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    Creating Services (20%)

    Create service and operation contracts. This objective may include but is not limited to: one-way,

    duplex, and request reply; creating and specifying fault contracts; configuration-based contracts;

    exposing service metadata; selecting serialization (e.g., data contract serializer vs. XML

    serializer)This objective does not include: designing service and operation contracts;

    transactions, instantiation, security-related attributes

    Designing Service Contracts

    This topic describes what service contracts are, how they are defined, what operations are

    available (and the implications for the underlying message exchanges), what data types are used,

    and other issues that help you design operations that properly satisfy the requirements of your


    Creating a Service Contract

    Services are groups of operations. To create a service contract you must model operations and

    specify their grouping. In Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) applications, define the

    operations by creating a method and marking it with the OperationContractAttribute attribute.

    Then, to create a service contract, group together your operations, either by declaring them

    within an interface marked with the ServiceContractAttribute attribute, or by defining them in a

    class marked with the same attribute. (For a basic example, see How to: Define a Windows

    Communication Foundation Service Contract.)

    Any methods that do not have a OperationContractAttribute attribute are not service

    operations and are not exposed for use by clients of WCF services. Like any managed method,

    they can only be called by objects within their declared access scope.

    In a similar manner, it is also valid to create a service contract class or interface that declares no

    service operationsthe effect is the same as a class or interface with no methods. Any services

    built using a contract of this type expose no operations for clients to use. This topic describes the

    following decision points when designing a service contract:

    Whether to use classes or interfaces.

    How to specify the data types you want to exchange.

    The types of exchange patterns you can use.

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    Whether you can make explicit security requirements part of the contract.

    The restrictions for operation inputs and outputs.

    Classes or Interfaces

    Both classes and interfaces represent a grouping of functionality and, therefore, both can be used

    to define a WCF service contract. However, it is recommended that you use interfaces because

    they directly model service contracts. Without an implementation, interfaces do no more than

    define a grouping of methods with certain signatures. Likewise, a service contract without an

    implementation defines a grouping of operations with certain signatures. Implement a service

    contract interface and you have implemented a WCF service.

    All the benefits of managed interfaces apply to service contract interfaces:

    Service contract interfaces can extend any number of other service contract interfaces.

    A single class can implement any number of service contracts by implementing those service contract


    You can modify the implementation of a service contract by changing the interface implementation, while

    the service contract remains the same.

    You can version your service by implementing the old interface and the new one. Old clients connect to

    the original version, while newer clients can connect to the newer version.


    When inheriting from other service contract interfaces, you cannot override operation properties, such as

    the name or namespace. If you attempt to do so, you create a new operation in the current service


    For an example of using an interface to create a service contract, see How to: Create a Service

    with a Contract Interface.

    You can, however, use a class to define a service contract and implement that contract at the

    same time. The advantage of creating your services by applying ServiceContractAttribute and

    OperationContractAttribute directly to the class and the methods on the class, respectively, is

    speed and simplicity. The disadvantages are that managed classes do not support multiple

    inheritance, and as a result they can only implement one service contract at a time. In addition,

    any modification to the class or method signatures modifies the public contract for that service,

    which can prevent unmodified clients from using your service. For more information, see

    Implementing Service Contracts.

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    For an example that uses a class to create a service contract and implements it at the same time,

    see How to: Create a Windows Communication Foundation Contract with a Class.

    At this point, you should understand the difference between defining your service contract by

    using an interface and by using a class. The next step is deciding what data can be passed back

    and forth between a service and its clients.

    Parameters and Return Values

    Each operation has a return value and a parameter, even if these are void. However, unlike a

    local method, in which you can pass references to objects from one object to another, service

    operations do not pass references to objects. Instead, they pass copies of the objects.

    This is significant because each type used in a parameter or return value must be serializable;

    that is, it must be possible to convert an object of that type into a stream of bytes and from a

    stream of bytes into an object.Primitive types are serializable by default, as are many types in the

    .NET Framework.


    The value of the parameter names in the operation signature are part of the contract and are case sensitive.

    If you want to use the same parameter name locally but modify the name in the published metadata, see

    the System.ServiceModel.MessageParameterAttribute.

    Data Contracts

    Service-oriented applications like Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) applications are

    designed to interoperate with the widest possible number of client applications on both Microsoft

    and non-Microsoft platforms. For the widest possible interoperability, it is recommended that

    you mark your types with the DataContractAttribute and DataMemberAttribute attributes to

    create a data contract, which is the portion of the service contract that describes the data that your

    service operations exchange.

    Data contracts are opt-in style contracts: No type or data member is serialized unless you

    explicitly apply the data contract attribute. Data contracts are unrelated to the access scope of the

    managed code: Private data members can be serialized and sent elsewhere to be accessed

    publicly. (For a basic example of a data contract, see How to: Create a Basic Data Contract for a

    Class or Structure.) WCF handles the definition of the underlying SOAP messages that enable

    the operation's functionality as well as the serialization of your data types into and out of the

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    body of the messages. As long as your data types are serializable, you do not need to think about

    the underlying message exchange infrastructure when designing your operations.

    Although the typical WCF application uses the DataContractAttribute and

    DataMemberAttribute attributes to create data contracts for operations, you can use other

    serialization mechanisms. The standard ISerializable, SerializableAttribute and IXmlSerializable

    mechanisms all work to handle the serialization of your data types into the underlying SOAP

    messages that carry them from one application to another. You can employ more serialization

    strategies if your data types require special support. For more information about the choices for

    serialization of data types in WCF applications, see Specifying Data Transfer in Service

    Contracts.It is important to note that the CLR names in the definition of a Service Contract and

    its operations are significant and should not be confused. To avoid confusion of types used to

    define a Service Contract use the ObfuscationAttribute and ObfuscateAssemblyAttribute


    Mapping Parameters and Return Values to Message Exchanges

    Service operations are supported by an underlying exchange of SOAP messages that transfer

    application data back and forth, in addition to the data required by the application to support

    certain standard security, transaction, and session-related features. Because this is the case, the

    signature of a service operation dictates a certain underlying message exchange pattern (MEP)

    that can support the data transfer and the features an operation requires. You can specify three

    patterns in the WCF programming model: request/reply, one-way, and duplex message patterns.


    A request/reply pattern is one in which a request sender (a client application) receives a reply

    with which the request is correlated. This is the default MEP because it supports both an

    operation in which one or more parameters are passed to the operation and a return and one or

    more out values that the operation passes back to the caller. For example, the following C# code

    example shows a basic service operation that takes one string and returns a string.



    string Hello(string greeting);

    The following is the equivalent Visual Basic code.


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    Function Hello (ByVal greeting AsString) AsString

    This operation signature dictates the form of underlying message exchange. If no correlation

    existed, WCF cannot determine for which operation the return value is intended.

    Note that unless you specify a different underlying message pattern, even service operations that

    return void (Nothing in Visual Basic) are request/reply message exchanges. The result for your

    operation is that unless a client invokes the operation asynchronously, the client stops processing

    until the return message is received, even though that message is empty in the normal case. The

    following C# code example shows an operation that does not return until the client has received

    an empty message in response.



    void Hello(string greeting);

    The following is the equivalent Visual Basic code.


