Page 1: 6D Happy Vacation in Fairyland - New Shan Travel · 6 Days Happy Vacation in Fairyland Dali, Lijiang, Shangri NEW SHAN TRAVEL SERVICE PTE LTD 20 Maxwell Road, #01-02 Maxwell House,

6 Days Happy Vacation in Fairyland

Dali, Lijiang, Shangri

NEW SHAN TRAVEL SERVICE PTE LTD20 Maxwell Road, #01-02 Maxwell House, Singapore 069113

Web: / Tel: 6481 1181 / Fax: 6220 1833

Branch Office Tel: 6745 9333 (City Plaza)

Day 1

23 October 2014

TR2922 SIN/LJG 0920/1325

Singapore Lijiang Dali Your vacation begins with a pleasant flight

to Lijiang. Upon arrival, transfer to Dali,

Take a pleasant walk in the Ancient Town or

spend for time shopping at Foreigners’



Day 2

24 October 2014

Dali Lijiang This morning, visit Xizhou Bai Tribe

Residence where you can enjoy Three-

course Tea Ceremony with Bai Ethnic

performance. Baisha Village, Lijiang,

Yunnan Lijiang Mural is located, is situated

in the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.

Next, proceed to Black Dragon Pool.

(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

Day 3

25 October 2014

LijiangStart the day at to Yulong

Mountain Scenic Area. When the ice at

top of the Mountain melts and flows

down the slope, it forms Baishui River.

Ganhaizi is natural meadow. Jade

Water Village is a sacred place to

Dongba people. Later enjoy the

famous movie director Zhang Yimou’s


(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

Day 4

26 Ocotber 2014

Lijiang Today,

Yangtze River Bay from far and Tiger

Leaping Gorge. Dukezong ancient

authentic Tibetan dwellings, majestic

prayer halls and pagodas, winding

lanes offer sanctuary to all those

seeking refuge from the bustle city.



Sequence of itinerary is subject to change without prior notice. Shopping stops inclusive of Tea Leaves, Jade, Spirulina and

show on “Impression Lijiang” will not be replaced in the event the show is not available. Additional compulsory tour of RMB600 is inclusive of

Boatride in Er’ha, Yun Shan Ping cablecar, Boatride on Lashihai and Horse Riding.

Hotel: 5* Dali Regent Hotel, Experience Lijiang

4* Jin Sha International Hotel,,,,

Let’s join us on this amazing journey to Yunan with “Ge

Visit DaLi, li Jiang and Shangri-La, enjoy October’s

extraordinary. Known as "Switzerland of the East"

the filming place of the movie – “TianLongBaBu”

Chinese ancient city in China – Lijiang and watch

by Zhang Yimou, taste the Sanguantang dishes and Lijiang Palace banquet.

landscape of the Yangtze River Bay, the magnificent "Tiger Leaping Gorge" and the Diqing

Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, track the ancie

6 Days Happy Vacation in Fairyland

Dali, Lijiang, Shangri-La

NEW SHAN TRAVEL SERVICE PTE LTD 02 Maxwell House, Singapore 069113

/ Tel: 6481 1181 / Fax: 6220 1833

Day 3

25 October 2014

Lijiang Start the day at to Yulong Snow

Mountain Scenic Area. When the ice at

top of the Mountain melts and flows

down the slope, it forms Baishui River.

Ganhaizi is natural meadow. Jade

Water Village is a sacred place to

Dongba people. Later enjoy the

famous movie director Zhang Yimou’s

musical show “Impression Lijiang”.

(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

Day 4

26 Ocotber 2014

Lijiang Shangri-la Today, proceed to Shangri-La. View the

Yangtze River Bay from far and Tiger

Leaping Gorge. Dukezong ancient town

authentic Tibetan dwellings, majestic

prayer halls and pagodas, winding

lanes offer sanctuary to all those

seeking refuge from the bustle city.

(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

Day 5

27 October 2014

ShangriAfter breakfast, visit Pudacuo Nature

Reserve (

the magnificent view of the surrounding

mountain ranges and valleys.

(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

Day 6

28 October 2014

TR2923 LJG/SIN 1420/1945

LijiangAfter breakfast, enjoy your tour at

Ancient To

UNESCO world Heritage Site. Thereafter

transfer to the airport for your return flight

to Singapore.

enjoyable journey with us.


