

8/12/10Journal Topic: List 10 adjectives to describe yourself and explain why you have chosen those words in at least 5 complete sentences.

Ex: happy, loyal, fun8/13/10 Write a page (min) response using the following prompt: The best book I ever read..Ex: The best book I ever read was The Hunger Games. This book had everything. It had action..

8/16/10Journal Topic: Can the truth change? Why or why not?( pg min)8/16/10Is there a difference between reality and truth? Why or why not? (1/2 pg min)8/18/10Where would you set a scary story? In two paragraphs or more describe the setting in detail.58/19/10Montresor acts as both a victim and a judge in this story. Do you think Montresor sees the truth and acts appropriately? Explain.8/19/10Write a ten or twelve sentence story in which each event causes the next event. Start your story with this sentence: The bike messenger swerved to avoid the barking dog, causing the pickup truck behind him to screech to a halt.8/20/10Using 5 vocabulary words write a page story about any topic. Be sure you are using the words correctly.8/23/10List and define the 5 plot elements discussed last week.Ex: Exposition-8/24/10Is conflict necessary? Explain. (1/2 min)8/25/10Commas can be used after introductory words or phrases. For example: Before diving into the pool, Sam adjusted her goggles. Write four sentences that use commas that way.

SinceWhileAfterEven though8/26/10When two sentences are joined with and, for, or, or not commas are often used to separate those two sentences: Ex: Cherry wanted to see an action movie, but her boyfriend insisted on seeing the latest romantic comedy.

Write 4 sentences that use commas this way.8/30/10Irony is when the outcome of events are opposite to what was, or might have been, expected. Write an example of an ironic happening.

Man won a million dollars and then died the next day.8/30/10The Most Dangerous Game is about hunting. What is your opinion about hunting? Should people be allowed to kill animals as sport? Explain.8/31/10What is a hero? What adjectives describe a hero? Who is a hero in our society today? Why? 9/1/10Write a two paragraph story that could end with this sentence: So the moral is, be careful what you wish for.9/2/10If I were a crayon.Describe a day in the life of a crayon. (1-2 paragraphs)9/3/10Describe what happened in the first chapter of To Kill a Mockingbird. Who are the characters? What were they doing?9/3/10Practice your character development. Write a 1-2 paragraph mini-biography about a character you would use in a story.Include background info, physical description, and a few interesting details. 9/7/10In chapters 2 and 3, Scout begins her public school career. What were your "first days" of schoollike? Think about your earliest school experiences and how they compare to Scout's.9/7/10Make a list of restaurants you like and dislike and explain why you like or dislike them.9/8/10The children's view of Atticus changes from the beginning to the end of Chapter 10. Why does this happen? Think about your views of your own parents; has your perspective ever changed? Why?9/8/10What is an autobiography? Write 1-2 paragraphs to your autobiography.9/9/10Note how Mrs. Dubose is described in Chapter 11. How does the childrens perspective on her change? What lesson do they learn? Have you ever learned a similar lesson?9/9/10What events can suddenly change a persons life?9/10/10In Chapter 14 Dill returns. Why does he come back? What do we learn about his family? How is his father different from Atticus? What do you think is Dills purpose in this novel?9/10/10How have you reacted when faced with danger, whether to you or someone else?9/13/10In Chapter 16, we watch with Jem and Scout as the people of Maycomb pass by and congregate at the courthouse. Why is Dolphus Raymond an outcast? Why are "mixed" children so miserable? What do the children learn about people and social class?9/13/10How is a memoir significantly different from an autobiography and biography?9/15/10What do the children learn about Dolphus Raymond? What do they learn from him? How do those lessons relate to the novel? How do those lessons relate to life?9/15/10What is your reaction to Moshe the Beadle? What do you think about his treatment by the villagers after his return from Poland?9/16/10Summarize the events of Chapter 22.9/16/10What are some events that suggest or foreshadow the coming danger to Sighet Jews? Why doesnt the community believe it is in danger? 9/17/10In Chapter 23, Aunt Alexandra explains some of the differences between families, but Scout comes to the conclusion that theres just one kind of folks. Folks. What does she mean? 349/17/10What does it mean to feel hopeless? How do you think hopelessness affects peoples lives?9/20/10Correct any grammatical mistakes within the sentences.

there are some students who are in this here class that believe no one should not have any homework

to ensure success they should require those in the project the ones doing the experiment too have a immediate security check

9/21/10Describe the weather at the beginning of chapter 28. How might the weather contribute to the mood of the story?9/21/10What is Imagery? What 5 things does Imagery appeal to in a reader? What images are strongly presented in Night? 9/22/10What is a conclusion supposed to do? How do the last chapters do this?9/22/10Wiesel says he had become a starved stomach. Estimate how much food you think a fifteen-year-old needs to survive. How many calories do you think it takes to keep a fifteen-year-old nourished?409/23/10Correct the following sentences:

he dont have no reason too question them directives but he does want a explanation for this here page

me and sara went downtown we went to buy new clothes we need them for school we also need them for our part time jobs

419/27/10Write a news account of the latest controversy or event at school. Adopt the tone of an alarmist, gossipy tabloid paper.9/28/10Persuasive writing tries to convince the reader of something. Try your hand at persuasive writing: Compose three paragraphs arguing that every American teenager should or should not be required to serve in the army for two years. 9/29/10Write two paragraphs comparing and contrasting your two favorite classes. In the first paragraph, discuss the similarities between the classes; in the second, discuss the difference between them.9/30/10Write a brief summary of To Kill a Mockingbird.

