast! It’s obvious they know it’s rubbish and the script is just so badlywritten! Oh! Those writers!

 The programme makers must think we’ll watch anything. That’s just not true. Peoplemight have hundreds of channels on their TV or might live near a cinema with adozen of screens. There is so much choice of entertainment these days-TV, thecinema, the theater, even the internet- that they have to work hard to keep theiraudience. What they should be doing is making new, exciting programmes. Whereare the programmes that make people think they must stay in to watch them?

We have to ask ourselves what entertainment is. We have to think about whatpeople do with their leisure time. Television has been popular for about 50-60 yearsbut it might not be popular forever. More people are going to the cinema and theaterthan ever before. More people are surfing the internet or playing computer gamesthan ever before. If Oh! Those Kids!  Is all that the TV can offer, why should we watchit? With one or two exceptions, this summer’s programmes will make more peopleturn off than turn on.

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Read the text and for questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think

fits best according to the text.

1-  At this time of year ________


the TV channels change all their programmesb.  the writer disappoints the TV channels with her reviewsc.  the writer hopes for something that never happensd.  the writer’s favorite programmes often disappear. 

2-  What does “They” in line 20 refer to? 

a.  Super TVb.  The TV channelsc.   The presentersd.  TV viewers

3-   The write says that Staff Room  will probably __________________ .

a.  be successfulb.  shock studentsc.  be worse than Train Driverd.  be on instead of Life in Aylesford Street

4-   The writer thinks that joke-a-Cola  is now ________________________ .

a.  more difficult to understandb.  more popular with viewersc.  funnier than befored.  more like a sitcom

5-  Because of the choice of entertainment ________________________ .

a.  people watch more televisionb.  people move to areas with more facilitiesc.  programme makers have to tell lies


programmes have to be more exciting


   The writer thinks that television __________________________.

a.  will never be as popular as the theater isb.  should show more programmes about hobbiesc.  could lose its popularity in the futured.  ought to provide more than just entertainment

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A.  Complete the chart. If you think there is no word for a particular space, leave it



1. height

2. to isolate

3. beautiful

4. danger

5. famous

6. wonder

7. necessary

8. pride

9. angry

10. to create


12. to hope

13. dirty

14. science

15. comfortable

16. supportive

17. to experience

18. wide

19. to imagine

20. leader

21. to use

22. responsibility

23. frustrated

24. to cheer

25. photograph

26. to rob

27. competition28. to die

29. globe

30. polluted

31. to please

32. information

33. decisive

34. to prevent

35. variety

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B.  Look at the underlined verbs and expressions in this text. They are all in the

wrong position. Decide where they should go.

Albert knows all the people in his building, but he doesn’t like them all. He (0) is not

keen on all the children because they smile and say hello to him. He (1) can’t stand 

the woman who lives on the second floor because she sometimes makes him a cake

and always helps him carry his shopping upstairs. The people who live directly

below him on the third floor are a different matter. He (2) fancies them because they

play loud music at night and throw trash on the stairs. He (3) is fond of the young

woman who lives next door as well because she has a noisy motorbike that

sometimes wakes Albert up. He (4) adores  the man who lives on the top floor

because he used to be the mayor of the town and he secretly (5) loathes  the old

lady who lives opposite him. He’s thinking of inviting her to dinner. He (6) admires 

her sister, though, and they live together so he’ll probably have to invite her as well.

(0)  is fond of

(1) …………..  (4) ………… 

(2) …………..  (5) ………… 

(3) …………..  (6) ………… 

C.  Make adjectives from the suffixes in the box to complete the chart below.

-ous -al -ful -y -less


hope hopeful hopeless  

use ………..  ………….. pain ………..  ………….. music ………..  ………….. noise ………..  ………….. beauty ………..  ………….. danger ………..  ………….. politics ………..  ………….. dirt ………..  ………….. fame ………..  ………….. 

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D.  Complete the blanks with the verbs

go, reach




 _____ better _____ a decision ____ red ____ an agreement _____ on sb’s nerves  _____ lost _____ pale _____ to sleep

E.  Complete the blanks with the preposition

in, on




 ___ a farm ___ work ___ the pavement ___ a queue ___ an island ___ the North ___ the city ___ home ___ the beach ___ the wall ___ the bus stop ___ the right/left


party crew team staff crowd band

1-  A large _______ of people blocked off the street during the protest.

2-  A member of a political _____ gave a speech in the town center last night.


  One of the most famous _____ in music history was the Beatles.

4-  The teaching _____ of our school has formed a basketball ______.

5-  The ship’s _____ served drinks as the ship set sail.

chance luck opportunity possibility

1-  I’m busy at the moment, but when I get the ________, I’ll help you.

2-  Job _______ for young and inexperienced people are limited.

3-  I couldn’t believe my _______ when I found $100 on the street.


  The weatherman said there is a _______ of rain today.

aim goal challenge success ambition

1-  People with ________ will always try to achieve their ________.

2-  Their first album was a great _________ and sold two million copies worldwide.

3-  The math problem was a/an _______ and took me over an hour to solve.

4-  The ______ of environmental organizations is to stop environmental


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look see watch stare glance notice

1-  Did you ______ the tie he was wearing? It had pink elephants on it!

2-  Bill ______ at his watch and started running.



I couldn’t help _______ the big red spots on his face.

4-  Don’t ______ at people like that! It’s really rude.

5-  Always ______ left and the right before crossing the road.

6-  I ________ a great sci-fi film last night.

G.Read the texts below and use the correct form of the words in capitals below to fill

the gaps.


When I was a child I dreamt of becoming 0) famous.

