Page 1: 715 Monmouth Trust Safe Deposit Company · THIRTEENTH. Y E .^, NO, 23. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1899. ONE CENT '€; An elegant residence prop-ganized when Asbury

T H I R T E E N T H . Y E . ^ , N O , 2 3 . A S B U R Y P A R K , N E W J E R S E Y , F R I D A Y , J A N U A R Y 2 7 , 1 8 9 9 . O N E C E N T

' €

; An elegant residence prop- : TBrty at Windsor; N;. J., ^if&,property_,in--Asbuty-— TPark, also

' i'tyvo well located lots at sBsjmar, N. J., 'for either

Grove property.

D. C. COVERT’S .../t

R e a l E s t a t e a n d . - . I n s u r a n c e - A g e n c y 4 !

.715 M a t t i s o n A v e n o h

' A s b u r y P a r k


J Hotel Brunswick,Railroad Depot and 703 Fifth Avenue. *

Principal Office. . . . .818 Cookman Ayenub .

Telepboiie'conoectlon.? .O.Bor607, - - AsntrarPAflK.


yh a t~ h a s b een ~ n e g letfga"dufiing

h e rush. ^If. you h a v e a n y trouble w ith

[our e y es , call a t one? on

WISEMAN ; J p t i c i a n a n d J e w e l e r '

645 Cookman Avenue

'H E season is p a st . N ow y o u

can ta k e tim e to look after

FIVE DONT’SD O N 'T think your ooush or ootd win ssppear u n til 70a bave used "B o m ’* ough Balsam.” ,DON’T expect to have tha tE paln in ths Sflor baok rolIoTOd. OD th e m uBaleroITWleet, until you have bathed; freely with Ham’s Blioumayc Bpoolfla"D O N T believe la all those advertised laranteod cures, but try “ Ham’s Anti- eadaohe Pcwders,” and yoa will be Mtta- d—perfectly harmless.DON’T you knbw that “ Ham’s Floral mm6nla.!’la Just tbo thing that Is needed koeptho hands soft, smooth and white I DON’T be afraid to ask for a fr te HUBplB any of them.

prepared only by .

V . R . H A M ,

d o n e y t o L o a n$500. $1,000, $1,500, 52,000,

,000, $4,000, $5,000, 50,000 a t 5 and 8 X c e n t F irst B on d s an d M ortgagee tigh t and sold. L oan s q u ick ly m ade.

L ea l E s t a t etA N o w Ib th e tim e to secure

Sfrable fu rn ish ed cottages for 1899.

n s u r a n c eW ritten in com p lete form

d in reliable com pan ies w h ic h pay ises prom p tly . A gent for th e Am eri- a Surety C om p an y. - ■' ’ l” ' 9For particulars perta in in g to a n y o f s above subjects a p p ly to

T . F r a n k A p p l e b y .

fo u k n ow th e location.

i i t a i , $ 50, 000. S u rp lu s , $ 40, 000.'


iaer Mattison Avenue and Main Street,

ASBURY P A R K , N . J .

Cor. Maid Ave. and Pilgrim Pathw ay,S S OCQAN CIROVB. .

TRY C/WINSOR, PrtslA dt.' o g o . W; SVAN8 , Vlce-Pr&ldeat/

irtmD Bi DAYTON, Ouhler.WAt/TBR W.DAVIB, AM’t CMhlCT,

ur.’M-,:,• -.. ' \'J D I R E C T O R S r !. IJucianon, \ , J. S: Perinilon,. Cltytoa. ■' : John Hubbird, .rg«W.Bv»tti, Gcorgb W. T uat,rank Appleby,'■. . l^w u& tlnear,'V Whuor, T. A. w . UctficV, H. D,,

' — i Tlltoa.

crunta BapM/Mly Sollclltd.U v ' - Baft 1 ,11 t M H to Kent.



O pinions o f a Com m issioner — He S trongly F avors the Open Door

— P olicy B etw een tho U nited States

I s la n d * ^ . -

■Washington, Jan. 2?.—[Spoolal.]—What tho truo value of Porto Rico aa a colony of tho United-States wiU be remains en- Mwly on whofc improvomonte w in be mado ftnd-the^iml-ef-Iawfl^y-^’Hiioir-thtrplaccrIs to b e governed. The telon3Tla naturally rich. In fact, it Is said to bo one of tho best producors In tho \yest.Indies. Much of:, it Is yet In an undeveloped condition.ThV- motfiotl.s, used . by the' planters - aye orudo and of a timo long since past._Thcro: iavery llftlo up to dnto machinery on the plantations pr In tho ol ties, .A t present tho island is almost , bankrupt ow ing to

^Previously acknow ledgedtho very first things which w ill bo neces sary to oatabllsh before business in tho ls-~ land can bp revived. This part of the af­fairs o f tho place, although President Mc­Kinley has dono something toward placing a comparative value on tho money now In use there, Is still In an unsatisfactory con­dition. The holdings of most of the mer­chants' In tho larger cities, and, in fact, throughout tho Island, are largely in Span­ish coin, which hfis deteriorated, and their '10BS68'hAVO‘bOGn‘OdU&Id6rabIo.F r e c E n l r r F o r P o r to R ic a n P r o d u c ts

Tho morohant8 fool that now PortoR ioo la a part of tho United Statos their 'prod­ucts should bo allowed free entry Into the homo country.. Heretofore^a h lgh jor lff,

tho United States from all tho West Indies. In many instances tho duties" have- boon almost prohibitive. }.

Ono of tho commissioners sold in answer to a question regarding tho island and w hat should be done: - *-‘I am for the open door first, last and _allJiha_tlme.- -We can­not .discriminate against, the possessions w.e/iavo taken and inad&parfc of tho m oth­er country without wo allow them 'to'do likewise w ith us. — They m ust be treated like the states and territories of tho homo country If wo aro to expect tho. best re­unite. I f wo grc to^Tnako Porto Rlco an American colony, we m ust treat her fairly and like, any of the states. Her products

. . . C O M M ITTEE A T W O R K .

A d d it io n a l S u b sc r ip t io n s S e c u r ed to A d v e r tise A sb u ry P a rk .

Y esterday th e finance .com m ittee of the.w inter and.apring resprt com m ittee/ headed by Cbairman H enry • C. Winsor, secured’additional subscription a to their fund am ounting- to' $185. - The am ount previously subscribed was $829, and thetotal tb us far ia therefore P M . The ad-

----Consolidated Gaa Com pany. . . $ 25,00H. S K in m o n th .............................. 1 5 00W, B. Clayton 10 00F. P. Chadwiok. , 10 00W . K n o w lto n .. . .* v : . V V w f lOi OO

B & J . B. T d tt le .i . . . . . 1 0 00 The Orange (8. A . M errill) . . . 10 00H. B. W ilson . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00Harry W Lake. 5 00J. K \V eir;jr . . . .......................... 5 00

P r e tty C lara B er g en O b jected to P a r e n ta l I n t o le r a n c e a n d B a n

M an Sh o L oved —D ep rived o r <Jlo- . th in g “ n d I.(H iked In B o o m .

T he quietude o f th e litt le town of Belm ar, located On tb e southern banks ‘o f the bdautlful an3 picturesque SharkUU mu uoauuiiui auu pium icoyuo QimrK haun nil

00- -X tv s i^ w a JL JJ ls tu rh e d -d u rJn ^ th e -^ a rljr

A. W, Cornelius 'Hopper Co.H. H. Borden. . Strickland Bros. . George C. Ormerod

5 00, ^ oo . 8 00 , . 8 00

2 00 2'00

$135 00 . 829 0D

must bo allowed to como Into th e . homo country porta froo of any taxes or duties. We will sond goods there .and no taxes or duties w ill bo collocted. T ho' th ing m ust bo equalized. Nor taxes aro coU ect^ on goods going from ono state to-another; consequently it would be decidedly unfair to the tnerchants and planters o f our new colonie# -to oxpect thorn to pay a tax or havo duties collected on the merchandise and products sent to tho United States. Wo cannot put a tax on their industries unless wo treat them as foreigners. ”

T b e R eso u rc e * o f tb e I s la n d .The undeveloped resources Of Porto Rico

cannot be estimated. Lar£o tracts of land ln..tbo.Interior of _tho.. island stlU -retaln a heavy growth of virgin forests. Somo of the finest cabinet woods found in the world grow there in a w ild Btate. Tho-ax of the woodsman Is unknown In m any of tho Island’s forests. Somo clearings have been made, and tho soil Is particularly fertile, in fact littlo work Is nflcesaary^togrow-crops in abundance. Minerals have been found' in tho Island, but nothing has been'done to develop thom. Tho means of fcmnsportafcldtt afo vory. limited^ Thero aro no railroads oonnectingtho Interior towns with thoso on tho coast. A ll travel is done over roughjroads that at tim es are almost Impassablo. Crude carts drawn by oxen are used to carry tho products from tho Interlor plantatlons and-tow ns to thc sca* coast for export. I t takes considerable .timo to get tjio merchandise ,t$. the ships, and tho coBt is niatorially increased. There are few railroads on the island. Thoy &TSL oporatod olongtfiecottSfi • andoonnecfc the more important towns. Like most th ings in Porto Rlco, the railremds luvve soim bet- tor days and aro badly iis noed o t improve- ments. It ha& b^n> sugqest^^ hatJpad^ 'SoT m n t^ K n^ ungtH eln toH orof th e is ­land with the <»eaportB., Thero Is but ono oxoellent wagon road in the country. It reaches across thb-Island and seems to be tho only good thing tho Spanish ever made.

Jt w ill tako considerable Tblmo and a largo amount o f money to put the Island In good condition, 'but many w ell inform­ed men.boliovo that; good returns w ill’ be had for the'money expended.“ Now that tho producers; manufacturers

and merchants of tho U nited States w ill on Feb. 1 for tho first tim e have equal ac­cess w ith oth$r parts of tho world to tho markets of Porto Rico some facts as to the requirements of ■ the people of that island w ill bo Interesting. .Under Spanish rulo and thb tariffs framed by Spanish in­genuity a very largo ^proportion of tho im ­ports into tho island tUitfost necessarily Cttmo from Spain, tho duties on goods from that country being but a small fraotton of thoso bn goods from other parts of tho world. ' Tho now tariff whioh goes into, effect on Feb. 1 ,placcs all countries on precisely tho namo footing with reference to their goods imported into Porto Rico, and thus for tho first tim e, tho people of that islund w l\l liavo an. opportunity o f exercising tholr.judgment and wishob free, from control as to where thoy shall ''pur­chase uiid what they-shall purchase.

T h e * Im p o r ts o f P o r to R ico ,JTholt' imports in tho past few years-

havo ranged from $12,000,000 tov$15,000,- 000 anndally, . sometimes reaching as m u ^ “aF'$TrTOOO, O O O ^or^lM O b,000, thongh fchoy .liavo been somewhat difficult of accurate* measurement by reason o f the flnotuatloli of thdir currency,' I t is safe jo say In gononil terms that Porto R ico offers an annual market] for $16,000,000 worth of goods, and that th is,w ill bo vory materially increased as tho conditions o f- fclio pooplo imbrovo and tho market is jtT- Uoioiisly oultiVated by .American energy ind Intolligonco. Tho producing, manu- footuring ancL buslifess conters of tho United Spates are of course much ileare* to Porto Rico than thoso of any other part of tho~world? and the, people of '.that island by reason of tholr now relationshlp j aro more than evor disposal t o ' cultlvato’ this market (p;tlipir pur6haaos' as woB.os .in their aUes.^ V l -; * ‘ * V **f. fit 1300 Spain,sold ip.Porto Rico cotton in^ufaetures alone to . the .yalue .of over }2,0Q0,00Q. ^oseftts ($3,4p^000), and sho ■Us0 80ldover$i>000,0C)0 worth of her shoes fherc. -^The n^rkot^ for sandals, rico,, soap aid 'keni^eii®, pli w af ;also' good, about ^,dd0,bbb Woith 'of ,thesejOonimodltios mvlug boon ,• iJ^posbd. of; to . tho

Jtloans during tho' year.;\ Playing io the valuo o f $15,000 were also ‘ m an d .. . AJ^rmm AV I

Is rollaved ob1dS?F*—

Advertise in l im oajiy raw s.

- Total ................. .... . $464 00The above show s good - work on the

part o f th e flpanoe com m ittee, and they expect to keep at i t u n til th e desired am ount Is reached.

In order to seotire Easter business it w ill be necessary to place th(> advertis- ih g at an early date, and for this reason it is h igh ly necessary th at the com m it­tee have th e hearty cooperation and sup­port o f every hotel and business man in Asbury Park'. .

A' W A B I iE C I f B B .

lu trg e A u tllen ce B e a r d D r. B H ngln s S p ea k L a st E v e n ln ic /

, The lecture delivered in th e W estm ln ster Presbyterian churah last n igh t by Dr. George .J, M ingins waa heard by a large audlenoe. The subject, "'Cuba and th a Cubans, *or the Spanlsh-Amerioan W ar,” Is one that never falls to interest people. The lecture was illustrated, but som e difijculty about the stereopticon rendered the v iew s unsatisfactory to the a u dience a n d -e specially - ao to th e Ibq. turer. T he d efect w ill be rem edied so i t does not occur a t th e next lecture.

Dr. Mingins gave a running history of th e w ar from the tim e th e Maine was sunk until peace w as declared. This served to freshen the memory o f those present regarding the events that fo l­low ed eacb other Tn quick succession u n ­til Spain was conquered, (and was also th e m eans o f im parting m uch inform a­tion th at w as not gen e ia lly known.

The v iew s included pictures o f trans­ports leaving Tam ps. F la ., their arrival a t Santiago, Cervera’s sm ashed fleet, etc. ViewB were also shown o f D ew ey’s fleet and th e w ork it accom plished In Manila bay, and of th e Philippine islands and th e inhabitants thereof. Dr. Min- Rina considered. Cervera the-oaiy-8part- iard whose picture waa.worth show ing, and It w as throw n u;>on th e canvas, A gulnaldo’s features were also thrown upon th e screen. ' The lecturer said this am bitious you n g m an’s idea to w hip the U nited States if tb ey didn't do as h e de- B ired w ou ld u n d ou h ted lyen d b y-A gu in - aldo cllm bing tho golden stairs i f he w asn’t very careful.

N ext Thursday even ing D r. M ingins w ill g iv e th e second lecture In thid' aeries. H is subject n ext w eek w ill be, “The Philippines, or. Our N ew Posses­sions,” and tbe leoture w ill be illu s­trated.



W ill B e Given ln P ark Opera H ouseF ebruary 9. i._______

" Ono oT tlie com ing society events w hich is being looked forward to w ith eager anticipation is the ladies m in ­strels, w h ich w ill be given in th e Park Opera HouBO^oij T^SwdWtintefeti*©

erTEEe auepwes o f the local a u x il­iary1 o f the M onmouth M em orial hos­pital.. Mrs. W allace o f N ew E gypt, w h o has

hdd several years' experience in thia particular line, has been secured as d i­rector, She has- recently arranged for sim ilar events in Red B ank and Free­hold, w hich proved in each case a grand aucce89. Asbury Park's society ladies appearing in black face w ill certainly b e a n Interesting event, and thb people o f tbls v ic in ity w ill undoubtedly sup­port th e venture liberally.

R eoeptlon T ickets Dost.C hief John I t Schneider o f th e Aa-

bury Park fire departm ent, recently lost seven tick ets for W esley’s eighteenth annual reception. Charles H . W ard' secretary o f th e com pany, g ives notice that, these tick ets m ay ba returned to him , and th at th e finder w ill receive tbe thanks o f,th e -c o m p a n y and th e loser. T he tlobets are numbered on the back as- fo llow s: 949, 953,. 954, 955, 956, 957, 958. , IP not returned the secretary w ill mark them void, and they w ill not be honored on th e night o f the reception by th^ doorkeeper.

i l - ~ *** 7~Enjoyable H onse Party.

W ednea8ay even ing a pleasant so ­ciable w b b given ,a t tho residence of Mr.

Held ’avenue, in honor o f their guest, Misa Jennie: Barry o f Staten Island." Tbe evening w as enjoyab ly spent, vocal and (Instrum ental .inusio and other am usem ents com prising the program, A humorous song rendered by' the Misses Barry nnd Crawford, en titled “M iss L iza Jachsoji and Her Beau,’’ caused great am usem ent. Refreshm ents w ere served before the party separated.

E ntertainm ent ae Belm ar.N ext Tuesday n igh t th e Christian E n­

deavor. society o f th e Presbyterian churoh at Belm ar w ill g ive an entertain­m ent in tb e churoh ,. com m encing a t 8 o’clock. In the first part Messrs. Borton and A llen w ill play-a piano duett. .W il­liam L ove w ill alhg a baritone so lo , Mr, Borton w ill play a piano aolcvand G. M. Weel(S;\YlIlalngJa baao solo. .T h e second

Eart ^wlil be devoted to! bhowlnig!; th e’ um orous conduct o f th e e ight me£iT)6ra

o f t |ie “S w eet fam ily” - r m other and seven daughters, , . - ■ .

Prom ises F a lll l le d .\3y offering 200 dozens toweis at 11.50 per

down, worth'|3.s5. .J S teinbach Company, •W : Cor. Main and Cookman,

Cor. Em ory and CtokiAan, .Aabury Park.

I-* .•kii 1 i / »Adv. 23

* # a v i i ... fB eadaobe K elleved.

».,ip^taT O i'he^laolj* tnr Klnmontij & nom eoi ner om er-m m won Dixceentn park about February 1,1899. •' - : ' kindly srayatUelrt*14darlng:thelUnBss'tadCo’i, neadacho powders.—Adv. 813. tf . J avenue, about 10 o.cloob this morning. A d v .lltf • G. ^ndebson, Jeweler. ; recent aedtti^of Mrs. and.—Adv. 23* . v im b a d s^ b v v n m p ^ n lly »:

■ ; m i . M 1 ' , - • - - i ' . - • - .

houru o f ycaterday m drnlng by th e sen. sational elopem ent of a prepossessing young woman and her subsequent mar­riage a few hours later to th e man of Her~~oKorce. The occurrence created^ som e excitem ent, and s ince its enact? m ent has prbven the princlp afand ai mOst sole topic of gossip and conversa­tion Bmong th e residents o f that com ­m u n ity . _ _ _ _ _ _ _—T-It'-is?-8irtiply~Knuttt0l*-'£fSSB wijereHtroe love h ascon q u ered th e foean d oam eont victorious, and proves again beyond any question o f doubt tbat w here the spark o f love lias been kindled deep down in th e h»artB of a youn g cuUple, it is de­cidedly impossible to' Separate them , even though th e A tlan tic ocean be placed between them .

The parties Interested in th e episode Sbove m entioned were Miss Clara Ber­gen, daughter o f Mr, and Mrs. Charles' Becgen, residents o f F - street, and Charles F. Spies, a yOung veterinary surgeon, w ell known am ong the resi­dents of Belmar.

Miss Bergen is a young woman of fine

(julte a favorite am ong th e youngar e le ­m ent o f Belmar. She is on tb e verge of her 2lBt birthday, and is considered a pretty girl. H er lover, Mr. Spies is about 28 years o f age, and is reported to h ave a very good practice In hia profes­sion. B e haB an office on F street, and resides w ith bis parents on 8 ‘xteenth avenue. Misa Bergen's parents conduct a grocery Btcre on th e prlnoipal thor­oughfare o f Belmar, and are w ell known. They also run a store at Lake­wood.

.It was a little overa vear ago that th e y o u n g .co u p le m et— They-boeame -at­tached to each other, and th e friendship ripened Into love. They alw ays seem ed happiest w hen perm itted to enjoy each other’s com pany, and It was sim ply looked upon as a m atter o f tim e when th ey w ould become m an and wife.

A fter a tim e, how ever, thare develop­ed a parehtal objection on tb e part o f tb e you n g lady's fam ily. Thay felt that Spies waa not suited for their daughter, and determ ined,to break up th e match. S p lis w as denied adm ission to the Ber­gen hom e, but th is did not accompliah th e desired reault, for tbe youn g people m et clandestinely w henever ft suited tbeir.convenience, and instead o f caus­in g a separation, it only increased their attachm ent toward each other. In thisw ay m atters drifted for a lon rtim B ; and according tp all reports the girl's hom e life Was anything but pleasant.

T he e v e b t ' w hich led up to th e final departure o f Mias Bergen from her hom e occurred on W ednesday evening. The you n g lady had been to Manasquan to do-0om » bunkinK buainesa for her par ents. She w as expected hom e about the m iddle of th e afternoon, but did not ar­rive. She. had m et her lover, and they •had been on jo y in g th e afternoon id each other's company. They decided that th ey were tired o f m eeting in this clan­destine manner, and that the Bergen fam ily m ight ju st as w ell know first aa last o f tb e affection w hich exiated be­tw een them . It was therefore decided th at Spies should deposit h is sweetheart at tb e door o t her ow n hom e, and ac­cordingly a carriage drove up in front o f— tbe-B ergenetore~about“ 0'80"o'Cl6ck" W ednesday night. Spies assisted bis fiancee frohnthe carriage, and after bid: d in g her adieu for the n ight departed.

T he you n g lady entered the., house,^vt it r.'rt j:'

tion from her m other and brother, w ho berated her Tor still keeping com pany w ltb Spies.

