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8 Herbs and Oils that Promote Hair Growth

For years I used products containing mineral oil to coat my strands. Many manufacturers use mineral oil in a majority of products that contain synthetic ingredients because of its behavior as a preservative. Mineral oil is the result of the distillation of petroleum which acts as a saran wrap against your scalp, slowing down one of the skin’s main job which is to eliminate toxins. On the other hand natural oils are easily absorbed by the skin.

When I used products that consisted mostly of synthetic materials such as Blue Magic I’m not going to lie my hair did grow, but it was not until I switched to all natural products that I began to see the true potential of my growth capability. Before the change in my regimen I experienced a GREAT deal of shedding and dandruff. Now those days are far behind. I’m still fascinated by how are body responds to topical products. Not only is it important to watch what we put into our bodies but what we put on it as well.

My boyfriend’s grandfather is full Cherokee Indian and when we met three years ago he always talked about the importance of what you put on your body, coming from a background of ancestors rich in a holistic lifestyle. But I could not and would not give up my trusty Coconut Blue Magic until just about a year ago. When I finally gave in to the natural “stuff” I was determined that this was just a trial period and I would be back on my good old Blue Magic in no time. Well it’s been a year later and I am still using the natural “stuff”. For years I had been so accustomed to my hair feeling greasy from the mineral oil based products that it took me a while to really understand what my hair felt like with natural oils.

Again I am not here to force you into switching into an all-natural regimen, do what works best for you, but I did come across two interesting articles from about the usage of certain natural oils by Native Americans and the distinct benefits the hair reaps from each of these natural oils.

*All of the items listed below can be found as oils or supplements at your local health & vitamin store.

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is an extract of the Jojoba plant found in California, Arizona and parts of Mexico. Jojoba oil has been used for hundreds of years by American Indians to moisturize and grow hair. The molecular makeup of jojoba has similar characteristics to the natural oil the glands of the scalp produce. Jojoba oil can be purchased at herb shops and can be applied directly to your hair or you can add a few drops to your favorite conditioner to promote hair growth. Jojoba is hypoallergenic and will not harm your hair or scalp. Aloe vera is another product used by Native American Indians to promote hair growth and is also an excellent moisturizer for your hair.

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Wheat Germ/Aloe Vera/Coconut Milk

Mix 1/4 cup of wheat germ, 1/4 cup of aloe vera and 1/4 cup of coconut milk and use this product as a natural shampoo. Aloe vera can be purchased at drugstores and herb shops and can also be applied directly to the scalp as it will open pores on the scalp that may have previously been blocked and will allow the hair follicles to grow. The American Indians also used and continue to use several kinds of oils to promote hair growth such as emu oil, rosemary oil, and mustard oil.


A few drops of any of these products can be massaged directly into the scalp to stimulate the hair follicles and promote hair growth. Peppermint oil is also a good scalp stimulator but must be diluted before application. Mix 3 drops of peppermint oil with 3 teaspoons of water and massage into the scalp. These oils can be purchased at herb shops and all are hypoallergenic and not harmful to the hair or scalp.


Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia or Lavandula officinalis), native to the Mediterranean, is now grown in temperate climates worldwide. For centuries, lavender has been used by herbal practitioners to prevent baldness and to encourage new hair growth. Lavender contains potent anti-bacterial agents that soothe and heal scalp infections. It is useful in treating dandruff and adds volume to the hair shaft. Place a few sprigs of lavender in a glass container and cover with extra-virgin olive oil and cover tightly. Place in a cool, dark spot and allow to age for 3 to 4 weeks. Use the lavender infused oil as a daily scalp massage. Apply and leave on overnight. In the morning, wash hair with a gentle organic shampoo and style as usual.

A daily rinse of lavender water (bring water to a boil, add a few sprigs of lavender, reduce to simmer for 20 minutes, then cool) will impart a delightful fragrance and shine to hair. Apply lavender as a daily rinse after shampooing.

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Burdock (Arctium Lappa) root oil, also known as Bur oil is one of the most important herbs used to restore hair. Burdock promotes healthy hair by relieving scalp irritations and improving blood circulation to the hair follicle. Burdock root oil supplies natural phytosterols and important essential fatty acids to hair roots, and has been traditionally used to reduce and reverse hair thinning. It is a key ingredient in many hair restoration treatments.

Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) has been used for centuries as both a food staple and as a healing medicinal herb. The herb produces a dark red berry which is dried and then pulverized into a fine powder. Saw palmetto is available in several forms including ointments, capsules, tinctures and teas. Recent scientific studies have shown that Saw Palmetto may have beneficial effects for those suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH); male pattern baldness and other conditions associated with excess DHT (male hormone) production.

Stinging Nettle

Stinging Nettle (Urtica Diocia), found growing naturalized across America, blocks the conversion of testosterone into DHT. Excessive DHT contributes to hair loss in both men and women. Stinging nettle can be purchased in either pill or capsule form and is said to be more effective when used in combination with saw palmetto. Nettle can be harvested in the wild (use gloves as the leaves are covered with tiny hairs that cause a stinging sensation upon contact with human skin). The fresh leaves can be submersed in olive oil in a glass jar. Seal and place in a cool, dark spot for 2 to 3 weeks. Apply the oil in an invigorating scalp massage. Stinging nettle essential oil is frequently an ingredient in organic shampoos and conditioners.


Used for centuries in cultures worldwide to promote hair growth and delay the onset of gray hair, Rosemary oil stimulates blood circulation of the scalp. A refreshing daily

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rinse of rosemary leaves simmered in water retains hair color. The rinse is most effective on dark hair. A few drops of rosemary oil can be added to olive oil and used as a scalp massage oil.

So interesting! Ladies, have you tried any of these? How do they work on your hair?

The magic ingredients That make hair grow fast

Mira oilI spoke of Mira oil as the best way to grow your locks fast. Well here is why:Want to know what is in the powerful Mira oil? Well Mira oil is jammed packed with amazing herbs that have been shown in independent studies to boost hair growth. I will mention them one by one so you get to know just how powerful they are. The first is the base oil which isCocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil,This will moisturize your tresses and stop breakages. It will leave the hair silky smooth and manageable. You won’t suffer from breakages and slit ends and you can grow long hair fasterThe next herb is henna and henna has been reputed to grow hair fast, stop hair loss and boost growth. Henna is sued to color hair naturally it works by sealing and repairing the cuticle which leaves hair free of breakages and gives abundant new follicular growth. Henna will balance the ph of your scalp and locks as well as the ph levels of your scalp. It also reverses the effects of pollution and the damage caused by the use of commercial hair products. It also ends the effects of excessive blow drying. And it puts an end to premature greyingThe next herb is

Phyllanthus Emblica Extract a study showed clearly that he results show that emblica extract stimulated the growth of new follicular cells. Study cited is

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The other herb used is Eclipta albaEclipta alba is another herb used in Mira oil and in the right amounts it was able to grow hair faster as well as slowing and stopping hair loss. And it works even better than minoxidil. (Which is a commercial hair growth product that is purported to come with side effects)Study cited Eclipta alba extract with potential for hair growth promoting activity. hair oil makes use of Henna (Lawsonia Inermis) and the benefits on your locks are: that is will stop hair loss, it can and will stimulate new hair development by naturally blending naturally with the natural keratin or proteins found in your mane. It will also slow down any premature greying of your locks. It will also prevents breakage. Plus add shine to your hair. It will also cure and prevent dandruff and any dry scalp symptoms. Henna does even more as it removes the effects of environmental pollution on your mane and also removes dryness due to the use of excessive blow drying and heating tools. It will also return your mane to its original youthful color

The other herb used in Mira oil is Phyllanthus Emblica Extract. This was shown in a study to reduce the amount of DHT production in your scalp thereby slowing down any hair loss issues you might have. The herb also promotes new growth and makes your locks healthier other here known to promote new hair development is Hibiscus plant extract. This is so powerful numerous studies show that it will also induce faster growth. It is the most powerful plant extract there is for new hair development could go on and on with the herbs in Mira hair oil but I will just list them below- These are in addition to what I have described above . They are