 The trouble was that I wasn’t very (1) ____________ so I didn’t

have much chance of becoming a pop star. I am absolutely

(2) _____________ at most sports so it was obvious that I

wasn’t going to have much (3) ___________  

with either. I used to be one of the (4) ______________ in our

college drama group. I don’t mind rehearsing but I get really

(5) _____________ whenever I have to perform. Everyone says

it’s really (6) _____________ to watch me. I go all red in the

face and I forget my lines. It really is (7) ______________. I

don’t think I have got much of a chance of becoming a (8)

 ______________ actor either. I’ll just have to live with being

completely (9) _____________.











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 There comes a time when not having a car becomes

(1) ____________ Choosing your first car is an (2) ____________

experience. Most men’s (3) ______________ is so vivid that

they see themselves speeding along in a (4) _______________

sports car attracting (5) _________________looks from those

they pass. In (6) _________________ this does not happen that

often. More practical and (7) _________ aspects have to be

considered when choosing a car. The (8)

 _______________ is normally between a small city car which is

(9) ______________to run and easy to park and a larger family

car which would be more (10) ______________ and probably be

fitted with more (11) _____________ features.












I love watching (1) _________ programmes, and I love politics,

so you’d think I’d enjoy watching (2) __________ being

interviewed on TV. But I don’t. All too often, (3) _____________

ask them the most (4) ________ questions, and when they do

get an interesting question,I sit there watching in (5) __________

as some of the most (6) ____________ people in the country give

totally (7) ____________ responses. It’s as if they don’t care

whether their reply is (8) ____________ or not. Often, they arevery poor (9) _____________ , and they’re frequently even more

(10) ___________ about key issues than I am. I don’t expect them

to be particularly (11) __________ - they are serious people,

after all –but at least they could say something interesting

occasionally. It makes me want to stand for election myself!












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If you are considering becoming a (1) _________________ or thinking of LAW

 joining the police service, a knowledge of criminology is very useful.

It includes learning how (2) _______________ is EVIDENT 

collected and how (3) _________________ are conducted, but it also TRY 

involves learning about the psychology of crime, how

(4) _________________ think. This is very important in understanding CRIME

why someone becomes an (5) ________________ and what makes them OFFENSE

do what they do. Someone might commit (6) _________________, for THIEF

example, for a number of reasons, ranging from poverty

to seeking attention. Knowing what motivates a (7) _________________ ROB

or a (8) _________________ might help in the prevention of crime and MURDER

a reduction in (9) _________________ on the streets. The next time you VIOLENT

hear about a crime on TV or in the newspapers, look at the

(10) _________________ and ask yourself what led this person to a  ACCUSE 

life of crime.

Many people, perhaps even the (1) _____________, are not particularly MAJOR

happy in their job. They go to work, get paid, and (2) ____________for EMPLOY

them is just a way of paying the bills. This leads to (3) ____________at LAZY

work and unhappy workers often don’t show enough (4) ___________ POLITE

to customers or (5) _____________to their fellow workers. Many people KIND

feel that they have no chance of (6) _________________ PROMOTE

If you want to get (7) _________________ conditions. WORK

If you want to get (8) ________________ from your work, make sure that ENJOY

it involves doing an (9) _________________ that you like. Ask yourself ACTIVE whether the job will have the same (10) ____________after five years.  ATTRACT 

A careful choice now can give you a lot of (11) __________ in the future. HAPPY

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Dear Mr Coco,

 Thank you for your (1) _________________for the position of manager. APPLY

I am afraid that after a long (2) ____________we have decided to DISCUSS

appoint someone else. We would like to explain our (3) _____________. CHOOSE

All of us were a little surprised by your (4) ______________when you APPEAR

came for the interview. “Dressed like a clown” was the (5) _____________ DESCRIBE

used by one of us. A great (6) _________________ of different people work  VARY 

for us, but we thought the red nose showed a lack of (7) _____________.  RESPONSIBLE 

We were all in (8) _________________ that many of our customers AGREE 

would have great (9) _________________ in taking seriously a manager DIFFICULT 

in size 76 shoes.

We hope this (10) _________________ helps. I would like to finish by EXPLAIN

expressing my (11) _________________ that you will go far in show BELIEVE 


 Yours faithfully,

 Justine Carter,

Personnel Manager


Street (1) ______  ___________, or “buskers”, help make any city centre a  PERFORM

place of (2) _________________. In any major city, you can find young, ENTERTAIN

(3) _________________ people juggling, playing the guitar or even doing EMPLOY

magic tricks for money. All they need is a (4) _____________ place to SUIT

perform and a good crowd. Some people might (5) _________________ APPROVE

of busking, but most people agree that it’s an (6) _________________   ENJOY

break to have an (7) _________________ show when you’re out EXPECT


Some young people, (8) _________________ to afford a luxury trip ABLE

around the world, busk in order to travel. It’s (9) _________________, but  COMFORT

it’s cheap. Unless you are (10) ___________  ______, a few hours playing LUCK

will pay for a bed. The (11) _________________ is that you need to have ADVANTAGE

some talent or you might go hungry!

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Many (1) _____________ to the city were surprised today to find the roads VISIT

blocked by (2) _____________ . Around ten thousand people took to PROTEST

the streets to try to get (3) ______________ to take seriously recent POLITICS

warnings from (4) ____________. They claim that unless ENVIRONMENT 

something is done about the (5) ___________of our coasts, then many PROTECT 

(6) _________________ species of bird will disappear. Among those DANGER

facing (7) _________________ is the rare puffin, found only in a few areas. EXTINCT

Some (8) _________________ say that it may already be too late for  SCIENCE 

this bird, but immediate action is needed to ensure the (9) ____________ SURVIVE

of other rare birds. The (10) _________________ of habitats all along our DESTROY

shores and the effects of (11) ____________warming have been blamed. GLOBE


 The (1) __________ of Techno Phone’s latest model is eagerly awaited by  ARRIVE

gadget fans everywhere. The company has made certain (2) __________ CORRECT

to its software and the new phone works better than older models.