    Sub Hello (ByVal greeting AsString)

    The preceding example can slow client performance and responsiveness if the operation takes a

    long time to perform, but there are advantages to request/reply operations even when they return

    void. The most obvious one is that SOAP faults can be returned in the response message, which

    indicates that some service-related error condition has occurred, whether in communication or

    processing. SOAP faults that are specified in a service contract are passed to the client

    application as a FaultException object, where the type parameter is the type specified in the

    service contract. This makes notifying clients about error conditions in WCF services easy. For

    more information about exceptions, SOAP faults, and error handling, see Specifying and

    Handling Faults in Contracts and Services. To see an example of a request/reply service and

    client, see How to: Create a Request-Reply Contract. For more information about issues with the

    request-reply pattern, see Request-Reply Services.


    If the client of a WCF service application should not wait for the operation to complete and does

    not process SOAP faults, the operation can specify a one-way message pattern. A one-way

    operation is one in which a client invokes an operation and continues processing after WCF

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    writes the message to the network. Typically this means that unless the data being sent in the

    outbound message is extremely large the client continues running almost immediately (unless

    there is an error sending the data). This type of message exchange pattern supports event-like

    behavior from a client to a service application.

    A message exchange in which one message is sent and none are received cannot support a

    service operation that specifies a return value other than void; in this case an

    InvalidOperationException exception is thrown.

    No return message also means that there can be no SOAP fault returned to indicate any errors in

    processing or communication. (Communicating error information when operations are one-way

    operations requires a duplex message exchange pattern.)

    To specify a one-way message exchange for an operation that returns void, set the IsOneWay

    property to true, as in the following C# code example.



    void Hello(string greeting);

    The following is the equivalent Visual Basic code.


    Sub Hello (ByVal greeting AsString)

    This method is identical to the preceding request/reply example, but setting the IsOneWay

    property to true means that although the method is identical, the service operation does not send

    a return message and clients return immediately once the outbound message has been handed to

    the channel layer. For an example, see How to: Create a One-Way Contract. For more

    information about the one-way pattern, see One-Way Services.


    A duplex pattern is characterized by the ability of both the service and the client to send

    messages to each other independently whether using one-way or request/reply messaging. This

    form of two-way communication is useful for services that must communicate directly to the

    client or for providing an asynchronous experience to either side of a message exchange,

    including event-like behavior.

    The duplex pattern is slightly more complex than the request/reply or one-way patterns because

    of the additional mechanism for communicating with the client.

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    To design a duplex contract, you must also design a callback contract and assign the type of that

    callback contract to the CallbackContract property of the ServiceContractAttribute attribute

    that marks your service contract.

    To implement a duplex pattern, you must create a second interface that contains the method

    declarations that are called on the client.

    For an example of creating a service, and a client that accesses that service, see How to: Create a

    Duplex Contract and How to: Access Services with a Duplex Contract. For a working sample,

    see Service Contract: Duplex. For more information about issues using duplex contracts, see

    Duplex Services.


    When a service receives a duplex message, it looks at the ReplyTo element in that incoming message to

    determine where to send the reply. If the channel that is used to receive the message is not secured, then

    an untrusted client could send a malicious message with a target machine's ReplyTo, leading to a denial

    of service (DOS) of that target machine.

    Out and Ref Parameters

    In most cases, you can use in parameters (ByVal in Visual Basic) and out and ref parameters

    (ByRef in Visual Basic). Because both out and ref parameters indicate that data is returned from

    an operation, an operation signature such as the following specifies that a request/reply operation

    is required even though the operation signature returns void.



    publicinterface IMyContract



    publicvoid PopulateData(ref CustomDataType data);


    The following is the equivalent Visual Basic code.

    [Visual Basic]


    Public Interface IMyContract


    Public Sub PopulateData(ByRef data As CustomDataType)

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    End Interface

    The only exceptions are those cases in which your signature has a particular structure. For

    example, you can use the NetMsmqBinding binding to communicate with clients only if the

    method used to declare an operation returns void; there can be no output value, whether it is a

    return value, ref, or out parameter.In addition, using out or ref parameters requires that the

    operation have an underlying response message to carry back the modified object. If your

    operation is a one-way operation, an InvalidOperationException exception is thrown at


    Specify Message Protection Level on the Contract

    When designing your contract, you must also decide the message protection level of services that

    implement your contract. This is necessary only if message security is applied to the binding in

    the contract's endpoint. If the binding has security turned off (that is, if the system-provided

    binding sets the System.ServiceModel.SecurityMode to the value

    System.ServiceModel.SecurityMode.None) then you do not have to decide on the message

    protection level for the contract. In most cases, system-provided bindings with message-level

    security applied provide a sufficient protection level and you do not have to consider the

    protection level for each operation or for each message.The protection level is a value that

    specifies whether the messages (or message parts) that support a service are signed, signed and

    encrypted, or sent without signatures or encryption. The protection level can be set at various

    scopes: At the service level, for a particular operation, for a message within that operation, or a

    message part. Values set at one scope become the default value for smaller scopes unless

    explicitly overridden. If a binding configuration cannot provide the required minimum protection

    level for the contract, an exception is thrown. And when no protection level values are explicitly

    set on the contract, the binding configuration controls the protection level for all messages if the

    binding has message security. This is the default behavior.


    Deciding whether to explicitly set various scopes of a contract to less than the full protection level of

    System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign is generally a decision that trades some degree of

    security for increased performance. In these cases, your decisions must revolve around your operations

    and the value of the data they exchange. For more information, see Securing Services.

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    For example, the following code example does not set either the ProtectionLevel or the

    ProtectionLevel property on the contract.



    publicinterface ISampleService



    publicstring GetString();


    publicint GetInt();


    The following is the equivalent Visual Basic code.

    [Visual Basic]


    Public Interface ISampleService


    Public Function GetString()As String


    Public Function GetData() As Integer

    End Interface

    When interacting with an ISampleService implementation in an endpoint with a default

    WSHttpBinding (the default System.ServiceModel.SecurityMode, which is Message), all

    messages are encrypted and signed because this is the default protection level. However, when

    an ISampleService service is used with a default BasicHttpBinding (the default SecurityMode,

    which is None), all messages are sent as text because there is no security for this binding and so

    the protection level is ignored (that is, the messages are neither encrypted nor signed). If the

    SecurityMode was changed to Message, then these messages would be encrypted and signed

    (because that would now be the binding's default protection level).If you want to explicitly

    specify or adjust the protection requirements for your contract, set the ProtectionLevel property

    (or any of the ProtectionLevel properties at a smaller scope) to the level your service contract

    requires. In this case, using an explicit setting requires the binding to support that setting at a

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    minimum for the scope used. For example, the following code example specifies one

    ProtectionLevel value explicitly, for the GetGuid operation.



    public interface IExplicitProtectionLevelSampleService



    public string GetString();


    public int GetInt();


    public int GetGuid();


    The following is the equivalent Visual Basic code.

    [Visual Basic]


    Public Interface IExplicitProtectionLevelSampleService


    Public Function GetString() As String

    End Function


    Public Function GetInt() As Integer

    End Function


    Public Function GetGuid() As Integer

    End Function

    End Interface

    A service that implements this IExplicitProtectionLevelSampleService contract and has an endpoint

    that uses the default WSHttpBinding (the default System.ServiceModel.SecurityMode, which

    is Message) has the following behavior:

    The GetString operation messages are encrypted and signed.

    The GetInt operation messages are sent as unencrypted and unsigned (that is, plain) text.