1.Abelmoschuns Extract,2. Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract,3.Tridax procumbens (coat bottons),4. Cuscuta reflexa,5.Asiasari Radix, Sophora flavescens,6.Ocimum gratissimum,7.Ginkgo biloba,8.Rosmarinus officinalis,9.Thuja occidentalis leaf10.Citrullus colocynthis,11. Trigonella (Fenugreek)12.Grape seed oilWhat makes this all powerful is in the unique and precise way the oils are combined together in Mira oil. Use this and you will be growing your locks as fast as humanly

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possible all without side effects. Try Mira right here

Do you want to know how to get fast hair growth? Well in my blog I will share with you simply methods you can use to grow your hair back and help stimulate new hair growth

First you must know that healthy hair is faster growing hair. And having healthy hair is the direct result of having a healthy immune system. The healthier you are as an individual, the better and faster the rate of growth

The first tip if you want to stimulate hair growth is to do all you can to push blood to your scalp. The reason why hair falls out or has a slow hair growth rate is due to poor blood flow to the scalp

So  good blood flow is needed because it ensures the hair follicles are well nourished and this means better growth, The best way to accomplish this is by making use of an oils for hair growth and second  by making use of a scalp massage

For fast hair growth you can stimulate hair growth by enhancing blood flow in the head so that the intake of nutrients flows smoothly into the area of your hair. Then try massaging your scalp with your fingertips every day. You can do this when your hair is still wet and dry.

You will want to get your hands on a good herbal hair growth oil. The one I can personally vouch for is called Mira hair growth oil and it is the best simply because it uses all the best know herbs that have been clinically shown to induce new hair growth. Herbs like hibiscus, aloe Vera and eclipta Alba are all mixed with coconut oil for a powerful growth stimulator. Used three times a week you will begin to grow hair at the fastest rate possible.

Next you will want to make use of a scalp massage. The scalp massage will revitalize your hair pores and hair follicles. It will also stimulate blood circulation. The bets frequency is to do it three times a week for 5 minutes a session, to make use of a scalp massage simply use the tips of your fingers and

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press and knead your scalp. Make sure to cover all areas of the scalp from the back of the head to the front of the head Read More about this oil here

You can also make use of a scalp massage when taking a shower. Simply apply pressure onto your scalp and then wash your hair out after your shampoo

The next step to achieve faster hair growth is to make sure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals in your diet. You need vitamins C, A and E. these are needed for fast hair growth. These vitamins are powerful antioxidants and they fight free radical damage which tends to stop hair loss and help boost hair growth. The best form of vitamin A you can use is beta-carotene and if you are an adult you can consume as much as 24,000 international units a day without many side effects. For vitamin E you need some 600 International Units of vitamin E a day and the optimal dosage of vitamin C is 1000 mg. it is always advice able to see a doctor before taking vitamins

The nest tip is to make use of a herbal shampoo. And for this you will want to make sure it contains herbs that can promote new hair growth. I like hibiscus because it has shown great promise in stimulating new hair growth. Used in combination with a good oil for hair growth you can almost guarantee that you will get faster hair growth

Always make sure you get at least three meals a day. If you don’t get a balanced meal three times a day you are asking for problem. A bad diet rich in fats and sugars will cause slow hair growth

Eat lots of protein. Protein is needed to help hair grow. Hair is made of keratin which is a type of protein, so it stands to reason that the more protein you eat the better the chance of growing hair at a faster rate. You need about three

Besides protein, your body needs iron and zinc as well to support healthy and fast hair growth. Healthy fats too are important as well as vitamin B and vitamin C. All of these nutrients help you to have healthy hair which allows you r hair to grow as fast as possible as well as avoid hair fall.

Keep heat away from your hair. Heat and harsh chemicals will damage and slow down the hair growth process. You will also want to sustain from using hair products that have chemicals from them

Final there is a remedy you can use to grow hair out fast and it is made from olive oil. All you have to do is take a little olive oil and heat it until warm. Then take the oil and massage the scalp with it. Take a plastic cover cup and cover your hair with the oil on the scalp. Allow the oil to sit on the scalp for an hour and then wash it out with a good shampoo

To get faster hair growth perform this olive oil treatment three times a week

Follow my faster hair growth tips as I just mentioned and you will be growing hair as fast as naturally possible. You will get a full head of shiny, healthy hair. For more information on getting faster hair growth, stopping hair loss and breakages read the rest of my blog. I have loads of “fast hair growth” articles

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The following are two fast hair growth home remedies:

OnionOnion is a great natural anti fungal remedy. It can be used to boost hair growth especially if you are going through hair loss. Other than preventing hair loss, onions help regenerate your hair follicles thus giving your hair the chance to grow at an extremely faster rate than usual. There are several ways you can use onions for faster hair growth.

First, you can use it with your regular shampoo. Add minced onions to the shampoo and leave it for about fifteen days. On the fifteenth day, take your concoction and use it to clean your hair. If you are able to repeat this procedure for a couple of days, you will see major improvements on the rate at which your hair grows. You will also notice that your hair will start getting a shinny gloss.

Secondly, you can use the onion with garlic and cinnamon. Four cloves of garlic, half a piece of red onion and two sticks of cinnamon can be used to make an excellent fast hair growth home remedy. Prepare these ingredients and bring them to boil for around fifteen minutes. This concoction can be used as the final hair rinse for a period of four consecutive days.

Finally, you can use onions with lemon juice. Mix the two ingredients in an equal measure and use the blend to massage your scalp.

Aloe veraAloe very is among the best super foods that promote faster hair growth. Just like onions, it is a natural anti-fungal remedy. Aloe vera also possesses some natural anti bacterial, anti viral and anti inflammatory properties. Your hair is likely to grow at a slower rate if you have an infection on your scalp or if your hair follicles have problems. These problems can be addressed by aloe vera, which is among the most effective fast hair growth home remedies today. It not only makes your hair grow faster, but also makes it thicker and healthier. Aloe vera contains antioxidants that also boost the health of your scalp and prevent hair loss.

To use this remedy, apply natural gel on your scalp and leave it overnight. Wrap your hair with a towel during the night in order for it to work effectively. Another way you can use aloe vera to promote hair growth is by mixing the gel with honey and using it in your final rinse. Wait for around 20 minutes before rinsing it off.

The best way to grow your locks is to make use of Mira hair oil. This is the most powerful method to grow hair faster. The oil has herbs that have been shown to stimulate new growth. So get Mira hair oil;. The oil will change your hair. Sure the rate at which it will change your hair can take different times for everyone. Use at least three times a week. make sure you apply the oil and use a scalp massage to help the oil penetrate the scalp. In a short time you will get the results you desire. You can expact amazing results in as little as a week

In conclusion, your hair requires a sufficient supply of nutrients in order to grow faster. In order to boost your hair growth, you need to take good care of your hair. it is also advisable to take enough water and sufficient rest.

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Biotin An Amazing Tool For Fast Hair Growth

Many individuals, at some point in their life, suffer from hair loss or weak hair follicles. There are several ways, some natural, some superficial, that aid in hair growth. There is one specific leading method that has been proved effective for many individuals. This method would be to take Biotin supplements.

Biotin is a B complex vitamin, that through time and research, has been used to promote and increase the growth of hair.

Biotin is also known as Vitamin H and is water soluble to the human body. It is a coenzyme in the synthesis of fatty acids and is very useful in many cell regeneration tasks.

Generally, this vitamin is necessary for cell regrowth in the body. Many functions have this vitamin in its growth process. Biotin is a naturally occuring vitamin that is found in many foods. These foods include egg yolks, swiss chard, liver, peanuts and many vegetables, to name a few.

More common now that ever, many people take oral supplements of this vitamin. The vitamins are found in every type of general store and pharmacy and are able to be purchased over the counter. The amount of supplement needed per individual can vary. Doctors can prescribe smaller amounts for things such as brittle nails, to much higher doses for diabetic patients. Brittle nails, thin and limp hair are two common reason that many people seek biotin capsules. Medically, many patients use Biotin to aid in sugar leveling in their body. Many people suffer from a variety of metabolic disorders. These can include alopecia, male pattern baldness, and perosis. With adding Biotin to a daily diet, the patient will see increased levels of this necessary vitamin needed to fight auto immune diseases.