 You can also record those (3) ___________moments with  FORGET 

a high-resolution camera. The (4) _______________ new phone does  FASHION 

everything the previous version did,but even better.

It is (5) _________________ that you regularly update the software RECOMMEND 

and only download applications from the official online store. New

updated programs allow you to download and store thousands of

songs and video clips – at (6) _________________ any extra cost. HARD

 The public (7) ______________ to the new model has been very positive RESPOND

and if you want to be the proud owner of the new model, call our

(8) ________________ desk NOW! ENQUIRE 

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 You can make a career from (1) _________________ TV. Some of REAL

these television programmes will pay you to appear in their shows,

others will reward the (2) _________________. How successful you WIN 

are depends on how good your (3) ______________ is because, PERFORM

after all, these shows are all about (4) ____________. Other ENTERTAIN

opportunities include being asked to make an (5) _______________ APPEAR 

on other television programmes. One star of Castaway now has a

regular job in a big London (6) _________________. The MUSIC

disadvantages are firstly that, in a programme like Pop Idol, you have

to beat all the other (7) _____________ and in programmes COMPETE 

like Big Brother the (8) _____________ will be filming you PRODUCE

24 hours a day. At some stage you are bound to say or do something

you may not be (9) ____________ proud of when you later PARTICULAR

come out of that unusual situation. No-one, other than the other

(10) ______________, will know how extreme the situation CONTEST

was and may not emphatize with you. If you are

(11) ______________ you may get celebrity status, but it may FORTUNE

not be the kind you want!

A woman has lived in complete (1)____________ in a large house ISOLATE

on a hill in North Yorkshire for the last fifty years. She (2) ___________ OCCASION

visits the nearby village to order food. She walks (3) ____________ CONFIDENCE

down the main street but she only speaks to the different shop

(4) _______________ in order to ask for something. Apart from that, ASSIST

she doesn’t speak to anyone at all. She receives a (5) ____________ DELIVER

of wood once a year for her fire but the van driver has (6) ____________ INSTRUCT

to leave it on the doorstep and go away. She must have been very

(7) ___________ when she was young and her clothes were ATTRACT

probably (8) ___________ 50 years ago. She must be about FASHION

70 years old now. She gives the (9) ____________ from the way IMPRESS

she behaves that she might have been an (10) ____________ ACT

once. But nobody in the village knows who she is and they are

(11) _______________ to find out unless she tells them. LIKE

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H.  Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

 James Dean

If you ask anyone to (1) ......  a famous rebel, the chances are they will say James

Dean. Who was James Dean, and was he really as rebellious as we believe?

 James Dean was born in 1931 in Indiana, USA . His father was a dental technician.

 The family (2) .....  to Los Angeles in 1936, but Dean returned to Indiana after his

mother died, where he was (3) ..... by his uncle and aunt. Dean was a bright and

hardworking student, and was not particularly rebellious at school. After returning to

California, Dean joined an acting workshop and was given minor roles in films, on

stage and in TV commercials. In 1951 he went to New York to further his acting

(4) .....  . Dean’s acting (5) ..... was soon recognized, and he was asked to join the

Actors Studio. As he wrote in a letter to his family in 1952: ‘It is the best thing that

can (6) .....  to an actor. ‘Television and theatre work followed, and Dean became

highly (7) ..... within the industry.

 James Dean starred in only three films, and had only been world famous for just

over a year when he was killed in a car (8) ..... in September 1955.

It was his death at such a young (9) ..... , and the rebellious roles he played in the

films Rebel Without a Cause and East of Eden, rather than his off-screen. (10) ..... ,

that have made him a legend. Like Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, and Frank Sinatra,

 James Dean is an icon of the twentieth century.

1.  A. call B. tell C. name D. repeat

2.  A. located B. removed C. lived D. moved



A. brought up B. grown up C. taken over D. taken off

4.  A. job B. career C. work D. employment

5.  A. qualification B. talent C. knowledge D. recommendation

6.  A. become B. take place C. occur D. happen

7.  A. loved B. adored C. respected D. worshipped

8.  A. accident B. misfortune C. disaster D. hit

9.  A. era B. period C. age D. time

10. A. condition B. behaviour C. quality D. performance

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A large-scale (1) ..... has been done by advertisers on the spending (2) ..... of today’s

teenagers. It has (3) ..... with some fascinating results. Girls across Europe ranging

in age from 15 to 18 were interviewed. The researchers (4) ..... that these girls want

to be successful and

sophisticated and are willing to spend to (5)  ..... the look they want – when they

have the money, that is!

Feeling confident is the most important factor when it (6)  ..... to buying clothes.

Another interesting (7)  ..... of information coming out of the study is that German


(8)  ..... clothes that are practical and comfortable, while British and French

teenagers are more (9)  ..... about appearance, although they all agreed that the

clothes should (10) .....

them properly.

All the girls who were interviewed (11) ..... for clothes regularly, half of them buying

something from a department store or a large clothes shop at least once a month.

 They also see it it is as a (12)  ..... activity and going round the shops with their

friends is the main way they learn what the latest trends are.



