Page 1: 6A.3 A NEW LATENT HEAT FLUX PARAMETERIZATION FOR … · heat transfer within the soil, also strongly depend upon soil moisture specifications. For calculations of soil heat transfer,


Christopher M. Godfrey∗

University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma

David J. StensrudNOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman, Oklahoma

Lance M. LeslieUniversity of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma


Numerical weather prediction models require an ac-curate representation of initial land surface conditions inorder to partition properly the sensible and latent heatfluxes that drive the evolution of the planetary bound-ary layer. Several key components of the land surfacethat significantly affect surface heat and moisture fluxesinclude soil temperature and moisture, fractional vege-tation coverage (σf ), and green leaf area index (LAI).The lack of observational data for the accurate specifi-cation of these components in model initial conditionsis arguably the most difficult aspect in the evaluation ofland surface models. Routine observations ofσf andLAI are not available at high resolution (∼1 km), norare soil moisture and soil temperature. This gap in ourobservational capabilities seriously hampers the evalua-tion and improvement of land surface model parameter-izations, since improper initial conditions and inaccura-cies in the model formulations very likely produce com-parable model errors.

Models accomplish the exchange of energy betweenthe land surface and the atmosphere through land sur-face parameterizations (e.g., Bhumralkar 1975; Black-adar 1976; Deardorff 1978; McCumber and Pielke 1981;Pan and Mahrt 1987; Noilhan and Planton 1989), whichcharacterize the state of the land surface and forecastthe evolution of the lowest layer of the model atmo-sphere. The surface energy balance relies strongly uponthe soil and near-surface conditions, and plays a criti-cal role in determining the prognostic variables in landsurface models. Surface energy fluxes depend heavilyupon soil temperature and soil moisture conditions, aswell as vegetation coverage, atmospheric conditions, andthe physical properties of the soil. Soil moisture is an im-portant component describing the land surface and pro-vides a key link between the atmosphere and the waterand energy balances at the surface of the earth (Wei 1995;Robock et al. 2000; Leese et al. 2001). It influences theavailable water for plant transpiration, and plays a rolein the mass balance for many forecast models. Soil ther-mal conductivity estimates, which facilitate the proper

∗Corresponding author address:Christopher M. Godfrey, Univer-sity of Oklahoma, School of Meteorology, 120 David L. BorenBlvd., Suite 5900, Norman, Oklahoma 73072; e-mail: [email protected].

heat transfer within the soil, also strongly depend uponsoil moisture specifications. For calculations of soil heattransfer, the most sophisticated land surface parameter-izations require not only near-surface soil temperatures,but also temperature profiles within the soil (e.g., Viterboand Beljaars 1995; Chen and Dudhia 2001). In addition,vegetation coverage and density provide critical informa-tion on the partitioning of total evaporation between baresoil and canopy transpiration (Chen and Dudhia 2001).Together, soil temperature, soil moisture, and vegetationaffect forecasts of temperature, mixing ratio, cloud cover,and precipitation by working in concert to directly influ-ence sensible, latent, and ground heat fluxes.

The mesoscale model employed for this study imple-ments a monthly climatology for fractional vegetationcoverage and a constant leaf area index. Studies haveshown that such coarse resolution data based solely onclimatology are insufficient to capture the detailed sur-face characteristics necessary to properly initialize a landsurface parameterization (e.g., Chang and Wetzel 1991;Crawford et al. 2001; Santanello and Carlson 2001;Kurkowski et al. 2003). By using climatological valuesfor land surface characteristics, the model does not ac-count for short-term or annual variability in vegetationcoverage and condition due to daily variations in rain-fall, seasonal droughts, flooding, forest fires, irrigation,deforestation, desertification, crop harvesting, land us-age, hail or tornado damage, and temporal variations inthe growth and senescence of green vegetation. Large-scale atmospheric oscillations may also play a role in theinterannual variability of vegetation (e.g., Jin and Zhang2002; Matsui et al. 2005). Modeling studies implement-ing near real-time land surface characteristics from satel-lite observations have shown great promise for improv-ing forecasts (e.g., Oleson and Bonan 2000; Zeng et al.2000; Crawford et al. 2001; Kurkowski et al. 2003).

Taking advantage of a unique set of soil and vegeta-tion observations to improve the initial specification ofthe land surface should lead to more accurate model fore-casts of air temperature and moisture, which directly af-fect planetary boundary layer processes and convectivedevelopment. A modified version of The PennsylvaniaState University–National Center for Atmospheric Re-search (PSU–NCAR) fifth-generation Mesoscale Model(MM5) version 3.6 (Dudhia 1993; Grell et al. 1995; Dud-hia 2003) assimilates soil temperature, soil moisture,σf ,and LAI observations for several case studies. In addi-

Page 2: 6A.3 A NEW LATENT HEAT FLUX PARAMETERIZATION FOR … · heat transfer within the soil, also strongly depend upon soil moisture specifications. For calculations of soil heat transfer,

tion to supplying initial soil conditions, a dense networkof surface observations over the primary study area pro-vides a means to verify model forecasts. Results showthat despite improved land surface conditions, inaccura-cies still exist in the model formulations (Godfrey et al.2005). This result provides a springboard for assessingparameterization errors within the model. As a first stepin assessing errors in the surface energy balance, the cur-rent study introduces a new empirical latent heat flux pa-rameterization. In a novel approach to determining latentheat flux, the new parameterization derives from surfaceobservations rather than from theoretical formulations.


