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    Applications & ToolsAnswers for industry.


    E-Mail Notification with the SIMATICHMI Comfort Panels

    Comfort Panels with WinCC Comfort or WinCC Advanced

    Application Description March 2012

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    2E-Mails Comfort Panels

    V1.0, Entry ID: 56720728





    Industry Automation and Drive Technologies Service & Support Portal

    This document is from the Internet service portal of Siemens AG, Industry Automa-tion and Drive Technologies. The following link takes you directly to the downloadpage of this document:

    CautionThe functions and solutions described in this entry predominantly confine them-selves to the realization of the automation task. Please also take into account thatcorresponding protective measures have to be taken in the context of IndustrialSecurity when connecting your equipment to other parts of the plant, the enterprisenetwork or the Internet. For more information, please refer to Entry ID 50203404.

    If you have any questions concerning this document please e-mail us to the follow-ing address:

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    E-Mails Comfort PanelsV1.0, Entry ID: 56720728 3






    E-Mails Comfort Panel

    SIMATIC WinCC Comfort

    Problem 1

    Solution 2

    SMTP Server Settings 3

    Functional Mechanismsof this Application 4

    Installation 5

    Commissioning of the

    Application 6

    Operation of the Applica-tion 7

    References 8

    History 9

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    Warranty and Liability

    4E-Mails Comfort Panels

    V1.0, Entry ID: 56720728





    Warranty and LiabilityNote The application examples are not binding and do not claim to be complete re-

    garding the circuits shown, equipping and any eventuality. The application ex-amples do not represent customer-specific solutions. They are only intended to

    provide support for typical applications. You are responsible for ensuring that thedescribed products are correctly used. These application examples do not re-lieve you of the responsibility of safely and professionally using, installing, oper-ating and servicing equipment. When using these application examples, yourecognize that Siemens cannot be made liable for any damage/claims beyondthe liability clause described. We reserve the right to make changes to theseapplication examples at any time without prior notice. If there are any deviationsbetween the recommendations provided in these application examples and otherSiemens publications e.g. Catalogs then the contents of the other documentshave priority.

    We do not accept any liability for the information contained in this document.

    Any claims against us based on whatever legal reason resulting from the use ofthe examples, information, programs, engineering and performance data etc. de-scribed in this application example shall be excluded. Such an exclusion shall notapply in the case of mandatory liability, e.g. under the German Product Liability Act(Produkthaftungsgesetz), in case of intent, gross negligence, or injury of life, bodyor health, guarantee for the quality of a product, fraudulent concealment of a defi-ciency or breach of a condition which goes to the root of the contract (wesentlicheVertragspflichten). However, claims arising from a breach of a condition whichgoes to the root of the contract shall be limited to the foreseeable damage which isintrinsic to the contract, unless caused by intent or gross negligence or based onmandatory liability for injury of life, body or health. The above provisions do not im-ply a change in the burden of proof to your detriment.

    It is not permissible to transfer or copy these application examples or excerpts ofthem without first having prior authorization from Siemens Industry Sector in writ-ing.

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    Table of Contents

    E-Mails Comfort PanelsV1.0, Entry ID: 56720728 5





    Table of ContentsWarranty and Liability ................................................................................................. 4Table of Contents......................................................................................................... 51 Problem .............................................................................................................. 6

    1.1 Overview .............................................................................................. 61.2 Description ........................................................................................... 6

    2 Solution...............................................................................................................72.1 Overview of the overall solution ........................................................... 72.2 Description of the core functionality ..................................................... 82.3 Hardware and software components used......................................... 102.4 Alternative solutions ........................................................................... 11

    3 SMTP Server Settings ..................................................................................... 124 Functional Mechanisms of this Application ................................................. 13

    4.1 Managing e-mail recipients via recipe management.......................... 154.2 E-mail notification of alarms in shift operation ................................... 15

    5 Installation........................................................................................................ 165.1 Software requirements ....................................................................... 165.2 Installation of the hardware................................................................ 16

    6 Commissioning of the Application ................................................................ 176.1 Preparation......................................................................................... 176.2 Commissioning of the sample project ................................................ 17

    7 Operation of the Application .......................................................................... 187.1 Overview ............................................................................................ 187.2 Description of the configuration.......................................................... 187.3 Description of the operating screens.................................................. 217.4 Managing e-mail addresses............................................................... 237.4.1 Creating a new address ..................................................................... 237.4.2 Deleting an e-mail address ................................................................ 247.4.3 Exporting, editing and importing an e-mail address........................... 247.4.4 Setting the e-mail recipient and start time of a shift for the shift

    schedule............................................................................................. 24

    7.5 Sending an e-mail for a specific alarm class...................................... 267.6 Shift-dependent sending of an e-mail notification.............................. 26

    8 References ....................................................................................................... 279 History............................................................................................................... 27

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    1 Problem1.1 Overview

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    1 Problem

    1.1 Overview


    As not all machines of a plant are permanently monitored by staff, it is often notpossible to promptly react to non-reset alarms on the operator panel.