Y esterday morning another wordy argum ent took place, and the youn g lady sayq ehe decided to leave hom e and jo in her lover for good. She w ent to her room upstairs to. prepare her toilet, and w hile th ere she says her mother and brother m ade her a locking th e doors on h e r .. Bhe determ ined nut to be held a prisoner, and prepared to m ake her escape. Push ing up a front w indow sha began to scream, attracting th e attention of several paaaersby.. She th en took the mattresa from her bed, and dropping it on the grodnd balow, prepared to jum p from the second story witidow. Sh e was cautioned not to jum p, as she m ight do herself bodily In­ju ry, and th e mother was finally in ­duced to release the g irl from her room.

Mrs. Ilergen, after unlooking tb e bed- room.door, retired to the store, and the you n g lady cam e down stairs. Sheeaid she Had often been told by her fam ily to get out, so she determined to go. D onning her bat and coat, she slipped qu ietly out the baok door and disappeared w ithout being seen.

She w ent at onue to the hom e o f her lover, and unfolded to him her ta le of suffering and woe. They at once de- cidedito get married, and started for tbe hom e o f Rev. Charles Everett, pastor o f

Heejruahagd h^sl.heeUtSummoned-awjiy- T iom hom e, out she greeted th e reporter very Cordially.

A t first she was not disposed to aay m uch, because Bhe doea not court noto­riety,-but aftersom eperauaaion, sh e con" sented to tell her story, w hich is sub­stantially as above related. In addition she stated that upon her return, hom e w ith her lover from Manasquan, she waa abuaed. She had a. flcar-QP-JiHr-rlght oKeelTand another on her arm,” which she claim ed were caused by her brother strik ing her. It ia upon her brottier th at sh e places the reaponslbillty for all her| troubles, nnd abe says that had it not been for him , everyth ing would,have

She futher stated that in addition to .looking,her up as a prisoner In 'h e r bed­room, every stitch o f o lothing she owned, w ith th e exoeption of w hat she had on w as understock EH1d Key, and Bbe was th us deprived of them .

Tim young- woman aaid ‘:he was con- ten t to abate w ith her husband th e pri- vations and joya o f th is life. She said she did not expect a reconciliation w ith Ira^/omilyT-nnd-WOTtMTIOT-bBttreftKeTm any more exoept to go and dem and her cloth ing and personal? effects. These, she claim ed, were her private property, and as she is old enough to choose her ow n destiny in the eyea of the law , she saya that she w ill m ake no other reaueat of her own people.

D R . H A L E 'S P R O P H E C Y .

L e c tu r e on ‘'T h e T w o n tle th .C e u tu r j W a s V ery I n te r e s t in g .

Edward Everett B a le ’s lecture on "The Twentieth Century,” delivered by th is distinguished author and writer last even ing in the a8sembly hall o f the Aa-b u ry .P a r k H ig b S c h o o l-b u U d in e .'w a a very interesting. After a lluding briefly to tb e progress and advancem ent o f the past century, nnd the constructive nnd Inventive period, o f th e present century, he proceeded to prophecy som e th ings that are likely .to occur in tb e n ext cen­tury, provided, o f course, that univer- sal peace reigns.

Dr. H ale devoted a larue part o f hia lecture to the consideration o f the peace proposition. He cited the fact that dur­in g the tw o centuries when there w ere no wars important discoveries had been made; ' E ight years and about 100 days covers th e total w&r period df th'ia cen­tury, w h ile in the last century tbe d if­feren t wars covered a b ou t-45 years. Reference waa made to Henry IV of France, w ho 800 years ago had ideas of universal peace sim ilar to those o f tho present day outlined by J th e Czar of Russia. In K ing H enry’s tim e 15 o f tbe 16 powera had practically agreed upon peace, the exception being Spain, and th e plan fell through.

The U nited States waa quoted aa the greatest peace society in th e world, and instances were oited to show that diffi­cu lties in thia country had been settled by th e aupren^a courts w hich would aurely have caused war if they bad. oc­curred in foreign countries. Dr. Hale's idea ja foc juat auch a tribunal,-to w hich the powers could refer their differences for adjustm ent. I f such a tribunal bad exiated when the Maine waa blow n - up in H avana harbor, he said there would not have been a war between Spain a n j thia country.-

Previous to and after tha lecture th e

T w en ty -F ifth Y ea r E n d s F e b ru a ry 1.R e ce ip ts o f ih e Y ear.

On Feb. 1 the Asbury- Park B tflldlng and Loan association w ill have com ­pleted its tw enty-fifth year. I t w as or­ganized when Asbury Park w as in Its third year and tbe founder was busily l" ? ? g ? i- iS -B ^ i^ .tr « f ik s u » |ld-leyaUng. sdndllunes* JLiBe tn e. c ity by th e sear the association, has had a steady,- pros­perous growth, until it now has over h alf a million assets.

The total*receipts from all sources the past year was over 5160,000. Ono hun- <l!£^l&9UBWul~daJUar.B^wa8~-4oane&-to borrowers* and .$28,700 was paid on ma* tured stock. The earning were* for premium s, $4,600, and on shares w ith ­drawn, $2,300. ,

— Thepolicy^ofthisT isBaciationhagbeen to issue a new series each year o n / Feb. I i and already a large number o f sfifrres- have been applied for in the 26th series.

The average profit on shares is from 6 to 7 per cent, per annum , and it affords ^ M t w f l a t e w n H o r s ttrsrcould not be otherw ise invested;

M d tb e -B o lm n i- '-Prasbyterrien-clrarctr—BIr:- -meiE verett, kn ow ing th e circum stances o f tbe case; and both fam ilies being m em ­bers of his congregation, aaked to be ex­cused from perform ing the cerem ony.. N ot discouraged by tb is determ ination on the part o f th e Presbyterian olergfy- mari, th e tw o iQvers wended their w ay to th e parsonage o f the Methodist churoh, where Rev. John L Allen spoke th e w ords w hich joined them together forever. •: . ' . v- -

W ith joyfu l hearts they returned to th e hom e of the groom's parents. They w era received w ith the ueual “ God bless rou, m y children,” and are now com- ortably located there untjl there own

hom e can be provided. 1 - A PitKSS m an called .upon W illiam P.

B ergen, a brother of the girl, th is morn- iq g , but be said he had no statem ent to m ake concerning, the affair. "The girl has gone," ho ..continued; “and th at ia all there Is.about i t . Y ou can probably find out m ore from th e neighbors.” .• In answer to Beveral questions, how :

ever; th e youh g m an did atate tb at ono cause for hia fam ily'a objection to Spies wau becauBel he waa a ’^pretty. w ild youn g m aui” , . . . i

Rev. Dr. Everett was also called upon, and bp adm itted th a t ho had refused , to m art? the' you n g couple simply1,because h e did n & p are t q . ^ : m ixed up, in th e fam ily controversy.- .! T he yonnft bride waa found a t th e hom e o f her jnother-jn law on S ixteenth avenue, about lO o’clock th is m orning,

played several fine se ­lections.

A number o f people'greeted Dr H ale to o fferth eir congratulations after the leoture was concluded?


R e p r esen ta tiv e H o w e ll’s R e p ly to B oard o f T rade.

A t the January m eeting of th e board o f trade a com m unication was read from A. R. Sm ith o f N ew York , asking th a t t h e“~tfos t*d Officially endorse the measure in congress looking toward arevival o f th e shipping interests o f this country;— A., suitable resolution w as

tssed and resent to tf te c o n i^ g g m a n . 8th iBis a lltr fd E T H o B . F /H o w ei 1.7 In a letter ju st received by the secre­

tary o f the board, Congressman H ow ell says he is * ‘alw ays glad to support a measure that is for the best interests o f our country .”

M ayor J a c k so n G oes S o u th . Mayor W illiam S. Jackson o f f^elmar,

w ho has ju st recovered from severe I1L- ness, le ft last Tuesday for Anderson- ville, Ga., to be present at the u n veilin g and dedication o f the m onum ent recent­ly erected at that place to th e m em ory o f th e N ew Jersey soldiers who fe ll on that historic spot. Tho trip w ill be especially memorable to Mayor Jacbson, because w ith many other soldiers o f ’61, he was a prisoner in'the*notorious prison pen o f Andereonville. For eight w eary m onths the mayor was confined there, enduring hardship and deprivations most intense, and w hich resulted in th e severe and permanent im pairm ent o f h is health. I t ia hoped that not gnty may th e majpor’s trip be pleasant and rich in rem iniscences, but that it w ill also re­su lt in the great im provem ent o f his health. — . ..«■». — i

O c e a n G ro v e E p w o r th L e a g u e ,A t th e regular busineps m eeting o f St.

Paul’s chapter o f the Epworth League of Ocean Grove, held last night, Miss A nna L Marks, Miss Rosella H aw xhurst aud Miss H elen Ross were el^

^ B iA N O L irA S S O C IA T lO X r E O F F E R FOW S A L E

One of the most desirable

building lots in North

The^ad vantage of a local association is that it draws m oney to and ‘ loans it in the com m unity where it is located. Out o f the entire am ount loaned th e past year only $LQQ0 waa loaned out o f th e county, the balance being loaned in and adjacent to Asbury Park.


^The T ow n sh ip S ew er Q u estion .E ditor Pr e s s :—-Through the colum ns

of th e P r ess the public has learned that action m ay be taken by the N eptune tow nship oom m ittee a t its m eeting to-

^ orrow aftern oon c(5n cerh in g 'th ^ p t6trv osition made a few weeks ago by N ew York parties to obtain a franchise for the layin g of sewers jn the 'township streets.

Every property owner is Interested Id this question, and doubtless m any a te c u n ous to know w hatsyatem of- - sewer* age it is to which the township com m it­tee has given favorable notice, and for w hich a form o f ordinance has already been prepared. A representative o f the promoters of the enterprise has publicly stated that the system Is a secret, and on th e sam e occasion he stated that .the ‘sysCein is covered By patents.

From the house ow ner’s standpoint th is is not a very satisfactory presenta­tion o f. the case, for there are probably few'taxpayers' who w ill bblieve that any m ethod for the transmission or disposal Of sew age, w hich has merit, and th e value of which has been demonstrated, has been kept secret, and it is altogether unlikely that any considerable number- o f residents could be found w ho would be w illin g to see the streets given over to experim entation by parties w ho pro^ pose to introduce an untried system or process. . These parties claim that they can convert sew age into “a ^ n |p eed in g - ly valuable compound, w ith TP'tnarket value o f not less than $50 per ton. at a coat „not exceeding 57. .per. ton^to-pro- duce,” but has any siicli result ever been attained? In a printed announcem ent the applicants for th is franchise describe their, m ethod o f treating sew age-as fo l­low s: "A w ell or a reservoir for sew age is dug at the outlet o f the sew er pipe.

m ediately p u m ^ d ihtd a patented' ap-

A sb u ry Park.

Size of lot, 50 x 150 feet.' Price low and termseasy. -

L et us give you particu­



20S Main Street

Asbury Park

Monmouth Trust» A N D ------

Safe Deposit Company...MonmauULBulldlngvAsbury.ParU^N.J..

C A P I T A L , $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 .

S U R P L U S , $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 .

„ .Executes ttutU known to the law* -Loans money on bond and mortgage.Receives deposits aubjeot to check and allows

interest on dally balances.Acts as Trustee, Registrar and Transfer A gent. P ays coupons.M akes demand and time loans on approved

collateral.Safe deposit vau lls .__

• A . C. TW IN IN G , President.G. B. M. H A R V K Y, Vice President. B RU C E S. K EA TO R, Secretary.D. C. C O R N ELL, Treasurer.

DIRECTORS:O. H. Brown, Isaac C. Kennedy,J . H. Buehanon, H enry Mitchell, M. D.,O. C. Cornell, , John P. O’Brien,W. J . HarriBon, Thos. F . Ryan,Col. G. B. M. Harvey, M ilan Rosa,George P. Kroehl, A, C. Tw ining. 1Bruce S. K eator. M, D „ H . H . Vreeland,

G. D. W . Vroom.


paratus, dual in character, the first com ­partm ent of whioh nergetic in action and contains ingredients absorbent, de­odorizing and d isinfectant in qu ality , but not destructive to the germ or m anurial properties, «and then, bvfa natural process, the solids, together w ith the phosphorous, ammonias, etc ., are absorood and extracted, being rendered at th e sam e tim e into a bromo-gueao,"A nd notw ithstanding this elucidation, we ask for more light I Such vague and

_ m eaningless^ verbiage-m ay-thro w -dust- in th e eyes o f a few persons,(but it m ust be apparent at a glance, to the average rea_der.that the quoted words are not in* tended to convey any inform ation. __ . . _

attention o f the citizens o f the township

mer, Miss Margerum and Joseph John­son were elected delegates to attend the Epworth League convention ta be held Feb. 15 to 17, at Camden.

Tonight th e league w ill have a sociable at £T. H. K ilm er’s Alaska House, Pit* man avenue, to w hich all, are invited. Mrs. Jarley's wax works- w ill be on e x ­hibition.

— — ——— ,*T eam R a n A w ay—No D am age.

A team o f stylish cobs hitched to a lum ber wagon balonging to Charles Lew is, and driven by. Frank Robinson, ran aw ay this morning. T bey were jfrjghtened by the seat o f the wagon, w hicn w b b blown between them by the wind. T b e horses daahed down Broad­w ay, Ocean Qrove, to Oceab avenue, w here th ey w ere caught by a m an w ho drives Qrfivatt’s bakery w agon. V ery little dam age w as done.

G r e a t .S p e c ia l S a le .Our great spoclai sale, with many addi­

tional -bargains, this Saturday,• ' Steinbach Company,

*• Cor, Main §nd Cookman,. Cor. Emory and Cookman,

Adv. 23 . • AabnryPark.. N otice. ‘ ' ~

■ The' owners of jewelry, watches- and cloaks, left w lthitne for repairs, are here­w ith aaked to please call for the same a t earliest 'date, as I will move from Asbury, Pfjrk about February 1 ,18W. 1

to th e follow ing facts:1. Municipal ownership of sewers is

everyw here considered advisable, and such ownership is alm ost universal in all organized com m unities.

2. Strik ing fmprovementa iu th e dis- poaal o f sewage- have in recent yeare been made possible by the application of bacteriological methods, but these pro­cesses are not secret, and they should be carefu lly investigated before any dis­posal system is adopted.

S. Deep ditohea to enable tbe laying of sewers w ithout change in grade to deep w ells, in level districts, have been found to be more expensive than shal­low ditohea w ith occasional elevation o f the sew age by the use of ejectors.

W ith these guides in mind it w ill be easy to steer clear.of m istakes in dealing with' foreign speculators who only de­sire a franchise for eewersf because there is mpney in It, and who cannot be e x ­pected to handle w ith delicacy' the d if licu lt problem o f disposing o f the sew age o f th is resort w ithout creating a nuisance. In m y judgm ent this fran­chise should under no circum stance be given to private.parties, and no dealings whatever should be had with promoters of secret m ethods o f sew age disposal.

H enry Mitchell,Jan. 37, 1800.

——~—N ine you n g boya w hose parentB are

respectable citizens of tbis c ity , were before Justioe W yokoff this m orning charged .with breaking into a house on Sum m erfleld avenue belonging to W. H.. Sm ith, and w ith knocking down the fenoesi breaking th e gates and other­w ise destroying property. The ju stice gave them a Bevere lecture and ca u ­tioned th em pgainst any fu tther depre­dations o f this character. They w ere then allowed to go, but if caught In the sam e kind of m ischief again they w ill be sen t to jail.

. -'F lorida H eard From,

Captain Charles A . Y oung o f th e Bel-, vedere, this c ity ,-w ho i^ sp en d in g the w inter at Daytona, F la., in a letter to O. H . Vyard, secretary o f W esley E ngine and Hose com pany, says:. " It affords m e great pleasure as a oit- izen.and an old fireman to contribute m y m ite toward your annual reception, and I trust th a t your com pany Will enjoy th is, their annual treat, toward w hich I am sure every citizen should contribute moat oheerfully .”

-. So ire X b roat S p ecific. ,., Kinmonth’s sore throat Bpeciflo la a good medicine, to, {coop ,tn the house.—adv. 290 tf

i . W -H ow lan4o! Ooekn. Grovo’des iVoa to return hia einoere thanks t o ' those jvbo kindly gave yielr a l l duriag tha illness And

I t m ay,.be-that-you-have a n - old Square o r U p rig h t Piano, or even an Organ, in yonr home th a t has ceased to be useful— th a t isn’t m u s ic a l any longer. T h a t being th e

a80;-wh;y shau ldyon koopl t * fo r i t is only a source of irri­tation to every one a t homo.

We’ll take your old Piano or Organ in p a r t paym ent of a new instrum ent, an d we’ll allow you the h ighest possible price for it. Y ou can pay ns th e balance in sm all m onthly sums ranging a3 low as $6.00.

W hen you can have a good -n ew —P ia m r - w - e a s i ly - ’why !

should you go on “ Buffering?’ .

E . A . .TU STIK G

A abnry P ark .

C IG A R S A N D TOBACCO.T h e m ost d iscrim inating Bmoker finds

m ore cigar virtue in th e cigar th a t w e s e ll for five cen ts th an he does in cigars sold by other dealers for ten cents. T ry on e and you w ill ca ll again .

J OHN F. SEGER,647} CookSia n A v e n u e .

Headache.Many thousand people duffer from chronic .headache, find­ing no relief e ither in medi­cine, m pderatioiuof work o r o ther remedies.

In m any cases the trouble ia caused in defective eyes, which can be remedied by skilled application o£ proper lenses.

LEECH, STILES & CO, _Eye Specialists.

A t 323 M ain S tre e t 3g VERY ~FHrgCT:—

HOURS 11 TO 5 P. M.

Our & uit CaroinAi: PointsCapital, $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0

Surplus) :$ 7 0 .0 0 0

First National Bank• of Ashury Park

•MATTISON AVE. AND BOND BT. Ocean Qrove Branoh:

• Association bdildjnq , m a in Ayknuk.

- OFFICERS G eo , P. Rjiobuz,, Freaf.

, O. H. Buowk, 1st Vlce-Prest. • „ ■M. It', B AMiiA.ii, 2d Vice^PreSt. •

M. V. Daoer, Cashier.. . »BL IL Scott, Asxi. Cashier.

DIRECTORS j :Y .G. P. Kroehl, - Mahlon R-iMargenita, -Oliver H. Brown Wm.H.Beegte, ,Bruce a. Keator, 8. W, Kirkbride,.D-. a Covert, .• M. U Bamman,Isaac C. Kennedy^ , Chas. A. Yonng,Julian Xtpss, A- * Albert C. Twlntnj, .- y Sherman B. Oviatt; ’BamueVJohpson,

- Wnu Hathfway.


Page 2: 715 Monmouth Trust Safe Deposit Company · THIRTEENTH. Y E .^, NO, 23. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1899. ONE CENT '€; An elegant residence prop-ganized when Asbury



B ^ B U S H ^ D B V E K Y E V E N IX U—(«3CCEPT 8UND4Y)

r.ciM ar~ € D 7 /S la r tie tin -A T T m rerirnra«;-ABhoVl^^*®cl r-- V; ~ \l\l

b s - ft e r m s o r s u b s c r i p t i o n ;!-Ore'jrear {strictly ia-'td vance). . . ....... . . 18.00On« - h r e e k . 00Single copies......................... 01

• A d v e r t is in g R atefe o tf A p p lic a tio n .^ ----------------

. STeWTfCrfc, 2*7M-fhfe bufra* W alth- I'ngton ct)#rebp6Ade'nt fealteji**-'* i< *ytJ\M enpoj>ajidaxri^eing ohh rad ter

^g » ln p t JRelipevAganciilOir'-ijbe a g e n t a ant U? W asRlngtvtt -by ■ AJguinoldo, '»*be€n di8ffpyer«d by* i Ch e* g ovie r n rcwnfr, anaiitfaje nktHreijvfcAgonciUo’aijftenae la iregarded

^wlfPOfeeciuus.ffehoti jig xjm^bt is^ftefyidn 5=ljMfeiB[Lc.UisJMLilh»t)Lpq6ltlve maaaureg.-feo

FRIDAY, JAN U A RY 27, 189fl.

DIED IN H ARNESS.E i - A t to m c y G e n e rn l G n rla n d D rops

D ead In S u p rem e .p p jirt.W ashington , J a n , '27.—fo r m e r A tto r­

ney Gene rial A u g u stu s H. G arland w as strlcKen- w kli jipeiile^y •w hife,addresB-

“ iH fiT^tte^l'ntted - S ta te s -su p re m e -c o u r tyeste rday afte rnoon an d tjtetj^wlthln ten

' m Ihutes. TIie 'occU rrerice ‘ cam e w ith s ta r tlin g and ' trag ic unexpectedness^, chang ing th e u sual calm und d ign ity di th e co u rt into te m p o ra ry confusion.

th e cham ber In a fu tile effort to alleviM S • .W hen tne co u rt convened a t noop.