The Oklahoma Mesonet is an integrated network ofautomated surface observing stations, with at least onesite in each of Oklahoma’s seventy-seven counties. Mea-surements of atmospheric variables occur every five min-utes at each of the 116 sites. All Mesonet sites reportsoil temperature at one or more depths every fifteen min-utes. Over 100 sites also record soil moisture every thirtyminutes at levels of 5, 25, 60, and 75 cm below thesurface. Approximately 75 sites measure ground heatflux and total net radiation every five minutes. A spe-cial suite of instruments augments the standard instru-mentation at ten sites, measuring sensible heat flux andthe four components of net radiation every five minutes.All data fall subject to rigorous quality assurance proce-dures in order to produce reliable research-quality data(Shafer et al. 2000). A complete description of the Okla-homa Mesonet, including sensor specifications, appearsin Brock et al. (1995). Basara and Crawford (2000) de-scribe the soil moisture instrumentation and Brotzge etal. (1999) discuss the surface energy flux measurements.

Vegetation indexes originate from daily updatesof National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiome-ter (AVHRR) normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) data. Godfrey et al. (2005) describe the deriva-tion of σf and LAI from NDVI observations.


The National Centers for Environmental Prediction–Oregon State University–Air Force–Hydrologic Re-search Lab (Noah) land surface model (LSM, Chen etal. 1996; Koren et al. 1999) is the primary driver forland surface processes in the Eta, Weather Research andForecasting (WRF), and MM5 forecast models. Pre-liminary tests show that forecasts by the Noah LSMconsistently underestimate midday latent heat fluxes by20–40% compared with observations on clear days withweak synoptic forcing, even when given the best possi-ble characterization of the initial land surface conditions.These errors primarily result from errors in the partition-ing between the fluxes of sensible and latent heat. Parti-tioning errors can arise from a number of problems, in-

cluding incorrect estimates of moisture availability, skintemperature, and resistance to heat flux, which is a func-tion of air temperature and the vertical separation of at-mospheric model layers. Improving surface fluxes maylead to better surface and boundary layer temperatureand moisture forecasts, which will increase predictability(e.g., Crook 1996).

More complicated factors influence latent heat fluxescompared with sensible heat fluxes, exacerbating the dif-ficulty of modeling evaporation near the land surface.However, surface observations under a variety of atmo-spheric conditions may aid in appropriately tuning thelatent heat flux. In the current formulation within theNoah LSM, the latent heat fluxE is the sum of the con-tribution from each of three types of evaporation: directevaporation from bare soil (Edir), transpiration from thevegetation canopy and roots (Et ), and evaporation of pre-cipitation intercepted by the vegetation canopy (Ec). Allthree of these terms depend directly on the calculation ofpotential evaporation.

3.1 Potential evaporation

The potential evaporationEp is the maximum possi-ble evaporation that could occur over an open water sur-face under existing atmospheric conditions. The NoahLSM calculation for potential evaporation involves anenergy balance approach based on the Penman relation-ship (Penman 1948) and includes a stability-dependentaerodynamic resistance term (Mahrt and Ek 1984). Sincecalculation of the net radiation in the model requiresknowledge of the surface temperature, the actual set ofequations in the model differs slightly from the usualPenman relationship and the equation for potential evap-oration appearing in Mahrt and Ek (1984). This resultsin

Ep =ρcpCh






, (1)

whereρ is the air density,cp is the specific heat at con-stant pressure, andθ0 andT0 are the potential and actualtemperatures at the lowest model level, respectively,

Rn = (1−α)Rg +Ld−σT40 −G, (2)

is the net radiation (W m−2), whereα is the surfacealbedo, Rg is the incoming solar radiation,Ld is thedownward longwave radiation,G is the ground heat flux,andσ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant,

∆ =dqs


cp, (3)

wheredqs/dT is the slope of the saturation specific hu-midity curve with respect to temperature andLv is thelatent heat of vaporization,

r =4σT4

0 Rd

psfccpCh, (4)

Page 3: 6A.3 A NEW LATENT HEAT FLUX PARAMETERIZATION FOR … · heat transfer within the soil, also strongly depend upon soil moisture specifications. For calculations of soil heat transfer,

whereRd is the dry gas constant andpsfc is the surfacepressure (Pa), and

A =Lv




), (5)

whereq0 and qs(T0) are the actual and saturation spe-cific humidities at the model level closest to the groundsurface, respectively (Ek and Mahrt 1991). HereCh isthe surface exchange coefficient for heat and momen-tum, the definition of which varies depending upon thestability of the lower atmosphere, and is a function of thewind speed and height above the surface at the first modellevel, the roughness lengths for momentum and heat, andthe bulk Richardson number for the surface layer. Fordetails of the calculation ofCh, see Mahrt and Ek (1984)and Ek and Mahrt (1991). Note that in the Noah LSM,the model replaces the actual and saturation specific hu-midities with their nearly equivalent mixing ratio coun-terparts.

3.2 Direct evaporation from bare soil

The direct evaporation term is a simple linear relation-ship based on the work of Mahfouf and Noilhan (1991),who use a moisture availability parameterβ to scale theevaporation from the soil. The Noah LSM employs asimilar approach based on the results from a sensitivitytest for evaporation in the NCEP Eta model (Betts et al.1997) in which

Edir = (1−σf )βEp, (6)

where σf is the fractional vegetation coverage for amodel grid cell and

β =(



) f


represents a normalized soil moisture availability termwhereΘw is the wilting point andΘref is the field capac-ity, both of which depend on soil texture, andΘ1 is thevolumetric water content of the top soil layer (Chen andDudhia 2001). Some studies setf = 1 (e.g., Betts et al.1997; Chen and Dudhia 2001), though in the version ofthe Noah LSM used here,f = 2 as suggested by Ek et al.(2003).

