  • 8/9/2019 7th Ray of Deity and the Violet Flame of Transformation


    Newsletter July 2010

    The 7th

    Ray of Deity - color: VioletThe Violet Flame of Transformation is the most known energy ray amongst population of all

    nations. The respective energies are Psychology, Conflict Releasing, Ego-Transformation,

    Forgiveness, Self Education, Self-Development, Spiritual Awareness, Awakening to theHigher Self, Rebirthing, Transformation of Speech through Ari-Shemnot - the language of

    light, Constructive Self Judgment (Self-Analyse), Understanding and Transformation of the

    Inner Chaos and Cross, Karma Work , Purification through Self Recognition, Alignment of

    Soul - Heart - Body - Mind and Spirit, Third eye and 7th

    Chakra Activation, Peaceful Action,

    Inner Growth and Spiritual Education, the way to the Light Within

    The energy content of this ray has many components nevertheless they are all interlinked and

    just different aspects of the same powers. As you see, all the powers are focused on the

    process of transformation in all senses. But in first place what does the word transformation

    really means? Many people have some knowledge about this energy frequency and know

    the violet flame of transformation. They are working with Amethysts Stones and feel good

    with the teachings coming along with the energies. Everybody talks about transformation,

    changes and shifts and many books are talking about spirituality in relation of transformation

    but all seems to be confusing on a deeper level because the knowledge by itself does do

    anything. People are reading about it but at the end they do not know what to do with the

    information and how to do it and what there has to be changed in their lives in first place; as

    we all can consider ourselves as good persons we often dont understand why heavy situations

    are coming along our way, what the sense of all that is, if we are some kind of play -balls

    from some other realms, bad luck or the madness of some fellows that do not like us and

    many people are getting lost in the stress of daily obligations we are supposed to accomplish,

    to believe and to learn to be a recognized person in our societies

    We all go through challenges and shifts individually and globally and there are many

    questions rising up in our minds such as why is that happening to me? Or what have I done I

    my life to deserve that? and there are many of similar questions and many persons are

    standing alone without having specific answers to it.. What am I doing on Earth - what is this

    life all about? Why there are so many sufferings, why my life is going like a roller caster?

    Why I am getting sick? I am sure everybody has a long list of such kind of questions and we

    wish to understand what really is going on in our lives and on this beautiful blue planet we

    call our earth.

    It would go too far to even think that a simple newsletter can give all the answers to what isgoing on everywhere, I just wish to give you a little deeper insight so you will become a

    different feeling and knowledge of the many levels of the word of transformation and that it

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    contains so many different teachings and combinations of energies that it often takes a deep

    connection to be really understood. To have changes in our lives we need to make a decision

    from a deep hearts desire to seek answers on all those questions that are holding our brain

    occupied. The free will to realize that change has to become strong enough in order to start

    acting in the direction to find the real answers - those that are not created in our brain,

    thinking without resting all the time, occupied with blaming the self, seeking guilt fordifferent situations or results, full of fears that are hidden within and the stress to get all done

    what we have to do during the day to please the world.

    To have a change in our lives we have to say stop on one point and to bring our mind into

    stillness. In first place we all need to understand that we are the center of our own lives and

    nobody else. When you allow somebody else to take over our center, it is done by free will

    and that is the way how we give our power away. After a while we fall out of balance, the

    next phase we lose the alignment with our heart > we are reaching a phase where we do not

    know what to do and what to decide because it could be wrong or judged by others and at the

    end we are not doing what we came to do but what is pleasing others in order to consider

    ourselves as good, to get some recognition and love. The next step of what I call Devolution isthat the connection with the heart is getting lost and in the worst cases we are losing the

    connection with our inner Child and SOULBEING. That is the meaning of living in

    separation or in disconnection with our self and that only guides us to sickness and disease of

    any kind because we are out of balance peace and harmony.

    Many people already found out that they are missing peace and harmony in their lives but do

    not know how to get it back. Many are working with the violet flame of transformation and

    Saint Germain . And nothing happens; no changes are showing up.. How can that be?

    What is wrong? That is the question. They put all their will power into the change they wish

    and even so, nothing happens - that can be very frustrating and the chaos goes on and on

    Lets look at the causes and dive into the deepness of our being where we are able to look

    with different eyes. The violet flame is an energy that helps us opening doors to deeper

    understanding holding the powers within to make us discover of who and what we really are.