A. research B. study C. question D. search

2.  A. customs B. actions C. habits D. methods

3.  A. turned out B. come up C. gone down D. brought out

4.  A. created B. invented C. discovered D. portrayed

5.  A. reach B. succeed C. manage D. achieve



A. goes B. makes C. comes D. brings

7.  A. amount B. lot C. piece D. unit

8.  A. go for B. wear out C. take back D. make up



A. concerned B. interested C. keen D. focused

10. A. dress B. match C. wear D. fit

11. A. shop B. buy C. purchase D. pay



A. friendly B. team C. linked D. social

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I.  Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. Some prepositions can

be used more than once.

against for of on over to

1.  If you consume too many calories, you are at risk ______________ becomingoverweight. 

2.  Penny needs to work __________ her fitness if she wants to run a marathon. 

3.  Food that is high in cholesterol can contribute ___________ heart disease. 

4.  Eve’s personal trainer told her to focus _________ strength-building exercisesfor now. 

5.  If you want to get in shape , why not become a member ___________ a gym? 

6.  All children should be vaccinated __________ diseases. 

7.  If you eat well and look after yourself, you could live to be ___________ 100years old. 

8.  Your chances of success in the race depend ___________ how hard you train. 

J.  Complete the sentences with both words.

1. embarrassed amused

a.  Don’t feel __________________ about your appearance. You look fine. b.  Why are you so ______________________? I don’t think it’s all funny. 

2. remarkable generous

a.  Neil Amstrong’s achievement was absolutely ___________________. b.  Dad is both kind and ___________________ with others.

3. belief legend


  It is my _____________________ that everyone needs friends.b.  Have you heard the ____________________ of the ghost rider?

4. ridiculous aggressive

a.  Please calm down. You shouldn’t be so _________________ . b.  It’s absolutely ___________________ to believe that the house is haunted.

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5. explanation illusion

a.  I know it looks like a pool of water, but it’s only an ____________________. b.  If there is an _____________________ for this mystery, I’d like to know what it is. 

6. stage process

a.   The development of a new product is a long __________________.b.  The manufacturing of these laptops is done in one _________________.

7. sore tender

a.  I have a __________________ throat and when I swallow food it hurts a lot.b.  The part of my hand where I cut myself is still _________________ and painful.

8. innovation invention

a.   The __________________ of TV has changed our way of life dramatically.b.  We are living in a century of technological ____________________ .

9. suits fits

a.  Well, the colour certainly ____________________ you.b.  Why not try it on and see if it ___________________ ?

10. exchange return

a.  Hello, I’d like to __________________ these shoes for a larger size, please. b.  I want to _________________this shirt and get my money back. Unfortunately,

it’s too big.

11.  offer discount

a.  Don’t miss our _____________  _____ on designer shirts!b.  Come in next week and get a fantastic _________________ .

12.  rob steal


  If you _______________from a shop, it’s called shoplifting. b.  The young man wants to _________________ the woman of her bag.

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K. Choose the correct phrasal verb to fill the gap in each sentence.

1. The computer __________ a lot.

A. takes on B. breaks down C. comes on D. puts in

2. I heard that they are _________ a new software company in town.

A. putting up B. getting through C. taking back D. setting up

3. I don’t want to go out tonight because I’m _________ for the holidays.

A. saving up B. keeping up C. getting by D. making out

4. I ___________ quite a lot of money when my grandfather died.

A. came into B. looked into C. took off D. let down

5. Did you manage to ___________ to Dennis on the phone yesterday?

A. put in B. get through C. take back D. check in

6.  The Carters don’t have a lot of money, but they seem to _________ .

A. get by B. break down C. give up D. close down

7. My dad’s decided to __________ a new washing machine. 

A. cut off B. take after C. put in D. come on

8. Scientists are _________ the possibility of life on other planets.

A. doing without B. taking back C. seeing off D. looking into

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A- Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Dear Mr Harlow,

I would like to apply for the position of tour guide, which I 1)  __________ (see) advertised in our student magazine last week. I 2) __________ (be) 23 years old and I

3)  _________ (just/ complete)  a first degree in History at Szeged University. At

present, I 4)  _________ (think) of continuing my studies at the postgraduate level

next year. Although I am not actually from Szeged, I 5) _________ (live) here for many

years and 6) _________ (know) the town and surrounding area very well. I 7) _________

(have) a good command of English and German, and I 8) _________ (learn) Spanish

for the past two years. Last summer, I 9)  ________ (work)  for three months as a

receptionist in a hotel in Budapest. This job involved giving foreign tourists

information about the city. I feel I would be suitable for the job you describe in the

advertisement because I know a lot about Szeged and its history. I 10)  ________

(think)  it is a beautiful town and I would enjoy showing tourists its attractions. It

would also be a wonderful opportunity for me to meet people from other countries. I

hope you 11) __________ (consider) my application seriously. I am available to attend

an interview whenever it is convenient.


 Janos Kelemen

B- Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Dear Martha,

I 1) __________ (write) to tell you my good news. I 2) __________ (save) enough money

from my part-time job and, at last, I 3) __________ (decide/open) a flower shop. My

father 4) __________ (own) a shop years ago and he 5) __________ (always/give) me

some advice and suggestions. He is very glad about my decision and he   6)

__________ (think)  that my shop (7) __________ (be) a success, because there isn’t

another flower shop in the area.

 The shop isn’t ready yet. My brother 8) __________ (already/paint)  the inside of the

shop and tomorrow he 9) __________ (paint) the outside. I 10) __________ (need) to

buy a new sign. My mother 11) __________ (want) me to call the shop “Rose”, but I

12) __________ (still/think)  about it. Anyway, I just hope the local people

13) __________ (like)  it. I 14) __________ (start)  work next Monday. I 15) __________

(probably / phone) you sometime next week if I 16) __________ (have) time. Wish me

luck. Best wishes, Nicky

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C- Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive or active tense.

Chocolate 1) __________ (be) a food that 2) __________ (make) from cocoabeans. It can 3) __________ (eat) or 4) ___________ (drink). 

 The cocoa plant 5) __________ (first/grow) by the Mayas, Toltecs and Aztecs

more than 3,000 years ago. They 6) __________ (prepare) a drink from the beans and

often 7) __________ (use) the beans as currency instead of money.

Columbus first 8) _________ (take)  the beans to Spain in 1502 and Hernan

Cortes later 9) _________ (introduce) the bitter cocoa-bean drink there, too. There, it

10) __________ (sweeten) and 11) __________ (flavor) with cinnamon and vanilla and

12) __________ (serve)  hot. This drink 13) __________ (remain)  a Spanish secret for

almost a hundred years before it 14) __________ (introduce) to France.

