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    Brand Positioning Of Automotive Lubricant In Indian Market


    1.1.Brand Positioning

    Kotler aptly defines positioning as the the act of designing the companys offer so that it occupies a distinct and valued place in

    the mind of the target customers.Bovee et al defines positioning as the the process of promoting buyers to form a particular mental impression of our productrelative to our competitors.

    David Aaker considered Brand Positioning a part of brand identity and value proposition that is to be actively communicated to

    the target audience, and that demonstrates an advantage over competing brands.Branding is the added value or augmented elements that determine a brands positioning in the market place.

    Al Ries and Jack Trout said that to develop a positioning program, six critical questions mustbe answered. They are;

    What position do you own in the mind of the prospect, now?

    What position do you want to own?

    Whom must you outrun to achieve that position?

    Do you have enough money? Can you stick it out?

    Does your communication match your position?

    The market position of a brand shows where a specific brand is located. It also shows the relationship to competitive brands. Wecan determine the market position of a brand on the basis of the answers to the following four questions:

    Why (which benefits and advantages does the brand bring to the consumers).

    When (determining the opportunities for which the brand is most suitable).

    For whom (it is about the determination of the consumer of a brand or target group).

    Against whom (determining the main competitive brands).

    Gautam Srivastava

    Research Scholar, University Of Petroleum And Energy Studies, Dehradun, India


    This research paper is based on the impact of brand positioning on the consumer purchase decision of lubricant consumers.First of all researcher has found the different attributes of brand positioning . The attributes of brand positioning are

    independent variables whereas the attributes of consumer purchase decision are dependent variables. After that the

    researcher has found the relationship between the attributes of brand positioning and consumer buying behaviour by using

    multiple regression analysis. So this research helped the PSUs to find out the important factors on which they should focus to

    increase their market share. Multiple dimensional scaling has been used to identify the important dimensions of brand

    positioning based on consumer perception. Different brand has been mapped on perceptual mapping to determine the points

    of parity and points of differences.

    Key words:Brand positioning, Perceptual mapping, PSUs, Multiple regression analysis

    ISSN 2277-5846


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    The International Journal Of Management

    44 Vol 2 Issue 4 October, 2013 www.thei

    Product positioning is an important strategy for achieving differential advantage. Positioning reflects the place a product

    occupies in a market or segment. A successful position has characteristics that are both differentiating and important toconsumers.

    1.2.Tips Of Brand Positioning

    All forward looking companies now regard positioning at the heart of competitive strategy. As the ultimate aim of any business

    strategy is to satisfy the customer, gaining a valued position in the minds of customers is essential. Some people argue that

    branding is really positioning, stating that unless a brand has a position, it has no unique value in the minds of consumers. You canestablish a brand personality, and through precise market segmentation identify and reach your target audience, but what linksthem together is positioning the brand in the minds of that audience. But, what is a position and how do you arrive at a goodstrategy for achieving one.

    The branding process seeks to create a unique identity for a company, product or service, which differentiates it from thecompetition. And every brand has to have a strategic platform. One half of that platform is created by carefully by carefully

    formulating a distinct brand personality, which makes the identity of the brand unique. The other half of the strategic brandplatform is positioned. Positioning is critical to brand building because it is responsible for projecting the brand identity and

    creating the perception and image of the brand in peoples minds. In other words, positioning is the process of offering the brand

    to the consumer. It is positioning that makes the brand appear to be different and better than all competing brands.

    Keller et al argue that managers often pay too much attention to points of differentiation but pay little attention to two other

    aspects. Frame of reference and brands common features with competitors. Effective competitive positioning does not requireonly paying attention to points of differences but also to points of parity. Exclusive focus on creating points of differences often

    causes the managers to ignore another important issue. That is, the point of reference that customers use to see and evaluate thebrand. For instance, a fast food brand tries to differentiate itself from the other players in the fast food category on the keyproposition of health. But a brand so promoted on the health platform may change the point of reference customers use to judge

    the brand. Customers may see health and taste as two different categories. Thus, differentiation so pushed on the health basis maypull the brand out of the fast food category and place it in the health food category. Each category may have different size and

    growth prospects. Such moves should be deeply contemplated upon before being pursued.Once the point of reference is correctly established, the next positioning challenge is creating compelling points of differences.

