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  • 8/14/2019 5TJT Free Trees


    MindBizEsther Mann, LMSW 30

    Please, Not HimHannah Reich Berman 35

    The Candle WithinRabbi Avi Shafran 38

    No Recess!Elisheva Liss 61

    Chanukah 1917Larry Domnitch 62

    Flying Singers

    Senator Kirsten Gillibrand looks on as the menorah is lit at Sundaynights NORPAC dinner. NORPAC is the largest American multi-candidate

    political action committee. Mr. Stanley Stern is president of theLong Island Chapter, and, together with his family, hosted Senator

    Gillibrand at his home in Lawrence. See Page 72

    An Enlightening Evening

    Jerusalem Municipality

    Distributing X-Mas Trees

    B Y S A M U E L S O K O L

    The municipality of the city

    of Jerusalem announced Tues-

    day that it will be distributing

    free Christmas trees to the citys

    Christian population.

    For a period of three hours

    next Wednesday morning, city

    officials will run a tree distribu-

    tion center at the entrance to

    the Old City at the Jaffa Gate.

    The Jaffa Gate is the endpoint of


    Continued on Page 18



    Another Mothers Musings

    B Y P H Y L L I S J . L U B I N

    Its 2:53 a.m. Tuesday morn-

    ing. Its certainly quiet as I sit in

    front of the computer screen

    with the comfort ofThe $25,000

    Pyramid (yes, its not even The

    $100,000 Pyramid ) playing on

    the television to keep me com-

    pany. As I glance over at the

    couch, I see the megaphone.

    My Uncle Arthur had called

    me up earlier in the week: Im

    warning you, its loud. But I saw

    Continued on Page 19

    B Y L A R R Y G O R D O N

    Moshe Goldsmith is the

    mayor of Itamar, a city that sits

    on one of the highest moun-

    tainous perches and provides a

    stunning panoramic view of

    much of the land of Israel. With

    a simple turn of the head, on a

    very clear day you can see forev-er and even catch a glimpse of

    that which lies slightly beyond.

    Its mid-morning on Monday,

    and my friend Ophir wants to

    know which route I want to

    take to get to Itamar. He says we

    can take the safer route and cir-

    cumvent the road that passes by

    the Arab town of Ramallah

    (which Israelis are forbidden to

    enter). Or, its completely okay

    with him to go straight up Okef

    Ramallah, the road that heads

    past a number of significant

    and glorious settlement com-

    munities, including Ofra, Eli,and Shiloh, among others.

    Its fear of past incidents of

    stones being thrown at passing

    cars and even shots being fired

    resulting in fatalities that keeps

    people away not only from this

    B Y R A B B I Y A I R

    H O F F M A N

    Part 1

    In its latest issue, theJewish

    Week reported on a growing

    scandal involving the head of a

    yeshiva for baalei teshuvah who

    also runs an organization

    involved in promoting conver-

    sions among intermarried cou-

    ples. The person has ostensibly

    resigned his position as leader

    of that organization. The allega-

    tions are based upon tapes that

    have been anonymously re-

    leased. Some supporters of the

    organization maintain that the

    tapes are forgeries; others are

    not sure.

    In this article, an attempt willbe made to explore some of the

    halachic issues involved, with

    an application to this develop-

    ing story,as well as the reactions

    of contemporarygedolim.

    Serious And Complex Laws

    The laws of lashon hara are

    quite serious and complex.

    Much has been written about

    this category of Jewish law. The

    B Y L A R R Y G O R D O N

    We are in the upper deck of a

    747400, flying to Israel on a

    Saturday night and a rapidly

    evaporating Sunday. We sleep a

    few hours, consume several

    meals at the oddest of times,

    and then we are there. We arrive

    in the everyday precious Israel

    that no one has any time to real-

    ly understand or report about.

    Flying with a little more

    legroom costs a lot more

    moneymuch more than the$25 extra per seat that it costs

    on JetBlue for those additional

    nine inches that allow you to

    stretch out more than the pas-

    sengers seated behind you. Up

    here on the top deck of the El Al

    jet, theres significantly more

    than a few inches of extra room

    in front and back of you as well

    as on either side.

    A treat up here on this second

    Continued on Page 16Continued on Page 12


    Dec. 18 4:11 PM

    Dec. 25 4:15 PM

    The Hills Are Alive In The Shomron

    YU Chanukah Dinner.See Page 43

    Miracle On Ice.See Page 46

    Aleh 5T honorees.