In 1657, a Frenchman 15) __________ (open)  a shop in London selling solid

chocolate. Soon, more shops opened in other European capitals. During the 1700s,

the English 16) __________ (improve)  chocolate by adding milk. Sweet chocolate

17) __________ (produce) for the first time in 1847 by the English firm Fry and Sons.

D-  Every day, a lot of road accidents 1) ___________ (happen) because of various

reasons. Most of these accidents 2) _____________ (cause) by careless driving or bad

weather conditions. Two days ago, a car accident on Abbey Road 3) ___________

(report)  to the police. A rescue helicopter 4) __________ (send)  to the scene of the

accident immediately. According to the people who witnessed the accident, the

driver of one of the cars 5) __________ (go) much faster than the speed limit when it

6) __________ (crash)  into another car coming from the other direction. Luckily, the

drivers of the two cars 7) _________ (not/ kill). However, they

8) _________ (injure) badly. Today, two days after the accident, the two drivers are

still in hospital under medical observation and with the help of the doctors, they 9)

_________ (try) to recover from the shock of the accident.

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E- Do you often feel tired? You may be 1) _____ it on age or stress, or perhaps

you are 2) _____  putting it down to a low level of fitness. If so, then 3)  _____

realizing it, you are ignoring important signs. Your health could actually be better.

A varied diet with 4)  _____ of fresh fruit and vegetables is the basis of healthy

eating. But how many of us have the time and energy to plan nourishing menus

every mealtime? If you lead a busy life, you may not give health top 5)  ______.

Running 6) _____ on nutrients is dangerous because you may be 7) _____of

anything being wrong.

Being rushed in our everyday lives makes us rely on fast food, 8) _____ nutrient

content is often low. We must 9) _____ that problems can arise from bad habits,

such as skipping breakfast and grabbing a few biscuits or a bar of chocolate mid-

morning instead.

 The World Health Organization 10) _____ us on the correct amounts of vitamins

and minerals necessary for adults to be 11) _____ to function properly.

12)  _____ conclusion, to avoid the possibility of being undernourished and

overweight, it’s time to take a look at our diet. Feeling tired may be our own

13) _____ .

1  A accusing B blaming C sentencing D charging2  A mostly B easy C barely D simply

3  A without B except C unless D neither

4  A all B plenty C many D lot

5  A importance B preference C priority D choice

6  A short B less C shortage D insufficient

7  A unconscious B unknown C unfamiliar D unaware

8  A which B whose C that D where

9  A remember B remind C memorize D recall

10  A recommends B suggests C advises D consults

11  A capable B able C possible D effective

12  A To B With C In D At

13  A blame B wrong C guilt D fault

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If you’re looking for a fun way to 1) _____ fit, get your skates on and try

rollerblading. 2) ______ the sport’s chief attractions is the fact that it gets you out

into the fresh air and it’s very good for socializing. In 3) _____ of its young, trendy

image, rollerblading is 4) _____for all ages and is a great activity for the

whole family. The main venues are parks. In big city parks there are always other

skaters around to give you 5) _____ and in some parks you can even 6) _____ a

private lesson.

Looking at the slim, futuristic shape of a pair of in-line-skaters, it’s hard to 7)

 _____ how you could ever stand up in them, let alone skate. To 8) _____

confidence, start by 9) _____ them out on the living room carpet, as this will slow

down the movement, so you feel more 10) _____ control. If you’ve never ice-skated, roller-skated, or skied you’ll 11) _____ find it strange at 12) _____. It’s not

easy to have 13) _____ under your feet. The trick is to keep your knees bent with

your weight over the balls of your feet and to use your arms for balance.

“The hardest part is getting 14) _____ the initial psychological fear of thinking you

can’t do it,” says Lindsay Cawston, Marketing Manager for Bauer. In the

beginning, I was 15) _____ of falling. However, after the occasional fall- which I

found more 16)_____ than painful- other skaters came to my assistance and I

quickly got the hang of it.” 

1  A keep B continue C control D preserve

2  A Between B One C All D Among

3 A addition B spite C order D case

4  A fit B suitable C matching D correct

5  A suggestion B opinion C warning D advice

6  A reserve B rent C book D programme

7  A imagine B assume C suppose D realize

8  A take B earn C gain D collect

9  A wearing B putting C trying D examining

10  A in B on C with D out of

11  A entirely B mostly C maybe D probably

12  A start B first C beginning D once

13 A something B nothing C anything D all

14 A away B on with C over D out of

15 A shocked B scared C alarmed D startled16 A sensitive B shy C ashamed D embarrassing 

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 Today we take many 1) _____ for granted but one of the most useful ones is the ‘not

so 2)  _______________ supermarket trolley. Before the 1930s women shoppers went

into grocery stores with their own baskets. 3) _______________, they would only buy a

few things because their baskets wouldn’t (4) _______________ much.

Sylvan Goldman of Oklahoma 5) _______________this and decided that he had to think

of a way to encourage people to buy more, especially since business was not 6)

_______________ very well.

He took a folding chair, 7) _______________ wheels to the legs, and placed two baskets

on top. He put the trolleys near the door and waited to see his customers’ (8) 

 _______________ . He was very disappointed. No-one (9)  _______________ any notice.

(10) _______________ , being a very determined man , he did not give up. He hired

people to push them around the store filled with groceries. Customers were (11) 

 _______________ one to try out and his success story began.

Goldman then (12)  _______________ a corporation to manufacture trolleys. In the

meantime, many supermarkets were being built, for (13)  _______________ Goldman

provided shopping trolleys. By the time he died in 1984, he was a multi-millionaire

and shopping trolleys were being used all over the world.