3.3 Canopy transpiration

The canopy transpiration from the vegetated portion ofa model grid cell is

Et = σf EpPc





, (8)

whereWc is the intercepted canopy water content andSisa constant but tunable maximum canopy water capacity.The plant coefficientPc includes the influence of stomatal

control and is expressed as

Pc =r +∆

r(1+ChRc)+∆, (9)


Rc =Rcmin

LAI F1F2F3F4(10)

is the canopy resistance following the formulation ofJacquemin and Noilhan (1990) whereRcmin is the min-imum stomatal resistance for each vegetation type andLAI is the leaf area index. The canopy resistance factorsF1, F2, F3, andF4 are each bounded between 0 and 1 andrepresent the effects of solar radiation, vapor pressuredeficit, air temperature, and soil moisture, respectively(Chen and Dudhia 2001). These factors are defined by

F1 =Rcmin/Rcmax+ f

1+ fwheref = 0.55





F2 =1



] ,F3 = 1−0.0016



F4 =n



(Θref−Θw)( n



) , (11)

whereRcmax is a constant maximum canopy resistanceset to 5000 s m−1, Rg is the incoming solar radiation,Rglandhs are species-dependent radiation stress and empir-ical parameters, respectively,ws is the saturation mixingratio at air temperatureT0, w0 is the mixing ratio,Tref is298 K as in Noilhan and Planton (1989),Θ is the volu-metric water content of each soil layer,dz is the depth ofeach individual soil layer, andn is the species-dependentnumber of root zone soil layers.

The canopy resistance is the most important factorcontributing to canopy transpiration. Holtslag and Ek(1996) write “the [total] latent heat flux is mostly de-termined by the canopy resistance.” Despite this phys-ical importance, Eq. (10) that describes the canopy re-sistance is arguably the most questionable formulation inthe Noah LSM, since it simply multiplies together fourphysically important atmospheric and land surface ef-fects. Jarvis (1976) proposed a very similar formulationin an effort to forecast stomatal conductance (the inverseof which is resistance) based on the known independentinfluence of air temperature, leaf-air vapor pressure dif-ference, carbon dioxide concentration, and water stresson the stomatal conductance of leaves illuminated by so-lar radiation. Without knowing the effect on stomatalconductance from each variable acting in concert, Jarvis(1976) hypothesized that the final stomatal conductance“is the result of complete expression of the influenceof all the variables without any synergistic interactions.”The final stomatal conductance is thus the product of thepercentages of the maximum stomatal conductance con-tributed by each variable. This formulation, which sev-

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eral authors have adopted and implemented in land sur-face models with some modification (e.g., Noilhan andPlanton 1989; Jacquemin and Noilhan 1990; Chen andDudhia 2001), leads to the canopy resistance factors thatappear in Eq. (11).

3.4 Wet canopy evaporation

The evaporation of precipitation intercepted by thevegetation canopy is substantially smaller than the otherevaporation terms and is

Ec = σf Ep




. (12)

In the experiments that follow, Oklahoma Mesonet ob-servations facilitate the development of an empiricalparameterization for latent heat flux. At OklahomaMesonet sites, where the predominant vegetation coveris grass, it is assumed that the canopy water content iszero, thereby removing the contribution to evaporationby moisture in the vegetation canopy (cf., Betts et al.1997). The total latent heat flux is therefore the sumof the direct evaporation and canopy transpiration terms.This is a reasonable assumption given the relative in-significance ofEc compared withEdir andEt .


Given the physical importance of canopy resistance inthe current approach to calculating the canopy transpira-tion term in the Noah LSM, one technique for improv-ing short-term latent heat flux forecasts is to focus onthe formulation for canopy resistance, while leaving theremainder of the Noah LSM untouched. Driven by ob-servations, a reversed form of the Noah LSM providesvalues of plant coefficient,Pc, and thereby canopy resis-tance,Rc, that would be necessary for the original modelto yield the observed latent heat flux. Unfortunately,many of these values are unphysical, including exceed-ingly large canopy resistances and unbounded plant co-efficients. Results indicate that this occurs because 1)the Edir term (Eq. 6) is greater than the observed la-tent heat flux or 2) the sum ofEdir and σf Ep (Eq. 8)in the Noah LSM is less than the observed latent heatflux, even after adjusting for a maximum± 20 W m−2

bias in the latent heat flux observations based on instru-mentation error studies by Brotzge (2000). Thus, thedirect evaporation from bare soil and canopy transpira-tion terms clearly yield inappropriate values when forcedwith observations. Any empirical scheme designed toforecastPc or Rc based on these formulae would leadto poor model forecasts of latent heat flux. Improvedforecasts for latent heat flux clearly require a differentapproach. Therefore, the popular canopy resistance ap-proach to modeling canopy transpiration is abandonedand instead a completely new empirical latent heat fluxscheme is developed from all available sets of observa-tions. Tests indicate that least squares simple and mul-

tiple linear regression models with automatic and man-ual predictor selection have limited potential, though aprincipal-component regression procedure holds morepromise as a viable alternative for predictor selection.

4.1 Principal-component regression

Meteorological data generally exhibit large spatial andtemporal correlations. Least squares multiple linear re-gression models trained on such highly correlated dataare therefore unstable and may perform poorly on inde-pendent data (Wilks 2006). These mutual correlations inthe independent data can be removed through a princi-pal component analysis, which transforms a time seriesof correlated variables into temporally uncorrelated, spa-tially orthogonal time series that remain linear functionsof all the original variables. These principal componentsbecome the set of predictor variables in a least squaresmultiple linear regression. One benefit of using princi-pal component analysis is that it provides an objectivemethod for eliminating variables that are not highly cor-related with any of the principal components before us-ing those variables in a principal-component regression.Secondly, because each principal-component predictor istemporally uncorrelated with the others, elimination ofany principal component as an independent variable in amultiple regression analysis does not affect the contribu-tion of any of the other components.