£u resu n atd an a rg u m en t inTowfition versus Moore,

w as a full b ^ c h , /w ith th e exceptions of Justl<e&>*BTeWer'%1ld* WTltte^VMk G ar­la n d ySftQjcQ Icalijxly jJio evi­dence of a g ita tio n o r effort. H e had read from a Hhrw -tfoUirtw and had fol­lowed With th e sen tence, ‘^This,. yd u f

1“G aril



l ie CnlilcN to th e J u n ta t l ie S tn tiik of

•indrT»rhdeiK*ei««4-*-lo* S t r ik e F o r

■put; a-3t»Ei< to <,he wiJterm.Qi 'i»jifi>naee estab lished iby tlie Xi'iiU’ino « ra i^ m c y w i 11 be Justified. The gaviwnmanfimBicSOjMe

•ilitQpjKiMasiloniiiirf H/ijStepatoijoflluC by itaQncUk) ysBtejaaV 'Hlnr utraniwnisslon to U»viJ(tllPln<»Jiitrtnloti,Hi]mrtone w btah

tiisp{ttttlvw;iiinot>:obtt>ined liKi.the 4i|-»u*nerttieBj hBta uWOfc#{t»niAtttlra£ been (transm itted . .1011,.25 *I'V m )IBWuifllilBHaORBjrtAgMiclllo talbinn«4'3>ls IrfpWbonajsomBBiflsisiuHwtmiatSTjwiitliE

/HH9S8 (t»e tifilljiinoj <lll>Imn*tiu',,ni>ralr T ujll^^nultm llio . jithlitrthijiinBra/toilU iK l ttBrSiiisfS J o i e amXBHinalhe/naQctntreUty W if t ib jf c t t e fctftd t»a»t».;»B<rotd p»obn» „ „

ro™" "BTy' be" raiI(^m T ^tffl«airrttraT PT O »!niiB ;' #frt()»jicn«R!fleBtii6DjDtirawijmiaBgr«lflve w

RolteyuiBntheJBtfillijjpjMaBvlwnifiiB ra tir flpfttlcwtilwirt tne'an ,ot»rrtntdii:«bsiLti<ro-,

TOIWS.Ith e n g a sp . 'H e to t te re d ,a n d fell *si4e-

*— “ - ~ h e fcH"he a T <>" —i of. loudr> d. ne la iy 'o n H

tu rn in g it a s he V «lH w avuy“lo^H ef1foon' A succession of. loudr. deep- gasos-^q-me from him a s Ae-lriy onnhe-ttoo r. •

f i is a^sQcltUe In the jca^e , Mr. F ran k - Jlh MacKeyr ^ a S d t (JhCe’b y h is side, and w ith o th e r counsel a n d officials th e head o t the d j ( ^ Sj^sed,remove^]41|»U-*1 lOHi-watftr- HgivenW m > A'>d«a«ily p d llw lV«trwv«SpwiJ5

foretoIdiAb^fgrftiM.3’ orifteiattttcktfa«» ,,nj; JU ,J lajfi

H e w as carried fro. across, to the room of Chief K e n n e y a ^ d. Xh e re pl^c.^d on a so fa.

deep purple.

S e n a to ^ a U H * feP. . .............w as n e a r^ k h » B d ,K-,A.fitrKl* g lan w told him th a t bi; fa ta l.W ith in ten m io j |t^ ; f ty jm the tim e ofthe .#»*■Iapt,7. ..jjiiairVi nuall . anaitoutl !i .

The dwiatll<?d hPi^ahgements fep^ttie Jfu^ n e ra l Jenservices ;W«I-An?ihfild in .ilfeft-.t)arr th e Colontol: land lived

j* Is.*S,^p^y’s!c lan ,

itel^tibW l^^vh^re^G^wertjl- ©ani d, on^Stt’n d a^ /T iff^ r which the

a t Rock Creek 'Cjsrnetqt la te r to L ittle 'w ilj be made." T he .G arland, who died..20 jytjar^ igo /i now re s t there. ‘ '■* * '*Iri

n torbe. rem oved vh^re ^lYterraenj * oa iip~ of ri i

•— nl ftUaia. -’ fa ri^ lard pub-

lUOKCfe tae f ( a id i n g 4tepA*c?W ftorn Mos- <Wiv?r,,yfcM9:)h%Kf heon. sejjqUs s trik eJ'o 'ftH f’ ii'Jfi.c-S*ionU S y,a - ? 5 p rfersD urg d i s t r i c t T he police, whil^ tWlipfrtig* to*Vahl the'-.wor'kmW 's

leftdef/^iOfttcjcke^i }bjj the -workmen, o? aJ< l l c Smfti) . t\eJrig, k^lle^.,. j h e Cos- sackipi‘were tVien sum r n o n e a n d they iit^fttfiy '^ tbrtrfetf trtdt!tia rrac^s, fighting

\ tlieirIV /fl^ ¥forrf>ifTodr .fi»lvnoor,,'lassaUed \^ ,U r-b i^ tljF ,;g th R r;'in ^ ^ Je 9 'ffinaj boiling,

W ! f e i i r T^ iV iW k W .n J>V*?r? «cXfn tuaiiy*. forced in to ,the 'garre.ts, w here the Cos*

i&fck^Siev^rel^5 flogged then^rAri'tfi whips and^VrfJptwlsiBOO^: I*:iIgHtfi<J>3hat the Coesak5cii;/lvggedj n>.<jp2 />'pmen;ppd chil^- ^^^iY lipc^ifnLnajteJjr.” jm,j i,T

- ------^crslrmfelbn, :Jan* failed

to recveJva,Xrom th£ s ta te departm ent ,l£hjr atts^ver t» -h i s 1 la te s t com m unica- Mt^Qff. Sef|p r , A goncj^o^ nhe Agu I nal d o T ^ T lT ln a rew ^ ffi

w fm f fb r i i^ h ls ^ w lir t^ k c J a n i^ J i^ J r e p - reTS'emStlotfB ft wlir*errtbody ‘■Ag'qncfflQTr

fii^fe-dcfi ‘tWi'h/xhJn fee fe iand4 ,"an& W*ueitttthi* influenceHfftfhh 0 8 tllithb«a^ ita A tn e ^ t« n s 7 a i long a f po^rihle ^ , t. v _ , •» i iyg^--^P^B ht} | Jcliii I h n -T rt 'i t ftr -r “

E lm ira , N. Y., Jfin. 2T.-JHelen A of P enn Y a n ^ i f 'e f d e r l y 'rhaX(3eth found dead ift 'tie t hdm tT Iti^rftgh tr a^nii

, p.^OUUar qJrcumstp.nce?. . S,he fa iled to Cffil^axtWe'fciikpp'Hb'uite for Strp^er, and ■when1 Crtiyf'Vp^Mlce* ^Ea^thi ‘searched her^ hamft h o 'd lsco v e ted her dead body

a tru p k in J.b,e olo^pt,^)f ,|ier, a p a rt- :ments. She w as in % kneeling position, w ith her hehd '^ropt!>e(i» fortoard, her fdce Vfestiri^ on 4 J6 ottle5/of fchloroform. Sho w as fli'eHifed in ra n lghtrobe. From th£ *n£*-®' ^rjoggVst suicide Is

. th .^^pJy theory f^r, .h e^ ^ ea i^ . .A <'arll«<

London, J an . 27.—The Miidrid corre­spondent ol T J ^ DaiTy■X'.br'oh 11*1 ? ay s : "Senor 'tM eHaBr'f^e. C arlls '. ' depu ty" \v*ho w as expelled; from.,fhft> la^ tlco i’tes, In 2>tay, 2898, Hor'a^speech ' in the cham ber in twihlchi he/.used a*, S crip tu ra l quota

"Pept^rap^a t^e B rac^m o n to ^ in whfi;h rw<4r wits kHled an d -a serg ean t w ound-

, HornS e ll^ HI* m jr*e«,Fough&eepsie, N. |T., J an . 27.—Jacob

K ti^peaitD iie 'b rew er, ha& to re ­tire from the t ro t t in g h o rsen iuainess

..wMTch ; rfv&r stock

, will “prob­ab ly tak e iVlsu^e” a rb o u e :m iddle o f M arch. -!.■)■ 1 >•

"eeDMyavA&lKSi'QrKliWdV., t.H arrlsbursr J a n . 2] - ~ ^ p m n o r Stone

h a s aDjproveJ rae W ntu¥ rM lt resolutions tendfcrlrigf th e fc aA fe t^rf1 Thel)& taM W rt to M iss H elen GcIUIit fo r h e r pa trio tic se rv ice s . d u ring ttfc&^Silfcinlsh-Amerlcan Avar and her core ap^T A tenW onltdF e n n 8yi ^ l ft; ^ j R f e j r : : ,l.“ j

tp C uba.S av an n ah . Jo » ,.-a jL jj5 h 'e tra n s p 6 rt

C hw rtjtA fta .jiU lfiii^or H a v a l ^ ^ t b tjie T h f r ty -n n ^ a ile h ls t t ix reK lm enw i -svik;

-V 0 . ■ ■ —nznaZl' ti .isinil-A deuttaPjMjaBb JAi ln s t f n m a ^ l KOA-

•. B d a y ^ c i i ^ a K e e nburnt# ■' :)uirD .d .tmaraiiQ ■

, m w iiu n u»U/ ' - \

•• ihfttn w lth -8md«Ji^ ^ 3lwnu2l2ti TlJqn tncj moil ;J] ^flS?J33tu^3 vtoviit.^taiasutLauiX


"Drugs that cure” makePra^t'ipcions e ffeetnelr

The anir6y%nce" *ofi' ^h a f i f k a r id p l ia p p r .i lT a r i

i h i i ? a ,« £ n t f a f t p a s t t o th f lsa « w ,h D

C ^ n tS * f}i!ritr.:;) uut u rv .‘h-rit - ir*:jin -*'?,/ ntn mwtt'ttir tiv>jia

h mu* .h:hi«.jhfw.i hihih •(*. :.* ;ij« MMt"

» n g i h e r e - h e i o o n t r a c t e d - a - 'c o l d

w a s '— c c € O T n m « n d < ie } 'i^ tO 'iJ « tn a etin j i Im

Ijii'a rnd ''________

r _.ter in which he saysv<:i-1‘MiRy'fc

< ^ « g R i H B a l s a n i 'f o p '- m y > v’c o o g i i i'miimmF&trni T a s a t 's s a r e a n d i « e t i « S tmen

JCWpem^ntniRftnt tW ijG nieraiiia tts^m uldflrrhw tociMoifcWaoobDu* in h t i th n a j th a t

jSItUDin^wu'ttanted xi<lhdependBnnt they would haY^Jltn'figtUiifiQr fcti, aru±<t^at now* w as- th e tln^^^to ac t before the

,Aeme n f o M n ? ^ ; r^ er,ed ^“ W h eth er the d lspalch \ra s w ritten In

a (*f('^e¥',Myh n^^A'iiY^.h'’ of71 m enUrnr/4aragtiftK|invBi^Krt ta sw ftiiliw d i.iu t sueip.nyiraiM «he )rf<(yBfmt£fet«a«ftctifca l InintytsininK aiicopjautf «Me Inttftsdgtrim Its glutn»iaiKlIstuv«n<luni<i<rtieittbitl!3gi

w f f i H d n T » & r B W « r r ^ f eue]Bul(iifirfirtlTdir^ canfam noe f i-mili'IrauBomitted'ito M anU w fer tii^ittrrfurTun.i tlan of G eneral Otis. .)*£»*.-i. ^ U m o ir 'w n m i f n i ’ lj-iS'Whati ajefttan j(theJ*6H)v*vnH#t^ht t»ItB»in :dealing"flyltA"?Asr«i*MlA-': rWMlSWA

'tOtJpinBBewiTHtlflBievMeWiiff^ttf-lhe^fttWtdaitnUjiaet^iniijKsagui.-'was 'iu(?<lBlWtti. ttxi poamitilyw&hxtitAg&yi)illldt>l!&lItifn£ WMI& I«n\’atoheai;int8tB»oiisjrt'au<«viW"Ueinw^ ttu>tdh») will msrtiltw.itnloiHf liitffib^isTOdii air&MsTltaiei o» amBntilB^iftiiUW' tw u p a p tec lstB Chet»rtOuBn#(«*!W( ftWHb(Wn*|

■but th e re IsJaM trpit/J lii‘ dWdWIoltol^iiiilm M ■'hm'fatiwuafe iheUajlTfKb-atarwut-WKUd HM' be a tu u tn n g em i IC'iM>int»'b^et)ld>*wIt'H M>y d'cwawlof ipo*l«U-^n»sii*'Rrtaf{ieiSdveyfii mEeOhlnttraaB'itwiueiniLitia taaeOnbafiXSOndHlb J'llItW jt W W rtfts iu edHf0T3iUt00|i«>saaJiltK#la(ta!(*f«)tloaJutH.! aoiMnnWJ’iotJ thaia.’V iltM 'W a'lW M /y W* cwrnmascpW«edls>«i!<ra T;I*' !«n.t T.H*5I.;m,J >iiwne idi*pa.whi)i9>ic<#fKiwuw<«i"Ti7apH

A«ond»R»yi*J!|#reiat«nu8 t!i df d tl‘WVnf*f

camtMJipreswinioar ivWhtvirt!itVgtltd’ (o'HW p.QUtlcMli»tntiut! <MCW d«<Mnsld«m%'Ho*mb«mu**|<>t<t tlt ifrcWVHVrieHf'ltlirhoWJtiaa .turvei (idsiafednw iti'sttiir i i ie 'v t b ’Aty ot Ipeattlf MM lii>S;r( WtllWO >IH< I'HtlfWrtSH wh»f hliv4<tiot'(l>lre:^vd#hlwitf:rfflv0Wlg¥it>y Je« a PlWH> fW iithdti^r'^H hW 'iW fcB nTiW0 tni«mwi«tHiiWre)^WIl»fc >cd n sld lifW S ff spint(itit> smu&um:. A u u M in & m h in i 'W it il i instil tb eiasfo ihaai <*(!«'w a h -ta iW K h tt t tw a 'a * iiiiiW )"""™ ' 1 ■*' > 'J.IKI tru m t * . HHiriV-iTftJIbei" »•"> «

'tfift ’ h J lu r Ik’lfld \ j y Agonpriio o r Wfticltr fb 'co re tV W in i!'!;^ * ^ ),.^ ! ;£ ih P - j t ' w e M s i ’r m u k K' , , , s v '


r liec ta eh s awd'»c36ldB"lt'h«t)lfe

> tic

d:. Jim ju^ayH :oii

niunvB iicdid

F^l«fno>-.Bpv,ft»n«n#n#. n-annv.'^WKffv thflinonerks?<of,iM(»)Woflihft3Phlljpp|po„()ORRt|t^H q|), iB asss^irftjiyo^i of conn^emoa.ii) sftg|*(pn(iJo vwrniifjHLftomr en«d !l)l/n.,tq,f)t!«l!»r&-iV!ftr'|Or>nW><> At»OTl-C9«S.)*i>)ene^r i!»fl ,fle^rn«i^4 i t a,im^W ';mftqtlnBj’at!tV0lT3ftP'(»tvl«9„ tSo,4«P(tr.JU l*s, If, tlqalltfi )D«flt>ni:A grtn ftlda ,foi’ipeffipisf'Hfliitaj ‘ftJfft m 6ft'fliiP l»c«!,^ dsfensq , o^,1jn A W P d'tPceuiflnS-,fo • t^ n in i^ fc fw w a r 'v - o w ‘im „• .au w tt

AP-AmnrlQRB„MDtry «ni I?rldai>.^}f#flnlin sat-.jtftftiffipndO jRH teos.t./iyV .^iat^pf^BB,b0fl(W1ftW ienflely (jjjfi'W i»W)iiAeWUflKft<l.,it a s . / ^ p f i u r,a i i< ,W F f ls m n f tS f f ln -" ,i

Oi)v ^ t i w ^ y - ?ySning fWe FillplnoB, de te rm ined to have revejRg^ fo r yjjflr c ap ta in ’s dea th , ntt^rpntpd to, en te r th 6

50 cents.t : a * V ’J f ' -*'*<2 4 & .x<x.

• r l H S b P A t . W s „ £ o woh thqytii.paiBful .earnJar four sticcwsBive nighta?'an3 y&ff'Wilt B fi C flB D iS & .y s C ;.l» q p iSpain'arWi bore«resS4it!&ftc«,"a<m3

Cost&im jigiimcontsv »ClSTe« '“-1 g* «is ia*m

fT mthtt. HiTq itt■-(«! fiii. 11 *jut;n »; T,it71 > 1 »*fii jmir

“Our IU!l£muision •>% '"’fre’sh1. W<*«t,-..,,jan4 .umafee'ft :m,si«aH,a«a»t{tifciS,awd

•HD Jin J -Tint>h01W?n^»;¥p. nlWfiiil.iL, tfifi

y c k j r 'n t r d p m 'e r f t , 1 a f t e f <d8 &, 6 U ¥famtu jfWe'nob jao^Hiftmulsiflte w ,»i)©tui eqjuaJmtta

S c o t t ’s ->or ,s « i y “10 'tH ^ r , liy b i i '" tS r {Hii: :» iHoiiy .1- irfiha;n,i-!jifijr iiH^u'.'inur ^ v g ;y ^ y r :rn p i)« } /;i3 a c > t, ' * ~alar'doWat Size'i;%<i':(Srlts. Jluu"^lot*.* ' 1 rrtrvoij JUj i . J J s e i , t® in w * s to » . t ( 4 a i : chreaw and deep sea ted1 "(Jo lighS,1 ‘1 fjOirftiis w «a*v > ul v ,ip f t s jM b v f lfa sn ,nfetvottBiTCSS.» fts'witl"eufe.I',J1HI,‘)l£JO>V J jr« « 9 wmtruuH >«.“ ;<liJM A i/lISO N -t Av£X'iti?*IAKM«CV.-n«

i *»m.£ ’<1 .wir'itMuw l iarut i: jnrr»uo(Tgu jrti

th w i 'w iu jn a ’iaa upon m m i mpVlsorfe?SlMrf‘l '6 liiHrtifemtjf«loH, ‘'o f 'H « « i pfW ji'm afl)Arr‘<,« P trill' F<»llWH'A'lV(,p«BllW!

clW'iy.JII» h 4 ':g p«h l!« (''Mfc-BV.1 Wtfiire+W r * m h v m i & r m •"‘“ •‘H'1 ’WoihiKtf w «s ' m r r i m a M n i ' i h m t o i '

f t f e n te '««*««•> XijM nafife'stfv'3 , m e , ' h i m ft"WWfniVecV'MhitFiUplnos a t the ir next m eetitik ^ i l l '^ lv ^ 1 the- A m erlcafis“ergttt1 Vlays"Tn w hich to accede tO‘l«Krtil(lWfiOTfi Itjm fW iignltlon. Thalrjwnoni ^Qir«V6rAlafl«BC«6ditfid«it.:

uiii* |sitji;)jfrrpi—i r 'jn ir jr*j: <1 iHot^^a ODUiaT - ?« 'u n rrv■■m’j x w o i i HuS*r«3:!BbllSHi ftojvkrd

for any case of t^ ttr f f i^ H f f i‘ffcaK'hov'tW

__________ t non I'liiudm m SM f e ^MtKTMI'ifltatliiU'ltUrah tofeWniillju

acting directly nuiT) .thn hlood and mucous

V ancouver. B. a , Jan . 27r^-AM^r I»fl3 9flPlWj-4«ath,J)y.|,^cP'yfli(#'8r. iWi,o<l-«ie

efl and eaten by cann ibals ofjnijleffi«atJim ii ''Hdjfl/jTt i

» iS % ^ ^ te W im f tfc S i9 H adA u stra lia , w henterrib le ga le o f Dgqgmhftr. N e ar Cape

soon decam e ^ p a r a te d . < -***>nVl&m c«Jnfc6ffiH|

<ly th row n a^fitfr^-atlbul^W H^niiles from th s ic ap n ^ T h e f a t t o m K t n m u ie a n s y ia a - tijnra focm th a 'iu K M in m n a fcu»t*ra off, tpiithai v illage '«<'.tKo (Sna1- n an *i»anewfflnj«ae;t»i»«Mfca.-i"iirtit—H E-iaito M'bha 'siUlqjai^TBiie a tr lg p ed fsnd-beuiw* an d K llle)i»da3«n»t»ji4ttk ,ti! UOldinrjrT

pantloltwrted ttiib jfiiu le a s t im:B«rw «Si»ni4nj)bad g a th e re d iOnfithBifeast^u<i

turoiiibyitholold '^roniD a^and'elindrr-n^ot th e 'id S eju d lb ea e sp s io f « 9iO ^ougtMt optj-uijqifloorteajjm nl'B toteaU ydivJrtch?* ttee tjalaboeat«3i|i»f(pam tl«nt)iiiforirtliBBt d eath . • ’ ' >~3HU(rj tun

A huge p o rm iS tjn T ltn DOllIng w a ter w as u iE duflino th i »«#rt?<^SStr.<«W the

:» a fttirco liin g ed i« » ay intoifltie ntehtiro-'iH n u i! j i iw o a u r :nui. uni jit-v

ilni mwoticaaoB tto m o tT wene MbtbadtAt t!uUrt>liaaidBl:betasit*&ic&>tDn>i>o!& PRtOjokdabBltnraotiiaitnejt nrtmjiteone btni suflorfrthe K u n e ia tm 'n m u : iu ohjiihiu ’) iiT4i*t Yict+m*jotlltor '.ouBSanroifisaitotti

tn re tiv e r^ T to ss a S 'ln tn ip g re a tff i ie ttaft rooated, allBBjifiHhoihaieig«aiw*aiiha«»e w W aith iw iteito 'tfcBid0B»«md3bblliltBnln(t i Quconei waa.,n«Bouedi4)3ftgsi!Btpftinen,ttfiii

s r .tram p in g ' frlS :3u tj!foaa-ftiriny. a, night.tOHTOimhrtlnr'conHt^iiThBisceiafliali h n rro rtie iihad w ltnessedfitasileduilailuuii •■•roy • iinrt'v i>iu .iHiinJin hoj/i

(Tbs snem a t tioa Btoam Britha*w e*aae6 O reoneitrieditoinK enfgeiittieideath otltb»i ICamtfaro’Bi soUomi : 9 'h4jr:trt»velaa *& th e ohirf'K 'TlllHjXJ.n'buC .OiBinsH m esr toov{<,th e m m n p lc w ith a ,» e » . >,!* tr tlw

------------------------------------ ,i:|j»»ii‘ f r e f UfaW H w I n fawni.