Sequence of itinerary is subject to change without prior notice. Shopping stops inclusive of Tea Leaves, Jade, Spirulina and

” will not be replaced in the event the show is not available. Additional compulsory tour of RMB600 is inclusive of

Boatride in Er’ha, Yun Shan Ping cablecar, Boatride on Lashihai and Horse Riding.

Lijiang Ancient Old Town Inn,,,,

Let’s join us on this amazing journey to Yunan with “Ge-Tai” host Lin Ru Ping this October.

October’s autumn scenery and experience the

nown as "Switzerland of the East", Dali is a gathering place of Bai tribe, and

“TianLongBaBu”. Experience your stay in one of the four

and watch the” Impression Lijiang” music show directed

by Zhang Yimou, taste the Sanguantang dishes and Lijiang Palace banquet. See the beautiful

landscape of the Yangtze River Bay, the magnificent "Tiger Leaping Gorge" and the Diqing

Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, track the ancient footsteps to your dreamland Shangri-la.

27 October 2014

Shangri-la Lijiang After breakfast, visit Pudacuo Nature

Reserve (Cable Car) You will be amazed by

the magnificent view of the surrounding

mountain ranges and valleys.

(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

28 October 2014

TR2923 LJG/SIN 1420/1945

Lijiang Singapore After breakfast, enjoy your tour at Lijiang

Ancient Town – Sifang Street which is one of

UNESCO world Heritage Site. Thereafter

transfer to the airport for your return flight

to Singapore. We hope you have an

enjoyable journey with us.


Sequence of itinerary is subject to change without prior notice. Shopping stops inclusive of Tea Leaves, Jade, Spirulina and Silver. Complimentary

” will not be replaced in the event the show is not available. Additional compulsory tour of RMB600 is inclusive of

Lin Ru Ping Famous “Ge-Tai” Host

Special Inclusion:

20kg check-in luggage

Meals onboard

Page 2: 6D Happy Vacation in Fairyland - New Shan Travel · 6 Days Happy Vacation in Fairyland Dali, Lijiang, Shangri NEW SHAN TRAVEL SERVICE PTE LTD 20 Maxwell Road, #01-02 Maxwell House,

6666 天云南滇西北香格里拉仙境游天云南滇西北香格里拉仙境游天云南滇西北香格里拉仙境游天云南滇西北香格里拉仙境游

酒店酒店酒店酒店:::: 5555星级大理风花雪月大酒店星级大理风花雪月大酒店星级大理风花雪月大酒店星级大理风花雪月大酒店,,,,体验体验体验体验丽江古城客丽江古城客丽江古城客丽江古城客5555星级子悦精品酒店星级子悦精品酒店星级子悦精品酒店星级子悦精品酒店 今年今年今年今年 10101010 月让歌台名嘴月让歌台名嘴月让歌台名嘴月让歌台名嘴----林茹萍林茹萍林茹萍林茹萍,,,,

及香格里拉及香格里拉及香格里拉及香格里拉。。。。欣赏欣赏欣赏欣赏 10101010 月份秋季美景月份秋季美景月份秋季美景月份秋季美景

““““东方瑞士东方瑞士东方瑞士东方瑞士””””---- 大理大理大理大理是白族聚集之地是白族聚集之地是白族聚集之地是白族聚集之地

摄地摄地摄地摄地。。。。 好吃好玩行程好吃好玩行程好吃好玩行程好吃好玩行程,,,,让您住宿于中国四大古城之一的丽让您住宿于中国四大古城之一的丽让您住宿于中国四大古城之一的丽让您住宿于中国四大古城之一的丽





10101010 月月月月 23232323 日日日日

TR2922 SIN/LJG 0920/1325TR2922 SIN/LJG 0920/1325TR2922 SIN/LJG 0920/1325TR2922 SIN/LJG 0920/1325

新加坡新加坡新加坡新加坡 丽江丽江丽江丽江 大理大理大理大理 齐集新加坡国际机场,乘直航客机飞往享有[东方瑞士]美称的丽江。抵达后,前往大理,大理素有“东方瑞士”的美誉,是白族的主要聚居地,保存着浓郁的白族风情。随后前往大理古城巡游一番,陶醉在古色古香的同时,您也可以在洋人街尽情享受购物乐趣。((((晚餐晚餐晚餐晚餐))))


