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6 ways content marketing is like hosting

Thanksgiving dinner

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Ahh, Thanksgiving.

It’s a relaxing day filled with food, family andfootball, right?


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Unless you’re hosting. Then, if you’re not prepared, it can be a crazy day spent trying to be an outstanding hostess while not overcooking the turkey or burning the green bean casserole.

Here’s how the steps to creating that perfect turkey day are a lot like planning and implementing a successful content marketing plan.

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Before you can do anything else, you have to determine what’s on the menu.  

First, you have to plan your menu.

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A blog, Facebook page and website might seem like the turkey, mashed potatoes and stuffing of the content marketing world because it seems like everyone expects them to be part of the menu.

But it’s still important to consider your audience. Just like you wouldn’t cook a gigantic turkey for a room full of vegetarians, you should carefully consider your strategy to be sure you’re reaching your audience and delivering what they want.  Read more about how to develop an effective content marketing strategy here.

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If you don’t ask people to come to the table, they won’t be knocking on your door. 

Then, you’ve got to invite your guests.

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You’ve planned your menu and have some amazing treats lined up that you know everyone will love. Now you need to invite your guests.

Even the most stellar content isn’t worth much if no one knows it’s there—you need to promote it. Learn more about how to spread the word here.

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All that planning is no good if you don’t start whipping up some tasty concoctions.


Now it’s time to get cooking.

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A good content marketing plan is a balancing act. You need to have something on each burner and two things in the oven in order to create a consistent effort. One video, blog post or ebook is great, but it’s not enough for your audience to fill up on. Keep the content coming so that if your audience wants seconds, you’re prepared. If you’re stumped on what to write about, check out these 20 best content marketing writing prompts here.

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Consider the presentation. With content, as with food, presentation is key.


Set a festive table.

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Content is much more appetizing when it’s delivered in a way that’s visually appealing. If you’re creating a SlideShare presentation, jazz up the cover. Setting up your blog? Get a graphic designer to create a custom look for you.

Most people are visual learners, so use graphics to support the content you create. Not only will this make the content easier to consume, but it will appear more professional as well.  Learn more about the impact of visual content marketing here.

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No one liked that Tofurkey? Don’t make it again next year. 

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Now gauge the reaction.

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Check those metrics! Monitor your engagement and review your site stats to find out what worked best. Learn what was well received and what wasn’t in order to serve up exactly what your audience likes best. Read up on the four metrics content marketers should be measuring here.

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Just like that leftover turkey can become sandwiches and soup to be enjoyed for days to come, your content can be repurposed, too.

Finally, enjoy your leftovers.

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Consider turning your blog post into a SlideShare presentation or your existing print brochure into an ebook. Repurposing allows you to get the most out of your content. Learn more about ways to repurpose your content here.

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Follow these steps and you’ll be feeling like the Martha Stewart of content marketing in no time.

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Happy Thanksgiving from us gals here at Cursive Content Marketing (we aren’t hosting this year, but we do make a mean pumpkin ice cream pie if you want the recipe).