    Mere promotion of the brand on the basis of differences is not a good strategy. Developing strong, favourable and uniqueassociations are fundamental to creating effective brand differentiation. Three ways of building differentiation could be identified:

    brand performance, brand imagery and consumer insights. Depending upon the route chosen, the brand associations could be

    developed accordingly.A brand could develop distinction in a chosen field by developing associations related to product performance. It focuses on the

    brands delivery on the functionality expected by customers. The brand could develop associations on the intrinsic product

    dimensions like durability, reliability, price, style or service.

    A brand can take the imagery route to developing strong, favourable and unique associations focusing on user and usage situations

    in communication. The class of people who are associated with the brand often differentiated brands powerfully. Brands like Rolls

    Royce and Armani draw their imagery from the class of people who are considered users of these brands. On the other hand, theordinary or average person imagery is also an effective way of differentiating a brand. Brands like Wheel and Fair & Lovely seekto connect with ordinary households who want solutions to the washing and dark skin problems being faced by housewives and

    young girls respectively.Finally, when the above two methods of differentiation do not provide much scope for differentiation, the marketer can turn to

    consumers for possible insights into their problems or goals, in order to position the brand. For dishwashing, brand Vim was for

    long promoted as a means of winning acceptance and approval from a demanding mother in law. Close Up toothpaste attracts

    young customers by subconsciously making them ever ready to face a close encounter and thereby reduces imagined insecurities.Establishing a correct point of reference and points of differences is important for competitive positioning. A brand must firstsignal the category it wants to participate in, through parity associations. Then it must create compelling points of differences to

    differentiate itself from the rest in that frame.

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    Figure 1: Kevin Killer Model Of Brand Positioning

    This model is used to identify the optimal positioning and value proposition for the brand.It helps to consider for effective brand positioning.

    Differentiated from the competition

    Relevant to its audience

    Defendable by the product

    Aligned with the core brand values

    Dr Kevin Killer has suggested a model for effective brand positioning. This model is able to answer the following questions:

    What do the brand consumers presently believe about or value in the brand?

    What might consumers believe or value about the brand in the future?

    What is the organization currently claiming about the brand?

    What would the organization like the brand to become down the road?

    Figure 2: Kelvin Killer Model

    Source: Dark Matter Matters

    1.3.Lubricant Oil

    Lubricating oil is used to reduce the friction between the moving surfaces. The property of reducing the friction between thesurfaces is called lubricity. The lubricant oil have following characteristics:

    High boiling point

    Low freezing point

    High viscosity

    Thermal stability

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    Hydraulic stability

    Corrosion prevention

    The function of lubricant is to separate the moving parts in the system.

    Keeping moving parts apart

    Reduce friction

    Transfer hit

    Transmit power

    Protect against wear Prevent corrosion

    Seal for gasesIndia is the third largest lubricant market in the world after the U.S.A. and China. India produces 5 to 6 percent of the total global

    lube production. The Indian lubricant market is mainly divided into two parts industrial lubricant and automotive lubricant. Indianautomotive lubricants constitute 65% whereas industrial lubricant oil constitutes 35% of the market share. The majority market

    share of the India lubricant market is covered by automotive lubricant. Presently the Indian lubricant market is growing at the rateof 5% per annum.

    Year Rate

    1990-91 - 1996-97 2.5%

    1996-97 - 2001-02 2.0%

    2001-02 - 2006-07 4.5%

    2004-05 - 2009-10 3.5%

    2009-10 - 2014-15 4.0%

    Table 1: Growth Trend Of Indian Automotive Lubricants Market

    Source: http://www.Indiastat.Com (2012)

    The India auto lubricant manufacturer produces classified into two types:

    Company Name Brand Name Major Product

    Bharat Petroleum

    Corporation Ltd.

    MAK MAK Supreme, MAK Multigrade, MAK Gold, MAK Gold Plus,

    MAK Diamond

    Hindustan Petroleum

    Corporation Ltd.

    HP HP Extra Super Motor Oil, HP Cruise, HP Racer, HP Laal Ghoda,

    HP Milcy Power, HP Pumpset OIL

    Indian Oil CorporationLtd.

    SERVO SERVO 2T Supreme, SERVO Pride, SERVO Ultra, SERVOPremium

    Table 2: Psus Indian Oil Corporation, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.