Biotin is the single best vitamin found to help hair growth.This coenzyme attaches to five different body enzymes and is needed for each process. The human body needs this coenzyme to build protein. Protein is subsequently needed to create keratin. Keratin is a necessity to build strong and healthy hair follicles in the human body.

The single best way to decide if and how much biotin is needed for an individual is to seek medical advice. A physician can run tests to determine the vitamin levels in the patient and determine if biotin is necessary for any present deficiencies. Also, if a person simply aims for more, stronger and resilient hair, the physician will be able to assist with determining dose amount. It is very important to seek professional assistance and not determine vitamin dosing without it.

Biotin is most commonly sold in capsules that are easy to swallow and take on a daily basis. While the labels of most bottles state that several capsules ingested per day is safe, it is still very important to determine amount before taking the pill. Each body is different and reactions to added vitamins will vary, from person to person.

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Biotin is a naturally occurring vitamin that has been proven effective in aiding hair growth in persons. Taking safely and efficiently, this vitamin will bring positive results for each individual.

How Does Castor Oil Help Hair GrowthA lot of people want to know about castor oil as whether it helps hair growth. Well, the truth behind castor oil and hair growth is that it can surely help a lot in taking care of hair loss and hair thinning problem.  In fact many people have been using castor oil for years to treat their hair loss problem and have got positive results too.  

Use of castor oil is a natural way to make your hair healthier and thicker. Having plenty of medicinal uses, castor oil is very effective in maintaining beautiful and healthy hair. So, if you are facing hair problems such as hair thinning and hair loss, it is time to get a castor oil and get benefitted from it. 

What is castor oil? Castor oil is extracted from the seeds of the castor bean plant. Since time immemorial the oil is used for a various hair and skin care problems. It is regarded as valuable oil due to its myriad uses. This liquid oil can be colorless or very pale yellow in color with mild or no odor or taste. When you touch this oil, it feels thick and sticky. As this get absorbs fast and easily into skin and scalp cells, it is one of the most popular ingredients used in many skin and hair care products. 

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Why castor oil is popular?Castor oil has been used for generation and even today there is a huge demand for this oil in the market. The simple reason behind the popularity of castor oil is due to its curative and medicinal properties. The Ricinoleic acid found in castor oil help in getting rid of bacterial and fungal infection on the scalp that causes hair loss. This oil is also used extensively in many popular home remedies for hair growth.

Benefits of Castor oil for hair growth

Stimulates Hair Growth: When it comes to hair growth castor oil is really good. When you massage with castor oil it stimulate the hair follicles leading to new and faster hair growth. Also as this oil gets easily absorbed by the scalp, it helps hair follicles to grow additional hair.

Conditions Scalp: Regular use of castor oil also conditions the scalp and hair. Well conditioned hair means healthier hair and better texture. Healthy hair strands appear thicker as compared to unhealthy hair strands. This hair oil must be used by those having thin hair.

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Strengthens Hair: Each and every hair strand becomes stronger with the regular application of castor oil. Stronger hair stays in the follicle for a longer period of time. Thus, there will be less hair breakage and hair loss. Broken hair strands can make hair appear thinner but with castor oil you will not be facing any such problem.

Prevents Hair Loss:Due to the anti-bacterial and anti-fungicidal properties of ricinoleic acid available in castor oil it also helps in preventing hair loss. When you apply castor oil on to your scalp it protects the scalp and hair from infections that can cause hair loss.

Solves Dryness:The omega-9 fatty acids available in castor oil keep the hair well moisturized and nourishes. It also prevents the scalp from becoming too dry. Regular application of castor oil to your scalp and roots will make dry hair soft and shiny within months. Dry scalp is one of the many reasons behind hair loss and other hair related problems.

Solves Dandruff Problem:When you apply castor oil onto your scalp it cleanses the scalp thoroughly without leaving any trace of dry flakes. It removes the dirt and bacteria that clog the pores that often become the reason behind dandruff and hair fall. Dandruff is also caused by too much sebum production in your scalp that can be easily controlled by the anti-bacterial property of castor oil. 

Cure Scalp Infections: The healing properties of castor oil can be used to cure scalp infections and other side effects caused due to various chemical treatments. This oil will prevent your hair from becoming brittle and will promote healthy hair growth.

Acts as Lubricant:Castor oil also works quite effectively as a lubricant for the hair. Natural lubricants produced by our body often do not reach the hair roots. Castor oil helps to maintain a healthy level of lubrication on hair and assists in keeping hair from getting tangled.

Brings Shine to Hair: As castor oil is humectants in nature it helps in maintaining the moisture level of hair. When hair is well moisturized it will become soft, shiny and strong. It also helps in helps in curing damaged, frizzy and split ends hair.

Stops Graying Hair:When your hair is treated with castor oil regularly, you can get rid of premature graying of hair. After massaging the scalp regularly with the oil, the color of hair will become darker and there will be no trace of gray hair. Well, castor oil is versatile as it can solve different hair problems. It can solve simple hair problems like frizzy locks, dandruff, or split ends along with serious hair problems such as excessive hair loss and damaged locks.

Where to buy castor oil?Castor oil is available in the market. You must always buy cold-pressed and hexane-free castor oil which is tasteless and odorless in form. Using the unrefined or purest form of castor oil will give you best results. Avoid refined, adulterated castor oil as it can clog the pores on the scalp. A bottle of castor oil will last for a long time as due to its thick nature you need to use it in very small amounts. 

Best way to use castor oil:

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Looking at the manifold benefits of castor oil for healthy hair, you must also give it a try. But before using castor oil for hair growth, it is essential to know how to use castor oil: Here is a step-by-step process of using castor oil:

Always invest in good quality castor oil to enjoy its benefits. Cold-pressed and hexane-free castor oil is the best one for hair.

Using your fingertips, apply castor oil to your roots and scalp thoroughly.

The oil should be applied on the roots and scalp. Avoid using the oil into your hair as due its thick consistency it cannot be washed out easily.

After applying castor oil, cover your hair with a towel for at least 15 to 20 minutes or allow it to set overnight.

Wash your hair with a mild shampoo to remove the castor oil.

Follow the process once a week for two to three months to see the results.Note: You can also mix castor oil with grapeseed oil to minimize its thick consistency and to get relief from the unpleasant smell of the oil.

To conclude, castor oil benefits for hair are astounding.  But, for those who are facing hair problems, it is essential to understand that using castor oil is just one of the strategies to encourage hair growth. For healthy hair growth there are many other factors too that need to be considered such as a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, regular exercise, proper hair care, using the best quality hair products and so on. When every criterion is fulfilled it will mean longer, thicker and stronger.

Gro-Aut Hair Growth Oil

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Gro-Aut (grow out) Hair Oil - This patented formula promotes hair growth by penetrating the hair shafts driving herbal nutrients into the hair follicles. Fill in bald patches, reverse hair loss, or simply grow the long hair you have always desired with Gro-Aut hair growth oil. With use of this herbal oil and our Gro-Aut shampoo, hair appears to 'grow out' overnight! You'll see noticeable results in as little as 7 days. For the best results, follow our hair care regime.

There are four size options available. Prices will automatically calculate when added to your cart

or to get the price, add the base price of $5.99 for our 1oz bottle with the additional amount in parentheses. For example, our 4oz bottle is $15.49 which is the base price of $5.99 for the 1oz size bottle plus and additional $9.50 for the additional ounces ($5.99 plus $9.50 equals $15.49) 

Size Options Available - Prices are below in BOLD and does not include shipping

1 oz: $5.99

2 oz: $9.99    ($5.99 + $4.00 = $9.99)

4 oz: $15.49  ($5.99 + $9.50 = $15.49)

8 oz: $24.99  ($5.99 + $19.00 = $24.99)

Home Remedies for Hair Growth

Losing some hair? Well, then you know that numerous products are marketed and sold to help hair grow, and every year, millions of people consult their doctors or pharmacists for the magic cure. But there is no one-size-fits-all-heads cure, and sometimes home remedies work as well as expensive hair-growth chemicals. Here are some mixtures, herbal remedies, and vitamins that have been used for centuries and might help spur hair growth.