    At this point, this is to be remedied by e-mail notification.

    Overview of the automation problem

    The figure below provides an overview of the automation problem.

    Figure 1-1








    1.2 Description

    Description of the automation problem

    When alarms of specific alarm classes occur, the relevant employee is to be in-formed. The employee to be notified is to change depending on early, late or nightshift.

    It is to be possible to manage the e-mail recipients directly on the operator panel.The stored e-mail addresses are to be saved on a non-volatile basis.

    For test purposes, it is to be possible to send e-mails even with free e-mail provid-ers.

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    2 Solution2.1 Overview of the overall solution

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    2 Solution

    2.1 Overview of the overall solution

    Diagrammatic representation

    The diagrammatic representation below shows the most important components ofthe solution:

    Figure 2-1

    Comfort Panel




    E-Mail Service/Server

    E-Mail Client

    Mobile E-Mail Client





    This application offers you the following advantages:

    Through e-mail notification, you use a standardized means of communication.Alarms can thus be sent to all e-mail clients, e.g. also to smartphones.

    They increase the probability of a prompt reaction, even in the event that themachine operator is absent.

    E-mail notification also sends the information directly to the relevant depart-ment, for example purchasing or workshop. Therefore, the necessary activitiescan be implemented immediately as the respective information is already avai-lable and does not have to be read from the operator panel first.

    You can change e-mail addresses directly on the operator panel and reliablysave them using the non-volatile recipe management of the Comfort Panels.This provides you with flexibility and protection against loss of data.

    Our tests of free e-mail providers with secure SSL encryption save you compli-cated, time-consuming testing and enable you to reach your goal faster.

    Our comprehensive application example allows you to reduce the familiariza-tion necessary for E-Mail Notification with the Comfort Panels to a minimum.

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    2 Solution2.2 Description of the core functionality

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    The configuration templates from the application example offer you the option tofamiliarize with the topic in a short time.


    This application does not include a description of

    the installation of SIMATIC WinCC Comfort.

    the design and configuration of the operator panel (Comfort Panel).

    Basic knowledge of these topics is required.

    Required knowledge

    Basic knowledge of the SIMATIC WinCC Comfort and Microsoft Excel softwareproducts is necessary.

    2.2 Description of the core functionality

    What does the application example do?

    The application example shows different possible applications of the SendE-Mail function of the SIMATIC HMI Comfort Panels.

    E-mails are automatically sent as soon as the alarms match a specific alarmclass.

    The scheduler is used to simulate 3-shift operation, i.e. the e-mail recipient ischanged at defined times.

    Sequence of the core functionality

    In this application example, occurring alarms automatically send e-mails. Using the

    example of an alarm class, a predefined e-mail address is stored; for the otheralarm classes, the e-mail address can be freely selected or selected using thescheduler.

    In a separate operating screen, you can manage and save both the e-mail ad-dresses and begin of shift/end of shift for each shift. In this screen, a typical3-shift operation has already been preset.

    Overview and description of the user interface

    In this example, two operating screens were configured:




    In the Alarms screen, you use a slider to simulate a limit violation and therebygenerate alarms. These alarms are then shown in an alarm display.

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    2 Solution2.2 Description of the core functionality

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    In the Settings screen, you select the current e-mail address and the addressesand shift times for shift operation. With the aid of recipe management, you can

    create new e-mail contacts

    export existing e-mail contacts

    import existing e-mail contacts

    set e-mail addresses for shift operation.

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    2 Solution2.3 Hardware and software components used

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    2.3 Hardware and software components used

    The application was created with the following components:

    Hardware components

    Table 2-1

    Component Qty. MLFB/order number Note


    1 6AV2124-0MC01-0AX0

    LOGO!POWER 24V/1.3 A

    1 6EP1331-1SH02 Alternatively, anotherpower supply can alsobe used.

    Field PG M3 1 6ES7715 Alternatively, anotherconfiguration com-

    puter can also beused.

    Ethernet cable 2

    Router 1 Connection to theIntranet/Internet

    Standard software components

    Table 2-2

    Component Qty. MLFB/order number Note

    SIMATIC WinCCComfort V11 SP2

    1 6AV2101-0AA01-0AA5

    Internet access and e-mail accounts

    This is only a selection of tested free e-mail providers. Where appropriate, a com-pany-internal e-mail service can also be used.