    Company Name Brand Name Major Product

    Castrol India Ltd. Castrol Castrol GTX Modern Engine , Castrol GTX 20W50Castrol Edge , CASTROL GTX DIESEL

    Gulf Oil Corporation Ltd. Superfleet Superfleet LE Max 15w-40, Superfleet Max 15w-40, Gulfco 1049 Max

    Tide Water Oil

    Corporation Ltd

    Veedol HDB 30, 40, 50, HDB 20W, 40, HDB 30, 40, HDC30, 40, HDC Fleet

    30, 40

    Table 3: Private Lubricant Manufacturer- Castrol Indian Ltd., Tide Water Oil Corporation Ltd., Gulf Oil Corporation Ltd.

    Indian Lubricant market in India divided into diesel lubricant and petrol lubricant.Market size and Demand of Lubricant Oil in India

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    Figure 3


    The original equipment segment and retail trade are the two major marketing channels in the Indian automotive lubricants market.PSUs sell their lube oil through petroleum retail outlet whereas major private players like Castrol sell their lubricant through

    bazaar trade.

    2.Literature Review

    PSUs companies have lost market share from 90 percent in 1991 to 58.5 percent in 2012. The increasing dominance of Castrol, a

    well enriched MNC in the lube oil sector, has added their woes. Castrol, which had a market share of six percent in 1991 hadincreased it to 18 percent. To major gainers in market shares during this period are Tide water oil and Gulf oil India (A Hindujagroup).

    Figure 4: Market Share Psus In Lubricant Oil

    Source: The Financial Express, June 7, 1997

    3.Motivation Of The Research

    Indian lubricant market is the third largest in the world.

    Demand of auto lubricant in Indian market is increasing continuously.

    PSUs (IOCL, BPCL and HPCL) are continuously losing their market share.

    4.Statement And Proposal

    Business Problem

    Loss of market share of PSU in Lubricating Oil. (IOCL, HPCL and BPCL).

    NOTE: During the 90s the market share of the PSU Lubricant sector were 90% and currently it is 60%. Now a days PSU is

    spending significant amounts on Brand Positioning to influence consumer behaviour which was missing during 90s.

    5.Research Objectives

    To determine the important attributes of brand positioning of lubricant oil.

    To determine the impact of important attributes of brand positioning of lubricant oil on consumer purchasing decision.



    Petrol Lubricant

    Diesel Lubricant









    1991 2012












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    6.Scope Of Study

    PSUs lubricant brand (Servo, Mac and HP Lube) is continuously losing their market share in the Indian lube market. So thisresearch is focused on finding the important attributes of brand positioning which affects the purchasing decision of lubricant

    consumer which helped the PSUs to increase their market share by repositioning their brands.

    Year Personal Vehicles Commercial Vehicles Total


    cars & Jeeps

    Vehicles. M.




    Taxis Buses Good

    Vehicles1980-81 22.48 64.13 3.83 1.20 1.52 6.85 100

    1990-91 21.74 67.51 3.51 0.57 1.06 5.61 100

    2000-01 26.64 64.53 2.52 0.53 1.20 4.59 100

    2006-07 30.66 63.64 1.43 0.48 0.90 2.89 100

    2007-08 30.73 63.58 1.33 0.54 0.93 2.85 100

    2008-09 30.92 63.17 1.40 0.66 0.91 2.91 100

    2009-10 31.21 62.85 1.34 0.70 0.89 2.99 100

    2010-11 31.34 62.64 1.27 0.84 0.89 3.02 100

    2011-12 31.50 62.43 1.19 0.94 0.86 3.08 100

    Table 4: Percentage Distribution Of Registered Vehicles Of The Total

    Source: Offices Of State Transport Commissioners

    7.Research Design

    7.1.Exploratory Research

    Exploratory research has been used to find out the different factors responsible for brand positioning of lubricant oil and the

    impact of that factors on consumers purchasing decision.

    7.2.Descriptive Research

    Descriptive research has been used to find out the relationship between the attributes of brand positioning and consumer

    purchasing decision.

    8.Sources Of Data Collection

    8.1.Sources Of Data

    8.1.1.Primary data

    Primary data will be collected from the four strata:Four Wheeler segment consumers

    Four wheeler segment consumers will be divided into the following strata

    Non commercial four wheeler (petrol) Non commercial four wheeler (diesel)

    commercial four wheeler (petrol)

    commercial four wheeler (diesel)

    8.1.2.Secondary DataSecondary data are required for the study and will be collected from the annual report of the lube companies, magazines.