T1.1 Hapm.i J , im , , ‘iJ.i+H'v jr u t n tb a tu a n dp^o ^s jn rS .^ fH l A fe e ^ -

f i f e j f lR il arjfi

............. fflfeite- . .tr lc t commanderyff),,'^[)fl;|

l% dls,

In nt I."i la^unctaw r . . _- P r tn B e ton H ta c h M GI tl rn l tlltol jillii:G ib ra lta r, J an . i f .—t h e U nited S ta tes

BUon^eW lVreettTfrW HrftKfriatr'CiW ford H.‘rW'Mrt;)jJi,hl«JiiR;(tlilMewi Y ork inm ijan . }t>>rM i!M amia)i«tasi<mtivedrlim amSma) cd&TirtBt'i-ihSi.'wiS nttoceud’tm )8astu«la*- aeutr " iiiT .jiti nvfyui' mi.- 5 m i.jj

,n i3u‘v n i - ' i'i— urn ~ijr-— vr m iB ina ier »ii: Tr»ftW W r (fIi ^ M I'W iM o rf!lVim j ,f7 ..e<MMrf*tifiisfl!WaJ#n«i??«jr^i5: tra n &

!«Wl(Ri B (:ar^toi:an4 ^0(jgffi° fo r - i l^ f t l^ f&flt «(prtnKviii'19>6)i,itial«a fln, h ow # s$.yffi)#«oa«ganMs

f* jiim i M”i miiiiuii) )i35llB R IE F NEWS -NOTES.

m nm ps- tuei^.vl

*be filled w 1 t h ' a<I aiuii?A blnr u il ip is te ix a m tia n ^ has filed ar*

ticl<-n"i/rttm<>rtM/aZHM it'-T ren to n , jvlth 28‘t M "

,» a th a s recommendec^jyiiAfttie n a v a l s ta tio n <mfl yw A )tt«“-evtit! )f t^ n ^ n sfljiI'vo i n i • m ie nUiit<lutrrbtro!sUiis d * * 0ja f lla 0 t a »


S P E T O W E E K - S A t Ei - . j r - A . a i iniBg

:0W stpoiteni^i^t) Bat®t«>p*cit7 with a e a r ly " S p r in g w tH -n o o n b a w i th ub.

a n d w e m n s U b iw e - jo o m f o r o n r d <wS P E C I A L ^ E i . J ¥ S p & , S A r E B i f , ' 1 -“ ‘l v tn .ia ^

♦OBIH v .. »71IH

irjjnnaa* in??, M

^ p i a 6 i r m ^ '

. . ■ Wore 50C," . . vpero ffic,,. . . w ere ?5d’

U . . were.lGc, noW lTIv.H-')n-'T,r,5-,iiif-.uii ' ' 'M B N ’ S ^ H I S A ; W i r G I i O V E S . ^ - ' 7 T’“ ^ ^

• • • •

tarn i’v jiiS *m yoTwhTiiiWSRjW»iMh'.*ijn«H


‘l lP W ?Wfl3 (Ho t '(tfOoii.ii.'lb.

lOHttoOi a a 7/T A

a vrl< ,&

!«Up>'Hli;jK •toiD uH ii»ran^v*^rtu]j^ k)* y \n ta in n ii ii* 'h n’u ‘ Vo"t *i Jybif. *j(f j

* »!.$ .* A:?ro^n*■SMHitn tji w u m ......................'4i H u s -aum ninj *»H7«-<»lJOr> jiw . llBHOJ).

w ere 75c, \v e r e5 0 c f____

J<KJ JltH/nu3lt)X‘J JI XT OB f m ,—M ® N ^ « I)B .R B * & a A .JS D A t P I N E S , ' ------- - - — C A P S . ■ ’ J6£l™ a

- , wrc- jii r■ faltiJrH 1 •jo- ;‘

Iiin iraa:),,),!!] t<vi >it: fiiiV)'4irii'»,fn f ’_L. *_1yiu bito^u Iioaii 1 Jnji \,i)ur:,Tlrft:'‘ lo * 3(1r'ltilh i l V :uii: :<!yo* '(, ’ I ' i , J " j o’

w e ie? 3 W,■ wrre : w w

were $1 50, now 51 2fi ■ w ere S l 00. now.

IO- Si Touqoat a .a

Ol730 jaTDSOinn^T


rf,: *3tl»Uiif:l* A,‘,V ’ian V” !,’ !t, 'I’ w rt

~>aW w ere 75c, now I w ere 50c, now iuo


i :t o u u ji'iJi.A J itlio V j* Hi j(i.anus *)HrtiiiltM* ^ ' fldtiitoitail **fbdbiof . 'jt.i ............ ....................

Shirts .T . -.r," 'li ? K * ! ' .‘“ ""I.; ;i3«»reaij Oj;OToiw SBcirmnsoii jMHs-'itint. tMMU't ................ were 5flnitnow-a*iiuoitiM

«•£''•»?. r “°'^3i!Urai:*«8W * '0-M'd JS wfrw axjh.rn.jc_-jr,* )ii/i ! . f ^ <w T,aiii»o»i« vt ‘.11*Min Ootf-'Hote j - w m . mla M ut vk: ' “ " w S . W >!lmraot)'3it3• W8«e*L<ffiu6fl»t7fi<l.t « i t

•* ** • . ', ,1 . 'ilU pftfl.'a *lJ«pD#9ifti '« -Killin'* qitcur* -j u *hiM n;M«iiT •metiiui*'

. IaP0OHir*ws iP«H-4PQo jtc«( „ i i u 4 ,TUIlK .

’:ii »tir: in u <iitS 'o 3im m :j jH 'eiJintnnf ti jm i . ^ S f d ’y.iiL jjfci

ot n )h u !o <p lUjblii,'i t t i ira ud i» w ill'" tifniaHsW siurn » 'FP P D 55*,,A -S jn i1'

r»uu«vii •a,

tcnw <na »>i>i twmito*.T- \ \ rrufthptfi

■jfll w a rn j a A -la-r4*1 ituau* .

i)07.0wu»u ’r ^ n m -iilT ,x riiW’.H w ;h

■ biui JtliiOL' Jner'IUB.jiiT aaum buu »q7«. >' j j l * * * »I8 O N 1 A V B N U fi

iw nm nl a j^ j to g rBunn ;ml,T in n «t ‘

g ro a t/ .id a'JuinhuH >

- m u m jio ra i iiiT iai.i ’on'.'.' .rv o iia' ' JIIIPT

;Y - « E N ! G 9 N E ’'At4D

Suinowa »rr«r,W lllf,$ T v e ’th feh*11inatj is iwaWm^sit ibiI'* futiHiiwii

ii jim J‘7*o*i30

E i g h t e e n t h ^ A i r t i « a l 0,R ^ a ! ^ iS5;:« jim iuul. jm oow tT Jiao* w /

v e r f lM IJ iP f tW ^ w f lQ S w y jr«n >Ffe^»usv<«r,®.n ^TKtfyatefe

iHd* »iudh) r 'a u T nT<'njdyu/iB^w iiyO jM mjtliH ion K*mi3

-iitS | i / 1*w h 1 )*' ona* Jrta -1J towmnnua jw n ie j j i t v iauiA

y iQ u r,b ap p re< 5 aa ii© n i i0jf ‘ uelY

® » y « u r , i« ,-!•!>!»! «e»w'IOD '18>W UHfi3 bHHsti’juiii Mjfij'if .Kii.’tfjrwrea 4 am ii/15 s i *wMsn iu*j».j^d1vm -ravmnoi^SH E ta P M p p t b i S . u ( K I C 5 a ,7I 11"-11 " 's f e S l 4 B tW 'a 'tjic R e J fl /b H S fy■■■ jUiWjjj'Mii, ujn a jfin t'vu i m w j l d

Ui ra ^ -a tw h♦ rlT •JiUHrtllOM -V Ju , U iirm m n'M . l»H(t )«:t thm» )ixiif)v

irunujriittiii-j«y*:R«iOT u r* *u« «onTi w ) tO ^nw lD Q )!;: ;o tiUmax

Viiir; i»iii • ton'll *»il win j>ih « i£ fna'J:ir lonn to iia , iohiItipii D H n i ! ) 3 l 3 / - . I’.idqrnoy I ’Oilia\> a u r ir pnftftflial j.iaasjatance ■¥“«'; atid!‘eeope,ratt«W,Hvitt;vuiia: iHpr ui^ncL Til;►111 )H JH1 g fr e a t T y v a p p i ‘f f iQ ia t^ i . ,ti m i

nbTBtOli; Ui‘7 :i .TTOilv‘'ri t n i t 3 m * r H w i i •bVT’jiu i jin<Ht~« v>r 1 ron ;u «ts j*i m in i ji* |i j r^ jiD ,i y g u ib fo aitirwi r "fmutii -ui*

a j g p o d i a u p p C T

ruiuiuxan aaj(io»a 113H 10? w i’ Remember tne pIac%M

3a,h,<wl* ’a tneJR aT 3«ufi'» 3«x aim io o ljiiii luaoirw iH ) .» 3M/NUB& »rio »^3B

H s o S S B S n ^

3liiiba7JJu j i m f M 31 ihjjekI1 jih i 0i\tj n a L . w v m m s a n t i 'm a t t t g e n i i».«ami ton jjot: sy i t ^ in uicr luon mil:

3 <

liniiii ,u.:n^ra»ojrtfc.RelWn*i•11 u rv •AfSBB' tfMP’ f f r J ' ’ml no f * i«ib »iii w naliir r larmii' B , 3ttJn^'l««H«,1F dti‘5K 0lilP"tl¥ Safe?


it in iW 't it i i P 'W 'tM *

J A ilftb ilt,.(«H JlllSlf

ia * « l f t i f i ic i« M i TOW O w u h L 1 '<,,, ),<IJ IBt,u 1HJ-U J*»<

m a ^ S u ^ ^ “W TSW i^^itotSni B M d W l ! # # JAf] wwftRVfe desired.W * i . ___________________ , . ..

l ^ r t M W r f b r f H f t s P B P s iW o^ 'R B fiK l

V T W IN IN aiA ^A M »JkN T ^iA g(aifc(|> ^

I— l( jlfi11 t ^ 1J f f .......' "‘'nm r.'uh 'ou 111 >“ ■ 3»mjt

MJftJ j ;


' ^ mtP* Vfluuvj) Mir io sm art «j: jQxyfoaB'.1: -r?HW

!ti ?fu /io'i ;n«* iteiiS ie i io o l rWuaroJ

C r*011 ,i

wi((dl a x .ju lio 5 ti

.«* je a ia j i? ommB^uJn wtrfl<Hl*wHiolu j i t

[ iiiiiiilito l )ni/4ia

1S ^ M £W 4*vu ,5m|iHUMQafr, dMirjuoa a n u p v ^ H r t i tw in

.^ n U n d ^ T ra S ^

. - \

^JJaDHi i d i 1 ijiqoftqJUd4»ui;

M t e b m w laSftP'fii p ^ ^ g i q W ^ iaiNeetoeM ^tfclfl hd&Mg

in ■ .it!JtItl

t e w a iw t ejgnaga J iiy 3>iib'?ag,j f Jf

I uub

1 bb3"


tife'•jBwetX J« a •vBHBAIlBtow j"7•ii'*'cM ^ibO T rdpai* »initln»wii»|j«n,ij*n«w]

^B JR »rurtffi^u® S0?lfill?o Jitu .i k i I d lln a ttHIS 11- '.'iUBTml:, pnajtrterfitt jiia nm

-atiq8-*tuiriB lFiidE® tiO "W B(^iu«o8-jijia ~ ' " MfiBiareraKa OMhb'aKMH insWilPQ*!

ie ^ <jflg5ftwhjlb.rt».iM\ ™™i

liinn. m m ^dT ilBrttgH tdJ*»; I ' W A t•in i>i w i» r

j r n s m ,tbe Atlantic. A deilghti

» “ .? ' itdlr SeWiM^ a « iw

year; terms low.

ilzyu auoi irt'JWditoi«*wi/« ms taban a

iSIOTmftr,11111 M 1? JfJ'. ,tins i t “ W w * .« 8 7 (ih bun,b m iott»iiSHtAi»«J(QuHAJinriiuuliirji3’!nn

-ina i it u l l h „ 2 I t Tjio^-O fllll

^uu *i« -iOW. liw «-Tu:n*aHB *11XPtsMrJtmerna^SLn) JllU

m il i t s ’»■(< j iA P S to & tM f i r m m

i iu on iiuioiioh;:J£ \oi&tmiMxl— HI


l i t i t m w Ttida9i«Ja''- * 'pvi^MW’* ilUma

•II lUIIUV.'l 3lllll

- _ , y s)rt: fit oSmaiwr guan'auniuinuii iJV]./ 1 » K ; ioijisiiB a iQ l-»ajO )jnn v^u fliijJ^IfoiM tke' m j t t o d j p s S w erdpH tuf,

tryOBertxra foam l/M P ^ .iiisinnwmmo«3ur«’t(.H '.irjiit. lit? )-oloit

,t ‘ - - ,Ksnlt.a iu KiaauiKKnoiinS'.

.a sw a taaMBfc); ahi37.o3«o Jl’ ^jyinlBcL Ja 40HJUU’ j f l l t giiwiifiinuitijt}1^03303 tttaae-fll J^«U taiB a i l t ' J l . JfWiiWo BnuRb 0ak «^ 3 i4{B D n ^ lJ» t;J iteb ^ W i«11 i t t i . h i n i j l

• VUGHpJitOys

.. nLidt'fiSJoicIrig ' k et. iitJ « fc a ^ r « q u lr e d , ab n d d d ^ tn ff ljQ lO IIM I& i« » e . .

a UJuo’m a ia ‘a t ,siloaBn$iIP(fK H i l f l; j iiu 7l>£— trtabYMH. aliomiii'jir- j aO


0 ^ .5J 3T 5T>l33Tg

tKat’TTjTvery preftyTf i n i s h r

is cheap -et-$7.oo. _ _ _ _ esign aifd has a larpe sqyare top ' '

» iiii ia J l^ r^ o & ? ^ ^ S ^ " jn a i!U f< iO ;" S lJ iliS tia aT ;.} ~ a ’l:5i.,jjouC jiiAti^^j t^ifirisja nice littw quarter£d>oak.: * ioittablauaithSSreachil&g* and p'olished finish" 'For0 i J»'>“$^.Sd%-qaa4' * dSk»table i3V^lS^r:r«fa{ 'trc^gti?‘?--iV iand for $6:od'‘'a(lSWi!fiWr fine oak tablerlarge- Mafc'Tf .iinclpgantJ Mt. .wrsmau.1T

:>alSumot h< -If* SMimia J);Lv ... .r

nit d jitflfBLanT •iifuij'ftvim wi *u <1!'' ^ 1 ^uw )ti tgrftlm3#l>^fiWle^ exam ples of f t w ^ r k«iuitd 'btf sdcni hew^iat «ath prices as $ 1 .00 . $ 1 .50 ,

They are in oak. ma. ,iRjiq!¥tft6 t35» eyer^iitefitioiiois )p^rticdla,rfy called W tite*<5nt *riC

".'ititxty iW* H ^s'ssia'Jte.sot}f/n ihomXu' rUf uiiaijd; Tojir. ..inj«irP%TSftf4t ;io?r jaJrdrattidroirerit'WTsdMniiTi>rf J t ' r JoidV7 .ijjmxiJ .JmJi viov ydd 11 .-Ui'MJPWf ^TOind tfHlIduihO. ot '<0«8

0 r'iKj t<tT .)»vlv^|<arf tiiiHirrt l^noiijln , j!)«fltf 'Jxuwos »nofa Haif^oiniilToiroin >ilj 1 4 iu U d iMbSnlfadlbcStljul

n '7 « r r &

|W . D A V I S ,


eg*tt IfrBtftu. £TC 'ta* ! r n « a w t - l

igttriotoiif JiiT(jtrrq tltulJ 40tm£-, i im l r r f him \u Hnq a at irfi1 u n i *jo«jisK.a'diiiiU.vj

maao<«t -jvuil (toUi

onltt *««h! ruul — tj 8 nitf

iJHixi' ynwit .xl idldtnq twunia

■nis :o *tiC Ttxatjmnp '4 n j

iMl liiirndH Uui'ff Iftlii J k ii l toob ium uhib sonOiLlJ J’MJlt 'iVf 'H -rrmviin to U rv mrv'KiU

ht>JuJfi mix' «11I JY7-jj* M iiiJiUR

f^iiKrtioiirA: »a(ii i)iw

twt »ila jx iu 'uxttio- ar,&awoIIij jtrjHUia.icubl* *586. rH etr ick h ^ tS d a

".owniui r; :t(tm j»ia Jiuiifci ul;

*117 u ‘* iru^ — M«W

UIOIWiiiHHlHj MtJ • jjo iii u ts "o n , >n >r .iioit j V tUvrt.3 Ml IKUiiinuiL iiU to tuiHi.JRut:.. .m13 . to l i t )!ji- I i r t o 4!

-toil iw jp •j3rjub<>,Ttr iBB: IIHOftrt'jiitO «USJM}ri/»« ;m d J * H M rtw B lB cki'!•aiUiiuir ii_^auB_^im _^m aI_3iilu3-iiuiua tlSEui ’Uk(uiu;i1) hi ju jit.v u V'}1 V-M'k il" "*•* *^?jyutoaflMkHilg aJ to t W A L l . - f w l r RifluiuiiJAUiu wm uu tm rn itm rn m rt; r.’ *ut \*Taa u la ii

bn*:(t ‘Jiia tonnesn r A G B K . m s E K

.r>/wl to t'lWliPftK^tWioIfr'oXJiilf nlTv t t e ia f y m m tiomy-

~ mm•a- >iiv- -ii

♦i(i? ir; jT O A fc lU o .'^ A JR C |i raouii «w tn 0 of>^x) j r o i j jvw m rd ' ^

ram i L .'rjmrrday -it niinabcurv HiaHla


tailpUttul^ni! sad jiriuHl u lj i t a u ao l i«mj 'o ^ ir^pfl^ lttn rftuaaP itiillby anfliWaJl rood

MilABflWffifWfriffiBcK. u u -id ui-v

jtiJ iis^ofcita®j(Bt»Jnb«i4i’fi*»Ke s *ore;ifiij rui

■tlI - JTD^Sb to t tHJiOC


nodX iwaiutiOiii^'Iai'iacr'iiia u moa :tiia oim -niJWIMg— jmdsi-^xi^ao-^hJiuili nr.

'^1P « V l >r 4 r f tv d lj i » i % # i i i r i i m tm m s W i i i w i i l a i : ♦ivo'xami ^ 0 jifiuu jT >fEntir<»ra j i ta jvai) mJ

* < • !lieiuou n .ml: tu l i l l j i t i raur u 'jw p in m .■ JeigjAfife.: Q r a m t e « W a r<

aW kO ofand’l ^ . ' 1 ^

jimmx id^ guiaoaimou lil'tui sd ~ |X .171*7 bu«i

iijollt»axo !t*oa iudoatn

| j« 3 id i H w t l,

jn-mi JW C% 2l

pftr% HXMWI |o n a 58bail

r f tr ru s o n tu d a u r ,i«oaiiiM «q y d / « u l l v o P i;1 t Lii'7 lojaici O M lfi^ ^ P ^ n ijtuuiinont JUj: | ■»ji Ain \)tj j’/BEM pyjSBl TO u>2 : tltj ’T ic

■uU w . bliuv/ jA3 Ur t f i a ; todJo t i n f iaoc j? m iJJu it f f r f > C * < n R J ^ < P t to uuut^un finiJ to i i t jo J [ Urn m d M u n iu n tm n n jdn

-m: iitj to in i^o ijo tq i^?^i •r’r r \ yiiiisonW inck ter^B B n i l d i r y 1-- >v* 'non

iic.ti ifjucij -tu ioi?uh 11 iv .tr.ur'-i no**: >jxraitFmf:... —----

iifcr tc* irnacr VHtj'n ncnl dinivq uj iHudd | m u wu’j ioi.fv rU 'W v*.i! t ii? i)r:uvf u *.'jim“»i;/«;:» ’ ia *‘i‘»iim; , .!'• I ;» if*:iQ(

urv . u rn u u i mu

JiSfliSlm lit jjtii^. Ib ila t< tta# unoun^ 11 Via y lUU.JDil.iliJ1 to t liiJTiu.a wiuanu. ui ituCc

.Tanr'ni Jlw J id t 101U' (iita dljnuq lo h''UV

i E w S f e s*£7&iuj jauitt£jiaA .7,0 a u iiv 'tjlijn F^ai/rilUil •atuuxx 4gir:biJljoiir:>*lT -jiinuqxiltiiiil' ao^ jdir !o. rtoi/iyy- iaoulHud Jim - ^ni^i/aoa; jcoriiuit iuu ;n ihujou to mi wi/wh* jfiJiuK" ./.aiXaq « « ............. m s a = s s a i= s T a ii

"ruubfltiHi u "n^i •.uiium tu

BUT •YQU“D0N‘fl:-OdiP Ht3 tu f%8t

to roxuai »d -mala kfltraiB *i)?o *.miia »foin irj “ “ ud. ii

oiijlOT.tnu ji _ “ __ ^_____

V w’-'ti lo.fafitoiiTii&ieowCintii mu JduYcw»aotffc.iWalt

i tyuiia trull a t B^q^loleii.aiid'.idean, _pio» “ ijy iJP^M w aJjjoilii .i'

nl((|M 'fca«fw 7{roniW ^»ito:


A *

if n , _________Ilffft-gM Y. l'T m?’

juTfa^ii. T a ia c o Q 312

A l l-wiBtS jKjioatnj

curred in the Campbell build- ing- onfM dlm str^tT T in tKe n ^ & n j r ^ f s f c e y m B d - 2^ , fiv e l 3uab<!s& antArpoaas were|| suspended.jii'W«;fltcupyrj)artoL'the iiifrB

l'4 i f ° f m 9 / i P i |E - ,§ t o e

nd w ater. B e ca u se o f he a tention required b y this^rtia

d i d n oget changeduiitJ ttewp#o‘ gii time. O u r own building and the stock i& iftfsls& s& lu tely un

& ,s0 as : usual anc to see you.