Home Hair-Loss Remedies

Some of these mixtures are said to help treat hair loss and improve hair growth:

Massage coconut milk into your scalp, leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Repeat three times per week until your hair loss decreases and healthy hair grows in.

Simmer hibiscus flowers in coconut oil and spread on hair to condition. Rinse lightly and style as usual.

Mix two tablespoons each of amla (Indian gooseberry), reetha, and shikakai (Indian herbs available on the Internet). Add egg and form a paste. Apply to

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scalp and massage throughout hair. Let sit for 25 to 30 minutes, then rinse and cleanse with a mild shampoo. Try this three times per week for one month.

Herbal Remedies for Hair Loss

Throughout the ages, people have turned to herbal remedies for hair growth. Some of the best known are:

Saw palmetto, which has a long track record of use for hair loss. It is the primary active ingredient found in the vast majority of natural hair-loss remedies.

Stinging nettle, one of the most common herbs used in traditional folk medicine, is a popular hair-loss remedy.

Gotu kola — this popular herb is available in its natural form at many health-food stores.

Ginseng — this Chinese herbal medicine is said to rejuvenate the scalp, increase blood flow, and help grow hair.

Fo-ti, also known as he shou wu — this herb has been consumed as tea or in herbal medications to help increase hair growth and reduce hair loss.

Vitamin Remedies for Hair Loss

Vitamin A is essential for hair growth, but too much vitamin A can actually cause hair loss, so be sure to take no more than 100,000 IU each day, and turn to natural food sources such as mango, orange, carrot, sweet potato, and squash.

Vitamin B helps with the production of hemoglobin, which allows the scalp to receive enough oxygen to stay healthy and promote hair growth. Be sure to consume potatoes, bananas, garbanzo beans/chickpeas, chicken breast, oatmeal, pork loin, and roast beef.

Folic acid also spurs hair growth and is found in foods like collard greens, lentils, garbanzo beans/chickpeas, papaya, peas, and asparagus.

Vitamin E, which also helps blood circulate to the scalp and improve hair growth, can be found in most cereals, almonds, safflower oil, corn oil, and soybean oil.

Vitamin C is essential for the healthy development of collagen, which is necessary for strong hair. Enjoy kiwi fruit, guava, red peppers, and oranges.

Daily exercise improves circulation throughout your body, including your scalp, which can result in faster hair growth. Be sure to fit in some heart-pumping exercise at least three to four times each week.

Some of these remedies for hair loss have the wisdom of the ages behind them. The best approach? Try a smart combination of these home remedies, including scalp treatments, vitamins, herbs, and exercise. You have nothing to lose and every hair to gain!

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Amla Oil Helps Hair Grow Faster

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Hair Growth Tips

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Home Remedies for Hair Growth

Losing some hair? Well, then you know that numerous products are marketed and sold to help hair grow, and every year, millions of people consult their doctors or pharmacists for the magic cure. But there is no one-size-fits-all-heads cure, and sometimes home remedies work as well as expensive ...

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Maybe you got a bad haircut and want your hair to grow fast. Or maybe you’re tired of your look and want to go longer. Or perhaps your hair is thinning and you want it to grow in quickly. Whatever the reason, there are easy steps you can take to accelerate hair growth. Get a good, ...

How to Grow Long, Thick Hair

Pining for long, shiny locks, but don’t know where to start? Long, thick hair looks beautiful worn naturally or pulled back in an up-do for special occasions. Trouble is, some people struggle to grow long, thick hair because they don’t know where to begin. Here’s how to grow the ...

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Things That Affect Hair Growth

Millions of people are searching for ways to grow hair faster and fuller. Some suffer from thinning hair or hair loss due to age, illness, anxiety, or the side effects of certain medications. Others simply long for longer, healthier hair to sport a different style or grow out a bad haircut more ...

Hair Growth Tips for Black Men

Many black men want to grow their hair longer but have trouble doing so. There are many reasons why it can be challenging for black men to grow hair. Although black hair grows just as fast as other types of hair — roughly a half inch each month — it is often very curly, fragile, brittle, and ...

Hair Growth Tips

Most people’s hair grows about a half inch every month — and there’s no magic potion that will make your hair grow any faster than that. But there are things you can do to ensure the maximum amount of hair growth each month and a strong, healthy head of hair. Here’s your ...

Hair Oil is a Healthy Way to Moisturize Dry Locks

Oil has gotten a bad reputation as being the bad guy in hair care. On the contrary, oil is hair's best friend. In fact, we make our own natural hair oil that moisturizes our scalp and hair. Unfortunately, some people do not make enough oil to moisturize their hair adequately or their hair is so ...

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Application of castor oil is a natural method to get healthy, strong and beautiful hair. It helps the hair to grow longer and thicker. If it is  noticed that hair are becoming weaker and thinner day by day then use of castor oil will be found helpful to meet the solution of this problem. It is obtained by natural resources. It is safely use for baldness. Use of castor oil for hair solutions is as vast as its benefits. It increases the rate of hair growth. It makes the hair thicker. It is useful to apply on dry scalp and dry hair. Castor oil makes the hair shiny. Solutions of hair not only depend on nature of oil but also on the way to apply it to scalp. The best way to apply oil is by using finger tips. Oil should get deep into the scalp and hair. Massage is good technique for this matter. After massage, let the oil stay in hair for at least half an hour. After this take bath and repeat the same method for 6 weeks (once in a week) for better result.

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The main cause of hair loss is lack of nutrients especially that of proteins. Proteins are essential for the growth and health of hair. There are some essential vitamins that are given below in short detail that includes their working on hair.

Vitamin A is essential nutrient for hair growth but it may increase hair fall if taken in excess. It may be fatal for some consumers so one should use it with the prescription of his dietitian.

Vitamin B is a complex vitamin that consists of B2, B6 and B12. Most of the shampoos contain vitamin B complex as it strengthen hair and decrease hair fall. Its use decrease hair fall and increase rate of hair growth.

Vitamin H is the most vital and valuable usually known as biotin. Biotin is part of the B complex family and has been proven to prevent hair loss. It prevents hair to become grey.

Lack of iron also causes loss in hair and it makes them weak. So deficiency of iron must be filled with diet to meet the problems.

Zinc is also necessary for body. It is an important nutrient for healthy skin and scalp. It is abundant in meat.

Vitamin A, C and E combined are known as anti oxidants which are not only necessary for shining of hair but they also grow the hair longer and stronger and they increase the growth rate.

Protein is a vital component of healthy hair. 90% of hair is composed of B complex vitamin i.e. protein.

Pantothenic acid is also valuable. It converts the food into energy and it makes the cell that impart in growth of hair.

Long hair, no matter what age and stage of life, is considered very beautiful from the beginning of time. Many women around the globe strive hard to get that graceful look which only long hair can give. There are many remedies that can help with faster hair growth. Many different countries have their own traditions of using many a different herbs for this very goal. Arjuvedic tips have been in use for more than 5000 years and are considered very effective. Other than that, Mira herbals and oils are also among the top hair care products and are acknowledged to stimulate faster hair growth and to prevent hair fall. Eating suitable quantities of vitamins that are beneficial for hair is also essential. The most important sources of these are the many vegetables. Getting the hair trimmed regularly also gives the hair a healthy look. It is important to make sure that all hair products that one is using are natural, and exclude any chemical or pharmaceutical agent. Every product that contains a chemical or

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pharmaceutical agent usually has a large number of side effects. Conditioning more always helps, protein based conditioners is gaining popularity these days by leaps and bounds. One must always remember that the genetics does play an important in the growth rate. Other than that, devour hair vitamins in liquid forms or in the form of oils to ensure growing out one’s hair. The use of silica drops is an eminent remedy when one is looking to get long shiny hair. Most hair professionals advice on abstaining from the use of commercial hair products such as sprays, mooses and gels. Lastly, it is important to abstain from alcohol, smoking and recreational drugs is often not enough to protect us from the toxins all around us. If one works hard to protect hair from all sorts of environmental trauma, the hair will get the optimal conditions and will start growing.