    That is not something that can be done with our intelligence or with our brain capacity nor

    with our ego will to know. In order to create changes in our lives we have to come back to the

    heart and to act, to work on ourselves, to seek the difference, to be willing to enter a way of

    permanent learning with a deep inner wish to recognize the truth behind our situations that we

    created for ourselves. We have to face our creations. As long as self arguing is going on the

    door keeps closed and we will not be able to see the bigger picture. The only look to discover

    the truth of our creation is the courage to look inside and to admit the errors we committedand to understand why we did it and how we did it so it could manifest. That is the way into

    the unconsciousness to find those self denying or self destructing pattern and once we found

    them we have to learn to forgive ourselves and those who were involved. Without the power

    of forgiveness change is not possible. Working with forgiveness reconnects us with our

    disconnected heart and after a while we find our inner child and our Soul Garden where we

    find peace, inner joy and love. From that place we will see everything with different eyes and

    different perspectives as the worlds eyes ever could see. That is the moment we start self

    education through self analyses and constructive self judgment. What is Constructive Self-

    Judgment? The way to look at situations in your life without self blaming, without shame,

    without guilt, without feeling as a victim and all those other energies that just are holding us

    involved and trapped inn those pattern making us blind for the bigger picture and the way outof the dilemma or disease or whatever situations we might stick in. The way out is stopping to

    think about the trouble all the time because thinking about it you give the trouble the power to

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    stay alive. Let your brain activities go and travel within your heart center - there find a space

    to rest within your self - breath - let go whatever is worrying in that moment - any kind of

    fear, of doubt, of self pity, rage and impatience. Working with forgiveness and constructive

    self judgment brings us back to the center of our being and your inner being opens doors and

    windows of deeper understanding. After a while of training you will be able to work with

    those insights becoming more conscious of how many different states of beingness we areliving in, how everything is interlinked and how amazing it is to experience those times of

    transition, shifts and challenges in order to become a more whole understanding of the entire

    process going on individually and globally.

    This process of transformation is the spiral of evolution guiding us to become conscious of

    our hidden unconscious patterns that are not in favor for our own lives. Working on ourselves

    we can start to change them with comprehension and love one by one. They become new

    impulses to get out of vicious circles, of fears to lose whatever it might be, to get sick or to be

    a victim of others. Transformation also means healing on many levels.

    The most urgent healing process need in our world is healing the relationship with our ownself. We are trained to function in this world and functioning without connection to our inner

    self just brings pain, inner isolation and that is manifesting in our daily lives. We need to heal

    our inner child that often is sitting in some kind of cage not able to get any deep breath, so it

    is waiting in some kind of agony until the memory rises up that there is a inner child that is

    pure and divine but just forgotten like old stuff.

    Transformation only can happen from inside out because nobody can expect others to change

    so we can get something different in our lives. We wish a change for better? We need a new

    focus line, opening up to the bigger picture of what life is all about and wanting to experience

    the life of our dreams we have to change everything what is hindering us on the way to reach

    our goal and that start by constructive self analyses and to look at our selves from a different

    view point. We need to find out how we become the obstacle for our own dreams. We need to

    start to understand ourselves really and not just to know us - understanding goes far deeper as

    knowing - it changes our perception, our horizon - our vision and the new understanding

    brings the inner shifts and challenges with new concepts new energy waves are coming out of

    our being creating new experiences setting new goals in harmony with your skills and new

    opportunities will appear created by the change of your inner self. You come back to your

    own truth and you will wake up to complete different potentials sleeping within you never got

    in touch with because you even did never thought that you are also an universal and multi

    dimensional being and not just a human earthly Being; that is only one side of us..

    you start to understand what it means loving yourself and this new unconditional love createsa new reality because the feelings about yourself have changed - you re-discover your self

    going the way of never ending training; you become responsible and you start enjoying your

    way of the shifts, bringing new ideas, new chemical connections, new form of self perception,

    of self approval you will notice that you are really the center of your own life and you

    perceive that few after few people around you will change too as you have a different impact

    on them as you had before.

    As more as you open up to your true inner self as more you change your Ego Self to your

    Divine Self. What is the difference? The Ego Self just seeks to satisfy the mind for own

    personal purpose - to want to have - wanting to be somebody - wanting to win or to be the

    best or to be smarter and better as others ever might be - to show off etc, etc. This is a formof Life disconnected from the Heart and the Soul.