1 A developments B advances C inventions D discoveries

2 A critical B significant C meaningful D serious

3 A Furthermore B In particular C However D Apart from that

4 A put B keep C hold D take

5 A noticed B watched C regarded D viewed

6 A making B running C doing D heading

7 A included B added C combined D reactions

8 A replies B remarks C reports D reactions

9 A took B got C made D had

10 A Despite B Otherwise C Although D Nevertheless

11 A provided B suggested C offered D supplied

12 A produced B composed C initiated D established

13 A them B which C where D whom

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Apart from your home, your car is probably your most 1)  _____ possession. It’s also

your most vulnerable . Car and cassette and radio 2) _____ make up over a quarter of

all recorded crime . Together they 3)  _____ everyone a lot of money. It takes up

police time to deal with these offences, taking criminals through the 4)  _____is

expensive and , of course , motorists end up paying higher insurance premiums.

Over 460,000 cars are reported 5)  _____ in Britain each year and many are never

found again. Many of those which are found have been 6)  _____ by thieves. A

7) _____ car is also far more likely to be involved in an accident than the same car

driven by its 8) _____; car thieves are often young and sometimes drunk.

 Yet car crime can be cut drastically if motorists follow a few simple 9) _____ to keep

thieves out of their cars in the first place. Most car thieves are unskilled 10) _____and many are under twenty. So make your own car a less inviting target, to 11) _____

thieves from trying.

Lock your car every time you leave it even for a (12) _____ minutes. (13) _____, one

car in every five is left unlocked. Do not leave valuables on (14)  _____ inside or

briefcases or even coats which a thief might think (15)  _____ money. If you cannot

take valuables with you, lock them in the boot out of sight. (16) _____ having a car

alarm fitted.

1 A rich B valuable C worthy D wealthy

2 A robberies B steals C thefts D hijacks

3 A cost B spend C pay D charge

4 A judgments B judges C courts D juries

5 A disappeared B lost C gone D missing

6 A injured B hurt C damaged D harmed

7 A robbed B stolen C taken D lifted

8 A owner B holder C master D landlord

9 A announcements B rules C laws D warnings

10 A kidnappers B criminals C burglars D hijackers

11 A put off B put on C put by D put up

12 A little B bit C few D five

13 A Foolishly B Pleasingly C Excitingly D Astonishingly

14 A display B vision C sight D spectacle

15 A have B contain C enclose D include

16 A Think B Consider C Estimate D Calculate

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My father used to ride motorbikes when I was a young boy and he took me for a

1) _____ every now and then at goodness knows what speed. Looking back, it must

have been extremely dangerous and probably 2) _____.

My brother started riding one when he 3) ____ up. It was a classic Norton, and I usedto 4) ____ him ride off and think that owning a bike 5) _____ that was the summit of

human 6) _____.

My first bike was actually a Honda, which qualified as a moped though it looked as

much like a motorbike as it 7) _____ could. My father bought it for about £ 80 when I

was 16, and waved me off into the sunset. Now, when I try to imagine what it would

be like to watch my own two boys go off on a bike, I 8) _____ it must have been a

pretty scary thing to do.

I had only one serious accident 9) _____ made me feel very embarrassed. You see, I

was 10) _____ off. I saw a girl I knew at the bus-stop, and I tried to 11) _____ her by

taking a corner fast. Of course I lost control, slid across the road and hit a wall. The

worst part of it was having to 12) _____ that it didn’t 13) _____ . I got back and just

14) _____ to get round the corner before I screamed.

When I 15)  ______ got to where I was going, my knee was so badly hurt that I couldn’t

straighten my leg and spent the next two weeks in a wheelchair. But my dad didn’t

16) _____ me from riding the bike, which was pretty brave of him.

1 A drive B travel C journey D ride

2 A illegal B illegally C law D lawless

3 A born B brought C grew D raised

4 A watch B look C view D glance

5 Alike B as C similar D alike

6 A race B achieve C being D existence

7 A likely B possibly C nearly D maybe

8 A recognize B regard C realize D reckon

9 A where B who C why D which

10 A showing B boasting C admiring D praising

11 A persuade B influence C appeal D impress

12 A react B play C act D pretend

13 A injure B hurt C pain D harm

14 A managed B capable C succeeded D able

15 A endlessly B lastly C finally D lately16 A ban B forbid C prevent D prohibit

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One of Japan’s biggest problems is overpopulation in relation to the limited amountof land it (0) has. The Japanese, though, have come up with an unbelievable solutionto 1) __________ the problem: When you run out 2) __________ island , simply buildmore.

 The project is known 3)  ______________ Ocean Communications City and will4)  _______________ approximately $200 billion. Kiyohide Terai, 5)  _____________ is

 Japan’s leading expert on new technology, is the man behind the idea. 

Ocean City, different 6) _______________ any real island, will be a four-level platform.It will cover an area of nine square miles, about 75 miles out to sea from Tokyo. Thebiggest advantage is that it will be very stable even in the event of an earthquake. In7) _______________ words, it will be a safer place 8) _______________ mainland Japan. As9) _______________ as one million Japanese citizens will be able 10) _______________ livethere.

It is hoped that the project will be completed by the beginning of the 21st century.

11)  _______________ addition to homes, 12)  _______________ will be a business andfinancial centre, shops, places of entertainment, parks and outdoor activities 13)  _______________ will include 400 tennis courts. The islands will 14)  _______________ have an airport and a system of hovercrafts. These will provideconnections to the mainland.If the project is a success, 15) _______________ cities like this will be built in the future.


Australian children read more than the children in almost any other country. In acountry (0)  like  Australia, where the weather allows more outdoor activities

1)  ______ in many other countries, this is rather extraordinary. It’s surprising thateven2) ________ outdoor activities such as swimming and surfing can be done all year3) _________, Australian children still find time to read. This is proof of the quality ofbooks available to 4) __________ .

