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Rome is located in Italy

Rome is located on the banks of the Tiber River

Rome was founded on 7 hills. The hills are called Capitoline, Palitine, Aventine, Caeline, Esquile, Viminal, and Quirinal hill.

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Rome was founded in the middle to the left of the Italian peninsula.

By the year 264 B.C. Rome expanded all over the Italian peninsula.

In the year 146 B.C. Rome ruled Spain, Macedonia, Greece, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, and Carthage.

In the year 44 B.C. Rome had expanded to its greatest height. It had gained Gaul, part of Africa and Egypt, Syria, and a minor part of Asia.

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The roman army held the barbarian Germans in check. When they were called out of Germany to fight a Civil War in Italy the Roman border was left open.

Over to time German hunters and herders began to raid and over take Roman lands like Greece and Gaul.

In the year 476 A.D the German general Ovadovcar over through the last of the Roman emperors and made himself king.

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Rome began to look for ways to limit Carthage’s expansion because Carthage’s power had grown. Control over the Western Mediterranean erupted into the first Punic War in 264 B.C.. To defend the Carthage Rome used planks with a spike on the end to invade Carthage’s boats.

A Carthaginian leader named Hannibal lead an attack on Rome. The Carthaginian army lost many soldiers crossing the Alps, but he gained those who disliked Rome. In 218 B.C. Hannibal attacked Saguntum. After an 8 month siege the city had fallen. When Rome heard of this they declared war on Carthage. This started the second Punic War.

Hannibal marched up and down the Italian peninsula for 15 years. Hannibal never attacked Rome its self. Capturing the city seemed to impossible. Scipio was elected to be the new Roman leader. He studied the way of Hannibal and brought the region under Roman control in 207 B.C.. Then he gained permission from the Roman senate to go to Carthage. The Carthaginian leaders called Hannibal back. Hannibal felt that him coming back would lead to the end of the Punic War, but still he returned.

Carthage began to trade and increase their wealth . Them doing this angered the Romans. Carthage was being attacked by the Numidians so they would start another war. When Carthage finally took action and fought, Rome declared war. The third Punic War end when Rome set Carthage on fire and salted its lands.

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Myths of the God or Goddesses functioned as a religion to the ancient Greeks.

They made elaborate sacrifices to make their gods happy.

The Greek Gods and Goddesses controlled all aspects of life.

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The Etruscan gods gave them signs in nature.

They tried to interrupt lighting before going into battle.

They would use the stars to make layouts for their town.

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Christianity was a religion that most people were punished for believing in one god.

Many died for their beliefs. They were used as human torches or fed to the lion.

Many were impressed by their religion. In the year 315 A.D. Christianity deemed the religion of Rome.

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Christians didn’t cremate their loved ones and place their ashes in an urn.

They buried their dead in the ground so they could reunite with them in the after life.

They wrapped their dead in the finest clothing they had.

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The Romans wrote their own laws on 12 tables. They hung them in the Forum so all could see.

The 12 table were written in a code of justice for all people.

The accosted was innocent until proven guilty.

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The Roman’s spoke and wrote in Latin.

All the literature of Rome was written in Latin.

Latin was under-stood throughout the empire.

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In Rome many women had few legal right.

A law was made for the protection of women

Women later gained the right to own property. Women also had businesses.

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The Romans built high-ways. By the year 100 A.D. over 250,000 miles of roads that connected to the city.

The roads were made of blocks. The Romans designed the highways to last forever.

The Romans system made their travel faster.

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Augustus was a good empire. He restored the temples, prevented Civil War, and he never called himself king.

Nero was a bad empire. He killed all of his family members. He locked up people so they could listen to him play and sing the lyre. He also used money from the treasury to build him self a golden palace.

Trajan was a good empire. He was concerned for the people, he founded for the poor, he restored roads, and he built bridges.

Hadrian was a good empire. He encouraged Greek couture, he helped rebuild a temple, helped reform the legal system, and he built a wall to protect Rome.

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Rome never made a way to choose new empires.

The choice of empires was up to the old empire, the senate, the Praetorian Guard, and the army.

In 186 A.D., the army strangled the new empire. They then started biding the throne away.

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The Roman’s made a good government.

The Romans could choose leaders and no single class ruled.

The parts of government were Monarchy, Aristocracy, and Democracy.

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The poor and slaves of Rome were aloud to accuse any one of crimes.

The lawyers acted on both sides.

The senate were the most powerful branch of government, besides the empire.

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Rome suffered from inflation after the reign of Marcus Aurelius.

The gold stopped coming into Rome when they stopped conquering lands.

Because Romans were buying luxury goods, gold coins decreased in value and people began bartering.

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The Roman Military spending left few resources for other activities.

Romans lost desire to defend empire. So the empire hired soldiers from unemployed cities.

Since Romans hired soldiers to defend the government, Roman empires had to raise taxes to pay for the soldiers.

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Wealthy men and women used slave labor. A farmer could not sell food for as cheap as slave labor

Famer could not sell goods and lost their jobs or sold their farms.

The empire at one point imported more than 100,000 gain to feed the unemployed people.

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Romans bought spices, herbs, exotic plants, and perfumes.

Romans shipped bottles, jars, games, instruments, chairs, linens, and artwork.

Wealthy Romans often bought luxury items. Because of their luxury items the wealthy Romans were greatly furnished.

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For a wedding, friends and family gathered around. Both the bride and groom wore white togas. They exchanged rings on their left hand.

The Roman men were expected to care for their wives and future children.

Roman couples were expected to have 2 or more children. If unhealthy child born it was left out to die. If healthy the father would rock the child in his arms.

After 9 days of birth, the Romans would have a naming ceremony were the bulla was placed around child's neck.

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Some Roman couples met at the Circus Maximums.

Slaves raced at the Circus Maximums. Slaves who won bought their freedom with their prize money.

Fans in the crowd would cheer if the person they wanted to win won. Raids erupted when the person that the fans wanted to win lost.

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Plebeians made up 90% of the Roman population.

Plebeians had little power in government. Also they had little influence in the economy.

Wealthy plebeians could not marry patricians.

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The roman government favored patricians.

The patricians ran the government through their control of the senate.

Patricians made up 10% of the Roman population. Patricians belong to noble families.

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From every thing that I have learned from this unit on Rome, the things I found the most important are included in the G.R.A.P.E.S. What I choose is important because some lead to the down fall of Rome while others helped Rome reach the Pax-Romana. I included some key empires, achievements, and the Punic Wars. I also included some of Rome’s religion, social structure, and their economy. All in all, these are the most important things I found in this unit on Rome.