    The GetGuid operation System.Guid is returned in a message that is encrypted and signed.

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    For more information about protection levels and how to use them, see Understanding Protection

    Level. For more information about security, see Securing Services.

    Other Operation Signature Requirements

    Some application features require a particular kind of operation signature. For example, the

    NetMsmqBinding binding supports durable services and clients, in which an application can

    restart in the middle of communication and pick up where it left off without missing any

    messages. (For more information, see Queues in Windows Communication Foundation.)

    However, durable operations must take only one in parameter and have no return value.

    Another example is the use of Stream types in operations. Because the Stream parameter

    includes the entire message body, if an input or an output (that is, ref parameter, out parameter,

    or return value) is of type Stream, then it must be the only input or output specified in your

    operation. In addition, the parameter or return type must be either Stream,

    System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message, or System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable. For

    more information about streams, see Large Data and Streaming.

    Names, Namespaces, and Obfuscation

    The names and namespaces of the .NET types in the definition of contracts and operations are

    significant when contracts are converted into WSDL and when contract messages are created and

    sent. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that service contract names and namespaces are

    explicitly set using the Name and Namespace properties of all supporting contract attributes

    such as the ServiceContractAttribute, OperationContractAttribute, DataContractAttribute,

    DataMemberAttribute, and other contract attributes.

    One result of this is that if the names and namespaces are not explicitly set, the use of IL

    obfuscation on the assembly alters the contract type names and namespaces and results in

    modified WSDL and wire exchanges that typically fail. If you do not set the contract names and

    namespaces explicitly but do intend to use obfuscation, use the ObfuscationAttribute and

    ObfuscateAssemblyAttribute attributes to prevent the modification of the contract type names

    and namespaces.

    Specifying and Handling Faults in Contracts

    and Services

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    Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) applications handle error situations by mapping

    managed exception objects to SOAP fault objects and SOAP fault objects to managed exception

    objects. The topics in this section discuss how to design contracts to expose error conditions as

    custom SOAP faults, how to return such faults as part of service implementation, and how clients

    catch such faults.

    Error Handling Overview

    In all managed applications, processing errors are represented by Exception objects. In SOAP-

    based applications such as WCF applications, service methods communicate processing error

    information using SOAP fault messages. SOAP faults are message types that are included in the

    metadata for a service operation and therefore create a fault contract that clients can use to make

    their operation more robust or interactive. In addition, because SOAP faults are expressed to

    clients in XML form, it is a highly interoperable type system that clients on any SOAP platform

    can use, increasing the reach of your WCF application.

    Because WCF applications run under both types of error systems, any managed exception

    information that is sent to the client must be converted from exceptions into SOAP faults on the

    service, sent, and converted from SOAP faults to fault exceptions in WCF clients. In the case of

    duplex clients, client contracts can also send SOAP faults back to a service. In either case, you

    can use the default service exception behaviors, or you can explicitly control whetherand

    howexceptions are mapped to fault messages.

    Two types of SOAP faults can be sent: declared and undeclared. Declared SOAP faults are those

    in which an operation has a System.ServiceModel.FaultContractAttribute attribute that specifies

    a custom SOAP fault type. Undeclared SOAP faults are not specified in the contract for an


    It is strongly recommended that service operations declare their faults by using the

    FaultContractAttribute attribute to formally specify all SOAP faults that a client can expect to

    receive in the normal course of an operation. It is also recommended that you return in a SOAP

    fault only the information that a client must know to minimize information disclosure.

    Typically, services (and duplex clients) take the following steps to successfully integrate error

    handling into their applications:

    Map exception conditions to custom SOAP faults.

    Clients and services send and receive SOAP faults as exceptions.

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    In addition, WCF clients and services can use undeclared soap faults for debugging purposes and

    can extend the default error behavior. The following sections discuss these tasks and concepts.

    Map Exceptions to SOAP Faults

    The first step in creating an operation that handles error conditions is to decide under what

    conditions a client application should be informed about errors. Some operations have error

    conditions specific to their functionality. For example, a PurchaseOrder operation might return

    specific information to customers who are no longer permitted to initiate a purchase order. In

    other cases, such as a Calculator service, a more general MathFault SOAP fault may be able to

    describe all error conditions across an entire service. Once the error conditions of clients of your

    service are identified, a custom SOAP fault can be constructed and the operation can be marked

    as returning that SOAP fault when its corresponding error condition arises.

    For more information about this step of developing your service or client, see Defining and

    Specifying Faults.Clients and Services Handle SOAP Faults as ExceptionsIdentifying operation

    error conditions, defining custom SOAP faults, and marking those operations as returning those

    faults are the first steps in successful error handling in WCF applications. The next step is to

    properly implement the sending and receiving of these faults. Typically services send faults to

    inform client applications about error conditions, but duplex clients can also send SOAP faults to

    services. For more information, see Sending and Receiving Faults.Undeclared SOAP Faults and

    DebuggingDeclared SOAP faults are extremely useful for building robust, interoperable,

    distributed applications. However, in some cases it is useful for a service (or duplex client) to

    send an undeclared SOAP fault, one that is not mentioned in the Web Services Description

    Language (WSDL) for that operation. For example, when developing a service, unexpected

    situations can occur in which it is useful for debugging purposes to send information back to the

    client. In addition, you can set the ServiceBehaviorAttribute.IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults

    property or the ServiceDebugBehavior.IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults property to true to permit

    WCF clients to obtain information about internal service operation exceptions. Both sending

    individual faults and setting the debugging behavior properties are described in Sending and

    Receiving Faults.


    Because managed exceptions can expose internal application information, setting

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    ServiceBehaviorAttribute.IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults or

    ServiceDebugBehavior.IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults to true can permit WCF clients to obtain

    information about internal service operation exceptions, including personally identifiable or

    other sensitive information.

    Therefore, setting ServiceBehaviorAttribute.IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults or

    ServiceDebugBehavior.IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults to true is recommended only as a way to

    temporarily debug a service application. In addition, the WSDL for a method that returns

    unhandled managed exceptions in this way does not contain the contract for the

    FaultException of type ExceptionDetail. Clients must expect the possibility of an

    unknown SOAP fault (returned to WCF clients as System.ServiceModel.FaultException objects)

    to obtain the debugging information properly.

    Customizing Error Handling with IErrorHandlerIf you have special requirements to either customize the

    response message to the client when an application-level exception happens or perform some custom

    processing after the response message is returned, implement the

    System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.IErrorHandler interface. Fault Serialization IssuesWhen deserializing a

    fault contract, WCF first attempts to match the fault contract name in the SOAP message with the fault

    contract type. If it cannot find an exact match it will then search the list of available fault contracts in

    alphabetical order for a compatible type. If two fault contracts are compatible types (one is a subclass of

    another, for example) the wrong type may be used to de-serialize the fault. This only occurs if the fault

    contract does not specify a name, namespace, and action. To prevent this issue from occurring, always

    fully qualify fault contracts by specifying the name, namespace, and action attributes. Additionally if you

    have defined a number of related fault contracts derived from a shared base class, make sure to mark any

    new members with [DataMember(IsRequired=true)]. For more information on this IsRequired attribute

    see, DataMemberAttribute. This will prevent a base class from being a compatible type and force the fault

    to be deserialized into the correct derived type.


