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Act 2 Scene 3: Othello’s justice

• Othello enters to restore order and wants to find out who started the fight

• Iago: “I had rather have this tongue cut from my mouth than it should do offence to Michael Cassio.” (LIES!!)

• ‘Reluctantly’, Iago tells how Cassio started the fight – Othello sacks Cassio on the spot!

Hold, for your lives!

Honest Iago, that looks dead with grieving, speak, who began this? On thy love, I

charge thee.

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• Cassio moans about the loss of his reputation, believing it to be the most important part of himself – Iago tells him this is not important saying “Reputation is an idle and most false imposition”

• Iago suggests that Cassio approach Desdemona about his reinstatement – her good nature and influence over Othello will get his job back.

• Cassio leaves wishing goodnight to “honest Iago”

Reputation, reputation, reputation!

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Iago’s soliloquy (end of Act 2 Scene 3)

• Iago reveals his plan to lie about Desdemona and Cassio having an affair – Desdemona pleading to get Cassio his job back will make things worse for all three of them!

• Will put ideas about D and C into Othello’s head:

“I’ll pour this pestilence into his ear”

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Act 3 Scene 3• Desdemona promises Cassio that she will help him• Iago notices Cassio leave Desdemona’s room: “Ha!

I like it not” (Draws attention to Cassio’s suspicious exit)

• Desdemona pleads for Cassio’s job back• Iago drops more hints about Cassio but insists he

is honest “Men should be what they seem” (Irony!)

• “Good name in man or woman, is the jewel of their souls” – Saying reputation is important, unlike in the last scene when he said the opposite!

• Warns Othello of jealousy: “Beware my lord of jealousy, it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”

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Iago’s wife Emilia picks up Desdemona’s dropped handkerchief – “her first remembrance from the Moor” mentioning Iago has asked her “ a hundred times to steal it”

Act 3 Scene 3• Othello assures Iago he is not a

jealous man and he is confident that Desdemona is faithful

• Iago warns him to watch Desdemona to Cassio & that she is capable of deception: Remember, she lied to her father in order to marry Othello!
