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  1. 1. My pages My sections included my Baseline Bangers andalso cutting them puzzles?. These sections aremy twist on stereotypical sections in amagazine, Each section has been modernizedto relate to our target audience, these sectionswill have modern language use by teenagersLike slang terms The magazine itself will be quite informal due tothe fact that the target audience is sixthformers who communicate quite informally. Also using the questionnaires which we didearlier we asked the sixth form public what theywanted in the magazine so we can reach our
  2. 2. This is the title which Ihave chosen for themusic sectionThe reason forthis is because Idid not wantstereotypicaltitles and fontswhich are used inmost magazine.The reason I havechosen the font andthe bubble becauseits stands out itsmore noticeable.The title whichI have used isin teenagedialect sowhencommunicating.WithteenagersTeenagers regularly referto new songs asbangers, so the title willrelate to our targetaudience.A bangin tune comes fromdance music culture.The titlerolls of thetongue.There isalliteration in thetitle.
  3. 3. This is the interviewwith our special, guestwith one of the sixthform students who isalso a music artistThe interview will beone of our specialfeatures talking tostudents who eitherwant to share theirmusic interests or ifthey see themselves asthe next up and comingmusicians.For this section Iwant to incorporatephotographs tomake it more eyecatching.This is also myinterpretation of thelatests albums, aswell as the latest artistto watch.
  4. 4. The title which Ihave used to theforefront of mypage.Its veryinformal, andalso it iswelcoming tolook at.My quiz section willalso be aimed at sixthformers with the wayhow my quizzes willhave a unique twist.This is a tasterof the wordsthat will becontained inmy wordsearch.These words areused in teenagedialect, which isgoing to makethem drawn intodoing it.This is goingto createhumourwhile doingit.This is amock-up ofhow the quizpage will look