    The Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) provides an infrastructure for exporting,

    publishing, retrieving, and importing service metadata. WCF services use metadata to describe

    how to interact with the service's endpoints so that tools, such as Svcutil.exe, can automatically

    generate client code for accessing the service.

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    In This Section

    Metadata Architecture Overview

    A high-level overview of metadata architecture.

    Metadata Formats

    Describes the different metadata formats.

    Exporting and Importing Metadata

    Describes how to export and import metadata.

    Publishing Metadata

    Describes how WCF publishes metadata.

    Retrieving Metadata

    Describes the different ways to retrieve metadata.

    Using Metadata

    Describes different ways to use service metadata.

    Security Considerations with Metadata

    Describes important security considerations when dealing with service metadata.

    Metadata Architecture Overview

    Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) provides a rich infrastructure for exporting,

    publishing, retrieving, and importing service metadata. WCF services use metadata to describe

    how to interact with the service's endpoints so that tools, such as Svcutil.exe, can automatically

    generate client code for accessing the service.Most of the types that make up the WCF metadata

    infrastructure reside in the System.ServiceModel.Description namespace. WCF uses the

    ServiceEndpoint class to describe endpoints in a service. You can use WCF to generate metadata

    for service endpoints or import service metadata to generate ServiceEndpoint instances.

    WCF represents the metadata for a service as an instance of the MetadataSet type, the structure

    of which is strongly tied to the metadata serialization format defined in WS-MetadataExchange.

    The MetadataSet type bundles the actual service metadata, such as Web Services Description

    Language (WSDL) documents, XML schema documents, or WS-Policy expressions, as a

    collection of MetadataSection instances. Each

    System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataSection instance contains a specific metadata

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    dialect and an identifier. A System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataSection can contain

    the following items in its System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataSection.Metadata property:

    Raw metadata.

    A MetadataReference instance.

    A MetadataLocation instance.

    A System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataReference instances point to another metadata

    exchange (MEX) endpoint and System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataLocation instances

    point to a metadata document using an HTTP URL. WCF supports using WSDL documents to

    describe service endpoints, service contracts, bindings, message exchange patterns, messages and

    fault messages implemented by a service. Data types used by the service are described in WSDL

    documents using XML schema. For more information, see Schema Import and Export. You can

    use WCF to export and import WSDL extensions for service behavior, contract behaviors, and

    binding elements that extend the functionality of a service. For more information, see Exporting

    Custom Metadata for a WCF Extension.

    Exporting Service Metadata

    In WCF, metadata export is the process of describing service endpoints and projecting them into

    a parallel, standardized representation that clients can use to understand how to use the service.

    To export metadata from ServiceEndpoint instances, use an implementation of the

    MetadataExporter abstract class. A System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataExporter

    implementation generates metadata that is encapsulated in a MetadataSet instance.

    The System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataExporter class provides a framework for

    generating policy expressions that describe the capabilities and requirements of an endpoint

    binding and its associated operations, messages, and faults. These policy expressions are

    captured in a PolicyConversionContext instance. A

    System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataExporter implementation can then attach these

    policy expressions to the metadata it generates.The

    System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataExporter calls into each

    System.ServiceModel.Channels.BindingElement that implements the IPolicyExportExtension

    interface in the binding of a ServiceEndpoint when generating a PolicyConversionContext

    object for the System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataExporter implementation to use.

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    You can export new policy assertions by implementing the IPolicyExportExtension interface

    on your custom implementations of the BindingElement type. The WsdlExporter type is the

    implementation of the System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataExporter abstract class

    included with WCF. The WsdlExporter type generates WSDL metadata with attached policy

    expressions. To export custom WSDL metadata or WSDL extensions for endpoint behaviors,

    contract behaviors, or binding elements in a service endpoint, you can implement the

    IWsdlExportExtension interface. The WsdlExporter looks at a ServiceEndpoint instance for

    binding elements, operation behaviors, contract behaviors, and endpoint behaviors that

    implement the IWsdlExportExtension interface when generating the WSDL document.

    Publishing Service Metadata

    WCF services publish metadata by exposing one or more metadata endpoints. Publishing service

    metadata makes service metadata available using standardized protocols, such as MEX and

    HTTP/GET requests. Metadata endpoints are similar to other service endpoints in that they have

    an address, a binding, and a contract. You can add metadata endpoints to a service host in

    configuration or in code. To publish metadata endpoints for a WCF service, you must first add an

    instance of the ServiceMetadataBehavior service behavior to the service. Adding a

    System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceMetadataBehavior instance to your service

    augments your service with the ability to publish metadata by exposing one or more metadata

    endpoints. Once you add the System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceMetadataBehavior

    service behavior you can then expose metadata endpoints that support the MEX protocol or

    metadata endpoints that respond to HTTP/GET requests. To add metadata endpoints that use the

    MEX protocol, add service endpoints to your service host that use the service contract named

    IMetadataExchange.WCF defines the IMetadataExchange interface that has this service contract

    name. WS-MetadataExchange endpoints, or MEX endpoints, can use one of the four default

    bindings exposed by the static factory methods on the MetadataExchangeBindings class to match

    the default bindings used by WCF tools, such as Svcutil.exe. You can also configure MEX

    metadata endpoints using a custom binding.The ServiceMetadataBehavior uses a

    System.ServiceModel.Description.WsdlExporter to export metadata for all service endpoints

    in your service. For more information about exporting metadata from a service, see Exporting

    and Importing Metadata.The ServiceMetadataBehavior augments your service host by adding a

  • Resource Links for 70-513 WCF Certification Exam


    ServiceMetadataExtension instance as an extension to your service host. The

    System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceMetadataExtension provides the implementation

    for the metadata publishing protocols. You can also use the

    System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceMetadataExtension to get the service's metadata at

    runtime by accessing the Metadata property.


    If you add a MEX endpoint in your application configuration file and then attempt to add the

    ServiceMetadataBehavior to your service host in code you get the following exception:

    System.InvalidOperationException: The contract name 'IMetadataExchange' could not be found in the list

    of contracts implemented by the service Service1. Add a ServiceMetadataBehavior to the configuration

    file or to the ServiceHost directly to enable support for this contract.

    You can work around this issue by either adding the ServiceMetadataBehavior in the configuration file

    or adding both the endpoint and ServiceMetadataBehavior in code.

    For an example of adding ServiceMetadataBehavior in an application configuration file, see the Getting

    Started Sample. For an example of adding ServiceMetadataBehavior in code, see the Self-Host sample.


    When publishing metadata for a service that exposes two different service contracts in which each contain

    an operation of the same name an exception is thrown. For example, if you have a service that exposes a

    service contract called ICarService that has an operation Get(Car c) and the same service exposes a

    service contract called IBookService that has an operation Get(Book b), an exception is thrown or an

    error message is displayed when generating the service's metadata. To work around this issue do one of

    the following:

    Rename one of the operations.

    Set the Name to a different name.

    Set one of the operations' namespaces to a different namespace using the Namespace property.