_ W£'"itemi

w w j m e j . ^ t t J th is 'w e elcin ,

t iv e

'IIW 3103 i"n u 3

f S C t l

Ulw :a « r;: iuil;i«a . ''a d isuu iiaij'; ’ .)illbfli(ri :i3rficijaiia I’u s H !

j i fi v . v r rZ~-3 lurf W i" W im m a rjatj * M a idCiiiiiai

y jost^ac^lB

xi r wjihiii Ui M a'

V '..uc Ja-ai1K ‘J

W. EfWc^Co,ovc

..7* FurniSSJngs. .

1 8 6 - iW k Sa W ^ i W ®jjuiW i*: ituii. j ls d lW r - l td S g ) 'T >ira i Di m ay Iimi.j» .llim f dtlrtix

.dixiui 'ja o iim m iiii.Ij'jau in

j w “ V m tiiqirc

( & 9 4Get Yoims:.3Hsftt&rs11 <’ v <

itHHi: >nt waa33<m O il! < ::~Fixed Now I' 3 j ~


r®W M «r cleaning w ; ntow1 h *th«n t i t n e •W -'d tte rifl3

Stove- in good condition T Jrjf j j ir jtciam rta<( «iii tdiT^n o t, c a U j n ^ W w . i . E w n i ^ ^ tention, reliable work and lo

^ r t e k q c A A t . £ v l .T !- '

m :i ni f


j i l idl

■ auwiuftt;

I Id


'S * S 5 ^ 7 tuBlneBs of M r .tv , BTBHniS,

m nM BM O Aiii ^ -..AVikLjwd/iro?

. \ HavOB6cnrc*W»*L.

ill also lifiam rtbi

waBteatot tieaia# ife to rJte tJV W ajton_ ... Iu; addition flBa^fSpobester” aa- Kep ■ 4rT1

I S ,a. i-;..■whortfsIL

_______________ Sfow(fl.n'.„__

oV, w « ca P E R M

Page 3: 715 Monmouth Trust Safe Deposit Company · THIRTEENTH. Y E .^, NO, 23. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1899. ONE CENT '€; An elegant residence prop-ganized when Asbury

Made fromjpu! '4 % & & 3psM%

. I j M t f f c

against alum.

.... -

3 P * » *, . P R E S S C U M .

. a S ' t f t .cS SW W ...............................G b s t e n n i l Clat o f C o m in g g w n w j g

T T T S H o k , M f e n n o e .J W f lm

Temple, a H r t m Ttsflsday, Jan. 81—District. m eeting Im-

w & * r -----------------------jr. Park. tp " Wednesday, Feb 1—iAlnbb'the Baptistohapel at^vt«_ .,_ Thursday, Feb. 2—AmlSSi' rorKeJf su] st Cqmmfircial hotel to ladtes of J S U l i f i ^ { 4 | « i j f t S S f t M i ® i ^ h 3 U

Tuesday, .Feb. 7—Masquerade sociable ot Alleta Council, No. 26, Degree o f 1'ocm-

•^^»teS “ EiPree5 te¥Thursday, Feb. IC-Cfantata, “Tbs Flower

Queeo, or The Coronation of tba B ob®,”

Sa -atfcySffisSSHsB.';

Thun»4»y, Feb. 33-Q3afland en tertsB ijJ i? ot th e Young Marfa Hebrew association In Harrow’shall, West Pars:

Tuesday, Feb. 2’

. 9 S P * o % , . treafcfed i^ Mufen' - ______________

s a a t f ' i s m * _Saturday. Marsh n —Boatotuftftoftili Q W ftiSei

tette In Hljth Baboo! auditorium. ,_ & & C iV ..J iM i v O .. ■ 5 £ l4 l "

T b e W e a th e r , .,’ ^ j_• Tbe govern!

ceW sfftedr tonight and Saturday, .Cold wave;

■ . r a n t < ^ ... e*r £#*» -r-MP-aya ^ R 'Ifrw 5 wEjw.Jan. 27—High tide, I f t l i ?; '^ 49 n.‘

Low “ ' 1,89 “ S.09 “Jan. 28-^High “ 8.54 “ 8.24 _rr~

Low “ 8.15 “ 2.41 “-W T frfrfrftM ta ifc


t p ^ r n f t whntim vpnifntw-------

"The now revision o f tho star routes

<uid OtKenwiao That' Will Help to ikakb the Hlatory pf Asbnri Park, Neptnna Township and Vicinity. •

F m S 'is ia i disyi'ifil Gfojre

attest, this pity, TK^WrSSSprBRHf^J^rwfHTfiSff^ ten a phetojjraph- gallery, onWest

rsi S i Hl ^ » e i . : - r r i W lT h « s « h c i # ^ 3 * :_ th e . J W r n i s v c u i w . .

PuylerVhall Ffltf^T^OTfc3 ^ . 3 $y Bishop of iMf oity has

on Wa*blsgtOE street,

K secB Shi f Into*+cant».(

—I t - I s -a curious- f a c t tKTTT there ; a re toiate j ntfMEfitm-ilS ka^ .Tiffhftar, kipgflcnji Bjpeds^i£d*gu;^upedu aljke are- font! of~hIcblio?ic ilrhftttC ai:5. a l­thoug h Home d isp lay averglani—when. ttra t-’tiifltiBS-- linnniy tlm y s .o n acqtirrea erarina

C hickens *SbS

turned-from^'^centJ+isttti&^TffaterV *1» Mary McCarthy o? Ubrris*lll«.cahontas, will hold ciabie Tuesday,_JSeii.

ir i i ' i iM .K p . w t " s i i . v r n o ifrM i1TV W R t j 1|S §

their favorite „ : u j f . x-M. i/LSMxmitoyw *m uii{K » ■ar«r.i)}((isfi»iiMei}i

forift ot SjpWitdo^’JiftuiilB,'0 ’ 0 f ;itirfijp‘

i t ^ a f t s M v f t 3 # s%lt.ayfl^^An%iJ)Bgplw:Uf J » i i * n d d ld -not-d isiia lii hriHSKl/4 » :u ,iil! iii

Hcriiit*d!uh<Antra»3a «f«it}iienfly Hi- come Intoxicated, Ihnoceutly enonafi

■ jm m w & i& iN h itv a i m ;8 4 .•' C r f t

1 < m ^

?»Jrstoa, find they grow sleepy. yKi- tBiE5ffi5HBat3nHi®~l»SlroSee^Htt to iteoWjiSStil tS'-rije-Sie'7vjelopment o f their intelligence. BJe*

1 ip b a a i t tX M M ^ ’EH , ta t s g n a w th e s f l h M Q w ine casks

L^ijSMn! jo-«?t'iit--ti!P'Tcratcmi3r^c,¥!'(r^iwry«' ■ S S a t 7o Ii0d ?H b - ft)¥ IH tS x ii■ a c )(jf! v y } tfM

i i !Avon-by-the.Sea, in addition' to . that ca°*f- . ' ~,Q*■ O '® fO s , ' -SHfifc* Wl<ft k it ' p d rro l ■ t i f f e d j f& h

, . » » u « — ■--* - * - * • * - » « - - " » ! > :tsave m any ypportuultics tu;bn*QjjieiUt-'oafcmtaR tkjt »«!w u« «mw« ooavti linJOthieBEi tBOi jiJt-M hMDSWrttf

.v 'jM iS Sw i-SU dl 3 8 f f iT fs f f l ; ‘ j 'S t t f r j i ^ y e r sntdio:(SSgysiarw ^ ^ & e i g {n 8 s

iE'fei'ffeiF a^tfttiday it hia home, 705i a p j ,re. Games of


s a S S n

- i. John

hlna'iattis o l saerpbiu□ a ^ r f n a s r f e a

i a few. i i a§tEsv! |

\:o% ^ x '3 n d firii t S T 3 T - J

their h'tt«M‘« nrd* iuijmts ^ ly ,^ r.they. fon norlr rjco'vetl-t^q

qy i^ c B .f la g a f c . _______ever, tuo change ia not ntwayn'hailed with Joy. „

“Over in c'llm er Comity, Ooorgrla. a Btnr route ajr**nt juj:g!e<I Uiings around so ns to

™ ~ ^ S hI‘the idea tlia^ to the whole

- m nstrr hun’tprllonp ns a backw oods Bertuon. •* I wish

, you would fix it to change that th at ttiail hack- agin like it was,* s^Sd the old fellow , earnestly . ‘WlmtT ex-

clnjmed th»* agent, in amasSUIii^n!7‘W hy,, w hat ou earth Is th e matter?*

i#_’ ‘Well, it's lik6 this,' said the-i>Ot?tmav ter. 'Our folks has been used to

every day, and they J u st can't do n<T woTb. The crops Is gettin* pium b lectod. W e o il w ant you to sw itch her back agin a s quick as you;k in .’ .

y “T he agent w ent aw ay deeply d ls-

it jwai^BtnndlTJg a t tbe Six-day «;-hed- , Ule. ’ Tl me s - De moc r at

H is C om p lim en t.Ur. D„ nn em inent, clergyman', ha.

l preached a special sermon, and had ‘ icarcely got Into the vestry w ben in

m sh ed a well-dressed and rather good- loo&ift* n u p n vb M B eeted h iu n ffu slv e - l y . i / l e l f h t < | tfHee you ^ M ttor,” ha HaI9 himJ‘r%JSiirea B8j*SSlim& scr- mon. I t has beeu a treat—* real in. ip lratlon to us ail.” . The doctor sm il­ed, and erp rw sed h l» gratlflpatidjO, «Bd the man le ft tha veswy, » But n a so o h ? er had the door closed than one o f the fleaeaas_kKifea_up.Jtora_xlne-i^v;otle<)

It«m a o f I n te r e s t F r o m t f e a r a n d Dla- l a n t P o fn ta ,

Trom Oct. 1.J88T, toaOct 1 .1 8 ^ ,■ M f f n y g n y t f ^ C W A i * ------^cleaji R a i i j a i T l

s ! i* r i# c fc s ,S y*^lf715r ixiasflt o f th e ifonraout M em orisi hoa. o lta l at L ong B lanch .wilLbe.hfilcUn the t v i haft a t 4m pfn(K a* o■’•jw fiw H y n lth t. Feb. 8. xxurzao

^taikapaiiB sJn trom a ride onaday last 9f f % ,i..f'Of .>!#*w i ’srdeath* Was caused

s « rThe peopia o f Port Lee, (Joyieavilie,

Edgew ater arid Shady Sides are about to organize and request tho introduotioo o f

" rill gfcTrentap gifingLtboAroIley com 'esKmotter

n th e Fall81 _ _ __

Itation agefeV at Spring MBto. hag been granted a leave oi aosancaby the railroad com pany until th e first o f April next, and w ith h is w ife w ill spend som e tim e at H ot Sprtegs, Arknnsas. H. C. V snA rsdala w ill act TnrfslBlhm agent until Sir, Pattersoc*f return.— --------------* — .............

George Stevaqson has been lodged ta ja il at Mt. H olly on the charge o f hav-

rovJpS twot * » # . t f i ‘ de* issioa

e isngi OTirServl dmduring tb e giJlPr8nr

ue the building was set


over was sitting in his private oSlcsTat the, court l;mM< several members ot the ba*. headed by Surrogate David B. Crater, entered and after a-naat speech l» iith«i miMTOgtto, presented'ai llfe size «U painting of the We Chiet Justice Beasley to the jndge. The portrait was painted by Artist Harrison of Jersey

1, and waa intended ior ;he

. „ f ^ a - ^ W - 4 K 'J % o t^ i^ 'r f t t r 4 m » 6 t i§ -

*w, BWSU S » ^ S e£- M 9r,z rtg 5

r^v." Tb3gv rcl juftfrff“■ .lift Ufg/|lod \H thiruscitc»(

dSdcJ 'i •:r:!*v»’wnfi:Cial97r«ft(,<aj,>'tfnbfl- «• l .v»:«] \t<t |, A w?r t

»te ic:;us:cir.# to Im- tram p lilij B oder’1 '{qo t .—N ow ^Y ork l U ^ l d ^ j j j - j f

. AN UNP.ECOGNMZED>iERO. , » , :*i 3i*.fc; rv%— v!,-J * ,i,4‘ A Soldier Wlio Dle<l 'C lutAhiag.die

- ia iW lftl Kvld«Ocoi<if

Santiago men o f .th e . djrfeffem‘‘rej^f-.

a ►*& ■. con«m°piBnT?.awf

'sLxBjjff Si <#»> i» t$S*Mm>C )>iidi; gl'Otvzi .-.i hasp w o t j r i r a tn v r /1 * :A„ »<.c .»

■“ .• a m m ttir *uaiern»iirm-wcMi^^lo ri '? rW v ^ !^ i (-olnrtrfl trooj^e r o f {lie, m en,'1" " * liis^.........allowed to remain wliefr1 hi? \Vas»; ; v

fchtt-stnptAian<U dliiujiiii' «arr'«ai^4 ' day, and nor.« of h is ivl.l p ' iinf?»ilp!iM

’cw ?T ri^e (n 1 "vi 11 Hi u J j ' j n ijj" lijuitrti!

,Tj .1 1 ' J 14 ’.'rtS Via


r r r j i i i l

HTJHtrrfajT - -ts 1


V • ; 1 \ l > 1 JUir, l x . « J P /i-ffr itia-ii

j iWA;j-1 rf'imwi

>a- 4<Kn«i.'M-i

C«tij c»xa )inu <u,o «,3anei Laces a t 4c a Yardr

NOTI ON S r : £»' tTrjm i h S jS p,.)•!-33-y w v ,J3i;.jC tw euu. . i -.••'Bua M j - r t w w J m w * . t^ T T T s^ '/

BIXJ m%'l.. _____ — - _______ ... - _^

' j - t i a s o i i ' i<JwWal!fifeP(* e a » a « i ::

JefeTOSbUj E » JfeEffi; JM94Wb m ,wwjSdtttwJ $»8°r ! ■■

if'fflra-iST*;•■>.( BJioW

T ar So®p, b est ................. 5c'^ J F l l W P 'I ^ S f i .jj.-i!)*4

itiiox.. JR. £ t ii« U 0 ;



; *o3<L id! liimxrJvuK a ».aJ..............' • ««<!■ m? •^E W ^B IiH perd«a;..« . s 80 •!/$ a

1 t n h ? w ! i 5 K f < a : i C w v/s>» af * miamk,w i*r«Kr* «i>.t •

,#■ -®aekgatsiS%*s,aiiie»Mr.>Wiy>S*)l " ^ 8 t i i * > w g o * . . *rfj. »{

3 '9iTrj.'T*#t T«<rn9frn»T | ; “ ’ap e r« f : *"'&■% 1 dvr

emu irripfr mv ;!*'.71j1 -rfnirtJ '1 .3;-» £ _ _ ____

Bcf iJL nl

.Lk v 1 r; - - --■ r

, R e s e l l a t . t h e . s r a a l L e S t : p m f i t p o s a i b l e : a n d K i v e n * J » b e s t v a l u e r t o b e fa a d ■ f o r t h e ‘Q t i f i(5 V;: *' : ■-r e l i a b l e ' g i? 6 C E f0 S S “ H U ^ : 4 r i h e , ^ o a M l l - o t t o e - . p e 9 M a i »

• »:! j r,x. i *■' ii *■' it*: :! » » * i'»' ia i >>«».<( ii.i 1: li-infWiMiiiii.

i' YZ, ~~r :N<j doi|''tiS>)9uti'iliB8i iSSwyraieiaoIld'^oKI1 p&BKfed. •‘WctlfiSig'-'litftSr’iS*^ 1

icannm ,v>E»«e55iss»aiBgua?anSi«dir. jj *« .t«

■At. rmrraiTT t».. imfJririBiOTJ a£ i f

v ur

Amaui'tl tnfe S 0«K w* m )i5( ««xir

flmlsrv'/T - 2, •**O * 4»«| «)i>t -“


.'•! rrOAl(.aiSanM &«3-0 t<> .♦O’* K

balm ^nt at oomsytciml »H "IS ovK tod Ciatt ^Hiaolaun 4t.1T*

f to nriai: aifj yr'jyur'Jifr I! I latii JA /rv-ifr

ijjitft - > df 1

mi xnTwinoJain j/tjH <J T.n .1 JiTT I d T ,4fn


='t.iM' jpi'SAT'}t)il v :>i ,»)il in v i t t 'v

.1; >1 vTWX<;ifj ii ir: b-isr* ,n.; :.»**iri a * j *t iui :: ;*♦ vrn'i-r • t,i ) t

,.«OCflilnSfc ‘

..jCSi vau ba*i3 4 ff ti $ )H2

tot 3 .aO t- vf}ti to6l jrvjw .at iaa-zaaHi*wiu iT>hsT? fjn£f 4‘ffoi6*lriO .wtft 32

voj oHH #M'v MaA*T jo d s to ? ■ llflg.W'V

■JDV.ilV •)«*, VOU •;: M y tifjf *a»w ’M'iiSaJ .sob IS

»i-34{ taq; '>(*.<! W‘3»i *na v lit)-'-' jorfii'iniJ) triO a«< bM k<. . . . . ..

,s«a v jj F^PiParW aafepssAp^: yj

i.i . 3 \ J v ;u . > i'7 4 l^i i .

•"■•Gr a n d - A ^ ^rjin u4S J1 3 ' i in ^ a a i ; *«; h v ' i j I'

-iiij no-ri w m p j i 3/1,4 i*#34a-.'

c uitij lo fiun

aiT.‘a<rr? boo-q u »H .?jmr -»i!r .t’ jfsrtii ^ :u h »rt; >f> ohjo v iJUXIi!! ■j'i bt;;'» v . <i Hi*t v jHa. id 'tt /.tiitr s-jti t*ji1 ;;»•»•»/ i»i; ;u«xi jii:.'4ool ia */ t ii..i •/ »•* >iuov/ jjiiir di?oi % i i j i v / !- '»:i xu«/

•!J«I iiji) .r:

">‘C - a« IT I'- VIIIUV JI lU ill JLI.IUllflt; I . 3M»I J'vJ-Hl Ii ’-T 'j.u .i / «I I 4*».|,1|I( #»;>

S a S B a i H t a a ' x o o ^ « w■■■_ ■ : — ————.................................. ■*” f‘»fv«r i.:r j.ij .j*vnt


_ca p e a - u n \ n-j w rrth------fflcer he

e..UintJy" fi-nottv to ^ l^ tL w nIng h is aTiSt>hr^7 an tL -c lrW y in g Yo His e o o d ^ n w d n d ftutianKiitht iWi;

^ i & v i I,:mnpil with til!* prePio'.is panur clashed tiB htl.v^^-T f9 tfS*lllS?!#^#rr^ dMjigs? fle-1 tHmtfmi? own conyajrxMUi 5i» if.,2 ,s i n.V t

Th,. M g m a t edp v ^ .# ilw ii .« m 4

the b ra v e cn ' alryinnm,n^fo«4iiMiaifr forS'- 'fffl-T. ifS - .WncsBeuntcm inn wujjift/T Jtijuial /.*b»ia unoT" «

4siwaW«ai ,i£ U^kevfoSSpZs tre n g th to fttieakf-thc spl#ofei*“ ’ h e l t f W f e l f T O ? ^ r i# S pv>if :W j| p®r Afiilf v*8eWi ^li

■pniiandf.-TT;— .... jd ? iiiu

________ , .Q___ ucTl mrm ;bmUA?C{C- J«i» eeaordmia>ct»)pteyeilTSbiMrnwriliSf

*J?P iWi taP'ladilltfiWdatA: h("rtM«S rtwrth' ’M »»* vitnn JJaiM :nj«*)q

tjrencn, W in r jrrli’p o th e r nn-Pflrqi*. it. tarrr an* <nhtawC iiw .hmrtTy ?eg»3H itanaiil

"It is a' »3 eSK*igai*i!* -sayw.Piefti

*)»» ;'s4i«t«Pmejfejn*© jiwejlofeai’st.iA u « te g S S & * ^ ^ * lJL'~ ^ ,!-^ """


iow(“ *tteJe- WSdHBajj;a A ‘%feS«g‘i- ie«S8wZMm*meriSH8e*roT^3«<*ifcI t « not toisiseufee bis- ^ ifeaisetf® st


»»:; ti>: >r.assafafe



' that’-Wia'f* a.iaumed..the:n»sage j ‘n / xnaantrot^»M«nmwyi#>*TH«riSiC ■>*umtoih m w * iwa&tyvr'-

; - v i ,'«M‘biW^atWfitIori,-l^dO>Hoi‘propose-)to: he r-roi i excelledJ&y qnyona Lajtimirade* >•»•»

li'vtbjsfcaiore t<Uw

t h a t if you will gl

DR* ,<?:a43 Bmkiis^r^ l rr Bniic 8/ lfiaaWri ‘ r5il‘ i ATMtto.x OttbetKram>iatW ttaJttuvTto -p.iM,r. jrclephopecoaaftctl^^y niit <«i« juinda id

1 J(4tfifj- f.-tiH-' )H

he^6dltJ^#afcy^oU'regulated ooxmv ir ®ro4,.snimldiuJecel*Q.clHiemt-

. 2.. w:'.:: .1. rPJ&Ur;J!*.1!':-'?‘l-i- »vir{-v j :li 1

■tgu.iiittj—jautt ■'*

“hT" »t 4 ««•*TTf; "OHlWH.15TtbUUBMAHilT «.1 j i:

it N«rtJ«reifc oojnpr, KoHrtteaTfr iKlngflpyirtu: 0, O ce ojara},; ? tO 1ft ki ».80.pi,t

:^r»i j ii # n a i r ' f i IS lite-ahQ. LL » i « i l i f

F?Q.f CtfRRfE11

’r«i 7tp ftn<jn«i uitoh'Xtfi* tft u Kt» i

~ i t. MLiiLx itiuui

aoc Third ATenapa Anbury Park. — -----_ 'Woe houra,uatJl m.