Best Hair Oil To Grow Hair Fast

Ideally, a good hair oil for growing hair fast should be one that can naturally enhance and

stimulate healthy hair growth. In addition, scalp stimulation through regular scalp

massage is highly beneficial in promoting faster hair growth. 


Generally, virgin olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil and other such pure natural oils are

considered most effective in improving hair growth. Coconut oil, in particular, is rich in

nutrients and hence makes hair strong and lustrous.

You can also add herbs and other ingredients in these oils. For instance, you can use a

mixture of lavender oil and grapeseed oil to nourish your hair.

Just massage the scalp with any of these oils and then leave the oil on hair for at least

half an hour. You can also leave it overnight.

When using oils to promote hair growth, it is better to first heat the oils in microwave for

about 20 seconds. Alternatively, the bowl containing hair oil can be placed in warm

water for some time until the oil becomes comfortably hot.

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Moreover, after applying the oil, wrap a towel (soaked in warm water) around your head

to enhance the absorption of oil.

Oiling the hair may seem to be a tedious and messy task but eventually, it not only helps

in growing hair fast but also makes them shiny and strong. Plus, massaging the head

with warm oil helps relax the mind.

In addition, you can combine various essential oils to prepare an effective hair oil for

grow hair naturally. For instance, prepare a mixture of three drops each of rosemary and

lavender oil, and two drops each of thyme and cedarwood oil.

Next, add about three ml of carrier oil like jojoba oil and add 20 ml of grapeseed oil in

the mixture. Finally, massage this therapeutic oil on the scalp every night and wash it off

in the morning to aid in fast hair growth naturally.

Combination of ten drops each of lavender oil and rosemary oil, and five drops of

basil oil in about four ounces of jojoba oil is highly beneficial in growing hair fast. Regular

application of this oil helps avoid hair breakage considerably.

Certain commercially available hair oils are also considered good for healthy hair growth.

However, do not be misled by their miraculous claims because actually, genetic factors

play an important role in determining the rate of hair growth.

Besides, choose a gentle, preferably herbal shampoo, do regular deep conditioning and

do not wash your hair unnecessarily.

Apart from the application of a great hair oil that boosts hair growth, you should follow

proper hair care routine, keep hair in healthy condition, and have a well balanced and

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nutritious diet, with special emphasis on inclusion of hair vitamins like folic acid, biotin,

vitamin B5, B5, B12 etc.

Hi everybody im arabic and If if you suffer from hairloss or any hair problem im going to tell you what to do and help everyone of you for hair.loss and hair growth: I took lavender as.a plant I dont know if you can find it in usa but my mom sent it to me I took it and blend it until it became small after that I took a bottle of glass and I put the lavender plant by using a spoon amd I add extra virgin olive oil I close the.bottle and I shake it very well and I let it set for 1 week after that I start using it twice.a week ts my advice is dont use ur fingers to put the oil.i prefer using a cotton I soak it with the oil and I apply it to my scalp and if you any other qustion for skin beauty or hair I have a lots of them for eyes eyelashes face

Olive olive oil wark better in my sclap. Can use the mixture of olive oile & castor oil. Dabur amla is also effective on my sclap.

i use everynight palmers coconut oil formula with vitamin E moisture gro.. then i sealed it with organic pure extra virgin coconut oil, i wrap it after with a silk scarve.. the next morning i use organci olive oil moisturizing hair lotion… my hairs is beautiful and its growing…. you try this might work different on people

The best thing I’ve used for growing hair is argan oil because it has tons of benefits and it’s super light on my hair, not greasy. I use Pro Naturals Moroccan Argan Oil hair treatment and my hair is shinier, healthier and longer

You cam get argan oil from boots and asda. Best way to grow strong long healrhy hair-Maintain a v healthy diet with plenty of protein and grern veg. Also wear ur hair up in bun. Massage with natural coconut oil 2/3 x per week. Exercise 4x per week and finally no hot irons or blowdrying. Within 3-4 months you will see a huge difference in length and density.

I just learned about castor oil, then I’ve been reading so many sites about so many oil’s and mixing them and so many of you as i have been reading swears by your favorite oil. So I’m giving the castor oil a try. I also read that Jamaican black castor is a great oil. I’ve read that castor is suppose to make your hair, eyelashes, and brows grow as well. Don’t but will give it a try. I also found for some people that TreSemme shampoo makes your hair fall out….well my hair has been coming out by the hand full, more than normal and I’ve been using TreSemme. So I stopped and switched shampoos. And I’m not losing handfuls of hair. what a relief.

The Latest Breakthrough in Hair Growth Oils for a Full Head of Hair

Growing hair is a top priority for many people, both men and women today. With a variety of choices, both medical and natural, it pays to do some research first and try out a few of the natural hair growth remedies before opting for prescription or surgical treatments. Recently the focus has turned to hair growth oil to re-grow hair.

While there more than one hair growth oil to choose from there are a few that users stand by and use year after year to re-grow hair and prevent hair loss.  First, let’s look at essential oils.

Essential oils for hair growth have been used for years. Some of the most commonly used are rosemary oil for hair growth and lavender oil for hair growth.

Each of these offers different properties that stimulate or protect the hair.

Rosemary Oil and Hair Growth

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This essential oil is used to promote new hair growth and treat dandruff.

Lavender Oil and Hair Growth

Balances the oils found in the scalp, reduces inflammation (which impacts hair loss,) and is helps to generate new hair growth. A study at the University of Maryland on 86 alopecia patients showed each had hair re-growth when using lavender (and other essential oils) each day for more than six months.

Wild Hair Growth Oil: Tried and True

It’s important to keep in mind that when it comes to hair loss part of the problem can be with damaged, dry hair that breaks off and falls out. To avoid this it’s essential to keep the hair moisturized and healthy.

Wild hair growth oil is a product traditionally used by African Americans for decades. This all natural option of the hair growth oils contains jojoba oil, coconut oil, olive oil, Vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus.

Each of these contributes to strengthening and moisturizing the hair which leads to reduction of hair loss from breakage. The people who use wild hair growth oil swear by it’s effectiveness in growing hair faster, fuller, and stronger.

Introducing the Newcomer in Hair Growth Oils: Emu Oil

While it may sound a bit odd to be using emu oil for hair growth this is one of the newest and possibly most potent hair growth oils today. Emu oil for hair growth first came to light in its native land Australia. Handed down generations from the aborigines, emu oil has long been used there for its many health giving, restorative properties.

Emu oil is taken from a pad of fat on the back of the emu. This oil is close to being 100% triglyceride and contains no phosphorus which makes it highly penetrating to both the hair and skin.

In studies, emu oil for hair growth has shown remarkable promise. At the Boston University School of Medicine a study of emu oil for hair growth in mice revealed “over 80% of hair follicles that had been asleep were woken up and began growing hair,” according to the studies’ lead Dr. Michael Holick, MD, PhD.

Emu oil for hair growth has been found to be particularly effective in treating hair re-growth in the frontal region of the head which is well known as the most difficult spot on the head to re-grow hair.

While there are cautions with using emu oil for hair growth, there are basically no side effects to worry about. You can purchase emu oil for hair growth online.

As you’re learning there are plenty of natural options to regrow hair that can be very effective. Remember it’s also important to protect the hair you still have and any of these hair growth oils will do a fabulous job with that as well.

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Brahmi Oil for Hair Growth

Brahmi oil is the medicated oil of the gotu kola leaf. The word Gotu Kola is originated from Sanskrit and botanically it is originated from India. The botanic name of gotu kola is Asiatic. Gotu Kola is a common groundcover found in the tropics and is said to be the preferred food of the mother elephant during her entire pregnancy. In Ayurveda it is considered a rejuvenator for the entire body and is commonly used as medicated oil. Brahmi is excellent for supporting healthy hair growth. This oil has a beautiful sweet fragrance and natural green color. It is an exquisite oil that is calming and soothing. Brahmi Oil is a natural herbal hair rejuvenator and promotes positive memory functioning.