    Retrieving Service Metadata

    WCF can retrieve service metadata using standardized protocols such as WS-MetadataExchange

    and HTTP. Both of these protocols are supported by the MetadataExchangeClient type. You

    retrieve service metadata using the

    System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataExchangeClient type by providing an address and

    an optional binding. The binding used by a

  • Resource Links for 70-513 WCF Certification Exam


    System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataExchangeClient instance can be one of the

    default bindings from the MetadataExchangeBindings static class, a user-supplied binding, or a

    binding loaded from an endpoint configuration for the IMetadataExchange contract. The

    System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataExchangeClient can also resolve HTTP URL

    references to metadata using the HttpWebRequest type.By default, a

    System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataExchangeClient instance is tied to a single

    ChannelFactoryBase instance. You can change or replace the ChannelFactoryBase instance

    used by a System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataExchangeClient by overriding the

    GetChannelFactory virtual method. Similarly, you can change or replace the

    System.Net.HttpWebRequest instance used by a

    System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataExchangeClient to make HTTP/GET requests by

    overriding the


    .String,System.String) virtual method.You can retrieve service metadata using WS-

    MetadataExchange or HTTP/GET requests by using the Svcutil.exe tool and passing the

    /target:metadata switch and an address. Svcutil.exe downloads the metadata at the specified

    address and saves the files to disk. Svcutil.exe uses a

    System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataExchangeClient instance internally and loads an

    MEX endpoint configuration (from the application configuration file) whose name matches the

    scheme of the address passed to Svcutil.exe, if one exists. Otherwise, Svcutil.exe defaults to

    using one of the bindings defined by the MetadataExchangeBindings static factory type.

    Importing Service Metadata

    In WCF, metadata import is the process of generating an abstract representation of a service or

    its component parts from its metadata. For example, WCF can import ServiceEndpoint

    instances, Binding instances or ContractDescription instances from a WSDL document for a

    service. To import service metadata in WCF, use an implementation of the MetadataImporter

    abstract class. Types that derive from the

    System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataImporter class implement support for importing

    metadata formats that take advantage of the WS-Policy import logic in WCF.

  • Resource Links for 70-513 WCF Certification Exam


    A System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataImporter implementation collects the policy

    expressions attached to the service metadata in a PolicyConversionContext object. The

    System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataImporter then processes the policies as part of

    importing the metadata by calling the implementations of the IPolicyImportExtension interface

    in the PolicyImportExtensions property.

    You can add support for importing new policy assertions to a

    System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataImporter by adding your own implementation of

    the IPolicyImportExtension interface to the PolicyImportExtensions collection on a

    System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataImporter instance. Alternatively, you can register

    your policy import extension in your client application configuration file.

    The System.ServiceModel.Description.WsdlImporter type is the implementation of the

    System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataImporter abstract class included with WCF. The

    System.ServiceModel.Description.WsdlImporter type imports WSDL metadata with attached

    policies that are bundled in a MetadataSet object.

    You can add support for importing WSDL extensions by implementing the

    IWsdlImportExtension interface and then adding your implementation to the

    WsdlImportExtensions property on your System.ServiceModel.Description.WsdlImporter

    instance. The System.ServiceModel.Description.WsdlImporter can also load implementations

    of the System.ServiceModel.Description.IWsdlImportExtension interface registered in your

    client application configuration file.

    Dynamic Bindings

    You can dynamically update the binding that you use to create a channel to a service endpoint in

    the event that the binding for the endpoint changes or you want to create a channel to an endpoint

    that uses the same contract but has a different binding. You can use the MetadataResolver static

    class to retrieve and import metadata at runtime for service endpoints that implement a specific

    contract. You can then use the imported System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceEndpoint

    objects to create a client or channel factory to the desired endpoint.

    Metadata Formats

  • Resource Links for 70-513 WCF Certification Exam


    Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) supports the metadata formats in the following


    Metadata Specifications and Usage

    Protocol Specification and usage

    WSDL 1.1

    Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1

    WCF uses Web Services Description Language (WSDL) to describe


    XML Schema

    XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition and XML Schema Part

    1: Structures Second Edition

    WCF uses the XML Schema to describe data types used in messages.

    WS Policy

    Web Services Policy 1.2 - Framework (WS-Policy)

    Web Services Policy 1.5 - Framework

    WCF uses the WS-Policy 1.2 or 1.5 specifications with domain-specific

    assertions to describe service requirements and capabilities.

    WS Policy


    Web Services Policy 1.2 - Attachment (WS-PolicyAttachment)

    WCF implements WS-Policy Attachments to attach policy expressions

    at various scopes in WSDL.

    WS Metadata


    Web Services Metadata Exchange (WS-MetadataExchange) version 1.1

    WCF implements WS-MetadataExchange to retrieve XML Schema,

    WSDL, and WS-Policy.

    WS Addressing

    Binding for WSDL

    Web Services Addressing 1.0 - WSDL Binding

    WCF implements WS-Addressing Binding for WSDL to attach

    addressing information in WSDL.

    Exporting and Importing Metadata

    In Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), exporting metadata is the process of describing

    service endpoints and projecting them into a parallel, standardized representation that clients can

    use to understand how to use the service. Importing service metadata is the process of generating

    ServiceEndpoint instances or parts from service metadata.

  • Resource Links for 70-513 WCF Certification Exam


    Exporting Metadata

    To export metadata from System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceEndpoint instances, use an

    implementation of the MetadataExporter abstract class. The WsdlExporter type is the

    implementation of the MetadataExporter abstract class included with WCF.

    The System.ServiceModel.Description.WsdlExporter type generates Web Services

    Description Language (WSDL) metadata with attached policy expressions encapsulated in a

    MetadataSet instance. You can use a System.ServiceModel.Description.WsdlExporter

    instance to iteratively export metadata for ContractDescription objects and ServiceEndpoint

    objects. You can also export a collection of ServiceEndpoint objects and associate them with a

    specific service name.


    You can only use the WsdlExporter to export metadata from ContractDescription instances

    that contain common language runtime (CLR) type information, such as a ContractDescription

    instance created using the ContractDescription.GetContract method or created as part of the

    ServiceDescription for a ServiceHost instance. You cannot use the WsdlExporter to export

    metadata from ContractDescription instances imported from service metadata or constructed

    without type information.

    Importing Metadata

    Importing WSDL Documents

    To import service metadata in WCF, use an implementation of the MetadataImporter abstract

    class. The System.ServiceModel.Description.WsdlImporter type is the implementation of the

    MetadataImporter abstract class included with WCF. The WsdlImporter type imports WSDL

    metadata with attached policies bundled in a MetadataSet object.

    The WsdlImporter type gives you control over how to import the metadata. You can import all

    of the endpoints, all of the bindings, or all of the contracts. You can import all of the endpoints

    associated with a specific WSDL service, binding, or port type. You can also import the endpoint

    for a specific WSDL port, the binding for a specific WSDL binding or the contract for a specific

    WSDL port type.

  • Resource Links for 70-513 WCF Certification Exam


    The WsdlImporter also exposes a KnownContracts property that allows you to specify a set of

    contracts that do not need to be imported. The WsdlImporter uses the contracts in the

    KnownContracts property instead of importing a contract with the same qualified name from

    the metadata.

    Importing Policies

    The WsdlImporter type collects the policy expressions attached to the message, operation, and

    endpoint policy subjects and then uses the IPolicyImportExtension implementations in the

    PolicyImportExtensions collection to import the policy expressions.The policy import logic

    automatically handles policy references to policy expressions in the same WSDL document and

    is identified with a wsu:Id or xml:id attribute. The policy import logic protects applications

    against circular policy references by limiting the size of a policy expression to 4096 nodes,

    where a node is a one of the following elements: wsp:Policy, wsp:All, wsp:ExactlyOne,

    wsp:policyReference.The policy import logic also automatically normalizes policy expressions.