Principal-component regression techniques are notnew in studies of the atmosphere. Predictions of tropicalprecipitation from marine surface observations (Tsonis2002), mean winter temperatures from sea-surface tem-peratures and pressure-surface heights (Harnack 1979),and wheat yield from temperature and rainfall observa-tions (Wigley and Qipu 1983) have all employed thismethod. Air quality studies have also exercised this tech-nique to forecast surface ozone concentrations (Pryor etal. 1995) and to determine source regions for fine partic-ulates and sulphate (Wolff et al. 1984). However, appli-cation of this technique in an attempt to predict fluxes oflatent heat from a wealth of surface observations repre-sents a novel approach.

Since land surface models contain separate expres-sions for latent heat flux over bare soil and vegetated sur-faces, employing separate principal-component regres-sion analyses yields the best possible expressions forbothEdir andEt to match the observed latent heat fluxes.Training data for bothEdir andEt principal-componentregressions derive from randomly selected sets of obser-vations containing possible predictors and their respec-tive predictands, which constitute approximately half ofthe available data. The remaining data are used for in-dependent cross-validation. These independent data pro-vide a measure of the strength of the multiple regressionrelationship through several measures, including the co-efficient of determinationR2 and the residual standarderror (Wilks 2006). One negative characteristic of thecoefficient of determination is that its value continuallyincreases by simply adding more variables to a prediction

Page 5: 6A.3 A NEW LATENT HEAT FLUX PARAMETERIZATION FOR … · heat transfer within the soil, also strongly depend upon soil moisture specifications. For calculations of soil heat transfer,

equation. Thus, an adjustedR2, such that

R2 = 1−

(1−R2)( n−1

n− p−1

), (13)

instead corrects for such a problem by the inclusion ofa penalty term, wherep is the number of predictors inthe multiple regression model andn is the sample size(Yamane 1967). TheR

2value justifies the results of

each principal-component regression in each indepen-dent cross-validation data set.

4.2 Selection of observations

Practical and physical considerations limit the range ofpossible predictor variables in a principal-component re-gression. The simplest choices for possible predictors in-clude variables that already exist within the Noah LSM.To calculate surface energy fluxes, the model manipu-lates several atmospheric and soil variables determinedfrom either internal calculations or input from the parentatmospheric model. These quantities include the down-ward component of both longwave and shortwave radia-tion, surface pressure, precipitation rate, air temperature,mixing ratio, wind speed, potential temperature,σf , LAI,soil temperature and soil moisture for several layers, andskin temperature. Combinations of these variables de-fine other necessary quantities, including the saturationmixing ratio and the slope of the saturation mixing ratiocurve at the current air temperature. Since the satellite-derived quantities are only available as biweekly com-posites, these observations require temporal interpolationto match the observation time of the Oklahoma Mesonetobservations.

Data available for analysis span the period May 2004–June 2006 with satellite-derived vegetation data spanningonly the period 15 April–15 September 2004. Within thistime frame, there are several restrictions on the availableobservations from the Oklahoma Mesonet. Completesets of quantities determining the surface energy balanceare only available from nine sites. Since the latent heatflux represents the residual of the surface energy balance,the sensible heat flux, ground heat flux, and net radiationmust be present in each observation record. Estimatesof the storage ground heat flux require measurements ofthe volumetric water content at 5-cm, which is only sam-pled every 30 minutes. Latent heat flux observations aretherefore only available at the top and bottom of eachhour. Since precipitation is known to interfere with mea-surements from a sonic anemometer, which measures thesensible heat flux, periods of rainfall are removed fromconsideration beginning with the first non-zero daily pre-cipitation total through local midnight on the day of theobservation.

Sets of possible predictor variables are limited to pe-riods with ample incoming shortwave radiation. To fo-cus on this most important part of the day, and to limitthe influence of very small nighttime latent heat fluxesin creating a new scheme for latent heat flux forecasts,

the principal-component regression only considers setsof observations with incoming shortwave radiation thatexceeds 10 W m−2.

4.3 Direct evaporation from bare soil

Since vegetated surfaces surround every observationsite, direct measurements of evaporation from bare soilare unavailable from the Oklahoma Mesonet. However,a long time series of soil moisture observations from May2004 through June 2006 contains several periods duringwhich the vegetation in Oklahoma suffered under moder-ate to extreme drought conditions. The permanent wilt-ing point where transpiration ceases for most vegetationis roughly where the matric potentialψ = −1500 kPa(Marshall et al. 1996). At locations where the matric po-tential is larger in magnitude than the permanent wiltingpoint, the only contribution to the total latent heat flux isfrom bare soil evaporation, assuming zero canopy watercontent. By separating only those sets of observations atOklahoma Mesonet sites where the soil has reached thepermanent wilting point at the 5-cm level, the residual ofthe surface energy balance becomes a good approxima-tion to the direct evaporation from bare soil.

Since soil moisture observations derive from dis-cretely observed quantities, the matric potential valuethat is nearest to the permanent wilting point is just un-derψ =−1490 kPa. Therefore, a subset of the availableOklahoma Mesonet observations containing matric po-tentials less thanψ = −1490 kPa represents extremelydry soil conditions where presumably transpiration hasceased and the latent heat flux observations are equiva-lent to the direct soil evaporation. This subset of datacomprises more than 6300 sets of observations betweenMay 2004 and June 2006 for use in determining a newdirect soil evaporation parameterization.

