Page 1: 8D6N LOVE IN KYUSHU - Amazon S3 · • Suizenji Garden - Originally a temple, this beautiful strolling garden and tea arbor in Kumamoto was built over a period of 80 years from 1632

24 JAPAN | EU Asia @euasiaholidays @euasiaholidays





Experience: •Natural Onsen•Yanagawa River boat ride•Mount Inasa (Included cable car)•Dolphin Watching•Hot Sand Bath•Seasonal fruit picking•Beppu African Safari Park

Attractions:•Daizaifu Tenmangu Shrine•Nagasaki Peace Park•Nagasaki atomic bomb museum•Suizenji Garden•Kumamoto Castle•Japanese Shochu Factory•Shiroyama Observatory Deck•Kakuida Black Vinegar•Kirishima Shrine•Takachiho Gorge•Kokonoe Yume Suspension Bridge•Beppu Hell Valley•Sea Hell Valley

Enjoy:•Kagoshima Tenmongkan•Yufuin Town and Kinrinko Lake•Tosu Premium Outlet•Canal city Hakata•Tenjin

Meal Plan6 Breakfasts 6 Lunches 5 Dinners

Local Delight•Tempura•Nagasdaki Chanpon Noodle•Yanagawa Unagi•Yakiniku•Sushi•Kagoshima Black Pork

•Nagasaki: Best Western Premium•Kumamoto: ANA Crowne Plaza

Ibusuki: Ibusuki Seaside Onsen•Mt Aso: Aso Plaza Onsen Hotel•Beppu: Beppu Wan Royal Onsen•Fukuoka: ANA Crowne Plaza

*Note: Hotels subject to final confirmation. Should there be changes, customers will be offered similar accommodations as stated in this list.


Yanagawa River Boat Ride | PHOTO: KANONSKY/123RF


Page 2: 8D6N LOVE IN KYUSHU - Amazon S3 · • Suizenji Garden - Originally a temple, this beautiful strolling garden and tea arbor in Kumamoto was built over a period of 80 years from 1632

25 JAPAN | EU Asia @euasiaholidays @euasiaholidays

DAY 1 SINGAPORE � FUKUOKAOur Vacation begins with a pleasant flight from Singapore to the Land of the Rising Sun-Japan DAY 2 FUKUOKA � YANAGAWA � NAGASAKI Lunch /Dinner•Daizaifu Tenmangu Shrine: it does have

arable land used for paddy fields and mar-ket gardening.

•Yanagawa River boat ride: Which is sur-rounded by canals; while the boatman sings local folk songs, you will see tradi-tional buildings, including square tiled walls, red brick storehouses, and a villa of a feudal lord.

•Nagasaki Peace Park: Formerly it was a prison but now is a memory park for those who died by the atomic bomb in Nagasaki city.

•Nagasaki atomic bomb museum: The mu-seum recorded all the painful history of the past.

•Mount Inasa (Included cable car): Cable Car ride to Mount Inasa (Inasayama) these submit offers great views over the city.

DAY 3 NAGASAKI � SHIMABARA � KUMAMOTO Breakfast / Lunch /Dinner •Dolphin Watching: Take the cruise to the

outer sea to watch the dolphin from the wild.

•Ferry transportation from Shimabara to Kumamoto: Cross the Ariake Sea by car ferry to Kumamoto pier. On the way, you will find a lot of seagull flying along chas-ing the ferry for food. (*Seagull appearance subject to weather conditions)

•Suizenji Garden - Originally a temple, this beautiful strolling garden and tea arbor in Kumamoto was built over a period of 80 years from 1632 by three successive Ho-sokawa feudal lords. The cone shape of Mount Fuji is easily recognizable in the min-iature at Suizenji Garden.

•Kumamoto Castle (Only Outlook due to construction): One of the most famous castle in Japan owned by Shogun Kato, which was the biggest castle in Kyushu.

DAY 4 KUMAMOTO � KAGOSHIMA � IBUSUKI Breakfast / Lunch /Dinner •Japanese Shochu Factory: Visit the history

and manufacture of Japanese shochu •Kagoshima Tenmongkan - local in the

most prosperous shopping street in the southern city Kagoshima.

•Shiroyama Observatory Deck: A hill top area where you can have a good angle to view the active volcano “Sakurajima”.

•Kakuida Black Vinegar: Visit Black Vinegar factory.

•Hot Sand Bath: One of the unique things you can consider to do is take a bath in hot sand. *Remark: Hot Sand Bath in Beppu is arranging only if not staying in Ibusuki Hotel.

DAY 5 IBUSUKI � KIRISHIMA � MIYAZAKI � ASO Breakfast / Lunch /Dinner •Seasonal fruit picking (mid-May to late

October) (subject to weather conditions, if bonus tour is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, it will not be replaced or re-funded)

•Kirishima Shrine: have "Tengu masks" and "Nine Taiko" is very precious

•Takachiho Gorge: a V-shaped gorge, cre-ated by the Gokase River,which eroded the Aso lava, Walking trail to enjoy the beautiful view.