    Table 2-3

    Provider SSL SMTP Yes Yes Yes No No

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    2 Solution2.4 Alternative solutions

    E-Mails Comfort PanelsV1.0, Entry ID: 56720728 11





    Sample files and projects

    The following list contains all files and projects that are used in this example.

    Table 2-4

    Component Note This zip file contains the WinCCComfort project.

    56720728_EMails_Comfort_Panels_en.pdf This document.

    2.4 Alternative solutions

    For SIMATIC WinCC V7.0 SP2 Upd4, the Event Notifier V7.0 SP2 is available.

    The Event Notifier is a WinCC option for easy time planning management for em-ployees who are to receive notifications from automated processes that are moni-tored by WinCC. The Event Notifier allows users uncomplicated time planning withthe objective of notifying the correct person of an alarm status, according to thetime of day and the day of the week.
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    3 SMTP Server Settings2.4 Alternative solutions

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    3 SMTP Server Settings

    The SMTP server (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), also e-mail server, is a serverthat sends e-mails. POP3 servers or IMAP servers are used to receive e-mails.

    Figure 3-1

    Table 3-1

    Server name The SMTP server of the free e-mail provideror your own e-mail server is entered here.

    Name of sender This name is entered as the sender of thee-mail and can be freely defined: For ex-ample, Hall1, Panel123, etc.

    E-mail address Your e-mails will be sent with this e-mailaddress.

    Login Use the login data you defined when youcreated the e-mail account.

    Password Use the password you defined when youcreated the e-mail account.

    Secure connection required (SSL) SSL is the abbreviation for Secure SocketLayer.

    Data transmission using the SSL protocol isencrypted so that the data cannot be readby third parties.

    The information of the table refers to the e-mail address with which sending is per-formed.You can use any provider for the recipient address(es).

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    4 Functional Mechanisms of this Application2.4 Alternative solutions

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    4 Functional Mechanisms of this Application

    General overview

    Figure 4-1

    Management of

    e-mail recipient



    Incoming alarm

    Alarm class:E-Mail

    Permanently stored

    e-mail recipient

    Send e-mail

    Assignment of

    e-mail recipient

    Send e-mail



    15:00 h7:00 h 23:00 h


    Set e-mail

    early shift

    Set e-mail

    late shift

    Set e-mail

    night shift

    Time selection of

    e-mail recipient


    Forcing of



    The selection of the operator always has the highest priority

    and overwrites the address of the scheduler!

    Functionality of the general SendEMail function

    The SendEMail function is structured as follows:

    Figure 4-2

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    4 Functional Mechanisms of this Application2.4 Alternative solutions

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    Table 4-1

    Parameter Definition

    Address The recipient of the e-mail. Can be a predefined string or a tag.

    Subject The subject of the e-mail. Can be a predefined string or a tag.

    Text The content of the e-mail. Can be a predefined string or a tag.

    Return address A return e-mail address if a reply is not to be sent to the setSMTP address. Can be a predefined string or a tag.

    Link to the manual:

    WinCC Advanced V11.0 SP2 (12/2011)>Visualizing processes (Ad-vanced)>Working with system functions and Runtime scripting>Reference>VBscripting>System function>SendEMail

    When the SendEMail function is called, an e-mail with the entered subject andtext will be sent to the entered e-mail address. This requires the following:

    Internet/Intranet connection

    Configured SMTP server

    Entered mandatory parameters Address, Subject and Text.
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    4 Functional Mechanisms of this Application4.1 Managing e-mail recipients via recipe management

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    4.1 Managing e-mail recipients via recipe management

    Data records of recipe management are used as e-mail addresses. Contact detailscreated here can be directly selected as e-mail recipients or planned for shift op-eration.

    4.2 E-mail notification of alarms in shift operation

    Shift operation is implemented through the scheduler. The scheduler includes threetasks that are called daily at defined times by a trigger. In the respective text box,the start time of a shift can be changed in Runtime at any time.

    Task: EarlyShiftTask

    Execution of the SetTag function. Once a day, the default time is 7:00 h.

    This function writes the stored string from the EarlyAddress tag to the Cur-rentEMailAddress tag.

    Task: LateShiftTask

    Execution of the SetTag function.

    Once a day, the default time is 15:00 h.

    This function writes the stored string from the LateAddress tag to the Cur-rentEMailAddress tag.

    Task: NightShiftTask

    Execution of the SetTag function.

    Once a day, the default time is 23:00 h.

    This function writes the stored string from the NightAddress tag to the Cur-rentEMailAddress tag.