•IA — T’J ,tat. aiiiJ'faH]a

• WilPaDj^oaiieflortfl’roO•toid-BttdntiodiUsj opi b knl&ftjiioo 4£*$><ihO fiardiattyof Wfc odd *d it tsj i

111 su5 a'PW Cffltf'WaJMseilWItfwi hQU uats--l£mtpmm)St.ipaut. <orv rioit] t ti

* AtBfioG ZmJfftlrl3 u %»ily

XtiatJ bt,')iia

B o o k /' and sa id : “ You m jjg t n o t ta k e a riy .no tice o tJ M I U ' d U ttb it-h e 's g o t * to f t ea tn g o f th e - b ra in .11—T em p le B a r:

lluam Nelson,A t an ea r ly h ou r th is m o rn in g Wll*

^ _ , -K_ ' i _ - . jf. fjuit*-*.-; -

? o x f? t a s a s t x r n j u a t a a ?■ The yv elo^SWVand,. '

The following coattttnuombs'-rs been ■ ^-Ttiadertp 11 "s *

contribution at tha Phbbs office and # ; will be acknowledged.

S. W.ffltlflbHiMW’i.oil*? P.UW H$ 00

S a f e i a n , ? s o’ lirrnfun»V il»tfmut3; JUU JrojT rfpl/w

lefeideiic©, 209 First avenue. West Park,

meet at Mt. Prospect cemetery.


,isn*S»SJS<tflS»paipBi*»i! 10 at* traction in Oeesft Qroys "J!*, light

patjtonlzad. Itepreseatatives frcm the various fiea oonipantesiil this cityjWeist

JdmtE/ mtuiPmv " -

nisea hereimPa^kft^ye bounty of

few Jerw>y, knp»nn^aH flw ft^ t^ fla^ tJN o ;! hundred ana ‘Blxtynwo (162) and ©art o r lot- one hundred and Biity-one <161) on a map ot

Lflburjr Park made by F. Ht Kennedy & Bon A.


5 TOKtiw‘0BBPwallnus -.of "r * ».** i'ii,.. DrTPeter Stryier . . , , .mt n / udetiQ . Bandolph Boss . . . . . . . . . 2 00

William H«ktia»as»e'T » ¥ « ’ a 00

. jj.DIWJ.W-P

]teo».jprotT *T«U,. r^flur

i won1!* nnfi aroua * i»It v»a i> 'ijTertflfi'Jljfi

B. Doran.Sauiaei a. ffygrr;y*CmW Ha " "

m i m u .

Jim acoatributibntbwar

ibntJl JiiUtow‘i*r*ahi>n nnO

m g a in’ lOreh. ; ■ * • • • , ■ ; ■ ■ ;.." s

to. ■«8ii«i; . . l . .TV..'Uwui>a aaier..«t. riM>>19 lOWSiOB. '. ■ . ;. ' . .. >K o n f f io a th

^ U f l^ M » M ts n irm r6 e i i . - j ," . •— . ■'Ladlea’4BMIl«a dPtltmimmflb, Noi

A ib n ir P arts N . j ,' BrloklaybiK sad nesW R# la- all b»meta* of

'lim«onrT work. Jobbing promptlywattondad to#

yHrtiattrer -Dy^fmr *Tt<anfl- in&SBfitaBlv* V ’-w m iM-

11 in W«Kg uBtaoteeiitbla icspsjpt, j'i- ttoniBdll^reisnt sn?Jrai «*i a®, i

;Spdkes i a « t r f W i 8# «WsW»' *»>**»» iparatlon, fifty centa!8J»wb6eU ^

a f f i r , ' .; r j p w w i Mdealt e yap? a4tontion to the ex-

£ C O ^ ( 6 4|l i | 2 A u G ! ’ir:

R olls, dftko-<HKi-®G8, Your p a tronage i^apastfjilly solicited.

ar^ ♦.if:*? ■ • ' i.r ■«■•»»■. >a»i| 'i d i.J ^thr r ‘ *

,. H , BRE3NAHAN,juc'iii'T ii iflHivv P77 'U SawB aker--*, -WU ... f.U}

■ji iwafiafl1 MiuihrS ifi

HracSatfSiilcoifi i -fli 8iiili.v

ITW .ila?j Biaiin» n - vott l.vjsnT 3i ilOuumiS : ,00.31 * JO.

if j

—r___ nit A»dua*»t hS)?«F%4f»iMfci$lg r - ^ m * >fa _

mUu t< jiamt •»«< toa>.L-l llO-^aa# WHitW Pfm»8Urai<«Mtr


^IfM R id tf

™.wwe,b»iluoyT u iAabPqU WjrtJMM

*iar» niJhiioJ - - - . ,-ifetIO'

■'®IHt7» Si •«

nee honra. fi a. ?kj„

“ Iftm’ l t t^ o t 'd i rm a a * ;iineohsbl!H»'. l i a l 'i j o u r : eabBbEWin* bie1 B ttittle ftfy *e- incw«(tjif Aigiat-ta^a tS-- ••• ©(.s.-m

IJJ'7 I I:iiri!tt,'i^..l

jo quid:) iilii


GBiKMAN: AVENUE; ASBURf. PARK-4i'»ut;;it v tii* r«i ;w - .tjiI:. :>;•*.(ts

.!■/• 'i.L •r*d., i:(. • *■:® i m T E R M R AHB C A S H

.,WM7i5i: CD,T76Ellf“ ,

lotelwrKW^p^lt^2!4}ll r , '

EjyiORVj &TM£ET;*_;

M E A T M A R K E T*• J i- ,( )(!..> iWaJ .air 4.U . .

' GAHBiES^^r^^ywmrior^1/x . * ar .r u)..» ,ja . i-..e .i )?• _ ■ .!;•.* ir. “ 'u ,ji

'0 J & © J C © '''r: ' ^Huuijrijn. ’j*Y jua/iijsBHsiT, •

!j2S MJ:' risM&aW

j 08.J i t J f , ,.

nw:.i-'-jizi-i 'SS&irf

IS no« JCC q. IM ,.3i * M S " . :■ 1‘ ' sitfcs-

M A f :• Jfoijoatfl jKsrt!■ ,dfJotol

_____avoTO'saooOm1 #*111

Jii itl . ,>« —'i:jo fib'Z'i-J'tMn-nm.'&ZfiteOM ln‘'^

;‘Tiri3 i» oijnrt®»l«r 8A»Bt!«o!nrr-»<id>4&<Ssi Bttnleijiialltyiinfft in<!KiimgvitBa<ttr,>w^nst f "; I i-i rli .taottqa i: snnmirtuR a : j lid u £)-t- airj"*]: J.tTlJ ,;f - 5'II

.dj 'to ii i JiJ.u iif*7?«iw—•

rare f»’ts»'a,J c a t i « o 'tf* i - m tnijt a .i( 47.oi33i5a*‘»vfli-

/ . ’a i f.!0 «a*» jrf 1?3ST ^w > y-au-r; >it: In »‘t- j3“a

1 9 ® v W '*•’*-* id iM inu soo i<!.' !■: nitj* >if rad? #d* j lm »«<■■ -ii3d.1i.Jv jiu*>-) «t5 !‘OJtr

• . u i * * * i^ » W ^WWrflP* ’ • som e h ea lth bread. T hese sadoi n t n .W W jiPWPMiSmttMJjW# SlUfla/gr 55 «Mte-m mr.1 1 win btb »■( lurt : :>i* ,.1 : u .t: j ' r r r r : - *xf V.- )iaii-i6 w i 3^ w *<n.: n il tail!

' i-T W rfW ^ v iiy ie^ .ifi.a^sp lu te lK .pq iin J tte ^ iiia t eaq-heK!oinpared:wlth,tlidsSiSK>’fti », rf-r.ji:*, f JrtSrf-M

li jtO it: rn**tTT32 ifli « .IT .'.w .'jo ij. t. 51 sr t- iitT-

. ■ : , ib e M 4 n .b e 8 C iie w lw a its . jIEou iiats oot: biij! them-w <MjM taa>'»............tJjlarloVE-.prioe.IT--.I.-- r ; t :: w .“ C *.V3 i-.-.m:'-: ' Wfe'.'r"..’ > «mIi f.anaa**c '3 IMfrftl' r f .irr j.-i .'ail: .J— j— f ’(!■>; *»i : >. .i !•. :< r:^:i!u nlj it

, B je;st B f ia p P<>r.k,’'ja<i!,4 l V2 :. ^ o » « n d . ' »'.i.:,iu; rtf > , : du*fe*ha ill--w ant to teoK w itb y o a r bwan^ •' to f tm t - lt Isrytffi'tlit “■

a : W e W v e ttaljraifeW o f lhBS« left, bu«iwiii le t you h a v e tf iia li tiieroisjr iHiejf ® .pretw w ipound 8aSs8nn<tr*8ii&>rty«)!®f* 2S!<(ent«uiw:,*>*»ir

•jt a;‘»*Ji;» ttiit aiu« *v »d :d»J.JI- *ti; >dJJvid

a;‘»*Ji;» ttiit 'iio« r \: luo-: 3<jI4

•tv:f adJ

)d»u: >'{ rxi.H

.1?: .m-vj

i ;:u)T.; j 11«/J:

i ■ m K a a s m ^ i m ^ m .m m s i s r z ift . ■> t t Diia .t.' r , i.n«no*j <m; to i*nJanoii«in>», »■T W eJ B e s t i € » 1 4 f t * n j i a I I a « i 8 ,- i 5 ' d - ia C e n t a l > F eu a « L > > nr.


Jr.j»^w.i-^aa-^»T;ym -ftait^il-M itCTify .«4 .1'W- u -jtjfifir' * w *ja' a j4i9*»;Wt> aita *mlt‘■> ' ” &!•’ I*??B,CbA!3 E ■OK’» ,B H IV B H Y ''01?’GOOSB;’'" * -^liji'tw* ;s-,’3 t u x tjg a fr .jt» ••m jiujju m -w irav , ■i '”- ' ‘T1 ««%*< low » m « ' It 10 .)ii' M J90IB ,1,1 »i>i;-|j.)i:,;-: im ^iil'fT

'•»w« I f># « i * ..« I # 8 l ^ > W W t m a i t a :*M-•t! 'J,:i « ' « “ c n »*. . ■ * « ; # & ,-r fe a i i lV f i Mi;,Ml»o •sDurt', ; •■..!.! ,i * diiUM M M ..W iMWu* « • ! « # . aa;P Winn »«•j j '■**“« " >n w « »•• a«l i jirtf<pa5i*8 og j niiiit'*-) a :<i 3-int am:l ' "J-rr /.j<; 1: iniii •-■ i;JI JUxa. (I u K v J u k J C ^ i id^i- i.; v ijij.ih -mi; ruii’. ' .'tit ' r’y - i itui: auj j - o ■>•)■: >n jiuu-v .*«?'i ! ;- >iii»'> H .V j.i-i r-nl&o. «tis|^6ij<!V1<SroS'Cc.oiictnaa:AiF<enBe;/ 3‘)-it r.umfitlSW ftW »,r «>** ,v «■'■>■•>« «S» C,o f t ,ltfek6’1CVM ife!rfM P m irti »t#6a£,!="3 [lv ' JfT J *,J »TTJ d :_*dJ M il: ' -»o ilt»« i f iToUf/riJHiiojj id j ia 5‘m»'tito'j

' <- * tt . qlChM gim O LIttleFiklis. jjit !-viJgeU‘49»i i t t . i ^rrrnd iM V: ^ j% SB U R iV M i Q b r ^

J ) * * • > . lir t -Tu/JM/'-JiM') » d : r.V >hiaa*fitxi=zm

, * 4 *d.j ***»J.Y >rv :d.j.! jiixj 'lfjr/'^uiruTiij ?i:or*:dR|^3lM^ny'j'; :' :il,Opett >•’ •>‘1

lu^er^6r^lnle!‘, '^ i'te r to r ^ ll tiirS1drtfes '■'*! A.1A2H

C iriin ttfahW Savm m V iiM ktie »lu:'i r w S f t r r ^ .*ri8tdrtn1 h e a ty ^ ^,fEtect»faffy trfx>itl no t ; __tufiiflVimoilBrm-rmMOTOii»nt^

Sun. p a ^ lo r r t c i r j i r ^ j t t e ^ i^ l i i e ^ r f a f l^ u ^ ~jitr Tin ?T mFTRIRT

JCt-niT *wii airoir

_ ------- )«**•♦ r« if»datj:wiJiiiii« 5 » t AvenuftastfrEwy*'.?fc' gaa.’ batliEi^adiievnryiiConsseiiianos-tac' (Mr a1"an slUtheiysaaioiuidiKaaaiipi Aflb«nt:£“«ifc Ha

"’ ; ' z : r ir z r : m ^ m m 'izTIlC- 1C ioiT»'»•».r,"T rJj >n .Insfii jT;

id !

' ' " i p a t .P S iT ,

a«« ,w •r'-i '.'i'Cr.-mi . ' - a: ..rn.i.t1, n , m . m m h ,,, / ^ V . , i : ._ V. • , 1 iu#3iiii6i ^Ktou*»weth»enttl>»aB’.pa«lo4(iJio*a«*0iifi

Special t^rgurfo ry jn ^

freiitw v m WiMdP^-i;nri >dT ilJjjfR

W f f i g m m s s * s S H H H B 1 “

ffl*e rtMaCN._ l^CRjdllPL-..

.'Uinj fttj wn£ Jim i/.tuifi itaia

. TQ38«^Wyt yjpingaii5irjllfJTHiTT TIiTd7' >.v" — >,1 ^

ora.trt: yyrarrmt r • .1315 ? 7.!, l, iyTr

** >■ SEf»«ir!-*ji»ii foldJatiMUMO-arMBStfltn/tURK).

7 3Tn m rr~

C f t r n u i e r c i a l

iruiiju yui1 w:.

f 3 s f ”

full •<«« nf fha.kV p6rofiS! r^;^n a nd lng fu ll Tiew of the sea: BVw<J i rough out. 0er?Ioe-*n6oulsino e^oeU ent.

” 7-ttT"Ocean erwfStdT

41 * 3*"'* * —m om tia . r u e om y noiei in u cean wrove iu jjp llea vriUt de* *•**<>, ^ b a th s k T he location .is beat, |oo leet from bcard«r»ifc«||d| .a!* ' * <l<fe**frh5ditorium a n d p o st p f tc ^ y . f f. K l ja M E f i« -P r o p ^ y r



OHrrtannrfrjrur .; •/ ctT. * , .. , . .

t. *. * '-r--. Wo w try us sad s e e .

for yparjelf. what iin d o f wor£ we. d c.'1 Wei will not let you alone until-we have scoured a trl^J. Jjoffi,yo-ti-, r^pauie W ,.

. -il0ve,;if you jrlll -tiy^our .w p ji,. . Si ivsr«M n|pM 9 JW hetteif. than

any laandry you have ever pa- ■rtroulzed. s : " ■ ■ ■ i •

im perial La undry

m ,T;

ParkeFs'iiteM S'^eslaliianl, N e it t o f i r s t NatHxmUBanfa T

;t<i *aunii "sgrttff»r .\nMtK: .xooui&ivf-ayft• 5?E4lUtAR;DlNNEI{it5d m m , " * 'in} 1 is di>ir-ulai -4wi’7 Muffia l^ u c t4 u u ^ i: _

jTaj luoji: ;x j j. iiTOHMwo-^aiyi


it, (Xtebtf Qrovei* . Table 8uppl[ed-wit)&■taillc^l||a», Swn farn>. ^AU^odem lmprpTfimenfcSa.MOi' -

, Hv A .1S qfl

$ 5 0 0 . 0 0 t o

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AT FIVE ANB six .fER1 Clinit,’n'1

£<6ts for Sale, no monpy.-iwi-T- . / lit : .J'J.i.*,f||l

1 j - i ..i- q u ire w w * »••>•• w, ’ .r>j ■; #»i 4 m ni.utj

ii;uc iiir rn il-jn

uiit^ j m u -1111 T-amv* i:JJn»iMo'J>i, J lM f e .* # ,: v tx fllT ' -lanifal 'jim it . ;

, »<i: Su fifum u jiir- qf .:- iB'£iM3i'rti j jW . «g»q& 6frW lfoh>lBuftaffi:

9 j , - - i ' ra w S : .wfttathti- •• ?0 aSWZ

Page 4: 715 Monmouth Trust Safe Deposit Company · THIRTEENTH. Y E .^, NO, 23. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1899. ONE CENT '€; An elegant residence prop-ganized when Asbury

- HOflRflTTflCKS M’KINLEK— A n g ry B e c a u s e S e r ia te H a s N o t

R e ce iv e d D a y ’s In s tru c tio n s .


Tfot AhU. INjnwion* F o r C onfed - a t b e c in r? » 7 f ic S on tli W ««

In Jlel)** 1Unit—r i n t t . o f , Se ^ . ^ i i r k ^ i l L A d d r c i u u i t i i e J e n i i l e ^ l . . .

■Washington, J an . 2?.—T he executive aesslon ol the sen a te yeste rday w as oc­cupied in a .d iscuss ion of the fa ilu re of th e p res iden t to send -the senate- the docum ents In his..possession and on file in the s ta te d ep artm en t bearing upon th e P a ris conference. S en a to r Gorm dn raised th e poin t a s soon a s th§ doors

^ /w e re closed that^ the resolu tion had been ^ " ^ d o p l^ ^ s ^ e r a l ^ a y s 's ^ n ^ ^ a ^ l^ a ^ r f s ^ '

ed. th e sen a te a t some leng th on the fa ilu re o f th e p residen t to re sp o n d -to tb e sen a te ’s req u e st for inform ation.

The a tta c k of the M aryland senato r w as followed by s im ila r speeches by

— Senators.,.V est„and,H uac, to.wtUch-g.ejj.

EAGAN COURT MARTIALiA econed O tn e r n r i i T e s tim o n y P r o -

ilncea P n v u rn b le Im p re s s io n .•-W ashington, Jan._27.—T he second day

o f the t ria l o f C om jiil^sary "G^iieraT Ipa- his a t t a ok.Qn Q enera l Miles w as

tak en up chiefly w ith the testim ony of the accused officer.

G eneral E a g a n ’s ’ tustln iony..w as o f a d r r .m a t l a ^ a r a c f e r 'a j i d '^ v ld e h n y e f ! - lis ted th e sy m p a th y of a ll the officers a n d a tte n d a n ts a t th e tr ia l!- H fs de ­scrip tion of thev.effec.L w hich the ch arg es

' o f supp ly ing “bad b e e t, to .’th e ta r m y ha d


a td rs Spooner and P ia tt replied; Thelive senatfcrs engaged in a ru n n in g de bate, the opponents of th,e tre a ty con­tending- th a t, the sena te w as entitled , as

a ^ p a r t Q f^th^.treaty_m 'aklngpo.w erl_toa ll1 the fac ts bearing upon th e case, and th e su p p o rte rs -b'f’tfie doeilmerrt"holding th a t the p residen t could w ithhold any papers ^vhich lie did not consider in the In te res t of tk e general w elfare to give

The opinion is generally expressed th a t the tim e allowed fo r debate of the tre a ty in executive session will not by a n y m eans be Consumed, a s very few a e ra to rs on e ith e r side desire to make speeches behind closed doors.

The friends o f the tre a ty profess in­creasing confidence for ra tification , but th e re is som e ta lk of ad^fpting a nega­t iv e resolu tion to the effect th a t the tre a ty does n o t .bind the United S tates to the adoption o f a colonial policy.

D uring the open session of >the senate M r. M allory of F lorida made a speech on th e Vest an tiexpansion resolution, iji ■which he opposed the annexation of the

SfiWrtS ftWff 11. . . -s - * - T c> p iu t f W ill Speiilc.1 ’M r. P la tt o f New York and Mr. Berry

of A rkansas each gave notice of a speech on Mr. V est's resolution. Mr. P la t t ’s speech will be the first he has delivered in th e sen a te s in ce he became a m em ber the la s t tim e.