A substantial portion of the data during dry periodsfalls outside the summertime 2004 satellite measurementwindow. However, under the assumption that transpira-tion ceases when the magnitude of the matric potentialexceeds the permanent wilting point, any vegetation cov-erage would not contribute to the total latent heat flux.The fractional vegetation coverage therefore is set to zeroregardless of the availability of satellite observations.

From a wide selection of possible observable or trans-formed variables, multiple passes through a principalcomponent analysis lead to a reduced pool of possiblepredictors forEdir. In addition to the overarching goalof achieving the largest possible adjustedR2 value inthe cross-validation data, several other factors contributeto the decision to retain or eliminate variables from theprincipal-component regression. Among these factors isthe ease of implementation of the resulting flux equationin the Noah LSM. For example, matric potential holdspromise as a possible predictor for latent heat flux andrelates directly to water movement and plant-water up-take. Though several soil properties depend upon soiltype, observations of matric potential from the Okla-homa Mesonet are independent of soil type. Includ-

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ing matric potential in the Noah LSM removes an ex-ponential dependence upon crude estimates of soil typeand presumably improves the specification of water inthe soil. However, results from principal-component re-gression tests show that replacing volumetric water con-tent with matric potential does not generate enough im-provement inEdir forecasts to justify the difficulty ofadding matric potential as a prognostic variable. Otherfactors include the physical relevance of each variableto evaporative processes and the statistical significanceof each variable when included in a multiple linear re-gression. Additionally, several combinations of vari-ables possess strong mutual correlations and must notappear together in the final regression equation. For ex-ample, the correlation coefficient between the mixing ra-tio and the 2-m air temperature is 0.66. Correlations arealso high between incoming longwave radiation, the 2-mand 9-m air temperature, mixing ratio, saturation mix-ing ratio, potential temperature, and the derivative ofsaturation mixing ratio with respect to temperature be-cause of the strong relationship between the air temper-ature and atmospheric moisture content. The existenceof such highly correlated variables justifies the use ofthe principal-component approach in variable selection,even if the final regression equation retains all of the prin-cipal components.

The principal-component regression procedure yieldsa regression equation for direct evaporation from baresoil assuming that no transpiring vegetation contributesto the total latent heat flux. In practice, the fractionalvegetation coverage scales the direct evaporation frombare soil. Therefore, the equation for direct evaporationfrom bare soil is

Edir = (22.33

+0.0226[Rg (1−α)](3/2)[



] f

−3.426V +3650w)(


), (14)

whereRg is the incoming solar radiation (W m−1), α isthe albedo based on the Noah LSM land use category,Θ1 is the volumetric water content (m3 m−3) at 5-cmdepth,Θw is the wilting point andΘref is the field ca-pacity, both of which depend on the 5-cm soil texturemeasured at each Oklahoma Mesonet site,f =1,V is the10-m wind speed (m s−1), w is the 2-m mixing ratio (kgkg−1), andσf is the fractional vegetation coverage. Asimplemented in the Noah LSM,Θ1 is the volumetric wa-ter content of the top soil layer,Θw andΘref refer to thewilting point and field capacity of the relevant griddedsoil type, andV andw are the wind speed and mixingratio at the lowest model level. The adjustedR2 for theindependent cross-validation data is 0.61, giving a corre-lation coefficient between forecasts and observations of0.78, and the residual standard error is 48.4 W m−2. Bycomparison, the correlation coefficient between the samepredictand and the direct soil evaporation from the orig-inal Noah LSM formulation is 0.52.

As indicated by locally weighted regressions prior tothe principal-component regression, each of the variablesin Eq. (14) exhibits a quasi-linear relationship with theobserved latent heat flux during dry conditions. The sec-ond term on the right-hand side of Eq. (14) materializesby recognizing that the available soil moisture tempersthe evaporative power of the sun. An excellent linearrelationship withEdir in a locally weighted regressionarises by multiplying the effective incoming solar radi-ation (incoming solar radiation minus outgoing solar ra-diation) raised to the 3/2 power by the normalized soilmoisture availability termβ from Eq. (7).

With the exception of the vegetation fraction term,each term in Eq. (14) represents a single variable presentin the principal component analysis. Since each compo-nent contains a very strong signal from one of each of thethree variables, the final regression equation retains allthree principal components. A multiple linear regressionon these variables produces the same regression equa-tion, but the large correlations between the available vari-ables justifies using the principal-component regressionapproach both to ascertain the significance of the mutualcorrelations and as a robust variable-selection method.

Compared with the existing direct soil evaporation pa-rameterization in the Noah LSM, the forecasts from thenew empirical scheme more closely match the total la-tent heat flux observations when the soil is dry enough toassume senescent vegetation, particularly for increaseddirect soil evaporation (Fig. 1). When the soil containssufficient moisture to support canopy transpiration, theindividual contribution to evaporation from bare soil inthe Noah LSM certainly should not exceed the observedtotal latent heat flux. Regardless of soil conditions, thenew empirical scheme improves upon the original NoahLSM direct soil evaporation formulation when appliedto all available sets of observations during the period 15April–15 September 2004 by reducing substantially thefrequency of unrealisticEdir values that exceed the ob-served total latent heat flux.

4.4 Canopy transpiration

With a proper parameterization for the direct evap-oration from bare soil in place, a similar principal-component regression procedure leads to a new empiricalcanopy transpiration scheme. The training and indepen-dent cross-validation data include fractional vegetationcoverage and leaf area index observations spanning theperiod 15 April–15 September 2004. The canopy tran-spiration term defined by

Et =Eobs−Edir


is the predictor in the multiple regression, whereEobs isthe observed total latent heat flux andEdir is the empiricaldirect soil evaporation term from Eq. (14) that alreadyincludes the vegetation fraction weighting.