9/30/10 marcus a careful player escaped serious injury im sure he will see a lot of action in todays game

The game between the three girls is close non of the 3 however are giving up hope of winning

10/4/10Write a poem that starts with a one word title, two words in the first line, three in the next, and continues by adding one word per line.EX- DogRunning, PlayingDigging in dirt10/4/10Many people believe that television violence has a negative effect on society because it promotes violence. Do you agree or disagree?Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

10/5/10Write a poem where Sometimes I wish that... Begins every line. Min 5 lines.10/5/10When its a question of choosing between people and animals, people must always come first. Do you agree with this statement? Support your opinion.10/6/10Write a poem using the title, "You Need to Have a Plan".10/6/10Are supernatural characters like wizards and witches appropriate in childrens books? Write an editorial stating your opinion. Include supporting evidence.10/8/10Onomatopoeia refers to words that sound like their meaning. For instance, fizz sounds fizzy, and languid sounds lazy and relaxed. Try and come up with ten onomatopoeic words on your own.10/12/10An acrostic poem is a group of lines in which the first letter of each line forms a word or name. Ex: Perfection on a plateInfused with the heavenly scent of pepperoniZesty and cheesyZero nutritional valueAh! Pizza.Write an acrostic using your own name.10/12/10When a story begins in medias res it starts in the middle of the action. Start your own story in medias res. You dont have to go back and explain the whole story; just focus on jumping into the middle of the action.Ex: Jimmy jumped into the fight to help his friend10/14/10Complete the following sentence.

Poetry is. (min 5 sentences explaining what poetry is to you)10/14/10Should college athletes be paid?Explain both sides.10/15/10Lyric poetry has what characteristics?10/15/10We all have favorite activities that we enjoy. Write an essay convincing readers to try the activity that you enjoy most.10/18/10I Cant Write a Poem Poem Make a list of your favorite excuses or complaints about writing poetry.

I Cant Write a Poem makes a great title. Add an ending such as: Times up? Uh oh! All I have is this dumb list of excuses. You like it? Really? No kidding. Thanks a lot. Would you like to see another one?

10/18/10Your family is moving and wants your opinion on where to buy a new home. Should it be in a neighborhood in a city or on a farm in the country? Where would you like to live? Write a letter to your family persuading them to choose a home in the place you want to live. Give at least 2 reasons why you want to move there.10/19/10Do heroes have responsibilities? If so, what are they?10/20/10Choose the word that best completes each sentence.Copy the sentences and choices

The ______________ to the robbery was my friend Deena.a. Accompliceb. catalystc. latentJo Jo ______________ on and on about her new puppy.a. Exodusedb. prattledc. annihilatedI received a severe ___________ because of my disrespectful behavior.a. Militantb. reprimandc. servitude10/20/10Some people believe that curfews are necessary for children under the age of 18. Write a letter to the mayor of your town persuading him to change the curfew law. You want the curfew law to be unnecessary for anyone 15 or older. Give specific reasons!10/21/10Copy the sentence and choices below. Choose the best answer. Our softball team will _______________ the other teams in the tournament.a. Annihilateb. accomplicec. militantSince there was no stream flowing into the pond, the water was _____________.a. Latentb. militantc. stagnantWhen we were told to leave the dance, all the students made an _______________ to their cars.a. Facilitateb. exodusc. rebut

10/21/10The school board is thinking about buying uniforms for the students to wear at school. Is this a good policy or not? Give reasons to support your claim. 10/22/10Write a 1-2 paragraph journal entry imagining you are an explorer in the jungle or the Arctic or space. Write a journal entry about a particularly dramatic or dangerous day. Use at least 5 of your vocabulary words in your paragraphs.10/25/10Correct the grammar mistakes.

i reviewed the material real good i received a good grade on the final said kim

although we had 46 inches of snow last Winter the bushes appear to be alright10/26/10See how many adverbs (words like rapidly, happily, and excitedly) you can come up with to modify the verb WROTE in the following sentence. Include 20 to 25 adverbs in your list.

Lucy ________ wrote her research paper in twenty minutes.10/29/10Using a topic sentence and four or five supporting sentences, write a persuasive paragraph answering the question, Do actors make good politicians?