One can make simple Brahmi oil including one teaspoon of herb powder, one teaspoon of water, 4 teaspoons of oil, Dried Brahmi leaves, virgin coconut oil. Other names of Brahmi are Babies tear, Bacopa monnieri, Herpestis monniera, and Water hyssop. Brahmi contains steroidal saponin Bacoside A and steroidal saponin Bacoside B.

Brahmi Oil has a variety of range of stimulant like tensions, anxiety, restlessness, joint pains, hair fall, insomnia and many more small and big health issues. Brahmi oil is renowned oil used worldwide and is popular mainly because of its memory boosting properties. Brahmi oil or Indian pennywort oil has a great capability of improving the effectiveness of our brain (especially recommended for growing up children), making it more alert, sharp and accurate. It helps in increasing the mental capacity and brain cell functions by elevating mental stress and tensions.

This infused oil makes an excellent ingredient for a bath. Brahmi oil can directly be added to bath water, can be constituted into a bath salt mixture or can also be mixed with an equal portion of the synthetic emulsifier Polysorbate 20 to convert it into a water diffusing agent. Taking a bath with brahmi oil water is very effective, especially before going to bed. It will help in relaxing your muscles and tired body parts.

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Apart from all other medication virtue this herbal oil is also useful in improving the condition of one’s scalp. It is an anti-dandruff oil which will eradicate the signs of dandruff from one’s scalp if used regularly. It also proves very effective in curing dry scalp conditions and flaky skin. Brahmi oil is also used by many manufacturers to make hair treatment products, conditioners, and anti-dandruff and dry hair shampoos. Brahmi Oil can be supplementary to hair treatments counting conditioners, and shampoos also.

Using brahmi oil for scalp massage is another potential beneficiary use of this herbal oil. Applying warm brahmi oil to the roots of your hair giving a gentle massage will definitely stimulate and revitalize your scalp. It will cure the problem of dry and irritable scalp by providing required moisture to your scalp.

Brahmi oil is a fantastic remedy for hair fall conditions caused mainly due to excessive heat generated in the scalp. This herbal oil cools down one’s scalp and provides nourishment to the roots of his/her hair, making them strong from within, thus, reducing hair fall.

Brahmi oil also prevents premature whitening of hair. This condition takes place when one’s hair is not getting required nutrients and vitamins. Brahmi oil nourishes one’s hair and keeps it healthy, while retaining its color. Normal use of Brahmi capsules twice a day help in mitigating the stress levels and better growth of hair.

Al Mumthaz Oil

Hair Growth Oil

Checks alopecia.

Helps re growth of hair

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Gynolint Oil

Relieves from stretch marks & Scars

Reduces hyper pigmentation, scars and keeps the skin smooth.

Removes stretch marks after delivery.

Reduces itching and keeps skin soft.

Gives attractive skin texture.

Relieves hot flashes.

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WILD GROWTH® LIGHT OIL MOISTURIZER   MORE HAIR! Magical increases in hair length, thickness & appearance of new hair (in bald areas) progressing to first

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time fullness & shoulder or below shoulder lengths. STYLE IT FAST! From coarse to fine, tangled, unmanageable, dry, dull, damaged, breaking, split ended, fly-away, weak & falling hair to strong, healthy, relaxed, body & curl holding, soft, shiny, non-greasy, bouncy, fast & easy to comb, brush, braid, blow dry, press or sit under the drier...saving money, time & comb through pain. Adds vitality, shine & natural feel to perms/relaxers. Extends perm/relaxer life for most. Replaces perms/relaxers for many. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS: “Longer & thicker within one month • It grows overnight! Really, literally, magically overnight! • has made my hair grow 5&1/2 inches long • My bra length (hair) grew to my waist all in just three weeks • It is way past my shoulders & is steadily growing • very silky & easy to manage • an amazing sheen • great when you have to straighten • did make my hair softer & shinier...didn’t weigh it down like hair grease...didn’t take away its bounce • breakage has almost topped...didn’t need nothing else...will be saving me lots of money...a God sent for black african american hair • healthier and thicker for the first time in my whole life • white women with dry frizzy damaged curly hair need to know about this stuff too • My man is 51 & his hair was thinning. I started using it on his hair & it is growing! He’s thrilled! • Hi. I'd like to tell you my experiences with both your products. First, without Wild Growth Hair Oil, I can't even comb my hair. My mom started to put Wild Growth Hair Oil on my head when I was less than 1 old years old. By the time I was 7, my hair was down to my butt. Then I grew taller and now at 22, my hair is almost to my waist. For the past two weeks I must have used your Wild Growth Light Oil Moisturizer only 2 or 3 times. I wanted to use more, but I kept on losing the bottle. But what I noticed is that my dandruff is gone completely! And my hair now feels really silky. After leaving it in  for a few days, all I have to do is brush my hair and the shine and moisture comes back without having to put anymore in! Also, in just such a short period, my hair feels longer. Wild Growth you got another winner! P.S. I really like the way the WG Light Oil Moisturizer makes my head smell.”

THE  SECRET of the Black/African hair care world and proven for Spanish, Caucasian and all other hair types for over 25 years all natural Wild Growth Hair Oil and Wild Growth Light Oil Moisturizer are effective & safe for men & women of all ages (0-99+ years). Each bottle lasts 2 month +. Money back guarantee.

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My Hair Growth Oil This was supposed to be a video but I'm having a couple technical issues right now so I'll just explain it on here.Well some of you may have heard me mention a couple of times on my channel,about the bald spot I used to have in the front of my hair....I wish I would have taken pics but at the time I had no clue that it would go away after using my hair oil. The bald spot was caused by tying my scraf too tight at night while I was transitioning. When I did my big chop it became really noticeable (to me at least) because my hair was so short. Sooo I decided to use the ingredients that I purchased to make my shea butter mixture and try to get the hair to grow back.

The Break Down: The 2 Main Ingredients were rosemary essential oil and Castor Oil Shea Butter, Coconut oil, Jojoba oil- I thought it would be good for

moisture?? idk Lemon and Orange essential oils- for fragrance....I STRONGLY dislike the

smell of rosemary oil

I didn't really measure anything but the shea butter, coconut oil, and jojoba oil were about the same amount.

The ApplicationEvery night before bed, I did scalp massages with the oil all over my head and then on that darn bald spot. When I was bored during the day I would massage my scalp for a couple of minutes.

And that's pretty what I did. I think I first started to see results after 2-3 months. Please guys keep in mind that this is what worked for me and there are soooo many variables to consider when trying to regrow hair. If you don't like an oil I used then change it out for something else that you do like. 

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Castor Oil Mixture....

Castor Oil is GREAT for thickening up those edges or spots that just need to grow back. I used it back when I first BC'd on my bald spot in the front part of my head. And what do you know, my hair is back and growing :)

What you'll need: An applicator bottle or just a bottle Castor Oil (regular castor oil and be found at drugstores) Essential oil/s (for scent or growth) Others oils that can be used: olive, almond, vegetable glycerin, shea butter, coconut, jojoba, etc....

Basically you pour all your oils into the bottle of your choice. But make sure you put more castor oil into the bottle. If you choose to use essential oil for the mix make sure you DO NOT USE A LOT(1-5). Essential oils are VERY potent. Then shake, shake, shake...

Application: I use mine every other day because castor oil is sticky and thick. Apply where ever you feel like and then massage into scalp for a while (DON'T JUST LET IT SIT ON HAIR) Massaging well also helps to grow the hair back.

My results have been FABULOUS!!l!

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Avocado Oil For Hair Growth

It is usually recommended to use avocado oil on hair to encourage hair growth because it

has moisturizing properties. Moreover, it contains antioxidants and amino acids that are

considered highly beneficial for growing healthy hair.