Observed variables and those transformed based onphysically plausible relationships and locally estimated

Page 7: 6A.3 A NEW LATENT HEAT FLUX PARAMETERIZATION FOR … · heat transfer within the soil, also strongly depend upon soil moisture specifications. For calculations of soil heat transfer,

FIG. 1. Direct soil evaporation from the original Noah LSM formula-tion (black) and the empirical scheme (red) compared with the observedtotal latent heat flux under dry soil conditions.

regressions compose a diverse set of possible forecastvariables. As with the direct soil evaporation parameter-ization, a principal component analysis combined withphysical, statistical, and practical considerations leads tothe final regression equation for canopy transpiration,

Et =




)([ Θ3−Θw


] f/2)]

+4.374Tair +60.59




+6.116LAI, (16)

whereΘ3 is the volumetric water content (m3 m−3) at60-cm depth,Tair is the 9-m air temperature (K),ws(Tair)is the saturation mixing ratio at the 9-m air temperature(kg kg−1), LAI is the leaf area index, and the remainingterms are the same as those defined for Eq. (14). TheΘwand Θref terms correspond with the measured soil tex-tures at a depth of 60 cm at each Oklahoma Mesonetsite. Observations from locations where measured soiltextures are unavailable at this depth do not contributeto the training or independent cross-validation data. Asimplemented in the model,Θ3 is the volumetric watercontent of the third soil layer andTair, w, andws are theair temperature, mixing ratio, and saturation mixing ra-tio at the lowest model level. A large correlation for eachvariable corresponds with one of each of the four prin-cipal components. Therefore, the final regression equa-

FIG. 2. Forecasts of total latent heat flux for 9239 forecast-observationpairs by the original Noah LSM formulation (black) and the new em-pirical direct soil evaporation and canopy transpiration schemes (red)compared with the observed total latent heat flux for the period 15April–15 September 2004.

tion again retains the contribution from all four principalcomponents.

Each term in Eq. (16) represents a single variable inthe principal component analysis. The leaf area indexterm arises by including LAI/σf as a variable. The firstterm describes how the root-zone soil moisture availabil-ity scales the evaporative power of the sun. This is byfar the dominant term in the regression equation and itsinclusion supports the results of an observational studyshowing a strong linear relationship between root-zonesoil moisture and both sensible and latent heat fluxes(Basara and Crawford 2002). The remaining air tem-perature, relative humidity, and leaf area index terms inthe regression equation are less significant and may serveas tunable parameters for different locations. For thisreason, the final regression equation retains these terms.Note, however, that Eq. (16) includes the effects of so-lar radiation, leaf area index, fractional vegetation cov-erage, vapor pressure deficit, air temperature, and soilmoisture just as in the theoretical parameterization (i.e.,Jacquemin and Noilhan 1990; Chen and Dudhia 2001)that appears in the original Noah LSM.

The adjustedR2 for the independent cross-validationdata is 0.72 and the residual standard error is 98.32 Wm−2, but recall that these numbers refer to the predic-tand from Eq. (15) and neglect the scaling by the frac-tional vegetation coverage. Using only the independentcross-validation data and summing theEt forecasts fromEq. (16) with theEdir forecasts from Eq. (14) to arrive atthe total latent heat flux forecast, the correlation coeffi-cient between the forecast and observed total latent heatflux is 0.94 with a residual standard error of 45.5 W m−2.

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In contrast, the correlation coefficient between the orig-inal total latent heat flux forecasts from the Noah LSMand the observed latent heat flux for the same pool of ob-servations is 0.83 with a residual standard error of 83.8W m−2. Combined into a single total latent heat fluxterm, the empirical direct soil evaporation and canopytranspiration parameterizations vastly improve the latentheat flux forecasts by the Noah LSM when driven by ob-servations (Fig. 2). The original parameterization tendsto overestimate latent heat fluxes, while the new param-eterization corrects for this problem without introducinga negative bias.


Several MM5 simulations initialized with satellite-derived vegetation indexes and soil temperature andmoisture observations from the Oklahoma Mesonet testthe effectiveness of the new latent heat flux parameteri-zations for the direct evaporation from bare soil and thecanopy transpiration. Each model simulation also allowscontributions to the total latent heat flux from the origi-nal formula for wet canopy evaporation. To explore theimportance of the land surface on the model forecasts,two different sets of initial conditions for the soil andland surface initialize MM5. A control (CTRL) sim-ulation uses climatologicalσf and constant LAI withEta model analyses providing the initial soil tempera-ture and soil moisture conditions. The second initialcondition (MM5VEGSOIL) includes 1-km resolutionsatellite-derivedσf and LAI with Oklahoma Mesonetobservations providing the initial soil temperature andmoisture conditions. When placed within the coupledMM5 model, the new latent heat flux parameterizationsperform quite well for four synoptically quiescent springand summer 2004 case studies. While daytime latentheat flux forecasts improve compared with CTRL andMM5VEGSOIL forecasts, nighttime fluxes may exceedobservations by nearly 50 W m−2, especially shortly af-ter sunset. Limiting the selection of predictor variablesto those sets of observations measured when the incom-ing solar radiation exceeds 10 W m−2 in the principal-component regression constrains the resulting empiricalformula. To overcome this limitation, when modeleddownward shortwave radiation falls below 10 W m−2,the latent heat flux parameterization reverts to the origi-nal canopy resistance approach.