Australians 5)  ___________ known for their openness, friendliness and sense ofoptimism. 6)  ____________ attitudes are reflected in Australian books, which havedeveloped enormously and enjoyed international success over the last twenty years.Indeed, in the 7)  _____________ five years there has been an explosion of talent,creativity, and imagination.

Picture book authors deal 8) ___________ a wide range of subject matter and oftenfeature original topics. The illustrators bring freshness, energy and an astonishingdegree of creativity to their work. This makes Australian picture books so interestingthat they are wanted 9) ____________ people worldwide.

Australian authors for older readers explore themes 10) ____________ emphasize themulticultural nature of the society. 11)  ____________the whole, they use a gooddegree of humor and child appeal. They also write about present-day issues andsocial changes affecting the lives 12) ____________ children all over the world.

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London Zoo is one of the oldest and most famous Zoological Gardens in the world.Indeed, the use of the name zoo originated (0) there. It was established in 1829 toincrease people’s knowledge 1)  ___________ animal life. More 2) 

 ____________ 150 years later it is 3) _____________ making exciting new discoveries.

 Today, in the age of conflict between the developing world and the survival of thenatural world, the zoo’s work is 4) _____________ more important than ever before. 5) 

 __________ days, the discoveries are helping to save the natural and essential balancethat the animal brings to the planet. As part of this, scientists are fighting toconserve animals, saving them 6)  ____________ extinction by breeding endangeredspecies and whenever possible increasing 7) ___________numbers in the wild. The zooalso 8) _________ a large variety of animals, about 12.000 in total, from all over theworld.

9) __________ visit to the zoo should 10)  ___________ only increase one’s awarenessabout conservation but it should be fun, too. That’s 11)  ______________ for bothchildren and adults there’s always 12) ______________ special to see or 13) 

 ____________. There’s a whole range of different events specially organized to bringthe visitor into closer contact 14)  ____________ some of the world’s most fascinatinganimals. There are also animal shows, rides and places 15) _____________one can relax and enjoy a drink, a light snack, or a full meal.


When it comes to solving crime, we all know that fingerprints are vital clues and canbe used in identifying criminals. But how is this done?

Fingerprints are the patterns of lines and whirls everyone has (0) on the tips of theirfingers. No two people 1)  _______________ exactly the same fingerprints.  2) 

 _______________ fact, each finger has a different fingerprint. When we touchsomething, fingerprints are 3)  _______________ on the object we have touched. That’s4) _______________ sweat coming from the fingers is left behind.

5) ________________ the scene of a crime, the police dust aluminum powder over anyfingerprints so as 6) _______________ make them show up. A register of the prints of

known 7) _______________ suspected criminals 8) _______________ kept by the police.After a crime, fingerprints found are compared 9)  _______________ those on theregister and if they match, the criminal can be identified. But, it’s 10) _______________a short process nor an easy 11) _______________. Fingerprints can be usedas evidence 12) _______________ if they match in sixteen different ways.

Footprints are also used as clues in countries 13) _______________ people walk aroundbarefoot. Everyone has a different pattern on the soles 14) _______________ their feet

 just 15) _______________ on their fingers!

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I can hardly pay my bills every month. I am living from pay cheque to pay cheque,and the amount of money I make 1) __________ hour is insufficient for me to saveanything. 2) __________ , I am lucky enough to come from a family who worked hardto pay 3) __________ my education and who will help me out 4) ___________anything at all should happen to me. The irony is that without 5) __________ agenerous family and without a strong belief in myself, I too could be homeless.

Instead, I, along with most people, walk quickly past those who appear less fortunate6) __________ ourselves. Every day I see homeless people,

7) __________ usually the most attention I might give them is a “how sad” look. Isometimes get angry with myself for 8) __________ so selfish, and I justify my fearsby saying, “They 9) __________ get a job.” Unfortunately, the reality is: who wouldhire someone 10) __________ is untidy and doesn’t have a contact address or phone? 

11) __________ I am ashamed for feeling the way I do, I know that it is not uncommon.One day I decided to experience the feelings associated with homelessness andunderstand those who might not have 12) __________ to go. So, I got myself a pair oftorn jeans, packed a bag, took off my make-up, and put 13) __________ a very oldsweater. Then I walked downtown and sat next to two homeless men.

It was freezing cold and during that day I learned more about people than I14) __________ had before. All I needed to do (15) __________ to open my mind.

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How to choose a topic for a paragraph

A paragraph is a group of five to ten sentences that give information about a topic.  Choose a topic that isn’t too narrow  (limited, brief).

A narrow topic will not have enough ideas to write about.

The ages of my brothers and sisters  is too narrow. (You cannot write very much

about it.)

  Choose a topic that isn’t too broad  (general).

It will have too many ideas for just one paragraph.

School  is too general. (There are thousands of things you could say about it.)

 You could narrow this topic by choosing one aspect of schools to discuss:

→  secondary schools in my country/citySCHOOLS  →  popular school clubs in my school

→  university entrance exams

 Narrow each of the topics to a paragraph topic.

a.  festivals  _______________________________


friends  _______________________________

c.  my country  _______________________________

d.  dancing  _______________________________

e.  cars  _______________________________  

f.  sports  _______________________________

 After you narrow down your topic, you are ready to write your topic sentence.

Below you will find a few examples of topic sentences.

Once you understand these examples, you will find it much easier to write a carefully

controlled topic sentence.

 Topic statement which narrows the topic 

(controlling ideas)

Football..................... is a physically demanding sport.

Football .................... and soccer have a great deal in common.

A football.................. player can receive various kinds of penalties during a game.

Football ................... is dangerous for several reasons.

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 The top arrow is the top bun of the burger. This is the TOPIC SENTENCE of theparagraph.