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    5 Installation5.1 Software requirements

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    5 Installation

    5.1 Software requirements

    For this application example, you require a PC with the installed SIMATIC WinCCComfort V11.0 SP2 or SIMATIC WinCC Advanced V11.0 SP2 software.

    5.2 Installation of the hardware

    The figure below shows the hardware configuration of the application.

    Figure 5-1




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    6 Commissioning of the Application6.1 Preparation

    E-Mails Comfort PanelsV1.0, Entry ID: 56720728 17





    6 Commissioning of the Application

    6.1 Preparation

    Install SIMATIC WinCC Comfort V11.0 SP2 or Advanced.

    Make sure that the Comfort Panel is correctly connected to the power supply. Inaddition, a connection to the Internet/Intranet is necessary.

    6.2 Commissioning of the sample project

    Table 6-1

    No. Action Comment

    1 Unzip the 56720728_EMails_Comfort_Panels.zipfile.

    The file contains the demo project.

    2 Double-click on the56720728_EMails_Comfort_Panels.ap11 file tostart the sample project.

    3 Open the Runtime settings of the Comfort Panel.

    4 Select Services.

    5 In Services, enter your own SMTP communicationdata.

    Alternatively, you can make the SMTP setting di-rectly in the control panel of the panel.

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    7 Operation of the Application7.1 Overview

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    7 Operation of the Application

    7.1 OverviewThe example includes two operating screens.

    One operating screen to simulate alarms and one to define and select the e-mailrecipients or specify the times for shift operation.

    7.2 Description of the configuration

    Description of the alarm classes

    The following alarm classes are configured in the sample project:


    Warnings E-Mail

    Description of the alarms

    The following alarms are configured in the sample project.

    Table 7-1

    For each warning and error alarm, the SendEMail function is attached to the In-coming event.

    Table 7-2

    Open HMI alarms.

    Select the Analog alarms tab.

    Alarm text Alarm classes Requiring ac-knowledgement

    warning_high Warnings No

    warning_low Warnings No

    error_high Errors Yeserror_low Errors Yes

    message send by e-mail E-Mail Yes

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    7 Operation of the Application7.2 Description of the configuration

    E-Mails Comfort PanelsV1.0, Entry ID: 56720728 19





    Select the warning_high alarm.

    In the Properties tab, select Events.

    The SendEMail function is attached to theIncoming event.

    For test purposes, the mandatory fieldsAddress, Subject and Text have beenassigned default values and can now becustomized.

    Description of the StartUp script

    When the 001.0_example screen is called for the first time, this script will be runonce.It is used for non-volatile saving and reading out of the e-mail addresses for theshift schedule and the start times of the shifts. For this purpose, the ShiftAddress-esTimes.txt file is created when the script is called for the very first time.

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    7 Operation of the Application7.2 Description of the configuration

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    The following start values are also created:

    [email protected] as the current address

    [email protected] as the early shift address

    [email protected] as the late shift address

    [email protected] as the night shift address

    07:00 h as the start time for the early shift

    15:00 h as the start time for the late shift

    23:00 h as the start time for the night shift

    Note This script must always be connected to the start screen of a project.

    Description of the WriteCurrentValues script

    This script is used to save the complete setting of the shift schedule. It is run whenthe Save Settings button is selected in the Settings screen.

    The script writes the current value of all e-mail addresses and shift schedule timetags to the ShiftAddressesTimes.txt file.

    Description of the ReadSavedValues script

    This script is used to restore the last saved settings of the shift schedule. It is runwhen the Load Settings button is selected in the Settings screen.

    The script reads all values of the ShiftAddressesTimes.txt file and writes them to

    the associated tags.

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    7 Operation of the Application7.3 Description of the operating screens

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    7.3 Description of the operating screens

    Description of the Trigger messages by slider function

    Figure 7-1

    The following values are configured as limits in the sample project.

    Table 7-3

    Start value of the simulation tag 5

    Limits of the simulation tag 0 to 10

    error_high >= 9

    warning_high >= 8


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    7 Operation of the Application7.3 Description of the operating screens

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    Description of the configuration

    Figure 7-2

    With the aid of recipe management, you can set existing e-mail addresses asthe current e-mail address. Furthermore, you can create new e-mail contacts,export/import them and delete existing accounts.

    For shift operation, use the buttons to define, for example, the current e-mail

    address as the early shift address. You can use the send e-mail to active address button to test the general cor-

    rect functioning of an e-mail address and the connection to the SMTP server.

    Select the Save Settings button to save all tags (e-mail addresses and shiftoperation times) on a non-volatile basis.

    Select the Load Settings button to write the last saved data back to the tags.