    Nested policy expressions and the wsp:Optional attribute are not normalized. The amount of

    normalization processing done is limited to 4096 steps, where each step yields a policy assertion,

    or a child element of a wsp:ExactlyOne element.The WsdlImporter type tries up to 32

    combinations of policy alternatives attached to the different WSDL policy subjects. If no

    combination imports cleanly, the first combination is used to construct a partial custom binding.

    Error Handling

    Both the MetadataExporter and the MetadataImporter types expose an Errors property that

    can contain a collection of error and warning messages encountered during the export and import

    processes, respectively, that can be used when implementing tools.The WsdlImporter type

    generally throws an exception for an exception caught during the import process and adds a

    corresponding error to its Errors property. The ImportAllContracts, ImportAllBindings,

    ImportAllEndpoints, and ImportEndpoints methods, however, do not throw these exceptions, so

    you must check the Errors property to determine if any issues occurred when calling these

    methods.The WsdlExporter type rethrows any exceptions caught during the export process.

    These exceptions are not captured as errors in the Errors property. Once the WsdlExporter

    throws an exception, it is in a faulted state and cannot be reused. The WsdlExporter does add

  • Resource Links for 70-513 WCF Certification Exam


    warnings to its Errors property when an operation cannot be exported because it uses wildcard

    actions and when duplicate binding names are encountered.

    In This Section

    How to: Import Metadata into Service Endpoints

    Describes how to import downloaded metadata into description objects.

    How to: Export Metadata from Service Endpoints

    Describes how to export description objects into metadata.

    ServiceDescription and WSDL Reference

    Describes the mapping between the description objects and WSDL.

    How to: Use Svcutil.exe to Export Metadata from Compiled Service Code

    Describes the use of Svcutil.exe to export metadata for services, contracts, and data types in

    compiled assemblies.

    Data Contract Schema Reference

    Describes the subset of the XML Schema (XSD) used by DataContractSerializer to describe

    common language run-time (CLR) types for XML serialization.

    Publishing Metadata

    Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services publish metadata by publishing one or

    more metadata endpoints. Publishing service metadata makes the metadata available using

    standardized protocols, such as WS-MetadataExchange (MEX) and HTTP/GET requests.

    Metadata endpoints are similar to other service endpoints in that they have an address, a binding,

    and a contract, and they can be added to a service host through configuration or imperative code.

    Publishing Metadata Endpoints

    To publish metadata endpoints for a WCF service, you first must add the

    ServiceMetadataBehavior service behavior to the service. Adding a

    System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceMetadataBehavior instance allows your service to

    expose metadata endpoints. Once you add the

    System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceMetadataBehavior service behavior, you can then

    expose metadata endpoints that support the MEX protocol or that respond to HTTP/GET


  • Resource Links for 70-513 WCF Certification Exam


    The System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceMetadataBehavior uses a WsdlExporter to

    export metadata for all service endpoints in your service. For more information about exporting

    metadata from a service, see Exporting and Importing Metadata.

    The System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceMetadataBehavior adds a

    ServiceMetadataExtension instance as an extension to your service host. The

    System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceMetadataExtension provides the implementation

    for the metadata publishing protocols. You can also use the

    System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceMetadataExtension to get the service's metadata at

    runtime by accessing the System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceMetadataExtension.Metadata


    MEX Metadata Endpoints

    To add metadata endpoints that use the MEX protocol, add service endpoints to your service host

    that use the IMetadataExchange service contract. WCF includes an IMetadataExchange

    interface with this service contract name that you can use as part of the WCF programming

    model. WS-MetadataExchange endpoints, or MEX endpoints, can use one of the four default

    bindings that the static factory methods expose on the MetadataExchangeBindings class to match

    the default bindings used by WCF tools such as Svcutil.exe. You can also configure MEX

    metadata endpoints using your own custom binding.

    HTTP GET Metadata Endpoints

    To add a metadata endpoint to your service that responds to HTTP/GET requests, set the

    HttpGetEnabled property on the System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceMetadataBehavior

    to true. You can also configure a metadata endpoint that uses HTTPS by setting the

    HttpsGetEnabled property on the

    System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceMetadataBehavior to true.

    In This Section

    How to: Publish Metadata for a Service Using a Configuration File

    Demonstrates how to configure a WCF service to publish metadata so that clients can retrieve

    the metadata using a WS-MetadataExchange or an HTTP/GET request using the ?wsdl query


    How to: Publish Metadata for a Service Using Code

  • Resource Links for 70-513 WCF Certification Exam


    Demonstrates how to enable metadata publishing for a WCF service in code so that clients can

    retrieve the metadata using a WS-MetadataExchange or an HTTP/GET request using the ?wsdl

    query string.

    Retrieving Metadata

    Metadata retrieval is the process of requesting and retrieving metadata from a metadata endpoint,

    such as a WS-MetadataExchange (MEX) metadata endpoint or an HTTP/GET metadata


    Retrieving Metadata from the Command Line Using


    You can retrieve service metadata using WS-MetadataExchange or HTTP/GET requests by

    using the ServiceModel Metadata Utility Tool (Svcutil.exe) tool and passing the /target:metadata

    switch and an address. Svcutil.exe downloads the metadata at the specified address and saves the

    file to disk. Svcutil.exe uses a System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataExchangeClient

    instance internally and loads from configuration the IMetadataExchange endpoint configuration

    whose name matches the scheme of the address passed to Svcutil.exe as input.

    Retrieving Metadata Programmatically Using the


    Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) can retrieve service metadata using standardized

    protocols such as WS-MetadataExchange and HTTP/GET requests. Both of these protocols are

    supported by the MetadataExchangeClient type. You retrieve service metadata using the

    System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataExchangeClient type by providing an address for

    the metadata endpoint and an optional binding. The binding used by a

    System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataExchangeClient instance can be one of the

    default bindings from the MetadataExchangeBindings static class, a user-supplied binding, or a

    binding loaded from an endpoint configuration for the IMetadataExchange contract. The

    System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataExchangeClient can also resolve HTTP URL

    references to metadata using the HttpWebRequest type.

  • Resource Links for 70-513 WCF Certification Exam


    By default, a System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataExchangeClient instance is tied to a

    single ChannelFactory instance. You can change or replace the

    System.ServiceModel.ChannelFactory instance used by a

    System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataExchangeClient by overriding the

    GetChannelFactory virtual method. Similarly, you can change or replace the HttpWebRequest

    instance used by a System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataExchangeClient to make

    HTTP/GET requests by overriding the


    .String,System.String) virtual method.

    In This Section

    How to: Use Svcutil.exe to Download Metadata Documents

    Demonstrates how to use Svcutil.exe to download metadata documents.

    How to: Use MetadataResolver to Obtain Binding Metadata Dynamically

    Demonstrates how to use the System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataResolver to obtain

    binding metadata dynamically at runtime.

    How to: Use MetadataExchangeClient to Retrieve Metadata

    Demonstrates how to use the System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataExchangeClient

    class to download metadata files into a System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataSet object

    that contains System.ServiceModel.Description.MetadataSection objects to write to files or for

    other uses.