Basically, avocado oil with a sweet and nutty aroma is rich in monounsaturated fatty

acids. Thus, it nourishes and moisturizes dry, damaged hair, thereby making your

lustrous locks healthy and strong.

Plus, being rich in vitamins and minerals, it stimulates healthy hair growth. Besides, it has

natural sunscreen properties. Avocado oil is considered even better than olive oil as it is

more readily absorbed when applied on skin and hair.

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It contains vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin E, calcium, copper, iron,

potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sterols, lecithin, etc. Moreover, you can include the

nutritious avocado fruit in your diet by adding it in salads and smoothies.

How to Use Avocado Oil for Hair Growth

Hot oil treatment with organic or pure avocado oil for deep conditioning is extremely

useful in promoting hair growth. For this, you need to massage avocado oil on your scalp

and hair with the help of your fingers.

Massage it gently in circular motion for about 15 minutes to improve blood circulation.

Next, soak a towel in warm water, squeeze out the water and wrap it on your hair. Leave

it for another 15-20 minutes.

Finally, shampoo your hair. If required, apply a conditioner, too. Follow this procedure

at least once or twice in a month. Make sure you do not rub your hair vigorously after


When using avocado oil on hair, you can also add other beneficial oils such as olive oil,

sweet almond oil, castor oil, or coconut oil in it. Preferably, heat the mixture slightly in

a microwave before applying it on your tresses.

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Furthermore, you can use it in combination with rosemary essential oil, lavender

essential oil, basil hair oil, an infusion prepared from sage leaves, and so on.

To reduce hair loss, you can mix a few drops of thyme essential oil and carrot seed oil

in avocado oil. It helps stimulate growth of hair.

Massaging the scalp with avocado oil also reduces problems like hair thinning,

dandruff, and scalp psoriasis. It is suitable for all hair types, that is, dry, normal and

oily. You can include this oil in hair treatments, shampoos and conditioners to nourish

your hair.

For instance, depending on the length of your hair, you can combine two tablespoons

each of avocado oil and olive oil, three tablespoons of yogurt and a tablespoon

of honey.

Apply this mixture on damp hair, cover with a shower cap and rinse it out after 15

minutes. Other common ingredients used in homemade hair packs are grapefruit

extract, egg white, mayonnaise, and herbal infusions.

Here’s a video showing how to prepare an avocado hair mask using avocado pulp for

improving hair growth

More often than not, it is suggested to wash your hair with cold water and avoid hot

water.  However, you may have to use lukewarm water to remove thick and messy

mixtures from hair strands. The ones containing eggs, though, would require cold


Apart from using avocado oil, you can include mashed avocado fruit pulp in homemade

hair masks to promote hair growth.

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Wheat germ oil, castor oil and olive oil are popular ingredients used in natural hair care. This is because they contain a high level of nutrients, such as vitamins A, E and D as well as fatty acids. All three oils are good for conditioning the hair and protecting it from free radical damage. Wheat germ oil is also purported to be good for preventing and even treating some forms of hair loss. Here are some ideas on how you can use these common oils to improve the condition of your hair.

How to Use Castor Oil for Hair Loss


o 1

Prepare your scalp for treatment. Wash your hair with regular shampoo and rinse thoroughly. Towel dry and let it air dry for 5 to 10 minutes.

o 2

Prepare castor oil solution. Mix equal parts castor oil and grape seed oil to create an oil treatment.

o 3

Apply castor oil solution to the scalp. Slowly massage the castor oil into the scalp to cover it entirely. Make sure all areas including the base of the scalp near the neck and patches around the ears are covered with the oil solution.

o 4

Wrap your hair in a towel. Create a "hair turban" with the towel and clip it in place with the jaw clip. Make sure the entire scalp is covered with the towel.

o 5

Let the treatment set for at least 15 to 20 minutes.

o 6

Rinse the hair with warm water.

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o 7

Repeat the process at least 1 to 2 times per week. This will help stimulate hair growth and help slow down hair loss over time.

Tips & Warnings

Castor oil does not have any scent. You can add essential oils and herbal extracts for a sensual treatment.

Sitting under a heat lamp can intensify the effects of the treatment.

Avoid mixing too many essential oils into the treatment as this can dilute the castor oil mixture.

Make sure all of the oil has been rinsed out thoroughly.

Be sure to avoid getting the oil solution into eyes or on clothing.

How to Use Castor Oil to Thicken Hair


o 1

Select a high-quality castor oil that is suitable for cosmetic or therapeutic use. Jamaican black castor oil is a type of castor oil chosen often because it has a lighter consistency than the other types. It is also a "raw" and unrefined, so it has been processed less and has retained more of the nutrients that help hair health. Organic castor oil should provide the quality desired as well.

o 2

Pour 1 tbsp. of the castor oil into the palm of your hand. Using your fingertips, massage the oil into your scalp, the roots of your hair and all the way down the length of your hair. Make sure the oil is evenly distributed on the entire surface of your scalp.

o 3

Pour 1 tbsp. of jojoba oil into the palm of your hand and distribute it evenly throughout your hair. The thick consistency of the castor oil may

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make proper distribution difficult and using jojoba oil helps to spread the oil easier.

o 4

Place the plastic hair cap on your head then wrap your head in towel. The plastic cap will hold in the heat generated by your body and the heat helps the oils to penetrate deeper. Allow the oil to saturate your hair and scalp for at least 15 to 20 minutes, or overnight.

o 5

Wash the castor and jojoba oils out of your hair after the 15 to 20 minutes or overnight period with a mild shampoo, making sure the oils are completely removed.

o 6

Towel or air dry your hair and style as usual. Repeat this castor oil treatment once a week for between six and eight weeks.

Tips & Warnings

Adding balanced and nutritious foods helps build an overall healthier body system that may positively impact your hair health as well.

Keeping your hair clean and performing scalp massage is beneficial as well.

Avoid overuse of oil on the scalp, especially if you have an oily scalp or other hair conditions. Allowing the scalp to breathe is equally as important as applying moisture

How to Use Castor Oil for Hair Growth


o 1

Apply castor oil to the scalp. Just use a few drops and massage it into the scalp for two minutes. Do not apply to the rest of the hair because it may be difficult to wash out.

o 2

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Put a shower cap or plastic cap over your hair. Wrap a towel over the shower cap.

o 3

Leave the oil in overnight. This can enhance the absorption of the oil.

o 4

Shampoo as you normally would. Get all of the castor oil out of the hair. Your hair should feel soft to the touch.

Tips & Warnings

Mix castor oil with almond oil. This helps it spread better if you want to apply it to the whole length of the hair.

Add a little castor oil to your conditioner. Start with just a few drops.

Apply a tiny drop of castor oil to the ends of the hair to help prevent split ends. Do not wash it out.

How to Have Beautiful Eyelashes and Eyebrows Using Castor Oil


o 1

Remove the wand from an old tube of mascara and clean it thoroughly. Make sure that there is absolutely no trace of makeup left on the brush before you use it to apply castor oil. If you like, you can wipe off all of the makeup and then place the wand in the dishwasher. This will also help to ensure that the wand is free from bacteria.

o 2

Wash your face with a mild soap and remove all traces of makeup from your eyelashes and eyebrows. Dip the mascara wand into castor oil and tap off any excess oil. It is important to only apply a thin layer, so use a clean tissue to dab away drips from the wand if necessary.

o 3

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Brush the oil evenly through your eyebrows from inner to out tip. Then use the wand to apply the castor oil to your eyelashes, just as you would mascara, from root to tip.

o 4

Leave the castor oil on overnight and rinse of with a mild soap in the morning before you apply your makeup.

Tips & Warnings

Only use the castor oil treatments two or three times a week. While rare, some people may have allergic reactions. See a dermatologist if you experience any redness on the skin around your eyebrows and eyelashes.