DAY 6 ASO � BEPPUBreakfast / Lunch /Dinner •Kokonoe Yume Suspension Bridge: The

longest suspension bridge in Japan, from the suspension bridge; you can view of Shindo-no-Taki, one of 100 top waterfalls in Japan.

•Yufuin Town and Kinrinko Lake: Natural landmark of Yufuin.

•Beppu Hell Valley: you can see hot spring smoke comes out from everywhere from the ground.

•Sea Hell Valley: is one of the natural hot spring pond blue in color like sea water. We will enjoy foot hot spring here.

DAY 7 BEPPU � FUKUOKABreakfast / Lunch •Beppu African Safari Park: Let’s hop into

the special vehicle and go inside the safari, where you can feed the wild animal (lion, tiger etc..) with your hand.

•Tosu Premium Outlet: The biggest outlet in Kyushu where you can find lots of branded items selling at unbelievable price.

•Canal city Hakata: Free leisure at Hakata,Ky-ushu main city.

•Tenjin: explore the open-air food stands(Yatai), the city’s best known symboi. There are over 150 yatais across the city, with the highest concentration in the cen-trally located Nakagawa and Tenjin districts (subject to prevailing weather conditions)

DAY 8 FUKUOKA � SINGAPOREBid farewell to this beautiful country and we hope you have had an enjoyable holiday with EU Asia Holidays.

Notes: » Actual sequence of itinerary is subject to change with-out period notice. In the event of discrepancy between English and Chinese itineraries, refer to former

» Any visit or accommodation affected during major events or festivals will be replaced with an alternative.

» The entire journey of domestic flight may not be the same as international flight during embargo periods and peak season periods (inclusive both inbound and outbound travel market). Passengers must be complet-ed domestic flight on low cost airlines instead


Hot Sand Bath | PHOTO: BRIZE99/123RF

Page 3: 8D6N LOVE IN KYUSHU - Amazon S3 · • Suizenji Garden - Originally a temple, this beautiful strolling garden and tea arbor in Kumamoto was built over a period of 80 years from 1632

26 JAPAN | EU Asia @euasiaholidays @euasiaholidays

Takachiho George | PHOTO: SARAWINTER/123RF

8天6晚'爱' 在九州之旅TOUR TYPE (旅游代号) : JPLK8W

Daizaifu Tenmangu Shrine | PHOTO: PIXABAY

Page 4: 8D6N LOVE IN KYUSHU - Amazon S3 · • Suizenji Garden - Originally a temple, this beautiful strolling garden and tea arbor in Kumamoto was built over a period of 80 years from 1632

27 JAPAN | EU Asia @euasiaholidays @euasiaholidays

第一天新加坡 � 福冈在新加坡樟宜机场集合,乘搭豪华客机飞往“日出之国“日本

第二天 福冈 � 柳川 � 长崎午/晚•太宰府:这是治理九州地方的部门,此机构担






第三天 长崎 � 岛原 � 熊本早/午/晚•海豚观赏:乘船出海观看野生海豚,看成群结


岛原市的一座日式城堡,它位于云仙岳之麓。 •搭乘渡轮到熊本:乘汽车渡轮横渡有明海往



•熊本城(维修中只能外观): 位于日本熊本县熊本市,是日本著名景点之一,与大阪城、名古屋城合称为日本的三大名城。

第四天熊本 � 鹿儿岛 � 指宿早/午/晚•日本烧酒厂:参观日本烧酒的历史和制造•鹿儿岛天文馆:天文馆位于鹿儿岛市中心,是



的热 砂上,让你全身盖上热砂 *注:如果不能入住指宿温泉 (热砂浴) 酒店,将安排别府温泉区的热砂浴场,客满即止。

第五天指宿 � 雾岛 � 宫崎 � 阿苏早/午/晚•季节水果采摘(5月中旬至10月下旬)(视天气




第六天阿苏 � 别府早/午/晚•九重‘梦’大吊桥:此桥是对步行者专用吊桥





第七天 别府 � 福冈早/午•别府野生动物园:模仿非洲的野生动物园,乘




第八天福冈 � 新加坡早早餐后就告别日本,乘搭豪华客机返回新加坡,并希望您同优亚假期共向美丽的回忆。

备注: » 行程如有更动,以当地地接社最后安排为准,不预先告知。* 如果英文和中文行程有不符合之处,请以英文行程为主。

» 如遇假日或展会,景点以及酒店住宿可能无法按照行程作安排。

» 在旅游高峰期间(国内旅游及国外旅游)国际航班与国内航班可能有所不同,将以廉价航空作为代替。

Dolphin Watching | PHOTO: PIXABAY