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    The actions of a Heart Based Being want to have for the purpose of the best of the life

    purpose in harmony with your inner being and in harmony with your own energy - wanting to

    be the best of what you can get out of your self to reach your goals in alignment with your

    heart desires and your dreams - wanting to be the truth of your divine self and express it in

    every moment - wanting strength to deliver the best with trust in your self -joy of life and be

    the happiness you wish to experience. We need to work hard on ourselves to become the bestof what we see in our dreams as goals and we need to hold on to our goals and dreams no

    matter what others might think or judge. That way we discover our life mission and happiness

    grows every day.

    The transition happens through the decision that we go for our life goals and the happiness

    created by doing what we like to do and walking the way of life in love with what we do and

    we need for self realization. Nobody will tell you that you are crazy if you really feel what

    you say because people will notice that you are expressing yourself as a whole being and not a

    being fallen apart into fractions. Whole means the integration of all our different aspects. We

    all know Holistic Healing that includes Body Mind and Spirit - wow but there are 2 huge parts

    missing - look at the powers of the violet ray of transformation: It integrates also the Heart

    and the Soul - so we have to re-align our different aspects in order to recreate our lives.

    We need to understand ourselves in order to become aware of what we are creating and in

    order to change the brain activity we need to be reconnected to our heart and to the love

    within because without love transformation and healing are not possible because true healing

    needs a different kind of energy as you have created so far when you are not in harmony with

    your inner self. Each disease is a cry for help from the heart and the soul - We are producing

    energies that are not in harmony with ourselves - result is inner weakness > lower self defense

    > that jumps over from the invisible realm into the physical one - the immune system fails -

    the doors are open for disease. We can avoid all kind of disease - beginning to listen within

    we start to rebuild our whole Beings.

    We need to heal our relationship with our body, our relationship with the money - our

    relationship we have with Nature, with the heavens and life itself including all people. Change

    is always about us in relation with other aspects of life and not about the change of the outer

    world .for us - we need to go the way back to our own identity and that true and divine

    identity lies within waiting to be rediscovered - when we touch base the changes we need and

    we wish to come into our lives are happening from inside out and we then understand that we

    are creator of our own way and everybody else is just an assistant for us to learn our lessons.

    Forgiveness becomes easier and easier and the light within us starts growing .and finally we

    find out that all is divine, that we are all interlinked and that we are part of the whole ofexistence and that it is impossible to be alone. Then you start to walk a different way - the one

    of freedom, of liberty, of love, of commitment and of responsibility. The chaos we

    experienced before is disappearing because we are finding the lost connections of each strand

    that is floating in the air - we are able to catch them up and to fix them where they belong to

    and the alignments come back and the powers come back, the joy is increasing into our life,

    abundance is blessing our lives and wonderful relationships and friendships are resulting from

    those inner changes and healing takes place on many levels.

    When a person is separated within it manifests like all is manifesting - when the love within

    becomes a normal state of being, expressing the self freely, it creates more love by the law of

    attraction. Observe your thoughts from a distant so you do not get involved into any judgements. Just look on what kind of thought you are focused on- Good and Bad are an

    illusion and used by many systems to lead people to fears and threat of punishment. Stop

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    punishing yourself for what ever and open the door to your light that resides within you, ready

    to shine when you let it grow That is Transformation - that is change, shift and Quantum

    leaps of consciousness are the result of that very moment when we discover our own

    divinity We have stored many boxes within or drawers and in everyone of them there is

    one little part of us waiting to be found again, to be released and to join the center to be re-

    integrate into the whole of what we are- that is inner growth - we just grow to what we reallyare with all our talents, skills and gifts - dont waste up to your self, act and set

    yourself free - help is always there and you will find many tools and doors that opens when

    you focus on inner change. There is also always one specific person that shows up in

    moments of needs who helps specially you to walk your own way when you are ready to walk

    and to enter the portal of Self - Transformation. Becoming the conscious creator of your life,

    able to enjoy every single day as a gift to learn more and to explore your universal Being is a

    wondrous journey where miracles will touch you and you grow and grow and nobody ever

    can stop you again.