Latent heat flux forecasts from simulations imple-menting the new empirical latent heat flux schemeand initialized with both satellite-derived vegetation in-dexes and soil temperature and moisture observations(MM5LATENT) show vast improvement over both theCTRL and MM5VEGSOIL simulations when comparedwith observations at Norman, Oklahoma (Fig. 3). Inmost cases, the model no longer severely underestimatesdaytime latent heat fluxes as in each of the other fourMM5 simulations that use the original latent heat fluxformulae with differing initial land surface and soil con-

FIG. 3. Latent heat flux (W m−2) at Norman, Oklahoma for CTRL(black), MM5VEGSOIL (red), and MM5LATENT (blue) domain foursimulations initialized at 1200 UTC on a) 3 May, b) 20 July, c) 1 Au-gust, and d) 3 September 2004 compared with the residual of the sur-face energy balance computed from Oklahoma Mesonet observations(dashed).

FIG. 4. Sensible heat flux (W m−2) at Norman, Oklahoma for CTRL(black), MM5VEGSOIL (red), and MM5LATENT (blue) domain foursimulations initialized at 1200 UTC on a) 3 May, b) 20 July, c) 1 Au-gust, and d) 3 September 2004 compared with Oklahoma Mesonet ob-servations (dashed).

ditions. The MM5LATENT simulations consistentlyproduce latent heat flux forecasts with domain-wide bi-ases, root-mean squared errors, and mean absolute errorsthat are lower than or comparable to the error measuresfor the other forecasts.

With reasonable latent heat flux forecasts, the pre-viously overestimated sensible heat flux forecasts moreclosely resemble the observations (Fig. 4), though ineach case, the model still tends to underestimate the mag-nitude of the observed downward sensible heat flux atnight. MM5LATENT ground heat flux forecasts showlittle to no overall improvement over CTRL forecasts.Whether the model overestimates or underestimates theground heat flux during the day varies by location, butthe model typically overestimates the magnitude of the

Page 9: 6A.3 A NEW LATENT HEAT FLUX PARAMETERIZATION FOR … · heat transfer within the soil, also strongly depend upon soil moisture specifications. For calculations of soil heat transfer,

FIG. 5. 2-m air temperature (K) at Norman, Oklahoma for CTRL(black), MM5VEGSOIL (red), and MM5LATENT (blue) domain foursimulations initialized at 1200 UTC on a) 3 May, b) 20 July, c) 1 Au-gust, and d) 3 September 2004 compared with Oklahoma Mesonet ob-servations (dashed).

ground heat flux at night. Tests show that reducing thesoil heat capacity in the MM5LATENT forecasts has anegligible effect on all forecast fields, so factors otherthan soil heat capacity errors are likely responsible forthe poor ground heat flux estimates. The remainingerrors in the partitioning between latent, sensible, andground heat flux result in errors in the air temperatureforecasts. While the empirical latent heat flux schemeimproves the accuracy of temperature forecasts duringthe early morning, cumulative errors in the surface en-ergy balance likely cause the air temperature to decreasetoo early in the diurnal cycle (Fig. 5). This problem ap-pears in all forecast types. The sharp drop in 2-m air tem-perature near sunset is a consequence of the extrapolationerrors during planetary boundary layer regime transitionsand not from surface energy flux errors.

As expected, mixing ratio forecasts improve with bet-ter latent heat flux forecasts. For these four case stud-ies, MM5 consistently underestimates the 2-m mixingratio, regardless of the latent heat flux parameterizationor initial conditions. However, with the exception of theunrealistic spike in mixing ratio values during planetaryboundary layer regime transitions, mixing ratio forecasterrors decrease for the MM5LATENT simulations com-pared with all of the other simulations (Fig. 6).

Comparisons between the model and observationsacross the main body of Oklahoma show similar results.However, observations from the Oklahoma Mesonet in2004 serve as the training data for the empirical latentheat flux parameterization in the Noah LSM. Two loca-tions outside this region provide further evidence of theability of the new latent heat flux scheme to more accu-rately predict latent heat fluxes in short-term forecasts.Maintained by the United States Department of Agricul-ture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Na-tional Soil Tilth Laboratory (NSTL), these sites directlymeasure the four components of the surface energy bal-

ance using two meteorological-flux towers near Ames,Iowa. One tower stands over a soybean field and theother tower resides over a corn field. Roughly 2 m abovethe vegetation canopy at each location, Campbell Scien-tific CSAT3 sonic anemometers equipped with CampbellScientific KH20 krypton hygrometers directly measurethe sensible and latent heat flux using the eddy covari-ance method. REBS net radiometers measure the netradiation and REBS soil heat flow transducers measurethe conductive ground heat flux at a depth of 6 cm withsoil temperature probes buried at 2 and 4 cm to estimatethe storage ground heat flux. Details of the instrumenta-tion and site characteristics appear in Kustas et al. (2005).Data for the corn and soybean sites are available for the20 July, 1 August, and 3 September 2004 case studies.

Since soil temperature and moisture observations areonly available from the Oklahoma Mesonet, special ini-tial conditions in the MM5LATENT forecasts only in-clude satellite-derived vegetation indexes. As with theCTRL forecasts, the remaining initial conditions derivefrom Eta analyses. Despite lacking accurate initial soiltemperature and moisture conditions, the 20 July and3 August 2004 MM5LATENT simulations perform re-markably well compared with the latent heat fluxes mea-sured over both corn and soybeans and reduce errors inthe CTRL forecast by as much as 100 W m−2 (Figs. 7–9).For these three cases, the forecasts in the CTRL simula-tion overestimaterather than underestimate the observedlatent heat flux as in Oklahoma, perhaps due to cloudcover, but the new empirical latent heat flux scheme stillrealistically captures the total evapotranspiration at thesesites. Since the gridded model results are interpolatedto each flux site from a 9-km grid, the modeled fluxesover the nearly collocated corn and soybean fields arenearly identical. That fluxes measured simultaneouslyover the corn and soybean fields may differ by more than100 W m−2 highlights the variability of surface fluxes

FIG. 6. 2-m mixing ratio (g kg−1) at Norman, Oklahoma for CTRL(black), MM5VEGSOIL (red), and MM5LATENT (blue) domain foursimulations initialized at 1200 UTC on a) 3 May, b) 20 July, c) 1 Au-gust, and d) 3 September 2004 compared with Oklahoma Mesonet ob-servations (dashed).