    See Page 41


    VOL. 10 NO. 12 1 TEVES 5770 .en ,arp DECEMBER 18, 2009$1.00 WWW.5TJT.COM

    See Page 79



    Leading the Minchah prayers on a mountaintop in Itamar,overlooking the city of Shechem.



    Continued on Page 10

    !vfubj igfhkhhrp t

  • 8/14/2019 5TJT Free Trees

    2/218 December 18, 2009 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES

    Jaffa Road, one of Jerusalems main thor-

    oughfares, and is among the more popu-

    lar tourist destinations in the city.

    According to the municipality, this ges-

    ture has been taking place yearly since

    the time of Teddy Kollek, who served as

    mayor of Jerusalem from 1965 until 1993,

    when he was unseated by Ehud Olmert.

    The International Christian Embassy

    in Jerusalem, a Protestant Zionist organi-

    zation, lauded the practice. A spokesmanfor the group called it a lovely gesture.

    However, there is some controversy

    surrounding the citys actions, which are

    funded by taxpayer money. The distribu-

    tion of trees by a Jewish government is

    seen by some as an unacceptable promo-

    tion of religion.

    Jonathan Rosenblum, the director of

    Jewish Media Resources and a popular

    chareidi columnist for theJerusalem Post,

    expressed his disappointment with the

    Jerusalem city government.

    Rosenblum told theFive Towns Jewish

    Times that Israel is the only country in

    the world where Jews are not constantly

    reminded of their minority status andwhere the nature of the public square is


    The columnist stated that this initia-

    tive is just another way of conveying the

    message to Jewish youth in Israel that

    there is nothing to take pride in, there is

    no reason to be jealous of the public

    square in any way, and calling it anoth-

    er blow to Jewish identity.

    While Rosenblum objects strongly to

    the measure, he was emphatic that the

    State of Israel should not impede the

    Christians in Israel.

    However, he contends, for the city gov-

    ernment to simply make no distinction

    or go out of its way to make a public mes-

    sage to bring Christmas into equalityis a

    disaster. Rosenblum claims that

    Jerusalems leaders are in no way try[ing]

    to preserve the Jewish nature of the pub-

    lic square.

    Interest will be among non-religious

    Jews, Rosenblum warned.

    The Municipality defended the prac-

    tice, explaining that it engages in activi-

    ties for the benefit of all three major

    monotheistic faiths. A city spokesman explained that by

    distributing trees at one central location

    for free, the city has prevented Christians

    from opening disruptive Christmas tree


    Michael Ben-Ari, a freshman Knesset

    member from the right-wing National

    Union party disagrees strongly. Ben-Ari

    told theFive Towns Jewish Times that the

    municipalitys explanation is stupid.

    The fiery legislator stated that the city

    of Jerusalem is going out of its way to be

    cordial regarding the Christian holidays.

    The distribution of trees is an appropriate

    response to the religion of grace, which

    in the past, distributed hanging trees [to

    the Jews] and which brought Jews to the


    Religious opposition in this matter

    stems from the way in which

    Christianity as a religion is classified in

    traditional Jewish legal sources. Since

    Christianity believes that God is made

    up of a trinity of beings, rabbinical codi-

    fiers such as Maimonides have described

    the religion as avodah zarah, a Hebrew

    term whose nearest English equivalentis idol worship. Under Jewish law, it is

    forbidden to financially support such

    worship. As such, observant Jews are

    opposed to the use of their tax dollars

    for the purpose of aiding in the celebra-

    tion of a Christian holiday.

    The liberal and secular Meretz party,

    however, disagrees with the Orthodox

    position. The Meretz platform calls for

    separation of religion from the state

    and separation of religious institutions

    from political institutions. The party

    is generally considered at the forefront

    of the battle for separation of church

    and state.

    A Meretz spokesman explained that so

    long as the city of Jerusalem is support-

    ing Judaism, Islam, and Christianity in

    the same way, the party has no objec-

    tions to the practice of distributing

    Christmas trees.

    She explained that such a view does

    not contradict the partys platform

    regarding the mixture of church and

    state. The partys main objection, sheoffered, is the power of the Israeli

    Rabbinate and the role of Jewish law in

    such matters as marriage and divorce.

    According to the 2006 Israeli census,

    Christians make up only two percent of

    Jerusalems population.O

    Free TreesContinued from Front Cover

    Jerusalems leaders are in no way

    try[ing] to preserve the Jewish

    nature of the public square.Submit your photo to the

    5 Towns Jewish Times!

    You can upload your

    digital photos and see them

    printed in the weekly edition

    of the 5 Towns Jewish Times