    Total No. Of four vehicles in Delhi = 2412893 (Source: Population census 2011)

    The sample size will be calculated by using Yamane, 1967 formula.

    n = N

    1 + N e2

    Where n = The sample size

    N = The size of the population

    e = The error of 5 percentage points.

    n = 2412893

    1 + 2412893 (.05)2

    = 399.93

    = 400

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    8.3.Area of Sampling

    The sample will be collected from the Delhi region.Delhi region will be divided into following sub region:




    CentralThe sample size will be divided in the ratio of commercial and non commercial four vehicles which are registered in Delhi. Afurther four vehicles are further classified on the basis of the ratio of petrol and diesel four vehicles.

    8.4.Sampling Techniques

    Convenience sampling will be used. The researcher will collect the data from the different petrol pump by asking drivers, owners

    and users fill up the questionnaire.


    H0: Brand positioning does not have any impact on consumer purchasing decision of lubricant oil.

    H1: Brand positioning has an impact on consumer purchasing decision of lubricant oil.

    8.6.Factor Analysis

    Factor analysis has been used to find out the most important following factors:

    Price Quality


    Consumer Benefits

    Standard attributes of consumer buying behaviour has been used which is following:Purchase Decision

    The purchase decision is a dependable variable of consumer buying behaviour whereas price, quality, accessibility and consumerbenefits are the independent variables of brand positioning.

    8.7.Reliability Analysis

    Reliability analysis has used to measure the reliability of the factors price, quality, accessibility and customer benefits. It is used tomeasure that whether these factors are able to measure the satisfaction of lube consumers.

    Table 5

    Reliability Statistics

    Cronbach's Alpha Cronbach's AlphaBased on StandardizedItems

    N of Items

    .214 .225 4

    Table 6

    Item Statistics

    Mean Std.



    Price 2.41 1.421 99

    Quality 2.17 1.204 99

    Accessibility 2.78 1.337 99

    Consumer Benefits 2.25 1.063 99

    Table 7

    Case Processing Summary

    N %Cases Valid 99 98.0

    Excludeda 2 2.0

    Total 101 100.0

    a. List wise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

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    Inter-Item Correlation Matrix

    Price Quality Accessibility Consumer


    Price 1.000 .137 .049 .207

    Quality .137 1.000 -.249 .022

    Accessibility .049 -.249 1.000 .241

    Consumer Benefit .207 .022 .241 1.000Table 8

    Summary Item Statistics

    Mean Minimu




    Range Maximum /




    N of


    Item Means 2.404 2.172 2.778 .606 1.279 .072 4

    Item Variances 1.597 1.129 2.021 .891 1.789 .152 4

    Inter-Item Correlations .068 -.249 .241 .490 -.969 .029 4

    Table 9

    Item-Total Statistics

    Scale Mean ifItem Deleted

    ScaleVariance if

    Item Deleted





    Cronbach'sAlpha if Item


    Price 7.20 4.306 .217 .062 .021a

    Quality 7.44 6.433 .045 .087 .349

    Accessibility 6.84 5.749 .011 .124 .300

    Consumer Benefits 7.36 5.111 .284 .099 .043a

    Table 10

    In the above table all the value of Cronbachs Alpha is positive which shows that the variables are fit into the reliability model

    8.8.Multiple Regression Analysis

    Multiple Regression has been used to find out the relationship between the independent variables Price, Quality, Accessibility and

    Customer Benefits and dependent variables consumer purchase decision.

    Descriptive Statistics

    Mean Std.Deviation


    PurchaseDecision 1.28 .453 99

    Price 2.41 1.421 99

    Quality 2.17 1.204 99

    Accessibility 2.78 1.337 99

    Consumer Benefits 2.25 1.063 99

    Table 11

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    Purchase Decision Price Quality Accessibility Consumer



    Purchase Decision 1.000 .038 -.034 -.030 .083

    Price .038 1.000 .137 .049 .207

    Quality -.034 .137 1.000 -.249 .022

    Accessibility -.030 .049 -.249 1.000 .241Consumer Benefits .083 .207 .022 .241 1.000

    Sig. (1-tailed) Purchase Decision . .354 .370 .384 .206

    Price .354 . .088 .315 .020

    Quality .370 .088 . .007 .416

    Accessibility .384 .315 .007 . .008

    Consumer Benefits .206 .020 .416 .008 .