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    7 Operation of the Application7.4 Managing e-mail addresses

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    7.4 Managing e-mail addresses

    7.4.1 Creating a new address

    To create a new e-mail address with recipe management, proceed as follows:

    Table 7-4

    Click on the Add data record button.

    In the line, enter the new recipient.

    Select the Save button to save the newaddress.

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    7 Operation of the Application7.4 Managing e-mail addresses

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    7.4.2 Deleting an e-mail address

    To delete an existing e-mail address, proceed as follows:

    Table 7-5

    In recipe management, select the e-mailaddress to be deleted.

    Click on the Delete button to delete theselected address.

    Confirm the message with Yes.

    7.4.3 Exporting, editing and importing an e-mail address

    The e-mail addresses can be exported to an SD card in CSV format. For the ex-port, an SD card must be inserted into the SD Card slot on the Comfort Panelrear.

    You can edit the record.csv file on an external computer and thus create new ad-dresses or edit or delete existing addresses.

    Then you can import the new or edited addresses that will be available in recipemanagement after the import.

    7.4.4 Setting the e-mail recipient and start time of a shift for the shiftschedule

    Early shift

    Use the set e-mail address for early shift button to define the e-mail recipient forthe early shift. The Starttime early shift text box defines the start time for the earlyshift and thus the time of the EarlyShiftTask scheduler.

    The Display early shift display shows the stored e-mail address.

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    7 Operation of the Application7.4 Managing e-mail addresses

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    Figure 7-3

    Late shift

    Use the set e-mail address for late shift button to define the e-mail recipient forthe late shift. The Starttime late shift text box defines the start time for the lateshift and thus the time of the LateShiftTask scheduler.

    The Display late shift display shows the stored e-mail address.

    Figure 7-4

    Night shift

    Use the set e-mail address for late shift button to define the e-mail recipient forthe night shift. The Starttime night shift text box defines the start time for the nightshift and thus the time of the NightShiftTask scheduler.

    The Display late shift display shows the stored e-mail address.

    Figure 7-5

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    7 Operation of the Application7.5 Sending an e-mail for a specific alarm class

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    7.5 Sending an e-mail for a specific alarm class

    You can assign a fixed e-mail address to an alarm class. This means: When analarm of this alarm class occurs, an e-mail with the alarm will be sent, including thestatus (e.g., Incoming).

    Table 7-6

    Action Result

    Set the slider to the value 10. Alarms are displayed:



    message send by e-mail

    The message send by e-mail alarmsends an e-mail with the Incomingstatus.

    By e-mail, the e-mail recipient of the alarm classreceives the alarm as Incoming.

    Set the slider to a value less than 8. All alarms have gone out.The warning_high alarm is no longer displayed.

    The message send by e-mail alarmsends an e-mail with the Outgoingstatus.

    By e-mail, the e-mail recipient of the alarm classreceives the alarm as Outgoing.

    Acknowledge the error_high alarm. The alarm is no longer displayed.

    Acknowledge the message send bye-mail alarm.

    The alarm is no longer displayed. By e-mail, thee-mail recipient of the alarm class receives thealarm as acknowledged.

    7.6 Shift-dependent sending of an e-mail notification

    With the aid of the scheduler, you can send the e-mail notification to different ad-dresses on a shift-dependent basis.

    Table 7-7

    Action Result

    Select an e-mail recipient with the aid ofrecipe management.

    The selected address is written to the tagfor the current e-mail address.

    Click on the set e-mail address for earlyshift button.

    The current e-mail address is defined forthe early shift.

    Select another e-mail recipient with the aidof recipe management.

    The selected address is written to the tagfor the current e-mail address.

    Click on the set e-mail address for lateshift button.

    The current e-mail address is defined forthe late shift.

    The scheduler will execute the task at thenext set time (08:00 h).

    The stored early shift address is used asthe current e-mail address.

    The scheduler will execute the task at thenext set time (14:00 h).

    The stored late shift address is used as thecurrent e-mail address.

    Note Each manual change of the e-mail recipient overwrites the current e-mail ad-dress. Therefore, the stored e-mail address of the early, late or night shift willonly be automatically set by the scheduler during the next call.

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    8 References7.6 Shift-dependent sending of an e-mail notification





    8 References

    Internet links

    This list is by no means complete and only provides a selection of useful informa-tion.

    Table 8-1

    Topic Title

    \1\ Reference to thedocument

    \2\ Siemens I IA/DTCustomer Support

    \3\ WinCC AdvancedV11 SP2 manual

    9 History

    Table 9-1

    Version Date Modification

    V1.0 20/03/12 First edition