How to Use Castor Oil to Treat Hair Loss

Hair loss is a fact of life for both men and women. Typical problems associated with this condition include slowed growth, graying, dandruff and brittleness. There are some home remedies you can use to help prevent or treat hair loss. Castor oil is one remedy that does not require any special recipe since you can directly apply it to your scalp.


o 1

Purchase a bottle of Castor oil from your local grocery store or pharmacy. Castor oil should be relatively easy to find as it is often used as an alternative to laxatives. Many people also use it to treat certain skin disorders.

o 2

Apply the Castor oil directly to your scalp and the roots of your hair. Don't rub the Castor oil through the rest of your hair, as it may be difficult to wash out due to its consistency. Smear the Castor oil around the top of your head so that it fully covers your scalp.

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Wrap your hair with a cloth or clean towel and loosely tie it in place. Make sure the Castor oil in your hair is completely covered by the cloth or towel. Allow the Castor oil to sit on your hair overnight and immediately wash it out when you awaken the next day.


Repeat this Castor oil treatment about once a week. It will most likely take about 6 or 7 applications before you experience any noticeable results.


Try mixing Castor oil with lighter oils, such as almond or grapeseed oil. Castor oil is a thick oil and it may be time consuming to remove it from your hair if used alone. Combine it with other oils to lighten its density. In addition, Castor oil is scentless, so you may want to mix it with other substances, such as almond or rosemary oil, to add a nice smelling scent to your hair.

Tips & Warnings

You can make a Castor oil healing pack by soaking a piece of cloth or flannel in Castor oil, and then applying it to the top of the head. Add heat by firmly holding the healing pack to the body under a hot water bottle.

Uses of Castor Oil for Personal CareBy Melissa Morang, eHow Contributor

Castor oil is an emollient and can be used on wrinkles.

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Castor oil is produced by pressing the ripe seeds from castor beans that have had their outer covering removed. The oil is referred to as ricinus oil or castor oil. The oil has a faint odor and slightly acrid taste. Castor oil has been used in medicinal remedies for centuries, and you can use castor oil at home to help with various conditions


Castor oil can be used to treat constipation. Because it has stimulating properties, according to WebMD, it works to increase the movement of the intestines. Take the castor oil by mouth. Follow the directions on the packaging for the correct dosing. Take the castor oil on an empty stomach. To improve the taste, add juice. Castor oil side effects may include stomach cramps, diarrhea and nausea.

Hair Treatments

Castor oil can moisturize dry hair. Heat up a little castor oil in a pot until the oil becomes warm to the touch. Massage the oil into the scalp. Wrap your head in a steamy towel and leave on for 15 minutes before washing it out.


Castor oil's emollient properties may be effective on wrinkles. Just place a little on wrinkled areas at night to soothe and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Also use the oil on dry skin, or dab a cotton ball with castor oil and place on sunburned skin for relief.

Arthritis Relief

Used it as a natural arthritis remedy by making a castor oil pack. Fold a piece of cotton flannel into three layers and dip it into the castor oil. Place the pad on the affected area and cover with plastic wrap. Place a heating pad over the plastic and leave on the arthritic area for up to an hour. The oil purportedly reduces pain and inflammation.

How to Grow Longer Eyelashes NaturallyBy Andrea Hermitt, eHow Contributor

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Women typically have shorter eyelashes than men.

Eyelashes, the hair that grows from the tips of the eyelids, protect your eye from hazards by making you blink if something gets too close. In addition, long eyelashes are a universal symbol of beauty. Women, who generally covet longer lashes, typically have shorter ones than men. Many products, such as mascara and fake eyelashes, will make your eyelashes look longer. Other cosmetics promise to stimulate eyelashes. But if you want your eyelashes to grow naturally, you can try a few age-old tricks


o 1

Improve your diet to grow longer eyelashes naturally. Without proper nutrition, your body will cease to grow hair, fingernails and even eyelashes. Likewise, anything that makes your hair grow also will help your eyelashes grow.

o 2

Apply natural lubricants, such as olive oil or petroleum jelly, to your eyelashes to make them strong. Put the product on your eyelashes at night and wash it off in the morning.


o Apply vitamin E oil to your eyelashes with a clean eyelash brush.

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Brush your lashes regularly.

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Tips & Warnings

Clean your eyelash brush regularly to prevent eye infection.

Don't be impatient. Keep in mind that eyelashes are the slowest growing hairs on the body.

How to Make Your Eyelashes Look Longer


o 1

Before you apply your mascara make sure you use an eyelash curler and curl your eyelashes. This really does give the effect of longer lashes. You then want to apply a good mascara.

There are many mascaras out there promising to give you the appearance of longer, thicker and fuller lashes, but which ones should you try? You may have to try out a few to find the one that works the best for your eyelashes. Read the container and see what it says about making your lashes appear fuller, thicker,or longer. Here are some I recommend.

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My favorite overall mascara is Lancome Definicils. It may be a bit pricey for some at about $20.

Best cheaper mascaras that work great.

Maybelline Great LashRevlon Luxurious Lengths MascaraMaybelline XXL Volume + LengthMax Factor 2000 CalorieAvon Supershock MascaraBobbi Brown Everything MascaraCover Girl Lash Blast

o 2

A trick I have recently heard about is using Vaseline everyday on your lashes to make them grow in fuller, thicker and even darker. The thing is you have to o it every day to see results and some people swear they have experienced great results while others have not. Each person is different, and the great thing about this trick is it is very inexpensive!

All you do is apply a coat of Vaseline with either your finger tips or use a clean and unused mascara wand. All you need is a light coat. The best time to do this is before you go to bed at night and then wash it off in the morning. You don't even have to wash it off, unless you plan on putting mascara on. The two should not be mixed, since Vaseline while cause the mascara to come off quickly and smear. It can take a few weeks to see results or even maybe a few months.


A similar method is using Olive, Vegetable or Castor oil the same way as you do the Vaseline.


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Another alternative is to use a prescription medication called Latisse. It is a FDA approved scientifically proven method to help produce thicker, darker and longer lashes. It is a prostaglandin analog that you apply to the base of your upper lashes and within 8 weeks you will see results. There has been many success stories about Latisse and they even have the famous Brooke Shields as their spokesperson. If you want more information on this product then you should talk to your doctor because you can only get it by prescription.


If you want immediate results try using false eyelashes. They are very easy to put on these days as they have improved tremendously. They come in individual false eyelashes, reusable, even different colors and sizes. They even have ones with highlights. This is what most of the celebrities do to get the look many of us are after. They just have the luxury of someone putting them on for them.


You can choose to trim your eyelashes a bit to help them grow on longer. However beware some swear by this method whole others swear away form it. Your lashes will grow back in, it just may take some people time to grow them back.

How to Make Your Eyelashes Grow Easily


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First off, you need to understand that these methods may or may not work for you. They are tried and true for many people, but sometimes we all have to accept the fact that you may not be able to help yourself. The more you pick at your own flaws - the less happy you will be. Most "movie" stars wear fake eyelashes - so you shouldn't set too high of standards for yourself.

o 2

You should never pull or pick at your eyelashes - this will cause breaking and might cause them to fall out. Instead, always take eye makeup off with a night cream or Vaseline. Never pull at your eyelashes with mascara on - this will surely cause them to fall out. You should also be using a new tube of mascara every 3 months, or when it starts to smell funny. Old mascara can be too harsh on your lashes and make cause them to break off.


Apply Vaseline to your eyelashes every night before going to sleep. You don't have to use a lot - just a tiny bit. Instead of rubbing it on your eyes - try putting some on your fingers and run it through your lashes only. This will help keep them moisturized and help make them stronger.


You can also use Olive oil almost the same as I mentioned in the above step instead of Vaseline. You can rub a tiny bit of Olive Oil over your lashes before you go to sleep or even before you apply your mascara for the day and help keep them conditioned.

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Another tried and true method is to comb your eyelashes very carefully with a small eyelash brush. You can buy them anywhere cosmetics are sold. Think about your hair - you brush it a lot and it grows because it stimulates the hair follicle. The same goes for your eyelashes. Try brushing them 3 times a week very gently. You will see a difference in about 3 weeks.


You can also try professional name brand serums and prescriptions that are now coming out. They are pretty expensive but some say they are very effective.

Read more: How to Make Your Eyelashes Grow Easily |