    N Purchase Decision 99 99 99 99 99

    Price 99 99 99 99 99

    Quality 99 99 99 99 99

    Accessibility 99 99 99 99 99

    Consumer Benefits 99 99 99 99 99

    Table 12

    Table 13

    Table 14

    Table 15

    Coefficient Correlationsa

    Model Consumer


    Quality Price Accessibility

    1 Correlations Consumer Benefits 1.000 -.058 -.191 -.243

    Quality -.058 1.000 -.140 .264

    Price -.191 -.140 1.000 -.036

    Accessibility -.243 .264 -.036 1.000

    Covariances Consumer Benefits .002 .000 .000 .000

    Quality .000 .002 .000 .000

    Price .000 .000 .001 -4.492E-005

    Accessibility .000 .000 -4.492E-005 .001


    Dependent Variable: Purchase Decision

    Model Summary

    Model R R



    R Square

    Std. Error

    of the


    Change Statistics

    R Square




    df1 df2 Sig. F


    1 .114a .013 -.029 .459 .013 .310 4 94 .871

    a. Predictors: (Constant), Consumer Benefits, Quality, Price, Accessibility


    Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

    1 Regression .262 4 .065 .310 .871b

    Residual 19.819 94 .211

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    8.9.Multi Dimensional Scaling

    Table 16

    Multi Dimensional Scaling has been used to measure the perception of consumers towards the different brand of lubricant oil.First of all two dimensions price and quality has been identified on the perceptual map on which perception of consumers towards

    different brands has been mapped.After that consumers perception responses have been mapped on the perceptual map.

    8.10.Perceptual MappingPerceptual map has been used to map the different brand of lubricant oil on two attributes price and quality.

    Following brand has been mapped on the perceptual mapping:


    MAK Lubricant

    HP Lube



    Step 1: Perceptual Map of the lubricating oil in Indian market.

    Step 2: Entered the two labels of the horizontal axisFor the upper side of the map Low Price

    For the bottom side of the map High PriceStep 3: Entered the two labels of the vertical axis

    For the left side of the map High Quality

    For the right side of the map Low QualityStep 4: Entered the brand to be mapped

    Step 5: Scored each brand for the two attributes price and qualityUsed a 1 to 9 scale

    Horizontal attributes

    1 = Low Price

    5 = Equal mix of both9 = High Price

    Vertical Attributes

    1 = Low Quality5 = Equal mix of both

    9 = High Quality

    Step 6: Size of the circles shows the market share of the different brands.1 = Small

    5 = Medium9 = Large

    Table 17

    Collinearity Diagnosticsa

    Model Dimension Eigenvalue Condition


    Variance Proportions

    Constant Price Quality Accessibility ConsumerBenefits

    1 1 4.341 1.000 .00 .01 .01 .01 .01

    2 .274 3.982 .00 .02 .43 .22 .03

    3 .202 4.641 .01 .91 .16 .04 .01

    4 .131 5.766 .01 .03 .02 .31 .88

    5 .053 9.067 .98 .04 .38 .42 .07

    a. Dependent Variable: Purchase Decision

    Brand Horizontal axis Vertical axis Size of the circles

    Servo 6 7 3

    MAK Lubricant 7 6 2

    HP Lube 7 5.5 1

    Castrol 5 7 3

    Veedol 8 4 1

    Superfleet 8 3 1

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    Figure 5

    Figure 6


    Mak Lubricant

    HP Lube




    Perceptual Map of Lubricant Oil Brand in Indian Market


    Limited Choice



    High Price

    Low Price












    0 2 4 6 8 10





    HP Lube




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    Figure 7

    9.ConclusionWith the help of factor analysis for factors price, quality, accessibility and customer benefits. Multiple regression analysis has

    been used to find out the relationship between the independent variable price, quality, accessibility and customer satisfaction and

    the dependent variable purchase decision. Multiple correlation coefficient concludes that the Pearson correlation coefficientbetween purchasing decision and the price is 0.38, purchasing decision and consumer benefits is 0.83, purchasing decision and

    quality is -0.34, purchasing and accessibility is -0.30. It means there is a positive correlation coefficient between purchasingdecision and price, consumer benefits whereas there is negative correlation between the purchasing decision and quality,

    accessibility. Major brand of lubricant oil Servo, HP Lube, MAK Lubricant, Castrol, Veedol and Superfleet has been mapped on

    perceptual map. The two dimensions of perceptual map are price and quality.


    This research will be limited only to Delhi region.

    This research will be limited to four wheeler segment (Petrol and Diesel).


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    MakHP Lube














    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Quality




    HP Lube




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