A s the sen a te seem ingly w as a b o u t'to conclude1 consideration of th e pension bill la te y este rd ay afternoon Mr. B u t­le r (Pop.), of N orth C arolina offered his am endm ent, announced som e tim e ago. p ro rfd fng fo r the pensioning of ex-Con-

. fed e ra te soldiers. Upon th is-hejtbok the . floGr and deliyered a speech w htch, a s

h e proceeded-, developed Into a ”m oB^un- expected u tte rance.

W hile his colleagues on both sides of th e cham ber listened w ith in te res t, Mr. B u tle r defended th e position taken by th e south du ring the g rea t elyi! conflict o f a th ird of a cen tu ry ago. He declared th a t the so u th w as righ t and th a t h is­to ry would s(ji record, an d th a t every ehot fired by a southern soldier w as fired in defei*s£..of the rig h ts of h is s ta te conferred by the constitu tion , in self de-: fense and in defense , of h is home and fireside. A t th e conclusion of his speech Mr. B utler w ithdrew his am endm ent.

Mr. B ate (D em .) of Tei^neqsee, him self a. d is tingu ished C onfederate officer, de­clared th a t w hile the sou th believed It1 •was' H g h r th e occasion'“w ad ’n o t“oppor­tu n e for the proposition w hich Mr. B u t­le r had made and th a t the sou thern sol­d iers as, a body d id not desire pensions

’ from th e general ‘governm ent, and he expressed h is s a tis faction th a t Mr. B u t- le r had w ithd raw n hfs am endm ent.

E arlie r In th e session M r. M allory (Dem.) of F lo rid a delivered a co n stitu ­tiona l a rgum en t in support of th e V est

,,antlexpansiorj resolution.D ebn te I n th e llonne .

The third day of the deb a te upon the hill fof- the reorgan iza tion and increase o f th e reg u la r a rm y passed w ithou t n o t­able incidents. I ts fea tu re w as an hour’s speech by Mr. G rosvenor o f Ohio, whose u tte ran ces , r ig h t ly o r w rongly, a re f re ­quen tly supposed to reflect .the. view s of th e presiden t. Mr. G rosvenor declared

znost.em phaiicaU y„that„the-nresfiJit.3 lUn a tio n in the Philippines w as due to the open opposition in j th is co u n try to th e

* ra tification o f the peace tre a ty . H e a n ­nounced th a t the fu tu re of the Islands

th a t for th e p residen t to announce a policy would be fo r him to usu rp th e a u th o rity o f congress. The friends of th e bfll continue to express g rea t confi­dence in its passage, but t t e y adm it th a t som e im p o rtan t m odifications m ay be m ade. The house held an un im p o rtan t ■sight session, ad journ ing a t 11:15.

B ic y c le Sndille C om bine . tC leveland, Jan . 27.—It is s ta ted th a t

th e bicycle saddle com bine prom oters have reached a point w here they a re a ssu red of success and th a t nearly all the big p la n ts wil*l be tu rn ed over to th e new organ iza tion w ith in a few days.

, I t Ss understood th a t A. L. G arford, p residen t of th e G arford Bicycle S ad­dle com pany, will lie p residen t of th^

^5ew organization , w hirh w ill be capi- •3aHzed at $1.^00.unn.' *

upon his m ind carried w ith i t th e con’ v iction th a t the m an h ad been w ro u g h t to such a p itch of excitem en t he could h a rd ly be held responsib le fo r h is u t te r ­ances, - - - - .........-----

In th e topenln^ he gave briefly a h is­to ry of his m ilita ry career* w hich in ­cluded several cam paigns agaitTsC th e Ind ians. D uring the w a r w ith S pain he

JUULJLeJ 2 & J j 3 , <?£IJxlSZZ. d ay w 1 th^ one exc£ptipn7\a*nd~ had wo^^ed "early and late. H e h o ^ g jv e n 'h ia testim ony before the w a r In v es tig a tio n -co m m is­sion under o a th —preferab ly so. H e had first read G eneral M iles' s ta te m e n t In the W ash ing ton papers. F o r a long? tim e he feared that. he_m lght n o t b»


Description of Man Who Rented Box Under Barnet’s Name.

A S B U R Y■ ' ■ P A ftlfc/ D A


Snys th o AJIlcpreii D a rn e l . l ie c e lv e d S a m p le * - F r o n r ’ V on ,’»fo&l-*-Cnlleil F o r AinII n e n ra ln r ly —H e ra ld C la im s to K n p y W h o t h e F a ln e CoirflUU Is .

before th e com m ission, b u t ; he finally received a sum m ons to appea r. E ven then he w as not fu lly p repared , aa h is s ta tem e n t necessarily involved th e p re p ­a ra tio n o f reco rds etc.

New York, Jan . 27.—-This m orn ing’* .H erald say s :

W hoever h ired th e p riv a te - le tte r box under th e n am e of "H . C. B a rn e t1' from the H eck m a n n A dvertis ing agency r a t 257 W est F o rty -seco n d s tre e t, had c len t fo re th o u g h t to se lec t a. p lace w here ind iv idua l sec re ts w ould be c a re ­fully g ua rded . W hen d k y , rep resen t* -

th a t N icho las A. H eck m an n , ttye prov p r ie to r , . w aa inclined to be retlcfent abou t "H , C. B a rn e t 's " p r iv a te le t te r boaT affa irs, a lth o u g h w hen W B&vf H r , H eckm ann a t b is hom e#.237 F lu sh in g aventre. A sto ria , L ong. Is la n d , a n d e x 7 p iifn ^ jn to hirh th a t he m ig h t a id t i e police a u th o ritie s b y m oklrits. a s ta te ­m en t a b o u t th e ~H. C, B a rn e t" w ho ren ted a box ^rom him h e consented to do-so. ______ . ■ .

S t o c k T a k iW e areliiow. in lii5# with our /

and offer values such- a s - and cannot be by compeEition.

He had held a conversa tion w ttfi th e s ee re ta fy of'w ar,*iri"the cou rse of-wfiich he told the sec re ta ry th a t h e desiVed to defend h im self by b ring ing iJroceedfiTffji a g a in st General. Miles, l?ut w as to ld th a t

, yA ^ H ,iTnmnnit3Hgrantedwb3r *the»i)resiaienfr would p reven t any such action; H e*ac­cepted th is ,a s the fac t, b u t 'h e d id n o t th in k th a t th is im m un ity covered’ the' new spaper Interview in w hich G eneral' Miles had by inference d ec lared ’h im to- be a m urdere r fo r gain. H e bechmff* g rea tly excited. T his s ta tem e n t o f Gen­eral Miletf, in th e opinion o f th e w itness; had taken aw ay h is (E ag a n ’s) c h a rac ­te r. ' H e could no t proceed a g a in s t Gen­eral Miles in the Courts o r o therw ise, arid he felt t h a t he m igh t b e tte r be dead in the g u tte r.

In the rec ita l G eneral E a g a n ’s eyes filled w ith te a rs , h is voice trem bled an d he spoke feelingly. H is h onor a s a sol­dier, he continued, had been a ttacked ,1

cred as the honor o f a w om an. H e had k ep t his so rrow to him self. H e -h a d kep t aw ay fro m the clubs, and soon he found th a t he could no t-sleep . H e feit/ th a t th e people of th is , co u n try had com e to believe th & he w as a d ishonest m an. "B u t I am h onest n o w /' s a id th e general, w ith feeling,, " a n d I believe th a t no. one who know s m e w ill believe th a t I am a dishonest m ap . My reco rd is clean, m y uniform ’ unsullied, b u t I have been slandered and w ronged."

In answ er to a .q u estio n .b y h is counsel as to w hether he had received a n y ben­efit fo r any- con tra c t he h a d m ade G en- e ral E agan said , w ith g re a t feeling:

“No, on m y honor and before m y G od, no t one cen t’s profit o r ga in did I ever receive, and y e t my office h a s d is ­bursed $19,000,000, and I 'a m now a poor m an—so poor th a t I have no t now suffi­c ien t m oney w ith w hich to pay y o u r fee.” 1

Several officers and c lerks w ere called upon by th e defense to show the effect- th a t th e charge of G eneral M iles a n d the new spapers had on G eneral E a g a n ’s mlhd.

The prosecution hns re s ted its-case.

25c,10 doz. L ad le* 7 * O v e r G aitere , 18e-,.

w o rth '3 5 c.25 do*. B i x b y W fao e 3f6llah{ 7c pe»

Jajpttteuat JJUajiate.-

“Ii rem em ber re n tin g a la t te r bo* to a man w ho gave th a t name/' Mrr;H«<Jk- m atin said.' “ I t w a s som e tim e la s t sprthg. I th in k It-w as In M ay, But 1 am n o t p o sitiv e now.> J* m ay h a rrr hecn.inf

raer w e a th e r harf s e t in . A t th e tim e th e mffn rentied the* tto* there* wffis n o th ­ing in hip oaipearancar o r m a n n e r to m ake an im pression in m y m ind.

T h is cu sto m er had* b<« No. Z3375. H e gave th e n a m e o f Bamet>» and- I w ro te i t dowrt. A t f iw t I spelled- It ’BOrnett,*’ b u t la te r I cros»ed« o ff th« ' final ‘t .r,>

"W hy did youido th a t? T h e -w a s airftedi.• T f tr n o t c erta in " w h y r did*’*- Mkt.

H eckm ann contfemed, " b n t I thinUr I asked; th e custow rer liow W Bpelled' ttie nam e. ^Xhe m an cam e into* m y p lace ftp W est- F o rty -seco n d s tre e t nearly e v e ry e v e n in g H e u sually ca lted 1 abouC % o’clock^fo g e t h is m aill

Uto*c«1|itIon o f “ H; O. m *rnetk”’H e w as a-m ed lum sized .m an , d a p p e r4

irt ap p ea ran ce and u a th e r flnloky In hls^ dress. H e a lw ays^appeaned • to be v e ry well groom ed. H e ?iad a redfiish muff^ tache, r a th e r heavy^ ^ujd curded up aC the ends. H is h a i r w as o f a lighten- tinge of re d th a n tSie m ustache . As^ n ea r as L e a n te ll i t ’w as a l w aya sm ooths ly: brushed .,r

W h a t w a» the . c h a ra c te r o P th o m alll th is m an received?”

I t ’wasr a lS ^ f aboutr th e sanne class, packages- a n d sampEee from» patent*: m edicine-conaems*. One o r m ore p ack - goa -

I never held m uchio£a« conversation w ith H e!d say good evening; and I would-dOu> the samp.. P erhaps-once

JA U D E N E S A R R E ST E D .Hpnnliih G e n r rn l to B e Trfefl- P o p

S u r re n d e e ln ir M nnlln ..M adrid, J an . 27.—G eneral Jaudenes,

th e Span ish com m ander who c ap itu ­la te d a t M anila, has been a rre s te d by o rd e r of the^ co u rt m a rtia l and -taken -to - prison. 1 ’ .

I t ap p ea rs th a t th e evidence before th e c o u rt m a rtia l showed th a t G eneral Jaudenes had sufficient am m unition and food to have enabled h im to re s is t longer. T he co u rt m a rtia l ordered his a rre s t, w hereupon he su rren d ered h im ­self, accom panied by h is -son an d sev ­eral m in is te rs of s ta te . G eneral C orrea confirm ed th e a rre s t.

I t Is reported t h a t the c o u r t m a rtia l w ill exonerate G eneral T o ral o iy th e ground th a t he acted, u n d e r superio r Instructions.

—3^flmiral“ Montojo;**whO“ w as-d e fea te d by A dm iral Dewey a t C avite, will be tr ied fd r th e incom petent condition of h is fleet.

I t ' is a sse rted .also th a t A dm ira l G e r

fore he will not be able to take h is s ea t aa a sena to r on the reassembling* o f the cortes.

V irg in in I ’in le ts Rrlii)>tiit(‘il.Tilehmotid, J an . L’7. — TIk- b««iml of vis-

ftoj-s <»f the V irginia M ilitary in s titu te l a s decided to re in s ta te 'U v cadets 2 0 mposing th e first class, who were d is­missed by tin* sui**Tinb.'nd«'nt for gross tren ch of d iscipline on N<*\v Y ear’s ivenjng. T he resulutbm <»f th** board /u s ttu n s tlie a ^ io ii of i ;*-M«-rai Shiw**. The superin tenden t, and im puses heavy

.p e n a ltie s on the ead"ts tn be re insta ted .

\c v m lii KviM icrnti'—*?rh «-«j ■" r trm -


f a t in g connrritt'-f whi< h iias l> a idering th e bribery t i . - a w s A ssem blym an l.t-dy’-r.-ported y* declaring the charai- tn Le ■foundation and .•xm i-rating 1 »ry p a rticu la r.

a ^ i in s tst.-rd.iy,w ithout

P o lic e m e n A rre s t SotiUers»L a n c a ste r, tP a„ Jan . 27.—A sq u ad a t

policemen m et the express from New York, whlc)i a rriv ed here a t 12:1S y e s ­te rd a y m orning, an d a rre s ted seveni m em bers of the Sixth U nited S ta tes in­fa n try , recru ited In N ew Y ork a n d e n ro u te fo r F o r t H ouston, Tex., u n d er A cting C orporal F ra n k R iley, T h e so l­d iers w ere d runk and a f te r th e t r a in le f t P h ilad e lp h ia becam e riotouB' and ' qbarre led ivith passengers. T h e tra in crew , Jn a tte m p tin g to q u ie t them , w ere roughly handled , and C onductor W il­liam G rieves of P h ilad e lp h ia v knocked dow n and severely kicked. He says he w ill p"”o&ooute h is a ss a ilan ts . A cting C orporal I li le y .w a s sober, bu t unable to con tro l the m en, and be has P r iv a tes E d B urke an d F red H drton under m ilita ry a rre s t. T he o th e r m en are J . H . Min<?r, Jo h n T om pkins, G eorge D avis, John K rolia and C ..E D avis.

Iten 'U In rs l.eiivt* r«ir't (V ook.■OfjAiha,' J a n . 27.—Tie- l-'irsl t>::ttali£in

sjf the T w en ty -se.nond in fan try has- le ft F o r t Crook, over the M issouri Pnelflir ra ilw ay fo r M anila to relieve the vol­u n tee rs . T h e de tachm en t r.insisted of

, Com panibs B , I>, II arid K .f o Com m itftd O rlenn*.

W ash ing ton . Ja n ^ 7 ^ -C o m -in an d ‘*t;. E ,. Longencwker h a b e e n <l‘ taebed fn»ni the h a v y y a rd , island , ami o r­dered t\i com m and^the c ru ise r N“ \v ,p r-

■ leans, re liev in g C ap tain M. Folgcr, o rdered to- d u ty a s general in?pect/*n of

„ th e .equlprhent o f the b a ttle sh ip K enr- aarge. All---be m em bers of th e gradu>-

- 'ac tin g c la ss a t the N a v al academ y have been assigned to d u ty on^vessels riow in com m ission, m an y of them going tb ves­sels on th e A sia tic s ta t io n . ^ \

K i l l e d ’p x p lo d ln g L a m p . ? ,_ B in g h a m ton . N ,^ ^ J fiJl«-.2 1 k i l lS

acc id e n ta l u p se t tin g and explosion o f a mmv An«on. W . Tiffany, an expert t a - ahln ist In the. em ploy o f . thq Bun v 3*anum cluring com pany, w as fr lsh tfiil-

• t v ‘Burned about tb e body ttnfl’fac*. nia m jario* r*;*ult!Dg in <Je^th severa l hours, lftter. ’ . _

iri - aw hile a* nem ark would- he- m ade ab o u t th e^ w ec th e n -.b u ti that* w a s all, and that:w o4sld’ be w h ile I! was* looking Ini box 217, I f th e re w an-any tffing fo r him , I w ou l£ pass It’ o u tro f the-wifadow. He-would( p u ti 5he le tten in h ltonocket. o r th e p ack ag e iu* w h a te v e r i t happened to be and w alk out.

W henf thei.tiine’ elapsed Cor n^fliah th e ’ box w as hired,’ one mon tit*, th e re w as no renew al, an d th e cu sto m er never re ­tu rned . P ackagos arrived : fo r th e m an a f te r th a tj I -h e id : t h e unclaim ed i^ t i l fo r aw hile an d then tu rn e d i t over to the p o s ta l atithpritfeB;. T h e re h a s been n o th ing pass- through* mi? hands th is w in ter fo r B arneU ’’" ’

Mr. H eckm ann said: he w a e su re th a t h e would recognize the-lessee o f box 217 i f ’he should see-hitai a gath,

F ro m a so u rce w hich i t believes to be

following im p o r ta n t, infffcrmatlon: H. C ornish, w ho ren ted 1 a le t te r box a t 1S20 B roadw ay ,, is a fr ien d of. a well know n m em ber of one o i the c lubs w hose n am e h a s been m entioned p rom ­inen tly in connection w ith the poison­ing m ystery ; H. C brnish ia also a w a rm personal fr ien d o f a boxirrgr In s tru c to r form erly em ployed in one o f the le a d -

~Irig a th le tfa clulia.. T h e boxing in ­s tru c to r and- the chib m em ber m en tio n ­ed a re also close friends.

Crise.H a v an a , J a n , 2T-—A s th e re s u lt o f ' a

aonference betw een G overnor Generxi: B rooke and. G eneral Xieonard Wood;

Santiago, a ' m u tu a l u n d e rs tan d in g "hasl been reached regarding: th e custom s re ­ceipts* a t S an tiago . S an tiag o ’s $280;000‘ will n o t be u sed In o th e r jjrovinces, b u t will be m ortgaged to d e fra y th e c o s t of w orks now u n d e r w ay. T he sum of $80,- 000 Is re q u ire d fo r th e w a te r works* a t San tiago atone.

W M *e I n te r v i e w s V on B ti lo n .London, J a n . 27.—The B erlin c o rre ­

sponden t o f The S tandard* s a y s th a t Mr. W hite , th e U nited S ta te s em b assa^ d o r to G erm any , had a long and co rd ia l conversa tion 9 ri W ednesday w ith “H e r r -vori Bulow, Im perial s e c re ta ry fo r fo r­eign a ffa irs , re g a rd in g th e Sam ?^n question , a s to w hich it is ev iden t, th e co rresponden t observes, th a t m> se ri­ous d ifferences will arise.

N ii/lonn ) IA*n«:nc Cfrcu!*-Chicago, J an . 27.—T he N ationa l league

baseball m ag n a tes ha\^s p rac tica lly com e to a n agreem ent on the c irc u it fo r n ex t season. jVH hope h a s been a b a n ­doned of .paring the ^circuit to e ig h t d u b s , atid th e schedule w hich will be pco*pos«-il aT 'the' in^eTfng in iVe'W ji OVR' Feb. 2S will provlile fo r ten clubs. T he

.program m e ira lmb*s th e abandonm ent of (Cleveland and i.Jaltimore, T he "Spld e rs” will go to St. Louis, and th e W est- te rn league club a t C olum bus w ill be tran sfe rred to C leveland. I t is a s s e r t­ed on good a u th o rity th a t Mr. RObisori will probably^be In possession of the St, Louis franch ise w ith in a w eek o r ten days. . __________

- M o n tan a ll**lt»ery C h a rg e s .M inneapolis, J an . 27,—A special to T he

Jo u rn a l from ’Helena, Mon., say s th a t S enato r W hiteside, who produced the $.'1Q,UOO alleged bribe ’m pney a t th e be ­g inning ofi the session, y e ste rd ay c re ­a te d a sensation l>y openly charg ing th a t every mq,q who voted *for C larke had be.en.bp.ught, . H e m entioned Itep - re sen ta tlv e Q arr h y nam e, and th a t gen tlem an shouted , "Y ou ,are an in ­fam ous l ia r !” The g ran d fb ry reported th a t m oney had been used on bo th sides, b u t th e re }vas‘ n o t sufficient ev i­dence to w a rra n t an lnd lc trr^n t, *

Im tu rn u c e (.’o m ii l i iu t iu s s . 1New Y ork, J an . 27.—R ep resen ta tiv es

of 135 fire in su rance .companies do ing business | in the m e tro p o litan district- m et y es te rd a y , and an agr£em 6nt w as reached w hich w ill re su lt in the re -es tab llshm eijt of th e o ld 'ta r if f assoc iation am i th e consequen t end of th e “ra te c u ttin g w a r" w hich h as been go ing on for the la s t year.

C I-fO A K D E P T .- 160 Ladtes-SUrts, brocade and n M i' In blank antfcoKis. were91.fB, now,"” "

C oata ,< w ere|2 ;w to 18.60, nonrWie,u(*io,(nv4v 'po.uis, uw*r wou.25 Jjadlee’ Coate Jn b lack and colors,

were $6 50, n o w JSiSO.S6- Ijad iee’- e t o e s 1, . w ere ?3,80,' now

$ 1 .4 9 . .. .■..>( r .. 26 L ad ies1 Capea,. w ere 95;00,. now. $1.98; V - . . ; ; r-',

60 IjadSfes’ BuSa'ln' e le tb . Beige* and ehevioto, w ere J5tS0'to 86.60. turn J2.49.

S H O E n K P T . , , , . ..150 pair BUoe»,.butt6b'or tw e .

w orth $ ll?6 , t l .6 0 ,.a il go a t f l .2 5 .- -7 frn d r l» jU erB W tn « r n d ' b m , 98c;w o r th $1.2E .