    Using Metadata

    Service metadata contains a machine-readable description of the service. Service metadata

    includes descriptions of the service endpoints, bindings, contracts, operations, and messages.

    You can use service metadata for a variety of purposes, including automatically generating a

    client for consuming the service, implementing the service description, and dynamically

    updating the binding for a client.

    In This Section

    Understanding Generated Client Code

    Describes the different classes and interfaces the Svcutil.exe tool generates.

  • Resource Links for 70-513 WCF Certification Exam


    How to: Retrieve Metadata and Implement a Compliant Service

    Demonstrates how to retrieve metadata using Svcutil.exe and implement a compliant service.

    Generating a WCF Client from Service Metadata

    Demonstrates how to retrieve metadata using Svcutil.exe and generate a Windows

    Communication Foundation (WCF) client.

    Security Considerations with Metadata

    When using the metadata features in Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), consider the

    security implications of publishing, retrieving, and using service metadata.

    When to Publish Metadata

    WCF services do not publish metadata by default. To publish metadata for a WCF service you

    must explicitly enable metadata publishing by adding metadata endpoints to your service (see

    Publishing Metadata). Leaving metadata publishing disabled reduces the attack surface for your

    service and lowers the risk of unintentional information disclosure. Not all services must publish

    metadata. If you do not have to publish metadata, consider leaving it turned off. Note that you

    can still generate metadata and client code directly from your service assemblies using the

    ServiceModel Metadata Utility Tool (Svcutil.exe). For more information about using Svcutil.exe

    to export metadata, see How to: Use Svcutil.exe to Export Metadata from Compiled Service


    Publishing Metadata Using a Secure Binding

    The default metadata bindings that WCF provides are not secure and they allow anonymous

    access to the metadata. The service metadata that a WCF service publishes contains a detailed

    description about the service and may intentionally or unintentionally contain sensitive

    information. For example, service metadata may contain information about infrastructure

    operations that was not intended to be broadcast publicly. To protect service metadata from

    unauthorized access, you can use a secure binding for your metadata endpoint. Metadata

    endpoints respond to HTTP/GET requests that can use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to secure the

    metadata. For more information, see How to: Secure Metadata Endpoints.Securing your

    metadata endpoints also provides a way for requesters to securely retrieve service metadata

    without the risk of tampering or spoofing.

  • Resource Links for 70-513 WCF Certification Exam


    Using Only Trusted Metadata

    You can use service metadata to automatically construct the run-time components required to

    call the service. You can also use metadata at design time to develop a client application or at

    runtime to dynamically update the binding a client uses to call a service. Service metadata can be

    tampered with or spoofed when retrieved in an insecure manner. Tampered metadata can redirect

    your client to a malicious service, contain compromised security settings, or contain malicious

    XML structures. Metadata documents can be large and are frequently saved to the file system.

    To protect against tampering and spoofing, use a secure binding to request service metadata

    when one is available.

    Using Safe Techniques for Processing Metadata

    Service metadata is frequently retrieved from a service over a network using standardized

    protocols such as WS-MetadataExchange (MEX). Many metadata formats include referencing

    mechanisms for pointing to additional metadata. The MetadataExchangeClient type

    automatically processes references for you in Web Services Description Language (WSDL)

    documents, XML Schema, and MEX documents. The size of the MetadataSet object created

    from the retrieved metadata is directly proportional to the MaximumResolvedReferences value

    for the MetadataExchangeClient instance that is used and the MaxReceivedMessageSize value

    for the binding being used by that MetadataExchangeClient instance. Set these quotas to

    appropriate values as dictated by your scenario.

    In WCF, service metadata is processed as XML. When processing XML documents, applications

    should protect themselves against malicious XML structures. Use the XmlDictionaryReader

    with appropriate quotas when processing XML and also set the ProhibitDtd property on the

    XmlReaderSettings object for your XmlReader instance to true.The metadata system in WCF is

    extensible and metadata extensions can be registered in your application configuration file (see

    Extending the Metadata System). Metadata extensions can run arbitrary code, so you should

    protect your application configuration file with appropriate access control lists (ACLs) and

    register only trusted metadata extension implementations.

    Validating Generated Clients

  • Resource Links for 70-513 WCF Certification Exam


    When generating client code from metadata retrieved from a source that is not trusted, validate

    the generated client code to ensure that the generated client conforms to your client applications

    security policies. You can use a validating behavior to check settings on your client binding or

    visually inspect code generated by tools. For an example of how to implement a client that

    validates behaviors, see Client Validation.

    Protecting Application Configuration Files

    A service's application configuration file may control how and if metadata is published. It is a

    good idea to protect the application configuration file with appropriate access control lists

    (ACLs) to ensure an attacker cannot modify such settings.

    Serialization and Deserialization

    Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) includes a new serialization engine, the

    DataContractSerializer. The DataContractSerializer translates between .NET Framework

    objects and XML, in both directions. This topic explains how the serializer works.

    When serializing .NET Framework objects, the serializer understands a variety of serialization

    programming models, including the new data contract model. For a full list of supported types,

    see Types Supported by the Data Contract Serializer. For an introduction to data contracts, see

    Using Data Contracts. When deserializing XML, the serializer uses the XmlReader and

    XmlWriter classes. It also supports the XmlDictionaryReader and XmlDictionaryWriter classes

    to enable it to produce optimized XML in some cases, such as when using the WCF binary XML

    format.WCF also includes a companion serializer, the NetDataContractSerializer. The

    NetDataContractSerializer is similar to the BinaryFormatter and SoapFormatter serializers

    because it also emits .NET Framework type names as part of the serialized data. It is used when

    the same types are shared on the serializing and the deserializing ends. Both the

    DataContractSerializer and the NetDataContractSerializer derive from a common base class,

    the XmlObjectSerializer.


    The DataContractSerializer serializes strings containing control characters with a hexadecimal value

    below 20 as XML entities. This may cause a problem with a non-WCF client went sending such data to a

    WCF service.

  • Resource Links for 70-513 WCF Certification Exam


    Creating a DataContractSerializer Instance

    Constructing an instance of the DataContractSerializer is an important step. After construction,

    you cannot change any of the settings.

    Specifying the Root Type

    The root type is the type of which instances are serialized or deserialized. The

    DataContractSerializer has many constructor overloads, but, at a minimum, a root type must be

    supplied using the type parameter. A serializer created for a certain root type cannot be used to

    serialize (or deserialize) another type, unless the type is derived from the root type. The

    following example shows two classes.




    publicclass Person


    // Code not shown.



    publicclass PurchaseOrder


    // Code not shown.


    This code constructs an instance of the DataContractSerializer that can be used only to

    serialize or deserialize instances of the Person class.


    DataContractSerializer dcs = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(Person));

    //This can now be used to serialize/deserialize Person but not PurchaseOrder.

    Specifying Known Types

    If polymorphism is involved in the types being serialized that is not already handled using the

    KnownTypeAttribute attribute or some other mechanism, a list of possible known types must be

    passed to the serializers constructor using the knownTypes parameter. For more information

    about known types, see Data Contract Known Types.

  • Resource Links for 70-513 WCF Certification Exam


    The following example shows a class, LibraryPatron, that includes a collection of a specific type,

    the LibraryItem. The second class defines the LibraryItem type. The third and four classes (Book and

    Newspaper) inherit from the LibraryItem class.