    Ari Shemnot- the language of light is a tool for Self-Education.. Words as expression of

    thoughts and feelings are the power of manifestation. To become aware of our creations wehave to have a look on our form of self expression. What kind of words are we using and how

    are we using them. When you are imagine that thoughts are energies, that feelings are

    energies and that words are energies creating the powers of life, we have a combination of

    different waves within our electromagnetic field that are originated only by us. Nobody else is

    involved of the energy we create as only we and our vibrations are there for us to experience.

    When you think positive in negative terms you create negativity - when you focus on what

    you dont want in your life your create what you dont want - so in order to shift your

    experiences you need to shift the way you think - example I always said I would rather learn

    any strange language as Spanish I dont like Spanish at all - what happened? That deep

    feeling was karmic as I had several Past Lives in Latin America there was kind of hate-love

    combination - I was always drawn to Latin America but I did not want to know anything

    about the language - finally I got confronted of what I did NOT wanted and when I moved I

    was able to find out what was happening, I could open up and learned the basics and to

    negotiate with the Government in only 4 month - today I think back with a big smile. When

    you thing that you would never you can be 100000000% sure that just this will happen

    because you created it. I had three mayor though form of that pattern and yes they all

    manifested and yes they are nothing else as tools of learning how we are creating our life

    experiences, the so called good ones and the other ones too as energy has no judgmental

    factor it just is what it is.

    Once we figure out how we are creating our lives we need Compassion. Compassion is notonly there for others, it is a tool of transformation that makes you able to recognize pattern of

    lower frequencies. This is very important because it helps us to look from a neutral viewpoint

    - just on the energies focusing at the positive side of all situations. The questions of what did

    I do shifts into what do I have to learn and you will find out what the respective lesson is.

    This is a day by day training on little things, from there comprehension grows from inside out

    and you become aware of the lesson of every single event. There is a deeper meaning to


    Love, compassion, peace and all other energies we wish have to begin to vibrate for ourselves

    so we create compassion inside and can share it then with everybody else. What we wish to

    experience WE have to create within us first and Love is the most missing factor in life of ourtimes - love has to come from inside the heart and shine to attract the love we wish. We can

    never expect that others give us what we are missing - that is an illusion - we need to produce

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    our own powers, our love and our dream life then we attract the ones being part of our

    projects or our life because the energetic life stream is matching and everybody gives powers

    in - nobody takes any of it away - more as we produce more we get .and as more everything

    grows for the best of all - we find the wonderful way of union.. In this wholeness we find

    protection, satisfaction, self realization, happiness, abundance and joy of life.

    The violet ray of Transformation is a miraculous tool for everybody and if you wish to have

    more insights of the violet ray please visit the angel teaching art gallery - each item has a

    deeper level of understanding and opens ways to integrate the wisdom of change

    Have a happy day - let your spirit fly and feel the caresses of the wind of change

    Additional Resource:

    2 weeks ago a friend of mine sent me a link to a series of short movies 10 minutes each - it

    seems that it is already known by many and the real movie has been shown several years ago.

    The title is: What the BLeeP Do wE (k)now ? part 1 -12 on YouTubeAbout quantum physics and what it means in our lives - continuation of Einsteins teachings

    in a simple way of understanding on an example of a Lady that has no self confidence and

    how her way of transformation affects her states of beingness going through the process of

    understanding, letting go old judgements, opinions, pattern and self denial.

    It is an amazing tool and shows you exactly what this newsletter is all about and the movies

    will make you understand how transformation and healing works. It is worth to watch and to

    feel the energies of change from inside out - with scientific explanations of quantum physics.

    Many blessings and always feel free to connect and to ask questions

    Love and light

    Regina E.H .Ariel Info - free inscriptions

    [email protected] - healing requests - sessions and Rainforest Healing Products

    [email protected] life power analyses - the essence you are : Monthly Angel Teachings - Angel Art - Spiritual : E-Book:

    The Key to the Universal Sacred Heart & Miraculous Healings - exceptional True Healing StoriesIn that book you find true cases all considered incurable - healing has been self created through shiftsof consciousness without any pill just by the power of the spirit within and recreating the old pattern ofchaos. ----- Directly downloadable from the site - with extension lessons and exercises, videos andpictures.The book guides you to self-education and to activate own healing powers. It is a book about ownexperiences written in a simple way - just showing the way out of very have situations in a short time.[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://