17S pair H isse s a s # C hildren IAmma UV>JV«r»i'4S-eVeW.-; . ' '" ------ --

9Se.73 p s lr Moil'S E a « i

to data sty le s , 99.6; wo:- , $1.80.,80’» « lr B oyB ^Iiace , tJ8o, w o rth 1 100' p * lr J jS d lea i i t u u berB, l'Ai; w o tf£

SO pale M en’s -A rctics; w ere- $11251- B ow 98c; i-S’V. ’ i

D K T OOOa>S IMP1-'50 doz.'JftEaEask T iw ela I f yardB Jbng*

w a s 15c, s o w 10c,100 pcs. C nw h T ow el it!®- was- 5c,

HOW 8 |c .F ren ch Cambric! SiJ-ard' iride, **oa

J2}e, n o w I*:, a?- .a s pcs. QttUng P te im el, w as 8e,

n o w 6 c . ................- — ..........- . -to y d s . of*W>od M neMo, S0vr %m& ~0e.- 10 pcs. 1A1I W ool S e ’-ise; wae SSo n o w

2Se.8& pcs. ln>- a l l W oo) l ia d ls s CHitb,

w sb 39c, now SS e.

In d ie s w id e , tro* 60c, n o w 2Stvpe». M t e d Plftid'^Asnble-wtd'd,,

w a s USe, n ow ]2 j .B la c k . a S 'iia n ttee j- 4(Macbea-

w id e , w as 59c, l e w 390.10 p ea F&xtay F ia id Btfdfojd;. 40

l n c b » w id e , n o w 8 9 o . ,®0» doe. L a d l» ‘ Fleec® - H oee, w ere

25a,,now 12jc. ’ _S&teF. ’l lieit" (Bray- F leeced ■ TOeta

a n d B M te, wer&59e: now'25oi- 260p.fcr Ladies- Cometae H i & 2B , H ,

& a n d bleSmoe W elrU le!e.,. -were

(BI.OTHING D E P f .Meri'a a il w ool. B la c k Suite..

$7:80, now *t.9S. .....“ ftfen'JrBrOwn'awd'QrayMlxecPSnlt^.w ere| $S.S0.

Men’s Brown M ixed Snite, sold for $7 50 and $8.5®, now $4.98:

.j. M en’S F ln e B’ulta fn p la in an d - fa n e s leokire, sold for $10 a n d $1^, now $7.<p.

200 pair o f Men's P ant), sold for 9&S01 ijrow 76<S.

88 pair Bbys' pants, sold for 60c, n ow We.^M6js’»x>v«woari^li*-ftnrt8.'00--aw!' $10'00, n o w *4 98;

100 B o y s r’8 u iis , so ld fat 52.50, now» •1475 ' _

B o y ’s Beefere, sold for$3,50a n d Z i 00 now d .9 8 ’anci'$2.47: - •

B oy s ’ OverroatB. stJd- fo r $3.00, now*

W e p r o m i s e a i n ' l a s t t h a ts o x a e t h i ! P « . t o i n t e r e s t y o u w o t t l d ■- f o l l o w t h i s w - e e k . .

^ [ e r e r t n e y £ r e v ' i *'

D O M E S T IC S .4 9 5 0 y a r d ^ : 6 u t m g . j P I a n a e l ( c h e c k a n d s t r i p e s ) ! - w ortlivlOfi. _______

M en’S la te s t s ty le D erb y H a ts in blnck arad browti. s o l# for #3.90, n o w $ 1 oo:

M ^ ’«iE .e<iQ !:aL_H alsLlu.Jjte.ek_and.

w ere 159« now" 1#d, SToE--28e 25' d a s , C h ild ro s’s G r a y V ests a n d

F l ia, WKre 39c, now '25c.S9» yajnlB .Torcitcn Lac»,: w as 10c,

n o w So p w yard,59 «io». It'.Jies' *bs1 C h ild ren 'S M It-

tens, were 25c, n o w l2Je per pair.GO'ttnx Chi!aren% Bc!d F lta n e l \Et»ts

M idiP aats, w ere 6Sej n o w .Wei-

brown, rogti'nr ndte $1.S0( now9H.n..n H'fiylMKimm \

^ MEW’S ' s ’u m n s n i N G D EPT.

so ld a t 60c, n o w 80S-.25 doz. M en ’s W ool U nderw ea* , w ere

3Bo. b o w 8Sc.; SO1**!. M jn ’a U n d ttw ea r , weite- so ld s t 05cr n o w 19U. •; . 10- aoz. Mea’i All W oo! Bms F laaD el CBidwrwear, w ereso lA af$1 .00 j now S&e.

60 dtez. Mew-’fi - A l l 1 W ool H a lf Hose, w ere so ld s t 2fi<r, n o w 15c

150 M en ’s a r id 'B a y s ’ A ll. W oo l Bw8SA«ra,- ware.. sold .C$S.50, |ii!!.(K) aa d $330, n o w 98c, a 'M e a ’s B lu e F la n n e l Shlits-,. w e*e .sold- front 31.00 to ll.fiO , J46w S0&

186 Mea’s Perctdeflhlrts-wlth coilim ‘asd'euSb). sold fos $1.00, now 3S«: t, K36ttM’eura1:,and.KBoyMa Uip8],,,BoJ4:.<aA ■80e, aow SO c..................... .........


MSULINEHT- ,®EP3 ;ait' 500' F a n ey Featisers, w ere- sold'

ttow ISe.200 ILadles' ai>.d Cbiidran'a- French'.

F e lt H ats- i a black sn d - colors, sold' for $1.25,, n ow S S c.

75 L adies'and Children’ Trimmed’ Sailors in black felt, w e w 7$e,.aow 35c.

yards- R ibbon fitaDt&tO 4'lnehes-, al! ailk-, Ml ortoica, leis-yawi,

50 boKef; BJaclC'QalriCh Tips,, v e se - 39e, n o w 19c. — ------ - .—

SO-Ladtoe TSim m ed Hats* Ie v e lv e t a a d feU -so M from $& £0 to 15.09. m ow $&4& ’

TJntrimmed V e lv e t H a te In bla>:k. and-colore, w *rs SI AOrt n o w Kte

58 C h i l d r e n glia; W p i , w ere SOo,-; now 1«C:

25 Children's* Caps in a ll e w o n j .w a e - 9te, n o w 49c.

C O O K ' S B E E H I V E .A L G E R t e s t i f i e s .

The- Sh t a r y W**r BAforei t i nB o a rd « C ;Inqa li7 >. »

W asiring ton , Jaac27 .-^S ecre ta ry A iger ap p ea red yestercfiay; befo re the %yai boarrf c£ inquiry . ex p la ined 'tha .t? thela rg e r p a r t o f th a «w ar; fttnd.‘»had beenused lo r co ast d a fe n s^ , H e '-a^ ld the

re liab le The* H erald , h a s * obbaihed _ th e ^chleftt.QC bureaua_«rften re p « r te d . t^ h lm#n41nwlnff iFrtnAriaTt^ IhflfcrrmnHnn * H , B airant Hmaa o rl TTrt n 4ml^larl eftmn

FOnr D arned to D eath , pM alden, M ass.,'Jan . 27.—The house on

P e a rl s tre e t occupied by A rth u r Htedi -so n -an d W a-£ aip ily .^5 _ ln ir iied . to -the g rpund a t 1:30 this m orning. As none of the occupan ts w ere*se^n to leave1 th e b u ild ing ftt te r thp fire w as disfcovered,*it Is believed th a r Mr. H edlson and hia th re^ ch ild ren w ere burned tp ’death. M rs. H ed lson is in P rov idence ..

Succe*Mor to F f tth e p B ro w n .N ew Y ork, Ja n . 27.—R ev. Dr. George-

M. C hris tian , re c to r of G race I^pisco- , N ew ark , !n, J .,_ has' been called to fill, the \ ^ & n ( r y ~ l n EaSr. to ra te of ,th e Ciiuhbh Of. S t. M aty the ' Virgi'n, New Y ork, occasioned by th e d e a th o f th e ia te F a th e r B row n, the well know n ’ h igh ch u rch Episcopal clergym an'. ___________ ,

W e r n e r W ln a P o o l T o u r n a m e n t .C hicago, J a n . 27.-r-lh th e pool to u rn a ­

m en t W ern er defeated S tew a*t by a s core of 125 to 119.

A S B U R Y F A R K 'M S J IjS '

<UAnJ OMSB. '.For New Yorir, and polnte north i 7.80,

11140a.m.-, 8.80, 8.00p .m . " ■ ' .For Philadelphia and points sou th ; 7.00

11.40 a. m„ 8.80, '.00 p. ej.For Trantoa : 7.00, J.1,40 a.‘ m„ 8.S0, 8.00

P'foi Freehold : 7.80,1J.4p a .,n il, 8.^), 6.00 p. m. - '

-For. Poll)* Pleasant and way stations: 9.B0 a, m.,12.50, 8.501>. m . .

Ocean cirove—7.80 a. m., 12.50, 5.50 p. nl.- 1 MflLS AKBIVB.From vote yotw. ana Ewlnte north : 1.05,

{ <VAam Fihw^pliia S i l 1 point* south: 7.0E,

From Freehold :\7.05, l0.22a. m., L18, 6.23

sev e ra l tim es a dcrjy* H e ad m itted come defeete w ere appjB t^it In tHo-early> dayf o f the* w ar, b e ca u a e ^ t .w posslhle to handle- suich a la rg e "‘B od^ o f . m en on- sh o rt notice. H e 'd ld no t* reca ll h av ing received com plain ts ■during the- w a r In re g a rd to th e a rm y food- T here w as a sh o rtn e ss a t Santiago* befBttuae, tfee food- aouM n o t be landed, .

H c 's h id th a t t i e heads id rh n ie a u a a ll d id th e ir w ork vwell d u rin * th e w ar. Id an sw er to a quQctJori Jie^denied th a t he h a tj. d lrec tly oryindlrectl^v a n y in te re aU In tk e - select I onr of anri'sj c am p s o r a n jj in te ra c t in a n x c o n tra c t’ fo r m aterial® supplied d u r in g th e 'w a rv .H e adtited th a ^ f th a t s ta tem eijh ,app lied a lso to tixe pirn* cfcaaMt-Qfjttanapyrfrs, _ a ^

G overnor B eavef l^ n M u ^ fs i^ 'a t i rq o r . beef con trovo rsy by « sk ln g S ecre ta ry A lger if he had recefwed fro ra Genepal M iles a -req u est th a t n a rao ra fre sh b»ef b e Bent to Pojrto Rloo.. T be sec re ta ry re - pHed th a t h is - a n n u a l reports c on ta ined such a d ispatch . G eneral M tte» statdng th a t th e re Tras plentj:, of. fresh beef in th e is ^ n d . G eneral M liea h a a said sam e- th in g aboub some beje^spoiltog.

K e v ertin g to th e r)j»ef, S ec re ta ry A lger sa id th a t ; canned b«fef w as. no t-usod as- a n experim en t and, th a t ho-had n u .p rir v a te ftibney in te re s t in t i e - feeding, of th e tro o p s .' _________■

IlniK itniii P y J M 1 B » rt: A H hnr*O dessa, Jan- ^ .-^A co o rd ln g t» a did*-

pa tch received apre fro m Pbrtj A rthw t^ th e Rxxsslan poatrln tbQ rlilautong pen in­su la o f China,, bad- w a te r Is= oauahjgr te rrib le m o rta lity am ong1 th ^ R u ss ia n troojns. Tw o hundred! and fifteen iHed d u rin g th e m onths N ovem ber and . D ecem ber, anditJie a v e rag e m ortajy jy is now fo u r d e a th s dailyi

Th*. A ntiM toajc F i e h t iH a rrisb u rg , J an . 27t—S e n a to r F lin n

said la s t n ig h t th?tt a re w a rd o f $10,000 w ill be offered byt th e an tt^Q uay ltes fo r proofs of an y co rrup tion , in connectior. w ith leg isla tion . T he e ig h th b a llo t in the , le g is la tu re showedi no. change in th e s i tu a tion. .

O m CaMeip K N N B Y L V x m A R A H ,R O V D .

The SfemdM # R ailro ad o l A s t r lc * ^On wjdaft*rOctoi»er<-3fi9fc

TtusM iMM^Juanmr fa m —•w m u t o - .Far New York

tJuiSJifrpi Hflwmrk, r.15,’940 *- m*A3&

; u an way, v.iu a> ta, p n .'MataamntO.lO&tm. 2.90 aad 6jS7]>au \■ Low Branoh, Tas, ».l0,.10;68'«vjat a.lA».8^, 37, 7OTp*m. \ ■ v . *

It>r Ellmhetih Q.10 a b . 2.38 m A B.W ^ o i,For Bab way, 9.10 A n , 2.85 » d 6 ^ 7 p m.Iftr Matawan,^ '"For I

6ta7,5^7KWnrtk "For Bed Bank.' fjth-WOa m. 2J*:Ai*iflue7p-aa. For Philadelphia, Broad 81^ and TrvnCos. 7.20

7.5a a^n, :12J20 j aa^ 107 p m.For Camden vta. Trmton snd Bordeatowa, 7^9

7;5»a m, IfiJSQaod C07 p >Tot Camden aad PMladelptila1 via. Torn MverFor Toma B ln r. Island Haifetohaad imtenedi-For FD tnt_________

iL0ft<bnua.5%.9.ttpou. - F6v New Broas<a1ek« tI* . ^i^0Q»m. lyflftawdUff-pja,


m m u r n raw ¥qtmuw»Vtotm West Tweat^-Thi^d^&troi^ atatton. BJft a

n v IS JO, SJS> aod 4 >0 p-m, Qoadayfy V»G a m aad 4 BO pm . r

' -OcaBandb

plaoaodC Nortik Aakary Farit and A sb turFar* tx> (efrt^paanoKMa.

m m zjuva m u M u m (Broad Bt) m r u i

W8-s»,lt,i4aHL3.80 and i M p o u w e U a n ; Market Btraa* whaaC^vla Oamde« and Tfcaa boa, 7.10, 10UM a n v O d a a d S.90;p m. w »k- days. Ijeatra Marker Dteaat W hw via Tiiaaa bars, 7.10 a a , 4.00 9*01 woak^aya

V A flH lN O T O I i A N D T H B S O « T E ' r , ^ U M t n i L

F tf b a l t ta o n and W aahhvtoa. tM , I.S3,10J». 11^8 a tn, 18J9 O&sTLlmttedmiafcw <SrL---------- * C*r\ - - - ^ -1!


3 8 5 0 y a r d » D r e s s C t i n g h a m s ( l i g h t s p r i n g s t y l e s ) , Q o ■ w o r t h 1 0 c .

8 9 4 0 . y a r d s F i r e a s S j f c T w o r t a b ? c . ' "

D a m a s t e T o w e l S v T w o r t h 2 0 c . - - - .. T

LVfejg. l o t , o f W o o l 9 1 1 : : a n # C o t t o n ) ) m n j n t s , 1 ' S Q g ' O n

L o f e N o . 1 — 1 8 9 d o a . L a d i e s M u s i a n U n d e r w e a r , n i c e l y a s s o r t e d , c o n s i s t i n g , o f t G o w n s , S k i r t s , O i i e m i s e a , C o r s e t G d v e r s a n d ’D r a w e r S j o u r p r i c e f o r t h i s - s a l e . 2 3 o , c h e a p a t 4 5 c . , . - *

L o t f N o . 2 — 9 5 d o z . L a d i e s M u s l i n i l m d e r w e a r , n i c e l y a s - s o r t e d a r i c P f i n e q u a l t y , c o n s i s t i a g o f G o w n s , S k i r t s , - , © h e m l s e s , C o r s e t 0 * > v e r s a n d T J p a w e s r ^ o n r p i i c e f o r t i i i s s a l e , 4 ^ 0 . c h e a p a t 7 5 c .

7 9 d o * . C f e n f s I J W a u n d e r e d S M r t s , S ^ e ^ c h e a p a t 4 5 c .

4 9 d o s ? € J e n t ’s L a n n d e r e d . d e t a e J i a b l e c u f f s , - f i n e M a d r a s - S M o r t s , o u r g t r i c e 0 3 © ^ c h e a p a t 9 8 e .

5 9 d o i s t C t e n t ’s K a t u r a l W o o l a n d i Q a t i x m . m i x e d U n d e r w e a a r , o u r p r i c e c f i e a ^ p a t ^ 'iS e i'”"

D a r a o g o u r - i n v e n t o r y w e f o u m d l a a t v u r a l l y a g r e a t i n a i i y o d d s a n d e n d s . d e s i r a b l e n H j r e l i a n d i s e . , W e m e a n * t o c l o s e - t b e m q i i ^ a n d i f p r i c e - w i D , s e l l t h e m t h e y a r e 1 s u r e l y y o « r s © & n o t f a i i i t o p a y u s a v i s i t .

S te in b a c hMAMMOTH. . . .O o i n a r . . . . ;

tam St. n d . ( n o n * i n .OCEAN PAlJkOE

.^ .C o r n e r .. . ,

t . m m w n e . -.

. A S B U R Y : P A R K .

F a ta l A e^tdent ln N ew Y ork.. New Y ork, J an . 2 7 .—E scap in g steam

te rrib ly scalded six coal passers on 'th e flagship N ew Y ork a t th e n avy ya rd , and tw o o f them a re expected to die.

PoiKt and way12.12, p.m.

f u i Ocean Grore i 8.0C m p .M .1 -. . : y. > *

SJHla. 13.13 6.80

• A 1‘en n J t K ille d D im .T rjen ton ,.Jan : 27.—H e rb e rt M aul died

a t St, F rh n c is ' hosp ita l yeste rd ay . W hile e a t in g i>eahuls a w hole one lodged a t th e ren tra n ce to jiis s tom ach . An o p e ra ­tio n w as perform ed, b lit I t did n o t sav e h is life.' \ ' ’ . f ’

F L O R ID A ..


* m, and VLXH . ,.w _.1.12 W Limited.7.81 (Olalajc__dara. finadaya* ,R>, TjBO .18,11,23, a m . 18,00, US (Btolng C a^f 4.43, (8.S0 CwtgrialaaMdLIm-- Ited, Dining Car), Wa (Oialn#Ca(%TJ2 (Dlaln« Car) p m, and taOOnikht.Tlma4abiec of ail otter frafatf of tha Bystem

may bm obtained at tbe ticket oflleeaor atationa 3. B. WOOD, Qw.Faaa.Axfc J. B. U UTCHUCSON. Qen. Hanaaer


I k L u x u r y o f H o m e M a d e B r e a d -

MaT"b® eiijoyed ia eveir fcoaae hold. Ther# is a knack m the making and- only good bakers with the beet of material

-^-r~h«>p<>4e~p*oftaoe™ 8asb-JwBad-ft8. > -we'deliver to onr oostomerB

every day.

Ice C ream delivered daily, " -

WINCKLER,Baker and Confectioner,

— : 717 Mattison Aveniie.

P e r so n a lly - C o n d n o te fl '^nar P e o o B |.h a u ia IfcallroadL

. The. next Pennsylvania- railroad tonr to Jacksonville, allowing two weeks in Florida, will liave New York and Philadelphia h r special trikin ot Pullman palace earn, Tues­day, February 7..- Eiourelon ttpketa, In­cluding ■ railway tranuportatlon, Pullman laceommodatlons (one berth), and m eals en route ta both aireetlona w hile traveling on the Bpeelal train, win ba sold 6 t the follow-

■Meat BTe” 7orlc;l5 hUadeiphla, #48 00 f'aS S i Brie, 454.85:WUkeBbanfe, 150.85; Plttebure, 158.00; and atpfSpa rtlo »te rati ■ iw .' V,

For tlokots, itlderariea and lulUnfornsE- t!ba Aiplv t o : ticket agentm. tourist agent, 1190 Brdfiuway.' New V o A; j street,Newark, N . J .; i f adar05a S.».. -7. EoytL assistant jreneral pagseuMf agent, Bnw a Street Btfttlon, H ilm aslpwa ;

P lu m b in g T in n in g

F u m a d e W o rk


S T E IN E R & SON8 ‘

A S B U R Y P A R K N. J .

Iam s H . S extok, -


159 Main Street Asbury Park

CoHlos and Burial Caskets, 100 styles In stock, m& ftirnlsliei! at a mominVi notice.

Years of cxparieece. 1 Telephone -con- ■eetUHk. a ••'-

C H A R L E S ! 3. W Y C K 0 F F



* AllldnAs a t Interior aad Exterior PutBttu itoBs, fitkf! toTobntniat or day1* worC

■ b tJm atca cheerful]? given. 1

o n e * 700 Mala St. G * r ,3 m n A r t f ; M W I f i t t .

t i m e T a b l e * - ,


m e w

A ntkraclt'c Co«i U ses B xclw lvely , In»nr-

in g CUasUness a n d Comlort,

''/• TJrol»Sli>,iu«a«BtNpTeial)erSO, 1.89S,’■ : i i i h m n ammsv m b s ',

■ ’.i .,1 >-;• .• -XV*Ke« TTork, NemikaBdKUiabeth^la all rafl’ i rente, 820300a d , i s l £ <oo.eto p m. 8® - ' day inbm Intert*kenitatlon,r !7»DiJ«18pm. Tor FhlladelpMit aadtEtaaWfl Tl* SlMbetlilietti I'O t^seO am , 18.1 % 400.p m . 8and*y« from. IMerialOT*t«UM,#Watn.«X8DgLn , , iiL Wot Baltimore and- W aahhston, SHO; 8 00 a m, ■

191S, « 00. p. m. Bnndaya Gom In terlakea 'ita-. -ubo.7 W arn ,416SUB.

ForEM toii, BellSfion, AltoaMtn w aS teoeh .- :Ohiu)t 6*0<9I»b mVW 18,4!» p m Soudan ■

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