    PublicClass LibraryPatron


    Public borrowedItems() As LibraryItem



    PublicClass LibraryItem

    'code not shown



    PublicClass Book

    Inherits LibraryItem

    'code not shown



    PublicClass Newspaper

    Inherits LibraryItem

    'code not shown


    The following code constructs an instance of the serializer using the knownTypes parameter.


    //Create a serializer for the inherited types using the knownType parameter.

    Type[] knownTypes = new Type[] { typeof(Book), typeof(Newspaper) };

    DataContractSerializer dcs =new DataContractSerializer(typeof(LibraryPatron), knownTypes);

    // All types are known after construction.

    Specifying the Default Root Name and Namespace

    Normally, when an object is serialized, the default name and namespace of the outermost XML

    element are determined according to the data contract name and namespace. The names of all

    inner elements are determined from data member names, and their namespace is the data

  • Resource Links for 70-513 WCF Certification Exam


    contracts namespace. The following example sets Name and Namespace values in the constructors

    of the DataContractAttribute and DataMemberAttribute classes.


    [DataContract(Name = "PersonContract", Namespace = "")]

    publicclass Person2


    [DataMember(Name = "AddressMember")]

    public Address theAddress;


    [DataContract(Name = "AddressContract", Namespace = "")]

    publicclass Address


    [DataMember(Name = "StreetMember")]

    publicstring street;


    Serializing an instance of the Person class produces XML similar to the following.

    123 Main Street

    However, you can customize the default name and namespace of the root element by passing the

    values of the rootName and rootNamespace parameters to the DataContractSerializer

    constructor. Note that the rootNamespace does not affect the namespace of the contained

    elements that correspond to data members. It affects only the namespace of the outermost

    element.These values can be passed as strings or instances of the XmlDictionaryString class to

    allow for their optimization using the binary XML format.

    Setting the Maximum Objects Quota

    Some DataContractSerializer constructor overloads have a maxItemsInObjectGraph parameter.

    This parameter determines the maximum number of objects the serializer serializes or

    deserializes in a single ReadObject method call. (The method always reads one root object, but

    this object may have other objects in its data members. Those objects may have other objects,

    and so on.) The default is 65536. Note that when serializing or deserializing arrays, every array

  • Resource Links for 70-513 WCF Certification Exam


    entry counts as a separate object. Also, note that some objects may have a large memory

    representation, and so this quota alone may not be sufficient to prevent a denial of service attack.

    For more information, see Security Considerations for Data. If you need to increase this quota

    beyond the default value, it is important to do so both on the sending (serializing) and receiving

    (deserializing) sides because it applies to both when reading and writing data.

    Round Trips

    A round trip occurs when an object is deserialized and re-serialized in one operation. Thus, it

    goes from XML to an object instance, and back again into an XML stream.Some

    DataContractSerializer constructor overloads have an ignoreExtensionDataObject parameter,

    which is set to false by default. In this default mode, data can be sent on a round trip from a

    newer version of a data contract through an older version and back to the newer version without

    loss, as long as the data contract implements the IExtensibleDataObject interface. For example,

    suppose version 1 of the Person data contract contains the Name and PhoneNumber data members,

    and version 2 adds a Nickname member. If IExtensibleDataObject is implemented, when sending

    information from version 2 to version 1, the Nickname data is stored, and then re-emitted when the

    data is serialized again; therefore, no data is lost in the round trip. For more information, see

    Forward-Compatible Data Contracts and Data Contract Versioning.

    Security and Schema Validity Concerns with Round Trips

    Round trips may have security implications. For example, deserializing and storing large

    amounts of extraneous data may be a security risk. There may be security concerns about re-

    emitting this data that there is no way to verify, especially if digital signatures are involved. For

    example, in the previous scenario, the version 1 endpoint could be signing a Nickname value that

    contains malicious data. Finally, there may be schema validity concerns: an endpoint may want

    to always emit data that strictly adheres to its stated contract and not any extra values. In the

    previous example, the version 1 endpoints contract says that it emits only Name and PhoneNumber,

    and if schema validation is being used, emitting the extra Nickname value causes validation to fail.

    Enabling and Disabling Round Trips

    To turn off round trips, do not implement the IExtensibleDataObject interface. If you have no

    control over the types, set the ignoreExtensionDataObject parameter to true to achieve the same


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    Object Graph Preservation

    Normally, the serializer does not care about object identity, as in the following code.



    publicclass PurchaseOrder



    public Address billTo;


    public Address shipTo;



    publicclass Address



    publicstring street;


    The following code creates a purchase order.


    //Construct a purchase order:

    Address adr = new Address();

    adr.street = "123 Main St.";

    PurchaseOrder po = new PurchaseOrder();

    po.billTo = adr;

    po.shipTo = adr;

    Notice that billTo and shipTo fields are set to the same object instance. However, the generated

    XML duplicates the information duplicated, and looks similar to the following XML.

    123 Main St.

    123 Main St.

    However, this approach has the following characteristics, which may be undesirable:

    Performance. Replicating data is inefficient.

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    Circular references. If objects refer to themselves, even through other objects, serializing by replication

    results in an infinite loop. (The serializer throws a SerializationException if this happens.)

    Semantics. Sometimes it is important to preserve the fact that two references are to the same object, and

    not to two identical objects.

    For these reasons, some DataContractSerializer constructor overloads have a

    preserveObjectReferences parameter (the default is false). When this parameter is set to true, a

    special method of encoding object references, which only WCF understands, is used. When set

    to true, the XML code example now resembles the following.

    123 Main St.

    The "ser" namespace refers to the standard serialization namespace, Each piece of data is serialized only once

    and given an ID number, and subsequent uses result in a reference to the already serialized data.


    If both "id" and "ref" attributes are present in the data contract XMLElement, then the "ref" attribute is

    honored and the "id" attribute is ignored.

    It is important to understand the limitations of this mode:

    The XML the DataContractSerializer produces with preserveObjectReferences set to true is not

    interoperable with any other technologies, and can be accessed only by another DataContractSerializer

    instance, also with preserveObjectReferences set to true.

    There is no metadata (schema) support for this feature. The schema that is produced is valid only for the

    case when preserveObjectReferences is set to false.

    This feature may cause the serialization and deserialization process to run slower. Although data does not

    have to be replicated, extra object comparisons must be performed in this mode.


    When the preserveObjectReferences mode is enabled, it is especially important to set the

    maxItemsInObjectGraph value to the correct quota. Due to the way arrays are handled in this mode, it is

    easy for an attacker to construct a small malicious message that results in large memory consumption

    limited only by the maxItemsInObjectGraph quota.

    Specifying a Data Contract Surrogate

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    Some DataContractSerializer constructor overloads have a dataContractSurrogate parameter,

    which may be set to null. Otherwise, you can use it to specify a data contract surrogate, which

    is a type that implements the IDataContractSurrogate interface. You can then use the interface to

    customize the serialization and deserialization process. For more information, see Data Contract



    The following information applies to any class that inherits from the XmlObjectSerializer,

    including the DataContractSerializer and NetDataContractSerializer classes.

    Simple Serialization

    The most basic way to serialize an object is to pass it to the WriteObject method. There are three

    overloads, one each for writing to a Stream, an XmlWriter, or an XmlDictionaryWriter. With

    the Stream overload, the output is XML in the UTF-8 encoding. With the

    XmlDictionaryWriter overload, the serializer optimizes its output for binary XML.

    When u