Page 1: 7 Questions to Ask to Achieve Digital Transformation

7 Questions to Ask to Achieve Digital Transformation

Page 2: 7 Questions to Ask to Achieve Digital Transformation

Digital transformation. It’s the latest in disruptive events transforming today’s technology enterprises into hyper-innovative, ultra-competitive, data-driven superpowers. But getting there can be challenging, especially with the need to eliminate interruption to existing workflows and productivity.

Before you flip the digital switch, consider these 8 questions. Then, be prepared to uncover new business transformations you may never have imagined.

Turning on the Digital Switch…

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Like any massive project, it’s easy to lose site of the priorities. Harder yet is to gain consensus on what those priorities are. Be sure to query all of your stakeholders to create a clear vision for your project goals, then map technology strategies to meet those goals. Identify your storyline first, including what you want to achieve, then determine what needs to change. This will help build alignment across the business.

1. What’s your end game?

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Before you embark on major new innovations and transformational projects, be sure that you’ve already covered all of the core IT basics. Do you have a solid indexing, archiving and search platform in place? Have you set policies to classify, store and protect relevant and valuable data to optimize reuse? These IT processes will need to be addressed first to make the most of your transformation project.

2. Is your IT foundation transformation-ready?

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To power your digital transformation strategies, you don’t need to do a complete fork-lift upgrade. Evaluate all of your existing investments and tools to see how you may be able to leverage them in a new way to support your transformation goals.

3. What existing resources can be redeployed?

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To speed your time to transformation, don’t try to do it all yourself. Consider third party resources and managed services where you can more efficiently implement key portions of your digital plans to improve efficiency and optimization.

4. What third party resources can you use to drive efficiency?

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Depending on your transformation project, legacy systems may need to be maintained to “keep the wheels on” as you drive new projects. Be clear about what level of support you will give to your legacy systems and operations and for how long after transformation has been achieved.

5. How will you manage legacy systems during the transition?

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Perhaps the hardest part of digital transformation is knowing when you’ve truly achieved it. And, for some, the work may never be complete. But to evaluate your accomplishments, or progress, create quantifiable metrics that assure that your transformation is moving in the right direction.

6. How do you plan to measure success?

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To fully utilize the information you gain by implementing digital transformation, you need to plan how you will be gathering, organizing, protecting and securing that data. Be sure that your data management and protection infrastructure is up for the challenge so that you don’t risk security threats or data loss.

7. What’s your risk mitigation and data protection plan?