10101010 月月月月 24242424 日日日日

大理大理大理大理 丽江丽江丽江丽江 早餐后,参观喜洲民居,将安排您品尝三道茶并欣赏白族歌舞表演。随后上点苍山上关公园天龙索道:上关花景区,游览苍山第一峰天龙八部外景地,百龙壁,乘天龙索道登苍山,游览天龙洞(洞内 108 个分洞与主洞相连,洞内神奇美险,逍遥宫,金鱼池,旋风,千眼,天蛙,龙子殿,万宝堂,望穿秋水,回音洞,等 28 个景点)。游毕续程赴丽江游览驰名中外的黑龙潭。 ((((早餐早餐早餐早餐,,,,午餐午餐午餐午餐,,,,晚餐晚餐晚餐晚餐))))

备注备注备注备注:::: 全程司机导游小费于人民币 180/人。此行程购物站有堂,银器。《印象.丽江》为赠送内容,故如因演出方原因停演偿!加点行程有洱海游船,鱼鹰抓鱼,云杉坪缆车上下骑马 人民币 600 /人。











10101010 月月月月 25252525 日日日日

丽丽丽丽江江江江 今天游览著名的玉龙雪山风景区,玉龙雪山北半球最南的大雪山。以险、奇、美、秀著称于世,随着时令和阴晴的变化,有时云蒸霞蔚、玉龙时隐时现;有时碧空如水,群峰晶莹耀眼;有时云带束腰,云中雪峰皎洁,云下岗峦碧翠;有时霞光辉映,雪峰如披红纱,娇艳无比。玉龙雪山集亚热带、温带及寒带的各种自然景观于一身,构成独特的“阳春白雪”主体景观。丽江白沙村壁画地处云南省丽江古城,坐落在玉龙雪山脚下。这里是纳西文化的起源之地,古建筑群分布众多。 午餐后, 安排欣赏《印象·丽江》以雪山为背景,汲天地之灵气,取自然之大成,以民俗文化为载体,用大手笔的写意,让生命的真实与震撼,如此贴近每一个人。随后前往到束河茶马古镇走一走。 ((((早餐早餐早餐早餐,,,,午餐午餐午餐午餐,,,,晚餐晚餐晚餐晚餐))))


10101010 月月月月


10101010 月月月月


10101010 月月月月




歌台名嘴主持人林茹萍歌台名嘴主持人林茹萍歌台名嘴主持人林茹萍歌台名嘴主持人林茹萍 屠妖节特备行程屠妖节特备行程屠妖节特备行程屠妖节特备行程 陪您游览云南陪您游览云南陪您游览云南陪您游览云南


月月月月 22226666 日日日日

江江江江 香格里拉香格里拉香格里拉香格里拉 早餐后,前往香格里拉。沿途远观长江第一湾。游览气势磅礴的世界峡谷之最跳峡】(涛声震天、白浪翻滚、传说猛虎常靠江心巨石跃上对岸,故名虎)。随后游览迪庆藏族自治州博物寻觅香格里拉古老脚步。 ,,,,午餐午餐午餐午餐,,,,晚餐晚餐晚餐晚餐)))) 天天天天::::

月月月月 22227777 日日日日

香格里拉香格里拉香格里拉香格里拉 丽江丽江丽江丽江 早餐后,游览普达措森林公园(含电瓶),它位于云南省迪庆藏族自治州香格里拉县东 22 公里处,由碧塔海与属都如明镜一般、牧场水草丰美、湿地里百花盛开、原始森林里飞禽走兽时常出随后进入藏民家访。之后返回丽早餐早餐早餐早餐,,,,午餐午餐午餐午餐,,,,晚餐晚餐晚餐晚餐)))) 天天天天::::

月月月月 22228888 日日日日

TR2923 LJG/SIN TR2923 LJG/SIN TR2923 LJG/SIN TR2923 LJG/SIN 1420/19451420/19451420/19451420/1945

丽江丽江丽江丽江 新加坡新加坡新加坡新加坡 早餐后,领略大研古镇的风采,并在古城中心的四方街自由活动,之后依时送往机场,返回温馨的家园。((((早餐早餐早餐早餐))))

特别赠送特别赠送特别赠送特别赠送 • 20 公斤托运行李

• 机上餐饮