 The middle arrow is the meat of theburger. These are the sentences thatgive more information about thetopic, or they SUPPORT the topicsentence.

 The bottom arrow is the bottom bun. ThisRESTATES the topic sentence.

 The biggest problem that students have when writing a paragraph is

staying on topic . Always check that all of your sentences are focused on

the main topic of the sentence. If a sentence is not about the topic

(irrelevant), delete it or erase it.

Choose ONE of the topics and write a well-organized paragraph.


the best or worst movie of all time

  Facebook friendships

  your favourite (or least favourite) television program

  your favourite (or least favourite) commercial

  violence in video games

  the most useful (or useless) invention


Does your paragraph have a single main idea expressed in a topic sentence?

Is your paragraph unified, coherent, and well developed?

What to do before writing an essay

  Choose the topic you know most about.

   Think of as many ideas as you can.

   Think about vocabulary you could use relation to this subject.

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  Remember the features of the writing you are required to do (story,

article etc.)

   Think of who you are writing to.

  Decide the style you will use.


Plan which ideas to include and in what order.  Decide how you will start your writing.

  Decide how you will develop your writing.

  Decide how you will finish your writing.


Descriptive Organization 

In a descriptive essay, a writer uses details to tell how a subject looks, smells,

tastes,and/ or feels.


 Setting, background information of that place.

Body Paragraphs

  Most of the description is in the body paragraphs.

  Adjectives and adverb make the experience more interesting, lively and


   The scene is often described with prepositions.

  Comparisons (such as similes) can make the writing more descriptive, familiar

and expressive.


   The conclusion gives the writer’s final opinion about the description. 


 The features of a good story:

  Decide if your story is going to be based on a real event or if you are going tomake it up

  Make a draft (an outline of the story)  Make sure that you have introduction, development and conclusion parts   Try to use as many linking words and phrases as possible  Write your final draft


  Pick a topic – something people clearly agree or disagree with strongly .

  Get as much information as you can to support your views.

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Comparing photos. Don’t forget to:

  make general comments (e.g. where the picture was taken)  describe specific details (e.g. what the people are doing)

  talk about the similarities as well as the differences- use linking wordsand phrases to show when you are describing similarities  (and, inaddition, as well as ) or differences (but, whereas, in contrast.)

  give plenty of information


Well, to be honest, I think … 

In my opinion,… Personally, I … As a matter of fact, … 

 To tell you the truth,… 

B.  Talking about activities, routines, future plans. Want to sound enthusiastic?

  Stress the important words and sound enthusiastic  Don’t talk like a robot    Always try to give reasons for your choices


I’ve always been interested in… I’ve always wanted to… I’d like to have a go at… I’d like to do an activity related to… I hope to / plan to take up… I wouldn’t choose … because it means I would have to… I’d like to do … so that… 

C.  Expressing preferences and giving reasons. Making a choice?

  Use the information you have been told


 The reason I prefer (character) is … I’d say (film) is better because… One of the reasons why I’d choose (film) is that … I think (film) is important / interesting because… What I mean is … 

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Hmm, interesting.

Hmm, I see the point.

I’d never thought about it that way before. 

 That’s a different way of thinking about it. 



The photo is connected with ....

to do with ...

is linked by ...

relates to ...

shows different aspects of ...


It could be that ... or ...

It’s hard to say whether ... or ...  

Presumably, ...

I would guess that ...


From their expressions, I’d say that ... 

Judging by her expresssion, I’d say that ... 

It’s clear from his expression that ... 

They look as though ...



The main benefit of… 

One positive aspect of … is that … 

…. is generally a good thing because… 


One disadvantage of … is that.. is not a

good idea because..

On the other hand,… 

As for the disadvantages… 

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1. Your teacher has asked you to write a story for an international magazine. The story must

begin or end with the following words:

“He looked out of the window with excitement as this journey began ” 

2. Your teacher has asked you to write an essay giving your views on the following statement.

“Living in the country is much better than living in the city ” 

3. Your teacher has asked you to write an essay giving your opinions and suggestions while

answering the following question.

“ Should animals be used in experiments by scientists?” 

4. Your teacher has asked you to write a story which must end with the words:

“They decided to be more careful next time ” 

5. Your teacher has asked you to write an essay giving your opinions on the following


“Should more people give up meat and become vegetarians?”

6. A popular magazine is holding a short story competition and you have decided to enter.

 Your story must end with the words :

“It was the best day of my life ” 

7.  Write an essay describing “your memory of a place that you visited as a child” (Make

sure you use lots of sensory details, strong adjectives, adverbs, similes, etc.)

8.  Write an essay describing “an inspiring view” (Make sure you use lots of sensory

details, strong adjectives, adverbs, similes, etc.)

9. Write an essay describing “your favorite restaurant” (Make sure you use lots of sensory

details, strong adjectives, adverbs, similes, etc.)

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EXPRESS PUBLISHING, FCE Use Of English for the Revised Cambridge Examination, V. Evans

Laser B1+ Student’s Book pp. 78-79

MACMILLAN, Destination B2 Grammar& Vocabulary, Malcolm Mann & Steve Taylore-Knowles

MACMILLAN, :Laser Pre- FCE, Student’s Book, Steve Taylore -Knowles

PEARSON LONGMAN, COSMIC B1+, Eva Angelou & Sam Nichols


MACMILLAN, Laser B2 Workbook, Anne NOBEL & Rob Nicholas

MACMILLAN, :Laser Pre- FCE, Student’s Book, Steve Taylore -Knowles

PEARSON LONGMAN, ACTIVATE B2 Grammar& Vocabulary  

Burgess,S. Going For Gold, Upper-Intermediate.Longman.p28

Moutsou,E. Use of English for the FCE. MMPublications. pp6-7-13-14