Page 10: 6A.3 A NEW LATENT HEAT FLUX PARAMETERIZATION FOR … · heat transfer within the soil, also strongly depend upon soil moisture specifications. For calculations of soil heat transfer,

FIG. 7. Latent heat flux (W m−2) near Ames, Iowa for CTRL (black)and MM5LATENT (gray) simulations initialized at 1200 UTC on 20July 2004 compared with observations of latent heat flux over a soy-bean field (dotted) and over a corn field (dashed).

over small spatial scales as well as the difficulty of com-paring gridded model output with point measurementsof atmospheric fluxes. The MM5LATENT forecast un-derestimates the observed latent heat fluxes at each Iowasite in the forecast initialized on 3 September 2004. Thecorn and soybeans were not harvested until 24 and 29September, respectively, but irrigation practices near thetime of harvest could increase the available soil moistureover the fields. This increase would not appear in the soilmoisture initialization from the Eta model. Additionally,the satellite-derived fractional vegetation coverage aver-aged over a 9 km× 9 km forecast grid includes vegeta-tion conditions typical for early September in Iowa andmay not represent the relatively small region of photo-synthetically active corn and soybean fields.

FIG. 8. As in Fig. 7 except for 1 August 2004.

FIG. 9. As in Fig. 7 except for 3 September 2004.


While recent advances in numerical weather pre-diction models have led to improved short-term fore-casts, land surface models still inaccurately portray near-surface conditions such as air temperature, mixing ra-tio, soil temperature and moisture, and surface energyfluxes. Assessing and reducing these model errors re-mains a difficult task because of both the wide variety oferrors within the model and the lack of sufficient data foran accurate specification of the land surface. Substitut-ing Oklahoma Mesonet observations of soil temperatureand moisture and specifying vegetation conditions basedon satellite observations provides a unique opportunityto begin the process of improving land surface model pa-rameterizations by initializing the model with the bestpossible characterization of the land surface.

Despite providing the Noah LSM with the best pos-sible initial conditions, the model forecasts still fail tocapture realistically the surface energy fluxes that drivethe evolution of the planetary boundary layer. MM5 andits companion Noah LSM in their current state producedegraded surface energy flux forecasts when comparedwith control forecasts and corresponding surface obser-vations, showing that a realistic specification of land sur-face variables clearly affects forecast accuracy substan-tially. These results emphasize the significance of min-imizing errors in surface initial conditions, while illus-trating the profound difficulty in evaluating individualmodel components when all of the schemes are interde-pendent. Because the model physics determine the par-titioning of the surface energy budget, forecast improve-ments for simulations with excellent soil and vegetationinitial conditions require a careful calibration of manyof these interdependent parameterization schemes withinthe Noah LSM. One new empirical parameterization de-termined from a wealth of unique surface, soil, and veg-etation observations dramatically improves the physicalrepresentation of latent heat flux in the Noah LSM. Ap-plying a completely new approach, this scheme replacesthe usual theoretical formulations that appear in several

Page 11: 6A.3 A NEW LATENT HEAT FLUX PARAMETERIZATION FOR … · heat transfer within the soil, also strongly depend upon soil moisture specifications. For calculations of soil heat transfer,

numerical weather prediction models.With more detailed observations, including soil tem-

perature and moisture at more frequent and deeper soildepths, particularly in the root zone, and direct obser-vations of latent heat flux, an even more robust param-eterization for latent heat flux could emerge. However,the new empirical scheme works well in a location farfrom the region where the training data were collected.This likely follows from the wide range of observationsin the predictor data for the multiple linear regression.The observations from Oklahoma comprise 9-m air tem-peratures ranging from -10.9°C to 37.7°C, relative hu-midities ranging from 4% to 99%, 10-m wind speedsup to 20.3 m s−1, mixing ratios between 0.7 and 23.6 gkg−1, 5-cm soil volumetric water contents ranging from0.19 to 0.42 m3 m−3, and 60-cm soil volumetric watercontents ranging from 0.20 to 0.38 m3 m−3. This largespan of temperature, moisture, wind, and soil conditionsfurther indicates the applicability of the new latent heatflux parameterization to new locations across the conti-nental United States, Canada, and Mexico. However, thebehavior of the new scheme remains unclear during pre-cipitation and when the ground lies under snow cover.

Arming MM5 with the best possible characterizationof the land surface permits an assessment of the inaccu-racies in the model formulations. With this informationand a wealth of unique surface observations, an empiri-cal scheme for latent heat flux emerges. Despite the dra-matic improvement in latent heat flux forecasts using thisempirical parameterization, nighttime latent heat fluxesrequire yet another approach. Here, the Noah LSM re-verts to the old canopy resistance formula for determin-ing latent heat flux at night. A different empirical pa-rameterization based on nighttime surface energy fluxobservations could allow for the removal of the canopyresistance approach altogether. Continued improvementof the characterization of the land surface allows furtherupgrades to the Noah LSM thermodynamics and soil hy-drology parameterizations and will produce more accu-rate forecasts of near-surface atmospheric and soil vari-ables.

Acknowledgments.The authors wish to thank the Ok-lahoma Climatological Survey for providing OklahomaMesonet data and Dr. Michael Richman for his help-ful comments. Funding was provided under NSF grantATM-0243720.


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